Educational and entertaining event for preschoolers "rules of personal hygiene". Conversation about personal hygiene "Cleanliness" in the preparatory group for school

Conversation "Rules of personal hygiene".


Expand the concept of "personal hygiene";

To acquaint pupils with the basic rules of personal hygiene;

To cultivate a culture of health, maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

1. Organizational moment. Introduction to the topic of conversation.

(Guess the riddle)

Furiously the river roars

And breaks the ice.

The starling returned to his house,

And in the forest the bear woke up.

A lark trills in the sky.

Who came to us? (April).

Educator. April is fresh air, the time when the sun warms. April is a great month not only for active study, but also for health promotion. No wonder every year on April 7 the world celebrates a holiday"World Health Day".

What do you know about health?

World Health Day - conversation.

All-Russian Children's Health Day - is held annually in our country on April 7th. Our state shows constant concern for the health of children. Health is the main value of human life.

Health is one of the sources of happiness and joy for every person and at the same time the property of the whole society, the need to take care of one's health in a person must be brought up. This happens in the family, in kindergarten and at school. Studying at school, you get scientific knowledge that helps him to better organize his healthy lifestyle, work properly, eat rationally, and rest properly.

A healthy lifestyle is associated with the choice of lifestyle in relation to health, which implies a certain level of hygienic culture.

Personal hygiene . Personal - that is, each person follows these rules. Hygiene is those actions, the performance of which, keep your body and home clean, and do not get sick.

Educator. Guys, today we will get acquainted with a new topic. Read the words. (Personal hygiene of a student).

What do you think "personal hygiene" means?

- That's right, the personal hygiene of a student means taking care of your body, keeping it clean. How important and necessary this is, we will find out today.

2. Reading and analysis of the poem by M. Stelmakh "The stork is washing."

On the water under the willow

The stork walks barefoot

Because this bird

I used to take a shower in the morning.

He touches the vine with his beak,

He shakes the dew on himself.

And under the silvery shower

Washes the neck cleanly - cleanly,

And does not whimper: "Oh, trouble,

Oh, cold water!

What did the poet say about the stork?

What is a "body" guys?

What is our body covered with?

Examine the skin on your hands, pay attention to the fact that the skin is smooth, elastic, it is able to stretch with movements.

The skin is a reliable defense of the body.

The skin evenly covers the entire body, but it is not only a shell, but a complex organ with many functions. The skin is made up of three layers. The first layer is the outer shell on top, which protects our skin from damage. It contains pores through which the skin breathes. The second layer is the skin itself. It contains sebaceous and sweat glands. The skin contains blood vessels and nerves. Therefore, the skin is sensitive to cold, heat, pain. The third layer is subcutaneous fat. It protects the skin from bruises and retains heat.

The skin protects our body from disease. When we run, we get hot, sweat drops appear on the skin. The skin has a thin layer of fat. If the skin is not washed for a long time, then fat and sweat accumulate on it, which trap dust particles. From this, the skin becomes dirty, rough, it ceases to protect our body. Dirty skin can be harmful to health. If you do not monitor the cleanliness of the skin, then skin diseases can occur.

Skin care.

Washing is the main way to take care of your skin. Then dust, fat, sweat, microbes are removed from the skin. Wash your body 1-2 times a week. Scientists estimate that washing with soap and a washcloth removes 1.5 billion germs from the skin.

Be sure to wash your face, arms, legs, neck, skin of the armpits every day.

How to wash properly.

With normal skin, you need to wash your face daily.

Wash with soap 2-3 times a week, as frequent washing with

soap degreases the skin.

You can not wash your face with cold water, as the blood vessels constrict, and the skin becomes dry and pale, flabby.

You can not wash all the time with very warm water. Hot water cleanses the skin well, causes vasodilation, then the skin becomes weaker, the skin becomes lethargic.

Wash your face with hot or cold water.

After washing, dry your face thoroughly. Otherwise, the skin will become weathered, peel off.


1. Preparation for washing (soap, towel).

2. It is best to wash your face undressed to the waist.

3. First, wash your hands well with soap under running water, check the cleanliness of the nails.

4. Then wash your face, ears, neck with clean hands.

5. After washing, dry with a clean, dry towel

Game "Guess the Riddles"

Escapes like a living thing

But I won't release it.

The point is quite clear:

Let him wash my hands. (Soap)

Hot and cold

You always need me.

Call me, run

I will save you from diseases. (Water)

When we eat, they work.

When we don't eat, they rest.

Let's not clean them - they will get sick. (Teeth)

bone back,

hard bristles,

Friendly with mint paste

Serves us diligently. (Toothbrush)

Guys, it is especially important to keep your hands clean. You take various objects with your hands: pencils, pens, books, notebooks, etc., take hold of doorknobs, touch various objects in the toilet rooms. All of these items have dirt on them, often invisible to the eye. With unwashed hands, this dirt gets first into the mouth and then into the body. You must follow the "Rules of Personal Hygiene" and then you will be healthy.

The poem "It's good to know!"

Hygiene is very strict

You must always follow...

There is a lot of dirt under the nails,

Even if she is not visible.

Dirt scares with germs;

Oh, they are wicked!

Cause they make them sick

people in a matter of days.

If you wash your hands with soap,

That microbes quickly

Hiding strength under the nails

And they look from under the nails.

And they are in the world

Like growing up in a forest

Uncomprehending children:

Dirty nails bite.

Don't bite your nails kids

Don't put your fingers in your mouth.

This is the rule, trust me.

It will only benefit you.

Guys, I hope that everything that we talked about, you will perform.

Quiz "Rules of personal hygiene."

Question #1What is personal hygiene?

Correct answer. Personal hygiene is taking care of your body, keeping it clean.

Question #2Why is it necessary to wash hands before eating?

Correct answer. Dirty hands contain a large number of microbes that, getting into the mouth with food, can cause illness.

Question #3Why do you need to wash your face, neck and hands much more often than your whole body?

Correct answer. The hands, face and neck of a person are most susceptible to pollution, as they are not hidden by clothing. In addition, there are a large number of sebaceous glands on the face, and the sebum they produce is a good breeding ground for microbes.

Question #4Why should you cut your nails short?

Correct answer. Dirt and microbes collect under the nails - the causative agents of infectious diseases.

Question #5How many times a day should you wash your face?

Correct answer. You need to wash your face twice a day - in the morning after sleep and in the evening before bed.

Question #6How often should you wash your entire body and head?

Correct answer. The entire body and head must be thoroughly washed with soap and a washcloth at least once a week.

Question #7 How often should you wash your hands?

Correct answer. Hands should be washed several times a day - before eating, after going to the toilet, coming from the street, after communicating with animals, that is, after any contamination.

Question #8 How often should you cut your fingernails and toenails?

Correct answer. Nails on the hands should be cut once a week, on the legs - once every two weeks.

Question #9How often should you wash your feet?

Correct answer. Feet should be washed once a day (daily before bed).

The word "hygiene" came to us from ancient Greece and means "healing, bringing health." Hygiene is one of the oldest areas of human knowledge. Its origins are rooted in deep antiquity. Even before the emergence of hygiene as an independent science, the experience of hygienic recommendations has been accumulated. These recommendations appeared in the process of observations, generalizations, and the transfer of life experience to subsequent generations.

Skin hygiene All parts of the skin that are not protected by clothing: the face, neck and hands should be kept clean at all times. Face, ears and neck should be washed in the morning and evening, before going to bed. Before going to bed, be sure to wash your feet with cool water. This achieves not only purity, but also hardening of the body; Hands should be washed after coming from the street, before and after each visit to the toilet, and before eating;

Skin Hygiene The towel should be clean, soft and used only by its owner. Make an intimate toilet at least twice a day! - Carry out water procedures in the morning: rubdown, douche or shower, strengthening and tempering the whole body! - Take care of your hands and nails! Regularly cut and clean the dirt from under the nails with a special brush!

Hair hygiene - Wash your hair not with hot, but pleasantly - with warm water! - Take the stress out of coloring and perming your hair! -Try as little as possible to use a hair dryer in winter! In the hair, especially in summer, a large amount of dust accumulates. Mixing with sweat and sebum, dust forms a plaque (film) on the scalp and hair, in which various microorganisms can develop. - Hair must be combed daily in the morning and all the time to keep your hair in order! - Neat maintenance of hair is one of the most important means of preventing diseases of the skin on the head!

Hygiene of clothing and footwear Clothing and footwear protect the human body from exposure to cold, excess heat and moisture. At the same time, clothes and shoes protect the body from pollution. Clothing should not constrain the human body! Clothes and shoes should always be kept clean! Underwear must be changed daily! Laundry must be done skillfully, rinsed well!

To prevent dental diseases, you need to regularly: - thoroughly chew food for a long time, be sure to include hard vegetables and fruits in the diet; - reduce the consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets, cakes, etc.), they are good food for the development of pathogenic microflora; - drink more, doing it slowly, holding liquid in your mouth (maximum microbes are washed out); - Always rinse your mouth with water after eating.

Dental and oral hygiene Brush your teeth in the morning (after breakfast) and in the evening (after dinner). you should start brushing your teeth on one side of the molars, gradually moving the brush towards the front teeth, the same procedure is done on the other side of both jaws; the chewing surfaces of the teeth are cleaned in two directions along and with sweeping movements;

Dental and oral hygiene - toothpicks are designed to remove large particles of food from the interdental spaces; - rinse your mouth between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner; do therapeutic exercises for the teeth and jaws, clenching the teeth first weakly and then firmly several times, closing the mouth easily and with great force, moving the lower jaw to the side; to prevent diseases of the gums and other soft tissues, constantly strengthen the body's defenses by playing sports and hardening.

Olga Mayorova
Conversation with children of younger and older preschool age about the rules of personal hygiene

Conversation with children of senior preschool age about the rules of personal hygiene.

Target: Instill in children the habit of washing their hands (soap).


Generalize and consolidate knowledge about the importance of clean hands for a person.

Show how simple handwashing with soap helps to effectively control diseases in the population different ages especially among children.

Improve children's skill wash your hands properly.

Correction of self-service skills.

Cultivating a positive attitude towards cultural hygiene skills,

Formation of healthy lifestyle habits.

The course of the conversation

Children sit on chairs in front of a demonstration screen.

Slide 1 A picture where a child with dirty hands.

Guys, when you have dirty hands - is it good or bad? (children's answers)

Guys, why do you need to wash your hands? (children's answers)

Slide 2. Germs on the hands

There are a lot of microorganisms on all the objects that you touch during the day. Among them there are those that cause serious diseases. Imagine how many people touched the handrails on the bus, the railings in the entrances, the carts in the stores, the buttons in the elevator and the money with unwashed hands! How many microorganisms got on your hands with which you hold a sandwich! You can swallow them with food and get sick.

it personal hygiene is so important that the most authoritative organization in the world is the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) declared October 15 as World Handwashing Day.

Slide 4. Picture children wash their hands

When should you wash your hands? (Hands must be washed before eating, after using the toilet and after any contamination)

How do you wash your hands?

Slide 5. Poster with handwashing algorithm.

Show the children how "Hand washes his hand." Children perform exercise. along with the teacher.

Slide 6. Clean hands are the key to health!

When should you wash your hands and why?

Slide 7. Thank you for your attention.

Playing in a dry pool "Get the soap"

What do you wash your hands with?

Exercise: Take out a bar of soap.

The group is assigned a chief handwasher who will be during the day (with the help of a teacher) remind everyone when to wash their hands, and make sure everyone's hands are clean. Stick a distinctive sign in the form of soap on this child.

The children go to the bathroom to wash their hands. (reinforce hand washing skills)

Related publications:

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Self-analysis to GCD “Body hygiene. Rules of personal hygiene» 1. I have conducted an integrated direct education activity in a pre-school group


Lesson conversation with elements of the game "Personal hygiene of the student"

Target: show the importance and necessity of observing the rules of personal hygiene; inculcate respect for your health.


Educational: continue to teach people to take a conscious approach to their health, to clarify the importance of observing the rules of personal hygiene for the value of health.

Developing: develop cognitive interest, mental activity.

Educational: educate the desire to take care of their health, the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. Vocabulary activation: healthy lifestyle, personal hygiene items.

Materials and equipment: didactic material about a healthy lifestyle, a wonderful bag with personal hygiene items, cotton swabs, soap and alcohol solution, handout: task cards.

Lesson plan.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Riddles about personal hygiene items. Lesson topic message.

3. The game "Wonderful bag".

4. Conversation about personal hygiene.

5. Independent work.

6. The result of the lesson.

Lesson progress:

Hello dear guys! To say hello to each other means to wish health. Human health is the main value in life. Money can't buy health. Guys, what does it mean to be healthy? (children's answers). Today we will talk about how to help our body and never get sick, but first we will remember the previous classes and play a game. Respond in unison with the chorus "It's me!" If you agree with me. If this is not about you, then be silent, do not make noise:

How many of you are always ready to live your life without doctors? +

Who does not want to be healthy, vigorous, slim and cheerful? -

which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education? +

who is not afraid of frost, flies on skates like a bird? +

Well, who will start the dinner with chewing gum and a couple of sweets? -

who likes tomatoes, fruits, vegetables, lemons? +

who ate and brushed their teeth regularly twice a day? +

the cat from you, from kids, goes dirty up to ears? -

who, according to the schedule, performs physical exercises7 +

who, I want to know from you, likes to sing and relax? +

Guys, when I went to your lesson, I met a strange boy, he was all dirty, untidy and handed you a letter, let's read it

Never wash your hands, neck, ears and face

This foolish pursuit leads to nothing,

Hands, neck, ears and face get dirty again

So why waste energy

Time is running out.

Guess the name of this boy, do you agree with him?

Didactic game "Wonderful bag"

My magic bag contains items (soap, comb, handkerchief, towel, mirror, toothpaste and brush, clothes brush) that help us to keep our health! And to find out what kind of objects are there, let's solve riddles and tell you what they are for and how to use them! I'll give you riddles, and you will need to guess what is in the bag!


Escapes like a living thing

But I won't let it out. It foams with white foam,

Don't be lazy to wash your hands. (Soap)

How many times a day should you wash your hands?

Lots of teeth

But he doesn't eat anything. (Comb)

Who else can use your comb?

bone tail,

On the back there is a bristle.

This thing will help us

plastic back,

hard bristles,

Friendly with toothpaste

Serves us diligently. (Toothbrush)

How many times should you brush your teeth?

And shines and shines

It doesn't flatter anyone.

And tell the truth to anyone -

Everything as it is will show him . (Mirror)

I wipe, I try

After the boy's bath.

Everything is wet, everything is crumpled -

There is no dry spot. (Towel)

Lie in your pocket and guard -

Roaring, crying and dirty.

They will morning streams of tears,

Don't forget about the nose. (Handkerchief)

If our hands are in wax,

If there are blots on the nose,

Who then is our first friend,

Will it remove dirt from the face and hands?

What Mom Can't Do Without

No cooking, no washing

Without what, we will say directly,

Man to die?

To make it rain from the sky

To grow ears of bread

For ships to sail

We can't live without...


Guys, what do you think, is it possible to get sick from non-compliance with personal hygiene? (germs), what is personal hygiene? ( demonstration of experience). Dirt and slovenliness in clothes is a neglect of one's health. Dirty people are usually lazy people. Lazy schoolchildren study poorly, do not like to write cleanly in notebooks, get bored in class, and do not read books. They do not like to work, help their parents with household chores .. Let's listen to a poem about such a boy and maybe someone will recognize himself in him ..

If soap came

In the morning to my bed

And I would have soap,

It would be nice!

If books and notebooks

Learned to be okay

They knew all their places -

That would be beauty!

That would be life then!

Know, walk, and rest!

And then my mother would stop

Say I'm lazy!

Guys, what did Petya dream about?

Do you dream about it?

Physical education "Cheerful regime of the day"

The sun peeked into the bed. One, two, three, four, five.

We all do exercises. We need to sit down and stand up.

Stretch your arms wider. One, two, three, four, five.

Bend over - three, four. And jump in place.

On the toe, then on the heel. We do exercises together.

Oh, and the Faucet, open!

Nose, wash up!

Wash right away

Both eyes!

Wash your ears

Wash your neck!

Neck, wash yourself


Wash, wash,

Get wet!

Dirty, wash off!

Do you know that people have composed many proverbs and sayings about health? Now I will give you envelopes in which there are bunches of cherries, on one of them the beginning of the proverb is written, and the second is blank. You must complete it, and to facilitate the task, a leaflet with hint words is attached.


Cleanliness is the key to ...... (health)

Health is in order - thank you - ...... (exercises)

If you want to be healthy - …… .. (harden)

In a healthy body healthy mind)

Who is neat, the people ……… .. (pleasant)

Cleanliness is the best……..(beauty).

Well done guys, you got it right! And the fastest one gets soap from Moydadyr as a gift

Didactic game "Correct advice"

To you, boys and girls,

Prepared ditties.

If my advice is good

You clap your hands.

On the wrong advice

Say no, no, no.

Constantly need to eat

For your teeth

Fruits, vegetables, scrambled eggs,

Cottage cheese, yogurt.

If my advice is good

You clap your hands.

Do not gnaw a cabbage leaf,

He's very, very tasteless.

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade.

Is this the right advice?


To make your teeth shine

You need to take shoe polish.

Squeeze half a tube

And brush your teeth.

Is this the right advice?


Oh, awkward Lyudmila,

Dropped the brush on the floor

Picks up a brush from the floor

Continue brushing your teeth.

Who will give the correct answer -

Young Luda? NO!

Forever remember

dear friends,

Without brushing your teeth

You can't go to sleep.

If my advice is good

You clap your hands.

you brushed your teeth

And go to sleep.

Grab a sweet bun for bed!

This is the right advice NO, NO, NO!

Outcome: Well done, and now let's try to draw up the rules of personal hygiene:

Wash your hands before eating, brush your teeth 2 times a day, wash your face, take a bath (shower) ...

You did great today. I see a smile on your faces. It is very good! After all, a joyful, good mood helps our health. A gloomy, angry and irritable person easily succumbs to illness. And a good mood and a smile are like protection against diseases. Let's do this more often.


1.Internet resource (Website on the first of September, www. *****)

2. "School Hygiene".

Synopsis of GCD in the senior group on the topic "Secrets of Moidodyr"

Target: create conditions for the formation of the concept of "Personal hygiene"
introduce children to the concept of "personal hygiene".
contribute to the formation of knowledge about the importance of personal hygiene for human health.
create conditions for consolidating the skills of the culture of appearance.
presentation “Secrets of Moidodyr”, personal hygiene items: toothbrushes, soap, soap dish, towel, mouthwash cup, comb - for each child; massage balls for each child;
Preliminary work:
Reading to children the works of K.I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr".
Reading conversation.
Memorization of excerpts.
Methodological techniques: Reading works of fiction, demonstrating presentations, practical activities, demonstrating personal hygiene techniques, demonstrating massage techniques, surprise moment, physical education, didactic game, questions for children. 1 part. introductory
(Children sit on chairs)
Today I invite you to one wonderful country. But first I need to know if you are ready for this journey. Listen to an excerpt from the story:
ran away
The sheet has flown
And a pillow
Like a frog
Ran away from me.
What story is this passage from? (Children answer. Slide)
- Who wrote this story? (children answer. Slide - K.I. Chukovsky)
- What happened in this story?
"Why is everything around
twirled, twirled
And rushed the wheel? (Children answer. Slide illustration from a fairy tale)
- Who are the main characters in this story? (Children answer. Slide illustrations from the book Moidodyr and Gryaznul)
- Who will remember how the author describes Moidodyr? (children's answers)
- How does the author describe dirty? (children's answers)
2 part. Conversation about personal hygiene, about personal hygiene items
- Aren't you like me? Guys, look how neat and tidy you all are.
People say: who is neat is pleasant. Why? (children's answers)
- What do you do to be neat and pleasant. (children's answers)
Who knows what personal hygiene is? (children's answers)
Personal - from the word face, hygiene - from the word cleanliness. Personal hygiene is keeping the face, hands and body clean.
- Tell me, please, is cleanliness of the body necessary only in order to be neat and pleasant? (Children's answers) Body cleanliness is also needed for health. After all, if you do not wash, do not wash your hands, then various microbes can enter the body, and the body does not breathe. We get oxygen through our skin. Today I invite you to the kingdom of Moidodyr, where you can get acquainted with the rules of personal hygiene, find out what they are for, and learn all the secrets and mysteries of Moidodyr. In the country of Moidodyr, various challenges and tasks await you.
- What helps us to be clean? (children's answers)
- Moidodyr has assistants who help him make people clean and tidy. These are personal hygiene items. Now I will tell you riddles about them. Solve riddles - it will your first assignment.
1. We will turn an untidy claw into a nail,
clean and tidy and looks nice. (Scissors)

2. I am related to Moidodyr,
Turn me away, and with cold water
I'll wash you alive (Crane)

3. Bone back, hard bristle,
Friendly with soft paste
Serves us diligently. (Toothbrush)

4. Escapes like a living thing, but I won't let him out,
Foam with white foam, do not be lazy to wash your hands. (Soap)

5. Gum Akulinka went for a walk on the back.
And while she was walking, her back became pink (Sponge)

6. Where the sponge will not master,
does not wash, does not wash,
I take on the task of:
Heel elbows with soap rub
And I wipe my knees
I don't forget anything. (washcloth)

7. Waffle and striped, smooth and shaggy,
Always at hand - What is it? (Towel)

8. I walk, I wander not through the forests,
And by the whirlwinds and hair,
And my teeth are longer than portages and bears (Comb)

9. Lie in your pocket and guard
Roaring, crying and dirty
They will morning streams of tears,
I will not forget about the nose (handkerchief)
(guesses on the slide)

(children complete the task and receive chips).
- Well, now forward to the kingdom of Moidodyr:

Physical education minute
We woke up early in the morning
Stretched, smiled
We quickly go to the bathroom:
My cheeks, three neck
And then, after brushing your teeth,
we will get to Moidodyr.
(He leads the children to the door to the washroom.
3 part. Practical
- Well, here you guys are in the kingdom of Moidodyr. This is a washroom, the place where they put themselves in order, do personal hygiene. See what's here? (children's answers)
- That's right - these are personal hygiene items.
But if you ended up in the kingdom of Moidodyr, then let's see if everyone is so neat and pleasant. I'll check your nails now. Come on, show me! (checking her nails, reading a poem)
About nails
Who doesn't clean their nails
And does not cut
That of his acquaintances
It's good scary.
After all, with dirty nails,
long and sharp
Can very simply you
Confuse with monsters.
(Andrey Usachev)

Why should you cut your nails? ? (children answer)
Nail dirt is very harmful, microbes accumulate in it, and dirty nails are unpleasant to look at. Nails love to meet little scissors and don't like to be bitten.
- Tell me, children, what gets dirty the most? (children answer) Right hands.
Why do they get the most dirty? They are our main assistants, they have to work hard, and they are not covered by anything. Therefore, they should be washed more often.
-When should you wash your hands? (children's answers): before eating, after a walk, after the toilet and when they get dirty.
No need to be afraid of soap: soap bubbles "catch" harmful microbes that penetrate the human body and bring him illness.

Show off your clean teeth. Why should you brush your teeth? (Children answer) Of course, white teeth are beautiful. But if you do not brush your teeth, then a plaque of microbes and food debris forms on the teeth. Food particles get stuck between the teeth. Therefore, it is imperative to brush your teeth. Rinse your mouth after eating.
- Who knows how to brush your teeth properly? (Children's answers) Teeth should be cleaned from the corners, from the side teeth. First from the inside, up and down. This is how the walls are cleaned. Then the front lower and upper as well. On the tops of the teeth we brush with circles or loops.

Every tooth must be brushed, upper tooth and lower tooth,
Even the farthest tooth is a very important tooth.
Inside, three outside, three outside, inside...
Bottom up, top down, don't be lazy to brush your teeth.
Well, if you don't
brush your teeth in the morning
don't forget the toothache
you will whine in the evenings ...

Well, now let's wash up. To prevent soap suds from getting into the eyes, they must be tightly closed. What else needs to be washed? Neck, ears. These places always give out dirty!
Who doesn't want to be dirty
Washes the neck, washes the ears,
Dobela. Dobela!
You murmur, murmur, water
Well you wash us,
Help, help!
Now get your towels. You must first wipe your face, gently pressing a towel to yourself, and then your hands.
- Moidodyr has an assistant:
As many as 25 teeth
For curls and tufts
And under these teeth
Hair will lay in rows.

Yes, guys, you also need to pay attention to hair in order to look neat and tidy. We wash our hair - with what? (children's answers)
Now take your combs and gently comb your hair. (reads a poem)
What do we do with a comb? We do Tanya's hair.
Hair to hair - a braid, every girl is beautiful!
What do we do with a comb? Vite doing hair.
Vitya looks in the mirror: no whirlwinds - a nice view!
- Well, we have learned all the secrets of Moidodyr and it's time for us to return to the group. But not all chips are received and not all tests are over. (jump to group)
4 part. Hand massage
- Right now, when your hands are clean - pure, all the pores are open on the skin. Pores are small holes through which the skin breathes, oxygen enters the body and the blood carries it throughout the body. To make the blood run faster, we will do a hand massage. First the palms, and then the arms to the elbows. (Gives children massage balls, children repeat the movement by showing)
5 part. Educational game "Right - wrong."
I suggest you play the game "Right or Wrong". If I call a good deed, then you will raise your hand. If the act is bad, and you do not agree with it, then stomp your foot. Be careful.
- You can take dirty hands in your mouth,
- You can bite your nails
- Wash your hands after walking
- Don't wash your hands after going to the toilet
- You can pick your nose in front of everyone,
- No need to take a shower in the evening,
- You can not comb your hair,
- Don't wash your face in the morning
- You can gnaw walnuts with your teeth,
- You have to rinse your teeth after eating,
- Don't brush your teeth twice a day
- Visit the dentist only when you have a toothache,
- You can give a friend a comb,
- Do not use someone else's toothbrush,
- You have to eat a lot of sweets.
6 part. Final
- Sit on chairs. Let's remember everything we learned in the kingdom of Moidodyr, all the rules of personal hygiene.
- Tell me how to take care of your nails (children answer) Slide - How to take care of your nails
- How do you wash your hands? (children answer) Hand washing algorithm slide
- When and how many times should you wash your face and wash your hands? (children answer) Slide - Why and when you need to wash your hands and wash your face
- How should you brush your teeth? (children answer) Slide - an algorithm for brushing teeth.
When, how and why should you brush your teeth? (children answer) Slide - When to brush your teeth.
When and why should you take a shower? (children answer) Slide - when and why to take a shower and bath.
- How should you take care of your hair? (children answer) Slide - how to care for hair
- How to take care of the nose? (children answer) Slide - how to care for the nose.

Slide - a child holds out his towel, a toothbrush, a comb, a handkerchief to another child - a sign of prohibition.
- What is this sign? What can not be shared with a friend? Why can't this be done? (children answer)

(Children get chips for each correct answer)
7 part. Final
(Slide Moidodyr.)
So our journey to the kingdom of Moidodyr ended. Now that you have passed all the tests and completed all the tasks, you have scored a lot of chips. I think that Moidodyr will be happy to give you gifts (Opens the box, there is a letter on top) Oh, guys, there are not only gifts here, but also a letter (reads): Slide - an illustration from the book cheerful Moidodyr with a clean boy.
A letter to all children on one very important matter.
My dear children!
I am writing you a letter:
I ask you to wash more often
your hands and face.
No matter what water
Boiled, key,
From the river, or from the well,
Or just rain!
Need to wash
Morning, evening and afternoon -
Before every meal
After sleep and before bed!
Rub with a sponge and washcloth,
Be patient - no problem!
And ink and jam
Rinse off soap and water.
My dear children:
Very, very much I ask you:
Wash clean, wash more often
I can't stand dirty.
I won't shake hands with dirty people
I won't visit them!
I wash myself very often.
Moidodyr (July Tuvim)
Let's promise Moidodyr that we will always wash, be neat and tidy and healthy (the children say the words in unison):
Long live scented soap.
And a fluffy towel.
And tooth powder
And thick scallop!
Let's wash and splash.
Swim, dive, tumble
In a tub, in a trough, in a tub,
In the river, in the stream, in the ocean, -
Both in the bath and in the bath
Anytime and anywhere
Eternal glory to water! (Korney Chukovsky)
- And from myself I want to add: you need to remember forever: the guarantee of health is cleanliness!
Slide - You must remember forever: the guarantee of health is cleanliness

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