The dog's nose is bleeding. How to stop a nosebleed in a dog? Conduct a self-inspection

PLEASE GUYS DON'T FORGET TO TREAT DOGS FOR TICKS! AGAIN IN THE LAN THE SHAFT OF COMPLAINTS FOR THE DISEASE PYROPLASMOSIS (BABESIOSIS) AND THE MAIN CAUSE - THE ANIMALS WERE NOT PROCESSED TIMELY OR THE OWNERS VIOLATE THE RULES OF PROCESSING! Do not wash 2-3 days before and after, do not divide the tablet or pipette, round up, apply clearly on the skin, do not iron after treatment with your hands. Some drops should be applied not only on the withers, but in 2-4 places from the withers to the tail along the spine, in a checkerboard pattern (Certificate, Prak-Tik), usually 1 application place per 10 kg of weight. Please read the instructions! Many people think that it is necessary to dig every 4.5-5 or even 6 weeks. This only applies to flea protection! Drops, not counting Bravecto, must be dug up every 21-24 days clearly. But not like this: they processed it once in April .. and that's enough. Or put on a Bars collar, Beafar, even if it’s expensive Foresto, maybe sprinkled on essential oils with a spray and that’s it ?! The main cause of the disease is your inattention ... You may not see ticks, this does not mean anything (there are transparent nymphs, tiny larvae), but the dog must be treated regularly and without delay + spray in the forest and in the country, inspection after each walk (thorough , not formal) and combing with a fine comb, furminator, comb with frequent metal teeth! Well, purely my opinion - drops Bars forte, Dana ultra, Rolf club 3D, Beafar, Frontline combos are not reliable enough and often break through for a number of reasons (fakes, resistance, cheap substance)! Drops and collars on essential oils do not work. Drops: Stronghold, Lawyer, Advantage do not work on ixodid ticks - the main carriers of babesia. They are used for other purposes, read the instructions. The choice of good drops is large: Prak-Tik, Effitiks, Inspector, BlohNet, In-Up, Frontline three act, Fiprist combo, Fiprex 75, Insectal, Vectra 3D, Mr. Bruno extra, Harts I use, alternating, drops: Prak-Tik , Effitiks, now on the Inspector + Bolfo spray. For the period of recession I take the Fiprist combo. I dig up clearly every 21 days. Everything has worked flawlessly for many years. Of the collars, I like Scalibur and Kiltix. But dear Foresto was not impressed: many dogs of friends got sick with this particular collar; counterfeits are common. Insectoacaricidal drops with a contact mechanism of action and a repellent spray are the basis of treatment. And in addition, whatever you want: ultrasound keychains, a collar (Scalibur, Kiltix are not bad), essential oils, bandanas sprinkled with maskitol baby spray, special costumes, but not vice versa. . And do not rely on natural preparations, especially collars. In principle, a collar cannot be the only form of protection, like a spray. With the exception of puppies up to 4 weeks old and pregnant / lactating, they can only spray on fipronil. Collars hardly work, especially on large dogs with thick undercoats. Do not take unfamiliar brand drops. Buy from trusted places, store in a dark, cool place, check the expiration date. Do not be lazy to read the summary .. Drops begin to act in full force after 36-48 hours, the collar after 7-10 days, the spray after 4 hours. All drugs, in our realities of high tick activity, are less effective than stated in the annotation: Bravecto works for 12 weeks, not three months and often breaks through at the end of the term after 2.5 months, counterfeit tablets have appeared on the pharmaceutical market. The Foresto collar was also often faked, it really works for 4-5 months out of the declared 8 and it must be supplemented with drops, otherwise it will break through the protection. The Kiltix collar really works for 3-4 months out of the declared 6, the Bars Collar for a month Drops really work from 14-21 days, depending on the frequency of bathing and washing. Spray - additional short-term protection for a walk in the forest and outside the city. Decomposes quickly when exposed to moisture and direct sunlight. Fipronil, permethrin are also very unstable substances to moisture and the sun. With daily bathing and frequent washing with zooshampoo, only 2 weeks work. It is necessary to wash the dog with zooshampoo between treatments and supplement protection with a spray, especially the first 2-3 days after bathing. Permethrin should not be used by cat owners! Be very careful with drops containing substances: imidacloprid, amitraz (Certifact drops), ivermectin (Ivermek drops, drops for cats / kittens from Dironet helminths), substances from the carbamate group - they are highly toxic and often give complications, cause a dangerous acute ind.reaction, allergy! Do not use drugs from the FOS group (organophosphorus compounds). Advantiks, Bars, Rolf Club 3D more often than other drops cause allergies and ind. intolerance. Drops on pyriprole are the most water resistant. Drops of Vectra 3D, which work well on mini-breeds, break through on large dogs with a thick undercoat, who often travel to the forest. Combine two different forms of protection. Reliable scheme: insectoacaricidal drops with a contact mechanism of action from the 2nd generation pyrethroid group and a repellent spray with another active substance, group and mechanism. Examples of combinations: Collar Kiltix (Bayer, Germany) - active ingredients propaxur and flumethrin Drops Advantix (Bayer, Germany) - active ingredients imidacloprid and permethrin Spray Frontline (Merial, France) - active ingredient fipronil or Collar Skalibor (MSDAnimal Health Netherlands) - active substance deltamethrin Drops Bars (Agrovetzashchita, Russia) - active ingredient fipronil Spray Bolfo (Bayer, Germany) - active ingredient propoxur Or Collar Bolfo or Kiltix - active ingredient propoxur Drops Prak-tik (Novartis Animal Health, Germany) - active ingredient pyriprol Spray Dana (Api-San, Russia) - the active ingredient is permethrin. "Fakes have become common - Foresto and Kiltix collars, Advantix drops, Frontline combos, Bravecto tablets. Buy only in trusted places, look at the packaging (do not buy wrinkled, with bad printing, smeared letters), demand a certificate, punch the number of the original factory barcode always check the release date and expiration date: drugs with an expiring date are often sold. sadness in the eyes, unwillingness to run and play - a reason to immediately run to the doctor, and not to lull your vigilance, looking for reasons in the heat and the ever-poor appetite of a little dog. It's tick season! Analysis is not so expensive. Don't take risks, don't even wait Do the analysis where the result is reported immediately on the day of treatment and there is a hospital. op or Forticarb with Suprastin. Many dogs are currently fighting for their lives due to the negligence of their owners. Be wiser. Do not miss the onset of the disease. At an early stage, piroplasmosis is treated with 1-2 injections. Then it is much harder and more expensive, a lot of droppers and a struggle for life with an unpredictable result .. Do not delay a visit to the clinic! The mechanism of action of drops, repellent spray and tablets. Application features. Drops accumulate in the subcutaneous fatty tissue - hair follicles and sebaceous glands, they do not enter the bloodstream, they act locally. When applying drops, excipient: high molecular alcohol spreads the active substance of the drops over the surface of the skin and hairs that make up the coat and undercoat, covering them like a "gasoline" film. Within 24-48 hours, they seep into the skin and accumulate in natural reservoirs: hair follicles, sebaceous glands, from there they will rise to the surface of the skin with the renewal of the sebaceous secretion. Therefore, you can not wash the animal 2-3 days before and after treatment. I don’t wash it for a couple of days before treatment, as there will be no sebum where the drops should be absorbed. And after that I don’t wash it for two or three days, so that the drops have time to seep into the pzhk and not be washed off with water. Then you can safely swim in the reservoirs. If you swim a lot, choose more water-resistant drops (on pyriprol, etc.). Fipronil and permethrin are less water resistant. With frequent washing and daily bathing in a pond, their action is enough for 14 days. Drops are washed out of the pzhk layer, first of all, by soap and zooshampoo! After a monthly / weekly scheduled shampooing, the dog also remains unprotected for a couple of days (we strengthen the protection with a spray). Until the sebum layer is renewed. The main droplet mechanism is contact, it is also called the "burned paws effect", the tick receives poison through the paws upon contact with the skin and hair. The action is not instantaneous, but after 8-12 hours. The strongest, most tenacious mites can attach themselves and the paralysis is aggravated by the poison already accumulated earlier in the pzhk. That is why it is important to process in advance and on a regular basis every month. All contact drops have a cumulative effect. It takes time for the active substance to accumulate in the pzhk. We process monthly, with the first thawed patches and through November. The active substance of the drops blocks GABA-dependent receptors, interfering with the transmission of impulses through the ganglia to the nerve endings, which leads to respiratory paralysis and death of the parasite. The tick will no longer be able to feed and vomit back into the wound the plasma part of the blood that it does not need, its excesses and saliva with active babesia sporonts. For drops, the main action occurs before the moment of attachment. In addition, many of them have a repellent effect. On average, infection with babesiosis occurs 48 hours after the start of feeding on the host. The presence of a repellent in the protective circuit delays the moment of attachment. Ticks begin to move faster and more chaotically, which gives us an extra head start in order to detect them and remove them from the dog before they attach, and the drops will act for sure, killing the parasite. Drops differ in class; there are more and less toxic, it is better to choose 4 and 3 hazard classes. The tablets do not have a repellent or contact action, they act after a bite when the tick drinks blood. The substance in tablets is in a bound form (fluralaner is bound to plasma proteins). Although many owners note who the pills repel ticks. It is not clear to me how this happens; such a repellent external mechanism is not indicated at all in the annotation. Fluralaner acts after a bite, through the blood/lymph. Drops are a less toxic form compared to tablets, as they do not enter the bloodstream and have less effect on internal organs. By analogy with hormones and antibiotics in the form of ointments and tablets. Tablets strongly affect the gastrointestinal tract, liver and especially the central nervous system according to the latest FDA data. Let's analyze a very common question using Prak-Tik drops as an example: Prak-Tik, like many drops, has practically no repellent effect. Contact drops do not act immediately: from 8-12 hours on average. Then the tick comes respiratory paralysis and later we find only shrunken "mummies". I recommend supplementing the protection with a repellent spray with another active ingredient. For the period of peak activity, I liked the drops more: Inspector, Frontline three act or Advantix. Apply drops not only on the withers, but pointwise: from the neck to the tail along the spine, in a checkerboard pattern, clearly on the skin. I also highlight a couple of points on the neck under the chin. Apply to the skin, not the coat. 2-3 days before and after I don’t wash it .. The treated dog is not smooth for a day and we don’t let it go to bed. Two or three days after applying the drops, we protect the skin and coat from moisture. Satisfied with wiping the paws with special wet wipes. We don’t swim in ponds / puddles, we don’t wash with shampoo, we use a raincoat when it rains. We drip drops every 21 days. The protection can be supplemented with a Scalibur & Kiltix collar. Of the sprays are not bad: Bolfo, Fiprist, Frontline, Greenforth. I like Bolfo. There are a lot of ticks, protection works when the dog treated with drops does not get sick with piroplasmosis. And you can shoot a lot of ticks, both crawling and freshly attached, this is not an indicator of breaking through drops. Contact drops also work after a bite. The effect is similar to tablets. The number of mites will help reduce the repellant spray. Even children's spray Maskitol will do. You can make a homemade repellent spray on essential oils: wormwood, geranium, citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit), cloves - on the paws, neck bandana .. But it is better to treat the stomach, tail, "pants", neck with Bolfo's zone spray. If the dog is not treated with drops, then the spray is applied immediately in front of the forest completely. If the dog was previously dripped with drops, the spray is treated 4 hours before the walk, zoned. Often it can not be used - 2-3 times a week maximum. Zonar: groin, paws, abdomen, neck; I put a spray on a medical glove and stroke the hair around the eyes, mouth and ears. At a distance of 10 cm. Outdoors, where there is no wind. This is in the peak months: April, May, early June and from mid-August to the end of September - just outside the city, in the summer if we only go to the forest, otherwise there are only drops. Do not forget, if you combine drops with a collar, first we dig the drops and after 7-10 days we put on the collar, not in one day. The collar is worn all the time, at home they are not removed. There are collars with which you can swim (for example, Foresto). They dress him quite tightly - so that only one or two fingers can hardly pass under the collar. Before the first dressing, the collar is slightly pulled by the tips, the fingers are snapped along the circumference so that powder appears on its surface. The excess fabric is cut off. A collar, including expensive brands such as Foresto/Kiltics, is never used as the only form of protection. This is extremely unreliable! Remember that the main reason for penetration of external means of treatment from ticks: drops & spray & collar remains the human factor - laziness, inattention, greed, illiteracy and dangerous indifference. And only then: resistance, fakes, violations of terms and rules of storage, poorly purified substance, poor quality of raw materials, violation of technologies. With a competent, responsible approach, the external circuit works perfectly. I have been using drops and spray for the sixth year without any complaints, although the region is very tick-borne, unfavorable for babesiosis and we walk / live directly next to the forest. I wish you good health to your beloved pets and a summer without dangerous seasonal diseases! Irina Vidus

Even a simple aspirin can cause a tendency to bleed. You also need to carefully examine the muzzle of the animal: is there a tumor in the dog, swelling, changes in skin color on the back of the nose, lacrimation, redness of the third eyelid.

Is the dog rubbing its nose or sneezing? You also need to pay attention to the stool of the animal. With intestinal bleeding, it is black, and with gastric bleeding, the animal may vomit. If there is blood in the oral cavity, and the mucous membranes are very pale, this may indicate a large loss of blood. This condition requires urgent hospitalization.


Bleeding from the nose can occur in connection with a variety of diseases. To begin with, in order to make a diagnosis, after examining the animal, blood and urine are examined. This is necessary to assess the degree of blood loss and general health.

The ability of blood to coagulate is also being investigated. To exclude conditions in which pulmonary bleeding may occur (edema or swelling of the lung, lung tissue injury), a chest x-ray is performed.

If these tests are normal, then most likely the problem is in the nasal cavity itself and then an X-ray examination of the nose is performed. All this allows you to establish a diagnosis and treat the disease that caused bleeding.

Nosebleeds in dogs.

Bleeding from the nose can be a sign of serious illness.
In dogs, nosebleeds are most often accompanied by tumor growth in the nasal cavity, nasal trauma, inflammation in the nasal passages, a violation of the blood clotting process, less often the cause is a tooth abscess.
Epistaxis is manifested by the appearance of droplets of blood when sneezing or a constant discharge of drops or trickle of blood from one or both nostrils.
What to do if you suspect or find a nosebleed in your pet?

First aid
Let's say you're at home and your dog is bleeding and won't stop.
Try to calm the animal. In a state of excitement in dogs, as in humans, blood pressure rises, which contributes to increased bleeding.
Do not give your pet any sedatives without consulting a veterinarian.
Ask family members to keep quiet and calm, as nervous excitement is transferred from the owners to the animals. Again, let's recall the chain: arousal - increased blood pressure - nosebleed.
Place an ice pack on the back of your dog's nose. Make sure it doesn't interfere with breathing. The cold constricts the blood vessels, which reduces bleeding.
If, after the measures taken, the bleeding has not stopped or the animal has breathing problems, immediately contact a veterinary clinic or call an ambulance veterinary help.

While waiting for the doctor or on the way to the clinic
be calm, concentrate and remember some details that will go a long way in making a diagnosis.

  • Make a list of the medications you are currently giving your dog.
  • Is there rat poison in your house or apartment, or maybe the dog could have eaten poisoned rodents?
  • Carefully inspect the muzzle of the animal for asymmetry or deformation. You may find swelling of the back of the nose, a violation of the integrity or discoloration of the skin on the back of the nose, a protruding and reddened third eyelid, unequal size of the eyeballs, lacrimation. Pay attention to this doctor.
  • Remember if the dog played too active games with another animal? Maybe there was a fight?
  • Was there any contact with plants that have hard awns? For example, in the morning a dog ran across a field where wheat or rye is grown.
  • Does the animal sneeze? Do you rub your nose with your paws?
  • Open the animal's mouth as wide as possible, examine the gums and lips. Is there blood in the mouth? Is pallor of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and conjunctiva noticeable? Severe pallor may indicate a large loss of blood, you may need urgent hospitalization. Please bring this to the attention of the clinic staff. such a patient the doctor should take without waiting in line.
  • Are there signs of bleeding from internal organs? Intestinal bleeding may be accompanied by black stools. A sign of stomach bleeding is vomiting blood. Attention! If these signs appear after a nosebleed, then this may be a consequence of it, since the dog swallows a significant amount of blood.
  • Are there any hemorrhages on the skin, swelling on the body (may be subcutaneous bleeding)?
    This information must be passed to the doctor during the examination.

In addition to a general clinical examination, the following diagnostic studies may be required to make a diagnosis:
Blood and urine tests
Clinical blood tests (with a mandatory platelet count) and urine are necessary to assess the general state of health and the degree of blood loss, a biochemical blood test is necessary to assess the functioning of internal organs. Conduct a study of the blood coagulation system (evaluate the rate of blood clotting and coagulogram).
Identified deviations from the norm may indicate a violation of blood clotting:

  • by reducing the number of platelets in the blood (for example, with autoimmune thrombocytopenia, side effects of certain chemotherapy drugs, ehrlichiosis, hemangiosarcoma, and other tumors)
  • due to pathological changes in the blood coagulation system (for example, in case of poisoning with hemolytic poison, DIC, liver failure, von Willebrand's disease and true hemophilia).

If the results of laboratory tests are normal, then the problem probably lies in the nasal cavity itself. But before examining the nasal passages, conditions accompanied by pulmonary bleeding should be excluded:
lung tumor, pulmonary edema, lung tissue injury. For this, a chest x-ray is performed.

If everything is in order with the lungs proceed to x-ray examination of the nose, superficial rhinoscopy and examination of the teeth. All these procedures require general anesthesia.
Start with x-rays, as other methods can injure tissue. Radiography allows you to assess the condition of the roots of the teeth and sinuses. In the case of a nasal tumor, an area of ​​bone destruction may be visible on the x-ray. These tumors often cause nosebleeds in older dogs.

Superficial rhinoscopy is carried out using a special device. With its help, the nasal cavity is examined and, if necessary, foreign objects that caused bleeding are removed from it.

When examining the oral cavity, the teeth are cleaned, paying particular attention to the roots, since a tooth root abscess often affects the nasal sinus cavity.

What's next
If standard methods of research fail to make a diagnosis, a deep endoscopic examination of the nasal passages is performed. During the study, a tissue biopsy is taken, but only if indicated, because. there is a risk of increased bleeding. In addition, it is very difficult to obtain an informative tissue sample:

  • since the growth of nasal tumors is often accompanied by severe inflammation, behind which the oncological process is masked
  • since in conditions of bleeding it is difficult to select a tissue site for puncture.

The detection of a tumor of the facial part of the skull as a result of an X-ray examination is an absolute indication for a biopsy, since the prognosis of the disease largely depends on the type of tumor.

it must be said that sometimes areas of bleeding are available for examination only by a surgical method. This procedure is the most traumatic, accompanied by severe bleeding, so it is resorted to only in exceptional cases to remove a hard-to-reach foreign object or take a tissue sample.

Bleeding in pets from the nose can occur for various reasons. This is not uncommon, and therefore it is imperative to know what served as such an impartial process, because the general condition of the dog may depend on this. It tends to manifest itself, both during sneezing in the form of a certain amount of drops of blood, and without provocative processes, that is, a streamy regular discharge from the nostrils of a dog that is in a static position, sometimes even during sleep.

Causes of nosebleeds in dogs

The reasons for the appearance of blood eruptions from the nose can be completely different:

  1. coagulopathy. This is a disease during which the natural process of blood clotting is disrupted. Such a disease is deadly, so you should pay special attention to this cause of bleeding. Coagulopathy can be either congenital or as a result of an untreated previous disease, for example, jaundice, or poisoning with rodendicides, substances hazardous to the health of the animal.
  2. Vascular injury all sorts of items.
  3. Spread of infections provoked by bacteria: aspergillosis, cryptococcosis, rhinosporidiosis.
  4. Tumor development and neoplasia: adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, chondrosarcomas and fibrosarcomas.
  5. Sequelae of renal failure.
  6. The presence of diseases: hyperthyroidism, hypercortisolism, a consequence of rickettsiosis and polycythemia, immune vasculitis and multiple myeloma.
  7. Various congenital diseases characteristic of dogs relative to their breed.

First aid for nosebleeds in dogs

If suddenly a dog suddenly starts bleeding from the nose for no reason, the very first thing to do is suppress panic and calm down. In a state of nervousness, it will not be possible to help the animal. You will also need to reassure the pet itself, because during nervousness and a strong fright, his blood pressure may rise even more, which will aggravate the situation.

With an increase in pressure, the blood will begin to flow more often and it will be very difficult to stop it. But it is strictly forbidden to give a dog of various types of sedatives, unless a consultation with a veterinarian has been received. Without establishing the cause of bleeding, such substances can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the animal as a whole and have undesirable consequences.

After the dog calms down, a cloth soaked in cold water or an ice pack should be placed on his nose. This must be done in order for the blood vessels to constrict and the blood flow to decrease. If this did not happen, and, in addition to everything, the dog began to experience heavy breathing, it is urgent to call an ambulance, or carefully take the animal to the veterinary clinic.

As the blood flows, you should examine the dog's face in order to understand at least by external signs what caused the bleeding. On examination, it is necessary to pay attention to whether there is swelling, swelling, or any changes in skin color on the back of the dog's nose. It is also important to note whether there are accompanying signs of this kind, such as lacrimation and redness of the third eyelid.

In addition to examining the dog's face, you should pay attention to the presence of blood in the mouth of the animal, the color of his stool, since if bleeding is in the intestines, it is black, and the presence of gag reflexes, since such a sign indicates bleeding in the stomach.

For a more accurate diagnosis, there is a need to scroll through the following items in memory:

  • Is there rat poison in the house or in the area where the dog walks?
  • Are thorny plants growing that can injure a dog.
  • Were there any conflicts between the pet and other dogs that could lead to a fight.
  • What kind of drugs the animal has been using lately.

Treatment and prevention of bleeding in dogs

For successful treatment, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of bleeding, and already, based on this, take any action.

So, if the blood from the nose appeared because the dog sneezed, then this may be due to diseases such as neutrophilia, anemia and thrombocytopenia. Depending on what kind of disease has become the cause, appropriate treatment is prescribed by veterinarians.

If suddenly the diagnostics showed the presence coagulopathy, then the treatment of the animal is carried out exclusively in the hospital. However, if the disease has a milder form, then it can be eliminated at home. To do this, first of all, the active lifestyle of the dog should be reduced as much as possible so that there is no predisposition to increase the flow of blood from the nose.

If during the examination any foreign object was found in the nasal septum, it should be removed only with the help of surgical intervention by specially trained people.

Due to a disease such as rhinitis of fungal origin, treatment should occur by infusing a solution of povidone, clotrimazole or enilconazole into the nasal opening through a special tube. A fungus called cryptococcosis should be treated with sporonox (intronazole), at intervals of 12 hours, 5 mg per kg of dog weight.

And if a tumor is found in an animal, then cisplatin with chemotherapy is unconditionally used, however, excluding cases of adenocarcinomas.

Bleeding from the nose in dogs, as previously stated, is a fairly common phenomenon, therefore don't panic and convulsively shove various drugs into the animal, which supposedly have a healing property. Before you start treating your pet, you should study the causes and find out what caused the appearance of blood discharge from the nasal cavity. However, if you cannot examine the dog on your own, it is best to immediately contact the veterinarians who will conduct the necessary studies and prescribe the correct and effective course of treatment.

Nosebleeds occur with trauma or against the background of bleeding disorders and some other conditions

A bleeding disorder (coagulopathy) develops. with thrombocytopenia and / or thrombopathy. Thrombocytopenia is predominantly immune in nature and may accompany systemic erythematosis, rickettsiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, bone marrow disease (neoplasia, aplastic anemia), DIC, drug or live vaccine reactions. Thrombopathy can be congenital (von Willebrand's disease, thrombasthenia) and acquired (with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hyperglobulinemia, rickettsiosis, multiple myeloma, uremia, DIC).

Coagulopathy is congenital, hemophilia A and: B is also acquired as a result of poisoning with rodendicides (for example, warfarin), with prolonged jaundice.

Nosebleeds can occur due to damage to vessels by a foreign body, trauma, or bacterial or fungal infection (aspergillosis, cryptococcosis, rhinosporidiosis), neoplasia (adenocarcinoma carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, fibro- and chondrosarcoma, sexually transmitted tumors).

The causes of epistaxis can also be hypertension caused by renal failure, hyperthyroidism, hypercortisolism and the consequences of rickettsiosis, multiple myeloma, polycythemia, immune vasculitis.

Coagulopathy of immune origin is more common in young and middle aged small to medium sized bitches.

Congenital diseases that cause nosebleeds are observed in dogs: thrombasthenia - in Otterhounds; thrombopathy - in basset hounds; von Willebrand disease - in Dobermans, Shelties, Airedale Terriers, German Shepherds, Scotch Terriers, Chesapeake Bay Retrievers and others, as well as in cats; hemophilia A - in German shepherds, many others, in cats; hemophilia B - in yurn terriers, St. Bernards and others, in cats.

Rickettsiosis affects dogs living in areas that are unfavorable for this disease. Aspergillosis occurs most often in the German Shepherd; neoplasms in dolichocephalic breeds.


Symptoms are nosebleeds and sneezing. With bleeding disorders, owners report hematuria, bloody or tarry stools, and/or easily occurring small and large hemorrhages.

With severe nosebleeds, a blood test reveals anemia, thrombocytopenia, neutrophilia, and with damage to the bone marrow - pancytopenia.

A biochemical study reveals hypoproteinemia and a high level of urea nitrogen with a normal level of creatinine upon admission and breakdown of blood in the gastrointestinal tract. Additional studies reveal hyperglobulinemia in multiple shelomas or ehrlichiosis, elevated blood nitrogen in nephrogenic hypertension, high ALT, AST in acute hepatitis complicated by coagulopathy.

In the analysis of urine, hemoglobinuria (with blood clotting disorders) and isostenuria (due to renal failure in hypertension) or proteinuria (with systemic erythematosis or rickettsiosis) are sometimes found.

In patients with a defect in the coagulation factor, the clotting time increases, but with thrombocytopenia and thrombopathy, it is within the normal range.

In systemic lupus erythematosus, antinuclear antibodies can be detected. The study of platelet function (bleeding time, analysis of the Wuschebrand factor) reveals an increase in blood clotting time with a normal number of them. In chronic epistaxis, it is advisable to rule out ehrlichiosis and/or Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Thyroid hormone analysis is performed in older cats with clotting disorders and multiple hemorrhagic lesions.

In animals with a neoplasm, an X-ray examination of the chest organs is performed to exclude metastases. The study under anesthesia of the nasal and oral cavities and the frontal sinus is indicated for animals with local lesions. With neoplasms and mycotic inflammation of the accessory cavities of the nose, destruction of the bone tissue is observed. Foreign bodies are usually not found.

It is important to examine the nasal cavity, rinse it and perform a biopsy. In case of traumatic injury, when foreign bodies are detected, they are removed and nasal fluid is taken for cytological and pathohistological studies, inoculation of bacterial and fungal cultures and determination of their sensitivity to drugs.

Bone marrow biopsy is indicated in cases of pancytopenia. With bleeding and bleeding, as well as with azotemia, blood pressure is measured.


Coagulopathy is usually treated in a hospital. Local lesions and diseases of the vascular system, depending on the cause of the disease and its clinical manifestations, can also be treated on an outpatient basis. It is necessary to limit the activity of the animal, as it can increase bleeding. Be sure to inform the owner about the course of the disease and possible complications (weakness, collapse, pallor, blood loss up to 20-30 ml/kg).

Surgical intervention is indicated to remove foreign bodies, with unsuccessful attempts to explore and wash the nose.

Fungal rhinitis (aspergillosis, rhinosporidiosis) can be treated with daily instillations of a solution of povidone, enilconazole or clotrimazole through tubes. For the treatment of cryptococcosis, itranazole (sporonox) is given at a dose of 5 mg/kg every 12 hours, and after surgery and with aspergillosis and rhinosporidiosis, radiotherapy is indicated for 2-4 weeks until the animal has completely recovered clinically. For some tumors, chemotherapy is used to treat lymphoma or a venereal tumor. Positive results of treatment with cisplatin are confirmed by practice, but it should not be used in adenocarcinoma.

With the development of severe anemia, a transfusion of blood or red blood cells may be required.

In autoimmune coagulopathy, pre-nisolone (1.1 mg/kg every 12 hours) is recommended for 4-6 weeks. As alternative drugs in cases of complications, azathioprine (immu-ran) 2.2 mg/kg every 24 hours for 14 days, and then every 48 hours, danazol (danocrine) 5 mg/kg every 12 hours are used.

For rickettsiosis, doxycycline 5 mg/kg every 12 hours for 2-3 weeks is prescribed.

With thrombopathy and thrombasthenia, treatment has not been developed. In acute bleeding caused by von Willebrand's disease, plasma or cryoprecipitate is used, with a decrease in thyroid function, thyroidin. Bleeding in some dogs with von Willebrand's disease can be controlled with desmopressin acetate (1 µg/kg or 4 IU in 20 ml isotonic saline administered over 10 minutes). It is necessary to stop the use of all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. With hyperglobulinemia, plasmapheresis is indicated.

For hemophilia A and severe bleeding, plasma or cryoprecipitate is used; with hemophilia B - plasma for 2-3 days (on the 1st day after 4 hours, and then after 6 and 12 hours). In case of poisoning with anticoagulant rodenticides, plasma and vitamin K 5 mg/kg every 12 hours for 1-4 weeks are indicated. Plasma gives good results in patients with liver disease and DIC.

In bacterial infections, antibiotics are used after testing for sensitivity of isolated bacterial cultures.

Treatment of diseases of the vascular system depends on the pathogenesis. With hypertension caused by kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, hyper-(adreno)corticism, weight loss and restriction of salt in the feed are recommended. With increased blood viscosity, plasmapheresis is indicated.

With vasculitis of rickettsial origin, doxycycline is given (5 mg / kg every 12 hours for 3-6 weeks), with vasculitis of immune origin - prednisolone (1.1 mg / kg every 12 hours for 4-6 months). Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors from the enalapril group are also shown - enacard (0.25-0.5 mg / kg) or benazepril (0.25-0.5 mg / kg) every 12-24 hours; beta-blockers - propranolol (0.5-1 mg/kg) every 8 hours or atenolol (2 mg/kg) every 24 hours; calcium channel blockers - diltiazem (0.5-1.5 mg/kg) every 8 hours for dogs and (1.75-2.5 mg/kg) every 8 hours for cats or amlodipine - 0.625 mg/kg for cats every 24 h, diuretics - hydrochlorothiazide (2-4 mg / kg) every 12 hours, furosemide (0.5-2 mg / kg) every 8-12 hours.

The use of the above drugs helps to prevent bleeding. The use of NSAIDs and heparin should be avoided. During chemotherapy, it is necessary to carefully monitor the patient's condition, control the number of neutrophils 2 times a week to determine the animal's tolerance to treatment.

During follow-up of the patient, it is necessary to regularly determine the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin and blood clotting time in patients, as well as blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Other symptoms may appear. With proper treatment, cases of anemia or collapse are rarely observed.



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