How much protein is in one egg and how many calories does it contain. Nutritional value of chicken eggs

Someone considers eggs a healthy food and eats them every day for breakfast. Others believe that it is better to look for another source of protein, as they have too much "bad" cholesterol. It's time to reveal the whole truth about this product. In what quantity to use it, how much protein is in a chicken egg and is it inferior to quail in this indicator?

Chicken Proteins: Lots of Protein and Safe Cholesterol

The most important building material of the human body is protein. Without it, the growth of muscles, ligaments, bones and tissues is impossible. It helps the immune system perform its duties well, supports digestive functions, and is involved in metabolism. Without this element, the production of enzymes and hormones will stop. A lack of protein results in loss of muscle tissue, heart problems, weakened immunity, and in extreme cases, it can even lead to death.

A person needs 0.8 g of protein per kilogram of weight per day. It is enough to find out how much protein is in a chicken egg to understand that this is the fastest and most delicious way to “feed” your body with such a necessary substance. At the same time, egg white cholesterol will not “contaminate” blood vessels, because it is almost instantly neutralized by other components of the egg.

How much protein will enter the body with one chicken egg?

We will immediately answer the main question - how many proteins are in 1 chicken egg. Its amount is from 3 to 4 g. The egg that the bird laid is 87% water, and 11% of its composition is the main ingredient useful to humans - proteins. The other 2% are minerals and ash.

Not all hens lay eggs of the same size. In the trading network, such goods are divided into categories. The main criterion for classification is weight. In accordance with it, the amount of protein in an egg can be as follows:

  • the third category (small) - egg weight from 35 to 44.9 g, protein accounts for 23-30 g, protein content - from 2.6 to 3.3 g;
  • the second (average) - one egg pulls 45-54.9 g, protein weight - 30-36.6 g, protein - 3.3-4.1 g;
  • the first (large) - 55-64.9 g, the protein weighs 36.7-43.3, the body will have 4.2-4.8 g of protein;
  • category "O" (very large) - 65-74.9 g, 43.3-50 g, 4.8-5.5 g (total weight, protein weight and amount of proteins);
  • “giant” eggs that weigh more than 75 g. They contain up to 50 g of protein, more than 5.6 g of protein.

Protein can be found in many animal products, but eggs top the list. Protein of chicken origin is several times superior to milk, beef or fish. And all because it is almost completely (94%) absorbed by the body. We can say that this product contains a "smart" high-quality protein that stores all the amino acids in the right proportions. Therefore, the body can use it to build its own proteins. This is the gold standard for protein quality. It is for him that other sources of this substance are compared (for example, soy and whey). But not only this is valuable in it. Chicken protein is a real treasure trove of vitamins D, B, K, E, PP. And under the egg shell are hidden such important elements as magnesium, potassium, iodine, iron, fluorine and sodium.

For those who like to count: weighing protein

If you like accuracy, buy homemade eggs (without specifying a category), then you are unlikely to be satisfied with the average option. You can independently calculate exactly how many grams of protein are in one chicken egg. There is nothing difficult in this. To get the most reliable result, you will need a kitchen scale. If you have not yet acquired such a miracle of technology, then just remember: the weight of one egg is 60 g. The third part of this mass (20 g) belongs to the protein.

But do not think that by eating protein, you will automatically get the same amount of protein. After all, it has water in it. To find out the amount of protein, you need to take into account the nutritional value per 100 g of the product. In 100 g of egg white - 11 g of protein. Thus, 20-30 g contains from 2-3 g (maximum 4 g) of pure protein mass.

Now try to guess the riddle: why is there 12.7 g of protein in 100 g of eggs, and only 11 g in the same serving of protein? And all because the yolk is also rich in protein: it contains 2.7 g.

How does the amount of protein change depending on the method of preparation?

Doctors and nutritionists do not recommend eating raw eggs. Firstly, this way you can get sick with salmonellosis, and secondly, they argue that such a protein is almost not absorbed: only half of the protein “eaten” with a raw egg will be used by the body. Meanwhile, if you boil or fry eggs (without adding oil), then the amount of protein will not change. By boiling a couple of soft-boiled eggs, you can get the protein rate necessary to maintain good health.

It is no longer a secret for you how many proteins are in a boiled chicken egg. They are about 4 g. The same supply of protein contains fried eggs cooked in a dry frying pan. But if you fry the scrambled eggs in butter, then the protein will be 14 g. The omelette will already have 17 g, and if grated cheese is added to it, then 25 g.

Regular or quail: where is more protein?

I must say that chicken eggs have only one worthy competitor - quail. They are much inferior in size (their mass barely reaches 10-12 g), but the protein supply in them is larger - 6 g. If we compare the amount of protein per 100 g, then quail eggs will also win - 13.1 g versus 12 .7 g in chicken.

Quail egg has another important advantage - it does not cause allergies. Therefore, it can be used as a source of protein by people suffering from intolerance to the natural chicken product.

As for the giants in the world of ostrich eggs, their weight is really impressive - up to 780 g! Given that protein accounts for up to 55-60% of the total weight, it will not be difficult to determine how much protein is in one piece. But this delicacy is not to everyone's taste. There is no need to talk about the eggs of waterfowl, since they are not customary to eat. It is believed that they can become a source of infection even if they are subjected to heat treatment.


What is the benefit of egg white. How much is in one egg. Is the yolk harmful? What is the best way to prepare this product?

Long before the abundance of sports proteins, ordinary chicken eggs were an indispensable source of protein for athletes. Neither meat, nor fish, nor even the revered chicken could give what the athlete received from proteins and yolks. It is not surprising that since then millions of people have been asking the following questions: how much protein is in one egg, how to cook them correctly, are yolks harmful, etc.

With all the information, you can skillfully include in your diet the most easily digestible source of natural protein, compensating for the lack of proteins with it without risk to health. But for this you need to know not only how many grams of protein are in 1 egg, but also the answers to some other questions.

Ideal Protein

Chicken eggs wouldn't be so popular with athletes if it was just the amount of protein they contain. Because the amount of protein in an egg does not exceed 6-7 grams, and any meat chop will surpass this indicator.

But unlike chop, fish and chicken dishes, eggs have other valuable qualities:

  • maximum protein absorption;
  • minimum carbohydrates and fats;
  • ease of preparation.

Let's consider each item in more detail to evaluate the benefits of the product as part of a regular diet.

Easy digestion of protein

More experienced athletes and professional nutritionists know that it is not the initial amount of one or another element in the product that is important, but the completeness of its assimilation. From some types of meat, protein is absorbed by only 60% of the original volume, and from plant sources - even worse.

But chicken eggs in this matter are the absolute champions. 95% of all protein will be absorbed by the body no loss! So it is important not only how many grams of protein are in the egg, but that all these grams are fully absorbed.

Only protein and nothing more

Here it is necessary to make a reservation. The minimum content of fat and carbohydrates is valid only for egg white. But the yolk contains a fairly decent proportion of fat, so it is not very suitable as a dietary product. But do not rush to throw the yolks in the trash! They come in handy when gaining muscle mass.

It is especially noteworthy that the answer to the question of how much protein is contained in one egg will always be almost the same, regardless of the methods of its preparation. Raw, boiled or fried eggs - they will be almost the same in terms of protein. But in terms of the quality of the amino acid profile, there will be enough differences, which will be discussed below.

Easy to get egg white

Eggs are one of the few foods that can be eaten in any form of cooking. Moreover, each of these forms is available even to a convinced bachelor, far from culinary delights.

From top to bottom, most valuable to least useful:

  • raw eggs;
  • soft-boiled;
  • in a bag;
  • hard boiled;
  • fried eggs.

In other words, the more active the heat treatment, the less benefit the body brings consumption. The reason is simple - the amino acid profile is destroyed at high temperatures.

Despite this, it is not recommended to eat chicken eggs raw. They can be a source of diseases such as salmonellosis. Minimal heat treatment (soft-boiled) will protect you from diseases without much harm to the quality of the product.

Benefit and harm

But is it safe to eat chicken eggs? Professional athletes gobble up dozens of them a week, but now we are still talking about mere mortals.

In fact, the harm of egg yolks in terms of cholesterol accumulation is greatly exaggerated! Moreover, high-density lipoproteins are reduced in the blood of a person who regularly eats eggs. That is, there is no danger to the heart and blood vessels when eating the product.

Another thing is that there is a lot of fat in the egg - a few grams. All fats are concentrated in the yolk, which is also digested for at least 3 hours in the stomach. Such a composition greatly complicates digestion and puts a fat cross on the rest of the diet in matters of weight loss.

But eating whole eggs (along with the yolk) is indicated when gaining muscle mass. The contained fats are needed to increase anabolism in the body and better assimilate the proteins entering it.


Chicken eggs are the most easily digestible source of animal proteins. For greater benefit, it is better to eat them boiled soft-boiled. If you want to de-fat your diet, eat only proteins. To improve absorption, it is recommended to take antioxidants - vitamins C or E.

10 months ago

Recently, an increasing number of people are beginning to monitor what kind of food they eat, how much protein a particular product contains. This happens for various reasons. Some are trying to lose weight on diets based on increased amounts of protein, while others, playing sports, want to increase muscle mass. Still others simply know that all nutrients must be supplied to the human body in the required amount in order to maintain and strengthen health.

Protein is one of the most important elements, because its deficiency acutely affects the human body by reducing muscle mass, weakening the immune system and heart problems.

It is impossible to answer this question right away, since, in addition to chicken, there are also quail and duck and goose eggs, as well as eggs of wild birds. All of them will differ in protein content. Also, even in the most common chicken eggs, the amount of protein will vary depending on the size of the egg. So how many grams of protein are in a raw egg?

  • In a chicken egg of the highest grade, the protein content reaches 6 g.
  • In a selected chicken egg, the protein content is about 5 g.
  • A chicken egg of the 1st grade of protein contains about 4.5 g.
  • A chicken egg of the 2nd grade of protein contains about 3.8 g.
  • A chicken egg of the 3rd grade of protein contains about 2.8 g.
  • A quail egg has a protein content of about 6 g, despite being much smaller than chicken eggs.
  • In the event that fried eggs are fried from eggs, the protein content in the finished dish will be about 14 g.
  • If you fry an egg omelette, the protein content will reach 17 g.
  • How many grams of protein are in the yolk of an egg? Does the yolk contain protein at all? Yes, it is contained, its amount reaches 2.7 g.

How many grams of protein are in a boiled egg white? The protein content will not change depending on the type of heat treatment.

In a goose egg, the protein content will be 10 g, and in a duck egg, protein will be 12 g. However, doctors do not recommend eating the eggs of these birds in order to avoid infection.

In the event that the averaged data does not satisfy you, you can calculate the amount of protein in each particular egg. To do this, you need to weigh the egg, divide the resulting figure by 3, and then divide by another 10. The result will be the protein content in a particular egg.

Since the topic of the positive effect of protein on human health has been touched upon, let's look specifically at how protein can affect the body.

In the case of a constant excess of protein intake, the following consequences are possible:

  • increased levels of cholesterol in the blood
  • increased secretion of bile
  • various disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

In the event that too little protein is consumed, the following happens:

  • increased risk of blood diseases
  • weakening of the liver
  • occurrence and development of urolithiasis.

As you can see, both excessive protein intake and its deficiency are harmful. Therefore, it is best to focus on the rate of protein intake per day, and try to follow it.

An interesting fact is that the protein eaten does not yet give a full guarantee of its digestibility.

  • From a hard-boiled egg, about 90-93% of the total content will be absorbed.
  • From a soft-boiled egg, about 96-98% of the total content will be absorbed.
  • A fried egg will absorb about 95% of the total protein content.

How delicious to cook chicken eggs?

If you want to eat eggs daily to replenish the protein norm in your body, but don’t know what to cook from them besides the banal scrambled eggs, pay attention to the recipes below.

According to the law in Russia, eggs are supposed to be sold not by weight, but by the piece. Right at the poultry farm, after laying, the eggs are sorted, dividing them into several weight categories, then labeled and packaged. Therefore, you can find out the approximate weight of an egg by marking, which is either applied to the surface of the shell, or written on the packaging and price tag. The full list of possible categories is shown in the table below.

Weight table of chicken eggs of various categories
MarkingWeight, gCategoryWeight tolerance, g
40 Third 35 45
50 Second 45 55
60 First 55 65
70 selected 65 75
80 Higher 75 -

What do the numbers and letters mean

Numbers 1 , 2 , 3 and letters O(choice), AT(highest) indicate the weight category of the eggs.

Letter FROM(table) means an egg with a long shelf life suitable for human consumption.

Letter D(dietary) means a high quality fresh egg, which after 7 days of storage (from the moment of laying) will lose its advantages and move to the rank of a regular table egg.

What kind of eggs to buy for recipes?

In domestic culinary recipes, it is customary to use the smallest chicken eggs of the third category weighing 40 grams.

Why are eggs sold by the piece and not by weight?

In Russia, this is prescribed by law. And there are plenty of that.

I weighed the purchased eggs, it turned out that they weigh less. Are we being deceived?

Without a doubt, poultry farms can deceive customers by labeling dishonestly. But, only a special check from Rospotrebnadzor can prove this. However, usually the weight does not match because during storage, the eggs lose weight very quickly due to the evaporation of moisture through the shell.

Do not eat cracked eggs. When buying, feel free to look for packages without cracked eggs.

If you do not trust the store or poultry farm, then check the weight of the eggs right in the store on the control scales.

Wash them with soap before cooking.

Weight of yolk, protein and shell

Most of the eggs are protein. During long-term storage, some of the water from the protein evaporates, as a result of which the total weight of the egg decreases. Often lost weight can be replenished by adding pure water to the protein, but this is only the case when the recipe requires the protein or the whole egg to be shaken.

Weight table for yolk, protein and shell of chicken eggs
The codeCategoryGeneral
Weight, g
Weight of components, g
Third 40 12 23 5
Second 50 16 29 6
First 60 19 34 7
selected 70 22 40 8
Higher 80 25 46 10

Weight of imported eggs by marking

Size Chart of Imported Hen Eggs from Europe
MarkingCategoryWeight, g Russian analogue
Smallless than 53 Second
Medium 53 63 First
large 63 73 selected
Very Largeover 73Higher

Why eggs are not sold by weight, but by the piece

1. It is convenient to sell in ready-made packages of several pieces, but inconvenient by weight.

2. The weight of eggs during storage is significantly reduced due to the evaporation of moisture through the shell. In practice, selling by weight will lead to the fact that the trading network will buy from the poultry farm, for example, 1000 kg of eggs, and sell only 950 kg. The weight loss of the eggs due to evaporation will have to be included in the sales margin, which will increase the price.

3. Eggs are a fragile product, the more operations are performed with them, the more eggs will break and crack. When weighing during the sale, the amount of broken goods will increase, which will also negatively affect both the price and quality.

4. Eggs cannot be sold together with other products due to the possibility of contamination of neighboring products with salmanella, therefore, to weigh the eggs, the store will have to open a special department for the sale of eggs and an additional workplace for the seller. Under such conditions, the price of eggs will soar to indecent values, and small shops will not be able to afford to sell this product at all.

Eggs are a healthy animal product that many people are accustomed to eating for breakfast or during the day, adding to salads and many other dishes. This is a good source of protein, but you hardly know how much of it is in one chicken, quail or duck egg. Many calorie tables always indicate the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates per 100 grams of product, which is not very convenient in the case of eggs. It is much easier to find out and remember how much protein is in a raw, boiled or fried egg, and take this into account when cooking.

The amount of protein in one egg

There is no exact information in any reference book how many grams of protein are in one egg, since they differ in origin, size and cooking methods. If you are not interested in scientific accuracy and you are not going to weigh every chicken egg taken from the refrigerator, remember the following values:

  • 1 small egg (they weigh up to 40 g, where the protein weight is 23-28 g) contains approximately 5 g of protein;
  • in a medium-sized egg (about 45 g) - 5.7-6 g of protein;
  • in large (about 50 g) - 6.5 g of protein;
  • in a very large (up to 55 g total weight and about 35-40 protein) - 7.3 g of protein;
  • in 1 huge chicken egg up to 8 g of protein or more, and the weight of such an egg is 63-65 g.

It turns out that it is possible to determine how much protein is in one chicken egg using the simplest formula: the amount of protein is approximately 1/8 of the total mass. This is not the most accurate calculation, but many athletes use it, as it is important for them to consume enough protein.

And another interesting fact about chicken eggs. If you don’t know exactly how much protein is in one boiled or fried egg, you can decide that it is mainly found in protein. It is also present in the yolk, and in a considerable amount!

Methods of preparation and amount of protein

The amount of protein in chicken, quail and other eggs does not change significantly with different cooking methods. Consider the example of one medium-sized chicken egg:

  • in raw - about 5.5 g of protein;
  • in boiled - 5.3-5.4 g;
  • in fried - 6-5.3 g.

However, everything is a little more complicated, because the digestibility of the protein depends on the method of preparation. Regardless of the number of grams of protein in an egg, when consumed raw, no more than 50-60% of the protein will be absorbed. Heat treatment will improve digestibility:

  • protein from a hard-boiled egg will be absorbed by 90-92%;
  • from soft-boiled eggs - by 97-98%;
  • from fried - by 93-95%.

Now consider not only how much the protein of one egg weighs or how much protein it contains, but also the method of preparation. It is better to use the product after a certain heat treatment.

How much protein weighs in other types of eggs

In stores, in addition to chicken, there are quail, duck and even sometimes ostrich eggs, but how much protein is in 1 pc.? Small quail eggs contain slightly more protein than chicken ones, per 100 g. On average, each such testicle weighs no more than 10-12 g, so 1 raw or boiled quail egg contains 1.3-1.5 g of protein.

The largest eggs are ostrich. Their weight reaches 750-780 grams, so in one such egg there is up to 80-100 g of protein (in raw, boiled or fried almost the same). One protein of a raw ostrich egg weighs about 450-470 g, but the protein is also contained in the yolk.

As for the eggs of waterfowl (ducks and geese), they are rarely eaten due to a possible source of infection, which is not always killed during the heat treatment. One duck egg contains up to 10-12 g of protein, and it is about twice the size of a chicken egg.

Goose eggs are four times the size of chicken eggs, and each contains 22-25 grams of protein. There are also rare turkey eggs. Weight 1 piece is about 80 g, and the protein in it is about 8-11 g.



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