Rinfoltil instructions for use reviews. Shampoo for hair loss Rinfoltil Espresso Reinforced formula with caffeine: price, reviews, analysis of the composition

For many people, the problem of hair loss today is more relevant than ever. And although baldness or alopecia in most cases only cause aesthetic damage, many are willing to spend a lot of money on the fight against baldness and invest time and energy in restoring the previous density of hair. In modern trichology, the drug Rinfoltil and Rinfoltil Espresso are used. Ampoules are available today without a prescription. The same can be said about Rinfoltil shampoos and lotions.

Hair ampoules Rinfoltil reviews are different. Positive prevail, but some leave a negative opinion after application. If you do not self-medicate, but use Rinfoltil ampoules as prescribed by the doctor, the reviews will be truthful and accurate.

Although, it should be noted that the hair cannot begin to fall out for no reason. In any case, there are certain and, often, they are associated with dysfunction of internal organs or hormonal disruptions.

In order to start treatment and apply certain remedies, you first need to visit an experienced doctor, who, only after he establishes the factors that provoked the loss, will already prescribe an individual course of treatment.

For those who use Rinfoltil (ampoules), the instructions for use have been developed in detail, indicating the correct use of the drug, dosages, as well as indications, contraindications and possible adverse reactions.

Before touching on the composition of the drug, it is initially necessary to determine the difference between Rinfoltil and Rinfoltil espresso. And in that, and in that preparation, the composition is almost the same, however, in the "espresso" the manufacturer adds caffeine, which is a powerful stimulant for hair growth.

This is done for those patients who are accompanied by secondary factors of hair loss. It is in this case that the doctor may prescribe the use of Rinfoltil "espresso".

Berries of the dwarf palm. Both drugs are based on an extract of dwarf palm berries, which in scientific circles is called Serenoa Repens. She is a carrier of Phyto-5-alpha reductase inhibitors. Of all the plants known today, it is the dwarf palm that has the greatest "potential" of Phyto-inhibitors.

At the same time, such a component has two directions of action. First, it reduces the level of the hair-toxic hormone dihydrotestosterone in the scalp. Secondly, it reduces the sensitivity of hair follicles to this "harmful" hormone. With androgenetic alopecia, hair loss just occurs due to the action of this hormone and the excessive susceptibility of the hair follicles to it.

Ginseng extract. In addition to the main composition of dwarf palm seeds, ampoules and other Rinfoltil products also contain auxiliary plant extracts. For example, an extract of their ginseng. It stimulates metabolic processes and improves blood circulation, which in turn provides better oxygen access to the scalp.

Peppermint. Known not only for its stimulating properties that accelerate hair growth, but also for the fact that it removes, which is a side effect of hair loss. Peppermint extract is also able to create an anesthetic and soothing effect on the surface of the skin. Prevents dandruff.

Nasturtium big. A plant rich in B vitamins and minerals. Contains a large amount of nicotinic acid. Nourishes hair follicles with minerals and vitamins.

camellia sinensis. The main property of the leaves of this plant is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. Plant cells contain special chemicals that help human cells fight oxidative stress.

Caffeine. This component is included in large quantities in the composition of the drug Rinfoltil "espresso". As already mentioned, it has a high stimulating property and accelerates hair growth, regardless of whether the patient suffers from androgenetic alopecia or has other hair health problems. Such properties of caffeine were discovered only recently - in 2007. But since then it has been widely used in trichology. That is why rinfoltil espresso reviews are flattering in terms of stimulating the growth of new curls.

Rinfoltil ampoules have a rich composition, which makes the drug very effective in combating hair loss.

Rinfoltil ampoules with caffeine for women reviews are mostly positive. The enhanced formula of the drug allows not only to fight increased hair loss, but also to stimulate the growth of new curls.

Instructions for use allows you to use Rinfoltil Pharmalife Italy drug for a wide audience. At the same time, a series for women and men has been developed, which has minor differences in composition, which makes their use effective for each category of people.

Separately, it is worth mentioning Rinfoltil capsules, reviews of which are also opposite. What to choose is up to you. But the advice of a competent specialist has not hurt a single person yet.

Rinfoltil ampoules: advantages and disadvantages

Like any medical device, Rinfoltil ampoules have a number of advantages as well as disadvantages.

  • The first can be attributed to the visible effect after a couple of weeks of use. Many note not only increased hair growth, but also a greater thickness of the hair itself. That is, there is volume. But this is not seen by everyone.
  • The second significant advantage is the availability of the drug. It's about both price and implementation. Compared to other drugs, Rinfoltil ampoules are inexpensive. They are available both in pharmacies and in specialized stores.
  • Wide distribution in online stores. Since many today are accustomed to making purchases through the network, now hair loss products, including rinfoltil and rinfoltil "espresso", can be bought on a specialized website. One of many.
  • Virtually no contraindications.

Fortunately, this drug has few drawbacks. These include only some inconvenience of using this tool.

  • For the best effect, Rinfoltil ampoules must be used in combination with Rifoltil lotion and Rinfoltil shampoo, and these are additional costs.
  • Individual intolerance to the components.
  • You can not apply and lactation.
  • For men and women, there are separate types of rinfoltil and rinfoltil "espresso". This can be considered a disadvantage, for example, if in one family alopecia is observed in both the husband and the wife.

For better reliability of the information provided and understanding how the drug can help (or not help) with baldness, we print reviews in which people share their experience with Rinfoltil. Reviews are posted by real people on specialized forums.

Rinfoltil is an innovative drug that can restore beauty to fading curls. It is based on a unique formula, with the help of which a new three-component system for hair restoration has been developed - Rinfoltil Sileks.

The composition of the classic preparation contains an extract from the fruits of the dwarf saw palmetto.

To date, it is in the category of the most powerful herbal ingredients and gives the following effect:

  • The amount of toxic dihydrotestosterone, which accumulates in the scalp and causes profuse hair loss, decreases;
  • Hair follicles lose their susceptibility to the action of this hormone.

Rinfoltil replenishes the silicon necessary for curls, which holds the right amount of moisture in the composition of the hairs. Silicon deficiency makes strands dry, lifeless, brittle.

This new remedy, with its complex, rich and natural composition, restores stagnant processes in the bulbs, providing a revitalizing cosmetic effect. It has a physiological effect on prematurely appeared gray hair, restoring color.

In case of excessive hair loss in women and men, you can resort to a new effective method of treatment in the form of Rinfoltil tablets. This is the first remedy for baldness in Russia, used not only from the outside, but also from the inside. The drug provides a comprehensive internal and external treatment, which is confirmed by the results of clinical tests.

The previous scheme included only ampoules and shampoo, the new one achieves a deeper effect through the use of:

  1. tablets;
  2. ampoules;
  3. lotion
  4. shampoo.

Only the external effect of drugs is very limited. Tablets through the blood supply system allow the therapeutic components to penetrate to a deeper level of the hairline, which is not available to the external method of healing.

To use Renfontil tablets, the instruction is extremely simple - one piece a day, during breakfast, for 45 days. To complete the effect, it is better to drink two courses. In the package there are sixty pieces of 850 mg.

Some of the advantages of using tablets:

  • naturalness of the complex composition
  • no contraindications for both sexes

Addition to treatment

Rinfoltil tablets will be more effective in combination with Rinfoltil ampoules. Like all these products, the ampoules contain dwarf palm extract. The solution contained in the ampoules has a vegetable smell and does not leave marks on the strands.

The package contains ten ampoules, designed for 25-50 daily uses (depending on the amount of hair). They are divided into male and female, take into account the degree of loss of strands.

But if you are a lover of folk remedies, then it will help you.

The reviews caused by the use of Rinfoltil products (ampoules in particular) will please everyone suffering from a “hair” problem. Here is one of the testimonials about the result of the product:

“After the move, the curls began to fall terribly, regardless of the quality of the shampoo. The first pack of Rinfoltil ampoules (in parallel with the same tablets) did not bring any changes on the head. But by the end of the second, I noticed the following: after a month and a half of use in the bath after washing, there were half as many strands left. The most interesting thing is that the newly growing hair has changed - instead of a soft, weak fluff, thick strands have climbed. There was an incentive to continue treatment, so I set my sights on the third course.”

Complex treatment

The instructions say that the most noticeable results are obtained by the complex use of several names of this drug.

Rinfoltil lotion, used in parallel with the shampoo of this product, has a positive effect on hair follicles:

  • limits the action of hormones on the bulbs;
  • causes their activity;
  • accelerates cell renewal;
  • stimulates hair growth.

The lotion contains extracts of natural plants such as ginseng, mint, ginkgo biloba, nasturtium and camellia. Recommended for hair loss due to stress, pregnancy, lactation, adverse environment, and so on.

The millet extract used in the preparation contributes to:

  • hair restoration after chemotherapy;
  • maintaining mineral balance;
  • restoration of the lipid barrier;
  • Helps retain moisture in curls.

All this makes them voluminous and elastic.

Rinfoltil lotion contains horsetail, which has a popular effect:

  • forms the necessary keratin;
  • has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • normalizes blood circulation in the scalp;
  • normalizes fat content.

Trichological shampoo

Rinfoltil shampoo is used as a head preparation for applying the contents of the ampoules. This is an addition to the prevention and strengthening of hairline. Shampoos:

  • do not contain aggressive additives that weaken the hair
  • cleanse the scalp
  • provide maximum effect of ampoules and lotion

Shampoo is also used between treatments and maintains the achieved effect. Its neutral base allows daily use. The course of application is at least four months. One package is enough for a hundred days.

It is necessary to apply a little shampoo to wet hair and gently massage. Leave the foam for two to three minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

Rinfoltil shampoo. Reviews

“This shampoo has brought back vitality to my weakened hair. I even noticed that he is growing faster and has become stronger.”

“Although I have not yet reached the age of 30, I am going bald by leaps and bounds. I have already left 30,000 rubles in AMD, but the result was not pleasing. And here, after the third ampoule, along with Rinfoltil shampoo, the hair almost stopped climbing and is not so greasy.

“According to the experience of a friend, I decided to try an ampoule - Rinfoltil shampoo. For six months I stretched a package of ampoules (one for 2 weeks) and 2 bottles of shampoo. All this suited me very well, because. although the curls remained thin, they grew by 15 cm during this time! And where the hair used to shine through, the skin is no longer visible. The strands have become silky. I decided to repeat the course in 3 months to consolidate the result.

“A friend advised me, now I’ve been using it for a month already, I already have a result.”

Caffeinated Rinfoltil espresso

If the classic series did not give the expected results, you can try replacing it with a more effective universal series - Rinfoltil espresso.

Recent studies by German scientists have discovered the high activity of caffeine as a stimulant for the growth of the hair structure. The caffeine composition applied to them suspends and strengthens dying hair follicles. New Rinfoltil (tablets, ampoules and shampoo) is endowed with such properties due to the introduction of caffeine into the main composition.

Rinfoltil - a series of products designed to restore healthy hair growth and reduce their excessive hair loss; not being hormonal agents, the drugs prevent the suppression of hair growth by dihydrotestosterone and stop the process of poisoning the hair follicles.

Release form and composition

Rinfoltil is available in the following forms:

  • Shampoo "Enhanced formula against hair loss" 200 ml in a bottle;
  • Shampoo "Strengthening weak hair" 200 ml in a bottle;
  • Shampoo "Enhanced formula for hair loss with caffeine" 200 ml per bottle;
  • Ampoules "Strengthened formula against hair loss" 10 ml per ampoule, 10 ampoules per pack;
  • Ampoules "Enhanced hair loss formula with caffeine" for men, 10 ml per ampoule, 10 ampoules per pack;
  • Lotion "Strengthening weak hair" (separately for men and women), 200 ml per bottle;
  • Tablets (biologically active food supplement) 850 mg.

The components that make up the drug:

  • Shampoos, solution in ampoules, lotions: large nasturtium, peppermint, Serenoa Repe (or Saw Palmetto) dwarf palm berries, ginkgo biloba, Chinese camellia, ginseng, caffeine, horsetail, white lupine;
  • Tablets: dry extracts of green tea leaves and dwarf palm fruit, zinc amino acid chelate complex, vitamin C, L-cysteine, selenium proteinate, L-lysine, nicotinamide, calcium pantothenate, copper amino acid chelate complex, calcium phosphate, cellulose, biotin, magnesium stearate, carboxymethylcellulose.

Indications for use

Tablets are also used as an additional source of biotin, nicotinamide, vitamin C, selenium, copper, zinc, calcium pantothenate.


Information on contraindications to the use of Rinfoltil is not available.

Method of application and dosage

To prevent hair loss due to emotional or physical stress, during exacerbations of systemic diseases and in other situations that contribute to the deterioration of the hairline, as well as at the initial stage of excessive hair loss, it is recommended to use the Strengthening Weak Hair lotion and shampoo. The course is continuous, for 3-4 months, the contents of the shampoo bottle are designed for 90-100 days of treatment, the lotion bottle - for 50 days.

The shampoo is applied, gently massaging, on wet hair, after 2-3 minutes, the resulting foam is washed off with a large volume of water. After that, it is recommended to apply a lotion to wet or dry scalp, which does not need to be washed off (after drying, the preparation does not leave marks on the hair).

It is not recommended to use rinses and masks between the use of shampoo and lotion, because this reduces the effectiveness of the drug. In the future, after applying the lotion, you can use products to facilitate combing or styling hair. It should be borne in mind that Rinfoltil shampoo has a neutral pH and can be used daily.

In case of severe hair loss (including androgenetic alopecia), it is recommended to use tablets, shampoo "Enhanced Hair Loss Formula" and a solution from ampoules. The course is 3-4 months, continuously.

Tablets adults take orally 1 pc. per day, before meals, drinking warm water, preferably in the morning.

A pack of ampoules (10 pcs.) is designed for 25-50 days of use, a pack of tablets - for 28 days.

Side effects

Information on adverse reactions is not provided.

special instructions

drug interaction

Data on the interaction of Rinfoltil with other drugs are not available.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a place protected from light, out of the reach of children, at temperatures up to 20 °C.

Shelf life - 3 years.

- A great way to restore hair

Advantages: excellent in composition, quality, price, effect

Cons: didn't find

Good day, dear girls!

Now in the store as well as the pharmacy, there are a lot of remedies for hair loss, to strengthen them, and so on. But does it help?

When my hair began to fall out, the first thing I did was buy myself vitamins. Often, this is where the problem lies.

But after drinking a course of vitamins, I did not see any result. Then I bought a shampoo with a natural composition to give strength to the hair, as well as restore it. But again, it didn't make much sense. Therefore, I decided to take heavy artillery, that is, to buy drugs that will definitely stop hair loss. I chose a remedy for a long time, considered the most popular, it would seem the most effective, and eventually settled on one such as Rinfoltil ampoules for women. Let me tell you about this tool in more detail.

Rinfoltil ampoules for women reviews

A drug such as Rinfoltil is produced not only in the form of ampoules, but also in the form of a hair spray, lotion, hair shampoos, and so on. There is also a difference between a drug for use by a man and a woman. Therefore, before you buy it, you need to study this issue well, and understand what is better to take. I chose the drug in the form of ampoules.

It is better to use such a drug in a complex way, that is, both shampoo and hair ampoules, and so on. From this application, the result will be much better.

One such package contains 10 ampoules. The price of the tool depends on the form in which you buy. Or is it shampoo, or ampoules. The cost for one package of ampoules is 1000 rubles, excluding the delivery of the drug.

Before using the drug, I read whether there are contraindications. I liked the fact that the drug is relatively safe, as there are no contraindications. The only thing that may be is the intolerance of some of the components of the composition, which will cause manifestation in the form of an allergic reaction.

What are the components of Rinfoltil ampoules for women?

    dwarf palm berries

  1. ginkgo biloba



    big nasturtium

    camellia sinensis

The instructions for the drug indicate that the product must be used in conjunction with the shampoo of this company. Thanks to this, you can achieve just a colossal effect, the one you want.

One package of such ampoules is designed to be used from 25 to 50 days. The course of the drug is 3-4 weeks.

I've been using this for so long and I've seen good results. If there was no result from a simple shampoo, then almost immediately the hair stopped climbing. A little at first, then more and more.

You can use oil not only in case of already hair loss and baldness, but also for prevention, so to speak. In any case, the drug will not give a negative effect, and even more so the opposite.

The composition of the product includes natural ingredients, and therefore the smell is peculiar. To me, it looks like some kind of herb, something like that.

It is not at all difficult to apply it, since I took one ampoule of the drug and rubbed it into the scalp. I kept it in my hair for a while. The oil is not at all noticeable on the hair, so there is no difficulty in applying.

I will advise such a remedy as Rinfoltil ampoules for women, since the result is excellent, it helped me a lot to cope with hair loss.

Reviews about this drug are excellent. Girls not only tell, but also show how the tool helped them. Women have become more chic and voluminous hair, as they simply stopped falling out.

There are quite a lot of reviews, so you can find, read and understand what's what.

Before use, be sure to consult a specialist

Video review

Rinfoltil ampoules for women reviews How to deal with hair loss and how to deal with postpartum hair loss. My experience. Loreal Expert Aminexil Advanced Hair Loss Ampoules [Hair Loss Ampoules] Loreal Expert Aminexil Advanced Anti Hair Loss Ampoules [Loreal Anti Hair Loss] Loreal Expert Aminexil Advanced Anti Hair Loss Ampoules [Loreal Anti Hair Loss Ampoules]


denatured alcohol, water, hydrogenated castor oil, common ginseng, camellia sinensis, caffeine, ginkgo biloba, clary sage extract, lemon, shrub pepper, xymenic acid, peppermint, menthol, acetyl methionine, cysteine, alanine, serine, salicylic acid , threonine, extract of the fruits of the dwarf palm tree Serenoa repens.



Activation of natural growth. Enhanced formula with caffeine.

The new Rinfoltil® Espresso, as before, contains an extract of the fruits of the dwarf palm tree Serenoa repens. But now caffeine is added to its composition - a powerful hair growth stimulant. The effect of caffeine on hair growth is manifested regardless of the predisposition to hair loss or baldness. now it will be effective if hair loss is not associated with androgenetic alopecia. And even if your hair is healthy, the lotion in Rinfoltil® Espresso ampoules will make them even stronger. If the patient is in the process of hair loss, the effect of caffeine can not only stop it, but block it, i.e. cause strengthening of previously dying hair follicles. The dosage of caffeine in new ampoules is able to return to active growth even the hair programmed by nature to die. It is noteworthy that caffeine only affects the hair when applied externally and does not show any activity when taken orally. Perhaps that is why humanity did not come to this discovery earlier. Rinfoltil Espresso ampoules have two different compositions (forms of release): for men and for women, created taking into account the specifics of hair loss in different sexes.

Result: -stops hair loss;

Restores elasticity and shine of hair;

Strengthens hair;

Accelerates hair growth.

Selling Features

Without a license


A remedy for the treatment of the scalp and hair in women.

Against hair loss;

To strengthen hair;

Stimulates the growth of new hair;

Treatment of the scalp;

For all types of hair.


Individual intolerance to the components.

  • You can buy Rinfoltil espresso ampoules with caffeine against hair loss for women natural growth activation 10ml n10 in Moscow in a pharmacy convenient for you by placing an order on the website.
  • The price of Rinfoltil espresso ampoules with caffeine against hair loss for women natural growth activation 10ml n10 in Moscow is 1187.00 rubles.
  • Instructions for use for Rinfoltil espresso ampoules with caffeine against hair loss for women natural growth activation 10ml n10.

You can see the nearest delivery points in Moscow to you.



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