How to change avatar in telegram. How to change the color of Telegrams - new opportunities for interface design

Telegram is a free cross-platform messaging and file exchange program. Since the application has messenger functions, for the convenience of communication you need to have not only a name, but also a picture, looking at which the interlocutor will have a visual representation of you. Next, we'll talk about how to put an avatar in . This procedure will not take you much time, and the treasury of your knowledge will be replenished with useful information.

What are avatars for Telegram

An avatar is a picture or photograph that serves as your Internet face on a social network. Communicating with you, the user on the "other end of the wire" sees the image you set, which is associated with the person.

In Telegram, you can install pictures in .png and .jpg format. The .gif format is not supported.

It is also worth considering that the graphical representation has the shape of a circle, the corners of square drawings are cut off. When uploading a photo, you can enlarge or select a specific area for display, but you can’t reduce large images.

Another point - the size of the image has no restrictions. But do not put too big a picture, because it will turn into dots, and too small - it will be fuzzy and pixelated.

What is put on the profile picture in Telegram

There are many types of pictures that you can set as your profile avatar in. It all depends on your taste and mood. We bring to your attention several categories:

  • People. Beautiful pictures of girls or guys will help you reincarnate online.
  • Anime, cartoon characters, movies, politicians, stars, actors.
  • Animals. Here you can rely on your character: a formidable lion, a fluffy rabbit, a funny marmot and much more.
  • Real photo. Some try not to set a private snapshot in order to remain an anonymous user.
  • Monochromatic background. The owners of such avatars prefer to hide all data about themselves.

As mentioned above, making the animation the main business card of the account will not work, but there is a way out. Try to create it yourself. To do this, you need to contact the Gifs.comBot bot for help. Send him a video and indicate the length of time that you want to get as an animation. Then take the frame and set it to avka.

Popular avatars: Mario, Santa Claus

If you can’t do it yourself, but you want to find funny Mario or cool Santa Claus, we advise you to download pictures on special sites, which are very numerous on the Internet.

Here is an example of several resources:– the site has tags for searching and more than 2,000 thousand pictures. here you can sort images based on size and category. a huge selection of drawings is presented.

When choosing a picture, pay attention to the requirements of the administration, otherwise your profile will be banned:

  • do not use pornographic material;
  • do not choose pictures that can lead to ethnic hatred;
  • do not install images with symbols and names of organizations that have banned international associations;
  • Ava should not contain violence or propaganda.

How to put a profile avatar in Telegram on a PC

  1. Open the app.
  2. At the top left of the screen, click on the button with the image of three horizontal stripes.
  3. A context menu will appear on the monitor, where you need to select "Settings".
  4. After that, in the window that opens, click on the "Update photo" button.
  5. Specify the path where the image is located and click on "Open".
  6. Understand the size and scale, and save the settings.

How to put an avatar in Telegram on iPhone

  1. Open the program.
  2. Make a swipe to the left.
  3. Click on the line labeled "Set Profile Photo".
  4. You will be prompted to allow the app to access the gallery on the screen. Confirm permission.
  5. If you didn’t find a suitable one among the pictures available on your device, tap on the camera icon, give permission to the utility to access it and take a photo. After selecting the desired picture, click "Choose Photo".

How to put a photo in Telegram on Android

  1. Open messenger.
  2. Click on the three horizontal bars in the top left corner.
  3. Go to "Settings".
  4. Click on the button where the camera is shown.
  5. A window will open where you need to select "From Gallery".
  6. Decide on the image and click on the button with a checkmark inside.

Changing the avatar for each device occurs in the same order as the initial installation.

How to remove an avatar in Telegram

If for some reason it became necessary to delete the main profile picture, this is done in the following way:

  1. go to "Settings";
  2. open your account;
  3. click on the avatar;
  4. click on the button with three vertical dots;
  5. select "Delete".

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in installing, changing and deleting an avatar. The main thing is to follow all the rules and regulations.

How to put a photo on an ava (avatar) in Telegram - after all, it is difficult to underestimate its importance, the picture in the profile not only forms the first impression, but also adds strokes to the image of the interlocutor. Many have noticed how difficult it is to be rude to a gray-bearded old man who is sternly looking from the monitor screen, and vice versa, it is not possible to take seriously a user who has Donkey from Shrek smiling in his profile.

How to add a photo to the profile avatar on a PC in Telegram

You need to start by choosing Ava. The most common options are:

  • Movie and cartoon characters, public domain pictures and photos. This category also includes famous personalities - actors, politicians, writers, journalists, etc.
  • A separate type is snapshots for fake (fake) profiles. To do this, they select real pictures of strangers from social networks, most often ordinary users. The task of such a profile is to hide behind a fictional person (sometimes completely copied).
  • Real picture of the user. Oddly enough, this option is becoming less common - some seek anonymity, others believe that a third-party image will better characterize them.
  • Monochrome ava (most often white background) - the user can put it as a signal that the profile owner wants to hide information about his identity.

Before placing an ava, you need to consider some factors:

  • In Telegram, ava has a round shape, so the corners of the picture will not be visible.
  • In the process of adding an avatar, you can zoom in on the image and select the desired area of ​​the photo.
  • If the picture is too close-up, then in Telegram it will not be possible to reduce it, and the round shape of the avatar can turn the image into an incomprehensible set of details. Sometimes users decide to put hard-to-recognise avatars in order to create a neutral impression.
  • If you put a new photo in the profile without deleting the old one, then the old picture will be saved. They can be changed by pressing the arrow in the avatar view menu.

When the choice is made, you can proceed. In order to put ava in Telegram on a computer, you will need:

  1. In the application, click on the button in the upper left corner in the form of three horizontal stripes.

  2. In the menu that opens, select "Settings".

  3. The settings window will open, you need to click on the "Update photo" button.

  4. You will need to find the desired file in the explorer and click the "Open" button.

  5. Adjust the size and scale of the avatar and click on the "Save" button.

In the web version of Telegram, the process of setting up ava is the same as in the desktop version, and in mobile applications, the profile settings are located a little differently.

How to put a photo in Telegram on Android phone

The sequence of actions for Android:

How to put ava in telegram on iphone

To set up a profile avatar, owners of "apple" gadgets will need:

How to change a photo in Telegram if you don't like the old one anymore? Changing ava in the messenger occurs in the same way as the initial installation of the photo:

  1. You need to go to the profile settings in the application or web version.
  2. Press the "Select photo" button.
  3. Then you will need to select the desired snapshot and configure its display.

Users who actively participate in groups and chats should think carefully before changing their profile picture. In chats with a large number of participants, interlocutors are remembered more often by their profile photo than by their nickname.

is one of the most popular cross-platform communication applications today, which is gaining popularity every day, and getting better with every update. Analysts have an opinion that in the near future it will outshine its main competitors - Viber and WhatsApp.

For the most part, Telegram is so popular because of its simplicity. However, no matter how easy and transparent its interface is, Telegram settings can cause difficulties for some users. In this article, we will look at the main operations that can be done with Telegram in order to improve it, customize it for your own needs.

The main question asked by any user who first encountered this messenger is how to Russify Telegram. And this question becomes really very interesting if you notice that the Telegram settings have only seven built-in languages, and there is no Russian among them.

Consider how to Russify Telegram on the example of popular platforms.

The Telegram program is gaining more and more popularity. Users are interested in more and more questions every day. For example, how can you put a photo on your profile? Having an original picture or photo, you give other contacts the opportunity to identify you, it will be much easier.

Setting a new avatar

If you use the telegram program, then the first thing you should do is set an avatar for your contact. Thanks to him, other contacts will recognize you, it is also a good way to express yourself or even convey the necessary information.

Basic requirements for pictures

Only at first glance it seems that it is so easy to put a certain photo in a telegram. In fact, you need to take this process quite seriously. Initially, you must adhere to four rules:

  • the image must be of high quality - according to this image, people will judge you personally, especially this point should be paid attention to those people who use the contact for work purposes;
  • it is worth choosing the appropriate format - you can only install photos or pictures in the format .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG, .BMP;
  • do not put too large an image, because when reduced, it will simply turn into an incomprehensible gibberish;
  • content - put your photo, or at least the photo that best suits your internal state, but if you use the telegram contact on behalf of the company, then it is preferable to put its logo there.

Setting and changing the picture in the phone

You can put a new one or change your photo, which already flaunts on your avatar, on any gadget. On the one hand, the process will be similar, and yet there are certain nuances that you should know in advance.

iPhone changes

First of all, you need to go into the Telegram program itself and open the "Settings" menu (Fig. 1). There you can find the option "Set profile photo" in the menu (Fig. 2).

By clicking on this option, a field with your photos and drawings will open in front of you, you must select one. The program will prompt you to edit the photo. An editor will simply open in front of you, which will help you adapt any image to the conditions of Telegram.

You can also adjust the brightness, contrast, flip or display the picture, crop it. Having received a satisfactory picture, you can click the check mark at the bottom of the screen.

Android changes

Here you will see the settings no longer at the bottom of the screen, but in the upper corner in the form of an icon with three stripes (Fig. 3). Further, everything happens according to the same scheme.

How to install an avatar on a PC

If you want to upload a photo to your telegram contact that is installed on your computer, then the algorithm of actions will be even simpler.

You go to the "Settings" or "Settings" menu at the top of the dialog box. Go to this menu, and there you will be offered the option "Set Profile Photo" (Fig. 4). Click on it and then simply select the desired photo or picture from your computer.

Remember that the avatar should not contain pornographic elements, obscene words, racism, otherwise your profile may simply be blocked.

A few more nuances

If you decide to change the photo on the contact, then you just need to go to the settings menu (three bars in the upper left corner, "Settings" or "Settings"), in the upper field you will see mugs with a camera, you should click on it, then a list will be displayed ( Fig.5):

  • from the camera;
  • from gallery;
  • delete photo (in this case, your avatar will be without a photo).

If you do not have a profile picture, then the first step is to reinstall the application, this often helps. It is also worth remembering that the program supports pictures and photos in only four formats. JPG, .JPEG, .PNG, .BMP. If your photo was taken in a different format, then you simply cannot insert it.



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