What are sleep and dreams? Why do you have dreams? A bad doctor treats a disease, a good doctor treats the cause of the disease

The dream is physiological need body. According to the teachings of I.P. Pavlov, sleep is a deep protective inhibition that prevents overwork and exhaustion of nerve cells.

Sleep covers cerebral hemispheres, average and diencephalon. During sleep, a number of changes occur in the body. The muscles sharply relax, their tone decreases. A sleeping person loses contact with the environment. The sense organs cease to perceive normal stimuli. Breathing becomes rarer and deeper, heart function, body temperature decrease somewhat, etc.

During the entire period of sleep, its depth changes. Most deep sleep happens in the first 1–2 hours, then follows restful sleep and finally awakening. For some people, sleep becomes deep again at 6–7 hours. Adults sleep 7–8 hours a day, newborns - 20 hours, then the duration of sleep in children gradually decreases and at the age of 4–10 years it is 10 hours.

In addition to normal daily sleep, there are seasonal sleep (hibernation of bears and other animals), narcotic sleep, which occurs under the influence of drugs (morphine, chloroform, ether, alcohol, etc.), hypnotic and, finally, pathological.

Pathological sleep occurs as a disturbance in the activity of the central nervous system, caused by a long-term change in blood circulation, damage or destruction of certain areas of the brain. Such sleep usually lasts days, weeks, months, and sometimes years.

Monotonous speech, quiet music, general silence, darkness, and warmth help the body fall asleep. During partial sleep, some “sentinel” points of the cortex remain free from inhibition: the mother sleeps soundly when there is noise, but the slightest rustle of the child wakes her up; soldiers sleep with the roar of guns and even on the march, but immediately respond to the orders of the commander. Sleep reduces the excitability of the nervous system, and therefore restores its functions..

IP Pavlov saw the physiological significance of sleep in its protective role. Sleep is based on an inhibitory process irradiated (widely covering) throughout the cortex, involving the nearest subcortical sections, that is, spreading to the entire mass of the hemispheres and to the underlying sections of the brain. Thus, sleep is a protective device of the body that protects the brain from harmful consequences fatigue.

Using a number of techniques, preserving one excited area, it is possible to induce artificial inhibition in the cerebral cortex (dream-like state) in a person. This state is called hypnosis.

Hypnotic sleep represents inhibition of cortical activity. However, in this case, a kind of partial sleep occurs, since inhibition does not apply to some areas of the cortex. By inducing a hypnotic sleep, you can suggest the need for certain actions. Hypnotic sleep is often used for therapeutic purposes.

Dreams - normal mental activity brain It reflects processes conscious and unconscious by man, which in their content are related to the phenomena of the external world and physiological processes body.

When a person is awake, excitation processes predominate in the brain, and when all areas of the cortex are inhibited, complete deep sleep develops. With such sleep there are no dreams. In the case of incomplete inhibition, individual uninhibited brain cells and areas of the cortex enter into various interactions with each other. Unlike normal connections during the waking period, they are characterized by whimsicality. According to I.M. Sechenov, dreams are unprecedented combinations of impressions.

If you don't get enough sleep, you lose your ability to work. Therefore, it is important that the body receives the most complete rest during sleep. To do this, you need to go to bed at the same time, eliminate bright lights, ventilate the room, etc.

7–8 hour sleep consists of 4–5 cycles, regularly replacing each other, each of which includes a slow phase and a sleep phase. REM sleep. During slow sleep, which develops immediately after falling asleep, there is a decrease in heart rate, breathing, muscle relaxation, decreased metabolism and body temperature. During REM sleep, which occurs after 1–1.5 hours of slow sleep and lasts 10–15 minutes, activity intensifies internal organs, breathing quickens, heart function increases, metabolism increases, against the background of general muscle relaxation, contractions of individual muscle groups occur, rapid eye movements occur under closed eyelids, and sleepers see vivid dreams.

Adequate sleep is vital to maintaining and strengthening health and restoring performance.

Every person has asked himself this question at least once in his life. True, there are exceptions when someone claims that they never dream, but based on the studies and research of scientists, we can say that this is a fallacy. Most likely, each person’s subconscious erases from his memory what he saw in a dream.

Why is this happening?

This is not yet known for certain, but it is likely that this is one of the forms of protection for this person’s psyche.

Why are we sleeping?

The answer to this question is obvious. Every living creature needs rest. And most of all, it is needed not so much by your body as by the brain, which controls our entire body.

What are dreams and why do we have dreams?

These are phenomena that certainly occur on a subconscious level, while all objective sensations are turned off. As a rule, events occur in the future, and a person receives signs that allow him to adjust his actions in real life. The question is that a person is not always able to correctly interpret the signs he sees; this can only be compared to the fact that you cannot always find the words to correctly express your own thoughts.

But often we see in our dreams not only those moments that should happen in the future. Very often dreams send us into the past and they can be qualified as warnings of future good or evil, depending on what is seen.

There is a statement that environment actively influences the dreams we see. This happens because our future directly depends on the present. Based on this, if a person deliberately disfigures his present with actions that do not paint him, or in the present he does good deeds, then all this will be reflected in dreams, because dreams are harbingers of the future.

There are quite a lot of people who have the gift of foresight, that is, they are able to use dreams to learn about upcoming dangerous events. According to dream researchers, any person, if desired, can relax his consciousness, preparing it for the perception of sleep.

Quite often in dreams we talk with our deceased relatives or friends. Usually this is a warning about future troubles and dangers if we do not heed their advice. Whatever symbols a person sees in a dream, there is one or more of them that can most clearly and clearly warn or warn against future troubles. Moreover, this symbol is unlikely to become as prophetic for another person. People who lack the subjective power to perceive symbolic dreams cannot remember the impression of it. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. This is both weak spiritual development and bad memory, And physical weakness, and categorical rejection of any predictions.

The spiritual body of a person first of all always comes into contact with the future; it is already there in relation to the physical body.

Dreams are magic, and the most amazing thing is that we create it ourselves. They are filled with not always clear and fantastic images that seem ridiculous to us. Our dreams confuse us; when we wake up, we do not understand them. But if you look carefully, then our thoughts are not as clear as we would like! However, dreams arouse in us curiosity, and sometimes mystical fear: after all, what strong feelings We experience them from horror to bliss! Dreams are closely connected with our conscious life and convey their messages to consciousness. We've all noticed that our anxiety increases in the evening and decreases in the morning. In dreams we are freed from excess tension; dreams help us “let off steam.” In most cases, this is their meaning. “What accumulates in the heart, sneezes in your sleep,” as the Chinese proverb says.

We create in our sleep, process information, create our future. Often a person forgets own dreams, but still: they are always part of it. Dreams can be colored or black and white. Experts believe that more emotional person, the more “colored” he dreams. Therefore, more impressionable, creative people usually dream of more vivid dreams. Black and white dreams come from the immediate subconscious, hidden behind the personality. They help you understand yourself better. Their effect on us lasts for 2-3 weeks. When a person sees only black and white dreams, it means that he relies only on reason in his life. Dreams in which colors are present or completely colored reveal the fullness of human emotionality, affecting him much more deeply. The impression they make is stronger, but despite this, a person, seeing such dreams, rests more. Their influence lasts much longer - about 2-3 months. The more prominent a color is in a dream, the more meaning it has for the dreamer. Especially when in black and white dream Is only one color represented or is the whole dream color colored? various shades one color, as well as if the item is painted in a non-standard color.

Dreams reflect a person’s idea of ​​himself, being a mirror of his soul, relationships with people and events in life. In them we see colors, feel sound, cold or heat, taste, smell, pain and other experiences experienced in life. We act in dreams, run, jump, fly, kiss or kill, and it all seems very real. During dreams, our subconscious works as a psychotherapist, helping to free ourselves from nervous tension accumulated during the day. Thus, hidden in our subconscious is powerful potential for healing and improving our lives. Dreams can be different: some show our psychological state, others are our future, present and past. How to make sense of all this?

Types of dreams

1. Compensatory dreams
They allow a person to experience his life experience to solve a similar problem that had already arisen in his life. We are experimenting and developing various options her decisions. Our subconscious is trying to normalize our psychological state and give vent to accumulated emotions. Children may dream about sweets, toys that they dream about. A person who had a stern mother may see her as kind and affectionate, and a drunkard father as strict but fair. They also help us realize what we consciously strive for in our lives, but subconsciously suppress own desires, because we consider them impracticable or unethical.

2. Creative dreams
Since ancient times, people have used dreams to solve creative problems. Such dreams are seen by writers, poets, designers and many ordinary people, finding in them the information they need. Creative dreams can be extraordinarily productive.

3. Actual dreams
Basically, these are dreams-memories, where we experience events that have already happened. One girl told the following story: “I lost gold chain and looked for her for a long time. I had the idea that the chain had broken when I was returning from a friend’s place. And when I lost all hope of finding her, I had a dream: I entered the apartment, took off the chain, opened the closet, and at that moment the phone rang. I throw it in the drawer and go to the phone. When I woke up, I realized that I had not put the chain in the box. She opened the closet and began to look for her. However, it was not in the box into which I threw the chain in the dream. But I saw a small gap in it. I started looking in the bottom drawer and found the chain.” Sometimes such dreams directly show us future events. And if in a dream the conductor demands money from you for travel, and you know that you have to pay, but you don’t have money, then before leaving the house it is better to check whether you took your wallet and whether there is money in it.

4. Recurring dreams
Dreams indicating the need to reconsider your actions or thoughts, since the problem that has arisen has not yet been resolved. The subconscious transmits disturbing emotions to us in order to deal with the task at hand.

5. Continued dreams
They indicate a changed point of view and that the problem is beginning to be resolved.

7. Warning dreams
They show us that we can change and prevent unpleasant events. If you see that someone is pushing you into the abyss, try to be more careful with this person, think about your actions, maybe you begin to realize your actions, which can lead to the collapse of your life. Also in these dreams you can see cracks on objects, broken furniture, destroyed buildings, disasters. All this speaks of the collapse of plans and hopes. If you see that your loved one is leaving, does not want to communicate, or closes the door, this serves as a warning about a tense relationship, and you need to think about how to change it. When something doesn’t work out for you in a dream, it means that you are wrong about something.

8. Prophetic dreams
In them a person sees events that he cannot find out about in the usual way. It is not known why such dreams occur, but many people still see them. They are bright and rich, and besides that, they are easy to remember. Feelings and sensations are expressed very clearly in them. Although not every vivid dream is prophetic. If something really surprises you in a dream, then most likely such a dream is a prediction of future events. Here, for example, is one such dream: “Suddenly a man appeared in front of me. I was very surprised and asked him: “Who are you?” He replied: “I am Aquarius, I brought you potatoes.” At this time she was looking for work. In September, the woman got a job, and at the beginning of February, which according to the horoscope corresponds to Aquarius, her salary was increased.

9. Lucid Dreams
In them you understand that you are sleeping and dreaming. The ability to control events and your actions in such dreams shows your great abilities.

10. Expressive dreams
In such dreams, a person sees scenes that are impossible in real life. This speaks of the dreamer’s great imagination and the strength of his feelings.

11. Daydreams
When in inner world There are strong prohibitions in a person; symbols of waking dreams may appear. Thus, letting him know that he urgently needs to sort out his problems.

People spend a third of their lives sleeping. Most of them have dreams, some even several in one night. Science has long explained how the process of falling asleep occurs, but scientists do not like to talk about the psychology of dreams, citing the fact that this is not their diocese. Dream researchers and psychologists have not yet come to a consensus on the causes of dream images and their interpretation.

Moreover, in cultures different countries Superstitions and signs associated with dreams are quite varied, which makes it even more difficult to understand the origin of dreams and the psychology of the images they convey.

What is sleep?

The concept of sleep among people of different mindsets, beliefs and lifestyles differs significantly:

Science explains sleep as decreased reaction on external influences, when the body and consciousness “turn off” and rest, recover, and the brain goes through four different stages during sleep, and during the REM (rapid eye movement) phase a person sees images that are a consequence of the past day, experiences and various kinds impressions.

From the point of view of esotericism, during sleep a person leaves his physical shell and can travel using astral body, and dreams are the events that happened to him during these travels.

The ancient Egyptians believed that they conveyed their will to people (it was they who created the first interpreter of dreams), which the priest-interpreters then conveyed to others.

Dreams from a psychological point of view

According to psychologists, sleep is the reaction of the mind to life events, internal experiences, stress and hidden desires. In a dream, the subconscious, through dream images, indicates a problem and possible way its elimination. It is not without reason that all powerful techniques for working with the subconscious (hypnosis, meditation) are close in their state to sleep. Only in the latter case is the state of mind completely controlled, while in sleep, on the contrary, it is completely free.

Some scientists attribute the “déjà vu” effect also to dreams: an event or place once seen in a dream, but forgotten, after a period of time actually takes place in a person’s life and seems to be repeated.

Author of "Psychology of Dreams"

The interpretation of dreams was studied quite extensively by Sigmund Freud, considering dreams to be repressed desires and suppressed libido, manifested in the form of images.

The Austrian psychotherapist described this concept in detail in his book “Psychology of Dreams”, carefully describing different cases the use of sleep psychoanalysis, what connections there can be between images and a person’s real life, his past and hidden. Sigmund Freud's theory of explaining the essence of dreams divides everything into two types:

Sexual attraction (love, instinct of self-preservation and reproduction);

The attraction to death (the desire for harmony in life, the correct way of life, cyclicality).

At the same time, the author emphasizes that main image sleep is not necessarily something extremely important; it happens that a small, insignificant detail has a much stronger influence on the unconscious than key point. The peculiarity of Freud's method is that only the patient himself can comprehend the images, connect them with another object or situation and draw a conclusion, starting from deep experiences and emotions, and the psychologist only guides him.

Also, his theory is based on the fact that the very first association to the analyzed image is often the most accurate, therefore the first thing that came to mind upon awakening is often the most accurate interpretation.

Jung's Archetypes

Jung (Freud's student) is his main opponent in the science of studying the nature of sleep. His position in the interpretation of the psychology of dreams is more extensive, not being categorically tied to sex and its manifestations. Jung believed that dream images are something truly important and experienced in the process of life, and mixing the dreams of a schizophrenic with the dreams of a person with an Oedipus complex is simply stupid.

In his theory of dream interpretation, Carl Gustav adhered to the connection between images and archetypes (a psychological image inherent in the collective unconscious); he constantly used seven of the main ones. Animus and Anima (masculine and feminine), the Sage Self (symbol of absolute knowledge) and the Shadow (chaos, vices and shortcomings). The interconnection of such images and their influence on human consciousness is clearly visible throughout all of Jung’s studies and provides an understanding of human essence from a broader perspective.

The conclusion made makes it clear that Freud used base instincts, while Jung relied on spirituality.

How to interpret images from a dream?

To understand the signals of the subconscious, you need to do the following:

Write down your dream immediately upon waking so that small details are not forgotten. Describe as clearly and in detail as possible.

Immediately register spontaneous associations with images without analyzing them. Sometimes active work brain and attempts at logical conclusions nullify important deep images. Over time, the ability to explain a dream will improve, and it will be possible to easily manage life events and internal states.

If you don’t have your own associations, use a reputable dream interpreter.

For a more in-depth analysis of dreams, psychologists recommend keeping a diary in which dreams, their interpretations and, if prophetic dreams, are recorded, then the period of time after which the dream came true.

Are prophetic dreams harbingers of fate?

It is generally accepted that a prophetic dream predicts the future, gives hints about upcoming events, while actually coming true in the near future. Usually such dreams occur to people with hypersensitivity and special psychological mood(the day before important exam, weddings), although it happens for no reason. According to the signs of the old-timers, prophetic dreams more often they may dream on name day, in Yuletide week(between Christmas and Epiphany) and on the night from Thursday to Friday (the most fateful dreams dream about this very day, but they are more difficult to remember).

What is a dream book?

A dream book is an interpreter of the images that a person sees in a dream. The most popular are the dream books of Gustavus Miller, Sigmund Freud and Vanga's dream book; young people also often resort to online interpretation services without delving into the subtleties of the interpretation. Among lovers of esotericism, the “Interpretation of Dreams and Dreams” by Nostradamus, as well as Meneghetti’s dream book, are in demand.

For ease of searching, dream symbols are often written in alphabetical order in the interpreter. To understand the psychology of sleep and what it wants to convey to consciousness, they remember images from the dream, then you need to find in the interpreter and read the explanations of the images and try to create from all of them big picture. This will be the interpretation.

If you have the same dream several times

It happens that people within long period over time, the same dream periodically occurs: with the same images, situations and actions. Sometimes the plot changes slightly, but more often it coincides 100%.

From a psychological point of view, recurring dreams are attempts by the unconscious to point out the same mistakes in life or habits that a person does not change in himself. This will be repeated until the person decides to analyze the signals, contact a specialist in the interpretation of dreams and dreams and draw the accompanying conclusions.

Also, sometimes in a dream a person sees tragedies of the past in which he was an involuntary participant or spectator: car accidents, scenes of violence, war or suicide cases. From a strong emotional shock, what is seen is imprinted on the subconscious and periodically reminds itself through dreams, forcing the witness to experience suffering again. In such cases, it is also recommended to seek help from a psychotherapist.

Superstitions related to dreams

Every culture in the world, almost every nationality, has its own superstitions associated with what is seen in a dream.

The Slavs believed that one should not tell bad dream before dawn, otherwise it will come true. It is necessary, while looking out the window, to repeat three times: “Where there is night, there comes sleep” (some advised saying the same words to running water, replacing “night” with the word “water”).

If on a holiday (church day), then it should have been fulfilled no later than lunch next day, therefore it was considered a very good omen.

If a baby laughed in his sleep, it was forbidden to wake him up - it was believed that an angel was playing with him.

In a dream, stepping on or getting smeared in excrement was considered great luck, bringing money and luck.

There is a story about dead people coming in dreams the whole system interpretations. If the deceased was simply seen in a dream, this foreshadowed bad weather, and if he called for him, it foreshadowed imminent death to the one who follows him. In such cases, old people recommended going to church and lighting a candle for the repose. It was believed that it was generally better not to respond to a “call” in a dream, even if the person in the dream was alive - this was a sign of misfortune, failure and illness.


Dream- subjective perception of images (visual, auditory, tactile and others) that arise in the mind of a sleeping person (presumably also some other mammals). During sleep, a dreaming person usually does not understand that he is dreaming and perceives the dream as an objective reality.

The science that studies dreams is called oneirology. Dreaming is considered to be associated with rapid eye movement (REM). This stage occurs approximately every 1.5-2 hours of sleep, and its duration gradually lengthens. It is characterized by rapid eye movement, stimulation of the pons, increased respiration and heart rate, and temporary relaxation. skeletal muscles bodies. IN lately have proven that dreams also occur during slow-wave sleep. But these dreams are shorter and not so emotional.

All people are capable of dreaming, but not everyone can remember them after waking up. Some people remember their dreams as dull and discolored, while others, on the contrary, remember them as bright and rich. The statement that people see black and white dreams is, rather, due to the fact that in dreams they do not perceive colors at all, including black and white, but only images of objects. Colorful dreams are usually characteristic of children or people with a developed imagination. A special type of dreams are lucid dreams, in which a person realizes that he is dreaming, and sometimes tries to control the dream.

Dream interpretation

Main article: Oniromancy

Cover of a dream book from 1883.

It has long been believed that dreams carry some kind of encrypted message. As a rule, in ancient and traditional cultures there was a belief that this message relates primarily to the future of a person or his environment. Dreams were sent to a person higher beings(gods, etc.) precisely for this purpose. Interpretation of dreams based on special dream books were either priests or special professionals (as, for example, in the countries of the Arab world). Thus, the Greek dream book of the 2nd-3rd centuries AD has been completely preserved. e. - “Oneirocriticism”.

Interest in scientific study dreams arose with new strength at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries due to the rapid development of psychology, physiology and philosophy. More researchers were of the opinion that a dream is a meaningless set of fantastic images that arise due to the weakening role of consciousness, which selects impressions of existence to form a coherent picture of reality and produce certain actions to solve various problems. During sleep, consciousness does not control these impressions, and they are chaotically mixed and give rise to bizarre images and thoughts. Trying to interpret dreams, according to these scientists, makes no sense.

Freudian interpretation of dreams

Main article: Sigmund Freud's theory of dreams

Other researchers have noted a certain pattern in the appearance of images in dreams and tried to understand it. Some scientists have expressed the idea that most dream images are associated with the unconscious. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, these theories were generalized and significantly developed by Sigmund Freud. For analysis psychological processes, giving rise to dream images, Freud proposed the method of free association. The picture of the dream is considered unimportant by him. In his opinion, it is necessary to shift attention to the details of the dream and remember everything that, meaningfully or meaninglessly, each of them entails. Any criticism at the moment of discovery of associations should be blocked. The many thoughts brought to life by the dream, intersecting, form a stable core, behind which Freud saw the unspoken desire of consciousness. In other words, he came to the conclusion that main function dreams are the fulfillment of desires suppressed by the censorship of the mind, mainly sexual. At the same time, he clarified that we ourselves may not be aware of these desires or hide them from ourselves, considering them obscene or socially dangerous. At the same time, Freud noted: “The more you interpret dreams, the more you become convinced that most dreams of adults are fundamentally sexual in nature and give expression to erotic desires.” On the other hand, according to Freud, a dream, as a rule, does not clearly reveal its sexual nature, and the events experienced in a dream can look quite innocent: a journey through railway, playing with a small child, oddly shaped hat.

Jungian dream interpretation

See also


In Russian

  • Nechaenko D.A. “A dream filled with cherished signs”: Mysteries of dreams in mythology, world religions and fiction. M.: Legal literature, 1991. - 304 p.
  • Malcolm N. Sleep state. / Per. from English M.: IG "Progress-Culture", 1993. - 176 p.
  • Jung K. G. Memories, dreams, reflections. / Per. with him. Kyiv: AirLand, 1994. - 405 p.
  • Fromm E. Forgotten language: Introduction to Understanding Dreams, fairy tales and myths. / Per. from English Angarsk: JSC “Format”, 1994. - 161 p.
  • Eliade M. Myths, dreams, mysteries. / Per. from English M.: REFL-book, 1996. - 288 p.
  • Exegesis of Dreams: European Chronicles of Dreams. M.: Eksmo, 2002. - 464 p.
  • Akimov O. E. The truth about Freud and psychoanalysis. M., 2005. - 279 p.
  • Journey into the depths of consciousness: Conversations with the Dalai Lama about sleep, visions and death. / Per. from English Nizhny Novgorod: Dekom, 2005. - 272 p.
  • Beskova I. A. The nature of dreams (epistemological analysis). RAS, Institute of Philosophy. M., 2005. - 239 p.
  • Zhivitsa E. Yu. Russian tradition of dream interpretation // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. - 2005. - No. 1. - P. 158-166.
  • Dreams. Their origin and role in Christian interpretation. M.: Obraz, 2006. - 128 p.
  • Solovyov V. Dictionary Dreams: An Illustrated History of the Civilization of Dreams. M.: Eksmo, 2006. - 1488 pp., ill.
  • Bolshakov I. V. Predestination and interpretation of dreams in Ancient Egypt(historical and philosophical aspect). St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2007. - 268 p., ill.
  • Moss R. Secret history Dreams: The Meaning of Dreams in Different Cultures and Life famous personalities. / Per. from English St. Petersburg: IG “Ves”, 2010. - 464 p., ill.
  • Nechaenko D.A. History of literary dreams of the 19th-20th centuries. Dreaming as a form of culture. M.: University Book, 2011. - 784 p.
  • Nechaenko D.A. “The Twelve” as a dream mystery (new information about the poetics of the legendary poem by Alexander Blok). Magazine "Our Contemporary", M., 2011, No. 8-9.
  • Smirnov T.L. "Master of Dreams" Esoteric dream book.
  • Kuzina S.V. "Dreams lie! If we understand dreams, we understand ourselves" 2011 AST Publishing House: Astrel.

In English

  • Malcolm N. Dreaming. London-New York, 1959.
  • Bosnak R. A Little Course in Dreams. New York: Shambhala Publications, 1998.
  • Moss R. Dreaming True. New York: Pocket Books, 2000.
  • Moss R. The Dreamer's Book of the Dead. Rochester: Destiny Books, 2005.
  • Moss R. The Secret History of Dreaming. Printed in Canada, 2009.
  • The Epistemology of Descartes (fulltext) Classic philosophy on the difference between the real and the dream world
  • The International Association for the Study of Dreams Research About Dreams and Dreaming.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Sauerweid
  • Zachariah

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