Are kozinaki from sunflower seeds useful? Sweets on a diet: choosing healthy goodies

Very often, in pursuit of ideal forms and if you want to lose a few extra kilos or not face weight gain, people have to deny themselves a lot: do not eat sweets, smoked and fried foods. Not for nothing in many diets excluded the use of sweets. But what about those who cannot imagine their life without goodies? There is a way out of the situation - simply simply give preference to those products that do not harm the figure, and also please with their benefits and low calorie content. For example, such products include seeds, the benefits of which are undeniable.

If we take into account other confectionery products, then kozinaki stand out for their composition. The fact is that they do not contain any animal proteins and fats, as well as oils. Also, they do not include flour components and chemical additives.

The benefits and harms of gozinaki from seeds

Gozinaki contains honey, and it is known to be very useful, as it is the richest source of minerals and. It improves immunity, restores metabolism and normalizes heart function. Here it is already pointless to answer the question of whether kozinak from seeds is useful, because the answer is obvious.

As for the seeds, with their constant use, you can increase immunity, improve skin condition, strengthen bone tissue, and normalize bowel function.

The answer to the question of how useful gozinaki from seeds has been received. Now we should consider what harm can be from this product.

Harm of gozinaki from seeds

Today, most manufacturers add sugar to gozinaki, which makes them not so useful. In addition, the usefulness of kozinak is reduced by the fact that many different preservatives are added to their composition.

Do not forget that gozinaki should be consumed carefully, since the calorie content of one serving is about 575 kcal.

In an effort to have ideal forms, lose excess weight or avoid their accumulation, you have to learn to live without what you love so much, in particular, without sweets, which usually serve as the basis for accumulating excess weight. Almost all diets prohibit the use of sweets, and do not limit the period of abstinence to the time of sitting on a diet, but also require you to continue to avoid high-calorie foods in the future. But what about those who cannot live without sweets, and feel a real breakdown, requiring to please themselves with something tasty. There is a simple affordable solution, the essence of which is to switch to healthy low-calorie foods. These products include gozinaki.

Kozinaki differ from other sweets in that they have a composition that can be safely called amazing, they do not have pure sugars, flour components, synthetic additives, as well as proteins and fats of animal origin, and at the same time they have a sweet taste and good nutritional value. The secret of the delicacy that saves the sweet tooth, who want to make adjustments to their forms, but at the same time are unable to refuse the cherished sweetness, is its nut-honey composition. It is from these two components that the correct gozinaki is made. Initially, kozinaki was prepared on the basis of walnuts, and later they began to use sesame and peanuts, which did not spoil their usefulness.

The chemical composition of gozinaki is replete with various kinds of vitamins, such as A, E, K and PP, group B. Gozinaki also contain many minerals, the leading positions among which are occupied by:

  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • potassium.

In addition, gozinaki contains large amounts of proteins and easily digestible carbohydrates. Of course, the chemical composition of the product directly depends on the variety of nuts used for its preparation, because each of them is useful in its own way.

Useful qualities

The benefits of this product are determined by its composition. While the nut component can vary, the honey component stays the same.

  1. When consumed, it has a healing effect on the body, therefore it improves the quality characteristics of the blood, and helps to remove harmful substances and toxins from the body.
  2. Honey has a normalizing effect on the activity of internal organs, helps speed up the metabolism, strengthen the immune system. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, and even has a rejuvenating effect.
  3. Due to the zinc contained in honey, a beneficial effect is produced on the joints, which contributes to their strength and mobility. Honey has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain by stimulating thought processes and normalizing the activity of the heart muscle.
  4. Among other things, honey, which is an essential component of gozinaki, helps men maintain health by improving potency. High-temperature effects deprive honey of a certain number of useful properties, but, despite this, most of them are still preserved, which has a great effect on health.

But nuts are still the basis of gozinaki, so it is worth noting their usefulness:

  1. The fiber contained in them helps to normalize intestinal activity, speed up the body's metabolism, improve the performance of the digestive function and prevent the absorption of cholesterol through the intestinal walls.
  2. The proteins and fats contained in nuts are vegetable and nourish the internal organs with the full range of essential nutrients responsible for the functioning of the internal organs.
  3. With the help of walnuts, you can get rid of a nervous breakdown, they also do not allow the development of heart diseases and act on the side of immunity in the fight against colds.
  4. Among other things, they are able to lower blood pressure, which is useful for those with a sweet tooth suffering from hypertension.
  5. Normalization of liver function, getting rid of worms, strengthening the body's muscle structure and eliminating fatigue are also favorable side effects when eating walnuts.

The production of sesame-based gozinaki changes the properties of the final product, due to the essential oils, glycerin and polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in it. Sesame seeds help to eliminate toxic substances from the body, while preventing diseases associated with the joints and favorably affecting the normalization of blood pressure.

Variations of gozinaki

The original version of the preparation of gozinaki included grinding walnuts with the subsequent addition of heated honey to them. Modern versions of this product are somewhat different from its useful version due to the use of sugar syrup instead of honey. Not only does this reduce the benefits of the product, but also increases its calorie content and leads to exclusion from the diet of those who lose weight. Masters from different countries use different nuts, in addition to walnuts, peanuts and almonds. Also periodically use additives in the form of raisins, poppy seeds, chopped dried fruits and citrus zest.

Potential Harm

Considering the harmful effect of gozinaki on the body, first of all, it is necessary to note the effect of gozinaki on tooth enamel. This is not due to the effect of sweets on the teeth and the development of caries from the frequent use of sugar. In fact, the problem is the increased hardness of the gozinaki, which leads to a violation of the integrity of the tooth enamel. The use of a product consisting of strong nut kernels and a hardened syrup based on honey or sugar requires a lot of effort. And also not in favor of gozinaki there are situations when small particles of walnut shells or even small stones that fall into the product during cooking fall into them. Therefore, after finishing the use of gozinak, dentists recommend rinsing the mouth with water. Ideally, after this, you should also brush your teeth, this will get rid of the remnants of syrup stuck to the enamel. This sequence of actions has a preventive result, preventing damage to the enamel of the teeth and not allowing the development of various diseases of the oral cavity.


Although gozinaki has a wide range of beneficial properties, there are people who are contraindicated in the use of this product. These individuals include those who have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. This is due to the fact that although the correct kozinaki are based on honey syrup, more often than not, manufacturers use sugar or sugar syrup. Nevertheless, there is a line of dietary varieties of gozinaki on the market, made, as expected, on the basis of honey, with the addition of dried fruits, raisins, nuts and seeds.

Allergy sufferers also need to carefully study the composition of selected gozinaki, because peanuts and some seeds are classified as strong allergens. It is also worth remembering that only a fresh product is useful, so it is imperative to check the expiration date of gozinak before eating it, because in case of violation of storage conditions or if the expiration date is exceeded, the product becomes harmful to the body.

Video: how to make gozinaki at home

Who doesn't love sweet fragrant and crispy kozinaki? They are very tasty. Is there anything useful in them and can they benefit our body. Or still more from their use. After all, gozinaki is a sweetness. And sweets, as many are sure, are not very useful for human health and especially for the figure. Let's figure it out.

Kozinaki is one of the oldest delicacies. The progenitor of this nutty sweet with honey was the Persian king Darius. They made kozinaki for him from sesame and honey, and even then they were considered a symbol of youth and victory. But for some reason, this ancient delicacy did not take root, or for some other reason, about which history is not known for certain, kozinaki did not take root in Persia.

But on the other hand, they were appreciated by Georgian confectioners. Therefore, for many centuries, kozinaki have been considered a purely Georgian delicacy and the main festive New Year's dish.

The classic dessert recipe involves the use of honey and roasted chopped walnuts. At the same time, honey is subjected to boiling up to three times, so that a thick honey mass is formed as a result.

In it, in turn, nuts are laid and everything is thoroughly mixed. Until the honey-nut mixture has completely hardened, it is leveled on a wooden surface covered with parchment paper and cut with a sharp knife into pieces in the form of rhombuses or squares.

Kozinaki fell in love not only in Georgia, but also far beyond its borders. It is the spread of the recipe for this delicacy that owes today's variety of gozinaki.

Modern culinary specialists use not only a variety of nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, cedar) and seeds (sunflower, sesame), but also a variety of fruits and dried fruits (raisins, citrus fruits, dried apricots) in the preparation of sweets. The result is a huge variety, suitable for every taste.

In addition, one cannot ignore the fact that real gozinaki does not contain sugars, flour components, chemical additives and proteins / fats of animal origin. Kozinaki made from natural products are very healthy and contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements.

The composition and calorie content of gozinaki

Regardless of the main natural ingredients of the product, it remains a source of:

The benefits of gozinaki

When determining the properties and benefits that are beneficial to the human body, it is first necessary to investigate honey in this regard. Although its chemical composition changes somewhat during heat treatment, and some argue that a natural product turns into poison, scientists have proven its considerable benefits:

  • Improves blood quality;
  • Harmful and toxic substances are removed;
  • Metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • The work of the liver and kidneys is normalized;
  • Possessing antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, honey helps to strengthen the immune system and activate the protective functions of the body;
  • There is a beneficial effect on the joints and bones;
  • The work of the brain improves and mental activity is stimulated;
  • The work of the heart muscle is normalized;
  • Supports male potency;
  • There is a rejuvenation of the body in general.

The second component of sweetness are nuts, seeds and dried fruits. Each of them has its own beneficial effect.

Kozinaki from sunflower seeds

Kozinaki from sunflower seeds are the most common. They are rich in quickly digestible monounsaturated fatty acids, which prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels. Thus, there is a prevention of stroke, heart attack and the development of atherosclerosis, including the normalization of blood pressure during its jumps (up and down).

The presence of tocopherol (fat-soluble vitamin E) supports healthy hair (they become shiny and less broken) and skin (prevents the appearance of rashes and acne).

Separately for women, such kozinaki help to improve the reproductive function of organs.

The mineral-vitamin complex of gozinaki is designed to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Kozinaki from sesame

Kozinaki based on sesame seeds help pregnant women with intrauterine formation of bones and cartilage in their babies.

Calcium strengthens the immune system.

In general, such a product is allowed to be used for nervous disorders and physical (mental) stress.

Peanut gozinaki

Peanut gozinaki is beneficial due to its high content of non-fatty acids and antioxidants.

Therefore, using such a delicacy, you can improve brain activity, cleanse blood vessels, normalize the circulation of minerals and vitamins in the body, and prevent atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.

In addition, it should be noted that gozinaki with peanuts have the lowest calorie content in comparison with other nut types.

Kozinaki walnuts

Walnuts are rich in vegetable fats and therefore support strength during physical exertion.

In addition, they are known for their positive effects on the brain and its vessels.

The fruit variation of kozinak belongs to the dietary group and is useful for any diet aimed at losing weight.

Contraindications and possible harm of gozinaki

Unfortunately, today food industry technologists, in order to reduce the cost of the cost of sweet goods, replace honey with sugar and a sweetener. In addition, they also sin by adding various flavors and preservatives. Because of this, a number of problems can arise:

  • excess weight gain;
  • the risk of developing diabetes;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the stomach;
  • various allergic reactions associated not only with nuts, but also with chemical additives;
  • destructive effect on the teeth (on the one hand, the tooth can break on a hard substance, on the other hand, the sugar thickened sugar syrup that sticks to the teeth slowly destroys the enamel if it is not rinsed or cleaned).

How to make gozinaki at home

Kozinaki is one of the easiest sweets to make at home. This requires a minimum of ingredients and a little time. The technology for making gozinaki is the same for any ingredient.

To do this, roast nuts in a dry frying pan.

While the nuts are toasting, combine honey and sugar and heat over low heat until boiling, stirring occasionally.

Remove from the cast and cool. Repeat heating the honey twice more. When heating honey for the third time, add prepared nuts to it and hold for about 10 minutes.

Line a baking sheet, form or cutting line with parchment or baking paper. Put the nut-honey mass on a baking sheet. While it is still warm, smooth the surface with a rolling pin. Before this, the rolling pin must be moistened with cold water.

When the kozinaki has cooled a little, cut into portioned pieces.

See the recipe for cooking classic Georgian gozinaki in the video

How much goats can you eat

As mentioned above, gozinaki is a high-calorie delicacy. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it in large quantities. The allowable rate is from 50 to 100 grams per day.

Nursing mothers can eat gozinaki, but taking into account the reaction of the baby to them. After all, a child may be allergic to honey, dried fruits or nuts. After eating a small piece of goodies, follow the reaction of the baby for one or two days. At the same time, no other new products are needed on this day.

How to choose and store goats

Kozinaki is a natural product that should not contain any artificial flavors or preservatives. Manufacturers can replace honey with sugar syrup. Therefore, when buying, first of all, you need to pay attention to:

Composition of gozinaki;

The color of the treat;

Too dark delicacies may indicate that it is made on sugar syrup, molasses, or that they are burnt.

The main indicator of smell is its main ingredient: nuts, dried fruits or seeds.

Store kozinaki wrapped in parchment paper to avoid sticking and in a tightly closed container, in a cool place and no more than six months from the date of manufacture.

For the benefits of gozinaki, see the video of the program "About the most important thing"

Those with a sweet tooth are more prone to gaining excess body weight than other people. It is impossible to imagine a happy and cheerful person without sweets. In pursuit of an ideal figure, you have to limit yourself in many ways. Harmful desserts and treats will replace seed kozinaki. The benefits and harms of such a product are the topic of our article.

As soon as a person began to cook kozinaki, it included walnut kernels. Later, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, peanuts and other varieties of nuts were added. The main advantage of such a treat is its huge benefit, the absence of chemical additives, dyes, flavor enhancers and granulated sugar in its pure form.

Perhaps each of us has tried gozinaki. The benefits and harms of them with a diet interested not only the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Yes, experts on every corner say that seeds are a high-calorie product. But if you consume gozinaki in moderation, you can improve your health, cheer up and lose weight.

Useful properties and possible harm of gozinaki are closely related to the composition of such a delicacy.

Chemical composition:

  • vitamin K;
  • phosphorus;
  • ferrum;
  • tocopherol;
  • B vitamins;
  • potassium;
  • vitamin PP;
  • calcium;
  • retinol;
  • magnesium, etc.

Kozinaki is enriched with vegetable protein and carbohydrates, which are quickly and fully absorbed by our body.

What are the benefits and harms of gozinaki from sunflower seeds? Let's dwell on this issue in more detail.

Beneficial features:

  • removal of toxic compounds and toxins from the body;
  • improvement of blood composition;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • tonic effect;
  • preventing premature aging;
  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • strengthening of joint tissue;
  • normalization of the heart;
  • activation of digestive processes;
  • improvement of intestinal motility.

Nuts, sunflower seeds, honey - all these products are natural and have a number of healing properties. Imagine what a huge benefit our body gives one piece of fragrant sweetness. Both adults and kids can eat it.

Kozinaki contains vitamins of group B, respectively, the use of sweets has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Potassium helps to strengthen the heart muscle and stabilize the circulatory system as a whole.

On a note! Experts have found that gozinaki can lower blood pressure. Hypertension patients should pay attention to such a dessert.

Kozinaki should be eaten with extreme caution due to the hardness of the delicacy. People complain about the violation of the integrity of the teeth and the destruction of enamel. Not everyone can enjoy gozinaki, you need to carefully study the contraindications to the use of such delicious sweets.

List of contraindications:

  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • diabetes.

Important! Our body can benefit only from the use of fresh goats. When purchasing sweets, carefully study the information on the package. It is better not to eat expired gozinaki in order to avoid health problems, in particular, from the digestive tract.

Classic kozinaki: do it yourself

Each hostess will be able to cook gozinaki at home. The only drawback is the peeling of sunflower seeds. This painstaking work will take a lot of time.


  • sunflower seeds - 200 g;
  • filtered water - 2 table. spoons;
  • honey - 1 table. a spoon;
  • refined vegetable oil - 1 table. a spoon;
  • granulated sugar - 1 table. spoons.


Toffee + puffed wheat = lick your fingers!

Today, culinary specialists use various recipes for cooking gozinaki. The basis of such a delicacy can be not only sunflower seeds. Gozinaki made from puffed wheat will turn out to be the most delicious. You can buy such an ingredient, perhaps, in any supermarket.


  • air wheat - 200 g;
  • raisins - 1 handful;
  • pasteurized cow's milk - ΒΌ cup;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • iris - 150 g.




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