Short SMS to a man. Good night wishes

You are far away and I miss you.
How sad, darling, without you.
Good night I wish
I love you even in my dreams.

And let them dream in a light haze
Wonderful lands for you,
Where smiles bloom every day,
Where I am with you every day.

Go to sleep, my sweetie.
Rest, my love.
I will come to you in a dream,
I'll dress up beautifully...

I will hug you tenderly
I will kiss you passionately.
And then I'll take off my clothes
I'll throw you into bed...

Go to sleep quickly, my love.
Rest, my dear.
How sleep faster you'll see
The sooner I'll be with you...

I'm sending you mine tender kiss with my wishes for the night. My beloved, precious, best, sweet dreams and good night to you. May you have colorful and good dreams today. I am sure that this night you will be able to get enough sleep and gain strength to conquer the new day. May your night be quiet, windless, cool and calm. Go to sleep, my dear, I will definitely visit you in your dreams.

I want to be close to you so much
And caress with a loving gaze.
And whisper in your ear:
" My man is the best".

I won't wake you up
I'll just stay nearby.
I will kiss you very tenderly
And I’ll say: “Good night.”

Good night dear,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.
I'm sending you a kiss.
And I mentally hug you.

I wish you just a sea of ​​dreams -
Beautiful, kind, very, very bright.
You will sleep soundly, like my love,
And simply the most tender, the sweetest.

I love you darling.
I miss you, you know, a lot!
My most irreplaceable
I wish you a good night!

Sweet Dreams My dear,
Hug you tight.
Know that I love you, my dear!
Even though we see each other very rarely.

My good one, my dearest one,
In this quiet hour of the night
I want you so much,
So that hugs warm us.

In the meantime I wish you
Have a good rest.
Know that I adore you.
Let your sleep be pleasant.

My dear, good night!
Ending a hard day
Relaxing is very beneficial
Walking in cloudless dreams.

Sleep tight and get well
More strength and vigor,
Cover yourself warmly.
Hugs, my dear.

I am writing you these lines
And I feel that you are with me.
I'll tell you: "Good night
And sweet dreams, my love.”

I want you to dream in a dream,
So that we can be together again.
I feel the pull
In your tender gaze.

Before you go to bed,
I remember you.
I can’t sleep at all without you,
I'm sad without you.

My favorite, Good night
I want to wish you.
I really want to be with you
And in my dreams I fly to you!

Go to sleep, my love.
I will always be with you
The most faithful, the most tender.
Sleep well, my dear.
I want to dream about you
So that even in a dream
You and I will never be separated.
Let the moon shine in the window
And your sleep protects.
May your lucky star
Wishing you pleasant dreams
And he always guides you.

Good night wishes in the form short messages by SMS, Viber or other way, it’s nice for any man to receive. To make the message pleasant, it is important to choose the right tone, those words that will sound sincere and real.

It is important to follow the rules of etiquette: formulate phrases carefully, avoiding ambiguous wording or slang, especially in a formal style of communication. Armed with these rules, you can start writing messages in prose and even poetry.

Universal good night wishes for a man

Most often, explicit messages of this kind (SMS) are sent only to close or well-known people. The style of writing good night wishes to a man depends on the established relationship.

It is quite acceptable for a friend to write to free form, but for a person with whom the relationship is initial stage development, such a tone is not suitable, it is better to write restrainedly, but with a twist.

Pleasant wishes good night to your beloved man (short messages and SMS).

Universal Wishes Good night to a man in the form of short SMS looks like this:

  • “Pleasant dreams... May your dreams be pleasant!”
  • "Good night! Wish have a nice rest, which will give strength and energy for tomorrow!”
  • "Good night! May sleep bring rest and inspiration!”
  • “I wish you good night and a joyful morning!”
  • “Sound sleep is the best energy drink! Good night and have a good rest!”
  • "Good night! Let your dreams be light, like the clouds outside your window!”
  • “Let all your plans come true tomorrow! Have a nice rest!"
  • “Good night and sweet dreams!”
  • "Good night! Have carefree and easy dreams!”

Messages should be short and clear, so that there is no hidden meaning (unless the sender initially sets such a task). Before sending a message, be sure to check that there are no errors in the text.

Short wishes to a friend in poetry and prose

Friendly good night wishes to a man in the form of short SMS can be written in a humorous manner. For example, in this case you can write like this: “A night without sleep is the key to a headache in the morning. So drop everything and go to sleep! Good night and good dreams

Many people try to write wishes in verse. But to send such a message you need to be sure that the recipient will appreciate the poetic lines. On the other hand, even if these are very simple poems, the main thing is that they are sincere. Then they will make a good impression.

“Sleep is a world where dreams come true,

A world where no extra words are needed,

A world without worries, in the radiance of beauty...

Let there be more bright, good dreams!”

Good night wishes to husband in SMS or message

When one of the spouses has to leave on business, wishing each other good night will come in very handy. In every message I want to say how much I miss my soulmate right now!

  • “I’m sure that tomorrow I will miss you more than now, because even at this moment I don’t want to say goodbye... But you need to rest, so good night and sweet dreams!”
  • “May sleep cover you with gentle palms, and may the night be good!”
  • “A dream is a mirror in which we see our dreams, let it show you only pleasant pictures. Good night!"
  • “When you dream, you fall asleep easier, and your dreams become bright and colorful. May your cherished dreams lull you to sleep, and may all your plans come true tomorrow. Good night!"
  • “Only in a dream is everything possible... And even if today we are not close, but in a dream we are definitely together! Good night, my love!"
  • "Good night! Let sleep leave all worries at the door, wash away worries and give you rest!”
  • "Good night! May your dreams be as bright as the colors of true happiness!”
  • “I won’t be able to sleep peacefully without your “good night”!”
  • “Before you fall asleep, think how much I love you - and then your dreams will be light and bright. Good night, kitten!
  • “Sleep is one of the small miracles of this world, let it give you lightness and peace of mind. Sweet dreams for you, dear!”
  • “We may not fall asleep together today, but I hope that you feel my love and warmth. Sweet dreams to you, my love!”
  • “There are many miracles in this world, but there is one more that I value more than all others, and that is your love - the most amazing and beautiful thing that could ever happen! Good night, my happiness! I hope you have bright and tender dreams!”
  • “I wish you colorful dreams and a relaxing holiday! Good night, my best!”

And there is nothing better than the moment when, in response to this message, an answer comes with the same romantic wish.
And if the spouses were in a quarrel, then this is also a great chance to improve the relationship. Let the message or SMS “Good night, darling!” will be the first step towards reconciliation!

Good night wishes to a classmate

Good night wishes to a classmate can be neutral, friendly, just funny - it all depends on the communication style adopted between the recipient and the sender. You can say to someone: “Okay, lights out! It's time to passionately hug your pillow! And some will have to limit themselves to the formal: “Good night! See you tomorrow!"

The SMS can be a continuation of a previous conversation or some events that happened during the day. For example:

  • “Today was a difficult day, let everything be smooth tomorrow! Good night!"
  • “Stop gnawing on the granite of science! Good night and peaceful sleep!”
  • “Well, tomorrow we’ll go look for new adventures? In the meantime, lights out, good night!”
  • "Deep sleep - best protection from nerves and panic. Good night, sleep soundly and wake up rested!”
  • "Good night! Let your dreams be bright and colorful like pictures in a kaleidoscope!”
  • “My battery is low, it’s time to recharge. And I wish you to relax and unwind! Light cloudy dreams!
  • "Good night! Have bright and inspiring dreams!”

If your relationship with a classmate goes beyond friendship, you can hint at romantic dreams about him. This will add some spice.

Short wishes before going to bed for a relative

Not everyone writes SMS to relatives, limiting themselves to their closest friends. In fact, such messages are very important because they allow you to maintain family ties and show that the person is truly dear:

  • "Good night! May the angel guard your sleep!”
  • “Let a sound sleep wash away the accumulated fatigue! Good night!"
  • “We all had a difficult day, but we made it through and deserved a rest. Good night and sweet dreams!"
  • "Good night! I wish you sweet and happy dreams, and may the new day bring good luck!”

Being too emotional in a message to a relative will only do harm.

Cool good night wishes in SMS

You can always send a funny message to your friend encouraging him to quit computer games or a night cinema, and go to bed.

Cool message options could be the following:

  • “Close your eyes quickly and let’s go to sleep, otherwise now gray wolf I'll call you! Good night!"
  • “You can’t think too much, otherwise you won’t have time to sleep! Good night!"
  • “I wanted to wish you good night, but it seems that the morning is already closer!”
  • “You can learn more in one night before an exam than in a semester, but it’s better to get some sleep! Good night and good luck!”
  • “Okay, it’s time for me to get on my broom and go for a walk! And you good sleep and good night!”
  • “It's time to rest. Good night! And may you have epic dreams, three-dimensional, and with sequels!”
  • "Who said, that new life Should I start over with a new day? It is possible with new night! Right from now on you can start going to bed early! Chocolate and caramel dreams to you!”

Erotic wishes for your beloved guy in prose

Men do not see the point in ordinary chatter, even modern technologies turned it into short messages on the smartphone screen. It's a completely different matter - erotic SMS, those that intrigue, attract, and give an emotional boost.

Writing such messages is an art, because it is very important to maintain the line between tenderness and cloying, between light flirting and intrusiveness, between flirting and outright vulgarity.

  • “You are my greatest temptation... When you touch me, my heart beats faster. I want your every kiss to last forever... I look forward to the next time we meet! In the meantime, good night and bright dreams!”
  • “Dreams are like a movie that we make ourselves. My dreams are a sensual movie about you, about your hands, about your lips and kisses. I want your movie in your dreams to be about me. Good night and bright dreams!”
  • “I'm going crazy with your smile. Your kisses still resonate within me. I can't sleep, remembering the touch of your hands. But to you, my beloved, I want to gently whisper “Good night!” And I want your dreams to be sweet and exciting!”
  • “When you hug me and I feel your heartbeat, I want this moment to freeze in eternity. I want to fall asleep at the same time as you, in the same bed, in such exciting proximity, feeling your breath and the warmth of your body. May the night be warm and affectionate, my treasure!”

Short messages before bed with affectionate addresses

The great Italian poet Petrarch said that a person can express how much he loves only when he loves little.

Therefore, it is not surprising that it can be difficult to find words or even just affectionate address. But you can just use a few tips:

  • “Good night, my fluffy kitten!”
  • “Sweet dreams, little bear!”
  • “Good night, my light!”
  • “I adore you, my dragon, rest and may you have vivid dreams!”
  • “Good night, my bright prince!”
  • “Good night, my gentle boy!”
  • “May your dreams be bright, my knight!”
  • “Let the night lull you to sleep, my beloved!”
  • “Good night and see you later, my friend!”
  • "I want to wish you cozy dreams, my little elephant!”

Better yet, call your loved one by name. Just first you should clarify which abbreviated form he likes. For example, Denis may not like the abbreviation “Deniska” because it seems infantile to him.

How to wish good night to a man in English?

A good night wish in English sounds like this: “Good night.” To this you can also add the wish “Sweet dreams.” For example, it would sound like " I wish you sweet dreams“, although this phrase is often shortened to the last 2 words.

To this you can add affectionate treatment. For example, " Sweet dreams, my angel» (« Sweet Dreams, my angel"). You can remember the lullaby “Good night. Sleep tight. See you in the morning light" with wishes of good night and good sleep.

How to wish pleasant dreams in French?

The words for “Good night” in French are “Bonne nuit”. If the sender wants to say “Good dreams,” you can add “Dormez bien.”

There are many ways to say goodnight in French, just like in Russian. If the sender wants to write in an SMS a wish for a sound sleep like a baby, then it will sound like

“Dormez comme un bébé” (the spelling should be exactly the same transcription). This phrase can be translated as “Sleep like a baby.”

In Russian to the person after have a hard day You can wish for a sound sleep like this - sleep like a groundhog. In French it would sound like this: “Dormez comme un loir.” The last word translated as “dormouse”, and in this context it is quite appropriate.

You can just wish sweet dreams. Then it will sound like: “Fais de beaux reves.” The penultimate word is translated as “beautiful” - this is how this wish is usually formulated in France.

How to say good night in Ukrainian?

Good night wishes to a man in the form of a short SMS in Ukrainian can be expressed literally very succinctly - “Na dobranich!” (although there is also a continuous spelling).

You can wish for sweet dreams like this: “To your good fortune!” Sweet dreams!” A have a nice sleep- “On your way!” Happy dreams!”

If an SMS is sent to a loved one, then in Ukrainian it can be written like this: “Na dobranich, kokhaniy!”

How to say goodnight in Italian?

Good night wishes to a man in the form of a short SMS can indeed be reduced to one single word - “Buonanotte”.

And when they want to wish you good dreams, they say “Dormi bene.”

The message itself depends on the relationship between the sender and the recipient. For example, You can send an SMS to your loved one: “Buonanotte, tesoro mio!” This translates to “Good night, my treasure!”

Or you can send an even more tender confession - “Buonanotte amore mio! Ti aspetto nel mondo dei sogni" (“Good night, my love, I am waiting for you in the world of dreams”).

The expression “Sweet dreams, my baby” can be translated into Italian as “Dormi bene, bambino mio.” And friendly communication can be completed with the phrase: “Well, sweet dreams,” which in Italian will sound like this: “Alloro, sogni d’oro.”

Wishes via SMS after a romantic date

Psychologists do not recommend sending passionate SMS immediately after a date. After all, this will only demonstrate to the man that he is overly interested, and at this stage of the relationship you should not do this. This evening it is better to limit yourself to good night wishes and light conversation.

You can write an SMS on a topic that will interest both (for example, if a guy and a girl have common hobbies), and at the end of the message say good night. For example, if both love cinema, you can remember that a new film is about to premiere, about which all the media are writing (or, conversely, they are not writing about it yet, and it is all the more interesting to watch it).

A movie can easily be replaced by a photo exhibition, a sports match or any other event - the main thing is that it is interesting to both. And after the mini-discussion, the conversation should end like this:

  • "It's a pleasure talking to you! Good night!"
  • “I had a great time, I hope we see each other again! Good night and see you again!”
  • “Time flew by with you. It's a pity that it's time to say goodbye! I wish you good night and bright dreams!”
  • “Thank you for the pleasant conversation! Good night!"
  • “It was a pleasant evening, I hope tomorrow will be a good day! Pleasant dreams!"
  • “It’s nice to talk with such a witty interlocutor! I hope that we will continue this conversation! In the meantime, good night!”

If the guy lives in another area, and it’s already late, then it wouldn’t hurt to find out how he got home. Such a message will show that the man is not indifferent, his well-being is important. And such SMS can be short and straightforward. For example: “I hope you got home without any problems! Good night!"

These rules apply to the first romantic dates. If a couple has been dating for a long time, then there is no need to artificially limit yourself.

And one more rule - don’t put too many exclamation marks. This can be perceived as excessive emotionality and enthusiasm, and not everyone likes this. There is no need to put a lot of emoticons - one at the end of the sentence should be enough.

And it must correspond to the general mood. Wishing good night to a man in the form of short messages or SMS, overloaded with emoticons and emojis, does not look very attractive. Such a text can be regarded as ingratiation, as a desperate attempt to please this person.

Rules are made to be broken. And if this helps the sender to form his own style in SMS, unique and inimitable, like his personality, you can stick to only the most general requirements etiquette. We write SMS in order to convey our feelings to the addressee, to convey our attitude towards him, and not in order to comply with the protocol adopted in official communication.

Useful videos about pleasant messages for your beloved man

Girls are sensitive creatures in themselves, loving romance and all sorts of sweet messages. When night falls, and your loved one is in another room, house or even city, you want to send him the warmest and tender wishes Good night. Men, despite the fact that they are less prone to purring in correspondence, will certainly be flattered by attention.

Good night wishes to the man of your dreams

If you have not yet joined serious relationship, but really want to always be with your chosen one, signs of attention will help indicate affection and love. Wishing good night to a man in poems and short sayings will help you fully express your emotions.

You are strong, brave, real

And very cute when asleep.

Rest, beloved hero,

Have a beautiful dream today.

I hope I'll come into your dreams

And I’ll tell you a gentle tale.

My baby, my sweet boy,

Don't sit at the computer for too long.

Rest, dream, gain strength,

So that tomorrow brings only success.

My man is strong, important, and brave when necessary,

Just go to bed and sleep sweetly there until the morning.

Important things to do tomorrow! Kissing you tenderly. All yours.

I wish you sweet dreams without doubts and sadness,

May you dream of the sea in a sparkling expanse.

Golden beaches too, to give you goosebumps.

Sleep, my dear and dear, it’s a pity that I’m not next to you.

Tomorrow will be day again, and today it’s time to sleep.

Get some rest and come visit tomorrow.

May you have dreams of calm silence,

About a carefree place where we walk freely.

My knight of dreams, good night,

Close your eyes

Have beautiful dreams

Until the rising dawn.

Gentle and sweet good night wishes for a man will help him see beautiful dreams that are related to you.

Wishing good night to a guy you're recently in a relationship with

If your relationship has just begun, you can write standard and discreet wishes before going to bed.

Good night to your boyfriend

I want to wish him before he falls asleep.

Let me dream of something cute

Unpredictable and beautiful.

Let me appear in your dreams,

I will kiss you very tenderly.

I will shed a clear light on your heart,

Sleep, my good one, quietly and soundly.

Good night sweet dreams!

Rest, tomorrow is another day.

May you have an inspired dream

And full of excellent music.

It's like you Teddy bear, my good and kind boy.

But today we are not together,

Sweet dreams and songs to you.

Dear boy, dear,

Sleep, my beloved.

May you have a beautiful dream,

I kiss you very, very much.

I really want to write to you

Beautiful "good night"

Close your clear eyes

Tomorrow will be a working day again.

May you dream of something good,

Very nice, you like it.

I send you kisses

I hug you and love you.

Wishes for sweet dreams in verse

The man next to you will definitely like good night wishes if you compose them yourself. You can take the following ideas:

Sweet, sweet, sweet dreams,

Resting shackles.

Let me dream of a sweet fairy tale,

Very kind and beautiful.

It is I who want to wish you good night.

Get enough sleep, dear, at night, tomorrow is a very important day.

Let yourself dream of solving a problem, and suddenly inspiration will come.

I'm not with you now, but I send you greetings,

I wish you a sweet night and get the answer to everything in a dream.

Let your pillow gently protect your sleep,

Know that although I am not near you, I am with you in my thoughts.

Short SMS before bedtime for your beloved man

Sometimes you don't need many words to express your emotions, so short SMS definitely need to be taken into account.

Sleep dear, good night, I miss you very much.

The night has come, blocked the light, the sun is no longer in the sky.

May the clear month preserve your wonderful sleep.

Close your eyes, dream beautiful dreams

About a charming sunset and, of course, about love.

I hug and kiss you sweetly,

Sleep, my dear, go to bed.

May you have wonderful dreams,

In which you and I are nearby.

Look at your phone, there is a message of love in it.

Sweet dreams to you, dear, right up until dawn.

If you are reading now, then you will soon find out

That I miss you, tears fall in the darkness.

Nothing, everything will be smooth

Sleep, my dear, sweet, sweet.

I wish you a wonderful dream

And gain strength for tomorrow.

Good night, close your eyes,

So that we can meet you soon.

Don't be afraid to show feelings if you really care about a person. After all, even a second of attention can instill faith that the relationship is real, and not “just like that.”

Good night. I'll dream about you
Cheerful, gentle, affectionate, beautiful.
Good night. May you in your dreams
You won't be lonely in the world, honey.

Good night, dearest.
We are together. Close your eyes calmly.
I guard your night peace.
I am happy, satisfied with my fate.

Thank you day. Night takes over.
Covered the earth with starry wings.
She drives away fatigue
And we will paint the new day ourselves.

Good night, my dear,
And don’t let problems bother you.
Oh, how happy I am with you!
It couldn't be any calmer.

I'll sit on your shoulder
And I will mentally say thank you
I am heaven, my destiny
Because you love me.

Let all your thoughts go free
The gentle evening is warm, like a blanket.
Let worries and worries go away.
Tomorrow you will see a sunny dawn.

I wish you a good night.
I hug you mentally.
I dream about a future meeting,
As before, lovingly!

My love will envelop you in warmth,
May you, my love, sleep very soundly,
Let this night be filled with magic
May you suddenly find yourself in a wondrous fairy tale!

I will be a beautiful queen
And you are my wonderful king!
I love you so tenderly and so passionately,
After all, the heart burns with fire every moment!

Sleep, my beloved, my dear,
In a dream we will meet you,
And we'll be together forever,
How we dreamed then.

Protects your sweet dream,
My beloved angel,
I love you, he knows
And he is also in love with you.

Even though we are not together now,
We'll be together in your dreams,
At least for a moment, at least not for eternity,
In our corner of paradise.

Sleep darling, we'll be together
We dream about love,
And dream about a heavenly place,
In which we spent all our dreams.

My beloved, good night,
Forget about all the worries of the day.
I confess that my heart wants
In a dream, so that you can see me.

Let the night be a boundless river
And love will lull you to sleep.
I am the best, ardent, gentle
I'll be there for you forever.

High-rise building, my window.
I open the curtains quietly.
Through transparent glass
I let you into the room in the evening.

I want to sleep, but I can’t.
All thoughts are only about you.
Your image is in my heart
And I see him in the darkness.

And even if you are not with me now,
But you are in me inexplicably.
Good night, my dear.
Good night, my beloved!

My tenderness, dear, good,
Sleep well, my soul.
May you dream tonight
A colorful dream in which I will be.

Let us dream about our future castle,
The garden is huge, sky and flowers.
May you be in knight's armor,
In the world as a whole there will be only us.

May the universe give you happiness.
The one you see in your dreams.
Let the stars all shine clearly at night,
So that I can come to you in a dream.

Darling, go to sleep quickly,
Let nothing disturb your sleep!
And let the kindest dreams
You are dreaming today, my dear!

In a dream I will come to you at night, dear,
After all, it’s so difficult for me to sleep without you!
You are my dearest and most beloved,
I want to be with you even in my dreams!

Dream of you, my love,
Put him to bed.
You are unique
Mine forever, believe me!

Go to sleep, my dear,
Close your eyes.
Will wash away all worries
There is dew in the morning.

Sleep tight my love,
Think about me.
I'll definitely come
I come to you in a dream...

Not at all necessary. Our site is pleased to offer you dozens of good night messages for a man in verse, which are constantly updated with new items. All you have to do is come visit us and choose the piece that suits you and your man today.

A verbal wish for sweet dreams pleases a man. It reflects your attitude and attention to him, because you don’t wish good night to unloved people.

When to wish good night to a man in verse?

If you wish a man good sleep V in simple words easy, then many people need a reason for poetry after several years or decades spent side by side. So, here are just a few of them:

  • Your or his business trip. Is it difficult for you to be separated for a long time? Remind your chosen one of this with a poetic message wishing him good sleep on his phone or on social pages. It will create a romantic atmosphere for your communication and a desire to prolong it much better than your complaints about loneliness, which you could not avoid.
  • He is not a fan of romance. Confessing your love every day and giving myriads of stars and bouquets is not for him, but does he show care for you every day? Celebrate this with a touching message wishing him sweet dreams on his mobile phone, even if he is in the next room. Your man will appreciate this and be confident that he has chosen the best life partner, for whom he would not mind moving mountains.
  • The man has a busy schedule. Do you fall asleep before he gets home from work? Then, before you go to bed, choose a gentle message for him in verse and send it to him, either voice it during a conversation or send it to him by voicemail. Show how much you appreciate his efforts for your joint well-being.
  • Significant events in your history. Wedding anniversaries, birthdays of children and loved ones, and other important dates for your couple are the days when you should start the day and end it with romantic words. Poetry is the best tool for this.
  • Fulfillment of desires. When you want to let a fairy tale into your life, you shouldn’t restrain yourself. Start small - wish your loved one good night with poetry.
  • Reduce the intensity of passions. Not a single insult, quarrel or even scandal is worth losing the trust of someone you care about and spending the night in a rage. Wish your man good night, even if you are still far from final reconciliation. He will know that you love him even when he is not right about everything.

The magic of simple words

Wishes for no reason will be a pleasant start to your night. If suspicion is not inherent in your man, then he will be pleased with your wish good sleep in verse and on the most ordinary evening. Surely your companion remembers very well that love does not need a reason. However, he is waiting for the initiative to develop the relationship from you, in order to make sure that your romance or even marriage is not just a habit, but a union sealed with the best of human feelings.

Check out this section every day to please your loved one. good wishes at night or for other reasons. At the same time, you do not need to spend a lot of time selecting a piece that is suitable for your man today. Our site has easy navigation and search for good night wishes in prose and poetry for a serious man and a romantic guy, girl, for friends or family.



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