Ways to protect yourself from AIDS. The most effective methods of protection against HIV

M. I. NARKEVICH, Chief of the Main
Department of Quarantine Infections
Ministry of Health of the USSR

The AIDS virus is not transmitted by talking, kissing, coughing, sneezing, shaking hands, or through food and things.

Humanity only recently learned about acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

Originating in Africa, this disease was diagnosed in 1981 in the USA, a year later AIDS appeared in Western Europe, and then relatively quickly - on all continents.

Over the past years, the portrait of the virus has been described quite well, disease-causing, clinical picture of the disease, changes that occur in the patient’s immune system.

Three to four years after confirmation viral nature AIDS tests were created for it laboratory diagnostics. However, doctors are not yet able to treat this disease.

But not every infected person develops the disease; from 70 to 90% of them become carriers of the virus. According to experts World Organization healthcare, today there are from 5 to 10 million carriers of the AIDS virus in the world (at the beginning of 1988).

IN different regions The intensity of the spread of the virus is uneven. In some areas Central Africa In the Caribbean, one in four men and one in four women aged 20–40 years are infected with the AIDS virus and are therefore potential sources of infection. In our country, 42 infected people have been identified so far (at the beginning of 1988).

Now the general reader is bombarded with an avalanche of information from the pages of newspapers and magazines, on radio and television, which is presented under such frightening headlines: “AIDS is a global disaster,” “I don’t know a killer more merciless than AIDS,” and the like.

All this causes unjustified fear, which is further aggravated by sensational publications that have no scientific basis, for example, that the AIDS virus can be transmitted by mosquitoes through sweat, that cats have AIDS, and they can also spread this infection.

On the other hand, in no case can excessive optimism, a complacent and frivolous attitude towards this problem be considered justified. In order for both unjustified fear and a complete lack of alertness to be replaced by a reasonable attitude, accurate, scientifically reliable information is needed. Everyone should clearly know what poses a danger to them and what does not.

You can become infected with the AIDS virus only through sexual contact and through blood; an infected pregnant woman can also transmit the virus to her newborn.

Infection does not occur through household contacts. The AIDS virus is not transmitted by talking, coughing or sneezing, shaking hands, or through food. There is no risk of infection when using shared utensils, bathrooms, swimming pools, public toilet. There were no cases of infection at work or even in families caring for dying AIDS patients.

All this is explained by the fact that the AIDS virus is very unstable in external environment. This is why objects that have been in the hands of someone sick or infected with AIDS (a book, money, dishes, a pencil) are not dangerous for healthy people.

AIDS has forced us to talk about phenomena that we have long been bashful in keeping silent about: drug addiction, prostitution, homosexuality. It has now been precisely established that people leading an antisocial lifestyle constitute a group increased risk infection with AIDS.

And everyone needs to firmly understand that an increase in the number of sexual partners sharply increases the risk of infection. Using condoms reduces the chance of infection. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that these mechanical contraception They don't give a 100% guarantee.

The high risk of infection with the AIDS virus among drug addicts who inject drugs with syringes is due to the fact that a sufficient amount of virus remains on the walls of the syringe and in the lumen of the needle for infection, and drug addicts usually use a syringe without sterilization.

During injections medicinal substances V medical institutions the likelihood of transmitting the virus is zero, since sterilization reliably destroys it.

Concerning donated blood, everything necessary is now being done to prevent the possibility of infection through blood and its preparations.

At the World AIDS Congress held in January 1988, scientists came to a consensus: everyone can save themselves from contracting AIDS. It is enough not to use drugs, not to engage in casual sex.

Everyone should know about these basic requirements. And it is no coincidence that doctors around the world warn: “Don’t let yourself die from ignorance!”

M. I. NARKEVICH, Head of the Main Directorate of Quarantine Infections of the USSR Ministry of Health
Based on materials from the magazine "Health" 04.1988

Since the end of the 20th century there has been sudden jump the rate of spread of such a deadly and incurable disease like AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). Insidious, merciless, dooming to painful and inevitable death. There is no vaccine for it. Millions of unfortunate infected people dreaming of a life-saving vaccine, which, unfortunately, does not exist. World-famous scientists are struggling with this problem to no avail. The number of infected people is growing every day. Plague of the 21st century. You need to know the “enemy” by sight, so information about how infection occurs can save lives.

What kind of disease is this? First of all, it is worth noting that AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection. A disease that leads to complete paralysis immune system person. This means that any, even the most insignificant virus or infection will not meet resistance from the body, and this will end in the development of severe and complex diseases, as well as malignant tumors, which will lead to death. On average, HIV-infected people, if untreated, live about 5 to 7 years. The disease is very insidious; after its first signs appear and disappear, it can lie low for several years.

Infected with a terrible virus, incubation period can last from a couple of weeks to three months. In 40%, the stage of acute infection of the body (when the virus actively multiplies) occurs as ARVI (Acute Respiratory Viral Infection).

Common symptoms of those infected that last several weeks:

  • heat;
  • weakness;
  • malaise;
  • lack of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • lymph nodes significantly increased in size;
  • painful sensations in muscles and joints;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea.

Over time, all signs disappear, even with complete absence treatment, but the lymph nodes do not decrease in size at all.

Modern therapy helps patients live life to the fullest, extending it to 15 years or more. The key to success is correct image life, taking care of your own health and daily supportive therapy.

There are several main ways of contracting AIDS:

  • unprotected sexual contact;
  • injection drug use narcotic drugs;
  • providing medical care to infected people;
  • blood transfusion from an HIV-infected person;
  • during pregnancy, childbirth or feeding a newborn with breast milk.

Among the above, the most common is infection through injection drug use, which accounts for approximately 80% of all registered cases.

The highest doses of HIV infection are found in semen, lymph, blood, vaginal secretions and breast milk.

Danger does not always lurk in the expected places. It is important to always be alert and take care of your health.

Non-standard places of HIV infection:

How to protect yourself from HIV infection:

  • Use condoms during sexual intercourse, including oral and anal sex.
  • Be confident in the sterility of medical or cosmetic instruments.
  • Do not provide yourself medical care to a stranger without special means protection of mucous membranes or wounds on own body(gloves, glasses, masks, special clothing).
  • Don't try breast milk women (out of curiosity) whose health status you are not sure about.
  • Don't use drugs.

AIDS is NOT transmitted:

  • when hugging, shaking hands and touching;
  • through kisses (in the absence of kissers open wounds in the oral cavity);
  • through dishes, furniture, clothing, bed linen and towels;
  • if saliva comes into contact with you when an infected person coughs or sneezes;
  • through sharing bathroom and toilet;
  • in the dentist’s office, since doctors use only sterile equipment according to regulations;
  • in swimming pools and baths.

Let's defeat AIDS together!!!


Prevention of drug addiction and AIDS infection among students.

Progress of the class hour.

(curator study group): Dear guys, our conversation today will be very serious, and it will be devoted to a topical topic: how to protect yourself from the plague of the 21st century - drug addiction and AIDS?

Situation No. 1. “The drug addiction epidemic is a global problem.”ma."

Drugs today are a problem for all humanity. And How incurable disease it maims and kills millions of people. And if we take into account that the age of most drug addicts is from. 12-13 years old to 25-27 years old, then almost a quarter of the planet’s population falls into this category. Drug addiction is terrible primarily because it jeopardizes the very life of future generations.

Submitted by Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Psychotherapy and Sexopathology FPKVGMUd.b.n.O.K. Gadaktionov (Problems of teenage drug addiction: Guidelines. Vladivostok: Agency “Vremya, LTD”, 2002), over the past 30 years the number of drug users in our country has increased more than 10 times, i.e. drug addiction in Russia has become an epidemic.

The rapid growth of drug addiction, primarily among adolescents and young people, is characterized by an expansion of the range of consumed psychoactive substances. There is an increase in the number of drug addicts and drug abusers in all regions of Russia: as in major cities, and in small settlements. Number of crimes related to drugs and potent substances, increased by 68.7 times, of which those related to the sale of drugs - by 14 times.



Class hour

Topic: “How to protect yourself from AIDS

and drugs"


Prevention of drug addiction and AIDS infection among students.

Progress of the class hour.

Opening speech by the class teacher(study group supervisor): Dear guys, our conversation today will be very serious, and it will be devoted to a pressing topic: how to protect yourself from the plague of the 21st century - drug addiction and AIDS?


Situation No. 1. “The drug addiction epidemic is a global problem.”

Drugs today are a problem for all humanity. And like an incurable disease, it cripples and destroys millions of people. And if we take into account that the age of most drug addicts is from. 12-13 years old to 25-27 years old, then almost a quarter of the planet’s population falls into this category. Drug addiction is terrible primarily because it jeopardizes the very life of future generations.

Submitted by Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Psychotherapy and Sexopathology FPKVGMUd.b.n.O.K. Gadaktionov (Problems of teenage drug addiction: Methodological recommendations. Vladivostok: Agency “Vremya, LTD”, 2002), over the past 30 years the number of drug users in our country has increased more than 10 times, i.e. drug addiction in Russia has become an epidemic.

The rapid growth of drug addiction, primarily among adolescents and young people, is characterized by an expansion of the range of psychoactive substances consumed. There is an increase in the number of drug addicts and drug abusers in all regions of Russia: both in large cities and in small ones populated areas. The number of crimes related to narcotic drugs and potent substances increased by 68.7 times, of which those related to the sale of drugs increased by 14 times.

When studying the mechanisms of attraction to drug use, I.I. Shurygina identified three models of drug addiction:

  • 45% were “uninformed” - those who, using narcotic substance for the first time, they knew nothing about the clinic and the consequences;
  • 21% were “nonconformists” - those who used drugs for the first time as a protest against the foundations of society;

25% were “hedonists,” that is, they used drugs in order to obtain new pleasures.

Nothing destroys personality more than drug addiction. A novice drug addict gives himself away sudden loss interest in everything that had occupied him before. Not only school or student affairs, but also all hobbies are abandoned. Appearance careless and sloppy. He refuses to perform any duties and avoids any effort. His relationship with his parents deteriorates sharply, and he breaks up with his childhood friends without apparent regret.

How to recognize a drug addict during communication, i.e. by external signs?

Redness of the eyelids and nose - quite usual signs. In this case, the pupils can be either dilated or constricted, depending on the type of drug.

For the same reason, energy can be either reduced or sharply increased: a person can be either lethargic, slow, gloomy or “absent”, or noisy, hysterically cheerful and annoying.

Appetite is also subject to extremes: either monstrous or none at all. Weight loss may occur.

The character changes dramatically: the person becomes irritable, inattentive and “erratic” or aggressive and suspicious.

Heavy odor from the body and from the mouth. Complete indifference to cleanliness and tidiness.

The digestive system may be upset: nausea and vomiting are quite common. Headaches and blurred vision are also common.

Moral foundations often crumble and are replaced by new ideas and values ​​that are more consistent with the new way of life.

A drug addict is not always “on the needle.” TO different types drug addiction can also include substance abuse (sniffing glue, varnish, gasoline), the use various tablets, smoking weed. But the signs are almost always identical.

Do you agree with the given facts?

Situation No. 2. “Who gets into drugs and why?”

In almost all countries of the world, there is a “rejuvenation” of users of psychoactive drugs. According to some researchers, from 1 to 6.9% teenagers in Russia use drugs and toxic agents, depending on the region of residence. By the mid-90s, about 58 thousand teenagers had problems associated with the use of psychoactive substances. 10.7% of girls and 23.2% of boys used drugs more than once in their lives; with 65% of all respondents preferring cannabis preparations.

As a rule, drug addiction occurs more often in a warm atmosphere friendly company. Marijuana and pills are often used at youth parties, where it is difficult to refuse to participate in the general entertainment without the risk of being considered too “correct”, a mama’s boy and a bore. Many teenagers are willing to literally risk their lives to gain acceptance from their peers; it is precisely this need for recognition that is most usual reason addiction to drugs.

According to many researchers, the motives for drug addiction are the following:

- “experience unusual sensations”;

- “out of a sense of camaraderie”;

- “to cause intoxication so that parents do not find out”;

- "out of curiosity";

- “increase alcohol intoxication.”
Withdrawal syndrome, especially from the “dirty” drugs used in Russia, is extremely painful and destructive. If from psychostimulants such as “vint” (“vint” is ephedrine reduced with iodine; this is a powerful stimulant that in some cases has hallucinogenic properties) or “mulka” (“mulka” is a popular youth drug - ephedra, made at home from ephedrine ) just quickly and “reliably” go crazy, then opiates (poppy straw - “coknard”, raw opium - “chernyashka”, “glass” - promedol, omnopon, morphine, fentanyl) turn the consumer into a slave to the daily dose. After a drug addict gets hooked on the needle, it becomes difficult for him priority the extraction of “razkumarka”, and a sense of duty, responsibility, position in society, friendship, parents, children, work, study - all this after he “razkumarka”, or does not matter at all. So there is something for a beginner to think about.

Situation No. 3 “HIV infection and drug addiction.”

Extremely important aspect problem is the continuing risk of the spread of HIV infection and other acute infectious diseases(hepatitis) among drug addicts, since the injection method of drug administration should be recognized as the most common. Humanity has not yet come up with reliable means of protection against the spread of HIV infection. Today there are no drugs that guarantee full recovery sick with this terrible disease.

One sick drug addict can infect about 100 people with AIDS. By becoming infected themselves, drug addicts exponentially increase the number of HIV-infected people (I.G. Savchenko et al., 1993). According to experts, only one out of ten HIV-infected drug addicts knows that he is sick; the rest do not even suspect it and continue to live a “full” life. Some drug addicts deliberately infect unsuspecting “associates” with HIV infection (L.I. Romanova, 2000).

This problem has affected everyone widely foreign countries. In Poland in 2000, the majority of HIV-infected people were intravenous drug users. According to American researchers, the distributionprevention of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, is greatly influenced by changes in heterosexual behavior after use intravenous injections psychoactive substances or smoking marijuana. Most authors tend to conclude that the use of condoms cannot effectively prevent the spread of HIV infection among intravenous drug users and cocaine users. Big influence The environment where drug addicts live also has an effect, so long-term homelessness favors risky sexual behavior.

The current situation with the incidence of drug addiction and drug abuse in all countries cannot but influence mortality and its types. Highest percentage death is given acute poisoning due to an overdose of psychoactive substances.

O.K. Galaktionov provides data that on average in Russia, for every 100 thousand population there are 1.31 deaths of drug users. Among groups of drug addicts examined over a period of time from one to ten years, from 10 to 26% of the cohort died, which corresponded to a 10-30 times higher overall mortality rate among peers, and in some regions up to 30-60 times.

The average age of the deceased was 24.5-27.5 years. The ratio of males to females ranges from 4:i to 8:1.

Do you agree with all the facts and examples? Give reasons for your conclusion.(A brief discussion ensues.)

Situation No. 4. “Listen to your body!”

With intranasal and inhalation routes introduction of narcotic drugs, there is a high probability of direct toxic effects active substance on the respiratory system.

Intranasal use of cocaine leads to the development allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, polyposis of the nasal mucosa, nosebleeds, perforation of the nasal septum and palate.

A common complication of chronic intravenous drug addiction is pulmonary granu-jumatosis. This complication occurs in 60% of drug deaths.

Very often, the mortality of intravenous drug addicts is caused by infectious and septic lesions of the cardiovascular system.

Narcotic and toxic substances, as well as impurities contained in homemade preparations (manganese, lead, organic solvents, etc.), have an irreversible effect on nervous system. A common pathology of drug addicts are pathologies cerebral circulation: cerebral infarctions and spinal cord, intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhages.

In drug addiction, gastrointestinal tract lesions are common. When eating dry ground poppy seeds or abusing diphenhydramine, the tongue becomes covered with a brown coating. Very characteristic bad condition teeth, extensive caries, loss of tooth enamel, loss of most of the teeth. Use of heroin and cocaine can cause acute ischemia intestines, peritonitis, and sometimes acute bleeding on different levels gastrointestinal tract.

At lifetime studies In the blood of drug addicts, markers of viral hepatitis (liver damage) are detected.

Kidney damage in drug addicts is secondary and is associated with a bacterial, viral or fungal infection.

Deviations in the sexual behavior of persons who abuse psychoactive substances cause a high incidence of sexually transmitted diseases, including viral hepatitis and HIV infection.

Did these facts excite you?(A brief discussion ensues.)

Situation No. 5 “How to protect yourself from AIDS?”

AIDS is a profound defeat of the system cellular immunity human, clinically manifested by the development of progressive infectious diseases and malignant neoplasms.

AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is caused by a specific virus. This virus enters the blood and damages a certain type of white blood cells (lymphocytes), which are an important part of the body's defense (immune) system. As a result, the infected person becomes “defenseless” against germs and tumors. The disease develops slowly over several years. The only sign of illness may be an increase in several lymph nodes. Then the temperature rises, prolonged intestinal disorders, sweating, and weight loss begin. In the future, inflammation of the lungs, pustular and herpetic skin lesions, sepsis (infection) of the blood, malignant tumors, mainly skin. All this leads to the death of the patient.

a) How to fight AIDS?

All experts in the world now agree that the most important means The fight against AIDS is health education.

Bye effective means, which can cure AIDS or kill the virus that has entered the human body, have not been found, although there is already encouraging information from research working on this problem.

So, the main measure to prevent AIDS should be negative attitude to sexual perversions and promiscuity, casual sexual intercourse.

As a special preventive measure, the use of a physical contraceptive - a condom - should be highlighted. Persons prone to homosexual relationships and drug addiction must understand that such habits become extremely detrimental not only to their health, but also to the lives of those around them.

AIDS - severe and dangerous disease. It is easier to prevent than to treat. And since preventive measures are in the hands of every person, they should be used for the benefit of the health of themselves and those around them.

b) Who has AIDS?

Analysis of data on several thousand patients registered in developed countries showed that among patients:

  • 7.7% are homosexual men or men
    have had sexual intercourse with both men and women
    us, and persons who are promiscuous;
  • 15% are drug addicts who use internal drugs

1% - persons who received multiple transfusions
blood supply;

1% - children born to mothers infected

5% - the route of infection is not clear due to death pain
negligence or refusal to provide the necessary information.

V) How can you become infected with AIDS?

As a result of studying several thousand patients registered in the world, it was found that the AIDS virus is transmitted:

Having sexual contact with a sick or infected person
AIDS virus, more often with sexual perversions. Is
using a condom reduces the risk of infection;

As a result of use for injection neste
injection syringes, mainly in drug addiction;

By administering blood or its preparations containing

From a pregnant woman infected with AIDS,
newborn.The AIDS virus is not transmitted through the air by talking, coughing, etc. When using shared utensils and other household items, bathrooms, bathrooms, swimming pools, etc., you cannot become infected with AIDS.

Not a single case of AIDS infection occurred through casual contact or contact at work. Not alone medical worker did not become infected while providing assistance to AIDS patients (provided that he did not come into contact with the patient’s blood, for example, through a bleeding wound).

Every person should be aware of the peculiarities of sexual behavior, which in themselves pose a real threat to the health and life of themselves and those around them.

It is now firmly established that Main way HIV transmission and the spread of AIDS in the human population - sexual. This is not surprising, because most often its causative agent is found in the blood, semen and vaginal discharge infected people. Sexual contacts between people also play a major epidemiological role in the spread of infection. Feature this path transmission of the virus is that the most dangerous route in epidemiological terms was the transmission of the virus from an infected person to a healthy person during sexual intercourse between men. Such acts are accompanied by damage (cracks, tears) to the mucous membrane of the rectum, which has an abundant blood supply, which greatly facilitates the possibility of the virus entering the body of a sexual partner. By degree potential danger Infections such sexual acts undoubtedly occupy the first place.

d) How to protect yourself from AIDS?

To protect yourself from AIDS, you need to avoid casual sexual contact with homosexuals, drug addicts and people who are promiscuous. The more sexual partners you have, the higher the risk of contracting AIDS. Using a condom dramatically reduces the risk of such infection.

Use condoms! This is not a shameful thing, there is nothing to be ashamed of! Young people around the world treat the word “condom” quite calmly and with respect.

Don't forget to get your blood tested for HIV sometimes.

Can you use these tips as a basis? Everyday life? (A brief discussion ensues.)

Mini-results of the class hour.

HIV infection is registered in all countries of the world. Currently, according to the UN, HIV/AIDS ranks 5th among the causes of death in the world. The number of people living with HIV infection is more than 30 million. Every year, more than 2 million people become infected with HIV in the world, and 1.5 million people die from diseases associated with HIV infection.
IN Russian Federation saved high level incidence of HIV infection, the spread of the epidemic from vulnerable groups of the population to the general population has intensified, socially adapted people of working age are involved in the epidemic, and the proportion of women among people living with HIV infection is increasing.

In the Republic of Bashkortostan, the total number of people with HIV infection continues to grow. Cases of HIV infection are registered throughout the republic.

IN Lately The nature of the epidemic has changed, the socially prosperous population is involved in the epidemic and transmission of the virus occurs mainly through sexual contact. Among HIV-infected people, the number of women and children born to them is increasing. People of young working age are mainly infected.

HIV infection is a slow disease chronic infections, infected people live a long time and are a source of infection throughout their lives, so nowadays anyone can meet an infected person.

Now the extent of the spread of the virus in our republic is such that there are people with HIV in your team, and, quite likely, in your social circle. You may or may not know this. The HIV epidemic is developing precisely because many people believe that this problem will not affect them and do not take measures to protect themselves from HIV infection. This is reported on the website of the Ufa City Hall.

The problem of HIV today concerns everyone, including you!

HIV is a human immunodeficiency virus. The virus only lives in biological fluids human body, in the external environment dies within a few minutes.

AIDS is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. As a result of the action of the virus, the human immune system is destroyed, and the body becomes defenseless against any infection, which leads to death. The AIDS stage is the final stage of HIV infection.

How is HIV infection transmitted?

Every person has the power to prevent transmission of the virus. Scientists have determined everything possible ways transmission of the virus, the mechanism of infection and told the public about it.

For HIV infection to occur, it is necessary to infected blood, sperm or vaginal secretions enter the blood of an uninfected person.

There are three ways of transmitting HIV:

1. HIV infection - through blood.

The blood contains very a large number of HIV, even one drop of blood is enough to become infected. This is the most dangerous path for HIV transmission.

Infection occurs in the following situations:

When sharing or reusing syringes, needles and other injection equipment when injecting drugs. There is always blood left in a used syringe or needle; HIV can remain in drops of blood for several days, so if you use shared syringes or needles, you can become infected with HIV, viral hepatitis B and C and some other diseases;

In case of blood transfusion and its components, organ transplantation from an HIV-infected patient, in case of non-compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime in medical institutions;

When using non-sterile instruments for tattooing and piercing;

When using someone else's shaving equipment, toothbrushes with blood residues;

2. HIV infection – during unprotected sexual intercourse (without a condom):

A man's semen and a woman's vaginal secretions contain much less virus than the blood, but it is quite enough for infection. Considering the frequency and consistency of sexual contacts, this route of transmission is one of the main routes of transmission of HIV infection. During unprotected sexual contact (without a condom), HIV enters the bloodstream of another person through microcracks in the mucous membrane. Infection can occur through all types of sexual contact.

3. HIV infections - from mother to child:

Mother-to-child transmission of HIV can occur during pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. The percentage of HIV transmission from mother to child is up to 20-30%. When carrying out preventive measures it decreases to 2-5%.

How is HIV not transmitted?

HIV is not transmitted through casual contact between people. Intact skin is an insurmountable barrier to the virus, so HIV is not transmitted through handshakes and hugs.


Official statistics for the Sverdlovsk region as of October 31, 2012: A total of 57,726 people were identified as infected with HIV, of which 769 were children. Of these, 7,743 people died, 41 were children. Of these, 2,659 people had AIDS, 15 were children. Of these, 2,653 people died, 15 were children.

We can imagine how our reader involuntarily winces when he sees the familiar and rather boring abbreviation HIV/AIDS. She accompanies modern man everywhere - on colorful posters, in social videos, talk shows, in conversations at all levels. Therefore, at first glance, additional information about HIV infection may seem superfluous and unnecessary to us. Nevertheless, with a worthy tenacity, probably best use, we continue to talk about this disease, which today has ceased to be the concern of only medical workers. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and the final stage of its life in the human body - AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) pose not only scientific questions to people, but also raise many social, spiritual and moral problems of modern society.

Today the city of Severouralsk, according to official statistics, is in second place in Russia in terms of the number of HIV-infected citizens per capita. In November of this year, the Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance “Ostrov” conducted a sociological study “What do I know about the problem of HIV/AIDS?” During the study, 200 people were interviewed (high school students aged 15 - 18 years and adults aged 19 - 49 years). So, the majority of North Urals residents surveyed consider HIV infection to be a common disease in the city. However, in everyday life, only 3% of adolescents encountered this problem in their immediate environment. Most often, adult respondents aged 30-49 years old (21% of respondents) face this problem. This may be due to the fact that the first outbreak of HIV infection occurred in the 90s and was associated with the peak of drug addiction in the city, which affected teenagers of that time, many of whom are now in the AIDS stage. Basically, North Urals residents are informed about the routes of transmission of HIV infection. More than 95% of respondents know that the presence of HIV infection in a person is detected by donating blood for a test. Thus, 60% of adolescents and 80% of adults have information about where to undergo such an examination. 80% of adults have been tested for HIV in their lives, mostly women (this may be due to mandatory delivery analysis during pregnancy). Only 25% of adult respondents were tested for HIV in 2012. More than 90% of adolescents and 80% of 19-29-year-olds believe that they are not at risk of contracting HIV infection, while among 30-49-year-old respondents only 36% are confident that there is no risk in their lives. About half of respondents aged 15-29 believe that HIV infection is curable, and only 91% of adults (30-49 years old) consider the disease incurable. This is the real level of awareness of the North Urals residents.

Indeed, it is impossible to cure HIV infection and AIDS (known isolated cases miraculous healing from this disease, but they do not respond to any scientific explanation), and therefore the only reliable way To protect yourself is to avoid becoming infected with a dangerous virus.

The modes of transmission of HIV are now well known. It has been proven that HIV is transmitted in three ways: through sexual contact, through contact with the blood of an infected person, or from an infected mother to a child (during childbirth and breastfeeding). Other methods of transmission of HIV infection have not been established to date, although there are many myths regarding the nature of its spread.

Get infected with HIV impossible:

By everyday means (through handshakes, hugs, kisses, items of clothing, bedding, dishes, as well as in public places- in a bathhouse, swimming pool, sauna, public transport, catering establishments, hospitals and clinics), since the virus quickly dies in the environment;

When bitten by blood-sucking insects, since the human virus does not live in the insect’s body;

If bitten by an infected person (for example, in a day care center or passionate kiss), since saliva contains an insufficient amount of virus for infection.

Today, the main reasons for the spread of HIV are risky sexual behavior and injection drug use.

It should be remembered that risky sexual behavior concerns not only women engaged in commercial sex and homosexuals, but also the socially prosperous population, since marital fidelity and purity of relationships between lovers are values ​​that today have given way to permissiveness and sexual promiscuity. Medical workers complain: it is difficult to trace the route of HIV infection, since the network of sexual communication of the “prosperous” sexually mature population is so ramified and tangled that among the many thoughtless sexual contacts it is very difficult to single out that one fatal partner, who often, without knowing it, generously spreads deadly virus. After all, one single “random” contact is enough...

Theoretically, it is believed that the condom serves as a barrier to HIV. However, practice shows that there are many unforeseen situations in which this method cannot provide a complete guarantee. Only faithful married life and conscious renunciation of extramarital relations can serve a reliable way to protect yourself and your family from mortal danger. The concept of “chastity” is no longer obsolete today, funny word or a fashionable fad of the rich, but it becomes relevant, vital, the only possible way gender relations.

As for injecting drugs, it is the problem of HIV infection through the use of non-sterile syringes and utensils for preparing the devil's potion that forces the public to pay increasing attention to the problem addictive behavior as a threat to life individual and society as a whole. There can be no compromises here either - only complete abstinence from drugs guarantees personal and family safety.

The problem of HIV/AIDS is multifaceted - it inevitably poses deep questions about the structure of society, about human nature, about the meaning of life, about the redemptive role of suffering and mercy. It makes you remember lost values ​​and appreciate what you have. It is a signal that something is wrong with us and you have to change for the better in order to live.

What should everyone do to protect themselves and their loved ones?

from HIV infection:

· Know your HIV status (you need to have your blood tested twice with an interval of 6 months to exclude the “seronegative window period” when a person is HIV-infected, but the disease has not yet been diagnosed).

· Be faithful to one regular sexual partner.

· Stop using drugs.

· Be extremely vigilant when receiving medical services(do not allow the use of unsterile medical instruments).

· Do not expose others to the risk of infection if a blood test shows an HIV-positive result (see specialists, follow all recommended precautions).

Glazkova A.V., educational psychologist at the Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance “Ostrov”

Chaika E.V., social teacher Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance "Ostrov"

Statistical data processing:

Shatnaya T.Yu., social teacher; Yurtaeva T.V., educational psychologist at the Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance “Ostrov”



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