Why dream of living birds. Quantitatively

Very often in dreams the bird appears as a symbol of freedom, flight and lightness. Why birds dream is easy to find out in the dream book.

Having unraveled the symbolism of dreams, we can build our lives more harmoniously, in accordance with those desires, fears and hopes that we are not directly aware of. It is dreams that provide a person with access to the depths of his unconscious, unconscious needs and contradictions.

Birds have long been considered an indispensable element of many mythological systems. Seeing a bird in a dream is a uniquely auspicious sign. But in order to understand exactly what the birds dream of, one should understand the meanings of the symbol and the details of dreams.

  • The incarnation of the deity who creates the world. So the birds in a dream began to be associated with creation, the characterization of the dreamer as a creative person, with the beginning of a new important business that affects many other people.
  • Management of natural elements (thunder, wind).
  • An ally of the hero on his journey of finding his destiny. That is why a bird in a dream is often interpreted as an indispensable attribute of a new undertaking, the discovery of talent or the achievement of success.
  • The personification of the human soul. A bird in a dream, therefore, can act as a symbol of the dreamer's inner life.
  • Inspiration.
  • Immortality and eternity.
  • Imagination and spiritual process of understanding the essence of human existence. Therefore, birds often dream in cases of transitional periods of a person’s life, when new forces and opportunities open up, when high truths are realized or worthy ideals are accepted.
  • Intelligence and thinking.
  • Joy and fun.
  • The black and white birds personified the general duality of the world. In the dream book, a white bird, together with a black one, enters under the meaning of a crossroads in the dreamer's real life.

Based on the above meanings, we turn to possible dream plots, consider the details and try to answer the question of why birds dream in certain circumstances of dreams.

When the bird flew to you

In order to understand why a bird that has got into or an apartment is dreaming of, you need to take into account its behavior after it is in the room. If the bird got through the window into the house and began to fly over it, the dreamer will receive pleasant news from a friend or relative, which he had long hoped to receive.

If she flew through the window into the house and behaves calmly - in reality, a person who has seen such a dream relies too much on signs. If the dreamer needs confidence to start acting, then sleep is a sign for starting something complex and long-term.

I dreamed of a bird that flew into the house and began to randomly fly over it, knocking down objects, trying to peck the dreamer - the changes taking place in a person's life are too aggressive and fast. The dreamer should rest more often, put his thoughts in order so that his emotional state is orderly and calm.

In addition, if she flew out the window and began to sing, then the dreamer will find a mentor in life who will change his value system, have a strong influence on his worldview and help in overcoming obstacles on the path of life.

If a bird knocks on the window, the upcoming waking events will turn a person's life upside down. Dream Interpretations are advised to be prepared for unpredictable situations. If a dream in which a bird knocks on a window is dreamed of by a pregnant woman, then this is a harbinger of the excellent development of pregnancy and easy childbirth.

He knocks on the window, and it breaks - a person who has seen this in a dream will be forced to leave his comfort zone in reality, to face the ambiguous actions of other people. If the dreamer maintains composure and restraint, he will be able to emerge victorious and acquire very useful skills for his future.

If the bird knocks with its beak on objects in the house, the dreamer needs to pay attention to his surroundings, make fewer promises and not help those who in any case will not appreciate his efforts. If the dreamer kills a bird that has flown into the house, this is a symbol of unwillingness to change, a denial of the main characteristic of reality - dynamism, fear of the new.

Very interesting interpretations are found in dream books regarding the question of what the bird in the hands is dreaming of. In this case, much depends on the behavior of the bird, its size and color, as well as on the circumstances due to which the bird was in the hands.

1. If a big bird was caught by a dreamer in a dream, this is evidence of quick good luck and a triumphant completion of very important things.

2. If the dreamer was able to catch her on the fly, a career growth awaits a person, a change in social status if the dreamer makes the necessary efforts and perseveres when he achieves his goals.

3. A big bird ate from his hand in a dream - finding true friends who will accompany a person who has had a dream throughout his life will make a huge contribution to his development and self-improvement.

4. For a girl, a big bird may indicate that there is a person in her environment with whom it is possible to develop a romantic relationship.

5. For entrepreneurs, a big bird in their hands is a symbol of the successful promotion of their own business, subject to hard work and the opportunity to spend a huge amount of time on its development.

If the bird sat on the dreamer, a pleasant surprise will happen in reality, which will alleviate problems and contribute to the resolution of complex issues. If a big bird allowed himself to be stroked or red birds calmly began to fly when a person appeared, to sit on his hands and head, the dream promises gaining control over life, success and prosperity.

A large bird of prey sat on his shoulder - a very dangerous ally for others, which is either already present in the dreamer's life, but does not manifest itself, or will soon be in life. Dream Interpretations advise you to take a closer look at your surroundings, behave with people carefully, because this person can change his patronizing attitude if the dreamer shows negligence, tactlessness or rudeness towards him.

If the bird beats and breaks out of the hands, and the dreamer lets it go - the desire to get rid of contradictions in life, to come to a feeling of peace and relaxation. Dream Interpretations interpret such a plot as an indication of the need to refuse responsibility for the lives of other people.


Birds can behave in a variety of ways. They can attack in a dream or fly up very close, or they can fly away from the dreamer when he tries to grab them.

Aggressive behavior or a bird attack in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's condemnation of himself and his actions. The dream book, revealing the meaning of sleep, advises a person to clarify his goals, understand his desires, what a person is doing now is not important and necessary for him and may contradict his values, for which he reproaches himself.

Birds in a dream fly in the sky after the dreamer has let them go - a desire to relieve oneself of duties. If there were a lot of them in the sky after that, it is a symbol that the preservation of many burdensome duties will result in irreversible consequences for life and an increase in worries.

Red, green and yellow birds together in the sky or on a tree are a symbol of creativity and a multifaceted personality. There is also a danger of dissipation of forces in this, so the dreamer should remain calm and strictly adhere to the intended goal.

If the bird cannot fly, but is desperately trying to do it, the dream symbolizes the application of efforts in the wrong area in which a result can be achieved. You should think about what will best manifest your abilities and skills.

The dreamer tried to grab the bird, but to no avail - the desire for renewal, changes for which the foundation has not yet been formed. If a flock circles high in the sky, this is a symbol of the dreamer's great ambitions, which are realized only if the person takes responsibility for his own actions.

Red birds, singing and playing with each other, promise a woman success with the opposite sex and admiration from loved ones. The red birds dreamed of by a man symbolize his vitality and abilities, which it is time to find worthy use.

In a cage

A bird in a cage enters the dream book in many meanings, and the exact interpretation depends on the circumstances of the dream, the attitude to what is happening in the person who had the dream, the size and color of the bird, and other aspects.

She sang beautifully in a cage - the dreamer has every opportunity to move forward, but for some reason he has driven himself into the framework and does not use his abilities. Many birds in a golden cage - the dreamer, seduced by the external gloss, forgot about his real dreams and goals, locked himself up.

A very beautiful and bright bird that you want to release - the desire to free someone from an exorbitant burden. The dreamer can help someone, but his actions are likely to be condemned by others, so the person is slow. It is worth relying on your own judgments about the benefits and harms and take into account the opinion of the person in need of help, but not secondary characters.

It beats in a cage - a person who had a dream is surrounded by obligations and promises that weigh and cause rejection, you need to try to get rid of pressure and restrictions in order to find peace and confidence.

What a dead bird in a cage dreams of is not easy to answer, it is immediately a symbol of both the thoughtlessness of the dreamer's own actions, and the existence of minor problems that are easily resolved if they are not started, and ignoring one's talents up to ignorance of their existence.

The answer to the question "Why do dead birds dream about the dreamer in a dream?" traditionally in that a person who has a dream constantly misses opportunities for spiritual growth, does not pay attention to his desires and ignores successful coincidences of circumstances to realize his dream.

Together with them high in the sky - the freedom of the spirit. The dreamer is overwhelmed with ambition and the pursuit of excellence. Dream Interpretations are advised to be wary of perfectionism and a low assessment of the achievements of other people. They attack each other in the sky - the presence in life of conflicting desires and goals that occupy the dreamer's attention, preventing movement forward.

Red, green, yellow, blue birds in the apartment, occupying the entire free area, are a sign of enormous creative abilities, which in the near future can find application if the dreamer is very attentive and able to notice his chance.

Why a black bird is dreaming is understandable when referring to the image of a raven and considering black in general. This feathered participant in the dream is a symbol of riddles, secrets and the reverse side of the dreamer's nature, in addition, the black color symbolizes noble traits in the dreamer's character.

  • If the bird behaves calmly, it will be possible to reveal oneself, show from the favorable side and change the opinion of others for the better.
  • Restless behavior - the dreamer's contradictions will soon disappear, and he will find harmony with himself, however, for this you will have to go through a series of mysterious and ambiguous situations.
  • If the bird leads - a quick change in worldview.

Birds represent freedom, spirit, life and change, but they also express the struggle for oneself and one's ideals. Birds are interpreted by the dream book as mentors and carriers of good luck. Dreams reflect the possibilities, whether a person will take advantage of them is the business of the person himself.

In a dream, birds in the sky symbolize the dreamer's ability to rise above everyday problems. This is a sign of absolute freedom and high spirituality. The dream book will explain what else this significant image is dreaming of.

Harmony or complete confusion?

Did you dream of a large flock of birds soaring in the sky? This is a sure sign of general prosperity and well-being. Soon, petty worries will fade into the background, and you will find complete harmony and peace.

At the same time, a large flock in a dream reflects confusion in the head and soul. The dream interpretation believes that you clearly do not understand what you are doing and what you want.

Society and its influence

Another interpretation of the dream claims that a large flock of birds symbolizes society, collective energy and its influence on the individual.

At the same time, white birds in the sky are a symbol of good intentions and bright thoughts, good news and positive events, while black birds are exactly the opposite.

Miller Promises

Why dream of many birds in the blue sky? Miller's dream book believes that in a dream it is a symbol of unconditional prosperity for the dreamer.

Even if while there are difficulties and problems in life, they will soon fade in the face of joy and boundless happiness.

Talk less!

What else does it mean if you dreamed of a lot of birds? For wealthy people to see how birds soar high in the sky - to unfavorable changes.

But the poor, after such a vision, can hope for improvement in all areas of life.

Sometimes too many birds in a dream hint at useless chatter or a long trial.

Interpretation features

Why dream that birds fly very high in the sky? According to the dream book, in a dream this vision marks a long journey or receiving news from afar.

However, there is one caveat here. If the birds fly directly overhead, then a fateful event is coming. Its character can be judged by the appearance and color of birds. If you dreamed that the birds in the sky were flying from you, then get ready for heavy losses.

Get ready to fight!

Why do black birds dream in the sky? This is an omen of danger and the activation of enemies.

Moreover, the dream book suspects that you will have to enter into an open confrontation with the forces of Evil. Any black birds (excluding crows) in a dream reflect deceit or a personal tendency to cunning.

Absolute happiness!

Dreamed of a white bird? For a single lady, this is a particularly good sign, promising a successful meeting with the man who will become her husband. In any case, the dream book is sure that you will know true happiness. The white bird is also a symbol of the fulfillment of dreams and good news.

Specific values

For a complete interpretation of the image, the dream book offers transcripts of birds of a different color and type.

  • Blue - happiness, luck, spiritual enlightenment.
  • Red - excessive passion.
  • Pink - hope, joy.
  • Firebird - incredible luck.
  • Phoenix - rebirth after failures.
  • Swallows are good news.
  • Sparrows - hurry up!
  • Pigeons are peace.
  • Storks - addition, birth.
  • Ravens are a disaster.

All birds of prey in the sky warn in a dream about a possible illness, danger and general troubles. Dreamed of two birds? The dream interpretation is sure that mutual love is coming. Seeing a school of birds is worse. This is a sign of envy, mistrust and disagreement.

Dream Interpretation Bird Bird - Flies in a dream - lead from abroad; in a cage - false gossip; bird's tail - consequences. Dream Interpretation Bird - Guest or message (depending on the type and behavior of the bird); to kill or injure a bird - to a great failure; bird's tail - consequences; bright plumage - good luck in love; flying - to wealth. Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation Birds A dream in which birds fly is unlucky. It means that circumstances will throw you back in some actions. However, for poor people, this may be a harbinger of an improvement in financial condition, especially if the birds sing in their sleep. Ayurvedic dream book

Dream Interpretation Birds Birds sing in the void. - portends the death of his wife. A flying bird climbs into your bosom. - portends happiness. Catch a bird in flight. - portends a letter from afar. A swallow is flying. - A guest will come from afar. The bird is chasing the snake. - Get a recommendation from someone. Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

Dream Interpretation Birds talking Revelation about the future in a dream, an element of clairvoyance: it is very important what kind of birds they are, in what plot and what they say.
dream bird A multi-valued symbol of the sleeping soul, various emotional states, human desires, aspirations and achievements, longing for the unrealizable, creative ideas and deeds, spiritual growth, marital status, happiness, intuition, images of other people and other people's influences; marriage proposal from a man (for a woman). Flocks, many birds - human, collective energies, influences, processes.
Birds are white in a dream Good news and good energy influences.
Birds are black, nocturnal, predatory in a dream Bad news; misfortunes, negative, demonic influences on fate from other people; cunning, treacherous person from the sleeping environment. Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Dream Interpretation Bird The bird is news. As a bird sits on its head - a dead man. If birds dream - the separation of a man and a woman. Birds are souls. Birds are people. As there are a lot of them, there will be some kind of war or something. "Before the war, I used to dream that the birds covered the field." A bird in the hands - success in business. Birds sing - to curiosity. A bird was beating out the window - good news - give birth to a child. Seeing bird eggs or eating them is a big nuisance. Ukrainian dream book

The meaning of sleep bird of prey Birds of prey (falcon, hawk) usually dream of deception, a real danger from your opponents. If you managed to drive away the birds before they attacked you, then your business will go well. Shooting a bird of prey in a dream and killing it is a sign that you will overcome all obstacles on the way to your happiness. In general, to see such a dead bird is to good luck and victory over circumstances. If a mother dreams that she drives away birds of prey from her children, this means that through hard work and effort she will achieve the fulfillment of her wildest desires.
Birds in a dream A dream is favorable in which birds with beautiful plumage appear. For a woman, he portends a quick and happy marriage or a new love. Seeing birds flying is a sign of prosperity and good luck, the dissolution of all negative circumstances in the stream of impending prosperity. Catching a bird is also a good sign. Hearing birds call to each other is a harbinger of your inability to solve a problem that requires great clarity of perception. A wounded, lined bird dreams of deep sadness caused by the reckless behavior of his own child. To kill a bird with a gun is a dream foreshadowing a catastrophe, crop failure, natural disaster.
Poultry in a dream
White birds in a dream The appearance of white birds in a dream is good news. Modern dream book

Dream Bird They indicate greatness, power and beauty, and for a merchant - profit. Sometimes they point to a traveler for the one on whose head the bird will sit. And who will see that a bird has descended from the sky and sat down in front of him. then this is news that he will be very happy with. The birds floating in the water are the ruler's subordinates. Birds of unknown species, flying or living on the water, are angels. They also say that to see a bird on your shoulders or neck means to see your deeds. So. if the bird is black, then the perfect deeds are bad; if the bird is white, then it is pure and good; if the bird is motley, then deeds can be both good and bad. Birds soaring high in the sky in a dream - to joy. A flock of birds indicates wisdom and power. If the patient sees birds of an unusual breed unknown to him, then he may die. If a traveler sees them, then his journey will be unsuccessful. If some bird carried the dreamer on itself, spreading its wings, and reached heaven or approached them, then he will go on a long journey to the ruler. Any bird with spread wings is a good sign. A bird flying up and hiding in the sky portends damage, collapse or death. Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation Birds A dreamed loon is a sign of a risky but profitable enterprise, a capercaillie - you are suspected of something, pigeons - to illness and loss. Thrush in a dream - happy changes, new friends, bustard - gossip, duplicity, lies. A finch is a sign of a calm life without worries and worries, an oriole - difficulties will be resolved by themselves. Birds of prey mean that a good turn of affairs will help you avoid many troubles. Waterfowl - put your interests above the health and tranquility of loved ones. Poultry in a dream - to increase income, increase prosperity. White birds portend heartfelt joy. Seeing a bird's nest in a dream means that you will be interested in the successful outcome of the enterprise started by your friends. To see broken eggs in a nest portends disappointment, whole ones - to good luck, an empty nest - failure in business, with chicks - you will make strong ties with influential people, chicks that have fallen out of the nest - to sadness. Seeing birds in a cage means that in reality you will achieve your goal with cunning, coquetry and cunning. To feed the birds - to meet unexpected, but pleasant guests, to catch - to a big win, to catch - you will find a worthy groom. Hearing bird chirping portends an uplift, energy and vigor; sitting sadly on a perch or branch - to bad news, pecking birds - a sign of prosperity and well-being, flying away from you - to losses. Birds fluttering around and landing on you are good news. Shooting birds is a sign of severe misfortune. To see a wounded animal dragging a broken wing - destroy your happiness. Dead bird - unfortunately.
Dream pet birds Poultry seen in a dream suggests that the habit of overspending will eventually force you to count them, and only then will you notice that your income is increasing. For a young girl, chasing poultry in a dream means that, due to her inability to organize her time, she does not have time to really do anything. Feeding poultry in a dream portends noise and disputes in the house in real life. Buying this living creature means that your well-being will increase. To slaughter one of them means in reality to get rid of annoying persons. Hearing the clucking of chickens in a dream means a sudden shock caused by the news of an unexpected serious illness of one of your good friends. Seeing a brood of some kind of poultry in a dream portends tedious chores. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Bird BIRD - happiness, news; arrive - a letter; feed - gossip dissolve; sits on his head - death; wild birds - a gift; catching them - to joy, winning, getting pregnant (to a woman), marriage, profit; catch - a girl is born; hold in hands - success in business; beats through the window - a child will be born; white - good news, a date with a friend; to hear songs of birds - good news, love, joy; a small bird - a daughter to be born (pregnant); many birds - empty chatter, litigation, war. Small Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Bird of Prey Predatory bird. Seeing a bird of prey (falcon, hawk) in a dream predicts that you will be deceived. Shooting her means that after the struggle you will overcome all obstacles to happiness. If a young woman in a dream scares away birds of prey from her babies, this means that she will achieve the fulfillment of her wildest desires, but only when she is hardworking. The dream portends you a real danger from your opponents. If in a dream you manage to frighten away the birds before they attack and injure you, your business will be successful. Seeing a dead bird of prey promises good luck and victory. Seeing that you are shooting at a bird is a sign that you will prefer to boldly fight enemies and, possibly, win.
Birds in a dream Birds. A favorable dream if you see birds with beautiful plumage. If a woman sees this dream, she should expect a quick and happy marriage or new love. Seeing a wounded bird is a deep sadness caused by the behavior of a reckless offspring. Seeing birds flying is a sign of prosperity for the one who sees this dream. All undesirable circumstances will disappear in the stream of the good to come. Catching a bird is a good dream. Hearing how the birds "talk" is a harbinger of your inability to solve a problem that requires great clarity of perception. To kill a bird with a gun is a dream foreshadowing a catastrophe, crop failure, natural disaster.
Poultry in a dream Domestic bird. Seeing a tame poultry in a dream is a sign that wasteful habits will significantly reduce your financial security. If a girl chases a poultry in a dream, this means that she will waste her precious time on empty entertainment. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Bird of Prey A dream in which any bird of prey appears, such as a falcon or hawk, predicts that you may be deceived. If you shot her, then for sure in real life you will overcome all obstacles to happiness. A young woman who in a dream drove away a bird of prey from her babies will certainly achieve the fulfillment of her wildest desires, unless, of course, she shows a certain diligence. In general, a dream about an attack by birds of prey can portend you a real danger from your opponents. The fight will end in your favor if, in your dream, you manage to frighten away the birds before they attack and injure you. A dead bird of prey symbolizes victory and good luck. The dream in which you shoot at a bird means that you do not give in to your enemies at all and, most likely, will win.
Birds in a dream The dream of birds with beautiful plumage is very auspicious. If a woman dreams of something like this, she will have a quick and happy marriage. A wounded bird dreams of deep sadness caused by the behavior of children. A flying bird is a sign of prosperity. All unpleasant circumstances will fade into the background compared to the future good. If in a dream you heard the singing of birds, then you yourself are unlikely to cope with the task before you. Killing a bird with a gun is a bad sign. According to Nostradamus, the bird is a symbol of swiftness, prophecy, inconstancy. He interpreted dreams about birds as follows. We saw a small bird in a dream - peace and tranquility will reign in the family. Such a dream prophesies happiness to the dreamer. If you dreamed that a bird was screaming in a "wild" voice, then you have a hard job in submission to a cruel boss. A headless bird dreams of sad events. If you dreamed of voiceless birds, then in the future there will be a very severe drought. A dream about an iron bird sitting on the ground portends a major catastrophe. If you saw in a dream the rare beauty of birds, then you live and are only interested in your past. If you see a rare bird in a dream, then you will have to focus all your strength on the present, and not look back to the past or look to the future. Only in this way can you avoid the impending disaster. Seeing an eagle soaring in the sky in a dream, you will strive for mercy. An eagle in a cage means the desire for power and might. The rooster dreams of a quarrel and conflicts. A dream in which a rooster attacks you means that someone will try to draw you into a conflict, the consequences of which are unpredictable. If in a dream you watch cockfights, then in reality you will become a witness to an emergency. And D. Loff talked about “bird” dreams as follows: “If you have ever watched Alfred Hitchcock’s film The Birds, you will immediately understand that the symbolism associated with them is interpreted by a person in different ways. From time immemorial, birds have developed a reputation as troublemakers and harbingers of trouble. At one time, among the peoples of the Middle East, it was even considered a bad sign if a bird pecked at a person. Ravens and vultures have been infamous since ancient times, but the ability to fly, inaccessible to humans, contributed to the creation of a halo of majesty around birds as a species. Here it is worth citing as an example the catch phrase “soar like an eagle”, which is a metaphor for hope and self-confidence. The vigilance of birds (remember at least the well-known expression "hawk's eye") is another example of their positive perception. Ravens and owls in the mythology and literature of many cultures are certainly associated with wisdom, and the ability of some birds to reproduce human speech in general distinguishes them into a special category of representatives of the animal world. Some people in your dreams may look like birds. If you talk to them in your sleep, it may indicate communication problems, and this is true even if the birds do not answer you.
Poultry in a dream We saw a poultry in a dream - stop wasting money. If a girl in a dream is chasing a poultry, how could she not waste her precious time on empty entertainment. Big universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Birds For rich and wealthy people, a dream in which they see fluttering birds will be very unhappy. It means sad changes in their affairs. For the poor, this dream, on the contrary, means a change for the better, especially when birdsong is heard in a dream. If the birds have beautiful plumage in a dream and they are not afraid of you, it means that you will be promoted. A dream in which the sleeper hears the cheerful singing or chirping of birds promises well-being to everyone: someone will go to a distant country, someone will succeed in an important business for him. A dead bird does not portend anything particularly bad, since all failures, in the end, will end in a clear period in your life. Old English dream book

Dream Interpretation Birds Dream Interpretation Birds - Thoughts. Highly flying thoughts about the high, but one should not leave the earth for a long time. Sick, ugly, wounded, you are a pessimist, and this spoils life. Waterfowl think too much about life's problems. In a cage, the flight of your thoughts is limited by generally accepted patterns and stereotypes. They kiss, the couple in your thoughts is dominated by the theme of love relationships, you can miss everything else. Dreams about birds show that you are too carried away in your thoughts. Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Bird Dream Interpretation Why is the Chick dreaming, a bird in a dream - “Just hatched (flew) from an egg (nest)” - the stage of childhood, inexperience, immaturity. Bird - "high-flying bird" - a big boss, a talented famous person; "blue bird" (happiness). “A tit in the hands is a crane in the sky” (pragmatism), “brought a magpie on its tail” (news), “dove of peace”, “the first swallow” (message, beginning), “falconry”, “crane song” (devoted love , farewell), “swan fidelity, song” (last, final), “to be reborn from the ashes like a phoenix”. "shooting from a cannon at sparrows" - the incommensurability of means and goals. “bird joys” (small), “nightingale (love) trills”. “fill in with a nightingale” - eloquence, joy, declaration of love, “repeat like a parrot” - comedy, deceit, satire; “Knock like a woodpecker” - inform; "blind as an owl" “like a bird in a cage” - strong longing, lack of freedom. "woodpecker" - about a bad person, "snitch". See add. Rooster, duck, eggs. Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation Bird BIRD - a multi-valued symbol of the sleeping soul, various emotional states, human desires, aspirations and achievements, longing for the unrealizable, creative ideas and deeds, spiritual growth, marital status, happiness, intuition, images of other people and other people's influences; marriage proposal from a man (for a woman). Flocks, many birds - human, collective energies, influences, processes. WHITE BIRDS - good news and good energy influences. SPEAKING BIRDS - a revelation about the future in a dream, an element of clairvoyance: it is very important what kind of birds they are, in what plot and what they say. BIRDS BLACK, NIGHT, PREDATORY - bad news; misfortunes, negative, demonic influences on fate from other people; cunning, treacherous person from the sleeping environment. Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Birds Birds symbolize creativity, flight of fancy. Sometimes a warning that the dreamer is too out of touch with reality. To see a bird in a cage is to have a limitation in feelings. Birds fly - success in love, creativity. Feed the birds - new happy opportunities will open up for you. Birds, as creatures living in an environment unusual for humans, reflect the special experiences of the dreamer. Birds often symbolize the spiritual life of a person, his dreams and fantasies. Seeing birds in a dream is often accompanied by a joint flight with them. But a dream in which you completely feel like a bird may warn you against a complete separation from real life. Recurring dreams with flights, birds, are sometimes an indication to "descend from heaven" and pay more attention to real affairs. Dream Interpretation Tutorial

Dream Interpretation Birds With all the diversity of the world of birds on earth, a bird in a dream usually acts as a message (in ancient times, pigeon or falcon mail worked). Or the bird symbolizes a new person (guest) surrounded by a dreamer. Unusual, original, exotic birds can be loaded with additional or their own private meanings: “rare foreign bird” - a foreign guest or an original, unusual message or from afar, from abroad. "parrot" - mockery, deceit, disappointment; "turkey", "peacock" - importance, pride, arrogance; "phoenix", "firebird", "blue bird" are well-known symbols of happiness, resurrection, spiritual rebirth. In addition, some other birds too clearly emphasize one or another feature, a feature of an ongoing event or the character of the sleeping person, the familiar sleeping person: “rooster” - irritability, time; "swallow" - good news; "Sparrow" - insignificance, to be in time everywhere; "white dove" - ​​peace, spiritual revelation; "stork" - the birth of a child, family happiness, "crow" - trouble; swan - fidelity, etc. However, all birds of prey, especially large birds of prey, may appear in the future for the dreamer as a real serious danger or serious illness (if they still carry it away and peck). Symbolic dream book

Dream Interpretation Birds BIRDS - with all the diversity of the world of birds on earth, a bird in a dream usually acts as a message (in ancient times, pigeon or falcon mail worked). Or the bird symbolizes a new person (guest) surrounded by a dreamer. Unusual, original, exotic birds can be loaded with additional or their own private meanings: “rare foreign bird” - a foreign guest or an original, unusual message or from afar, from abroad. "Parrot" - mockery, deceit, disappointment; "turkey", "peacock" - importance, pride, arrogance; "phoenix", "firebird", "blue bird" are well-known symbols of happiness, resurrection, spiritual rebirth. In addition, some other birds too clearly emphasize one or another feature, a feature of an ongoing event or the character of the sleeping person, the familiar sleeping person: “rooster” - irritability, time; "swallow" - good news; "Sparrow" - insignificance, to be in time everywhere; "white dove" - ​​peace, spiritual revelation; "stork" - the birth of a child, family happiness, "crow" - trouble; swan - fidelity, etc. However, all birds of prey, especially large birds of prey, may appear in the future for the dreamer as a real serious danger or serious illness (if they still carry it away and peck).
Birds in a dream A dream is favorable in which birds with beautiful plumage appear. For a woman, he portends a quick and happy marriage or a new love. Seeing birds flying is a sign of prosperity and good luck, the dissolution of all negative circumstances in the stream of impending prosperity. Catching a bird is also a good sign. Hearing birds call to each other is a harbinger of your inability to solve a problem that requires great clarity of perception. A wounded, lined bird dreams of deep sadness caused by the reckless behavior of his own child. To kill a bird with a gun is a dream foreshadowing a catastrophe, crop failure, natural disaster.
Poultry in a dream Hand poultry in a dream is a sign that wasteful habits will significantly undermine your financial capabilities. If a girl chases a poultry in a dream, this means that she will waste her precious time on empty entertainment.

A bird in a dream portends happiness, conduct, a meeting with a person whom the sleeper has often remembered lately. Also, a dream about a bird promises profit, sometimes gossip. If a woman dreams of a bird, then such a dream portends her marriage or a new love. In general, birds in a dream are a symbol of creativity and a flight of fancy. Sometimes such a dream warns the dreamer that he is too far removed from reality and completely absorbed in his fantasies. To see a flying bird in a dream means a dream come true in the near future, and such birds also prophesy prosperity and good luck in reality.

Why do little birds dream?

Little birds dream of small profits. To see one small bird in a dream means that peace and tranquility will come to the life of the sleeper. If a woman dreams of a little bird, then soon she will be pregnant and, most likely, a girl will be born.

What is the dream of a bird in hands?

Holding a bird in your hands in a dream means success in some business in real life. For a businessman, such a dream speaks of a career take-off, advancement in business. If in a dream the bird itself sat on its hand, in reality the dreamer will have good news or a meeting with a new love that will last a long time. If the sleeper caught a bird on the fly, then a letter or an unexpected gift or a win awaits him.

Why is the bird dreaming in the house?

A bird that flew into the house promises women pregnancy. Also, such a dream means receiving news from a person whom the dreamer has not seen for a long time. If a poultry (duck or chicken) is dreamed in the house, then perhaps someone living in it will die.

Why dream of birds in a cage?

Seeing a bird in a cage in a dream, a young woman should prepare for a successful marriage. If there are a lot of birds in the cage and they chirp happily, perhaps soon there will be a replenishment in the family. Joyfully singing birds in a cage dream of cheerful guests. A beautiful cage full of chirping birds predicts freedom and gaining self-confidence in reality.

It also happens that birds fly to us in our dreams. Many dream books associate dreams about birds with changes and opportunities to get away from problems and worries. Some promise guests on the threshold of the house and news. But why do birds dream in reality?

An important feature of each dream is the presence of details and nuances. They most often determine the exact interpretation of the vision and give a hint to the dreamer what to do next.

Dream interpretation

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Birds symbolize freedom, dream and fantasy. crows talking about sad news. If you saw a flock of crows it will be a conflict that will engulf many people. Winding bird nests predict family peace and happiness.

Freud's dream book

Hunted for birds? You want to change yourself, but aggression and dissatisfaction rages inside you. Get rid of resentment and anger, immediately change your life.

A dream in which birds were killed means that you have complexes. Have you seen someone or you turn into a bird? Your fear of death intensifies.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

big birds symbolize great destruction. little birds on the wings bring peace and tranquility.

frightened birds dream of military conflicts . Have you seen rare and exotic birds? Life will be filled with bright colors, variety and travel.

flying eagle above your head means your approaching power. Eagles in a cage, promise failure. bird fights prophesy a situation in which you will be a witness.

Loff's dream book

Owls with are drawn to wisdom and awareness of their destiny. If the bird was talking to you then it symbolizes difficulties in communication and problems with the team due to your excessive shyness.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

If in a dream a bird flew into the window and knocked on it, then there will be guests or news in the house. Wounded birds talking about failure.

Variegated bird feathers promise a happy marriage. Predator birds prophesy honor and respect. Saw a lot of birds huddled in a flock? There will be a trial.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Birds flying high- to the news. Seen a bird in a cage? Someone is cheating on you.

Killed birds dream of sadness, disappointment and tears. To feed birds- to the good news. Caught a feathered? There will be failure.

Dream Interpretation Longo

If the birds were singing then there will be happiness. captive birds symbolize your need for fun, freedom and emancipation.

Women's dream book

Beautiful and bright plumage birds promise women a good marriage and a happy marriage. If the birds flew over you, then wait for the resolution of problems and prosperity.

The birds were chirping? You cannot solve the problem on your own. Wounded and lined birds symbolize sadness and tears.

Miller's dream book

Beautiful and chic plumage birds for auspicious events . Woman dream with a bird promises a good groom or great love.

wounded bird represents you. You will shed tears for your child.

flying birds dream of prosperity. If you caught a bird, then there will be a black bar. Twitter dreams of problems that you cannot solve on your own.



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