Mini combine harvester: features, types and scope. How to make a homemade combine harvester from a profile and bearings Homemade manual grain harvester

Agricultural work requires the use of specialized equipment. Combines are one of the main units for productive activity. There are a large number of industrial equipment on the market, but they are not suitable for processing small areas. In this case, minicombines for grain harvesting come to the aid of farmers. They consume little fuel and are easily transported, while in performance they are not inferior to large-sized counterparts. It is worth noting that out of season they can be stored even in the yard.

Technology features

The mini grain harvester can be used with the use of auxiliary devices with which you can knit straw into sheaves or harvest various crops. It is worth noting that the basic equipment, as well as the device of such machines, can be varied:

  • Budget models of mini grain harvesters are not equipped with operator seats. He walks nearby, holding the unit by special handles and directing it in the right direction.
  • More expensive domestic and Japanese grain harvesters are equipped with a seat and may even have a full cab.

Advantages of mini harvesters

Regardless of which model you choose, a do-it-yourself homemade grain harvester, or a professional unit, the main advantages include the following:

  • Low price - a conventional or trailed grain harvester is available even to a novice farmer, while the equipment pays for itself after the first season.
  • Low fuel consumption - this indicator helps to reduce the costs associated with harvesting.
  • Ease and cost-effective maintenance - Japanese mini rice harvesters do not require the help of specialists for adjustment or maintenance. Spare parts for such equipment are available and can be replaced by the user himself.
  • Compact dimensions and maneuverability – mini grain harvesters can be used even in small areas with difficult terrain.
  • Light weight - the mass of the units is small, due to which the equipment has a minimal impact on the soil, which leads to a positive trend during the harvest of grain.
  • Simple operation - a commercial or home-made grain harvester is convenient enough to operate in order to master the technique, you do not need to take special courses. Even those who have not previously had experience with such equipment will cope with it.
  • Ease of transportation - such equipment is quite compact and has no restrictions for movement on roads.
  • Convenience of storage - there is no need to create a special hangar for storing this equipment, as it can take up space in the household yard.

It is worth noting that the grain harvester also has a drawback - a relatively small header grip. It is not suitable for cleaning large areas, as it will not be effective, and its use will become impractical. In this case, you need to choose a large-sized harvester. When choosing equipment, you should pay attention to the dimensions, engine power, switching speed and volume of the grain collection tank.

For many years now, a small combine from Bosch, with a volume of one and a half liters, has settled in my kitchen. Cut onions, herbs, nuts, tomatoes, mix minced meat, grate carrots, cabbage, chocolate, make shortbread crumbs for a pie - no problem. But it doesn’t always happen that the combine is free :) I don’t want to cut anything with my hands, or sometimes the volume of products is very small. I especially remember mixing instant porridge for babies - with a fork or spoon it is in lumps, and the volume of half a glass of porridge for one and a half liters is still smeared. That's when this kid comes to the rescue - a mini-combine from LL :) In terms of cutting speed, it is in no way inferior to its big brother, in terms of functionality in general too :) Plus - the combine can rub and chop not only into its bowl, but immediately out into the plate. Combine pulse.
packing mini harvester LL
packaging on the other side
combine for spare parts:) motor, bowl with a working volume of 300 ml, knife, mixer, grater-shredder, lid, lid with a spout, pusher, plug disk for ejecting products out and a sleeve for shredding.
the knife can cut onions, you get quite neat uniform pieces for frying or salad. in the photo, I initially cut the onion into pieces, it was possible not to do this. Half, that's enough.
knife can cut greens
three carrots. It is advisable to pre-cut large specimens in half or into three or four parts.
now you can put a plug and rub into the bowl from the outside.
turn the disk over on the shredder and you can shred the cabbage. Perfectly even pieces do not work, but cut quite well and quickly.
you can also chop cucumbers or potatoes, for example. alas, the thickness is not always the same ...
with the help of a food processor, I really like to cook shortcrust pastry for a pie
cut sugar and butter with a knife. it turns out a crumb of oil.
add flour, cut again
add yolk, salt, soda + vinegar and a little cold water if necessary
cutting apples
beat the protein with sugar and yogurt with a mixer nozzle
put the shortcrust pastry in a pan, put the apples in an even layer and pour the yogurt-protein mixture on top
the pie is ready for tea :) help yourself :)

Tags: How to, make, mini, harvester, with your own hands, from, walk-behind tractor

Feature: for mowing, threshing Dimensions, LxWxH (mm): 3400x1400x1300 Construction weight (kg): 500 Working..

Aug 26, 2010 - And what if you make a trailed combine, which consists of... for such money you can buy DON from us in good condition... By the way, it seems to me that these are not combines, but an attachment to a Zirka61 type motoblock. Harvesters for farmers.

Purchasing a food processor

Husbands, they are like food processors - they are needed in the household, but no one knows why.
At one time, I was interested in people's impressions of food processors. After the answers received, I changed some of my expectations and requirements for these units.
I especially liked two tips:

You should not buy too fancy unit. There was, for example, a cool harvester - I mainly used 3-4-5 functions, the rest was idle and took up space - a whole shelf in the closet, a hefty box. Having got rid of it, I bought a small and simple one - I use it constantly and with pleasure. The main thing is that I use ALL of its capabilities, nothing is idle, nothing superfluous.
Yes, about the meat grinder: it must be "auger". Those. exactly the same as grandmother's - throw meat and turn the handle - only with an electric drive, i.e. no need to turn the knob. Knives are not suitable as a meat grinder - the meat will either turn into a solid puree, or it will be chopped very unevenly.
As a result, I looked after the Philips 7755, which has the most necessary functions for me: an auger meat grinder, a blender and a vegetable cutter.
I decided to buy it via the Internet for a simple reason: in online stores it costs from $170, and in the Panorama store (which is on Nemiga), for example, the cost of the same combine is $266! However, this is a known fact.
P.S. Because this particular model was not in the store, and according to reports from the official website, it has already been discontinued, the choice has been slightly adjusted towards the Philips 7765 model. No additional knives are needed. At first I ordered a knife for draniki, and then it turned out that it comes with a kit, it's just called differently.
For potato pancakes, almost all combines have a special grater
It makes sense to think about purchasing a separate electric meat grinder
Michael R.

Buy Braun K700
All the necessary set of functions (I won’t say about the coffee grinder if there are such at all).
If a set of standard knives is not enough for imagination, then you can buy additional ones.
The taste of salads directly depends on the cook, and not on the processor.
The consistency of minced meat depends on the knives and the cutting speed.
The most important thing is the desire to use the combine. He must always (!) Stand on the table and be ready at the first request to fulfill the desire of the owner. If you hide it in a closet, then it will not work.
Mikhail B.
It is advisable to use the combine to prepare a sufficiently large amount of food, in my opinion, for 4-5 people. For 1-2 it is easier and faster to chop everything by hand. It will take longer to wash the parts later than to cook.
Valery S.
I have an uncool machine - Mulineks avatsio -2, without a juicer and a mixer. But I can say something about salads and minced meat. Salads can be made in a combine, but not all. Of course, he cuts vegetables well, but sometimes too well: if you need to chop something finely, the combine harvester will chop any vegetables into dust. But if you need pieces, for example, medium ones, then with a combine you will achieve such a result. It is better to chop with a dagger by hand. About minced meat - they told you the whole truth: anyhow it turns out minced meat, and not tasty. In general, we mainly use a grater for gingerbread in a food processor, we rarely use everything else.
And this one, look for a machine with a blender, especially for little kids to cook something - an indispensable thing. Another very useful thing is a place to store nozzles. In mine, for example, all the knives are hidden inside, very convenient. There are often a lot of these nozzles, and storage space for this business is a rather important thing.
Victor M.
about using a conventional combine as a meat grinder:
the degree of grinding depends on the duration - if you chop small portions, you can achieve a result similar to a conventional meat grinder, but naturally not exactly the same - some of the meat will be in the form of porridge, and some will be coarsely ground.
Some are satisfied, some are not. As usual.
Naturally, it is better to make a salad by hand cutting, or on a grater of a burner. The combine will turn out porridge.
But all sorts of mashed potatoes are very good to make.

Everything is as always - devices sharpened for one operation always do better than combined ones.
But they will take up a lot of space and the price will be more expensive.
You just need to find a compromise between quality, quantity and price...
Andrew G.
I can say the following - specialized devices for one purpose or another are always better than some kind of combined one, which has almost everything - and in reality only the main functions are worked out well, and the rest - so, for show, what is, and for stuffing the price. Of course, buying several special combines (meat grinder, juicer, mixer, coffee grinder) is more expensive, but you can choose exactly those device options that best suit your ideas about how they should work.
It didn't matter how it turned out...
In short - I had a Mulineks combine for 150 ye - at prices 8 years ago, very cool, like. I mainly used 3-4-5 functions, the rest was idle and took up space - a whole shelf in the closet, a hefty box. And yet - the more multifunctional the device, the more difficult it is in disassembly-assembly, respectively, washing. It got to the point that I preferred to cut something with my hands than to get the unit - how do you imagine that you first need to assemble it in the desired configuration, and then wash it, and the whole kitchen is in drying parts ...
Having got rid of it, I bought a small and simple one - I use it constantly and with pleasure. The main thing is that I use ALL of its capabilities, nothing is idle, nothing superfluous. It doesn't take up too much space and is easy to use. I recommend;-)
I recently bought an improved version for my mother as a gift - with a mixer, she uses it (I didn’t need it) ...
For both combines, for a fee, knives for french fries and potato pancakes (8-10 ye per knife) are bought - and then generally a complete cheer.
Juicers for ordinary fruits - for example,
As for the opinions of friends -
>> Salads cooked in a food processor, not by hand, taste even worse than school ones.
Try to cook and NOT say it's on the food processor, or say it's with your hands. Who the hell can tell. The knives are the same there and there - sharp metal. You just don’t have to think that the combine will do EVERYTHING for you - you need to finish something with your hands ;-) By the way, school ones are made with your hands - so that’s not the point ...

>> A meat grinder makes a solid puree of meat, which is also unacceptable. As far as I understand, in order to avoid making “meat puree”, you need to buy a combine with a screw meat grinder, and not just with chopping knives.
And do not put the meat and twist for half an hour - yes, there will be mashed potatoes. With short inclusions, a quite acceptable degree of fineness of grinding is achieved. Of course, if cutlets and others like them make up the bulk of the diet, then, of course, it makes sense to buy an auger meat grinder, and with a capacity of at least 500-600, not 300-350 - it will heat up and fail, checked by other relatives. I won’t tell you the model here - it was a long time ago, and I don’t remember what they bought, but I remember that the power was 800 and everyone was happy - they ground 3-4 kg at a time without overheating.
Why I "send" to Philips - I just tried the equipment of this particular company several times, I have been using it for many years, there are no complaints.
But Mulineks, like many French manufacturers - and not only kitchen appliances, but also cars - are sometimes so clever in design that you won’t be happy ... For example, I had to change the bowl of the combine (25 ye) due to the fact that my mother, not knowing the ENTIRE assembly-disassembly sequence, did not wash one rubber gasket after preparing the dough, and it stuck tightly to the plastic - and then it was no longer subject to a civilized separation ... By the way, there is not a single rubber part in my Philips ... ;-)
And finally - the hit of the season, all my friends are trudging along and "Van, I want such a zhu", even the husbands appreciated it positively -
This is not just cutting bread, as many people think - this is sausage-ham, raw meat, vegetables, etc. etc.
And it's smooth and pretty and fast. And it doesn't take up much space. ;-)
There is such a move - you choose a model on the Internet, you go to a store like "Panorama" or "Kupalovskaya" in the metro, there at any point for any price you look for this model, twist it in your hands. You may not like a particular performance - the picture still does not reflect all the nuances. Plastic, for example, is thin, or something else ... In short, you feel, look, choose ... You return to the computer and order via the Internet at the lowest price. A difference of up to $ 30, by the way, happens on the same model, even on the Internet. And the box with the product is the same...
Nadzeya M.
(by the way, this was the only girl out of all who answered, which once again confirms the rationalization nature of men;))

From a long experience of communication, I can upset the current.
It is better to buy an electric meat grinder separately for minced meat and slicing meat (there are three types of washers; it depends on what happens)
With potato pancakes, the funny thing is that there are always coarse lumps that you either rub with your hands or throw like that (I personally don’t like to find lumps in a random potato pancake)
With a vegetable cutter, the same garbage, although it’s easier here, it doesn’t interfere with the salad.
A coffee grinder is more like a bells and whistles; it will be quite normal in any combine.
The most important thing I can say is that it is better to buy a mini-harvester but not on batteries, since the trouble with all combines is a lot of busy space, since we bought a big mini-harvester we don’t even get it. I won't recommend a company right now.
P.S. In general, I highly recommend the meat grinder + mini-combine.
P.P.S. About salads and potato pancakes, this is from the field of metaphysics, whatever one may say, but what is made by hand and with soul is tastier than what is on the machine :)
Andrew N.
The combine has been used for five years already, some Moulinex Ovatio:
- handy when you need to cook a lot of food. for everyday use is not very - wash / disassemble for a long time.
- delicious - this is not for everyone, it is better not to make a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, but cheese, carrots, onions, cabbage, etc. just right.
- we took it primarily for the child, so a blender was a must-have item - such a cup of a liter for two with knives at the bottom - for making various purees from vegetables / fruits / berries.
- I don’t know what an auger meat grinder is, but minced meat, for the entire time of using the combine, was made only in it. Unlike an ordinary meat grinder, the degree of grinding is regulated from "cubes" to "meat puree", the main thing is to stop it on time :-), plus there is no waste and it's easier to wash ..
- it is convenient to make potato pancakes - I threw 2 kg. potatoes with all the ingredients in a bowl, 1-2 minutes and you can fry potato pancakes, while the dough does not darken, because everything is done very quickly. (experienced combiners do not recommend - the knife becomes dull quickly, but I often don’t do it, and my wife always does it on a combine, but with a grater)
- the dough for pancakes / pastries is made many times faster.
- a separate coffee grinder is more convenient, because the volumes are small most often and disassemble-collect the combine for the sake of 20g of powdered sugar or 50g of coffee too lazy.
- the citrus squeezer has never been used due to the presence of a separate device.
From pitfalls
- the combine takes up a lot of space, if it is not there, then it is better to look for a model in which everything is hidden when assembled.
- in our combine, the grater / cutting is a plastic disk where the steel sector is inserted - the grater itself is not very convenient. It is better when the entire surface of the disk is working (Bosch, for example, but according to paragraph 1 (compactness), they lose a lot). True, it takes up more space - each grater / cutting is a separate disc
Dzmitry T. Tags: Belarus, links, note to hostess, shopping

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Mar 30, 2014 - There are Chinese mini harvesters sold on the basis of a walk-behind tractor. ... It's too difficult and it won't work on the knee. ... the mechanism of mini harvesters is so simplified, a do-it-yourself harvester is difficult to manufacture due to ...

Homemade harvester based on T 40 - YouTube

Homemade, do it yourself, harvester, t-40, homemade mower, tractor, tractor mower, mini tractor, mini tractors, walk-behind tractors...

A mini combine harvester is a necessary type of agricultural equipment, thanks to which you can clean and process sowing plants. Thanks to this type of unit, it becomes much easier and easier to carry out all activities, because before it was hard manual labor. In the modern market of agricultural machinery, such combines are presented in a wide range. Each manufacturer in the production of equipment is trying to introduce all the elements necessary for successful operation.

Description of grain harvesters and combines for wheat

Mini grain harvesters are a great solution for harvesting grain in small farmlands. The main advantage of this technique is ease of use. Also, the unit is easy to repair, transported.

The characteristics of the Polesie forage harvester are presented.

Each farmer can easily assemble and disassemble the harvester, it does not have a heavy weight, it can work on hilly soils. Mini-harvesters in terms of their functions can be compared with large-sized counterparts. Some models can bind grain into sheaves.

Among other things, the technique in question allows mowing, tillage, transporting various cargoes, and carrying out alluvial work. Among the available arsenal of models, there is one difference - this is engine power, design dimensions, cost, performance, manufacturer, switching speed and grain bin volume.

You will find types of trailed grain harvesters.

How does a mini harvester work? After he cuts the stems of the crop, they are captured using the blades of the threshing apparatus. Inside it, cleaning and separation of grain crops from spikelets is performed. The lattice of the device allows to winnow grain by air supply. Thus, it is possible to get rid of the tares and heaps. Clean and threshed grain penetrates into the bunker. Waste in the form of straw, chaff is accumulated in a pile or dumped into the field.

The available models of mini-grain harvesters can be classified according to the type of traction into the following types:

  1. self propelled. This type of technology is the most in demand. Starts when you start your own engine.
  2. Mounted. It is used with small tractors by mounting on a self-propelled chassis. An example would be .
  3. trailed. Its operation comes from its own engine. It can also be driven from the tractor PTO.

The cost of the Challenger tractor can be found.

The two types under consideration can be divided into motorized and non-motorized structures. According to the method of threshing, the equipment can be divided into:

  1. Billy. Equipped with one or two drums. Threshing is carried out by striking the ears and dragging them between such details as the concave and the drum.
  2. Axial rotary. With the help of whips, it is possible to separate the stems from the grains.
  3. Pin-beater. Equipped with two drums. The spike passes through the concave pins. The result of this work is a strong sound from impacts.

Taking into account the class of the straw heap separator, the presented technique can be of keyboard or rotary type. The first type is used only in domestic-made combines. His work occurs when the keys are beaten against falling grains. The second version of the model allows you to clean the grain from the stem by wiping it.

Find out what the Terrion tractor looks like.

Manufacturers and prices of agricultural machinery for grain harvesting

Currently, many Russian farmers use the KZS 812 Polesie mini-harvester to perform agricultural work. This unit, in many technical parameters, is able to compete with the Akros 530 or 580 model of the Rostselmash brand. In many respects, these two models are very similar. The engine power of these models is 330 hp. However, the Belarusian unit Polesie weighs a little more. This is explained by the fact that it has a high fuel consumption. For the Russian Akros 530, the consumption is 5 liters, and for the Polesie combine - 6 liters.

The cost of the Belarusian harvester Polesie is 518,000 rubles.

Read also more about.

Agromash harvesters are also in great demand on the Russian market. This mini-car is produced in Russia, or rather in the city of Volgograd. The manufacture of all parts and assembly of the structure takes place at the large industrial holding Yugzheldormash. This technique has the same production goals as the previous options.

But they are not competitors with the Rostov and Gomel combines. For a visual description, it is worth considering one of the main and commercially successful models - the Yenisei 950 self-propelled mini-grain harvester. Let's take a closer look at its main technical parameters.

The model under consideration is characterized by lower productivity, low curb weight. In addition, the power unit has less power when compared with the Rostov and Gomel counterparts considered earlier. Yenisei 950 is capable of developing a power equal to 185 hp. And this value is 2 times less than that of Akros and Polissya.

There is also a difference in price criteria. For the Yenisei mini harvester, the price is much lower. That is why such models of equipment are in great demand not only in the vastness of Russia, but also on the territory of the Unified Customs Union.

The cost of the Yenisei model will be from 380,000 rubles.

Why we need potato hillers will help to understand.

This type of equipment is used mainly by farmers involved in the cultivation of crops concentrated in various regions of Russia. Most often, such a wide demand for this technique is due to its low price.

The DONG FENG 1548 mini harvester is a Chinese-made technique. This machine is equipped with a header that is 2 m wide. Thanks to it, it is possible to harvest an area of ​​0.53 hectares per hour. The purpose of the equipment is the collection of spikelets, grinding and further cleaning of the grain. The cost of equipment is 880,000 rubles.

The characteristics of the New Holland tractor are presented.

Another Chinese manufacturer is the Zarya mini-harvester. It is used for cutting spikelets, screening grains, their blowing and cleaning. Can be used to collect various varieties of crops. The cost of equipment is 720,000 rubles.


This video will tell you about the best models of mini combine harvesters.

Everyone who has ever been in the village during the harvest, admired the picture when the harvesters return from the field at night. From afar, they resemble huge steamships, glowing from all sides - a magnificent sight!

The combine is an indispensable technique in agriculture. But what about those who need to harvest not thousands of hectares of crops, but only a few dozen, those who do not have full-fledged hangars for storing large equipment? A new invention has appeared to help small farmers - minicombines. They are easy to transport, their fuel consumption is much lower, and they will fit perfectly in any yard for wintering.

1 Features of minicombines

Perhaps, having seen a mini combine harvester for the first time, an agricultural producer will treat such equipment with distrust. After all, such a machine completely breaks the stereotypical idea of ​​​​a combine.

But we will immediately assure that, despite the small size, the minicombine is not inferior to its older one in functionality. It perfectly copes with the task of collecting, threshing and winnowing grain.

Like conventional combines, these machines can be equipped with additional devices that allow you to knit straw into sheaves or harvest other crops.

1.1 Specifications

The main feature of minicombines is their compactness. For example, one of the smallest and most popular Zarya MZK 800 models has dimensions of 340*140*130 cm and weighs only 500 kg.

No less common is the unit with a closed cabin DONG FENG 1548. It has dimensions of 510 * 199 * 240 cm, weight 2.17 tons, header width - 2 m.

The device of mini machines for harvesting grain is also different. The simplest models do not have seats. The operator, walking nearby, directs the mini-car, holding the special handles. More expensive models have a seat for a combiner and even a full cabin.

The device has at least 3 forward gears and one reverse gear. Gear shifting is performed using two levers: the clutch and, in fact, the switch itself.

The harvester is also controlled using levers from the cab of the combine. This is necessary to adjust the height of the cutting device based on the terrain and other parameters.

The mini grain harvester is powered by a diesel engine. For example, the consumption of the Zarya MZK 800, which we have already mentioned above, is 0.4 liters of diesel fuel per hour. Such cost-effectiveness is very beneficial for the agricultural producer, especially when it comes to small farms.

The receiver for grain in the smallest models is a special bag fixed in special grooves. In larger models, there is a grain hopper.

1.2 Advantages of minicombines

  1. Acceptable price. Even a novice farmer with a minimum start-up capital can afford to purchase such equipment. The mini car will pay for itself in the first year of operation.
  2. Low fuel consumption. A very important parameter that significantly reduces the cost of harvesting.
  3. Simplicity and low maintenance cost. Unlike large harvesters, repairs to a miniature copy can be done by one person. And the parts for them are much cheaper.
  4. Compactness and maneuverability. These parameters make it easy to harvest grain in small areas, or in areas with difficult terrain.
  5. Light weight. Due to its low weight, the machine exerts minimal pressure on the soil, which has a positive effect on the amount of harvest.
  6. Ease of controls. Anyone who has an idea about driving can sit behind the wheel of such a combine. They do not require special courses and.
  7. No problems with transportation. The mini harvester has permissible dimensions for free movement on roads.
  8. Ease of storage. It can easily fit anywhere in the garden or backyard.

Of the minuses of this technique, only a small grip of the header can be distinguished, which makes it almost impossible to use it when harvesting large volumes of grain. But for this there are large harvesters, and the mini harvester copes with its direct duties perfectly well.

1.3 Where and what are they used for?

Mini-combines for harvesting grain are very popular among small farms that own several tens of hectares of arable land. They are also indispensable for harvesting grain in areas with difficult terrain (hilly terrain, ravines, slopes, etc.). In this case, small equipment will not interfere with large farmers.

The direct task of grain harvesters is grain harvesting. However, there are mini harvesters equipped with additional features, or with the ability to install interchangeable elements. In this case, it becomes possible to use the machine for:

  • sowing seeds in the ground;
  • pre-sowing tillage;
  • knitting sheaves;
  • unloading grain into special equipment;
  • grass mowing, etc.

2 Overview of some models and manufacturers

On the domestic market, you can find mini-combines for harvesting grain, both domestic and foreign. They differ not only in appearance, but also in dimensions, consumption, functionality, the principle of operation of the threshing unit, etc.

We present to your attention an overview of some popular models of mini harvesters.

2.1 Dawn

Domestic is widely popular among small farmers. Ideal for cleaning work in small areas and areas with difficult terrain.

Mini harvester "Dawn


The machine allows you to connect attachments designed for harvesting sunflower, rice and soybeans. In the basic configuration, it copes well with the collection, threshing and cleaning of wheat, barley, and other grains.

Zarya runs on diesel fuel. The engine has a power of 8 horsepower and consumes 400 grams of diesel fuel per hour. Overheating is protected by a water cooling system.

In the process of collecting grain, the speed of movement across the field is 11 km / h, which allows you to harvest 600 square meters within an hour.

The minicombine has a four-speed gearbox (three speeds for moving forward and one for reverse). In addition, the device is equipped with a hydraulic header drive to adjust its position. Header width - 1100 mm.

The disadvantages of this model include winding the stems on the header auger, which often has to be cleaned manually. This significantly slows down and complicates the work process.

2.2 Grain mini-harvester TM "Zarya" MZK 800

2.3 John Deere

The birthplace of John Deere combines is the USA. Today, the equipment of this brand is produced in many European countries.

Despite the European origin, the John Deere technique is fully adapted to the climatic features of all Russian regions.

In the basic configuration, the minicombine is designed exclusively for harvesting grain. However, with the help of additional attachments, it can be repurposed for other tasks: sowing, mowing, etc.

John Deere feels great on fields with difficult terrain. Can perform work at a slope of up to 22%. In addition, this harvester is characterized by minimal consumption and high productivity.

When designing these minicombines, great attention was paid to the comfort of the combiner. His workplace is equipped with maximum comfort. All control drives are brought to the operator's cab.

A big drawback of John Deere equipment for domestic farmers is the high cost. Therefore, many choose for themselves more affordable models.

2.4 Mini harvesters from Chinese manufacturers

A feature of all Chinese technology is a low price with full copying of devices of well-known brands. Minicombines are no exception. In addition, with bulk orders, Chinese manufacturers allow the customer to independently choose the basic package.

Chinese cars are fully adapted to the Russian climate. But they received the greatest popularity among domestic small farmers due to the ideal price-quality ratio.

In addition, farmers who have tested Chinese mini-harvesters on their lands speak not only of an acceptable price, but also of high productivity, efficiency, reliability and maintainability.

The mini harvester is a powerful compact machine that has gained popularity in small farms. They are multifunctional, but easy to maintain, transport and operate. Consider the technical features and conditions for the use of these machines. In addition, we decided to make a small overview of the most common models.

Purpose and features of operation

The mini-harvester is designed for harvesting grain. It can be used to harvest all kinds of crops. The main advantage of these compact machines is their versatility..

Small farms are usually financially constrained; a mini harvester can replace three agricultural machines at once: a harvester, a winnower and a thresher.

Of the features of operation, minimal damage to the soil can be noted. Due to the small mass, the equipment does not damage the soil structure, respectively, the field will regularly produce a good harvest.

The maneuverability of the mini-combine allows it to be used in difficult conditions. If the field is located at an angle or has a complex geometry, in these cases, a standard-sized combine cannot fully realize its capabilities and, accordingly, cope with grain harvesting work. And the use of more compact equipment allows you to harvest with minimal losses.

In addition, it is worth noting the accessibility to the main components and mechanisms of the machine. This facilitates repair and maintenance. And finally, the last advantage is the low consumption of fuels and lubricants.

Overview of popular models

At present, mini-harvesters of domestic and foreign production are presented on the Russian agricultural market. It is quite difficult for an unprepared person to understand the diversity presented. Therefore, we decided to provide in the article a list of models that have proven themselves from the best side.


Mini harvester that is ideal for grain harvesting in confined spaces. If you use the optional hanging equipment, you can use the machine to harvest corn, sunflower, soybeans and rice. Functions that are available to the machine in the basic configuration: cleaning, threshing, cleaning.

The Zarya model is equipped with a diesel engine, brand R 180, with a capacity of 8 horsepower. This approach provides fuel economy: per hour of operation, the machine consumes only 400 grams of fuel.

The maximum speed with which the combine can move in harvesting mode is 11 km / h. This guarantees cleaning of 600 square meters of field within an hour. To lower the temperature of the engine, a water cooling system is used.

The transmission in the car is hydrostatic, the gearbox is a four-speed. Three forward speeds and one reverse speed are available. In addition, hydraulics are responsible for the position of the header.


Among the shortcomings of the Zarya mini-harvester, one can note the winding of ears on the harvester auger. It has to be cleaned manually, which slows down the workflow.

John Deere

The first agricultural machinery under the John Deere brand was produced in the USA, Illinois, in 1927. In 1965, the combines of this manufacturer began to be produced in Europe. Today the company occupies one of the leading positions in the world market.

John Deere harvesters are represented by a wide range of models. It is noteworthy that, despite its European origin, machines are fully adapted to the climatic conditions of the Russian regions.

JOHN DEERE mini harvester

The mini harvester feels confident in fields with a large angle of inclination - up to 22 degrees. It is worth noting low fuel consumption and high performance. In addition, manufacturers have paid great attention to the organization of the operator's workplace, so you can work in comfortable conditions. All systems are hydraulically controlled.

Important! In the basic configuration, the mini-harvester is designed only for grain harvesting. To expand the functionality of the machine, it is necessary to purchase additional attachments!

Among the shortcomings can be identified the high cost of technology, so many novice farmers prefer to purchase cheaper domestic or Chinese machines. There are also problems with spare parts, they must be purchased only from authorized dealers, which affects the cost. There are no complaints about the operation of the machine in the fields.


A single-drum mini combine harvester designed for grain harvesting is equipped with a powerful engine - D 243-91, with a capacity of 85 hp. With. This allows the machine to reach speeds up to 10 km / h in operating mode.

If the equipment needs to be moved to another place, this is quite simple. The transport speed of the car is 20 km/h. The Farmer combine works at a speed of 3 kg/sec, which allows you to harvest about 3,000 kilograms of grain in one working hour. The throughput of the machine is indicated for wheat, when working with other crops, the parameters may differ.

Of the advantages, the operator's cabin of increased comfort can be noted. The workplace is equipped with a climate control system, the combine is controlled by a multifunctional control lever.


Among the shortcomings can be noted mechanical transmission. This makes it difficult to control the machine and reduces maneuverability.

Mini harvester Claas


Another mini-harvester that can be found on the fields of our country. This model differs from analogues in that a powerful threshing unit is driven by a relatively small power unit.

Class combines use a four-cylinder Perkins 4.236 engine with a volume of 3.8 liters. Engine power - 68 horsepower. The speed of the machine varies from 1.5 to 20.5 km/h. This ensures high-quality harvesting of grain crops in fields with difficult terrain. The gearbox installed on the equipment is a three-speed one.

For harvesting wheat, the basic equipment includes a header with a coverage of 3,010 mm. As additional equipment, you can order headers for harvesting various crops with a coverage of 2,600 to 3,000 mm.

dong feng

A Chinese-made mini-harvester that has proven itself well in Russian fields. The machine carries out harvesting, threshing and cleaning of grain crops.

Engine power - 53 liters. With. Combined with a header coverage of 2,000 mm, the harvester is capable of harvesting an area of ​​5,300 square meters in an hour. The capacity of the grain bin is 0.8 cubic meters.

Among the advantages of this model, one can note low cost, high productivity and the ability to unload the mowed crop directly into the dump truck.

Among the shortcomings, rapid wear of parts, oil leakage and increased fuel consumption in difficult areas were noticed. The combine is well suited for grain harvesting, but you should not count on a long service life.



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