Why do people often sweat. Food as an excuse for excessive sweating

Sweating is a natural phenomenon for the human body. People sweat, which helps to cleanse the body and lower body temperature. However, some may experience heavy sweating. Then it becomes a big problem. A condition such as excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis. It can occur both as a result of certain physiological disorders in the body, and as a result of diseases.

Increased sweating is an ailment that severely affects the palms, armpits, and face.

Strong sweating: a characteristic of the disease

Before we figure out how to get rid of women, let's find out what hyperhidrosis is and why intense sweating occurs.
The term "hyperhidrosis" is usually referred to to describe excessive, excessive sweating in a person. Hyperhidrosis usually does not cause serious and dangerous consequences for health. However, this is an extremely uncomfortable syndrome that significantly affects a person's daily life. Excessive sweating can cause anything: heat, stress, change of scenery. In the summer the situation is aggravated, and sometimes it becomes simply unbearable.

Of course, sweat is an absolutely normal state for a person. Moreover, along with sweat, toxins and other harmful substances are eliminated. Sweating is a protective function of the body against overheating. However, when a person has hyperhidrosis, it usually appears due to certain disorders in the functioning of systems in the body. It is also important to note that with this syndrome, a person often does not constantly sweat all over the body. Excessive sweating affects only some of its parts: palms, armpits, face.

Features of excessive sweating

Signs of hyperhidrosis are extremely easy to identify. Doctors highlight the main signals. The main one is to increase the volume of sweat. It is also important to note that sweat is an ideal condition for bacteria to multiply. Therefore, another sign that you are sweating too much can be an unpleasant smell that you can hardly get rid of.

With advanced forms of the syndrome, irritation can form on the skin, and even ulcers are likely to occur. Therefore, do not ignore the problem and do not start the process to quickly begin to treat an unpleasant disorder. Having found the first symptoms of the disease and the fact that you have increased sweating, consult a doctor.

Causes of hyperhidrosis

Severe sweating of the body is a sign that describes the hyperfunction of the human sweat glands. A condition in which a person sweats profusely occurs, as a rule, due to a violation of the functionality of the sweat glands. Most often, the problem of not working correctly is the result of strong emotional excitability.

Classification of types of hyperhidrosis

Most often, severe sweating is an independent disease, and is called primary. Then there is excess sweat for no apparent reason, literally from nothing. However, sometimes persistent heavy sweating is a concomitant symptom of certain diseases. In this case, it is called secondary. But there are a number of other forms and types of pathology that doctors determine.

Primary or idiopathic hyperhidrosis

Primary hyperhidrosis does not occur due to any other disorder and is not associated with a side effect of medication. With it, sweat constantly manifests itself only in certain areas of the skin: hyperhidrosis is fixed on the hands, feet, palms, face.

Severe sweating can manifest itself from childhood and in adults.

Excessive sweating in this case often begins and develops in childhood or adolescence, and not in the elderly, especially when it comes to sweating of the hands and feet. It is interesting to note that although people with this type of disease experience increased sweating at least several times a week, they usually do not suffer from it during sleep.

The cause of this syndrome is often heredity. However, patients do not always know if there are relatives in their family suffering from this syndrome, as many are embarrassed to talk about the problem.

Secondary hyperhidrosis

The other main type is secondary hyperhidrosis. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that increased sweating is caused by another disorder or is a side effect of taking medications. That's why it's called secondary - it's not the main symptom.

Secondary hyperhidrosis occurs in adulthood or old age, while primary begins in childhood or adolescence. Since it is associated with a different disorder, this suggests that the treatment is based, first of all, on the eradication of the underlying cause. The causes of this syndrome are:

  • a side effect of taking certain medications;
  • diabetes;
  • menopause, menopause, old age in women;
  • low blood sugar;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • some types of cancer;
  • heart attack;
  • neurological disorder;
  • respiratory tract infections (tuberculosis, SARS).

Forms of the disease

The general classification proposes to divide the pathology into two forms: generalized hyperhidrosis and local.

Generalized hyperhidrosis

When sweating occurs on all areas of the skin, this form of heavy sweating is called generalized hyperhidrosis. Profuse perspiration is observed all over the body. Such sweating requires a full diagnosis and treatment. Most often, sweating in all areas of the skin is caused by another serious ailment that you have. This form requires immediate treatment.

Local hyperhidrosis

The concept of "local hyperhidrosis" is used when sweating occurs only in certain areas of the body: feet, palms, in the armpits.


This type of hyperhidrosis involves a strong constant sweating in the area of ​​the lips, near the mouth and occurs mainly after taking spicy or hot food.
Sometimes gustatory hyperhidrosis appears due to Frey's syndrome. Frey's syndrome (sometimes also called auricular-temporal nerve syndrome or parotid-temporal hyperhidrosis) implies a sharp temporal pain, accompanied by severe sweating in this area.

Axillary (strong underarm sweating)

The most common type of excessive sweating is axillary hyperhidrosis, or profuse sweating in the armpits. Most often, the cause of this type of increased sweating is a strong emotional arousal. Axillary hyperhidrosis is almost always a form of primary hyperhidrosis.

Cranial (excessive sweating of the head)

Cranial hyperhidrosis, or profuse sweating around the head, is also very common. Most often, cranial hyperhidrosis is primary, but sometimes it is caused by certain diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, cavernous tumor, facial herpes.

Plantar (sweating feet and legs)

This form of hyperhidrosis can be both primary and secondary. For example, often plantar hyperhidrosis is provoked by wearing tight, rubber shoes, socks made of synthetic materials. In addition to the sweat itself, such an environment is ideal for the reproduction of bacteria. That is why, under such conditions, a person is susceptible to infectious diseases, irritations and inflammations.

Hyperhidrosis is the medical term for excessive sweating. The symptoms of this unpleasant disease significantly impair the quality of life. The topic of our discussion is severe sweating, the causes and features of the course of the disease.

Local and generalized

Human skin contains 2-2.5 million sweat glands. They are distributed unevenly over the surface of the skin. Why are the palms, feet and underarm skin most often affected by localized hyperhidrosis? The fact is that in these areas the concentration of sweat glands can be ten times greater than in other parts of the body.

The generalized form of the disease affects large areas of the skin. This is a very unpleasant ailment that makes a person focus on his condition. “I sweat a lot, why is this happening, what to do?….” - the constant anxiety of a person and attempts to mitigate the manifestations of the disease can lead to neurosis and fear of appearing in society.

Idiopathic hyperhidrosis

Idiopathic hyperhidrosis is a condition in which constantly increased sweating is observed on the skin of the palms, feet and armpits at the same time. In some cases, people notice that only one armpit or palm has become very sweaty. This condition can be corrected surgically when the nerve impulse simply does not reach the sweat gland due to its blockage. As a rule, surgery can be used only as a last resort.

Idiopathic (independent) hyperhidrosis is not associated with general systemic disorders of physiology. Why is there such sweating? Doctors identify the following reasons:

  • hyperreaction of the body to external stimuli;
  • neurosis;
  • food reaction.

External stimuli

Heat and cold, synthetic clothing and artificial leather shoes, sports, hot weather - all these factors can cause increased sweating of the armpits, feet and palms. Many people experience considerable discomfort when moist skin requires constant blotting.

Why do the same stimuli affect different people differently? One person only sweats a little, and the other - from socks to armpits is constantly covered with perspiration?

It's all about the individual reaction of the sympathetic nervous system of the body. Just as we cannot control our pulse and heart rate, sweating is uncontrollable. It's a pity!


Increased anxiety, insomnia and irritability are classic symptoms of neurosis and depression. People with these conditions often experience excessive sweating. Why is this happening? A person with neuroses of various origins has a constantly elevated level of adrenaline that accompanies stress and aggression. Excessive sweating may be the body's response to adrenaline.


Unfortunately, even a banal meal can provoke sweating. Spicy, salty foods and hot drinks are a common cause of perspiration on the forehead and above the upper lip.

What to do if you sweat a lot while eating and why this happens? As a rule, excessive sweating in a person is an individual reaction to known products. Refusal to use them is the easiest way to get rid of psychological discomfort.

Generalized hyperhidrosis: causes

Generalized hyperhidrosis is called generalized because this form of the disease covers not only the armpits and palms, but the entire surface of the skin. This is a more severe form of the disease, bringing the patient significant discomfort in everyday life.

“I sweat a lot, what should I do?” - thousands of men and women turn to doctors with this question. The causes of profuse sweating are diverse, and their definition is difficult even for specialists.

The simplest reason may be a banal allergic reaction to synthetic clothing and uncomfortable shoes. Much more serious and requiring medical intervention are general physiological problems of the whole organism. Consider the main causes of hyperhidrosis.

Dysfunction of the endocrine system

Why can dysfunction of the glands cause sweating of the armpits and other areas of the skin? The thing is that the endocrine system is involved in the regulation of many processes and functions of our body. The slightest failure in its work causes a cascade of chain reactions. Including excessive sweating.

So dysfunction of the thyroid gland provokes violations of thermoregulation. The production of excess heat causes an increase in sweating (especially in the armpits) as a cooling mechanism for the body.

Age-related hormonal disorders in women - menopause. In 70% of women, sweating develops from the very beginning of menopause. The skin of the armpits, palms, feet, back and chest - almost the entire body is covered with sweat ... Fortunately, this condition goes away on its own with time. Sometimes hormonal correction helps in such cases.

Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disease with many manifestations, since it affects the work of all organs and systems. In this case, hyperhidrosis may have its own characteristics. Sweating mainly on the upper body, but the palms and feet may be too dry. Why? The thing is that with diabetes, the work of the autonomic nervous system of the upper body is disrupted.

Genetic disorders

Sweating accompanies such a genetic disease as Riley-Day cider. The disease can affect all body systems - from the spine to the glands of external secretion. Increased sweating is especially pronounced in such patients in stressful situations.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Heart disease can provoke profuse sweating in the armpits and the entire surface of the skin in the following situations:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • shock conditions;
  • a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • acute pain in the heart muscle.


Any neoplasms that develop with involvement of the lymphatic system can give impetus to the development of hyperhidrosis in humans. In addition, tumors of the adrenal glands and intestines are also accompanied by increased sweating.

Drug addiction and alcoholism

Excessive sweating is observed in patients of neurological dispensaries in a state of drug withdrawal. The complex state of "withdrawal" is aggravated by the release of such profuse sweat that the patient is forced to completely change clothes day and night. Here, the skin of not only the armpits, but also other parts of the human body suffers.

Why? The reason is in the autonomic nervous system, which thus reacts to the hormones of stress that the patient experiences during this difficult period.

Neurological disorders

Anxiety Syndrome is a classic example of a mental disorder in which, from the slightest stress, a person is instantly covered with perspiration all over his body: from the scalp and armpits to the fingertips. In this case, a cure for the underlying disease is necessary, and hyperhidrosis can take place after the cure for the syndrome.

Temporary states

Infectious diseases and acute poisoning can also cause profuse sweating. Let's consider both of these cases.

Infectious diseases are almost always accompanied by hyperhidrosis. Abundant sweating in a person normalizes body temperature and removes toxins. Of the specific diseases with increased sweating, one can distinguish:

  • lung diseases - tuberculosis, bronchitis, pleurisy;
  • brucellosis;
  • malaria.

Acute poisoning with organophosphorus compounds is often accompanied by hyperhidrosis. These substances - insecticides present in everyday life, rarely in a city apartment harm a person in the doses that are used to get rid of domestic pests. Agricultural workers are more likely to suffer from poisoning with such substances. Sweating returns to normal simultaneously with the removal of the toxic syndrome.

What to do

The causes of hyperhidrosis are manifold. The disease can be mild. Especially often, increased sweating is observed in boys and girls during adolescence. The armpits, feet and palms suffer mainly. As a rule, this condition does not require correction and resolves on its own by the age of 20.

The main recommendation for people wondering "what to do if you sweat a lot?" - see a therapist. Be prepared for the fact that it may be necessary to undergo a full examination to find out the causes of your illness.

Ways to solve the problem directly depend on the causes that caused hyperhidrosis. In the arsenal of modern medicine, there are many options for getting rid of excessive sweating: drug correction, surgery, Botox injection therapy and many other methods.

Sweating is a vital process that results in thermoregulation and cleansing of the body of toxins. Often sweaty armpits in hot weather or after physical exertion is the norm, but another thing is when excessive sweating occurs by itself. This situation sometimes signals serious health problems, so you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.


For no reason, the armpits cannot sweat a lot, a hidden problem is involved here. The most common factors for excessive sweating are:

Taking certain types of medications;

Constant presence in a stressful state;

Increased body weight;

Menopause in women;

Oncological diseases;

Endocrine and neurological disorders;

Cardiovascular diseases;

kidney disease;

Acute poisoning;

Individual predisposition, inherited.

These are common culprits for excessive sweating. But do not forget that there are many hidden reasons, for the discovery of which you need to seek the help of medicine. Constant excessive sweating can indicate serious illnesses in the body, so you should not wait until the sweating goes away on its own. Consult a doctor - health is more expensive.

Sweating in men

Thanks to the hormone testosterone, men sweat more than women. This is natural and you should not be afraid of it. Male representatives are more adapted to physical labor. Most often, profuse sweating, if a person is healthy, occurs as a result of the abuse of spicy foods and alcoholic beverages and during periods of stressful situations. Men often sweat at night, during sleep. If sweating due to these factors is excluded, it is important to visit a doctor, since excessive sweating indicates the appearance of pathologies in the body.

Increased sweating in women

Frequent and severe sweating in women is rare. By its biological nature, in a normal state and in the absence of diseases, the female body produces much less sweat than the male. But there are situations when the female body sweats in excess of the norm. Often, ladies complain of increased sweating during pregnancy, menstruation or menopause, as the hormonal background of the body changes greatly.

Why do children sweat?

If excessive sweating in adults is a cause for concern, then frequent sweating in a child is not always a signal of the development of serious diseases. According to medical data, the sweat glands begin to function properly only after the age of 14. The child may be healthy, but due to the still undeveloped work of the sweat glands, he will sweat a lot. It is better to consult a doctor, but you should not beat the alarm. Clothing made from natural fabrics, frequent bathing, clean and dry shoes, moderate room temperature are the best helpers in the fight against child sweating.

Is there a cure?

There are many ways to reduce sweating. Surgery, drug treatment, therapy with folk remedies - all methods help to solve an annoying problem.

The most effective is the surgical method to eliminate frequent sweating. Surgery is prescribed for hereditary and chronic pathologies associated with this problem. There are many options for such an intervention, ranging from Botox injections and liposuction, to major operations to cut off nerve endings. This type of treatment allows you to get rid of the problem for at least 6 months.

The second most effective method is conservative. Having studied the reason why the patient often sweats, the doctor individually prescribes medication in the form of drugs and therapeutic antiperspirants. With the correct diagnosis of the cause of sweating and the correct prescription of drugs, their regular use can quickly solve the problem.

And the last, least expensive and frequently used assistant was traditional medicine. The most popular method is the use of compresses or baths based on a decoction of birch and oak bark, with the addition of apple cider vinegar. Patients note that although such procedures are not able to eradicate the problem, they help to reduce sweating for a short period.

More about hyperhidrosis:

Excessive sweating is a problem familiar to many. It can seriously spoil the quality of life in any area: in personal relationships, in communication with other people, at work. Excessively sweating person sometimes causes pity of others. But more often than not, they treat him with disgust. Such a person is forced to move less, she avoids shaking hands. Hugs for her are generally taboo. As a result, a person loses contact with the world. To reduce the severity of their problem, people resort to various cosmetic products or folk remedies. At the same time, they do not think at all that such a state can be dictated by ailments. It is important to understand what diseases a person sweats a lot? After all, you can get rid of the symptoms only by eliminating the pathology that provoked it.

Main reasons

The problem of an unpleasant phenomenon continues to be studied by physicians to this day. And, unfortunately, if a person what it means, doctors can not always explain.

However, experts have identified several main causes of hyperhidrosis, or increased sweating:

  1. Pathology is caused by diseases that occur in a latent or open form.
  2. Taking certain medications.
  3. An individual feature of an organism, which is most often inherited.

But often the problem is hidden in ailments. Therefore, it is very important to understand in which diseases a person sweats a lot.

Doctors say that hyperhidrosis can be provoked by:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • neurological diseases;
  • tumors;
  • genetic failure;
  • kidney ailments;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • acute poisoning;
  • withdrawal syndrome.

Let's consider them in more detail.

Endocrine diseases

Any violations in this system almost always provoke hyperhidrosis. For example, why does a person with diabetes sweat a lot? This is due to increased metabolism, vasodilation and increased blood flow.

The most common systems are:

  1. Hyperthyroidism. Pathology is characterized by increased functioning of the thyroid gland. In addition to excessive sweating, other symptoms of the disease are often present. A person with hyperthyroidism has a tumor on his neck. Its size reaches a chicken egg, and sometimes more. A characteristic sign of the disease are the eyes "roll out". Excessive sweating is provoked by thyroid hormones, leading to strong heat generation. As a result, the body "turns on" protection against overheating.
  2. Diabetes. Terrible pathology, characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood. Sweating in diabetes manifests itself quite peculiarly. Hyperhidrosis affects the upper (face, palms, armpits). And the lower one, on the contrary, is excessively dry. Additional symptoms that indicate diabetes are: overweight, frequent urination at night, a feeling of constant thirst, high irritability.
  3. Obesity. In obese people, the work of the endocrine glands is disturbed. In addition, hyperhidrosis is based on inactivity and addiction to unhealthy diets. Spicy food, an abundance of spices can activate the work
  4. Pheochromocytoma. The basis of the disease is a tumor of the adrenal glands. With an illness, hyperglycemia, weight loss and increased sweating are observed. Symptoms are accompanied by high blood pressure and palpitations.

Women suffer from increased hyperhidrosis during menopause. This phenomenon is dictated by a disturbed hormonal background.

Infectious pathologies

Hyperhidrosis is very typical for such ailments. It is easy to explain why a person sweats a lot with infectious pathologies. The reasons are hidden in the heat transfer mechanism by which the body reacts to elevated temperatures.

Infectious diseases that increase sweating include:

  1. Flu, SARS. Severe sweating is characteristic of a person at the initial stage of the disease. This reaction is dictated precisely by high temperature.
  2. Bronchitis. Pathology is accompanied by severe hypothermia. Accordingly, the body tries to protect itself and normalize heat transfer.
  3. Tuberculosis. Such an ailment is the answer to the question of what disease a person sweats heavily at night. After all, hyperhidrosis during sleep is a classic symptom of pulmonary tuberculosis. At the same time, the mechanism for the development of such a feature has not yet been fully established.
  4. Brucellosis. Pathology is transmitted to humans from animals through contaminated milk. The symptomatology of the disease is a prolonged fever. The disease affects the musculoskeletal, nervous, reproductive systems. Leads to an increase in lymph nodes, spleen, liver.
  5. Malaria. The carrier of the disease is known to be the mosquito. In pathology, a person is observed: recurrent fever, profuse sweat and bouts of chills.
  6. Septicemia. Such a diagnosis is made to a person who has bacteria in his blood. Most often it is streptococci, staphylococci. The disease is characterized by: severe chills, fever, excessive sweating and sudden temperature jumps to very high levels.
  7. Syphilis. The disease can affect the nerve fibers that are responsible for the production of sweat. Therefore, with syphilis, hyperhidrosis is often observed.

Neurological diseases

Some damage to the central nervous system can cause a person to sweat profusely.

The causes of hyperhidrosis are sometimes hidden in diseases:

  1. Parkinsonism. With pathology, the vegetative system is damaged. As a result, the patient often experiences increased sweating in the face.
  2. Dorsal dryness. The disease is characterized by destruction of the posterior columns and roots of the spinal cord. The patient loses peripheral reflexes, vibration sensitivity. A characteristic symptom is severe sweating.
  3. Stroke. The basis of the disease is damage to the arteries of the brain. Violations can affect the center of thermoregulation. In this case, the patient has severe and persistent hyperhidrosis.

Oncological pathologies

Fever and excessive sweating are symptoms that almost always accompany these pathologies, especially at the stage of metastasis.

Consider the diseases in which hyperhidrosis is the most common symptom:

  1. Hodgkin's disease. In medicine, it is called lymphogranulomatosis. The basis of the disease is a tumor lesion of the lymph nodes. The initial symptomatology of the disease is increased sweating at night.
  2. Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. This is a tumor of the lymphoid tissue. Such formations lead to stimulation of the thermoregulation center in the brain. As a result, the patient is observed, especially at night, increased sweating.
  3. Compression by metastases of the spinal cord. In this case, the vegetative system suffers, which causes an increase in sweating.

Kidney pathologies

You need to know what diseases a person sweats a lot.

Doctors give the following list of kidney pathologies:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • uremia;
  • eclampsia.

Cardiovascular ailments

Acute hyperhidrosis almost always accompanies acute stages. What diseases cause a person to sweat a lot? As a rule, such symptoms are observed with the following ailments:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • ischemia of the heart.

withdrawal syndrome

This phenomenon is characteristic of people dependent on various kinds of chemicals. This condition is especially pronounced in drug addicts or alcoholics. As soon as the chemical stimulant ceases to enter the body, a person develops severe hyperhidrosis. In this case, the state is preserved for the entire period while the “breaking” occurs.

Withdrawal syndrome can also be observed with the refusal of medication. A person reacts with increased sweating to the abolition of insulin or an analgesic.

Acute poisoning

This is another serious cause of hyperhidrosis. If a person sweats a lot, it is necessary to analyze what kind of food he ate or what chemicals he interacted with.

Often, such symptoms are caused by poisoning provoked by:

  • mushrooms (fly agaric);
  • organophosphorus poisons, which are used to control insects or rodents.

As a rule, a person has not only increased sweating, but also characteristic lacrimation, salivation. Pupil constriction is observed.

Psycho-emotional sphere

Very often, troubles at work, failures in personal life can lead to such symptoms. In other words, any severe stress can cause hyperhidrosis.

Nervous tension, acute pain or fear often lead to an unpleasant symptom. Not without reason, talking about the strongest emotional stress, a person emphasizes: “Thrown into a cold sweat.”

It is noticed that as soon as the problem is resolved, "holding" the person for a long time in stressful tension, increased hyperhidrosis disappears.

What to do?

It is very important to understand that the presence of hyperhidrosis is a serious reason to be examined in the hospital. Only after a thorough diagnosis, the doctor can say for which disease a person sweats a lot.

It is very important to correctly and extensively answer the following questions of the doctor:

  1. When did excessive sweating start?
  2. The frequency of seizures.
  3. What conditions provoke hyperhidrosis?

Do not forget that many of the pathologies can occur in a latent form. Therefore, a person can feel good for a long time. And only periodically arising attacks of sweating signal that not everything is safe in the body.

Sweating is an absolutely normal and physiological process that accompanies every healthy person. However, most people manage to suppress the main signs of sweating by observing the rules of hygiene, the selection of good cosmetic products. However, there are times when the armpits sweat so much that it brings serious discomfort to the person. This becomes a big aesthetic problem. Today we will talk about the causes of excessive sweating, consider the rules of sufficient hygiene and learn many secrets on how to deal with wet armpits.

Why does a person sweat

Moderate perspiration accompanies every person. But in what cases does a person sweat especially strongly?

  1. At high temperatures, the release of sweat regulates heat exchange processes in the body. This is necessary so that in the heat a person does not overheat.
  2. A person sweats especially strongly during various emotional upheavals - stress, fear, during experiences.
  3. A person sweats during physical exertion to reduce the temperature of a heated body.
  4. Sweating is a necessary condition for recovery from fever, SARS, etc.
  5. Failure to comply with elementary hygiene rules leads to increased sweating, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
  6. Many hormonal changes in the body are accompanied by sweating - menopause, postpartum and premenstrual periods, pregnancy, lactation, etc.
  7. Obese people suffer more from increased sweating, because their metabolic processes are disturbed or slowed down.
  8. Often, increased sweating can indicate certain diseases of the body. These can be endocrine disorders, VVD, diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, oncology.
  9. Some medications, including oral contraceptives, can increase sweating.
  10. A large consumption of spicy, spicy, smoked and salty foods provokes increased sweating.
  11. Wearing tight, overly warm, or synthetic clothing can also lead to permanently weeping armpits.

The pores through which sweat is released are located throughout the body. However, their greatest concentration is located in the armpits, palms and feet. That is why these areas of the body are most affected by moisture. We will tell you about simple hygiene rules that will help you suppress active sweating.

If with the advent of summer, increased sweating in the armpits makes you blush in front of others, try using our recommendations.

  1. Take a shower every morning and evening. Sweat is 99% water, the rest is salt and waste. Sweat on a clean body does not leave an unpleasant odor. However, if you do not take a shower on time, bacteria begin to multiply on the surface of the skin, which become a source of stench.
  2. Be sure to wear clean and ironed shirts every day, even if you think that yesterday's clothes are quite suitable for re-wearing.
  3. After showering, dry your underarms thoroughly before applying cosmetics. When buying an antiperspirant, pay attention to its name - it should be an antiperspirant, not a deodorant. The first suppresses the activity of the sweat glands, and the second simply hides the unpleasant odor.
  4. When choosing an antiperspirant, give preference to medicinal products that have a more powerful composition. Among them are Dry Dry, Purax. Some of these medicinal antiperspirants are so powerful that one application every few days is enough to keep the armpits dry.
  5. Wear clothes made only from natural fabrics - cotton, linen, etc. It should be spacious and comfortable enough. Dress for the weather - don't overheat.
  6. If possible, try to stay in an air-conditioned room during the heat.
  7. If you are embarrassed by wet spots, you can use special liners that are attached to clothes from the inside. They are very similar to women's sanitary pads - on the one hand, Velcro, which is glued to the clothes at armpit level, and on the other hand, a soft cotton surface that absorbs sweat and prevents it from ruining the appearance of clothes.
  8. In order for the pores to get used to the heat and react less to it, they need to be trained. Twice a day, do a contrast shower for the armpits - pour them with either cold or hot water. This will allow the capillaries to decrease and increase faster, adjusting to the external environment.
  9. In the morning and evening after a shower, you need to wipe the skin of the armpits with antibacterial compounds - alcohol lotion, medicinal solutions.

These simple tips will help you cope with excessive sweating, if it is caused by external factors. If the reasons lie inside the body, you can try to use safe and effective remedies that are sold in pharmacies.

Underarm sweat medications

These are popular pharmaceutical preparations that disinfect, deodorize and suppress the activity of the sweat glands. The most popular remedy is Teymurov's paste. It contains boric acid, zinc oxide, salicylic acid, lead acetate, formaldehyde solution and many other substances that actively cope with excessive sweating. The paste should be applied to clean and dried underarm skin. Prolonged and frequent use of the paste can lead to individual intolerance to the remedy, which is expressed in a rash and headache.

Another effective remedy for sweating is Lassar paste. It has a disinfecting and drying effect. You can use Formagel, which acts specifically on the sweat glands and suppresses their activity. Formidron works very well against sweating. It is applied to the skin of the armpits with a thin indelible layer, due to which the activity of the sebaceous glands is suppressed. Galmanin powder is also very effective. It contains salicylic acid, talc, starch. It not only deodorizes and dries, but also prevents the formation of prickly heat and various rashes. However, remember that any remedy must be used strictly according to the instructions, without exceeding the allowable doses and the period of use.

If you constantly think about moving your hands so that wet spots do not open up to others, if wet armpits do not allow you to live normally, you can get rid of them with the help of improvised means and folk recipes.

  1. Lemon. Every day after a shower, wipe the dry skin of the armpits with lemon juice. It will suppress the activity of bacteria, give the skin a pleasant citrus scent and reduce the amount of sweat produced.
  2. Soda. A strong baking soda solution can also kill the micro-organisms that are the source of bad breath. Add two tablespoons of baking soda to a glass of water. Wipe the armpits with this composition three times a day and after a couple of days they will sweat much less.
  3. Oak bark. A decoction of oak bark contains many tannins, which have a drying and deodorizing effect. A tablespoon of chopped bark should be poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled over low heat for about half an hour. Then the broth should be covered with a lid, wrapped and let it brew. Wipe the strained composition of the armpit twice a day.
  4. Alcohol. You can wipe the skin of the armpits with resorcinol, boric or simple medical alcohol, diluted in half with water.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide. It will get rid of moisture and the smell of sweat. Dilute the peroxide in half with water, soak cotton pads in the composition and apply to the armpit area as a compress. Dilute the peroxide in your rinse water to kill germs on the fabric.
  6. Apple vinegar. Apple cider vinegar also perfectly suppresses the activity of the sebaceous glands, however, to get the result, vinegar must be used regularly, twice a day for a month. Dissolve a spoonful of vinegar in a third of a glass of water and wipe the skin of the armpits with this composition. Do not wear clothing until the vinegar on the skin is completely dry.
  7. Alcohol tinctures. This is a great way, both for systemic use and for getting instant results. If you have an important speech, just wipe your armpits with herbal alcohol tinctures and in the next couple of hours you will be protected from the appearance of wet armpit stains. So, to prepare the tincture, you need to put green horsetail, walnut leaves and oak bark in a dark glass bottle. Pour vodka or alcohol, leave in a dark, cool place for three weeks. Then the composition must be filtered, diluted in half with water and wiped underarms three times a day.
  8. Chamomile. Add chamomile decoction to the water every time you take a bath. This will dry the skin, soothe it and reduce the activity of the sweat glands.

Use these recipes, they are not only effective, but also safe. In addition, the cost of such "drugs" is very low, you probably already have the ingredients for some recipes at home.

If all of the above tips do not help you get rid of excessive sweating, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps hyperhidrosis is caused by a disease or a malfunction in the body. If the cause is treated, the symptom (active sweating) will go away with the disease.

However, it happens that after a thorough examination, no pathological conditions are detected. In this case, the doctor does not associate hyperhidrosis with any diagnosis and concludes that this is an individual feature of the organism. But in this case, you can find a way out. You can get Botox injections under the armpits. They block the sweat glands and you just stop sweating in this area. You can use a medical operation, during which the nerve nodes that feed the sweat glands are destroyed. Due to this, they stop receiving a signal from the body and do not secrete a secret. Another popular procedure is Curettage. During such a medical intervention, the sweat glands are simply removed. That is, no glands, no sweat. However, the effect is not permanent - after a few years, sweating is restored and the operation must be repeated.

Sweating is a vague concept that can be both a physiological norm and a symptom of a serious illness. In each individual case, the doctor must understand. If you're suffering from underarm sweating that you can't manage on your own, see a therapist. In the future, he can send you to narrow specialists - a gynecologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, etc. Watch your body, respond to its signals in order to maintain health for many years.

Video: hyperhidrosis treatment methods



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