What are the treatments for alcoholism? Treatment in rehabilitation centers and groups of "anonymous alcoholics"

These tablets also contain high-dose disulfiram, and vitamins B3 and B4 have been added to enhance the effect.

Colme (Colme)

Included in the aversive group. This tool is developed on the basis of cyanamide, which distinguishes it from competitors. First of all, Colme does not have any unique distinguishing features, i.e. it is odorless, tasteless, colorless. Such characteristics make it possible to add it to food and drinks. It begins to act faster than disulfiram-based drugs, and its action itself is shorter.

On a note:
All drugs for the treatment of alcohol dependence, belonging to the aversive group, will not give the desired effect without a thorough preliminary examination, preparation and psychological work with a person, since they only block susceptibility to alcohol. Self-medication is not permissible - there are known cases of deaths with uncontrolled intake.


Methods of treating alcoholism with the help of blocking drugs is one of the most effective and progressive, therefore, by contacting our narcological service, you can get the modern and most effective treatment for addiction. Blockers block pleasure receptors, which are usually affected by alcohol, causing a feeling of euphoria.

Vivitrol (Vivitrol)

This blocker is introduced into the body for several weeks. If the patient takes alcohol against the background of Vivitrol, he will not experience any pleasant sensation. For him, a glass of vodka will be like a glass of water. Vivitrol is used in Johnson & Johnson's "Sobriety Point" alcohol addiction treatment.

Techniques for eliminating cravings for alcoholic beverages

These methods allow for a certain period of time to make the use of alcoholic beverages impossible. Aversive preparations already familiar to us are used in complex methods, combined with other drugs and psychotherapeutic procedures. These techniques are often referred to as "coding for alcoholism". A patient who has taken a complex of such drugs will feel bad if he drinks.

Torpedo (Torpedo)

A technique in which one of the main drugs is disulfiram in one form or another. This drug completely blocks the oxidation processes of alcohol taken at the stage of acetaldehyde. When drinking alcohol at the same time as this drug, the patient may experience severe chest pain, dizziness, fever, difficulty breathing, etc. alcohol. Repeated drinking leads to the development of a fear of drinking.


The method for the treatment of alcoholism Algominal has a similar effect. This is the same disulfiram administered under special conditions, accompanied by additional drugs. The resulting "cocktail" is strong enough to cause critical disorders in a person who has taken alcohol against the background of Algominal's action.

Aquilong (Acvilong)

A technique similar to the previous ones, which includes preparations of a known aversive group. It has minor modifications in terms of additional drugs and psychotherapeutic support.

Actoplex (Actoplex)

Similar to the previous method. The choice of this particular method comes down to the fact that a preliminary conversation with the patient gives a certain idea of ​​the duration of drinking, frequency, and amount of alcohol consumed. The doctor decides which technique to choose based on these anamnestic data.

Drugs that directly affect the craving for alcohol


These are antibodies to a special protein s-100. This protein is responsible for conducting nerve impulses between neurons in the brain. Accordingly, antibodies and Proproten-100, when they enter the body, bind to this protein and block its activity. As a result, the drug Proproten-100 inhibits the activity of nerve cells responsible for craving for alcohol.

Acamprosate (Campral)

According to the chemical formula, it is close to taurine, an amino acid, the increased content of which is noted in the brain. Acamprosate modulates the activity of special brain receptors that are responsible for alcohol craving, the so-called. "traction". These are well-known glutamate receptors. Having a depressing effect on them, Acamprosate leads to a decrease in craving for alcohol.

Preparations for the treatment of alcohol intoxication (detoxification)

When a patient is put on a drip, a variety of toxins are washed out of the blood, the acid-base balance is leveled, and conditions are created for the normal functioning of the organs and systems of the body.
Usually, different solutions are used for intravenous infusions:

  • Saline
  • Glucose solution
  • Ringer's solution
  • Polyglucin and reopoliglyukin

According to indications, the necessary medicines are added to them, which normalize the work of internal organs. These are not specific remedies, and the doctor selects them depending on what is affected in the patient. For example, these may be heart medications if the patient has heart problems, or hepatoprotectors to improve liver function.

Psychotropic drugs

This group includes drugs that correct the mental functions of a patient with alcoholism. In abstinence (with the abolition of alcohol), one of the leading symptoms are anxiety, restlessness, irritability, inability to concentrate, and sleep disturbances.

All these are mental disorders that require mandatory correction. It goes away on its own, but not immediately. Nervousness, anxiety, low mood, if not corrected, increase the craving for alcohol and lead to a guaranteed breakdown.
Therefore, doctors very carefully approach the choice of drugs in this group and combine them into individual treatment regimens, depending on how the alcohol withdrawal syndrome proceeds.
The drugs in this group include:

  • Anxiolytics and tranquilizers (anti-anxiety), for example: phenazepam, atarax, imovan, xanax.
  • Antidepressants (mood-improving): amitriptyline, melipramine, paroxetine, coaxil, sinequan, trittico.
  • Nootropic (improving brain activity): nootropil, cerebrolysin. Biotredin is also referred to as a nootropic. Biotredin (Biotredin)
    Domestic medicine containing a complex of amino acids and vitamins. It helps to more easily endure the state of alcohol withdrawal, relieves irritability, and has a beneficial effect on sleep. It was specially developed as a component in the complex treatment of alcohol dependence.
  • Antipsychotics (behavior correctors): haloperidol, etaperazine, neuleptil.

Antipsychotics are not always used and with extreme caution in minimal dosages and for a very short period.

Biologically active additives (BAA) for the treatment of alcoholism

It should be remembered that dietary supplements as independent means of treatment are not effective. They are used as components in complex therapy and have little effect on the body.

The popularity of drugs for the treatment of alcoholism is explained by the many positive reviews from former patients who have experienced the effectiveness of such drugs as Vivitrol, Algominal, Esperal, Colme and, in general, complex, properly selected therapy.

It is worth remembering that the treatment of alcoholism by pharmacological methods should be trusted exclusively by professional doctors. Modern pharmacies have at their disposal a huge range of drugs and medicines that have a strong effect on the body, but in inexperienced hands these drugs can be ineffective or even very dangerous.

It is necessary to take medications for the treatment of alcoholism only as prescribed and under the close supervision of a narcologist. Self-medication can lead to serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, damage to internal organs, and other irreversible consequences.

The effectiveness of drug therapy for the treatment of alcoholism provides:

  • Elimination of the consequences of withdrawal
  • Reduction and complete elimination of cravings for alcohol
  • Treatment of certain mental disorders and complications
  • Changes in the influence of alcohol on the human body

All patients of our narcological service undergo a thorough medical examination, as a result of which treatment with one or another drug is prescribed on an individual basis. This approach can significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment and minimize side effects.

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More than 700,000 Americans a day undergo alcohol addiction treatment. However, alcoholism treatment methods are usually based on clinical experience and intuition, and there are very few examples of the exact rationale for their effectiveness. Over the past 20 years, modern methods of evaluating medical programs have become more often used in the treatment of alcoholism. These include the creation of control groups for further comparison, the randomization of study participants into groups with different treatments, and, to the extent possible, observation of the patient participating in the study. This tactic is based on the results of recent controlled clinical trials on the effectiveness of self-help groups, psychosocial approaches, and medications to achieve and maintain abstinence from alcohol.

... insomnia. One of the first questions many alcoholics ask others when they are trying to stop drinking is how to treat their symptoms. alcoholism at home. The answer to this question is quite simple. If you are experiencing symptoms alcoholism Or are you waiting for them to show up...

Twelve Step Mutual Aid Programs

Most often, people with problems with alcohol turn to self-help groups. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), the most widely known self-help group, suggests 12 sequential stages, or steps, that patients must go through during the recovery process. Alcoholics may become AA members before receiving professional treatment, combine AA attendance with treatment, or for the purpose of subsequent rehabilitation after professional treatment. Despite the fact that AA groups have a positive effect on many of their members, but selective clinical studies confirm their effectiveness in rare cases.

One sample study compared patients in an employment assistance program who are outpatients and attend the AA group with those who attend only the AA group. As a result, it was found that in non-hospital treatment, that is, the combination of professional treatment and visiting the AA group, more people recover than when visiting only one group.

Dr. Ouimet and colleagues compared a 12-step program, a cognitive behavioral program, and a course of therapy that combines both of these methods. This study was part of a non-selective experimental observation that included 3,000 patients from US Department of Veterans Affairs outpatient clinics. Through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), the therapist helps the patient develop new skills to cope with the problem and change harmful behavior patterns, such as alcohol abuse.

One year after completion of treatment, the three programs resulted in a comparable improvement in alcohol consumption and related problems. However, participants in the 12-step program achieved more sustained abstinence from alcohol and showed a higher percentage of employment compared to participants in the other two programs. Interpretation of these results is complicated by the non-selective allocation of patients to groups with different types of treatment.

The positive outcome of AA patients may be due in part to the replacement of their social circle of drinking friends by members of the AA group, who can provide support and motivation in maintaining abstinence from alcohol. In addition, therapies in AA groups often focus on developing coping skills, most of which are similar to those of structured psychosocial programs, thus reducing alcohol consumption.

Psychosocial Therapy for Alcohol Addiction

The following sections deal with screening current approaches or analyzes related to the psychosocial treatment of alcohol-related problems.

Motivational Wellness Therapy

Motivational Wellness Therapy (MOT), developed primarily for the national MATCH project, begins with the understanding that responsibility and the ability to change depends on the patient. The therapist begins by describing the consequences of the patient's alcohol addiction. Therapist and patient work together to explore the benefits of abstaining from alcohol, consider treatment options, and develop a plan to achieve their treatment goals. The analysis found that MOT may be the most cost-effective among the available treatments. According to one study, motivational conversations, a major component of ILO, have been shown to be more effective in overcoming patient reluctance to enter treatment than conventional methods.

Family therapy as a treatment for alcoholism

Evidence shows that the inclusion of a non-drinking spouse in a treatment program improves the patient's activity and increases the likelihood that the patient will not return to alcohol after treatment ends.

There are different approaches to family therapy. Behavioral family therapy has two aspects: focusing on alcoholism in order to strengthen the marital relationship through the distribution of activities and to learn to negotiate and assess the degree of conflict. O'Farrell and colleagues combined family therapy with learning and replaying a script to prevent relapse. Among alcoholics with serious marital problems, the combined approach leads to better family relationships and higher abstinence rates at 30 months of follow-up than among those who receive only behavioral family therapy.

Brief Intervention

Many people with alcohol dependence get a consultation with a GP or nurses in five or less standard visits. Such treatment, known as brief intervention, usually consists of education about the negative consequences of alcohol abuse along with practical advice on strategies and community resources to achieve moderation or abstinence from alcohol. Based on two clinical trials conducted in the US and Canada, this approach was found to reduce alcohol cravings, alcohol-related problems disappear, and, in this regard, the patient is less likely to seek medical services. Most brief interventions are designed to help people who are prone to alcoholism reduce their alcohol consumption. Patients with alcohol dependence are offered to undergo specialized treatment, the goal of which is complete abstinence from alcohol.

Brief intervention has also been successfully applied outside of primary care settings. Evidence confirms that 25-40% of trauma patients are addicted to alcohol. Gentilello and colleagues conducted a randomized, controlled study of patients at a trauma center who were found to have blood alcohol levels at the time of admission to the center. The researchers found that even one motivational conversation at the time of discharge reduced the frequency of alcohol consumption and rehospitalization due to injury within 6 months of follow-up.

Monty and a team of researchers conducted a similar randomized controlled study among young people aged 18-19 who were admitted to the emergency room with injuries caused by alcohol abuse. Although study participants reduced their alcohol consumption, after 6 months, the short-term intervention group had significantly fewer drunken driving, traffic violations, and a reduction in drunkenness and alcohol-related injuries. the number of problems caused by alcohol consumption.

Brief intervention among first-year students at risk for adverse effects due to alcohol abuse also resulted in a significant reduction in alcohol-related problems.

Comprehensive treatment of alcohol and tobacco addictions

Nicotine and alcohol interact in the human brain, with one drug increasing dependence on the other. Thus, some scientists argue that the simultaneous treatment of these addictions can be an effective, even necessary, way in reducing addictions. According to a recent study by Hart and colleagues, nicotine addiction treatment had no negative impact on abstinence from alcohol and other drugs. Moreover, this combination of treatments not only contributed to smoking cessation, it also failed to encourage fresh quitters to switch to alcohol.

Pharmacotherapy as a treatment for alcohol dependence

More recently, the goal of the study was to create drugs to block the relationship between alcohol and brain function, which was responsible for the development of alcoholism. In 1995, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the use of Naltrexone (ReViaTM) to prevent relapse in recovering patients who are also undergoing psychosocial therapy. This approach was based on two randomized controlled trials that showed a reduction in alcohol consumption over a longer period in patients taking Naltrexone than in those taking placebo.

As in the case of other diseases, the effectiveness of Naltrexone is observed only with regular use. Naltrexone, like all drugs, has side effects. In one recent study, Naltrexone showed a high level of side effects, which is likely to explain why this study, unlike others, failed to prove the effectiveness of Naltrexone.

In several selective controlled studies conducted by European scientists, Acamprosate has shown promise in the treatment of alcoholism. This study included more than 3,000 alcohol dependent patients who were also undergoing psychosocial therapy. Analysis of all results showed that patients with alcohol dependence taking Acamprosate and showing sustained abstinence from alcohol for one year were more than twice as high as those who received only psychosocial therapy.

Research shows that certain drugs may be more effective in treating certain types of alcoholism. For example, the combination of ondansetron (Zofran) and psychotherapy in patients who began to abuse alcohol before the age of 25 years (i.e., with early onset alcoholism) saw a decrease in alcohol consumption and an increase in the period of abstinence, which was not observed in patients with late onset alcoholism. . Sertraline (Zoloft), on the other hand, has been shown to be effective in patients with late onset alcoholism. However, fluoxetine (Prozac), a drug similar to sertraline, has not shown positive results in patients with late onset alcoholism.

As a result, it should be noted that the study supports the idea of ​​using drugs as an adjunct to psychosocial therapy in the treatment of alcohol abuse and alcoholism. However, additional clinical trials are needed to determine which patients this method is more suitable for, which drugs are more suitable for a particular patient, to choose the optimal dosage, to develop a plan that promotes patient compliance with the drug regimen.


Currently, the problem of alcoholism in the Russian Federation and in the world is very acute: there is an increase in patients with the most severe manifestations, the course of alcoholism is often complicated by severe somatic diseases, adolescent alcoholism is progressing, there is no preventive anti-alcohol work with the population, intrusive alcohol advertising is progressing, the existing system is being reduced. narcological services, there are no effective anti-alcohol treatment methods that can form a high-quality remission and prevent early relapses. This leads to an increase in social problems.

The author of the project offers his own unique scheme for the treatment of alcohol dependence, using the most advanced technologies and based on modern concepts in medicine. The proposed technique is protected by a patent of the Russian Federation and is a modern complex of therapeutic methods for the treatment of alcohol dependence, including infrared photobiostimulation and EHF-therapy, which carry out a structural restructuring of cellular metabolism and a psychotherapeutic effect, consisting of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and Ericksonian hypnosis. Infrared photobiostimulation stimulates and activates the system of endogenous opioid neuropeptides and adaptive functions of the adrenal glands, which leads to biological disappearance, relief of alcohol dependence; EHF reflexotherapy is able to completely stop neurovegetative disorders, polyneuropathy, vascular disorders, as well as trophic-metabolic disorders within one or two procedures. NLP carries out a personal transformation of the patient and changes the patient's attitude to the disease, Ericksonian hypnosis in the treatment of alcohol dependence allows you to get therapeutic access to the unconscious and create motivation for sobriety at the unconscious level, form an unconscious readiness to achieve results and create a dominant part of the personality responsible for sober behavior. The simultaneous use of NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis makes it possible to successfully overcome alcoholic anosognosia, create an attitude towards treatment and sobriety, stop the primary pathological craving for alcohol and form indifference to the sight and smell of alcohol, as well as new behavioral motives associated with the need to abstain from alcohol.

We have noted that infrared photobiostimulation has such abilities as the formation of artificial stable functional connections of the second type, provides a qualitative relief of the primary pathological craving for alcohol, since selective communication channels are formed in the cerebral cortex and in the subcortical formations of the brain between various subcortical structures of the brain , which are based on long-term memory matrices. This allows in a short time to form structural functional systems of indifference to alcohol. At the same time, NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis enhance the effect of infrared photobiostimulation, which allows the patient to independently realize and work out his deep subconscious reasons for the development of addiction and form a negative conditioned reflex to alcohol.

The advantages of using this method is that it allows you to change the alcoholic attitudes of the personality, while changing these attitudes is carried out directly by the patient, but under the supervision of the attending physician, which allows the patient himself to realize and overcome the pathological patterns of alcoholic behavior and significantly improves the quality of remission. At the same time, after the first session, the pathological craving for alcohol disappears.

Treatment individually takes into account the characteristics of the patient's personality, which increases the effectiveness of treatment. The proposed method of treatment of alcohol dependence does not use drugs, which reduces the cost of the method of treatment.

During the year, 276 people with a diagnosis of alcohol use with harmful consequences and addiction syndrome were treated using this method, of which 211 were men and 65 were women. The course of treatment consisted of three procedures, the interval between which was three days, maintenance sessions were carried out after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months.

After the first procedure, an improvement in well-being was noted in 83% of patients: appetite appeared, sleep improved, mood returned to normal. Obsessive primary pathological craving for alcohol disappeared in 64% of patients. After the second procedure, 72% of patients noted a change in attitude to the sight and smell of alcohol in the form of indifference and indifference. After the third procedure, 96% of those who applied noted that, at the sight of alcoholic products and in the presence of drinkers, the appearance of indifference or aversion to the sight and smell of alcohol. All those who underwent the course of treatment noted an improvement in physical well-being: improved sleep, appetite, mood, increased efficiency. At the same time, 14% of patients complained of irritability.

After 3 months, 238 people came to the maintenance session, of which 4 people returned to drinking alcohol, 20% noted intermittent craving for alcohol, which occurs mainly on an empty stomach and disappears after eating. In 30%, recurrent irritation, increased fatigue, decreased performance, worsening sleep were noted. The rest noted persistent indifference and indifference to the sight and smell of alcohol.

After 6 months, 231 people applied. Of those who turned to alcohol, 11 people returned, 17% noted a recurring craving for alcohol that occurs on an empty stomach and during quarrels.

After 9 months, 198 people applied - all of them maintained a sober lifestyle and noted the presence of indifference to the type and smell of alcohol.

After 1 year, 216 people applied for a consultation. All those who applied maintained a sober lifestyle and noted an improvement in physical health and psychological climate in the family.

The proposed technique meets all modern requirements and allows you to qualitatively and effectively stop the main manifestations of alcohol dependence, and is also able to form a high-quality remission.

Bibliographic link

Saberov R.R. NEW IN THE TREATMENT OF ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE // Fundamental Research. - 2008. - No. 1. - P. 114-115;
URL: http://fundamental-research.ru/ru/article/view?id=2450 (date of access: 02/19/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Alcoholism is a serious problem of our time, a common medical problem, and, finally, one of the most difficult problems that requires psychological support. There are different methods of treating alcohol addiction, among which each person with this problem can find the most effective for himself. Let's get to know them better. But before looking for a therapeutic effect, we suggest that you take a small test to see if you really need treatment.

The use of alcoholic beverages is practically the normative behavior of a modern adult. When all the people around you are constantly drinking alcohol, it is difficult to understand how much you yourself drink. This little test will help determine the extent of your addiction to alcohol.

  1. Do you often need to drink to calm down (for example, after a quarrel or trouble)?
  2. Have you ever had a drink alone?
  3. Do you have a desire to drink when you are depressed?
  4. Do you tell yourself to drink less?
  5. Do you notice that in the company you want to drink more than is customary?
  6. Are you bored in a company where there is no alcohol?
  7. Would you like to add more when others have already stopped?
  8. Do you feel guilty or want to hide the amount of alcohol you drink?
  9. Do you downplay the amount you drink in front of your loved ones?
  10. Have you ever felt ashamed of something you did or said while drunk?
  11. Do you have memory lapses after drinking alcohol?
  12. Do you have difficulty falling or staying asleep?

If you answered "Yes" to 3 or more questions, it means that your relationship with alcohol is becoming dangerous.

There is another easy way to check if you have alcoholism. Just tell yourself: "No more than 50-100 grams per day for 2 months, no matter what." If you break loose, then your levers of effective control are already loose and it is time to look for effective methods and ways to treat emerging alcohol addiction.

What do you need to know?

Alcohol dependence is formed for quite a long time, passing through several stages:

The fight against alcohol addiction by modern means and methods is most effective in the first and second stages, since the consequences of alcoholism in such patients are still reversible. But the treatment of alcohol dependence of the third stage is very long and difficult, and the rehabilitation period is greatly increased. Therefore, it is necessary to start fighting this disease as early as possible, while it is still easy to cope with it.

Alcoholism can be treated both in a clinic or a special center, and at home. If you wish, this treatment can be carried out completely anonymously. The types and means by which alcoholism can be cured today are pleasing with their diversity: these are drug therapy, folk remedies, and psychological support. In addition, more and more patients decide to treat their addiction by coding. It is also important to prevent the use of alcoholic beverages.

Help for abuse

Treatment of alcoholism is a whole complex of psychological and medical measures, thanks to which it becomes possible to completely abandon alcohol and return a person to a normal life. To begin to effectively treat this disease, doctors need to force the patient to voluntarily or forcibly completely refuse to take alcoholic beverages. This is necessary so that his body is cleansed of alcohol and its decay products. Then the patient begins to be treated with special medications, and then a psychologist or psychotherapist joins the therapy, helping the person to adapt to normal life. Let's look at the different options for medical and psychological support in the treatment of alcoholism.

Usually, in order to start treating alcoholism, first of all, you need to get a person out of hard drinking. This event is carried out only by a narcologist. Self-medication or seeking help from people without medical education can lead to the most unfortunate consequences.

Withdrawal from hard drinking is carried out in 2 ways: the doctor comes to the house or the patient is placed in a hospital. Although the price for these services can vary greatly (from 2,500 to 9,000 rubles), the second option is more preferable, since the doctor can use different therapeutic and diagnostic tools in the clinic, as well as constantly monitor the patient.

Getting rid of the withdrawal syndrome

With a sharp rejection of alcohol, a person may develop withdrawal symptoms, or, as the people say, "delirious tremens." This condition is fraught with the most serious consequences, up to the commission of criminal offenses or death. Withdrawal syndrome should be treated only permanently. The price of 1 day in a hospital will cost from 1500 to 10 thousand rubles. per day, depending on the severity of the syndrome, the prestige of the clinic and the amenities offered.


After withdrawal from binge, it is necessary to completely remove alcohol from the body. Most often, the introduction of special drugs through a dropper is used for this. In parallel with medications, modern methods and means of treating alcoholism are increasingly being used: bioxen therapy (inhalation of a mixture of oxygen and xenon through a mask) and plasmapheresis (purification of blood plasma using special devices). These methods are considered today the most effective means, and the prices are quite affordable: from 6 thousand rubles.

Inhibitory therapy or coding

After detoxification, the patient may decide that it is okay to drink again, since everything will be fine now. To prevent relapse, immediately after detoxification, coding is done.

To do this, use the following prohibition means:

The selection of the most effective remedy in each case is always carried out by a narcologist individually.

Unlike psychological or neurophysiological coding, drug inhibition therapies should be used very carefully, as they are only safe for patients who are able to maintain absolute sobriety while they are being treated.

Inhibitory therapy and coding have long proved their high effectiveness, they are successfully used all over the world. The disadvantage of any prohibitive therapy is that after the patient is no longer treated, he may experience a breakdown, so a long period of psychological rehabilitation is necessary to consolidate the effect. It should also be borne in mind that psychological coding methods are highly dependent on the characteristics of the psyche of a sick person, so it is important to find a highly qualified specialist.

Psychological assistance and rehabilitation

After it was possible to remove the acute manifestations of alcoholism, the psychological impact and rehabilitation of the patient to new living conditions are used. These methods are aimed at creating a negative attitude towards the use of alcohol and at refusing to use alcoholic beverages.

Such complex therapy is aimed at restoring the body of a person who has been drinking alcohol for a long time. Such treatment includes drugs that normalize the state of internal organs, the cardiovascular and nervous system. The most important role is played by psychological help and support, as well as the prevention of re-alcoholism. After all, if a former alcoholic is not confident in his own strengths and capabilities, he will definitely return to drinking alcohol.

Folk methods

Folk methods are based on the use of various natural ingredients. Most of these remedies are available at home. They usually include honey and a variety of herbal preparations. There are other non-traditional methods. Although this treatment will cost you less than traditional therapy, before you begin to treat the patient, be sure to consult with your doctor.

How to make a choice

Important issues for people who want to treat alcoholism are the choice of a clinic and the price of treatment. The average cost of treatment in Russia varies from 6 to 30 thousand rubles (depending on the method chosen). Moreover, the larger the city, the higher, as a rule, the price is. Thus, prices for coding in Moscow are 20-30% higher than similar services in the outback of Russia. Therefore, when choosing a clinic, you should not focus only on price: a high price is not always a guarantee of quality.

When choosing a clinic, carefully read the certificates and patents of the institution itself, as well as documents confirming the qualifications of doctors. It will not be superfluous to have positive reviews and recommendations from friends who have already used the services of this medical center.

Preventive measures

Prevention of alcohol addiction is based on the joint coordinated activities of doctors of various profiles, psychologists, teachers, educators, sociologists, lawyers, various public and government organizations. It is differentiated and divided into primary, secondary and tertiary.

Primary prevention is the prevention of the causes of alcoholism long before they appear. Such prevention is the most massive and non-specific. This is mainly a pedagogical, social and psychological impact aimed at children, adolescents and young people.

Secondary prevention involves people who already drink alcohol (early diagnosis, psychological support, social work with the environment and family members of an alcoholic).

Tertiary prevention includes helping people who have managed to cope with alcoholism (sobriety clubs, societies like Alcoholics Anonymous, psychological counseling for recovering patients, etc.).

With all the variety of methods and means of treating this very common addiction, it is important to understand that not a single, even the most modern method of treating alcoholism, guarantees a result. It is impossible to effectively treat, and even more so cure an alcoholic without his own desire and effort.

Alcohol addiction treatment

Since alcoholism has become one of the biggest social problems in the world, it is the subject of numerous studies that lead to the discovery of effective ways to get rid of this disease.

The most effective are drugs that cause alcohol intolerance. These can be drugs such as Esperal, Disulfiram, Lidevin or Colme. Most often, after taking these drugs, a person who has consumed alcohol begins to experience discomfort, he develops nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

In addition to using a psychological or physical method of dealing with alcoholism, doctors also practice complex treatment in a hospital, which includes procedures that exclude physical dependence, as well as psychological impact on the patient. It is capable of leading to a complete rejection of alcohol, but it takes several months.

Alcoholism is a pressing problem for many families that are destroyed under the influence of this disease. But in addition to ineffective persuasion and appeals to conscience, you can use more effective methods to help cure a loved one from alcohol addiction forever.


To spare human from, first determine the stage of development of this disease, assessing how often the patient consumes alcohol, whether he experiences a regular hangover and how long he falls into. By evaluating these criteria, you will quickly determine the degree alcoholism to you human and will be able to choose the best method of treatment for a serious illness.

Analyze the factors that have a direct or indirect effect on the alcoholic. Wanting to get rid of alcoholism patient, pay attention to the influence of the environment and bosom friends, which can stimulate the alcoholic craving for alcohol, the influence of society, as well as mental problems. If everything is simple with friends-drinking companions, then the hidden psychological dependence on alcoholic beverages needs to be identified more carefully.

Ask the patient about his life values, about his attitude to society, about his position in society, about work, since troubles in the service field often force him to extinguish the problem of drinking alcohol. Let the patient know that avoiding problems has a negative impact on their health and will not lead to anything positive in the end.

The most effective motivating factors affecting the patient are the preservation of health, the good of the family, independent choice, respect for relatives. Motivation is directly related to the reasons a person drinks, and if the main cause of the disease is nervous and stressful work, then the conviction to lead a healthy life should also be associated with the career field.


And people are more and more often wondering: how to get rid of alcoholism? Alcoholism is a type of substance abuse, this disease is characterized by addiction to alcohol, despite the negative consequences. People who drink constantly and often go on a binge can only be helped by the treatment of alcoholism in specialized narcological hospitals.

Useful advice

Therefore, the main goal of alcoholism treatment is to rid a person of alcohol dependence. From the point of view of psychologists and psychiatrists, any addiction is a pathological subordination of a person to something or someone. How to get rid of alcohol addiction? The fight against alcohol addiction is a whole complex of measures. To get rid of alcoholism, there are various methods, but they are united by one thing - the patient must voluntarily or forcibly refuse to take alcohol.

Effective treatment of alcohol addiction is really possible only if the patient himself has consciously made a decision. In most cases, alcoholics do not consider themselves as such, and this fact is fiercely disputed. If it is not possible to do this in the family, you should use the services of doctors - narcologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists.

You will need

  • - detoxification therapy;
  • - conditioned reflex therapy;
  • - sensitizing therapy;
  • - psychotherapy.


Treatment, depending on the patient's condition at the time of therapy, is carried out either inpatient or outpatient. In cases of severe, mental and somatic disorders, the presence of psychotic episodes in the recent past, hospitalization is recommended.

The first stage is detoxification therapy using parenteral routes of drug administration. They use "Magnesium sulfate", "Unithiol", vitamins, "Nootropil", "Piracetam", etc.

The patient is shown to drink plenty of fluids while taking diuretics. During this period, enhanced nutrition, high-calorie and rich, is recommended.

When positive results of detoxification are achieved, anti-alcohol treatment begins. The choice of methods and its consequences must be discussed with the patient and his relatives.

One of the common methods of treatment is conditioned reflex therapy. The patient develops a conditioned reflex reaction in the form of a gag reflex and the taste of alcoholic beverages. This result is achieved through the combined use of emetics and in small quantities. The method is indicated in the first stage of the disease and who usually do not tolerate vomiting.

The purpose of the method of sensitizing therapy is to suppress the craving for alcohol and create conditions for forced refusal from them. It is achieved by taking "Teturama", "Esperali" or other drugs that have the ability to accumulate in the body and, if alcohol enters it, cause severe, and often unpredictable.

Psychotherapy is an integral part of anti-alcohol treatment, aimed at explaining to the patient the severity and detrimental effect on his health of further consumption of alcohol-containing liquids.

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Useful advice

After discharge from the hospital, the most difficult period begins for the patient - remission and adaptation to a new way of life. Moral support from relatives, family, friends, employees can be the only barrier on the way back.

Alcohol deprives a person of a full and vibrant life - however, as well as his loved ones, who are often helpless and unarmed in the fight against the green serpent. Unfortunately, the absolute cure for drunkenness has not yet been invented, and in the hospital, drinking people do not like to be treated - it's expensive and the doctors are strict around. In this case, treatment at home can come to the rescue.

Features of the "home hospital"

The process of treating alcoholism at home is a hard and lengthy work that does not guarantee one hundred percent success. Maximum results can be achieved if a person himself gets rid of addiction, realizing the degree of its destructive impact on his life. The intake of special medications prescribed by a doctor for treatment in must be carefully monitored - this will have to be done by one of the indifferent close relatives.

If a person does not want to quit drinking, do not despair - perhaps, in this case, the intervention of qualified psychologists will help.

Before starting any treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist so as not to harm the person even more. Often, people who drink refuse to visit a doctor, citing the absence of a problem as the reason for their decision. In this case, a relative who is as knowledgeable as possible about the state of health of the patient can contact the doctor. It is strongly not recommended to start using drugs bought on the advice of the Internet.

Treatment of alcoholism folk remedies

Some recipes of traditional medicine have proven themselves in official medicine. So, if the patient agrees to, you need to take dry logs, sprinkle them with sugar and set them on fire. The burning fire should be extinguished, the patient should be allowed to breathe the smoke coming from the smoldering logs and pour him a glass of vodka.

The method with birch firewood has repeatedly caused the complete rejection of alcohol even in the most inveterate alcoholics.

The following recipe is considered no less effective among the people: pour three tablespoons of aspen bark, Chernobyl root and thyme in the evening in an enamel bowl with three glasses of cold water. In the morning, boil the infusion over low heat for half an hour and strain. Give the patient a decoction three times a day, one hour before meals, one glass each.

Another popular remedy is wormwood, thyme and centaury, mixed with half a liter of vodka in a ratio of 4:1:1. The mixture must be infused for a week, and then given to the drinking person three times a day, one tablespoon for three months. The advantage of this tool is that it can be quietly poured into tea or any alcoholic beverage.

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Alcoholism is a disease that destroys many lives. Most often, it is impossible to overcome the craving for alcohol on your own. Remedies for the treatment of alcoholism can be a real salvation.



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