How much does a 1 year old pug weigh? How much does a pug weigh

Pug standard:
Height at the withers - 30-35 cm, weight from 6.3 to 8.1 kg.
Color: yellowish fawn, silver and black. Light dogs usually have a dark muzzle, and sometimes you can see the so-called "belt" - a dark stripe along the ridge from the back of the head to the tail.
Wool: smooth-haired breed

Convenient size
Gets along well with children

If you overfeed a pug, he will turn from an elegant, resilient companion into a fat and short-lived dog.
The respiratory apparatus of the pug leaves much to be desired.

General description of the breed, character

It seems that the pug has a special place next to the person. The history of the pug breed dates back to the time of the Chinese dynasties. These little plush dogs were constant companions of royalty. However, one should not think that the pug is just a fun toy for empty entertainment. On the contrary, such proximity to the best courtyards of China and Europe suggests that the dog, in addition to purely decorative functions, has the exceptional virtues of a friend, companion and helper.

And yet, the first secret of the popularity of the pug dog breed is its unusual appearance. Dark shiny eyes hidden in soft expressive wrinkles, a monkey muzzle, short paws and a crochet tail - a miracle of miracles, and nothing more. Walking with a pug is a great source of positive and endless pleasure! The pug becomes the center of everyone's attention, and rarely does anyone manage to hold back a smile at the sight of an outlandish creature, importantly leading its owner on a leash. And the children ... Children just squeak with delight!

I must say that the British had a hand in the modern appearance of the pug. This breed of dog came to Europe thanks to the Dutch sailors, and then English breeders slightly “conjured” the appearance of the pug. A stocky, short-legged body, a square forehead and a blunt nose are their work. The Chinese "prototypes" had a slightly slimmer physique and a sharper muzzle.

Despite the unusual appearance of the breed, you should not treat this dog solely as a toy. Believe me, a pug is able to become your real, faithful and devoted friend. In case of danger, he will stand up for his master and will protect him to the last. Friendliness, openness, the ability to get along with both people and other animals, make the pug a full-fledged member of the family. This kid will invariably actively participate in all your affairs and, yes, get in the way a little.

It is known that in China pugs were used as hunting dogs, but even here the peculiar life position of these animals was clearly manifested - they, like the emperor, were brought to the place of hunting on a special stretcher. And the current owners of pugs tend to associate this historical fact not with the laziness and impudence of the animal, but with that innate self-esteem that distinguishes the pug from other dogs.

The popularity of pugs among Russians increased after the publication of Dontsova's books, as well as the film "People in Black", where a cute and clumsy fat dog with short legs played the role of a super agent.

Types, standards and varieties

A rare variety of the breed is the black pug. A black pug can be seen in K. Brekelenkam's painting "The Tailor's Workshop" of 1653, but the breeding of this rare species began only in 1886. Until that time, experts did not particularly appreciate black pugs and destroyed "non-standard" puppies.

The founders of the genus of black pugs, listed in the registration book, are Knep II, Jack Spratt and his daughter Bessie Spratt - dogs that the traveler Lady Bress brought from China to England. It is known for certain that such a breed has already existed in England for at least a couple of centuries. However, it was Lady Bress who provoked interest in unusual dogs, introducing them to the Madison Dog Show in 1886, where black pugs immediately became champions in their classes.

Choosing a pug puppy

When choosing a pug puppy that will become a new family member and friend, rely on your emotional perception and intuition. If you find it difficult to choose "your" puppy from all these cute soft lumps, let the puppy make his choice. Move away - the puppy that runs up to you first will be your new favorite.

However, it is still worth considering the puppy's thoroughbredness, its character, disadvantages and advantages. To do this, talk to a breeder who can professionally select the right puppy for you.
If you are purchasing a puppy for participation in exhibitions and breeding, you need to approach the choice more thoroughly, and, of course, you should not look for offers of a pug as a gift. Turning to the nursery or breeder, you need to check the puppy for compliance with the breed standard, find out about the puppy's pedigree. It would be nice to take the advice of a third-party professional cynologist, who will immediately determine the championship prospects of the puppy.

Features of the content, care, health

The Pug is a smooth-coated dog and does not require much grooming, however it has its own Achilles' heel. To one degree or another, each dog of this breed is prone to a congenital chronic disease - corneal erosion. This problem is solved with iodine preparations, antibiotics and vitamin A.

As for nutrition, in general, pugs are unpretentious in food. Veterinarians recommend feeding them two to three times a day in small portions to avoid overeating, keep muscles elastic and active.

Your pug should also have a place in the apartment where the dog can rest and sleep. It should be located in the living room or in the corridor, but in no case in the kitchen, away from radiators, doors and drafts. Both a simple dense rug and special cribs, which are presented in a huge assortment in specialized stores, can act as a bed.

It is recommended to walk adult pugs 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, puppies and young dogs - 2-4 times a day. On a walk, you should give the dog physical activity: you can play active, outdoor games or perform simple exercises. Keep in mind that pugs, being a decorative breed, are not adapted for long walks. In addition, pugs do not tolerate heat and frost, and are also prone to allergies.

Regularly examine your dog: the condition of the ears, coat, skin, wrinkles on the muzzle, the area between the toes, eyes and teeth of the dog, limbs. If there is discharge in the pet's eyes, clean them with a cotton swab dipped in plain water or a weak infusion of chamomile, calendula. Ears are cleaned with cotton swabs dipped in alcohol or purified vegetable oil.

Pug mating features

Breeding puppies is a matter of specialists. Amateur breeders do not know the intricacies of crossing, and therefore the appearance of the offspring can bring a lot of unpleasant surprises. If you still want to try your hand, here are some practical tips to help you in this matter.

A month before mating, it is necessary to give the pug bitch antihistamines and bring her weight back to normal. Animal for mating must be at least 6-10 months old. The bitch is ready for fertilization approximately 10-13 days after the start of estrus. It can also be identified by the discharge, which becomes pale and scanty.

On a "date" the dogs need to be given time to get used to each other. During the flirting of partners, the body of animals is preparing for mating.
Mating must be repeated after 2-3 days to ensure a 100% chance of fertilization. The gestation period of a pug is 63 days.

pug clothes

Whether there is a need for clothes for a pug, each owner can decide on his own, taking into account the preferences of the animal and the climatic conditions of residence. Some pugs calmly run “barefoot” in the snow at a temperature of -25C, others flatly refuse to walk in such weather without a warm jacket and boots.

If your pet doesn't mind, you can dress him just for beauty. Pet stores and specialized sites offer a huge selection of clothing and accessories for every taste. Tailoring of clothes to order is very popular among pug owners, as ready-made clothes do not always fit in length and size.

Kennels and clubs

Russian pugs have their own national breed club. In addition, in Moscow and St. Petersburg you will find regional breed clubs, where you can always get the necessary information on the upbringing, care and maintenance of your pug, participation in exhibitions and competitions, and breeding dogs.

In many large cities of Russia there are kennels where you can buy a thoroughbred and healthy puppy. Catteries in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Obninsk, Smolensk, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Tver, Samara, Krasnodar, etc. are registered in the register of the national breed club.

Average pug weight standard sizes can be more than 6 kg, but should not exceed 8.5. With weight it is impossible to guess the size of an individual, pygmy pugs have a greater density compared to other breeds. The standards assume the same parameters for boys and girls, but in reality it is better when females weigh up to 9 kg, and the gap between males is from 9 to 11 kg.

When assessing height and weight, they look at the breed type, but in general the dog should be with clearly defined features of its gender. For breeding males, large and massive representatives are selected, although evaluators call their structure rough. The pursuit of small dogs forces breeders to artificially breed miniature representatives that look sickly and pathetic, they have little commitment to sex.

Owners often ask themselves: How many pug must weigh Are we overfeeding our pet? Taking into account one weight is not serious, look at how the dog looks, how it moves, whether shortness of breath appears when walking and playing. Take tests and consult with a veterinarian, if your dog has developed muscle mass, then even with 12 kilograms without fat deposits, he will be great.

If by standards you see that pugs should not weigh more than 8 kg, see what type of breed it is - American or European, the difference can be measured in several kilograms.

Pug weight by month calculated very simply:

  • 1 month - 1 kg;
  • 2 months - 2 kg;
  • 3 months - 3 kg, etc.

At 8 weeks pug puppies weight reaches 2 kg, but there may be slight fluctuations. Before 2 months, puppies are not recommended to be picked up, otherwise you will have to independently adjust the diet and gain volume with thinness. The weight of the puppies becomes more than 2 times in the 2nd month. Up to six months - the puppy stage of development, followed by young animals up to a year.

cardinal changes pug weight occur after 1.5 months, he is weaned from mother's milk and begins to try. Dogs can be stressed and have digestive upsets, so be patient and take special care during this period. Change the diet smoothly, replacing the puppy's usual food with a new food.

Intensive growth and development will determine how much does a pug weigh by 9 months, when the musculoskeletal system and the entire skeletal system are formed.

Small puppies need to be weighed every day up to 3 weeks of age, a loan will be enough once a week to control the weight. For 4 months, starting from 2 , pug weight doubles again. From 6 to 12 months, weight gain is a quarter.

Small pugs are fed up to 5 times a day, because they grow intensively and gain weight, and from 7 months old animals are transferred to 2 meals a day and weight becomes less rapid.

Weight is necessary to monitor the development and growth of the puppy, it is taken into account when calculating food and the volume of servings, and a pair for the production of offspring is chosen by weight. Weight is monitored when a girl is carrying offspring - it should not be small, but too large a set is dangerous to health. At birth, pugs weigh up to 1 kg, and this depends on the number of puppies.

Have you seen or met a short stocky dog ​​resembling a cube with small legs and a wrinkled flattened muzzle? Would you say that the dog is a lazy bumpkin who finds it difficult to move around? This stereotype.

Nimble and agile, he rushes around the apartment with pleasure, plays, sticks his nose into the household affairs. A participant in all significant events, he is easily offended when he is not accepted into the games.

The history of cute creatures is replete with mysteries. Like Pekingese and Shar-Pei, they came to Europe from China. Although scientists are not entirely sure that these decorative animals were bred by monks in the Tibetan mountains. Residents of an eastern country perceive the world philosophically. In Chinese mythology and religion, symbolic qualities are attributed to animals. Dogs are identified with loyalty and devotion.

Pay attention to the external characteristics of the pug breed when buying.


Large. The top of the pug's skull is almost flat. According to its size, dog breeders with experience are able to determine the sex: in a female it is less than in a male. Flat forehead with deep folds. Large dark eyes set wide apart.

The muzzle is almost equal to the width of the forehead, but harmoniously fits into the image. The flattened nose is upturned, at eye level. There is a black mask around the mouth. Moles on cheeks.


The upper jaw looks neater than the wide lower jaw, the lips are plump. It is good if the teeth are tightly compressed and arranged evenly, as if along a ruler.

Are you going to participate in exhibitions? Choose a pet with button ears. Triangular, thin and velvety, they protrude forward and are pressed by the inside to the head. In some dogs, the ears are folded at the top of the head with holes up and laid back. These ears are called "roses".

The neck must be strong in order to hold the head high. A short or long neck gives it an ungainly appearance.


The shape resembles a rectangle. The chest is wide. The back is short, straight from the nape to the croup. The high tail is twisted into a tight elegant ringlet. The hair on the tail is longer than on the rest of the body.

No matter how dense the pet looks, the physique does not depend on body weight. The muscles of the forelimbs are well developed. They appear crooked. But this impression is wrong. The legs are ideally straight and strong, the elbows are laid back, pressed to the body. When moving, the pug quietly clicks his fingers on the floor.

The hind limbs are full and muscular. Plump rounded hips are on the same level with the shoulders. Standing legs are parallel.

The paws are small but powerful with thick dark pads and short claws.


The coat is short, soft, glossy. The coat of black individuals is coarser, it casts blue in daylight. There are varieties of pug color:

  • "Fawn" - shades of yellow-brown;
  • "Silver fawn" - yellow-brown with a silvery sheen;
  • "Apricot" - apricot. Shades of yellow fading to orange;
  • Black - one of the rare species of pugs. Brilliant gloss without impurities and inclusions of hair of a different color;
  • Zonar. It occurs in light individuals on different parts of the body;

Markings: mask, moles, eye rim, "diamond" - a speck on the forehead, "belt" - a strip from the scruff to the tail a tone darker than the color.

Skin and wrinkles

Loose skin should not hang or stretch. Folds gather around the neck and wrists, covering the strong muscles of the little athlete.

The wrinkles on the muzzle are deep, large and mobile. Thanks to the wrinkles, the facial expressions of the dog's face are pronounced.

Weight and size

Pug weight is not determined by age or size. Puppies are weaned from their mothers when they are one month old. The body suffers stress, growth slows down. At this time, he should receive vitamins and nutrients. From six months, the youngster begins to be distributed "in breadth".

The optimal height and weight of an adult dog varies within:

  • for a bitch - 26-28 cm and 7-9 kg;
  • for a male - 29-31 cm and 9-11 kg.


The representative of the genus moves with a free gait, slightly waddling. Amusingly springy, measuredly rolling when walking. But that doesn't make him uncomfortable.

We invite you to watch a video about how active a pug is in case of danger from a teddy bear:

How to care

Try to feed your pet in moderation, do not overfeed. Let's take vitamins. Walk in the air, play and let frolic. The more he moves, the better his physical form becomes. After walking, inspect the appearance and maintain hygiene. Check ears, teeth, folds, limbs, comb out matted hair. Short hair is easy to care for. The dog will do hygiene procedures with pleasure if you caress him, stroke him, treat him with a treat.

When buying a four-legged friend to participate in exhibitions, the owner must take into account the standards of the pug breed.
Victory will be a big question if the dog has:

  • zone color;
  • tongue hangs and teeth are visible;
  • small eyes, oblique or protruding;
  • ears are roses.

This is an amazing animal. Beautiful, charming, friendly, devoted. A cute little creature will decorate your home, fill the space with comfort, bring a lot of positive emotions. Fat, thin, clubfoot, with a hanging tongue - every day she will delight you and love you.

Pugs- charming, funny snorting creatures that are hard to resist. These unique dogs with their special character will quickly become the favorites of the whole family. They are an excellent choice for those who live in an apartment or a small private house, but at the same time dream of a pet.

Can pug puppies match the lifestyle of their owners?

This breed of dog is very easy to care for. They do not need any special care, except to wipe the folds on the muzzle more often. And of course, the owners will have to be more assertive when training these pets, and in order to take them for a walk, for example, since these dogs can be a little stubborn.

What is the size of an adult pug dog?

pug breed refers to . They grow up to 25-28 centimeters at the withers. The head of an adult pug will be approximately at the level of the lower leg of an adult. And the back is approximately in the middle of the lower leg.

How much does an adult pug weigh?

Average healthy weight pug- from 6 to 8 kilograms. Dogs of this breed are prone to laziness, which in turn can lead to overweight problems. To avoid this, owners need to monitor the diet of their pets and take them out for walks regularly.

What color is the coat of pug dogs?

Pugs may be of different colors. It can be yellowish fawn, apricot, apricot black, silvery black, or just black. Their muzzle is usually darker than the body.

How long is a pug's coat?

Pugs have a short, smooth and shiny coat. They shed, but not very much. Pugs of light color lose more wool. But not much either. So this pug breed- a great choice also for those who do not like to spend a lot of time cleaning up after their pet.

How much care does a pug dog require?

look after pugs It is not difficult - only minimal care for your pet's coat is required. But you need to carefully look after the eyes and folds on the muzzle. They need to be inspected and cleaned regularly.

How long do pugs live?

Usually pugs live from 10 to 15 years. The better the owners monitor the health and nutrition of their pets, the more likely it is that the dog will live to old age.

It is important to remember that pugs can have, and are prone to .

Pugs have a brachycephalic skull shape, and this is the main cause of their health problems. They may also have a problem with body temperature regulation, so in the warm season, their owners should reduce the amount of training and reduce the load. If pug owners are aware of possible problems, and can prevent them or reduce the risk of these problems, then the dog will live a long and happy life.

What is the personality of pugs?

Pug will be a faithful and devoted friend for his master, following him around like a shadow. Pug owners sometimes notice that their pets act like jealous owners at times. This means that the dog has truly become attached to its owner.

This feature of character must be taken into account when communicating with other dogs pugs. But if pug puppy grows up surrounded by other animals, usually he quickly gets used to being in society, and this does not cause him negative emotions. Pugs get along well with children of any age, they are always friendly and do not show signs of aggression.

But the owners will have to be patient during training, and in order to accustom pug go to the toilet for a walk. In this regard, pugs are a bit slow-witted.

And yet, pugs- dogs with a beautiful, kind heart, full of love and affection for their owners. So they are definitely worth all the effort spent on them.

What load is needed for pug puppies?

Pugs- owners of unique small and flat faces that can charm anyone. However, it is these faces with funny folds that are the main source of breathing problems. And this must be taken into account during any training. Owners should be especially careful in hot weather, or immediately after eating. Since increased training can lead to further breathing problems in a pug.

Wherein pug puppies love to walk and play outdoors. If exercise is neglected, the pug will become lazy and overweight. So walks and workouts are still necessary.

Who will be a good owner for a pug?

pug puppies snort and snore in their sleep. And if that's annoying, then a pug is not the right breed for you. But the pug is a great choice for those who live in an apartment or small house.

In this case, you must always ensure that the dog is not lazy. Owners should definitely force their pets to get up from the couch and go for walks. Pugs, as a rule, get along well with children, and love to be pampered. They are a bit more difficult to train than other dogs, so potential pug owners should take the time and patience to teach their pugs everything they need to know.

Do pugs need clothes?

Recently clothes for dogs is becoming more and more popular. Perhaps she gives more pleasure to the owner of the dogs than to the pets themselves. But, since pugs are very sociable animals, the owners should have no problem putting something bright and original on them. In cold weather, it is worth putting some kind of warm sweater on the pug. But be careful - if the weather is hot, pug clothes not needed, it can cause overheating of the body.

What and how much to feed a pug?

This, first of all, depends on the age of the pet, and on its level of activity. Most breeders will recommend to future owners a special food designed for pug puppies. It contains more protein than adult dog food. As a rule, a puppy of 3-6 months should be fed 3 times a day. A dog older than 6 months is enough to feed 2 times a day. It is also necessary to ensure that an adult dog does not gain a lot of weight, otherwise it is necessary to reduce the amount of food.

And, most importantly, the owners need to ensure that their pets always have fresh, clean water.

The cutest creatures, pugs, due to their great love for food, are often obese, which affects life expectancy. These little kegs always bring a smile to my face. When caring for such a breed, the main task of the owner is to control the weight and nutrition of the animal.

There are generally accepted standards for the weight of pugs, on average 6 - 8 kg. In practice, the weight of males exceeds the norm and reaches 11 kg, which is not considered obese.

The first six months of life in pugs are very responsible, there is active growth and weight gain, deviations from the norms according to the table up to 500 g are considered the norm. From 7 months, development slows down, and the final formation of the skeleton ends at 2-2.5 years.

pug age Weight, kg
1 month 1
2 months 2
3 months 3
4 months 4
5 months 5
6 months 6
Seven months 6,3
8 months 6,6
9 months 6,9
10 months 7,3
11 months 7,6
12 months (1 year) 8,0

Where there is food, there is a pug, they constantly beg for some treat with their unfortunate eyes. You can’t give in, otherwise they will do it again and again, begging will become the norm.



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