Vomiting in a child can occur at any age, from the first days of life. In infants, it can be functional or speak of various congenital pathologies of the digestive organs and the central nervous system. In older children, it can be neurotic in nature. But most often vomiting occurs with food poisoning and intestinal infections.

Vomiting, like nausea, diarrhea, fever, refers to the protective reflexes of the body. However, a persistent gag reflex exhausts the child physically and emotionally. This process involves: vomiting center, abdominal muscles, stomach, esophagus, diaphragm, esophageal sphincters. Before the onset of vomiting, the following symptoms appear: nausea, profuse salivation, pallor, sweating, rapid breathing and palpitations, dizziness, weakness throughout the body.

The reasons

Vomiting is a symptom of many diseases of various nature. If the doctor establishes the root cause of vomiting, this makes it possible to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

Intestinal infections

The mildest forms of intestinal infections are viral in nature and often accompany SARS. The urge to vomit is infrequent, diarrhea passes quickly, recovery may occur in a few days. Hepatitis with various types of pathogen is considered the most severe and dangerous of viral AEIs. Read more about intestinal infections in children in our other article.

Food poisoning

As a result of the use of poor-quality, spoiled products, food poisoning occurs with microbial and bacterial toxins. Nausea and vomiting are the first symptoms of food poisoning. They come on suddenly but pass quickly. The child is sick, he can vomit within half an hour after taking a suspicious dish. It happens that intoxication occurs later - after 4, 6, 12 hours. It depends on the toxin, the amount of food eaten, the rate of metabolic processes in the body, the age of the child. More often, food poisoning is accompanied by cramping abdominal pain and diarrhea. The body is freed from toxins in all possible ways - gag reflex, diarrhea, sweating through an increase in temperature. Read all about food poisoning and its treatment in our other publication.

Diseases of the digestive system

There is such a thing as gastric vomiting. This symptom may indicate the infectious nature of the disease or gastrointestinal problems. Vomiting is a frequent companion of various functional disorders and inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, which occur in an acute form. These include:

  • gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining);
  • gastric and duodenal ulcer (local inflammation associated with impaired secretory function);
  • pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas);
  • colitis (inflammation of the large intestine);
  • gastroduodenitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum);
  • cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder);
  • hepatitis (inflammation of the liver).

A characteristic sign of gastric vomiting is regularity, a small amount of vomit, the presence of bile and mucus in them. With a disease of the digestive system, typical symptoms of an intestinal infection - diarrhea and fever - are most often absent. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be associated with heredity, metabolic disorders, malnutrition and lifestyle, acute intestinal infections, stressful situations, and the emotional state of the child.

Neurological disorders

Vomiting provoked by neurological abnormalities is called cerebral. The reasons can be very different, congenital and acquired:

  • fetal hypoxia during intrauterine development, asphyxia during prolonged labor;
  • birth trauma;
  • pathology of the central nervous system (CNS);
  • traumatic brain injury, concussion;
  • inflammation of the meninges (meningitis, encephalitis);
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • migraine;
  • epileptic seizures.

Brain vomiting occurs suddenly. Usually accompanied by headache, nausea, pale skin, cold sweat, dizziness, fainting.

Pathologies of the digestive system

Persistent vomiting, with the exclusion of intestinal infections, food poisoning, neurology, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, can cause congenital and acquired pathologies of the digestive system. These include:

  • pylorospasm - constant muscle tone of the valve (pylorus) between the stomach and duodenum, difficulty passing food further;
  • pyloric stenosis - pathological narrowing of the passage between the stomach and duodenum, requires surgical intervention;
  • cardiospasm - narrowing of the lower esophageal sphincter (cardia), difficulty passing food from the esophagus to the stomach;
  • intestinal intussusception - intestinal obstruction, surgical intervention is required.

Most pathologies are found in newborns and infants in the first months of life. The reason for going to the doctor is profuse vomiting with a fountain after each meal, weight loss, the threat of dehydration. Read more about vomiting without fever and diarrhea, its main causes, read in our other article.

Acute appendicitis and foreign body

Repeated vomiting with acute pain in the right side, a slight increase in temperature may indicate acute appendicitis. When a foreign body enters the esophagus or larynx, vomiting is persistent, but does not bring relief. If acute appendicitis and a foreign body are suspected, an emergency ambulance should be called urgently.

neurotic vomiting

The gag reflex in psychosomatics is associated with a feeling of rejection, rejection, disagreement. Also, a symptom of neuroses can be constant nausea in a child. Neurotic vomiting is typical for children of preschool, primary school and adolescence. In what situations can it occur?

  • Forcing a child to eat unloved food.
  • Reactive vomiting associated with unpleasant associations during eating.
  • Increased anxiety, overexcitation, fear and other violent emotions can cause vomiting.
  • Psychogenic vomiting in mental disorders, psychosis, increased excitability. It is often demonstrative in order to attract the attention of adults.

A psychotherapist and psychologist will help to find the cause of neurotic vomiting and nausea. As a rule, this problem affects the whole family. If mom and dad are willing to accept that the child's vomiting is the result of their relationship, then therapy will make sense and have a positive outcome.

Acetone Vomit

With an acetonomic crisis, a metabolic disorder occurs, an increase in the level of uric acid in the body. The main symptom is the smell of acetone from the mouth, headache, lethargy. Acetone vomiting is dangerous in frequency and abundance, it may not go away for several days. This carries the threat of rapid dehydration, severe intoxication of the body. In infants, it is rare, more often in children from two years of age and older.

motion sickness

Kinetoz, or motion sickness syndrome, often occurs in children while driving a car or riding amusement rides. This is explained by the individual and age characteristics of the vestibular apparatus. The younger the child, the more motion sickness, although this rule does not always work. In some people, kinetosis persists for life. Increasing nausea and sudden vomiting are a characteristic sign of motion sickness syndrome.

In what situations do you urgently need a doctor for vomiting? If: an infant, no improvement during the first day of illness, diarrhea, high fever, no opportunity to drink the child and severe dehydration, blood and bile in vomiting, skin rashes, general poor health, severe intoxication, convulsions, delirium, loss of consciousness .

Principles of treatment

Treating vomiting in children involves treating the underlying cause. Therefore, accurate diagnosis is important here.

What Parents Should Know

You need to know the most basic rules for helping with vomiting in a child of any age, so as not to harm his health. What are the most common questions parents have?

  • How to treat vomiting and diarrhea in a child at home? Adhere to three important principles: do not feed during vomiting, give sorbents and solder with rehydration solutions. Read more about emergency care at home for vomiting in our other article.
  • What to do with vomiting in a one-year-old child? Dehydration in young children is much faster and life-threatening. In severe forms, convulsions, loss of consciousness, irreversible consequences may occur. Therefore, the baby needs to be watered all the time (on the same principle as older children). If it is not possible to drink from a teaspoon, you can do this with a syringe, pouring liquid over the cheek. Also, you can not stop feeding the baby, it is recommended to feed fractionally between gagging.
  • What to do if the child has severe vomiting? There are at least two dangers here: severe dehydration and the risk of vomit entering the respiratory tract, especially in infants. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the child receives enough fluids. The indicator is the frequency of urination and the color of the urine. If there is no urination or urine is very small and dark within 4 hours, you need to see a doctor. Perhaps, in this situation, the use of antiemetics, which the doctor will prescribe, is justified. With severe vomiting, you need to keep the baby in your arms in an upright position. If the baby is sleeping, lay only on its side. An older child who vomits should sit slightly leaning forward.
  • Why does the child vomit with bile? The reflux of bile into the stomach during vomiting does not always indicate some dangerous violations. This can happen with intense vomiting. After eating too fatty, fried foods, when the pancreas failed. It is possible that the child immediately fell asleep after eating on his left side or lay on his stomach. Also, vomiting with bile occurs in acute appendicitis, gastritis, diseases of the liver, gallbladder, acute intestinal infections.
  • What should I do if my child has a fever and is vomiting? This is a serious reason to call a doctor. In this case, the likelihood of food poisoning and acute intestinal infection is high. You also need to know that high fever and persistent vomiting occur with viral meningitis and encephalitis. It is necessary to control the condition of the child. If he normally tolerates temperatures up to 38 ° C, you can not knock it down.

Diet Features: 5 Important Principles

What will be useful?

  • low-fat dairy products;
  • low-fat fish, veal, turkey, rabbit dishes;
  • a variety of cereals, but without the addition of whole milk;
  • baked apples containing a lot of pectin.

What needs to be temporarily abandoned?

  • fresh bread;
  • juices, fresh vegetables and fruits, especially those that produce gas;
  • all canned foods;
  • sweets in any form.

The diet can last from several days to several weeks. It depends on what disease the child has had. Often the doctor prescribes a course of enzymes, which will facilitate the digestion of meat dishes, dairy products, and cereals.


Hello, Natalia! Your concern is understandable, but perhaps overblown. Try to just calm down for now and not take any serious steps to treat the child, especially since it is not entirely clear what exactly is happening to the baby’s body and why vomiting appears. Colic and diathesis generally accompany very many young children. I can only advise you to read general information about vomiting in children, and the reasons that cause it. I hope it will be useful to you.

Vomiting in children occurs quite often, especially at an early age, and occurs more often, the smaller the child. In young children, it is usually the result of overfeeding. Take a closer look, maybe in the pursuit of proper nutrition for your child, you are a little overwhelmed and overzealous in the amount of food given to your baby? Or force a child to eat something for which he has no desire? Children are emotionally more receptive, so often a child's vomiting can be associated with a dislike for a particular food, which is associated with unpleasant memories.

In children of the first years of life, vomiting occurs at the beginning of acute infectious diseases, with food poisoning, surgical pathology (peritonitis, appendicitis, stenosis of the esophagus).

In older children, vomiting is more often associated with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, the central nervous system. Esophageal atresia can be at different levels, but more often in the upper segment, it is often combined with a tracheoesophageal fistula.

However, vomiting can often be caused by mundane, non-hazardous factors. For example, it occurs as a result of a motor disease or after a heavy meal, and then too active play. In such cases, the child returns to normal immediately after the stomach has been emptied, and normal feeding can be resumed.

Also, migraine in children can be the cause of recurrent bouts of vomiting. It is important to note that, unlike adults, migraine in children is not always manifested by a headache and for a long time can only manifest itself with episodes of vomiting or dizziness.

As you can see, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether it is worth sounding the alarm about recurring bouts of vomiting in your child or not. But, I think, you still need to find a caring pediatrician (perhaps not in your area, but on the recommendation of one of your friends) and ask to carefully examine the baby in order to find the true cause of vomiting, if any.

The child is sick: causes and treatment. Nausea in a child without vomiting: possible causes and treatments Intermittent vomiting in a child

All parents have probably faced such a problem as vomiting in children. Usually everyone is very afraid of her, and in most cases in vain. Diarrhea, vomiting, temperature in a child are the usual protective reactions of the child's body from external stimuli: an increase in body temperature indicates that the antibodies in the child's body have come to grips with the source of threat that has entered it, and vomiting and diarrhea are needed in order to remove from body of unnecessary bacteria and toxins. It turns out that vomiting in itself is not terrible. However, sometimes it is worth being afraid of those diseases of which it is a symptom. What can cause vomiting in children of different ages, in what cases should it be feared and what to do if the child vomits non-stop? You will learn about all this from our article.

Nausea and vomiting in a child

Let's first deal with the possible causes of vomiting in children at different ages. If nausea and vomiting in a child appeared suddenly: the child was healthy, something happened, and he began to complain of nausea, and then he vomited, then the following diseases could be the cause of vomiting:

    • poisoning
    • intestinal infections brought into the body by bacteria and microbes
    • intoxication
    • heatstroke
    • acute metabolic disorders
    • heart disease (cardiac vomiting)
    • hepatitis (hepatic vomiting)
  • mental disorders (psychogenic vomiting)

As a rule, most often vomiting in children of 3 years old occurs as a result of food or drug poisoning, overheating or because of nervousness, for example, if the child is very afraid of something or does not want to do it, cries with hysteria, which makes breathing difficult and may result in vomiting Vomiting in a 4-year-old child, as well as vomiting in a 5-year-old child, can be caused not only by the above factors. It may be a symptom of a disease.

Causes of vomiting in children:

    • gastroenteritis or enteritis
    • appendicitis
    • drug overdose or antibiotics
    • anicteric hepatitis (vomiting will be accompanied by nausea, anorexia, and meningeal symptoms)
    • acute or chronic kidney failure (renal vomiting)
    • acute heart failure (cardiac vomiting is accompanied by anxiety, pallor, refusal to eat)
    • nervous disorders (excitation, fear, aversion to food, forced feeding)
  • nosebleeds (vomiting blood), a tendency to which appears with measles, whooping cough, influenza and viral infections of the upper respiratory tract

Diarrhea and vomiting in a child

What to fear when a child has a stomach ache, vomiting and diarrhea? Most often, simultaneous diarrhea and vomiting in a child indicate violations in the work of the digestive organs or the presence of inflammatory and infectious processes in the body. Most often, severe vomiting in a child along with diarrhea is observed in the following cases:

    • food poisoning
    • poisoning
    • drug poisoning
  • with infectious diseases of the ears (otitis media), throat (pharyngitis), head or intestines (colitis, gastroenteritis, dysbacteriosis, renal colic, etc.)

In all the above cases, vomiting and diarrhea are accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature, which is the first sign of inflammatory processes in the body.

Vomiting in a child without fever

Vomiting in a child without fever and diarrhea can also be a symptom of poisoning. In addition, it can appear in diseases of various organs and systems, such as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs and the central nervous system. There is vomiting without disruption of the functioning of the vital organs, it is called functional.

At different ages, a child may suffer from vomiting, which appears as a result of a long cough in various diseases of the respiratory system. In a child, a cough before vomiting can be both dry and wet. With a dry cough, a child can vomit right at the moment of coughing due to the fact that the baby strongly strains the throat, as well as the muscles of the face and neck. With a wet cough, the child's airways are laid. When he coughs, he swallows phlegm that comes out of the sinuses and bronchi. When the stomach is filled with mucus, a gag reflex occurs, thus the body cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of unnecessary substances.

Vomiting, which is one-time, is not dangerous for a child: the body will remove all the harmful substances that have entered it, and after a while it will continue its normal functioning. However, frequent vomiting in a child is a symptom of serious abnormalities in the functioning of the body and requires a medical examination to establish the true cause of vomiting, since vomiting in itself is not a disease, it is only a protective reaction of the body or a symptom of a real disease. In any case, it is better not to joke with health, and call a doctor.

How to stop vomiting in a child

Imagine that the child is vomiting, what should I do? By and large, nothing needs to be done, there are no ways to stop vomiting in a child, since the body itself causes this reaction, and until it gets rid of the substances that provoked it, vomiting will be repeated. If vomiting occurs in a child, you should either take him to the hospital on your own, or call an ambulance so that doctors can conduct appropriate therapy:

    • in case of poisoning - gastric lavage
    • if an infection is suspected, treatment of the underlying disease
    • if vomiting is provoked by acute appendicitis - surgical intervention
  • with functional vomiting - psychotherapeutic treatment

If a child suddenly starts vomiting, you can only give his body the correct position: turn his head to one side and raise it at a slight angle, this is necessary so that the vomit does not enter the respiratory tract and the child does not suffocate.

As for drug treatment, when a child vomits, what to give, the doctor decides, based on the cause. If you are sure that this is poisoning, then you need to rinse the stomach with boiled water with activated charcoal pounded in it (0.5 l) and induce a second attack of vomiting by pressing your finger on the root of the tongue so that the child's stomach is empty. If vomiting does not stop, you can give the child a weak solution of salt or soda to drink (200 ml of water + 0.5 dessert spoon of salt or soda).

It is very important to protect the child from dehydration that occurs due to vomiting. To restore the water balance, give the child a solution of rehydron or a solution of salt and sugar (0.5 l of boiled water + 1 dessert spoon of salt + 8 dessert spoons of sugar) 2-3 teaspoons every 15-20 minutes. This will help restore electrolyte balance. We hope that our article was useful to you. Health to you and your children!

Vomiting is not considered an independent disease, but is only a manifestation of some pathological process in the body or even intoxication. The reasons for this condition can be different, as well as the consequences, especially for the child, but only a doctor can correctly determine its source. For some children, vomiting goes away without a trace, and sometimes contributes to the development of dehydration due to life-threatening loss of large amounts of fluid. Prevention of serious consequences is the main task of parents, so it is important to know what to do if the child is vomiting.

What is vomiting?

The condition in which there is a sudden emptying of the contents of the stomach through the mouth is called vomiting. It begins after receiving a signal from the vomiting center located in the medulla oblongata. Such a command may also come from the stomach, intestines, liver, vestibular apparatus or uterus in women. The development of vomiting is often facilitated by an unpleasant odor that is felt by the vestibular apparatus, or toxic substances and medications. Before a vomiting attack, a person first feels sick, he develops increased salivation and rapid breathing is observed.

During vomiting, the following processes occur:

  • The diaphragm drops
  • The glottis closes;
  • The vomit is expelled into the respiratory tract;
  • A spasm develops in the lower part of the stomach, and the upper part, on the contrary, relaxes;
  • The contents of the stomach come out due to the rapid contraction of the diaphragm.

Vomiting may be accompanied by fever if it is a symptom of a viral or intestinal infection. In addition to it, a person often has diarrhea. These signs signal the presence of toxoinfection in the body, which is caused, for example, by staphylococci. The incubation period of such a disease is from 1 to 7 hours. If a child has a disease of non-infectious origin, then the temperature does not rise.

Manifestations of intoxication with vomiting with temperature:

  • Pale cover of the skin;
  • lethargy;
  • Tearfulness;
  • Chills;
  • Refusal to drink and food;
  • Liquid stool;
  • Pain in head and stomach.

In infants, regurgitation is common. This condition is due to the peculiarity of the structure of the esophagus. With spitting up to 4 times a day and a good rate of weight gain for the baby, parents should not worry. If there is constant vomiting in a child, only a doctor knows what to do in such situations. The need to contact a pediatrician is explained by the likelihood of developing serious diseases in children, including intestinal lesions, gastritis, and pancreatitis.

Vomiting in newborns: causes

In infants, it is important to be able to distinguish bouts of vomiting from the natural regurgitation that occurs after feeding, according to the following signs:

  • There is no anxiety;
  • Discharge without odor characteristic of vomiting.

Causes of vomiting attacks:

  1. Overfeeding.
  2. Overheating or prolonged exposure to the sun, in a stuffy room.
  3. Incorrect introduction of complementary foods (new foods, large volumes, early start).
  4. Non-compliance by a woman with the rules of self-care, as well as dishes used for feeding.
  5. Unbalanced nutrition of the mother during periods of breastfeeding.
  6. Switching to a new nutrient mixture.
  7. Food poisoning of poor quality.
  8. Consequences of past diseases (most often meningitis, SARS).
  9. Intestinal infections.
  10. Appendicitis (exacerbation).
  11. Cholestasis, strangulated hernia.
  12. Head trauma leading to concussion.

What to do if vomiting in a child is caused by reasons that are not clear at first glance, only a specialist can decide. Before the arrival of the doctor, parents should constantly and carefully monitor the baby, measure the temperature and be prepared for possible hospitalization.

Vomiting in a child from 1 year old: causes

The main reasons why vomiting develops when children reach a year or older include:

  1. Intestinal infections. During a stay at sea, the risk of infection with these bacteria increases when children swallow sea water containing a large number of dangerous strains of microorganisms.
  2. Food poisoning. We can talk about poorly washed fruits, poor-quality pastries.
  3. Rotavirus infections caused by non-compliance with hygiene standards by children (unwashed hands).
  4. Bruises or injuries that led to a concussion in children.
  5. Acute conditions that were the result of appendicitis, an incarcerated hernia, SARS, a disease such as meningitis.
  6. A strong cough that can irritate the receptors of the throat and the vomiting center located in the brain.
  7. Intoxication, which has developed against the background of the influence of toxic substances.
  8. Unbalanced diet due to the use of fatty foods, fried foods, sweets.
  9. Taking medications in violation of the dosage recommended by the doctor.
  10. Fears, stressful situations, as well as other neuropsychiatric factors.
  11. Endocrine pathologies.

What you should pay attention to before the arrival of a specialist:

  1. The frequency of vomiting attacks, the number of released masses.
  2. Mass color and consistency. If there is blood in them, then this may indicate the development of internal bleeding, poisoning with any poisons, the presence of a foreign body in the stomach. Bile in the contents during vomiting indicates food poisoning and nutritional errors.
  3. Whether the child fell before vomiting began.
  4. Whether the child is crying, whether he presses his legs to himself.
  5. If there is tension in the abdomen, complaints of pain.
  6. Is the baby refusing food?
  7. Does drinking cause vomiting.
  8. The presence of drowsiness, lack of desire to answer questions and talk.

Signs of dehydration:

  • Dryness of the skin;
  • Reducing the frequency of urination;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Plaque on the surface of the tongue;
  • Cracks that appeared on the lips;
  • dry eyelids;
  • Sunken eyes.

If a child vomits: what to do?

Any condition that is accompanied by vomiting in a baby should be evaluated by a doctor. A specialist can not only determine the cause of the development of such a process, but also prescribe appropriate therapy in a timely manner. The main task of parents in such situations is to provide proper care for the child and try to make every effort to save him from seizures that may recur.

A step-by-step algorithm for parents, if the child is vomiting - what should be done first:

  1. Call a doctor immediately in cases where vomiting is accompanied by pain, high fever, diarrhea, loss of consciousness.
  2. Put the baby in bed with his head turned to the side and placing a towel under it to prevent the contents of the masses from entering the airways during a second attack.
  3. Stop feeding until the doctor arrives.
  4. Place the child on your knees, if possible, so that the torso is tilted forward.
  5. Rinse the child's mouth after vomiting, change into clean clothes.
  6. Do not panic parents in the presence of the child, support the patient and act calmly.
  7. After rinsing, let the baby drink a few sips of water (room temperature). To avoid dehydration, the child should be soldered with saline solutions (Regidron, Oralit, Gastrolit). These drugs are sold in pharmacies. They are diluted strictly according to the prescription and are taken in small quantities (up to 3 tablespoons at an interval of 10 minutes). If the child is sleeping, then the solution should be administered with a pipette (drop by drop on the cheek, head on one side).
  8. If diarrhea is observed, then the child should be washed after each act of defecation, change linen.

Treatment of vomiting

Parents should take seriously the elimination of vomiting and not take any action without receiving the advice of a doctor, since this condition can signal the onset of dangerous pathological processes in the baby's body.

Vomiting that has occurred less than three times and has no accompanying symptoms may resolve itself. It is important for the baby to ensure peace, not to feed him and watch him. To the question: “What to do, did vomiting cause a worsening of the child’s condition?” Only a specialist can give an answer, so you should not delay calling a doctor. The arrival of an ambulance team should be ensured even after a single vomiting, if we are talking about a baby.

The main methods of treating vomiting:

  1. Gastric lavage, restorative therapy for food poisoning.
  2. The use of antibiotics in diseases of infectious origin.
  3. Surgical treatment for exacerbation of appendicitis, strangulated hernia.
  4. Ensuring rest and bed rest, conducting anticonvulsant therapy for concussion.
  5. Psychotherapy for neurosis that caused physiological vomiting.
  6. Reception of probiotics after the retreat of the period of exacerbation.
  7. Organization of nutrition after vomiting. When an appetite appears, you should include porridge on water from rice, lean soups, bananas, baked apples in the diet. Portions for a child should be small. For the period of treatment, all dairy products should be excluded, and the consumption of vegetables and fresh fruits should also be temporarily limited.

Prohibited actions:

  1. Gastric lavage when the child loses consciousness.
  2. Taking drugs that affect the intestines ("Cerukal", "Motilium").
  3. Drinking a child with alcohol tinctures or a solution of manganese.
  4. Refusal to visit a doctor even if the child's condition improves.

Self-medication can harm the health of the child and is dangerous for his life.

   If it happened vomiting in a child, especially several times, then even the most balanced mothers have many questions and panic begins. In order to navigate and correctly answer all questions, you need at least in general terms to know main causes of vomiting in children and be able to distinguish between them.

   Vomiting can happen in a child at any age, but the younger the baby, the more likely it is to occur. At the same time, in the smallest, such a phenomenon as regurgitation is also common.

   Regurgitation is associated with the anatomical and physiological immaturity of the baby's digestive system, which begins to form during the mother's pregnancy.

   In fact, during regurgitation, not so much food comes out of the baby as air swallowed during meals.

   During regurgitation, the child does not experience physical discomfort, nausea, or unpleasant urges. The abdominal muscles do not take part in this process.

   Vomiting is a reflex act with the release of the contents of the stomach and esophagus into the oral cavity. Usually at this time, the child experiences the same discomfort as an adult.

   Vomiting is accompanied by nausea, pallor, anxiety, increased heart rate, cold hands and feet, and sweating.

Causes of Vomiting in Children

    Vomiting in a child can happen for many reasons. Let's talk about them in more detail, starting with the most common and ending with the rarest.

   1) Acute intestinal infections.

   Since viral and bacterial infections affect the stomach and various parts of the intestine, vomiting is often accompanied by a set of other specific symptoms. Usually this is fever, abdominal pain, loose stools, loss of appetite and dehydration of varying degrees.

   In intestinal infections, vomiting is a defense mechanism - an attempt by the body to get rid of viruses or microbes, as well as parts of food. This cause of vomiting is unlikely in a child of the first months of life if he is exclusively breastfed.

   2) Overfeeding.

   Profuse regurgitation or vomiting can occur when overfeeding even in adult babies. Most often this happens with children who are fed not with breast milk, but with mixtures.

   Such vomiting occurs without the participation of the abdominal muscles, it is not preceded by nausea and vomiting.

   3) Devouring air.

    You can swallow air with any type of feeding. This usually happens when the baby suckles the breast or bottle too eagerly. As a result, children experience bloating, colic begins, the organs of the digestive system become overexcited.

   This type of vomiting occurs immediately after feeding. Most often it is accompanied by anxiety, abdominal pain.

   4) Fever.

   Such vomiting occurs against the background of high temperature with SARS, influenza, tonsillitis, otitis or pneumonia.

   Vomiting usually happens at the peak of the fever and quickly disappears after the temperature drops. Vomiting for this reason rarely occurs in children over the age of 3-5 years.

   5) Cough.

   In small children who do not yet know how to cough, vomiting can occur during bouts of severe coughing, for example, with tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, whooping cough and other diseases.

   6) Kinetosis (sickness).

   This is the most easily identifiable type of vomiting. Traveling in transport causes irritation of the still immature vestibular apparatus in many children.

   7) Toxicosis and poisoning.

   Toxic vomiting syndrome occurs as a result of exposure to substances (toxins) directly on the vomiting center of the brain or due to irritation of the internal organs and the receipt of impulses in the brain.

   This happens in case of metabolic disorders in renal failure, renal pathology and diabetes, in violation of the adrenal glands. Also, toxic vomiting can be in case of poisoning with alcohol, drugs, household chemicals, plant poisons.

   8) Diseases of the digestive system.

   Vomiting without fever and signs of infection, but in connection with food intake, can be a symptom of gastritis, ulcers, disorders of the liver, pancreas and gallbladder.

   Such vomiting occurs when there are errors in nutrition, excessive consumption of spicy, fatty foods or sweets.

   9) Psychological vomiting.

   This type of vomiting occurs in emotional children and is associated with excessive excitability of the nervous system. Most often, psychological vomiting is provoked by stress.

   With psychological vomiting, there is no intoxication and temperature, but abdominal pain and stool disorder are possible. As soon as the traumatic factor ceases to act, vomiting stops.

   10) Neurological problems.

   Vomiting can be one of the symptoms of damage to the central nervous system. If this lesion occurred as a result of a birth injury, then vomiting in the child appears in the first few months after birth. It occurs due to irritation of the vomiting center in the brain. Another cause of vomiting is exposure to toxins.

   11) Pylorospasm.

   Pyloric spasm (pylorospasm) is a disease caused by immaturity of neuromuscular connections. This disease is diagnosed in one child out of 1000.

   12) Pyloric stenosis.

   Pyloric stenosis is a dangerous surgical pathology - a congenital defect in the outlet section of the stomach. This disease occurs in one child out of 5-10 thousand. The main symptom of pyloric stenosis is very profuse vomiting in the first days of life immediately after feeding.

   Vomiting with appendicitis occurs suddenly, suddenly, without connection with food intake. Repeated many times, but does not bring relief. Temperature rise is possible. The main symptom of acute appendicitis is the combination of such vomiting with sudden and sharp pain in the stomach or right side.

   14) Intestinal obstruction.

   Suspicion of this congenital pathology may arise if a newborn child vomits accompanied by a lack of stool, but blood is released from the anus.

   In case of intestinal obstruction in an infant, a "silent" tummy. The child is pale, screams (the scream intensifies when touching the tummy).

What to do if the child is vomiting?

   The algorithm for the actions of parents in case of vomiting in a child should be as follows:

   1. Call a doctor at home, in case of a serious condition - an ambulance.

   2. Pull yourself together and calm the child.

   3. Put or plant the baby, raising his head (so that the vomit does not enter the respiratory tract).

   4. After the next attack, wipe the baby's face with a damp towel, give him a little drink or rinse his mouth, if necessary, change clothes.

   5. If you suspect the intake of a poisonous substance, then before the ambulance arrives, rinse the stomach: let the child drink 2-3 glasses of warm water, then press on the root of the tongue, causing vomiting.

   6. In case of frequent vomiting, to prevent dehydration, drink the child (1 tablespoon of liquid every 5-10 minutes).

   7. If vomiting does not recur and the baby asks for food, then give him some porridge or applesauce.

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