Write a story about your four-legged friend. "My four-legged friend

Many of us have four-legged friends, it can be cats, dogs, turtles, hamsters. My four-legged friend is the cat Fenechka. This is my godfather's cat. Fenya has beautiful yellow eyes, large ears with tassels at the ends, a long fluffy tail. The coat of the kitten is fluffy, soft and long, especially on the tail. Fenya is dark gray with light brown stripes. The godfather said that Fenechka was still a kitten, although she was already one year old. She will become an adult when she is three years old. Her breed is Maine Coon.

When my mother and I

The first time they came to visit Fena, she was shy and hid behind a curtain. I called her, but she didn't come out. Then I took out a ball with a bell and threw it on the floor. The kitten immediately jumped out from behind the curtain and ran after the ball. Then I threw the ball, and Fenya and I ran after him. When Fenya got tired of catching the ball, she lay down on her rug. I wanted to play some more and threw the ball closer to Fena. She pushed him with her paw in my direction. The godfather said that's how she plays football. My four-legged friend's favorite toys are balls.

When we came to visit Fenya last time, we brought her a ball with a feather. New toy

She really liked it. She loves to take this ball with her teeth by the feather and walk around the apartment with it.

Fenichka is very affectionate. If you scratch her behind the ear, she squints with pleasure and purrs. She also loves to play with water. You need to open the tap so that the water flows in a thin stream. Fenya will sit on the sink and begin to catch a trickle of water with her paw.

I am very glad that I have such a wonderful friend.

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My favorite is, of course, my cat. Why "of course"? I've just always loved cats. I brought this beauty from the street. I asked my mom to leave this kitten! After all, I dreamed for so long ... We took the kitten to the vet, who said that it was a girl. He also said that she had nothing "criminal". Therefore, my mother calmed down, named the kitten Marusya, made me responsible for her upbringing. It is my pleasure to take care of Marus.

She is an affectionate and even delicate (as my grandmother says) cat. I clean up after her, comb her, feed her, play with her. It's good that you don't have to walk with her! But, we play hide-and-seek, catch-up with her ... and she also loves to be photographed! And she is very good at photographs. I often ask my mother to take a picture of me and Marusya.

We got her a passport, made the first vaccinations. We must not forget that in a year many need to be repeated. I also bought her a real cat house with my savings. And a couple of mice. Of course, toys. The main thing is that she enjoys playing. But most of all he loves to bask in the sun. Lies on the windowsill above the battery and basks in the sun. She is a real sweetheart and beauty. I even try to draw her, it's good that she likes to lie down and relax.

She enjoys people's attention. I love her so much. Her parents and grandparents also loved her. When guests come, she is always in the center of attention. Marusya does not like very much when they forget about her. Immediately offended, but so that everyone can see her resentment. Now I dream that she had kittens: about five or seven. Mom is against it. Grandmother grabs her heart and won't let Marusya go out. They feel sorry for curtains and furniture. But I think they will soon regret it. Pity Marusya. Or I'll bring her a foster kitten from the street! She's supposed to be a woman. I mean, like a mother cat.

Turtle is my four-legged friend essay for grade 5

My favorite is a turtle, more precisely, turtles! Of course, I believe that it can only be a boy. I named him Leo. I buy him special food, Mar has already doubled. They say that small turtles are herbivores, and large ones are predators. I already gave him raw chicken, but it's probably too early for him - he prefers apples and carrots.

Mom thinks it's a girl. She loves to decorate it with bows and take pictures. Poor Mar, but he endures heroically! Maybe the soul of the war moved into him, if that happens. They gave it to us… That is, there was such an interesting story: my mother had a neighbor at work (in the office). He kept a turtle in his little office. She lived in his aquarium. He didn't take good care of her. Leaving for the weekend, for example, did not change her water, although this had to be done every day.

And he just sat there alone for two days ... On New Year's holidays, he asked his mother to take a turtle for himself, like he needs to go somewhere. After the festive week, it turned out that the owner of the turtle quit his job and left somewhere. So she came to our house. What was to be done with her? Although my mother could leave her at work, I begged her to pick her up. I've always liked turtles. Now he lives in a big box, swims in an aquarium, sunbathes under a special lamp. But in fact, he is a ninja. He is constantly training.

Even in the plastic glass that I gave him, it spins. And he is constantly trying to escape from the box. There are high sides, but he rolls up a glass, climbs, grabs, pulls up ... An amazing turtle is a real fighter! I even made a video of his heroic attempts on my phone. In general, I not only love Mara, but respect him. I am very glad that we have him. Soon he will become a huge fighting turtle, famous for his tricks all over the world. And my mother also says that he will live with my grandchildren - turtles live a very long time.

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"My four-legged friend"

We have a little four-legged friend in our house. This is a kitten. We found him tiny on the street and decided to take him with us. I really wanted to have a puppy or a kitten, and now my dream has come true.

I thought for a long time how to name it, and finally gave the name Barsik. This name suits him very well. He has a beautiful yellow coat, on which red stripes are pronounced. Barsik's mustache is long and white. But the eyes can change their color. Sometimes they are green, sometimes yellow. It has a pink and slightly rough tongue. When a kitten laps milk, the tongue moves very funny.

Our Barsik is a smart cat. Sometimes it even seems to me that he understands human speech, he just cannot speak himself. But he also has his own language. When Barsik is happy with everything and full, he meows affectionately and gently rubs against his legs. Thus, he expresses his gratitude. If Barsik gets angry, he grumbles like a wild animal. Hungry, he may ask for food.

I tried to train Barsik, but so far I have nothing to brag about.

Barsik is a very calm cat. But one day he showed character. Once playing in the yard, the cat saw a small bird. He immediately bent over, calmed down, lowered his head low and suddenly - a jump. The bird immediately appeared in his paws, and he decided to play with it. But as soon as he let her go, she instantly flew away. The kitten was terribly angry. Since then, Barsik no longer tries to catch birds.

I love my cat very much. And I don’t understand at all those people who, without thinking, give birth to animals, and then throw them out into the street. They play enough with them, and then let them live as they want. I’ll say this: “If you took an animal, take care of it, it’s getting used to you, loves you!”.

The work was sent by Tatyana Alexandrovna Sapogova
primary school teacher, MOU Krotovskaya secondary school

Cool! 2

On New Year's Eve, I always made a wish that my parents would give me a puppy. Santa Claus did not hear me for a long time, but I stubbornly believed that a miracle would happen. Mom and dad persuaded me to agree to a hamster, a parrot or a cat, but I could not exchange my yet non-existent friend for such a trifle. After further persuasion and firm promises to study well and take care of the puppy himself, dad decided to buy. Until the morning I tossed and turned, without compulsion I ate semolina porridge for breakfast and washed it down with hated cocoa. On the way, I kept trying to imagine what this little miracle would look like.

And finally, we are on the market. Trusting kind eyes looked at me from everywhere, each puppy seemed to me the embodiment of my dream. But as soon as we moved on to the next seller, it seemed to me that here she is a dream. I had no idea that finding a four-legged comrade is so hard. Soon we came to the box, at the bottom of which lay a small defenseless puppy. The hostess explained that his brothers and sisters were sold out, but he remained because he was the weakest. And then suddenly all other dogs ceased to exist for me, only this little black lump with ember eyes remained. Dad did not agree, he offered to see others, but I firmly said that I wanted this particular spaniel. I didn’t hear anything else, only the beating of the little heart of my new friend, whom I carried to the house in my arms.

Since that day, happiness has settled in our house. At first, we all tried together to make our Black get stronger and grow up healthy. Mom told everyone that she had a feeling that she had a second child. I, as promised, tried to take care of the little mischievous, who changed our whole life in such a way. Black grew rapidly and delighted us with new achievements every day. Everyone soon learned that he loves to sleep in his dad's favorite chair, and my sneakers attract him more than other shoes. Walking in the yard, the spaniel likes to bark at cats, but very friendly, as if inviting them to run together.

The whole family overcame the difficulties of growing up as a dog: with dad they re-pasted torn wallpapers, with mom they wore shoes to be repaired. It seems to me that my friend rallied us all. Recently, I had to leave for a competition for a few days, so my parents told me that Black was sleeping near the door and was the first to hear my steps in the stairwell after returning. Here is my four-legged friend, I love him very much!

Composition Grade 5 - My four-legged friend.

I have always dreamed of a dog. But the parents did not want to have any animal. They explained to me that a pet can bring a lot of trouble. While he is small, he may even leave small meadows throughout the apartment. He needs to be walked on time and take care of all his other needs. Moreover, animals can get sick and suffer.

It convinced me. But only for a short time. And then I started asking my parents for a pet again. And then the day came when dad said that he was not against a small dog. We decided that after school we would all go together to the kennel and choose a Dachshund dog.

I poisoned myself at school. It was very cold outside, so I walked quickly. And then by chance I noticed a small puppy that ran after the legs of one person or another. It was clear that the baby had been thrown out. And he is completely alone. I felt so sorry for him. I called him: "Baby." The puppy happily ran up to me. I looked at him and realized that I do not need a thoroughbred dachshund. I want this dog. Moreover, the puppy was so small that dad's requirement for a small dog would be met.

That day I was late for school. Together with the Kid we came home. I gave the puppy food and water. He ate and settled down to sleep in my room on a rug.

I ran home from school with all my might. I finally have a dog! Exactly what my parents warned me about happened. A puddle was waiting for me in the hallway. Until dad came, I quickly cleaned the apartment. I wanted to buy a puppy, but nothing happened to me. The kid asked to go for a walk. To prevent him from making puddles again, we went for a walk.

As soon as we got home, dad came back. He was very unhappy that the dog was outbred. But mom came and began to convince dad that if I take care of the puppy myself, then it’s worth leaving the Kid. Dad agreed. And he did not change his mind even when a real East European Shepherd dog grew out of our little puppy. True, the name Malysh remained behind the dog.

Be sure to check out the recommended essays and take a few suggestions into your essay!

"We met Oksana Stazi's book" My Four-Legged Friend" at the age of 7. My daughter was already listening to us with great pleasure. And with each story, I was touched by how much warmth and subtle touched in such a thin book. "Where did mom go" was especially pleasant and instructive :-)) My daughter was very impressed and our dad also heard this wonderful story grinning mysteriously. With each line, everyday moments of our family slipped through, similar situations were very obvious. I quietly smiled: - )) Watching my daughter, her facial expressions, her gloomy brows, I understood that she also recognizes herself in the book and processes of awareness and comparison took place in her head.After reading this particular story, my daughter silently put the bread in before dinner plate, arranged plates and even asked permission to cut tomatoes and cucumbers for the table :-)) I was very pleased!The book is not only useful, it is instructive not only for children, but also for their parents. oyaya assistant in education! This is how parents who read this book write reviews about Oksana Stazi's book "My Four-Legged Friend".

"My Four-Legged Friend" is a two-part collection of stories about children's lives. The first contains stories about the behavioral problems of the child and helps to correct the behavior of children 6–9 years old. Stories work like fairy tale therapy. For example, the story "Two Sheep" is anti-conflict therapy from disputes from scratch; stories "Scary Movie" and "Why can't you scare children with Baba Yaga?" serve as a preventive measure. “How I Conquered the Nasty Voice in Myself” helps children look at themselves from the outside and learn to control their behavior. "Zombie Kids" is directed against TV zombies, helps parents cope with their child's addiction to TV programs. "Where did mom go?" draws the attention of the child to, instills respect for parental work.

The stories about animals from the second part of the book will help your children understand very important things - about responsibility, humanism, true care. And at the same time, in a fascinating way, they will tell them about the habits of some animals and how to take care of them.

"My four-legged friend" is not just stories. These stories contain moral and spiritual values ​​that your child will pick up bit by bit from every page of the book. And with all my heart I want to wish that these values ​​remain in your children for life!

On Oksana Stazi's website you can find other books for children from 2 to 10 years old.



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