A man takes a spermogram with the help of a nurse. Specialized office for sperm donation

Every man of reproductive age may be faced with the fact that he will need knowledge about how a spermogram is taken. Ejaculate donation takes place both as part of a voluntary control of one's own health, and to determine many serious diseases in the stronger sex, including the infertility factor. Sperm analysis is performed under a microscope and involves the identification of pathological and viable germ cells.

The process of passing a spermogram is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance, but it must be understood that a man will have to carefully prepare for it. Only if all the rules and requirements are observed, you can get really correct diagnostic results, which will allow doctors to prescribe the right treatment. Therefore, further details on how to take a spermogram and what is required for this.

If a man has expressed a desire to undergo a preventive examination by doctors specializing in sexual health, then he will definitely need to pass seminal fluid for examination. People may wonder what they need to take a spermogram, so we offer detailed information for review.

Actually, it doesn't take much:

  1. Choose a clinic where diagnostics will be carried out;
  2. Make an appointment with a specialist;
  3. Get a referral from a doctor for analysis;
  4. Buy shoe covers and a container for spermogram;
  5. Find out where the spermogram room and laboratory are located.

That's the whole list of what you need to pass a spermogram. Perhaps the doctor will give some more recommendations, but this set is standard. The spermogram jar must necessarily comply with sanitary standards and be sterile. It is best to purchase a special container for taking spermograms in a pharmacy, but you can also get a glass container in the laboratory at the clinic.

The spermogram room is often located in close proximity to where the assessment of the qualitative, quantitative and biochemical parameters of seminal fluid will take place. Also, many are interested in the spermogram room itself, what this room looks like and what it is equipped with.

The spermogram room has its own characteristics, presented as follows:

  • The room is presented in the form of a separate office, no different from the outside from other rooms;
  • A favorable climatic atmosphere has been created inside, that is, warm and cozy so that a man can relax;
  • Of the furniture, there is always a sofa or a comfortable chair;
  • There is also a place where you can put your things;
  • To speed up the result, there is literature in the room, and in some clinics, video media of an erotic nature;
  • The door must be closed from the inside;
  • There is also a washbasin in the room.

In most cases, the doctor always tells about what is needed for a spermogram and how the analysis is done. The resulting ejaculate must be collected correctly, so some modern clinics have a special apparatus for taking a spermogram.


The delivery of sperm for analysis should take place after following a number of preparatory procedures. When it is better to take a spermogram depends on the purpose of the diagnosis for the patient, but at the same time, doctors always give recommendations on how to behave before taking the ejaculate.

At least three days before the appointed date for the delivery of biological fluid, a man must refrain from contact with toxic substances. This recommendation includes not only chemicals, but also the use of hard liquor, as well as weak alcoholic beverages.

At this time, it is better to take time off from work if it is associated with production that is harmful to the body, avoid the use of perfumes and household chemicals with pronounced odors. If it is not possible to take a day off, then a spermogram analysis is possible on the first day after the weekend.

The conditions for taking a spermogram are always the same. Therefore, experts pay attention to the fact that before the diagnosis it is strictly forbidden to have any sexual relations. Those who have taken spermogram repeatedly say that it is better to abstain for about 10 days.

Also, for the spermogram, the conditions for delivery include smoking cessation at least three hours before the delivery of the ejaculate. It will be necessary to refuse to take drugs of the hormonal group, and from cytostatic drugs, even if they were prescribed by other specialists. The procedure for passing the spermogram after the abolition of drugs is prescribed at intervals of six months.

Sperm analysis is not performed for those men who are currently undergoing course treatment for urological pathologies. The fact is that if at this time spermatozoa are donated for diagnosis, then progressive inflammatory processes will significantly reduce the quality of the seminal fluid.

If the doctor has prescribed a semen analysis, it is better to pass it in a good psycho-emotional state. To do this, you need to lead a measured lifestyle for a day, avoid stress and nervousness, and do not abuse physical activity. Also, about a week before the diagnosis, you need to stop visiting baths, saunas and taking hot baths, because in such conditions spermatozoa do not feel well.

Spermogram with a cold does not give up. If a respiratory disease has recently been transferred, then the diagnosis is postponed for some time to restore the body. Therefore, to the question of whether it is possible to take a spermogram with a cold, the answer is unambiguously negative.


When the doctor has prescribed a spermogram, he will definitely tell you how the ejaculate is taken. There are different ways to take a spermogram, but the most practiced is masturbation. The presented method is recommended not only by medical professionals, it is approved by the World Health Organization. The analysis of spermatozoa, more precisely, the collection of ejaculate, is best performed in a clinic, because this way the specialist will be able to start the study of the biological fluid as quickly as possible.

In some institutions, spermogram sampling is practiced by interrupted sexual intercourse. This method is very rarely practiced, and all because during copulation and ejaculation, part of the seminal fluid may be lost, and this will cause incorrect results. Also, the indicators will be distorted due to the admixture of female microflora.

You can take a spermogram at home, but doctors do not welcome this. You can resort to such a technique if you are sure that all sanitary standards will be observed during the delivery of the ejaculate after receiving it. The doctor will also tell you how to properly take a spermogram at home, but you should be prepared that the results will not be entirely correct.

Features of spermogram delivery at home are:

  1. Collection of material in sterile dishes;
  2. Prevention of exposure to the sun's rays on the ejaculate;
  3. Avoidance of hypothermia;
  4. Collection of the entire volume of seminal fluid.

To get really accurate results, doctors advise taking a semen analysis several times.

How to take

How the spermogram is delivered in the clinic and at home is relatively clear. If a man wants to see a good example, then for this a video is presented on the Internet on how to properly take a spermogram. The most important thing in the analysis of spermatozoa is undoubtedly the volume of the obtained ejaculate, so it must be collected in its entirety, whether at home or in the hospital.

A man in the clinic must visit a specially designated room. There, behind a closed door, there is everything you need to comfortably receive seminal fluid. Before proceeding, you should thoroughly wash your hands, and you should also take a shower at home and conduct hygiene of the genitals.

Then, through masturbation, one has to reach the moment of ejaculation. It is very important not to use any lubricant or condom when doing this. In the first case, the diagnostic results are distorted, and in the second, the spermatozoa simply die. The sperm is collected in a sterile container, then closed with a lid and transferred to the laboratory for analysis.

It is very important not to forget to indicate your data on the jar: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth. Some institutions provide a special form that is similar to a questionnaire; all the necessary information about the patient will be collected there. After the doctor receives the results of the analysis, he will be able to make a correct diagnosis, which he will inform the patient about in a personal meeting.

Actions (video)

The doctor first of all recommends doing a semen analysis, which allows you to identify problems. The spermogram determines the mobility and number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate, as well as the presence of infections and diseases, which can also cause reproductive disorders in men.


In order to pass this analysis, within 3-4 days it is necessary to follow some rules. You should give up drugs and alcoholic beverages for this period. Beer should also not be consumed, even if it replaces water. It is also necessary to exclude sexual intercourse these days. Then the results of the analysis will be more objective. In case of pathological changes in the semen, it is recommended to re-pass the spermogram for a more detailed consideration of the situation.
Two or three times at intervals of several weeks.

How to take

There are several options for obtaining sperm for analysis. But optimal for objectivity is masturbation. Despite the fact that this method is the least liked, doctors strongly recommend it, since sperm from a condom, reacting with its components, can give a distorted analysis result. Also, the method with interrupted sexual intercourse is not the best. In this case, partner cells enter the seed, which also reduces the accuracy of the indicators.

It should be noted that no more than an hour should pass from the moment of ejaculation to the analysis. The optimal one, which ensures the life of spermatozoa, is 20-36 degrees. Otherwise, they die very quickly. Therefore, it is recommended to take a spermogram in the room where the laboratory is located. In this case, you will not need to worry about transportation.
It is very important that the ejaculate completely gets into the laboratory glassware, since the loss of even a small part of it can lead to a distorted result of the study.

The loss of the first portion is especially undesirable.

Men's fears

Despite the fact that this procedure is absolutely painless, many men have doubts and fear about donating sperm. Thoughts that someone will see and know, or the fact that there will be a queue outside the door, can prevent you from going to the clinic. But it should be remembered that problems with conception can be associated with both the woman and the woman. Therefore, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor, but immediately get down to business. The time that was spent on unfounded fears could be put to good use.

Basically, with a donor or diagnostic purpose. In any case, it is important that the initial qualities of this material are not lost during the collection of sperm. To this end, a male donor or a patient (depending on the goals) undergoes many examinations and tests. But even after taking sperm, there is a danger of changing its properties, because sperm is a rapidly deteriorating substance, and after half an hour or an hour irreversible changes occur in it.

To prevent this from happening, not only the method of collection and storage is important, but also the choice of the place for donating sperm. For quite understandable reasons, the choice of a place is not only a medical problem, but mainly an ethical, moral, and sometimes even a religious problem. In order to solve this problem at least a little, special rooms for sperm donation are being created. These rooms, as a rule, are located in medical institutions, within the laboratory diagnostic departments, or in close proximity to them. After all, the distance from the place of delivery to further research should be minimal.

What is the semen donation room itself?

This is a small room equipped with a washbasin, and often a shower. The rules of personal hygiene in this matter must be strictly observed. The door to the office must be closed from the inside, because sperm donation is an intimate process, carried out without the presence of medical staff. It is important that the office environment is relaxing and does not cause negative emotions. A minimum of furniture, walls in neutral tones, soft, not too bright lighting.

But even more important is maintaining the optimal temperature and humidity in the office. As you know, sperm retains its properties in the temperature range from 20 to 37 ° C. Therefore, it is important that the temperature in the office does not go beyond these limits. In cold weather, the office should be heated, and in hot weather - air-conditioned.
The optimum humidity should be within 60%. To control these indicators, the presence of a thermometer and hygrometer in the office will not be superfluous.

It goes without saying that there should be sterile disposable utensils in the office for collecting ejaculate. After the subject has left the room, and the material is sent to the laboratory, the room must be treated with disinfectants according to the established technology. Abroad, some offices are trying to equip exciting illustrated literature and televisions to watch similar films. Some have gone even further and are trying to implement mechanical donation devices. We do not practice this. And abroad, these "innovations" were not understood by everyone.

After watching some American films, many probably wondered: how exactly does sperm donation take place? What does the place where everything happens look like? What is the situation there? Are there comfortable sofas and armchairs, erotic magazines, selected porn? Is there a medical assistant? Not so long ago, for the purpose of prevention after surgery, the author under the nickname Stem84 was lucky enough to visit such a place...

Before submitting, you had to follow some requirements:
- do not drink alcohol (even beer), drugs
- you can not bathe in a bath or sauna, it is better to wash in the shower
- refrain from sex and masturbation for at least 3-4 days!

By the way, if anyone wants to repeat (), then such an analysis is called SPERMOGRAM, in St. Petersburg this pleasure () costs about 1000 rubles.

The doctor gave out just such a jar (the height of a matchbox and a diameter of only a 5-ruble coin!) for collection and led him into the room, providing him with a key. He showed me what and how ... in general, I wished you a pleasant pastime. (Total 9 photos)

The room is quite small - 5-8 meters. Of course, you don’t seem to need more, but such tightness, cold-colored walls and the mediocrity of the room did not cause much excitement =)
ps: if I knew that everything would be like this, I would take my girlfriend with me

In this corner of hygiene, the doctor offered to clean himself up after

All? what you need for drocheva collection of material: a couch, selective fucking and ... an air freshener

A little closer. The name is already breathtaking and evokes the first fantasies)

Everything for remote control of the porn media center. To be honest, it was dumb to touch with your hands ... how many people were there before me

As I said before, it was not easy for me personally to achieve persistent fantasies in such a place .. You know, in theory everything is so interesting) In general, after 10 minutes, I still had to add girls ...

Finish! Can you imagine the whole process and how you can get into such a tiny jar? It's not easy for you to piss)

Okay, I won’t show the result so as not to break anyone’s psyche. A jar to the doctor, the doctor chatted, looked, appreciated ... dripped under the microscope and let it look.

And there they are, as in the picture. Damn, it's interesting, inside you and such garbage ... dofiga! And such! Not just some onion stained with iodine. There it all rushes about in all directions like scalded.

Actually, this is what the end result looks like. A bunch of all sorts of different understandable and not very indicators.

PS: According to these data, small deviations from the norm. I smoke, and so in principle the norms.


Human semen analysis is easy to perform, cheap, not too inconvenient, and immediately tells the doctor how many sperm are present (total), whether they move (their motility), and if so, how good and how they look (their morphology).

Other aspects of the examination include determining the volume and sequence of seminal fluid production, regardless of the presence of an infection in the genital tract and whether there are antibodies against semen components.

When the results of the semen laboratory examination are obtained, and other related information (for example, the period of abstinence before collection, the time interval between obtaining a semen specimen and delivering it to the laboratory, how it was collected and whether there was any error) can be given evaluation of the fertility of the examined man. Often more than one test is needed because testicular function is a very sensitive indicator of overall health and since sperm are produced over a period of ten weeks, many factors can affect sperm production. Apart from azoospermia (complete absence of spermatozoa), no semen analysis parameter can lead to a diagnosis of infertility; this diagnosis can be confirmed only after all combinations of factors are taken into account, including background health and psycho-emotional state.

It's normal to feel a little uncomfortable while taking a semen sample for analysis. By and large, people describe the experience as uncomfortable and awkward. The conditions under which everything takes place are far from ideal: everything is done “on demand”, most likely in a featureless, sterile environment, what is usually personal is “know” by the clinic staff, and after the procedure is completed, the resulting sample is transferred to the laboratory assistant.

But perhaps knowing what and how exactly happens when a seminal fluid sample is taken for analysis will help reduce stiffness and alertness. You just need to remember all the time that this is science and nothing more. And the fact that nurses and clinic staff work with it every day, several times a day, 365 days a year. What for some seems incredible and very awkward, for others is just a routine job.

Typically, semen analysis is performed by a specialist who will literally take a drop of a sample, place it on a microscope slide and analyze it under a microscope (where you can donate sperm). A number of factors, including the experience of the technicians, the method and equipment used, can affect the quality of the results.

Because semen is relatively fragile, sample collection and processing will also affect the quality of the test results. If the sample is left in the container for too long, the sperm will begin to die and break apart. If part of the sample is not collected, volume and quantity measurements will be inaccurate.

It is important to follow the instructions so that the semen sample is collected correctly. This will help to get the most accurate result and avoid unnecessary worries and additional manipulations.

Preparing for the delivery of a perma sample

Abstinence for 2-5 days before collecting a semen sample. You can donate sperm for analysis if at least 2 days have passed since the last ejaculation, but not more than 7-10 days.

The testicle is constantly producing sperm, which is stored in a long tubular structure called the epididymis. During ejaculation, the epididymis is emptied and fresh sperm enters it. It takes 2-3 days to completely fill the epididymis. Testing too soon after ejaculation tends to show a lower sperm count.

So, waiting longer is better, right? Not really. Sperm cells have a limited lifespan inside the testicle (3 weeks). When ejaculations are not frequent, spermatozoa begin to die and break down inside the body. To get a full picture of how healthy a man's sperm is, you really want to look at the "new batch" to explore. For a week or two before semen analysis, it is recommended to "clear the tubes" with more frequent ejaculations to get rid of dead cells and fragments. Then you need to wait a few days to allow the epididymis to fill with fresh sperm.

Avoid overheating. During the week before the test, you must do everything possible not to overheat your testicles, which will lead to mass casualties among the "troops". Avoid hot baths, saunas, grills, laptop heat, and the like. Brief exposure to high temperatures a few days before semen analysis can lead to premature cell death and affect cell motility. Prolonged exposure to heat such as fever, frequent hot bath use, long periods of sitting, occupational heat exposure, or laptop use can impair sperm production. Unfortunately, this cannot be quickly decided (how much sperm is needed to get pregnant). It will take about two and a half months for normal sperm production to resume. However, if you have a history of prolonged exposure to high temperatures or fever in the past three months, it is worth mentioning this to your doctor's appointment.

  • Refusal of bad habits in order to avoid changes in the quality, morphology and quantity of spermatozoa in the ejaculate.
  • Refrain from eating stimulating drinks rich in caffeine, strong tea, coffee, a day before the test.
  • Refuse fatty, fried foods, which adversely affect the quality of seminal fluid. Give preference to a diet rich in proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber and vitamins.
  • If the semen sample will be collected at home, a clean sterile container should be prepared in advance and the laboratory hours should be confirmed.

How to collect a seed sample

  • It is necessary to clean the head of the penis with a soapy solution and wet towels or cotton swabs (how much money is given for donating sperm). Pull back the foreskin and clean the area underneath. Rinse the cleaned area with a new damp towel or cotton swab dipped in plain water.
  • Dry your penis well before taking a semen sample.
  • Hands should also be thoroughly washed with soap and dried.
  • Remove the lid from the sample collection container. Make sure the container is clean and dry.
  • The sample must be collected into a container through masturbation.
  • Lubricants or condoms should not be used when collecting the sample. They can damage sperm and affect test results.
  • If pubic hair or thread from clothing gets into the container, do not remove it. Lab technicians will extract them using clean tools.
  • Screw the lid on the container and make sure it is closed tightly.
  • Do not store the sample in direct sunlight and allow it to cool or freeze. If it is cold on the day of donation, carry the sample container close to the body so that it is as close to body temperature as possible. Sperm should not be frozen.

Donating sperm via masturbation can be a very stressful moment for some men (especially when they know their rates are low, or if they've had trouble masturbating "on demand" for semen analysis in the past). Collecting semen samples for analysis can be ethically and emotionally uncomfortable. Most cultures and religions have specific rules or customs related to sex, masturbation, and procreation.

However, men who have this problem can and should seek help. Of course, their partner can help them with their spermogram, but they can also use a sexual arousal video or a mechanical vibrator to help them get an erection. Some men also find it helpful to use liquid paraffin to provide lubrication during masturbation, while others use Viagra for extra help.

The highest concentration of semen is found in the first drops of ejaculate. For this reason, most clinics prefer that the man receive the sample without the help of his partner. If, nevertheless, the collection of ejaculate occurs with the participation of a partner, then it would be right to purchase a special condom designed for these purposes. Ordinary condoms are designed to destroy sperm, contain spermicidal substances in the composition of the lubricant. Do not use them when collecting a test sample, otherwise the study will be obviously incorrect. Special condoms are designed to keep sperm healthy and can be obtained from a doctor or bought online.

If the patient has severe male infertility resulting in few or no sperm in the ejaculate, then a surgical procedure such as microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA) or testicular sperm extraction (TESA) may be required.



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