Isa did liposuction. Aiza Anokhina: a new life for “ice baby”

Aiza Anokhina is a popular Internet personality who maintains her own fashion blog. That's just the mass audience, she became known not at all because of this. How has Aiza Anokhina changed before and after plastic surgery? You can learn about how Isa came to success from our today's article.


  • Aiza was born in Grozny on December 10, 1984. As you know, she is a Chechen, but she lived most of her life in Moscow;
  • she moved to the Russian capital at a very young age. Thanks to a change of scenery, the girl was able to enter a normal school and receive a decent education;
  • after successfully graduating from high school, she entered the Moscow University of Linguistics, where she studied law and economics. Unfortunately, this is the only information about Aiza's childhood, since she tries to avoid any questions about her youth;
  • after graduation, the girl became interested in the subject of fashion, which she understood quite well. All this allowed her to stand out in the local party and become quite a popular person. As a result, Isa becomes a fashion designer;

Personal life

But, with all this, fame came to Isa not because of her success in the design business. They began to discuss the girl after she met a Russian rapper, popular at that time, nicknamed Guf. At that time, the musician was the lead singer of the Centr group, and also regularly delighted fans of his work with side projects.

Aiza and Guf met near one of the nightclubs. Initially, they did not plan a serious relationship, but the feelings in the end turned out to be stronger than one might expect.

Since they had a mutual friend, they exchanged mobile numbers on the first day. Subsequently, Guf and Aiza met more than once at other parties. But the key moment for them was the gathering of snowboarders. The rapper did not know how to ride the board at all, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable in front of his friends. And then Isa decided to instruct him. After that, they were finally convinced that they were made for each other.

Further relationships

After that, Guf met the parents of his beloved, and also made a marriage proposal. A star married couple was formed, whose life was followed by the whole country. It seemed that nothing could destroy their idyll. But, as it turned out later, the musician again began to sit on hard drugs. This became the main stumbling block.

With all his might, Guf tried to quit, but over and over again the situation only got worse. Initially, Isa supported her husband and tried to help him. But then it became obvious that it was almost impossible to get out of this hole. The situation was aggravated by numerous betrayals.

Second marriage

All this, as expected, led to a divorce. After all that happened, the girl got the opportunity to return to her career and show others that she was capable of much without the help of her ex-husband. From time to time, she began to appear on various shows, and also starred in one film. The second marriage took place in 2016. Aiza's new chosen one was Dmitry Anokhin. They continue to live a happy married life to this day.


  1. Like many celebrities, Isa always dreamed of an ideal figure that others could envy.
  2. Despite the slender figure, some details still did not suit the girl. In particular, she began to have problems with her stomach after giving birth.
  3. So even such an attractive girl could not avoid plastic surgery.

As a result, Isa finally came to the conclusion that it was time to change something. But the Internet star did not plan to make hasty decisions. Initially, she observed the work of the best craftsmen in order to choose the one she could trust. As a result, even despite her husband's doubts, Aiza did liposuction of her arms and abdomen.

She wasn't going to stop there. After that, she also enlarged her buttocks. In the end, all operations went well. And now Anokhina regularly pleases her fans with new photos on social networks. That rare case when plastic really benefited.

What do you think of Aiza Anokhina? We are waiting for your comments.

Aiza Anokhina is one of the few Russian celebrities who speaks openly about her plastic surgery and does not hide anything. For this, the girl deserves respect.

Aiza was born on December 10, 1984 in the city of Grozny, Chechnya. She graduated from the Moscow State Linguistic University at the Faculty of Economics and Law. Fame came to the girl after meeting the scandalous rapper Guf (Alexey Dolmatov).

Neither the artist's drug addiction nor his harsh temper prevented Aiza from marrying him and giving birth to his son Sami, however, this union did not last more than 5 years. But the star marriage brought fame to the ex-wife of a popular rapper and launched her television career.

Today Aiza Dolmatova is a business woman, designer, TV presenter and blogger. Her Instagram page has more than 2 million followers, who, in addition to the creative success of a woman, are interested in her external changes.

In her youth, the outrageous fashionista was fond of lip augmentation, so in some photos her mouth resembles a duck's beak.

Aiza decided to do her first plastic surgery after the birth of Sami in order to put her breasts in order, but the implants did not take root and the woman needed a second intervention.

After her divorce from Guf, Aiza decided to radically change herself, she got rid of silicone in her lips and chest, removed her hair extensions, had a rhinoplasty of her nose and corrected her cheekbones and chin with fillers. At the same time, she showed all the changes on Instagram with the hashtag "before and after", which added her the lion's share of subscribers.

In 2015, Aiza Dolmatova married a second time and changed her last name to Anokhin, and in 2016 gave birth to her second son, Elvis. Mrs. Anokhina sold the rights to live broadcast her birth to one of the Russian TV channels.

To get back in shape after the second birth, Aiza Anokhina, even contrary to the opinion of her new husband, decided on liposuction of her arms, thighs and abdomen. In the same period, she performed the most significant plastic surgery for herself to increase the buttocks. After rehabilitation, the attending physician of the outrageous star told in detail how the surgery was carried out and how much fat was removed.

Today, Aiza Anokhina is confident and satisfied with her body, while the woman does not deny that in the future she can again resort to the help of plastic surgery.

Alena Shishkova, whose changes we studied in detail recently, began working on her appearance from the age of 18. And the work, as you might guess, was carried out not only in the gym, but also in the plastic surgery clinic. However, the efforts paid off. Resembling a Barbie doll, Alena became “Vice-Miss Russia 2012”, conquered rapper Timati with her incredible beauty and gave birth to a daughter from him. You can look at these eyebrows and lips endlessly!

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Victoria Lopyreva

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Another "sister" of our heroines is Oksana Samoilova, the wife of rapper Dzhigan, whose whole life is devoted to the difficult task of narcissism and improving her own appearance. If Oksana's passport had her photo before plastic surgery, the beauty would probably have been detained at the border, because these are two different people.

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Christina Sysoeva

Kristina Sysoeva is not just a woman, it's a meme! Other beauties are still far from her “perfection”: the voluminous lips of Christina, hung with brands, slightly interfere with speaking (however, this is exactly the case when it is better to remain silent), and you can cut yourself on her high sharp cheekbones. Learn girls!

Maria Pogrebnyak

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Singer Alexa, whose songs we have not heard for a long time, is one of the pioneers in the business of reincarnation. It occurred to her to turn her face into a rubber mask when other girls were just starting their tuning. What happened next, we all know: photos of Alexa with swollen lips now and then flicker on the net.

Aiza Anokhina

The “duck” girl is about Aiza Anokhina (once Dolmatova). The lips of the star attract all the attention, they are so voluminous. Of course, just a few years ago, such magnificence was not observed on Aiza's face, and the shape of the cheekbones was completely different.

Evgenia Feofilaktova

Another beautiful “mukla doll” is Yevgenia Feofilaktova, a participant in the Dom-2 project. Evgenia looks like a sister to all the other participants in our list. And all thanks to plastic surgery! Even without “tuning”, Evgenia was a prominent girl, and now she looks like an ideal wax figure. To hell with individuality!

Aiza Dolmatova - journalist, TV presenter, designer, was born in the capital of Chechnya, Grozny on December 10, 1984.


Although there are persistent rumors that the girl has Chechen roots, she herself does not confirm this. However, she generally does not like to talk about her private life, and even more so about her family. This is partly understandable - Aiza's father is an FSB officer, and these people definitely do not like publicity. On the other hand, she is superstitious and believes that people's rumors and envy can ruin a lot of things in life.

In Grozny, Aiza spent only her early childhood. A few years later, the father received a new appointment, and the family moved to the capital. The mother devoted all the time to her husband and daughter, she made every effort to make the girl develop. Therefore, in addition to the secondary school, Aiza went to various circles and sections.

In the field of interests of the girl, in addition to sports and music, there were also a healthy lifestyle, medicine and cosmetology. Therefore, after receiving the certificate, she took the documents to the School of Health. But parents did not like this idea too much. And they insisted that their daughter receive a prestigious economic education at that time.

Under pressure from her father, she took the documents and entered the university. But the specialty of an economist did not attract the inquisitive and sociable Aiza too much. Therefore, in her senior years, she simultaneously began to study in the specialty "public relations", planning to go to work in journalism in the future.

Acquaintance with Guf

Before Aiza became the girlfriend of one of the most successful Russian rappers, whose last name she now bears, no one knew anything about her, although she regularly visited fashion clubs and social events.

On one of them, Aiza accidentally crossed paths with Guf, who smoked with friends after the performance. But then they only exchanged cursory glances, although Guf immediately liked the girl.

Later it turned out that their circles of communication overlap, so from time to time they met in large companies. So it was quite logical to exchange phones. But Aiza then had other plans for Guf. One of her friends was secretly in love with the guy, and the girl decided to introduce them closer. But for some time she could not manage to cross them.

But they themselves crossed again very unexpectedly for both at one of the ski resorts. Aiza and a group of friends were snowboarding there, and Guf just liked spending time in the mountains, he was not very good at skiing either. But he decided to take a chance and keep the girl company. The first attempt ended in a grandiose fall with a flight through the entire slope.

Fortunately, there were no serious injuries, but such self-confidence made Aiza laugh a lot. She also won the heart of Guf when she categorically refused the offer to go to the skating rink, explaining that the skating rink was entertainment only for girls.

A few days spent in each other's company brought them closer and, returning to Moscow, Aiza realized that she no longer wanted to introduce him to her friend.

Family life

The relationship between Aiza and Guf developed somehow smoothly. She herself admits that for a long time she saw in him only a friend with whom it is simple and fun to spend time, and you can talk about anything. She thought about the fact that everything was serious when Guf decided to introduce her to her grandmother, the closest and most authoritative person for him.

They were both worried about this meeting. Grandma has the same character! If she didn’t like her grandson’s girlfriend, she could easily tell her about it and even put her out the door. But she somehow immediately began to sympathize with Isa. Perhaps because the girl also felt a steel rod inside. Guf's acquaintance with Aiza's strict dad also went more or less smoothly.

The girl herself did not notice how she gradually moved to the apartment where Alexei (real name Gufa) lived with his Original Ba, as he affectionately called her. At first, the couple often quarreled over trifles, but passions quickly subsided. A couple of times it even happened that Isa slammed the doors and left home, but on the same day Guf took her back.

Guf made an offer to his beloved just four months after the start of their life together. And it was he who insisted on not delaying the wedding. In 2008, the couple signed, and at the beginning of 2010, Isa officially announced that replenishment was expected in the family, and soon the heir Sam was born.

It should be noted that before the birth of the child, Guf sat quite tightly on drugs. At the beginning of the relationship, he hid this from Aiza, but then admitted. The girl set a condition - either she or addiction. And Guf, with her help, managed to overcome this addiction.

But as his popularity grew, family relationships became more and more complicated. Guf was constantly surrounded by a crowd of fans, he was less and less at home, and Isa increasingly began to suspect him of romantic relationships with long-legged beauties who ran after the artist in crowds. After a series of high-profile scandals, the couple divorced.


During pregnancy and after the birth of a child, Aiza did a lot of needlework. And after the divorce, she decided to turn her hobby into a small business and opened a designer jewelry salon, where she put up for sale her own works and jewelry from other talented authors.

In 2013, the girl made her debut on television as the host of the Neformat Chart program, and quite successfully. In addition, she took part in a TV exchange program and experienced live all the charms of village life, while another girl enjoyed the atmosphere of the capital.

Isa also does an excellent job with the voice acting of cartoons and even tried herself as an actress in the youth film "Gas Tank". But her main occupation still remains designer jewelry, and the salon is gaining more and more popularity among the Moscow beau monde.

New marriage

However, changes have taken place in Dolmatova's personal life. While vacationing in Bali, she met a successful businessman Dmitry Anokhin. They were united by a passion for adventure and surfing. And less than a year after they met, the couple officially formalized their relationship.

With Dmitry Anokhin

Isa continues to see Guf, but only as the father of her child. Since most of the time she now spends in Bali. Guf sometimes breaks out to them between concerts. He is far from delighted with Aiza's new spouse and even commented on this several times on social networks. However, the couple is doing well so far, and at the end of 2016, Aiza became a mother for the second time.

Aiza Anokhina was born in the city of Grozny, at a very young age she moved with her parents to live in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow Linguistic University. The girl was very fond of sports and her hobby was snowboarding.

She went to clubs like other students. And so the acquaintance with her future husband took place, thanks to the clubs. And they met by chance, the guy was standing near the club, waiting for his friends.

Looking at each other, they smiled at each other. But Alexei did not count on further communication.

However, through a mutual friend, they were lucky enough to exchange phone numbers with each other. At parties, young people began to often collide, even collided at the training camp of snowboarders, as it turned out, Alexei did not know how to ride.

The famous song "Ice Baby" was dedicated to Aiza. After a certain time, Guf decided to invite the girl on a date.

Over time, Isa realized that she also fell in love with Alexei. Young people were very worried when meeting their parents, but everything went well. Alexey, after a romantic period in their relationship, made a marriage proposal to Aiza. A boy was born in a happy family, his name was chosen with meaning, from Chechen Sami is translated as "close to God."

Before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Aiza before plastic surgery can often be found, the girl actively comprehended them on social networks.

At her wedding, the girl was natural, without heavy makeup. And in 2010, Isa decided to make her body perfect and the fans could not help but notice this. To begin with, the girl succumbed to fashion and enlarged her lips, and then she also increased her hair. In 2014, the girl shared a story with subscribers about her procedures and showed the result. Later, with the help of specialists, I corrected the septum on the nose, corrected the cheekbones and corrected the chin with the help of specialists. She also removed the gel from her lips and removed her hair extensions.

The girl did not even try to hide her changes with the help of plastic surgery. After her first child, Aiza turned to a plastic surgeon for help. She made herself. But Aiza had to re-apply to the surgeons, since the first time the implants did not take root.

In 2013, Aiza divorced her husband. The reason for the divorce was frequent infidelity on the part of her husband. Thanks to her friend Alena, who also recently divorced, the girls decided to go on vacation to Sri Lanka. True, the friendship of the girls did not exist for a long time, because of the man whom they both disliked. Alena unexpectedly started working with this person, which upset Aiza.

In the same year, she replaced Roma and was the host of the "Neformat Chart". The girl began to actively conduct her activities on television and managed to play a role in "Gazgolder", in the cartoon "Ollie and the Treasure of the Pirates" she voiced the character. For the first time I tried to record a song and shoot a video with the famous rapper Kravets.

Fashion designer

Basically, the girl is focused on fashion trends. In companies, he presents himself as a fashion designer.

Thanks to the desire to have a natural appearance, thousands of people subscribed to her Instagram page and it also helped her to get fixed in the fashion blogger nomination.

The toned body of an athlete, just such a body was Isa's dream before the intervention of plastic surgery. From childhood, the girl experienced complexes about her large shoulders.

After the birth of the babies, the girl began to notice problems associated with the stomach and hips. Thanks to active sports loads and massage, the girl briefly corrected these disadvantages, but children need to devote a lot of time and Aiza began to devote insufficient time to her body.

Aiza decided to have a serious plastic surgery, began to choose a plastic surgeon and follow his work. Comparing before and after photos. Already in 2017, Aiza decided on her stomach, arms and enlarge her buttocks.

After the operation, the doctor showed the result of Aiza's plastic surgery in his video, where you can see Aiza before and after. As a result, fat was pumped out from such areas as: riding breeches, sides, back and from the abdomen. After they made a beautiful shape for the hips. The rehabilitation of the girl was successful. Now Isa has become more confident in herself.

Aiza has her own stylish brand of accessories and various jewelry, she also opened her own beauty salon, participates in shows, her accounts are well promoted, she takes part in the reality show "Pregnant"

Thanks to the big image changes, Isa was able to change her life 180 degrees and took up her career. Also, Aiza's personal life improved, in October 2015 she married Dmitry Anokhin and in 2016 they had a son.



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