A Hollywood style party is a great idea for an original holiday. New Year's Eve in Hollywood style

Movie parties are a format for any age group and any occasion - a birthday, New Year or a corporate party on the occasion of the company's anniversary, because in any company there are connoisseurs of old and new films, which means that film competitions will be successful. Here are some ideas to inspire your own script.


First of all, you need to decide on the name of the party: in the original - “Movieparti” or “Movie Party”, “Hollywood Style Party”, “Oscar Style Party”. They will look stylish in the form of a movie ticket or a mini-poster for famous films, a cinematic cracker or a glass of popcorn, in general, any symbols of the film industry, fantasy is limitless here, look at the photos and be inspired. It is important, when inviting people to a party, to sign invitations not just to a movie party, but to a pretentious presentation of film awards. Do not forget to specify the dress code - "Hollywood style".

Party Suit

The simplest option for dressing for a Hollywood awards party is an elegant evening dress (maybe a little revealing) and a formal suit like a tailcoat. But if you want to look original, because bright, unusual costumes are an important element of any theme party, turn on your imagination and try to dress up in the spirit of your favorite movie characters. For lovers of retro films, red or black floor-length dresses with an open back and long gloves, a hat and a mouthpiece with a characteristic bright make-up are suitable - sensual red lips, expressive black arrows on the eyes. You can take Marilyn Monroe as a style standard. For men - black and white version with a bow tie. In modern cinema, you can dress in burlesque style, as in the movie "Moulin Rouge" - it is unlikely that such an outfit will leave you unattended. Adventure lovers will surely love the outfits of the James Bond girl. Men can also copy the famous 007 with a flawless suit and dark glasses. Thrill-seekers can build costumes for Star Wars and Avatar characters. It is not so important which costume you choose for yourself, the main thing is to remember that a Hollywood party is luxury, brilliance, chic and outrageous. Look at the photo of the clothes of the party in the style of "Hollywood".

Movie party decor

How to host a Hollywood style party? You can use anything related to the theme of cinema - electric and paper garlands, cinema crackers and glasses of popcorn, old film reels and video cassettes, star balloons. You can pick up posters and posters for films, make volumetric inscriptions HOLLYWOOD. One of the important attributes is the red carpet, which must be laid from the entrance itself. They will help create the atmosphere of a theme party and red tablecloths or draperies, white dishes.

Party Scenario

The host introduces the gathered guests to the purpose of the event - the presentation of film awards to the best of the best. After that, an entertainment program is held, and according to the results of each competition, the winner receives a film award in a certain category. For the presentation of awards, you can appoint someone specially or entrust it to the presenter.

Prizes, of course, should be comic - a paper diploma, a red ribbon with a nomination, champagne with a thematic label, various figurines. The presentation of the awards is accompanied by thunderous applause.

Awards and nominations

Best Screenwriter

Only the most ingenious authors of the best scripts can come up with phrases that millions will remember and use them constantly. How many famous phrases from movies do you remember? The following are excerpts from the films. This can be done in different ways: the presenter can simply read out phrases or turn on sound cuts from films. Participants of the competition must remember the name of the film from which the quote was voiced. Competition forms can also be different:

  • the quote is read to everyone and the one who raised his hand first answers;
  • several people are invited to participate, and each one chooses his quote for himself, in random order;
  • if the film is not recognized, the right to answer passes to the next participant.

The participant with the most correct answers wins. The host explains that the best screenwriter is considered to be the one who writes good scripts and the one who knows them perfectly.

The best make-up artist

Props for this competition must be prepared in advance. These can be photos of celebrities from magazines, or rather, the most characteristic parts of their faces - Johnny Depp's beard, Marilyn Monroe's arched eyebrow, Gerard Depardieu's nose. For fun and to confuse the participants, you can add fragments of photos of party guests.

Presenter: “There is a well-known expression “I don’t recognize you in makeup.” And in fact, make-up artists are sometimes so laid out that the children of Hollywood stars do not recognize their parents and throw a tantrum. Are you observant and able to identify them?

An entertainment competition is held according to any of the indicated schemes (who is the first or in turn). The host shows photos of parts of the face of celebrities, and the guests guess the star. The most interesting part of the game will begin when the host shows a photo of the party guests. The best make-up artist is not only the one who perfectly disguises everyone, but also the one who recognizes anyone in makeup.

Best Costume Design

In the first version of the entertainment, only girls participate - alone or in pairs. They are given pieces of fabric and pins. It is necessary to make a suit without threads and needles. It is necessary to beautifully drape the fabric for both girls in a pair. The winner can be evaluated according to a certain criterion, for example, "the shortest outfit", "the highest% of the naked body", "the most unusual costume". Although the most unusual ones are obtained not from fabric, but from newspapers and adhesive tape! The audience jury determines the best designer and awards a prize.

In the second option, couples of men and girls can participate in the competition. Each couple is given a roll of toilet paper. The girl is holding the roll. And the guy without the help of hands, with his lips alone, “dresses” his partner. The winner is the one who can do it faster or do everything neater, having built a more successful outfit.

Best Trick

The host announces the nomination, and everyone who wants to participate demonstrate their talents. The tricks are very diverse - from acrobatic somersaults to swallowing a kilogram of sausages in a minute. Each participant will receive an incentive prize, and the winner will be chosen by the audience jury with applause.

Best Movie Musician

Volunteer music lovers who know films and their musical arrangement well participate in the Hollywood style party competition in the "Best Musician" nomination. Music sounds, and the participants on the soundtrack must remember the name of the film. If the music lover named the movie incorrectly, the right to answer passes to the next player. The filmmaker with the most correct answers wins.

Best actors

Doubles competition (M+W). The couple chooses a movie and must show a "live poster" from that movie. For accessories, she uses three items that she finds at the party. The couple writes the name of the film and their names on a card and gives it to the presenter. In turn, they go on stage, showing their live picture, and the audience must guess which movie this fragment is from. If you guessed it right away, then the couple performed successfully. After all views, the awards "Best Actor" and "Best Actress" are awarded. You can vote for the winners if it is not immediately clear which pair was guessed the fastest.

Best Visual Effects

This nomination is a joke, for the bravest girls. Its name is not announced in advance. When all the participants lined up in front of the audience, the host says that it is very important for the actress to be able to repeat the movements, which the nominees should demonstrate. The “dance instructor” (it is better if it is a man) demonstrates the most awkward movements to the girls to the music - the more unusual, the funnier, and the girls obediently repeat. After a couple of minutes, the presenter stops the music and says that everyone won in the Best Visual Effects nomination.

Continuation of the Hollywood party

The scenario of a Hollywood-style party with the distribution of awards does not end there. You can film a theatrical performance on camera, after all, a “movie” party, in the style of Hollywood. So the real film will remain after the holiday.

An auction can be included in the entertainment program. Buy inexpensive gifts that can be associated with some movie on the topic or by analogy, for example, a compass can be tied to the Titanic, and a bag of salted nuts to Die Hard. Each auction item comes with a name card. The presenter demonstrates a present without showing the cards. Whoever raises his hand first is the one who answers. If the film is not guessed, the next applicant answers. If the bidder answered correctly, he takes the present.

Present options

  • "Pirates of the Caribbean" - bandana;
  • "Million Dollar Baby" - punching bag;
  • "The Dark Knight" - a deck of cards;
  • "Dandies" - records;
  • "Die Hard" - a nutcracker;
  • "Tourist" - an electronic cigarette;
  • "Doctor House" - electronic thermometer;
  • "Memoirs of a Geisha" - Japanese fan.

Musical arrangement of the party

For a Hollywood movie party, you need to choose the appropriate music - Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, Fred Astaire, Judy Garland, Billie Holiday, Louis Armstrong. They dance tango, foxtrot, step, waltz at movie parties.


It is unlikely that you will see a feast familiar to us at such events. Guests are constantly on the move, chatting with a glass of wine and having a snack standing up, so the buffet is the most convenient format. You can cook hot sandwiches, vegetable salads, cheese appetizers, grilled steak, profiteroles, mousse, muffins, chocolate covered strawberries, mini pies, Cosmopolitan, Bloody Mary, Martini, Manhattan cocktails. Don't worry if you didn't manage to get some ingredient for a cocktail or an appetizer, the main thing is a spectacular name and design.

Organization of a party in the style of presenting the most prestigious film award of all time and generations - Oscar

Oscar Party Scenario

Organizing a cinematic Hollywood party is a fun job. If you properly organize the event, it will justify the effort invested in its implementation. Your invited guests will simply be delighted with the holiday. Such a scenario is suitable for almost any event. It will be of interest to all the guests who have gathered, as among all the guests there will be lovers of the new and lovers of the old cinema.

Participation in competitions will be an exciting and interesting activity for everyone.


You need to start collecting guests by sending them invitation cards. An invitation can be a movie pass, a picture of a popcorn bag, or a movie poster. It is necessary to sign invitation certificates for guests, indicating the identification "Hollywood sign" - its dress code. Guests are invited to an Oscar, some other special film award, or a movie party.

How to furnish a room?

Tables should have red tablecloths. The passage to the tables is also laid with a red carpet. The walls of the hall should be decorated with inscriptions “Hollywood, Mosfilm”, stick posters and advertising slogans, attach balloons in the form of stars with strings, use old cassettes for watching videos, film reels, light (as well as paper stars) garlands, special crackers for filming movies , set up special containers filled with popcorn. In short, everything on the subject of cinema will do.
Event program

Once all the guests have gathered, the facilitator needs to acquaint them with the main purpose of such an important meeting. The goal is to reward distinguished heroes with special film awards. Then competitions with prizes in various nominations are organized. The right to award prizes belongs to the organizer or assistant presenter. All awards with irony. The winner can receive a cardboard certificate, school graduation symbols, a bottle of alcohol with fictitious labels, or a figurine. The awards ceremony ends with long applause from the guests.

Party Contests

1. Competition " Excellent prompting abilities »

Good and kind humorous competition. Its name is kept in the strictest confidence until the award.

The most active and energetic women and girls are invited to the site. Participants line up in front of the assembled guests. Tamada tells the rules of the competition: the participants need to show the ability to reproduce all kinds of stage frills that film actresses can easily do. The dance director needs to choose a man, a young man. The instructor shows different movements, and the contestants must repeat them.

When the musical composition turns on in the hall, the instructor begins to show the participants all sorts of incomprehensible body movements. It is best and more fun for the guests when the participants show incomprehensible and funny movements. After two or three minutes of such energetic gestures, the music in the hall is muffled and the winner is announced by the toastmaster. He announces that all participants are recognized as winners of the competition in this nomination and each one is worthy of an award.

2. Competition for " Best Actors»

People of the opposite sex (a lady with a man) take part in this hobby. They are invited to choose one famous film and depict one of the plots of this film with the participation of persons of the opposite sex. Everyone is allowed to take part in the competition. Players can take from the audience, as well as ask the audience, only three items for their performance.

First, the couples write down on a piece of paper with their names the name of the picture that they will depict, give the piece of paper to the presenter (assistant presenter), then go on stage (to the hall) and show their performance. If the audience quickly guesses the name of the film, then the performance was a success. After the performance of all pairs, the winners are determined. You can identify the winner by voting by the audience, or the one who guessed the film first wins. According to the results of the competition, the winners are awarded two prizes: an outstanding actress and an outstanding actor.

3. Nomination " Superb film musician »

Several people who understand music are invited for the competition. Random movie tunes are played to the contestants in order, and their name is to be guessed by the contestants. In the absence of a result, or an incorrect result, the right to move is given to the next participant, and so on. For an answer that correctly points to the movie, the participant receives one point. The participant with the most points wins. He is awarded the prize as the best.

4. Competition for " beautiful trick»

Everyone is invited to this competition, who can draw something on their own. Participants need to show their skills in anything: the lowest squats, push-ups with a clap of their hands, juggling the ball (on their feet, head), eating something quickly, the fantasies of the contestants are not limited. After the competition, each participant receives a prize, and the guests choose the winner.

5. Nomination " Best Costume Design »

There are two methods to choose a winner in the contest:
A) They play in pairs (a girl with a man). The woman stands holding wrapped toilet paper in her hand, or a wound tape, and her partner, using this wound toilet paper, only with his lips, and without helping with his hands, begins to wrap it from head to toe. The winner is the one whose outfit is more beautiful, or the one who completes the task first;
B) One participant of the beautiful half of humanity, or two girls (women), to whom the presenter gives ribbons of fabric and pins, participates in the competition. You can also use newspaper, scissors, tape. Outfits made from paper will turn out to be very funny. Participants need to quickly come up with a beautiful outfit for themselves (partner) from these improvised means. After the work of the “stylist” is completed, the girls arrange a fashion show to thunderous applause. All participants receive gifts. And the winner is the participant, or the couple chosen by the guests. The winner can be identified according to various criteria: for example, the most naked, the most defiant, unusual costume. The participant who wins the competition becomes the owner of the film award.

6. Competition " Makeup professional »

This competition requires careful preparation. It is necessary to cut out their distinctive facial features from photos of famous actors in advance and mix these cuts with the same cuts of photos of the participants in this evening. Further, the toastmaster utters a statement from a famous movie: “I can’t recognize you in ... In real life, this is what actually happens. But each person and actor has its own distinctive features that identify it. When a competition is held, the presenter shows fragments of the faces of the stars, and the audience tries to guess them from these fragments. The competition will become much more fun, from the moment the leading parts of the faces of the guests of this holiday are shown.

As you know, professional screenwriters write grandiose phrases, and then they are used in everyday life. Guests are invited to recall branded movie statements that they know. The famous quote is played to everyone in turn, and the participants must guess the name of the film from it. If the film was not guessed, then the right to answer is transferred to the next participant;

The competition can still be held by reading a well-known speech from the cinema to the participants in full force. The right to answer belongs to the first person to raise their hand.

The banquet continues!


In continuation of the party, you can organize an entertaining auction. At about the same price, you need to purchase items associated with famous films. You can take into account the title, or the script of the picture. For example, a compass can be attached to a movie about the Titanic. The movie "Die Hard" is associated with salt nuts. Appropriate movie titles must be attached to all gifts. Then the toastmaster-organizer arranges auctions. From time to time he takes out a souvenir and shows it to the assembled guests, without showing them the sheet with the name of the film, and demands to guess what movie it is from the souvenir. The guest who raised his hand first has the right to answer. If the answer is wrong, the host again gives the command to raise his hand. The prize will be awarded to the person who gives the correct answer.

Eligible Hollywood Auction Items:

- A pear for a boxer is suitable for the film "Million Dollar Baby";
- The literature of "Kama Sutras" will suit the film "Dandies";
- For the film "Tourist" just an electronic cigarette;
- A fan from Japan will fit the film "Memoirs of a Geisha";
- It is better to attach Japanese mustard to the film "Wasabi";
- For the film "Time" - an electronic table clock;
- For the film "Doctor House" - a thermometer (electronic);
- For the film "Die Hard" - a device for cracking nuts;
- For the film "The Dark Knight" - a deck of cards with a joker;
- For the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" - a bandanna.
Films from Soviet times:
Potato recipes for preparing various dishes are suitable for the picture “Girls”;
- To the painting "Diamond Hand" - lottery tickets;
- To the picture ("I'm walking around Moscow" - a book guide to the city;
- To the painting "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!" - the image of a fish on a dish for aspic;
- For the painting "Beware of the car" - a keychain;
- To the painting "Striped Flight" - a scarf with a tiger color;
- For the painting "Mary Poppins, goodbye" - an umbrella (for children);
- To the painting "Love and Doves" - a statue depicting two doves.

New Year in style Hollywood – 2016

Presenter 1:

Do you know how the stars of the Hollywood beau monde have fun when they get together? What do they eat, drink, talk about and play? Of course, you can learn about the entertainment program of secular parties from a variety of gossip columns. But! It is much more interesting to try on this life for yourself - to try all the entertainments loved in Hollywood, to find out the taste of a star food, the degree of no less star drinks. That's why we're announcing "Hollywood Night" tonight. We promise it will be fun!

Presenter 2:

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the opening of the awards ceremony for the nominees of the prestigious award in the field of education "_________________________"(fanfare sounds) And right now we are next to the red carpet, along which our beloved teachers continue to walk, knocking with star heels. The paparazzi are in a hurry to capture everything that happens around down to the smallest detail - the outfits of the teachers, their walk, their mood ... By the way, dear guests, I ask you to pay attention to our photo zone - here you can take a star selfie, so that later you can collect a lot of likes on social networks.

Presenter 1:

(Question to one of the guests: “How are you starting our party tonight? How are you feeling?” To another guest: “Who is the designer of your amazing dress?”)

Presenter 2:

Well, the guests are on the ground and we are ready to start the awards ceremony "_____________________". But, before you start, tell me, what is not a single holiday event complete without? That's right, no applause! And you will have to applaud a lot today, therefore, we just need to conduct a rehearsal of applause. After all, they, like everything else in this world, are completely different. For example, ceremonial Give me a solemn applause. Well done! And if I ask you to fake a languid applause... Not bad. Now show me how inadequate applause sounds. Just wonderful! Well, and finally, what will star applause look like? It is with them, with stellar applause, that we begin our ceremony! Fabulous! So here we go!

Presenter 1:

I remind you that the award will be held in five categories:

1. Documentary

2. Horror movie

3. Series

4. Fairy tale

5. Musical

In each category, we will award the best of the best! And let's start our solemn ceremony with a song performed by Alexandra Vladimirovna Savelyeva.

Well, our guests are seriously prepared. And in the first nomination calledDOCUMENTARY the administration of our school. It is with great pleasure that I invite them to the stage!

Speech by the school administration, awarding the prize.

A start! And, frankly, it was just wonderful. But now we all will not be laughing, because the next nomination is ahead -HORROR . And the film studio "Philologist Film" presents this nomination.

Speech by the methodological association of philologists, awarding the prize.

What's a party without songs? And since we have a New Year's Eve, the song will also be New Year's. I invite all guests to take the text, microphones and together sing a wonderful New Year's song.

Presenter 1:

The third nomination that we present is the most feminine one. Why? Yes, because it's calledTV SERIES . And it is represented by the film studio "Humanitarians Production". Greet them with loud applause!

Speech by the methodological association of the humanities, awarding the prize.

Presenter 2:

So it's time for the fourth nomination. This nomination, in my opinion, is the most magical, because it is calledSTORY . And it is represented by the NachFilm film studio. We are happy to invite them to the stage!

Speech by primary school teachers, awarding the prize.

Dear guests, I invite you to move a little and invite you to an incendiary Hollywood dance! (The game "Dance Battle")

Well, my dears, I'll tell you - you know how to rock Hollywood very well! But, today there are special guests at our holiday - this is a teacher of fine arts - Irina Alekseevna Fedoseeva and a teacher of physical education - Alexei Ivanovich Podole. Especially for tonight they have prepared a small but very pleasant surprise - it's a great dance! Let's invite them to our stage with loud applause!(dance)

Presenter 1:

Well, now it's time for our last nomination. And she is our most musical, this is a nominationMUSICAL . It is represented by the film studio "Iskus Studio".

Speech by art teachers, awarding a prize.

Presenter 2:

(Game "Photo Models")

Presenter 1:

Well, all the films have been watched, the popcorn has been eaten, and the prizes have been handed out. It remains for us to thank each film studio individually and, of course, all of you, dear teachers! It was very stellar and incendiary! But our evening does not end there.

(music sounds, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden enter the hall)

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, what is this holiday here?

Father Frost:

And this, my dear granddaughter, the teachers of school No. 37 are celebrating the New Year ...

Snow Maiden:

And how do they celebrate it without us, grandfather? How can a new year begin if we haven't come to visit?!

Father Frost:

And really, how does it happen that you forgot about me and the Snow Maiden? Do any of you believe in Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden:

Hello, hello dear teachers! Happy New Year to you! Thank you for your hard work, for teaching children the mind! Grandpa and I came to congratulate you! And wish you all the very best, kind and wonderful in the coming year!

Santa Claus:

And we came not empty-handed, but with gifts! Musical! Come on, Snow Maiden, sing our New Year's song! And you, dear guests, help us! Do not be shy, but get up in a friendly round dance!

(song "On New Year's Eve")


Happy New Year! With new happiness!

(end of ceremony)

Dance part.

Competitions for the New Year's Eve of teachers:

1. The game "Where I am." Questions for the game: A) How and when did you get to this place for the first time?

b) Why do you go there? What do you usually do there?

C) Do your relatives, friends know that you go there? How do they feel about it?

D) What do you need to take with you to this place?

e) When are you going to go there again?

If you want to impress your guests, it's worth throwing a Hollywood-style party. For any theme party, you need to carefully prepare: pick up props, decorate the hall, think over the script. Preparation should take place in stages so that the party is held at the highest level.

Invitation design options

There are some of the most common and spectacular ways to arrange invitations to a Hollywood-themed party:

  • Invitation-ticket

To design an invitation stylized as a movie ticket, simple improvised means are suitable. Buy thick cardboard, cut out cards of the same size from it that look like a ticket. Additionally, decorate the cards in accordance with the Hollywood theme. Indicate on the ticket the place and time of the party.

  • Film invitation

The film invitation will give your party a special entourage from the moment it is presented to the guests. In the design of such an invitation, red, black and white colors must be present - the traditional colors of Hollywood cinema. On top of the red or black cardboard, stick a perforated transparent film imitating a film strip. The film can be printed on your own or ordered in advance from a printing company.

  • invitation-envelope

If you want your guests to feel like real Hollywood stars, then invite them to a party by handing them an envelope. Print it on red paper, and put a postcard with the text of the invitation inside. The envelope can be decorated with a symbolic red ribbon, rhinestones, sparkles, and on the sides of the card you can depict rope parapets that frame the red carpet during the Oscars ceremony.

  • retro style invitation

Decorated invitation in the style of retro cinema will give your party a special atmosphere. However, you will have to work hard on the manufacture of this type of invitation. Any clippings from old newspapers with newsreels or news will do. You can also use postcards featuring famous Hollywood stars.

General rules for decorating a Hollywood-style party room

Choosing a venue for organizing a Hollywood-style party depends on your financial capabilities and the specifics of the place where the celebration will take place. The ideal option is a large building in the form of a cinema or a club. A spacious house or an open area in nature is also suitable. To decorate the room you may need:

  • red curtains of various lengths
  • crackers, LED garlands, paper stars
  • helium balloons, confetti
  • old video cassettes, rolls of film
  • posters and posters for Hollywood films, portraits of movie stars
  • miniature statuette "Oscar"
  • the Red carpet
  • popcorn glasses
  • banner with the inscription "HOLLYWOOD"
  • fireworks or salute
  • celebrity autographed postcards.

Starting from the threshold, guests should feel like real Hollywood stars. To do this, lay a long red carpet, making traditional golden parapets on the sides. In front of the entrance hang the inscription "HOLLYWOOD", shimmering in gold and silver. Decorate tables and chairs with red draped fabric. Hang celebrity posters, autographed cards, balloons throughout the room.

Place Oscars, popcorn glasses, tickets, video cassettes, and film reels in the corners of rooms. Hang a large white canvas on one of the walls to watch a retro movie. Great if you can find old silent movie videos. Take a separate place for the "Walk of Fame", decorated with stars with the names of your guests. Invite professional photographers to capture the most unforgettable moments of the party. An impromptu group of fans will look creative, waiting for the "stars" on the red carpet or near the Walk of Fame. At the end of the party, you can arrange fireworks or fireworks, which will give the holiday a semantic stylistic completeness. Do not forget that the overall atmosphere should be distinguished by a single style and musical arrangement.

Entertainment at a Hollywood style party

One of the most common entertainment at a Hollywood party is the presentation of nominations. Think of the number of nominations and their name yourself, depending on the nature and achievement of your guests. The following nominations are traditionally used:

  • "Best Screenwriter"

In this nomination, the presenter invites guests to guess the name of the film from which the quote sounds. It is better to pre-record them on audio media and turn them on as needed. The winner is the one who guessed the most movie titles. Use not only American, but also Russian cinema, choosing famous quotes.

  • "The Best Makeup Artist"

Select some photos of famous Hollywood stars and cut out images of lips, nose, eyes, etc. from them. In these fragments, guests should easily recognize the characteristic features of the appearance of celebrities. For example, Angelina Jolie's lips or Gerard Depardieu's nose. Add snippets from photos of your guests to confuse them as much as possible. The nomination is received by the person who guessed the "owner" of all parts of the face.

  • "Best Costume Design"

For the nomination, you need to prepare 2-4 pieces of fabric of different colors and 4 sets of pins. Guests are invited to make an original costume from fabric without the use of thread and needles. The fabric can be replaced with other materials: newspapers, bags, corrugated paper. Next, a show of models is held, on which outfits are put on, and the best option is chosen.

  • "Best Stunt Stunt"

Anyone who wants to demonstrate their talent can participate in this nomination. The tricks of the guests can be: juggling, acrobatic numbers, performing a song in a non-standard way, eating a dish at speed, etc. The number of invented tests depends on the flight of your imagination. Based on the results of the competition, the winner is awarded a nomination.

In place of the nomination "Oscar" comes the next entertainment - the auction. Buy pre-symbolic gifts related to famous films. For example, a toy gun will be associated with film adaptations of Quentin Tarantino, a wooden boat with the film Titanic, and a Japanese fan with the film Memoirs of a Geisha. The host puts all the items in one box and pulls out one by one, showing the audience. The first person to guess raises their hand and names their answer.

An excellent addition to the main competitions will be an impromptu theater with camera shooting, a joint photo session, and the grand opening of the Avenue of Stars.

Set the table for a Hollywood style party

You will not see a traditionally decorated festive table at a Hollywood-themed party. To decorate a table in the style of Hollywood, you will need:

  • tall champagne glasses
  • tablecloths and napkins in red, black and gold
  • several round tables.

The buffet is the best. On the table, there must be a variety of snacks, desserts in the form of strawberries with cream, muffins, muffins. The culmination of the treat can be a cake with an Oscar statuette. From alcohol, offer guests light cocktails based on martini or rum.

A Hollywood-style party will not leave anyone indifferent and will give you a maximum of positive emotions and new experiences. Proper organization of the event is the key to a successful holiday.

The idea of ​​cinema, and everything connected with it, can be easily embodied in invitation cards. We offer several simple options for making at home.

starlight invitation

Such postcard you can make it to order, or you can, if you have the time and desire, make it yourself. For one invitation you will need: a sheet of black cardstock, two sheets of white xerox paper, a package of star stickers (like Hollywood), a couple of glitter markers (to draw on the spotlights and decorate the edges of the stars and the corners of the envelope).

How to make a postcard:

1. Cut out a square from a sheet of black cardboard. Wrap the corners in the middle to form an envelope shape.

2. Decorate the curled corners around the edges with golden lines using a marker.

3. Glue a square of white paper inside the envelope, decorate it with Hollywood-style drawings and star stickers. Enter text.

4. Fold the postcard again with an envelope and send it to the addressee.

Similar card interesting not only for the saturation and brightness of "Hollywood" colors (after all, red is added to the traditional black and white tones), but also for the material from which it is made.

Postcard base- thick cardboard (or even gluing white and red sheets to make it more rigid). The top is a dense polyethylene (substrate), a transparent tape perforated along the edges, very similar in appearance to a real film. This is the whole chic of such a postcard. The decor and inscriptions are made on a regular computer color printer.

If you want to focus your guests' attention on a more specific topic, like the Oscars, you can also show this in the decor of your holiday invitations.

The red carpet is the first element of chic and honor with which we associate the main American film event in our subconscious. The red carpet is always laid at the feet of the guests and nominees who arrived at the ceremony. And this means that they have already earned the main thing - the attention of critics and the recognition of fans.

Samu invitation card can be decorated with the image of the path and rope parapets. And the envelope for the postcard should be made red, plain and decorated with rhinestones and sparkles.

Remember, after all, that the results of the selection of members of the Academy's commission are sealed in envelopes, which honored people and celebrities of America go on stage to open? Can be issued invitation cards to your Hollywood party in the form of such an envelope that decides the fate of many actors, directors, and films.

To the invitation itself, printed on red thick paper, you can put shiny foil confetti, a piece of symbolic red ribbon in the envelope. All this is necessary in order to add volume to the impression of the upcoming holiday for the addressee of your postcard, to “turn on” his imagination, to make him ignite with excitement and sweet anticipation of the upcoming Hollywood-style celebration!

By the way, similar invitation cards(with the watermark of the famous figurine in the background) can be searched in holiday specialized online stores.

And another interesting option related to the Ceremony is a ticket for a VIP guest.

If you have a lot of free time, or if you have a huge passion for everything related to the theme of the upcoming party, you can surprise your guests with very complex handmade postcards.

Such a postcard consists of clippings from printed publications, newsreels, news. The base is dark cardboard. The decor is a film strip (made from aged thin paper and picture frames from popular films), newspaper headlines and golden weaving from silk threads. Doing something like this is quite difficult, but for a change - you can try.

Absolutely unique piece of papier-mâché. Your guest receives a box from you. He opens it, and there is an incredible cake decorated with a red carpet, paper film reels, sticker rattles and other Hollywood paraphernalia, topped with real ostrich feathers and the number of your upcoming anniversary. And on the front wall of the cake box is the birthday girl herself in a chic glamorous dress (photo), as if inviting to the upcoming event. Unique, unique, original, and ... expensive. Both financially and in terms of effort, labor and time. Although, if you are fluent in the papier-mâché technique, you can try it!

Well, we figured out the invitations. Guests are thrilled in anticipation of the holiday, eagerly choosing outfits and accessories to match them as closely as possible to the Hollywood impeccable dress code. Well, you are already starting to prepare the site for a star reception!


The only nuance that I would like to clarify before starting a conversation about decor: do you happen to have the opportunity to rent some old theater hall or a castle with a ballroom and a stage for a Hollywood party? So that silver balustrades, gold leaf, velvet curtains... No? It's a pity! Such a room would practically not have to be decorated! Although, in principle, if you search and think, you can find an old cinema hall or even a Soviet-era club as a venue for a holiday. The main thing is that it be in good condition (after all, the safety of guests is first and foremost!). Well, decorate, of course, with many bouquets of fresh flowers and other Hollywood accessories. If it is not possible to rent any of the above premises for the celebration, we will try to fill our own home with the atmosphere of Hollywood!

Hollywood Sign

So that the guests, approaching the place of the holiday, do not look at each other inquiringly: “Have we got here?” Hang a banner with the inscription: “Hollywood” over the entrance to your house, or install large volumetric letters “HOLLYWOOD” in the yard (imitation visible sign from afar in the Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles). Let the guests, watching such a picture from the window of their car, tune in to the fact that they will soon find themselves in another country, but what is there - a completely different dimension!

Red carpet and paparazzi

As the theater begins with a hanger, so Hollywood begins with the red carpet and the constantly lively interest in everyone who receives an invitation to step on it from the ubiquitous paparazzi. Lay out a path for your dear guests, installing on the sides of the traditional Oscar ceremony fencing ropes and dark figures of paparazzi with cameras. Let your guests from the very first moment of the party feel themselves in the center of everyone's attention and smile once again!

Portraits of famous actors

Use black and white photos of your favorite actors in character. Let their presence at your holiday make your guests believe in the reality of what is happening. Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart, Clark Gable and many others are constant invisible guests of Hollywood VIP ceremonies. Why don't you invite them?

Walk of Fame with the names of guests

For popular Hollywood actors, a sign of recognition and highest honor, a clear confirmation that they work in the cinematographic field for good reason, is an invitation to leave an autograph and a symbolic handprint on one of the stars of the Walk of Fame. Invite your guests to your party to have their own star! It will also be no less honorable and even very fun!

Palm trees for a Hollywood party

There are a lot of palm trees everywhere in Hollywood. The palm tree is considered a symbol of well-being, good luck, because in the cinema town this tree is especially revered. And you, when organizing a Hollywood-style party, can use a palm tree (live, potted, artificial, or even made from balloons) to your advantage. For example, in order to fill the free space of the hall, cover unsightly places or separate one playing area from another.

Stage lighting

A Hollywood-style party needs a stage. After all, it is there that the main events of the festive evening will take place. If you do not have the opportunity to rent a real theater hall - try, at least, to separate part of the room with backstage and direct spotlights to this place.

Film reels, lining, posters

It often happens that the viewer is more interested in the process of making a film than the picture itself. The phrase has already become winged: “Light! Camera! Move!”, with which the director calls on the film crew to get ready and shoot the next shot. Use the paraphernalia of the set - film reels, the horn and director's chair, posters, cameras - in order to recreate the realities of Hollywood.

Feathers, boas, glitz and glamour.

If your party is going to be old Hollywood (using retro as the central theme of the event), decorate the interior with ostrich feathers, a red boa, oversized sunglasses, serpentine, and twinkling gold stars. This is how Hollywood was in the 60s, so let it appear before the eyes of your guests!

Candlesticks, roses and rock crystal

Continuing the theme of underlined Hollywood glamor and chic, we suggest using crystal candlesticks, intricate gilded vases (for red roses), garlands of rock crystal pieces as decoration for the holiday. Such compositions can be used both to decorate the gaming room and to decorate the festive table.

Confetti for the holiday

“Hollywood loves tinsel. Hollywood is immersed in outrageous chaos." This stereotype exists among the inhabitants. We will not determine whether this is true or a myth now, simply, echoing such a mood, we will arrange a small creative mess in our solemn hall, scattering “Hollywood” bright confetti around.

Black, gold balloons

Balloons, in typical Hollywood glamorous colors, can be used to fill existing empty spaces. It would be nice to put helium-filled balloons in the shape of golden stars up to the ceiling. Thanks to the balls, the picture of creating home Hollywood will become richer and more complete.

The festive table at which you are going to treat your VIP guests with exclusive dishes and expensive cocktails during the holiday should also be decorated in the tone of the ceremonial hall. Here are some ideas.

For separate tables, you can use tall crystal vases with ostrich feathers as a central decoration, or you can do without the bulky main composition of the table altogether, replacing it with small vases-glasses for red roses on short stems, decorated with strings of pearls. To complement the chic abundance of such a decor, fresh rose petals, feathers and “precious” stones spread all over the table will also help.

Well, the very original "trick" of the Hollywood feast will be the seating of guests in the hall. On the plate of each guest there will be a holder - a mini - clipboard indicating the name of the person for whom this place is "booked".

Well, perhaps that's all. We tried to tell you about all the nuances, noticeable details and characteristic things of Hollywood. We hope that thanks to our tips, your house party in star style will turn out just as well! Good luck with your preparations and…come and see us for costumes and advice on what to give the host of a Hollywood party! That's what the next article is about!



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