Causes of heavy sweating. Causes of excessive sweating and how to treat it

Hyperhidrosis is a pathological condition accompanied by excessive sweating. all over the body (general form) or only in certain areas (local form) - in the armpits, on the feet or palms, in large folds. Local forms of hyperhidrosis are more common.

Sweating is a physiological process that performs important functions:

  • is part of the mechanisms of thermoregulation;
  • promotes the removal of excess fluid and harmful substances from the body;
  • protects the skin from drying out.

The sweat glands located in the dermis of the skin over almost the entire surface of the body (except for the genital area) are responsible for the formation of sweat in the human body. The work of these glands is regulated by the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, which is activated in response to any stressful situations, so increased sweating in such conditions is a normal reaction. But when a person calms down, his skin dries up and sweating stops. The appearance of hyperhidrosis in a calm state is always a sign that something is going wrong in the body or the patient is behaving incorrectly. Therefore, before you start taking any measures to reduce sweating, it is worth identifying the cause of this condition. Elimination of the identified etiological factor in most cases helps to cope with hyperhidrosis without special treatment.

Possible causes of increased sweating include:

  • Diseases of the nervous system (especially vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurosis, damage to the hypothalamus).
  • Endocrine disorders (hyperthyroidism, diabetes, etc.).
  • Infectious diseases ().
  • Pathological conditions accompanied by elevated body temperature.
  • Chronic.
  • Taking certain medicines (eg, antidepressants, propranolol).
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Chronic intoxication, including drug addiction and alcoholism.

In addition, there is such a thing as physiological hyperhidrosis, which appears with an uncomfortable high air temperature outdoors or indoors, physical stress and, as mentioned above, stressful situations, emotional arousal, fear.

Do not forget about unrelated health factors that can provoke increased sweating. These include:

  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules.
  • Wearing clothes made of synthetic materials.
  • Wearing tight shoes made of artificial leather and rubber.
  • Out-of-season wardrobe selection.

In addition, hyperhidrosis (especially general hyperhidrosis) can be a hereditary problem. In such cases, severe sweating occurs already in childhood, in the absence of any concomitant and provoking diseases in the child.

Symptoms and diagnosis of hyperhidrosis

The main manifestations of hyperhidrosis are wet hands, feet, trickles of sweat flowing down the body, wet clothes, and possibly an unpleasant odor coming from a person. The doctor can assess the severity of hyperhidrosis visually - when examining the patient or his belongings (by the size of wet spots).

In addition, special diagnostic methods are used to detect hyperhidrosis:

Treatment of hyperhidrosis

Modern medicine has various methods of treating hyperhidrosis:

  • non-surgical - the use of medical antiperspirants, iontophoresis;
  • minimally invasive - botulinum toxin injections;
  • invasive - sympathectomy, curettage, laser treatment.

Treatment usually begins with the least invasive methods - antiperspirants and iontophoresis. And only if they do not give the desired result, Botox injections or surgery are performed.

These products can be used for the armpits, hands, feet and even the face. In their action, they are similar to cosmetic antiperspirants, but the concentration of active substances (usually aluminum salts) in them is much higher.

The doctor selects an antiperspirant depending on the form of hyperhidrosis and gives recommendations on its use, since if such products are used incorrectly, severe skin irritation can occur.

Medical antiperspirants are more effective when applied to the body in the evening when sweating is reduced. The skin should be absolutely dry, not steamed, not damaged, therefore, after depilation, it is advisable not to use antiperspirant for several days and always wait 20-30 minutes after a bath or shower.

Iontophoresis is a fairly effective and safe method of treating hyperhidrosis. The essence of this method lies in the fact that currents and ionizing substances, passing through the skin, “turn off” the sweat glands.

During the iontophoresis procedure, the patient immerses the feet or hands in special baths with water, to which a low-voltage current generator is connected. For the armpit area, special pads are used. The duration of such a session should be 20-40 minutes. It takes 5-10 sessions to get results. As soon as sweating begins to return, the procedures should be resumed.

Contraindications to the use of iontophoresis are the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy.
  • The presence in the body of implanted pacemakers and metal implants.
  • Heart disease.
  • Epilepsy.

Botox injections, widely used for rejuvenation, are also used to treat hyperhidrosis. When administered intradermally, botulinum toxin blocks the transmission of nerve impulses from the nerves to the sweat glands and thereby reduces sweat production. This method is especially effective for axillary (axillary) hyperhidrosis. Carrying out similar procedures on the feet and palms can lead to temporary disruption of the fingers and is worse tolerated by patients due to pain. However, the experience of the doctor and special methods of anesthesia make it possible to treat hyperhidrosis of any localization with botulinum toxin.

Before starting treatment, patients undergo a Minor test, which allows you to accurately determine the area in which injections must be made. After that, to reduce pain, a special anesthetic gel is applied to the axillary region and botulinum toxin is injected with a syringe. The effect of this treatment method lasts 6-8 months.

Contraindications for the use of botulinum toxin:

  • Myasthenia.
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Violation of blood clotting.
  • Taking anticoagulants.
  • Inflammatory processes at the sites of the intended injections.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Age less than 16 years old.

Curettage is a surgical treatment for axillary hyperhidrosis. The bottom line is the mechanical destruction of the sweat glands with the help of a special device - a curette. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia, a small incision is made in the skin to insert the curette. The effect after curettage lasts 4-6 months, then new sweat glands appear, however, such increased sweating as before the operation, as a rule, is no longer observed. A side effect of the use of curettage is a temporary violation of the sensitivity under the armpits due to damage to the nerve fibers.

The most modern method of treating hyperhidrosis is the use of a laser.
During the operation, a light guide is inserted through a small incision under the skin of the axillary region, after which the laser beam destroys the sweat glands. Recovery after such an operation is much faster than after conventional curettage.

Sympathectomy is another method of treating hyperhidrosis, which consists in cutting or clipping sympathetic nerve fibers. With increased sweating of the palms, endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy is performed, and with hyperhidrosis of the feet, lumbar sympathectomy is performed. These operations are performed under general anesthesia.

In terms of effectiveness, sympathectomy is the first among other invasive methods of treating hyperhidrosis, however, it does not exclude the development of a number of complications:

  • Compensatory hyperhidrosis of other parts of the body.
  • Pain syndrome.
  • Inflammatory processes.

At home, to reduce excessive sweating and increase the effectiveness of the treatments used, you should do the following:

In addition, you can reduce the release of sweat with the help of a number of folk remedies:

  • Bath for hands and feet with the addition of a decoction of medicinal herbs (sage, oak bark, chamomile, nettle).

Increased or excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis (hyper - elevated, hydro - water). An increase in sweating can be general (secondary), in which case it is a symptom of a disease: tuberculosis, neurasthenia, neuritis, endocrine diseases, obesity ... Local (primary) hyperhidrosis is called essential and manifests itself on the palms, soles, face, underarms, moreover, increased sweating can be observed both in one area and in all at once.


Sweating - the continuous release of a watery fluid from the sweat glands to the surface of the skin performs an important task for the body - it protects it from overheating: on warm skin, sweat evaporates quickly, which means it absorbs heat, lowering body temperature. A healthy person sweats when the air temperature rises to 20-25°C or during exercise. In addition, with nervous tension, sweating is stimulated by sensitive nerve endings, receptors that are located on the entire surface of the skin of the body. This explains why we sweat when we are afraid or in pain.

But if, in response to normal stimulation, the body reacts with excessive sweating, this condition is called hyperhidrosis. Attempts to "get along" with him are usually accompanied by physical and psychological discomfort... As a result, a vicious circle arises: stress - sweating - stress. For three percent of the world's population, this feature of the body annoys so much that it does not allow them to live fully, because it affects sexual relations, interferes with friendly communication, and even matters when choosing a profession. In many countries of the world, the treatment of hyperhidrosis is paid for by medical insurance - it is officially recognized as a disease that leads to a disabling condition in which it is impossible to work in certain specialties.


Before you start fighting sweat, you need to find out what the nature of excessive sweating is. With symptoms of general hyperhidrosis, even blood sugar tests should be done: with diabetes, general sweating may occur. To begin the treatment of essential hyperhidrosis, differential diagnosis should first be carried out, which will exclude or confirm the presence of diseases that can cause excessive sweating. For this, they are prescribed: complete blood count, thyroid function test (blood tests for hormones, ultrasound), blood sugar test (on an empty stomach), urinalysis, fluorography, syphilis test (Wasserman reaction). For a more accurate diagnosis, they also perform: a glucose test, they collect daily urine, computed tomography of the head, x-ray of the skull, sputum analysis (for tuberculosis). All this is important for making the correct diagnosis, which will allow you to choose the right method of treatment.


If hyperhidrosis is a consequence of any serious disease, it is necessary to treat the cause and the problem will be solved by itself.

The fight against essential hyperhidrosis begins with the help of various deodorants (antiperspirants). They contain various substances that block the sweat glands and inhibit the reproduction of microbes - they are the cause of the unpleasant odor. But these funds do not save everyone, and as a result, stains on clothes in the armpits, wet hands when shaking hands and the inability to take off shoes without shocking others, leads to serious depression. In such cases, drastic measures are needed.

If it is established that excessive sweating is physiological in nature, then the most modern way to combat it is the topical use of botulinum toxin preparations that have the ability to temporarily block the secretion of acetylcholine in the nerve endings (the substance responsible for “turning on” the activity of the sweat glands). Before performing the procedure for introducing botulinum toxin into the most "sweaty" places, tests are performed in these areas (Minor test or iodine-starch test). The sweating area is treated with an alcoholic solution of iodine and potato starch is applied to it in a thin layer. After 5 minutes in the areas of sweating, the treated surface turns blue (purple). The color intensity is changed depending on the intensity of perspiration. In areas where it is darker, more injections are required.

After testing, the area is marked with a marker and within these boundaries the drug is injected subcutaneously with the thinnest needles. After 3-5 days in individual cases - within two weeks, the production of acetylcholine stops, and the areas that cause so much inconvenience remain completely dry for a period of 4 to 6 months. Then, repeated administration of the drug is required to maintain the effect.

However, Botox is expensive if you use it regularly. Even for the armpits, it takes quite a lot, to say nothing of the palms. Therefore, in serious cases, excessive sweating can only be permanently eliminated with the help of surgery. In the armpit area, this is curettage: a special hook is inserted through small incisions, the skin is separated and the connection between the sweat glands and the nerve fibers that transmit a signal about the need to sweat is interrupted. Plastic and aesthetic surgeons are well versed in these methods.

The "golden mean" between Botox and curettage is a new laser method for combating hyperhidrosis in the armpits. The laser treatment procedure on one armpit lasts only 5-7 minutes, depending on the area being treated. Through a small puncture, a miniature (only 1 mm in diameter) cannula with a light guide is inserted under the skin, at the end of which low-power laser radiation is strictly dosed, which destroys the actual sweat glands. That is, the sweat glands are not blocked for some time, namely, they are destroyed. And already next day in places of the most active sweating it becomes dry. However, this method solves the problem of increased sweating for someone forever, for someone it still returns, but not after months, but after years.

Neither curettage nor laser therapy can be done on the palms. And here the method of thoracic surgery comes to the rescue - thoracic sympathectomy. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the regulation of vascular tone, absorption and release of fluid, in patients with hyperhidrosis it works with excessive activity. The sympathetic trunk runs along the entire spine and lies on the transverse processes of the vertebrae. The so-called sweating fibers for the hands start from the second to the fifth thoracic ganglion (nodules). Through them passes a signal to the sweat glands to start sweating. Their removal leads to the fact that it no longer enters the sweat glands.

When this operation was done through a large access inside the chest cavity, and this also happened, the operation required great determination on the part of the patient and serious indications. However, even now, when it is done through small incisions, one must understand that this is a serious operation and it should be performed by a qualified thoracic surgeon. Before prescribing it, he must make sure that it is a disease and the patient needs an operation. Despite the fact that the intersection of the sympathetic trunk does not cause serious consequences, there is nothing superfluous in the body. And it is possible, for example, compensatory hyperhidrosis, in which sweating increases in other places.

Everyone has probably experienced a condition that is characterized by increased sweating. This can happen in different ways and at different times, both day and night. Sometimes a similar phenomenon, which is called hyperhidrosis, may be the result of the periodic influence of temporary factors on the body, and in some cases, increased sweating acts as evidence of pathological changes in the body. It should be noted that hyperhidrosis can be local and generalized - it is the second type of violation of the outflow of sweat that will be discussed in a specific article.

Possible Causes of Whole Body Hyperhidrosis

It is necessary to start with the fact that sweating is a natural process that allows you to regulate body temperature, as well as remove harmful substances from the body. Sometimes you can observe pathological changes, namely, an increase in the amount of sweat released, which causes a lot of discomfort. It is important to note that there are a lot of reasons for this phenomenon, and in each individual case of hyperhidrosis, a person will encounter specific symptoms that determine the factor provoking increased sweating.

  • At the same time, it is necessary to understand that this problem can manifest itself as a result of functional disorders, which will be described in more detail in the next paragraph, and also occur against the background of general changes in the body of a non-pathological nature. Thus, one can notice how the intensity of sweating increases at the moment of strong excitement, fear, as well as an emotional outburst of a different nature. In a specific situation, the nature of this phenomenon is based on an increase in the rate of metabolic processes, including thermoregulation.
  • Most often, the causes of hyperhidrosis in men and women are the same, but there are also gender-specific factors that provoke the development of the problem. For example, in women after forty, increased sweating may indicate the onset of menopause, at which time the body begins to rebuild, which is accompanied by strong hormonal changes. In this case, the most provoking factor is thyrotoxicosis, that is, increased production of thyroid hormones.

Diseases that cause excessive sweating

To begin a description of diseases, against which increased sweating begins to develop, should be from ailments that disrupt the endocrine system. Hyperhidrosis, as one of the variants of systemic disorders, occurs in people with diabetes mellitus. In this situation, the phenomenon is associated with pathological disorders of the peripheral nervous system. Changes of a neurological nature can also be observed in the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems, which occurs due to a violation of the accumulation of fructose and sorbitol. If neurological changes have occurred in diabetes mellitus, resulting in hyperhidrosis, then you can also notice the accompanying symptoms in the form of heat intolerance and fatigue.

Hyperhidrosis of the generalized type is characteristic as a symptom of people with low blood sugar levels. With a specific violation, trembling of the limbs, a feeling of one's own heartbeat, dizziness, menstrual irregularities in women and, of course, increased sweating are noted. In a specific situation, a lack of glucose causes an increased production of adrenaline, which is why a general picture of the disease with characteristic features is formed.

There are also a number of various endocrine diseases, the main or indirect symptom of which is hyperhidrosis. The described phenomenon in the context of these ailments is associated with metabolic disorders. Among the most striking diseases of this type are:

  • pheochromocytoma;
  • carcinoid syndrome;
  • acromegaly etc.

It is also important to note that the phenomenon described is also often found in infectious diseases. For a particular situation, a triad of symptoms in the form of fever, chills and hyperhidrosis is characteristic.

Increased sweating, which is provoked by an increase in body temperature, is specific for all types of infectious diseases, acute or chronic. It should be noted here that it is the water that is removed from the pores that protects the body from overheating, performing a thermoregulatory function.

In this case, it is necessary to characterize the main infectious diseases in which profuse sweating is most pronounced:

  • septicemia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • brucellosis;
  • malaria, etc.

There are a huge number of other various diseases in which hyperhidrosis is quite common. These are oncological diseases characterized by the development of tumors that innervate the secretion centers of the sweat glands. Often this symptom occurs when considering a variety of neurological disorders in the body. In most cases, neurological problems are characterized by damage to the functioning of the spinal cord or the peripheral nervous system - in such a situation, hyperhidrosis is local, and generalized occurs when the central nerve centers are affected. Other problems are possible, for example, of a genetic type or associated with side effects of drugs. Sometimes there is even a psychogenic factor contributing to increased sweating.

What to do and how to treat excessive sweating

Of course, every person suffering from excessive sweating, wholeheartedly wants to get rid of both heavy sweating under the armpits and the whole body. In this case, it is appropriate to analyze your own condition, and if there are no obvious causes of hyperhidrosis, then you need to consult a doctor for help. To combat the situation under consideration, a huge number of therapeutic methods have been developed, which in most cases allow you to cope with the situation. It is for this reason that the most effective methods of dealing with increased secretion of sweat glands are described below, however, it is appropriate to use them only if they do not go against the therapy prescribed by the attending physician.

Treatment with folk remedies

As part of the treatment of hyperhidrosis with folk remedies, two strategies can be used, each of which can be implemented separately or in combination. More specifically, it is possible to use external means and products for internal use.

  • Among the outdoor baths, it is necessary to single out baths with oak bark, for which a decoction should be prepared, and then mixed with water while bathing. To create a healing component, pour 100 grams of oak bark with a liter of boiling water, then boil the mixture for 20 minutes over low heat, and then strain and cool.
  • For oral administration, it is recommended to use green tea with lemon balm, which allows you to normalize the work of the sweat glands. You can also brew sage in proportions: 2 tablespoons per cup of boiling water. The resulting mixture must be infused under the lid for half an hour, then strain and drink twice a day for a third of a glass.


In some cases, pharmacological agents are used to combat excessive sweating. These drugs can be represented by medicines of three main groups. So, for example, in certain situations, sedatives may be involved, but in the event that their effect does not achieve the desired result, tranquilizers (Phenazepam, Sonapaks) are included in the treatment strategy.

Another drug group is preparations such as belladonna alkaloids, the main active ingredient of which is atropine. Among these funds, Belloid, Bellataminal or Bellaspon are most often prescribed. In some cases, you can not do without calcium channel blockers, the main representative of which is Diltiazem.

Salon procedures will help get rid of the problem

If there is such a problem as local hyperhidrosis, some cosmetic methods of exposure can be applied. Conventionally, they can be divided into three groups:

  • non-operative effects, for example, the introduction of Botox under the skin, which has not only a preventive, but also a pronounced therapeutic effect;
  • surgery, in which the cause of excessive sweating is removed through surgery, such as a blockage of the sympathetic nerve;
  • hardware methods, among which most often use electromagnetic effects on the subcutaneous layers in order to correct the activity of the sweat glands.

Other Ways to Combat Excessive Sweating

There are alternative approaches developed to locally manage the symptoms of hyperhidrosis. In this case, you can apply caring cosmetics that block an unpleasant symptom and help save face.

Store-bought products: deodorants, creams and gels

One of the most common types of hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating of the legs and armpits. In this case, the use of antiperspirants and other cosmetic products aimed at blocking excessive sweat outflow is relevant. To carry out a caring procedure, it is necessary to apply a cream, gel or spray a deodorant on clean skin.

Among the manufacturers that produce the most suitable means for solving the problem described, it is necessary to single out: Vichy, Green Pharmacy, Algel, etc.

Underarm sweat pads

Excessive sweating is a problem familiar to many. It can seriously spoil the quality of life in any area: in personal relationships, in communication with other people, at work. Excessively sweaty person sometimes causes pity of others. But more often than not, they treat him with disgust. Such a face is forced to move less, she avoids shaking hands. Hugs for her are generally taboo. As a result, a person loses contact with the world. To reduce the severity of the problem, people resort to various cosmetic products or folk remedies. At the same time, they do not think at all that such a condition can be dictated by ailments. It is important to understand what diseases a person sweats a lot? After all, you can get rid of the symptoms only by eliminating the pathology that provoked it.

Main reasons

The problem of an unpleasant phenomenon continues to be studied by physicians to this day. And, unfortunately, if a person sweats a lot, what it means, doctors cannot always explain.

However, experts have identified several main causes of hyperhidrosis, or increased sweating:

  • Pathology is caused by diseases that occur in a latent or open form.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • An individual feature of an organism, which is most often inherited.
  • But most often the problem lies in the disease. Therefore, it is very important to understand in which diseases a person sweats a lot.

    Doctors say that hyperhidrosis can be provoked by:

    • endocrine disorders;
    • infectious pathologies;
    • neurological diseases;
    • tumors;
    • genetic failure;
    • kidney disease;
    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • acute poisoning;
    • withdrawal syndrome.

    Let's consider them in more detail.

    Endocrine diseases

    Any violations in this system almost always provoke hyperhidrosis. For example, why does a person with diabetes sweat a lot? This is due to increased metabolism, vasodilation and increased blood flow.

    The most common diseases of the endocrine system are:

  • Hyperthyroidism. Pathology is characterized by increased functioning of the thyroid gland. In addition to excessive sweating, other symptoms of the disease are often present. A person with hyperthyroidism has a tumor on his neck. Its size reaches a chicken egg, and sometimes more. A characteristic sign of the disease is the eyes "roll out". Increased sweating is provoked by thyroid hormones, leading to strong heat generation. As a result, the body "turns on" protection against overheating.
  • Diabetes. Terrible pathology, characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood. Sweating in diabetes manifests itself quite peculiarly. Hyperhidrosis affects the upper body (face, palms, armpits). And the bottom one, on the contrary, is too dry. Additional symptoms that indicate diabetes are: overweight, frequent urination at night, constant thirst, high irritability.
  • Obesity. In obese people, the work of the endocrine glands is disturbed. In addition, hyperhidrosis is based on inactivity and addiction to unhealthy diets. Spicy food, a large number of spices can activate the sweat glands.
  • Pheochromocytoma. The basis of the disease is a tumor of the adrenal glands. With the disease, hyperglycemia, weight loss and increased sweating are observed. Symptoms are accompanied by high blood pressure and palpitations.
  • Women suffer from increased hyperhidrosis during menopause. This phenomenon is due to a disturbed hormonal background.

    Infectious pathologies

    Hyperhidrosis is very typical for such ailments. It is easy to explain why a person sweats a lot with infectious pathologies. The reasons are hidden in the heat transfer mechanism by which the body reacts to elevated temperatures.

    Infectious diseases that increase sweating include:

  • Flu, SARS. Severe sweating is characteristic of a person at the initial stage of the disease. This reaction is dictated precisely by high temperature.
  • Bronchitis. Pathology is accompanied by severe hypothermia. Accordingly, the body tries to protect itself and normalize heat transfer.
  • Tuberculosis. Such a disease is the answer to the question of what disease a person sweats heavily at night. After all, hyperhidrosis during sleep is a classic symptom of pulmonary tuberculosis. At the same time, the mechanism for the development of such a feature has not yet been fully established.
  • Brucellosis. Pathology is transmitted to humans from animals through contaminated milk. Symptoms of the disease are prolonged fever. The disease affects the musculoskeletal, nervous, reproductive systems. Leads to an increase in lymph nodes, spleen, liver.
  • Malaria. The carrier of the disease is known to be the mosquito. In pathology, a person is observed: recurrent fever, profuse sweat and bouts of chills.
  • Septicemia. Such a diagnosis is made to a person in whom bacteria are found in the blood. Most often it is streptococci, staphylococci. The disease is characterized by: severe chills, fever, excessive sweating and sudden temperature jumps to very high levels.
  • Syphilis. The disease can affect the nerve fibers that are responsible for the production of sweat. Therefore, with syphilis, hyperhidrosis is often observed.
  • Neurological diseases

    Some damage to the central nervous system can cause a person to sweat profusely.

    The causes of hyperhidrosis are sometimes hidden in diseases:

  • Parkinsonism. With pathology, the vegetative system is damaged. As a result, the patient often experiences increased sweating in the face.
  • Dorsal dryness. The disease is characterized by destruction of the posterior columns and roots of the spinal cord. The patient loses peripheral reflexes, vibrational sensitivity. A characteristic symptom is severe sweating.
  • Stroke. The basis of the disease is damage to the arteries of the brain. Violations can affect the center of thermoregulation. In this case, the patient has severe and persistent hyperhidrosis.
  • Oncological pathologies

    Fever and excessive sweating are symptoms that almost always accompany these pathologies, especially at the stage of metastases.

    Consider the diseases in which hyperhidrosis is the most common symptom:

  • Hodgkin's disease. In medicine, it is called lymphogranulomatosis. The basis of the disease is a tumor lesion of the lymph nodes. The initial symptomatology of the disease is increased sweating at night.
  • Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. This is a tumor of the lymphoid tissue. Such formations lead to stimulation of the thermoregulation center in the brain. As a result, the patient is observed, especially at night, increased sweating.
  • Compression by metastases of the spinal cord. In this case, the vegetative system suffers, which causes an increase in sweating.
  • Kidney pathologies

    You need to know what diseases a person sweats a lot.

    Doctors give the following list of kidney pathologies:

    • urolithiasis disease;
    • pyelonephritis;
    • glomerulonephritis;
    • uremia;
    • eclampsia.

    Cardiovascular diseases

    Acute hyperhidrosis almost always accompanies acute stages. What diseases cause a person to sweat a lot? As a rule, such symptoms are observed with the following ailments:

    • myocardial infarction;
    • hypertonic disease;
    • thrombophlebitis;
    • rheumatism;
    • ischemia of the heart.

    withdrawal syndrome

    This phenomenon is characteristic of people dependent on various kinds of chemicals. This condition is especially pronounced in drug addicts or alcoholics. As soon as the body ceases to receive a chemical stimulant, a person develops severe hyperhidrosis. In this case, the state is saved for the entire period while the “breaking” occurs.

    Withdrawal syndrome can also be observed with the refusal of medication. A person reacts with increased sweating to the abolition of insulin or an analgesic.

    Acute poisoning

    This is another serious cause of hyperhidrosis. If a person sweats a lot, it is necessary to analyze what kind of food he ate or what chemicals he interacted with.

    Often, such symptoms are caused by poisoning provoked by:

    • mushrooms (fly agaric);
    • organophosphates, which are used to control insects or rodents.

    As a rule, a person has not only increased sweating, but also characterized by lacrimation, salivation. Pupil constriction is observed.

    Psycho-emotional sphere

    Very often, troubles at work, failures in personal life can lead to such symptoms. In other words, any severe stress can cause hyperhidrosis.

    Nervous tension, acute pain or fright often lead to an unpleasant symptom. No wonder, when talking about severe emotional stress, a person emphasizes: “Thrown into a cold sweat.”

    It has been noticed that as soon as the problem is solved, it “holds” the face for a long time in stressful tension, increased hyperhidrosis disappears.

    What to do?

    It is very important to understand that the presence of hyperhidrosis is a serious reason for examination in the hospital. Only after a thorough diagnosis, the doctor can say for which disease a person sweats a lot.

    It is very important to correctly and extensively answer the following questions of the doctor:

  • When did excessive sweating start?
  • The frequency of seizures.
  • What conditions provoke hyperhidrosis?
  • Do not forget that many of the pathologies can occur in a latent form. Therefore, a person can feel good for a long time. And only periodically there are attacks of sweating signal that not everything is in order in the body.

    The ability to sweat is useful in itself. The temperature is regulated, some of the harmful substances are removed - in a word, it would be much worse for a person if the body did not have this property. But everything should be in moderation, including the amount of sweat. What is profuse sweating? We will now discuss the causes and ways to eliminate this phenomenon.

    Not only inconvenience

    Excessive sweating also has a specific medical name - hyperhidrosis. Usually a person is concerned about the aesthetic side of this phenomenon:

    • bad smell;
    • constantly wet palms;
    • always wet feet;
    • trickles flowing down the forehead;
    • clothes sticking to the body;
    • yellow spots on a blouse or shirt.

    Even if we consider excessive sweating solely from an aesthetic point of view, the picture is gloomy, mainly because a person has complexes. He is embarrassed to give a hand at a meeting, take off his shoes at a party, gets lost if he forgot a handkerchief at home or did not find deodorant in his bag. In a word, a seemingly trifling problem causes serious consequences.

    Important! In the most severe cases, this feature leads to failure in personal life and trouble at work. The case often ends in neurosis or other diseases.

    What is hyperhidrosis?

    During a heat wave, anyone sweats, as in a high fever disease. Sweat is simply necessary to avoid overheating. The sweat glands work especially intensively.

    General hyperhidrosis, when all parts of the body sweat evenly, is rare. Usually this disease is local. Doctors distinguish several types of profuse sweating - its causes and remedies will also vary:

    • plantar;
    • axillary;
    • palmar;
    • chest;
    • facial;
    • head.

    Important! The most common are plantar and axillary. Palmar is somewhat less common, but also worries many. Much less often, the chest, face and part of the head covered with hair sweat. But these types of increased sweating can cause a lot of trouble.

    Men or women?

    For some reason, it is believed that men sweat more. Actually, it is not. Doctors note that excessive sweating occurs in those and in others equally often. In addition, this feature is inherited, although it is a recessive trait.

    Important! Not everyone gets hyperhidrosis right away. It can occur at any age. This is usually surprising - a year ago everything was fine with a person, and suddenly at some point moisture began to constantly appear on the palms. What is the "trigger" - doctors have not yet figured out.

    How do sweat glands work?

    Despite the fact that researchers find it difficult to explain what causes this hyperhidrosis to manifest itself, the process of excessive sweating has been studied enough. It is the same as in all internal systems of the body. It all starts with the brain, or rather, with the signal that brain cells receive from the outside world:

    1. For example, there is a signal that it is hot now - it does not matter if this is true or not.
    2. Brain cells process this information.
    3. They also transmit a signal to other systems how to behave now.
    4. The sweat glands are commanded to contract.
    5. They carry out the "order" - a liquid is released.
    6. Water leaves the body.
    7. Moisture evaporates, which is manifested by increased sweating.
    8. Body temperature drops.

    However, there are situations when this understandable and very logical chain, for some reason, does not work as expected. As a result, the sweat glands begin to contract, including when it is not necessary to do this, and you suffer from excessive sweating. There are many such situations:

    • physical activity;
    • stress;
    • excitation;
    • fright;
    • excitement:
    • hormonal changes;
    • taste stimuli.

    Important! To make the problem of excessive sweating a little less bothering you, try the following tips:

    • Find out, .
    • Read about.

    Hormonal changes as a cause of excessive sweating

    Increased sweating is very common in women at turning points in their lives:

    • during pregnancy;
    • after childbirth;
    • during the climax.

    The work of the entire nervous chain changes at this time. Internal systems receive different commands to which they are accustomed, respectively - they begin to act differently than before. Doctors usually do not prescribe any drugs at this time - they simply give recommendations that will help reduce excessive sweating.

    When are medicines needed?

    In some cases of profuse sweating, in order to eliminate the phenomenon, it is impossible to cope without medication. And not only to women during pregnancy or menopause, when hyperhidrosis, in essence, is a temporary phenomenon. Excessive sweating in such situations happens to almost everyone. It disappears when everything in the body stabilizes. It makes sense to consult a doctor if sweating is too profuse. Medical treatment may also be prescribed.

    Important! When else does it make sense to visit the clinic? If sweating is caused by constant excitement. Anxiety itself is a symptom of many unpleasant diseases, so there are two reasons for this.

    How to deal with the problem?

    If you are worried about some phenomenon in your body and you would like to get rid of this phenomenon, you first need to establish the cause, and then deal with the symptoms. Suppose you have found out when and under what conditions there is increased sweating. You went to the doctor and found out that you have no serious diseases. What to do next? There may be several options:

    • injections;
    • antiperspirants;
    • surgical intervention;
    • careful observance of the rules of personal hygiene.

    The rules of personal hygiene with profuse sweating, regardless of its cause, must be observed in any case. But other methods will have to be chosen.

    Important! Usually, with such a problem, things wear out faster, lose their attractive appearance and acquire a stable fetid amber. So that you do not have to spend too much money on updating your wardrobe, we suggest you look through our collections of useful tips:

    Making an injection for sweating

    Do not think that you have to run to the treatment room every day for injections. One injection per year will be enough to save you from profuse sweating. For injections, drugs are used:

    • "Botox";
    • "Dysport".

    They are widely known in sports medicine, and they have been used in cosmetology for at least a quarter of a century. The composition of both drugs includes a special toxin, which slows down the work of the sweat glands. The process goes something like this:

    1. The drug is injected.
    2. Nerve fibers are blocked.
    3. As a result of blocking, the signal that comes from the brain is noticeably weakened.
    4. The sweat glands do not contract as intensely as before.

    Do not think that immediately after the injection you will stop sweating. The effect does not come so quickly - it usually takes from three days to a week. After that, you can absolutely calmly run, dig beds and take difficult exams for a year - there will be no yellow spots under your arms.

    Important! Injections as a way to eliminate excessive sweating are also good because after treating certain areas of the body, other areas do not begin to sweat excessively.

    Antiperspirants for excessive sweating

    You can buy antiperspirant even in the most ordinary hypermarket. The action of such drugs is based on the fact that they temporarily reduce the activity of the sweat glands. The composition of antiperspirants includes metal compounds:

    • aluminum;
    • gland;
    • zirconium;
    • zinc;
    • lead.

    In addition to metals, the formulation includes formaldehyde and ethyl alcohol. Antiperspirants not only act on the sweat glands, but are also antiseptics and deodorants. A high-quality drug temporarily blocks almost half of the glands, and the external signs of increased sweating generally disappear, as does the smell. The main disadvantage of all antiperspirants is a short-term effect. But, as a rule, they are released in a convenient package, so nothing prevents you from carrying it with you.

    Important! With prolonged use, antiperspirants sometimes cause dermatitis, and some people may be allergic to these substances.

    The most radical

    The most effective way to treat profuse sweating is, of course, surgery. It is used, however, rarely, strictly for medical reasons. During the operation, areas of the skin are simply removed, where the highest concentration of glands is. But this extreme method has several very significant drawbacks:

    • scars often remain;
    • As after any operation, complications are possible;
    • there are cases when such measures did not give an effect - compensatory hyperhidrosis occurred.

    Correction of the autonomic nervous system

    Another method of combating excessive sweating is sympathectomy. In this case, the nerve centers that regulate the functions of the skin are destroyed. These centers are located in the region of the spine. In modern medicine, several types of such correction are used:

    • open;
    • endoscopic;
    • chemical.

    In the first case, a rather large incision is made, with endoscopic correction, instruments are inserted through a small puncture, and with a chemical correction, an injection is made with a long thin needle.

    Important! None of these methods of dealing with excessive sweating is harmless. If the procedure is done by an insufficiently experienced specialist, vascular damage, trauma to the pleural cavity and other troubles can occur, much more serious than hyperhidrosis. In addition, compensatory sweating also occurs quite often, especially immediately after surgery.

    In short, excessive sweating is not always an aesthetic problem. Sometimes it becomes medical or psychological, and then you can’t do without the help of a specialist. In any case, you should only contact a trusted clinic with a stable reputation.



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