When does Daria celebrate the day of the angel according to the church calendar? Daria's name day: angel's day according to the church calendar.

The meaning of the name Daria: "strong", "victorious" (Persian)

Since childhood, Daria has shown her leadership qualities. She organizes the games, comes up with their rules, by which everyone plays. Moreover, Dasha is often the initiator of all conflicts. She is prone to hasty conclusions, makes decisions thoughtlessly, from which she then suffers. Being alone is the biggest punishment for Daria. She should always be surrounded by her friends and acquaintances.

Due to his restlessness and impatience, he does not have much success in his studies. The only thing that helps her to get good grades no matter what is the ability to get out of any situation. She always looks good, takes care of herself and dresses well.

She is very jealous, so she chooses only a proven man as her husband. He believes that in marriage people should give themselves completely to each other. Will not forgive betrayal. He loves home comfort and therefore diligently supports it.

Daria is very straightforward, expresses her opinion in person. She believes that this method is much more honest than to remain silent and harbor hostility.

Diminutive forms of the name Daria: Darina, Dasha, Danya, Danyasha, Dana, Daria, Daresh, Dashenka, Darinka, Dashunya, Darina.

May your life be full
Good luck, bright days,
Let the wave cover with happiness
So that the heart beat more cheerfully!

I wish you, Dashenka,
So that you shine like a star
So that any dream of yours
Made it easy and effortless!

In a name like "Dasha",
Hidden sensitive soul.
It's nice to look at you
How good are you!

So you breathe a thirst for life,
And good laughter sparkles.
In true optimism
Our Daria is the best!

So let them come to you
Only luck and love
Let happiness find you
Anywhere again and again!

Dear Daria, I congratulate you and want to wish that your talents only develop, that your life is constantly filled with bright and colorful emotions, happy and memorable events. Daria means “gift”, so I wish you, dear, to constantly receive pleasant gifts and surprises from loved ones, from your friends, from a favorable fate and from every day of your life.

Daria, Dashenka, Dashulya,
You are nice and good.
Be cheerful and beautiful
Let your soul sing.

Bright life, bright life
We wish from the bottom of our hearts.
Fulfilled so that desires
So that all dreams come true!

Dasha is very cute
And good-looking.
Let the order be in the personal,
Let your soul sing!

Congratulations, Daria!
May you be lucky in everything
Much happiness soon
Let it come into your life.

Dasha, I wish you
Happiness, joy, kindness.
May success in all aspirations
Definitely waiting for you.

Failures and adversity
Let them bypass.
Daria, stay forever
Bright, kind, young!

I wish you Dasha
Happiness of women, love,
So that the eyes always burn
And seething passion in the blood.

To always have enough money
To pleasant whims,
And the beloved did more often
You, Dashenka, surprises.

May you be lucky in your work
Appreciates the boss and the team,
May it always be for growth
Life has a sea of ​​prospects.

Let there be a lot of positive
So that bright, Dasha, life has always been!
I wish that every road
I brought you to cherished dreams!

I wish you true and beautiful love,
Reliable, only loyal friends!
Be, Dasha, cheerful and happy,
So that life develops from clear days!

Dasha, I wish you a lot
Warmth in the soul and sunny days,
And immense, great happiness,
No reason for gifts and flowers!

Let a smile shine on your face
And your life will always be bright!
May whatever your heart desires
Easy and hassle free!

Darling, you are so beautiful
Everyone around knows it
We wish you happiness
Faithful, devoted friends,
Get inspired to win
Don't lose the positive
And with your sweet smile
You conquer all people!

There lived a Persian king Darius,
He was nice and smart.
And the memory is preserved
Folk about him.

And they called Daria
naughty girls,
Beautiful, strong, brave
And the most expensive.

Such is our Dasha.
The queens of Persia are more beautiful,
Not pearls and gold -
Rich in talent!

Let on her crown
Diamonds are the brightest
Shine subtly
Good luck and success!

Dashenka, accept today
Congratulations from me
I wish to be near
There were true friends.

So that love is huge
Winged and led
To all your dreams
I was able to implement it sooner.

Congratulations: 66 in verse, 20 in prose.

According to the church calendar, Daria's Day is a celebration of the soul and body, which are preserved in her soul throughout her life. This is the holiday of an angel who always protects the girl Daria.

The church name Daria or Daria is a female version of the ancient name of Persian origin Darius, which can mean a Persian royal name. In modern Persia, the male version of the name Daria (Daria) is usually written as Dara.

Meaning of the name comes from the word gift - “rich”, “bestowed”, “donated”. Spanish - "rich". Persian - "guardian". Latin - "gift".

The name is widely used in Russia and other Slavic countries. The abbreviated name is Dasha, sometimes Daria in Russia is called the name Dorothy, as was the case for the character in Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina, despite the fact that these names have different origins. The name Daria is very popular not only in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, but also in European countries, and in the East, for example, in Iran.

The name is popular among Iranians, especially those who live near the Caspian Sea. In Romania in 2014, Daria was the eighth most popular name among newborn girls. Name Daria is used by countries:

Day of the angel Daria

Dasha is a very educated and caring person.. She is adorable, maintains stability. She is a person who brings hope, righteousness and truth to everyone in any situation. Dasha is an individual whose life instincts are always accurate and influence her life motivation in relation to other people. In matters of home, family, household, she is always on top.

Daria is a well-mannered person who has a number of conservative ideas in matters of lifestyle. She needs to feel useful to be happy, loves to help others. This is her main role in life - to be a "mother" for everyone. Her concern for others is humanitarian and charitable, so social services is a great career for her. Positive qualities - care, honesty, kindness.

Daria has a number of shortcomings. One of her faults is that too often she tends to take on more cases than she can handle. Therefore, she constantly needs to be strong, prepared and balanced. She is very concerned about what people think of her, she lives to the detriment of personal interests. By doing too much for others, she exactingly demands reciprocal participation.

Name days according to the church calendar

in Saints- the Orthodox church calendar - believers will always find their name. At baptism, Orthodox girls are called Darius. Daria's name day is celebrated several times a year. When to celebrate name days depends on Darinka's birthday - the saint's day that comes after the birthday of the birthday girl will be the day of the angel, the rest are considered small name days.

On their day, the angel Daria loves to receive gifts, only not material, but spiritual. They live in spiritual development. An interesting book, outdoor recreation, a theater or a good film, presented to Daria sincerely, will please the girl with all her heart, because they are acutely aware of falsehood and cannot be in the company of untruth.

Spring Daria according to the Saints

Saints note that Darius celebrate name days in the spring: March 14, April 1 and April 14. Venerable Martyr Daria of Russia, born in 1870. In 1889 he moved to a convent in the village of Anosino. It is closed, and Daria, at the age of 58, is forced to move to a small village, where she serves in the local church, huddling in the church gatehouse. After 6 years, the local gathering elected her the headman of the Church of the Sign. It was a time of persecution of the church, and Daria was falsely informed.

On March 3, 1938, she was arrested, five days later the troika at the NKVD sentenced her to death, and on March 14 the sentence was already carried out. Daria Zaitseva was rehabilitated only in 1989, and in 2002 she was canonized on the day of church remembrance on March 14, the day of martyrdom.

Day of the angel Daria according to the church calendar Many countries around the world celebrate April 1 in honor of the Holy Martyr Darius of Rome. The Athenian priestess, the beautiful Daria, married a true Christian, who converted her to the Christian faith. The newlyweds have chosen for themselves a pure married life. Saint Daria surrounded herself with honest, respectable girls, and her husband, Saint Chrysanth, surrounded herself with Christian youths.

The townspeople complained to the pagan authorities that the spouses were preaching a vow of celibacy, the authorities began to torture and torture them so that they would renounce their Christian beliefs. Saint Darius was placed in a prodigal house, but Leo, the messenger of God, did not allow the saint to be dishonored. Saint Chrysanthos was thrown into a ditch with city sewage, but Vera saved him. Then the pagan authorities handed over the saints to executioners. After martyrdom, they were buried alive while still alive.

Summer name day

In the summer of August 17 and 18, Daria celebrates name days according to the Orthodox calendar on the days of the New Martyrs Daria Siushinsky, Daria Timagina, Daria Ulybina and Daria Timolina. The novices came to the defense of the mentor - Christian Evdokia Shikova, who on August 18, 1919 was sentenced to death on a false denunciation. They were shot and buried in the same grave with their mentor. They were canonized in 2000, on the day of church remembrance on March 17. The number was chosen on the day of martyrdom.

Characteristics in numerology

Everything in life can be reduced to a number, and every number has a meaning. In numerology, this value turns into a useful tool for understanding the inner secrets of a person. Daria is mainly ruled by the number 6. Romantic, peaceful, compassionate and attentive. The mission of her life path is to achieve an optimal balance between two often polar tasks - to take and give. Sympathetic and caring.

Number 6 symbolizes the principles of education and harmony. She is a good teacher, coach and educator. She is original! Independent, courageous and strong person. Her efforts will lead to complete financial independence.

Her first lesson is to learn to stand comfortably on your own two feet without leaning on other people. Having passed this lesson, she will move on to leadership. She is a born leader, and she will have enough chances to demonstrate this ability in life. Her strong pioneering spirit, courage and determination will serve well on this path. She will be successful in any field that allows her to apply her unique ideas and pioneering spirit!

Astrology for destiny

Daria's lucky numbers: 2, 5, 6, 8, 14, 23.

Other astrological symbols:

  • Color: green, yellow, peach, apricot.
  • Stone: sapphire.
  • Alternative stone: agate.
  • Metal: bronze.
  • Favorable time: 17:00 ~ 19:00.
  • Lucky days: Wednesday and Friday.
  • Passion: to love and be mutually loved.
  • Life goal: do the right thing.
  • Ruling planet: Mercury.

Daria doesn't like pets as they tend to make a mess of the house, but she'll be fine with a little cat who can take care of herself. Exotic animals are not for her!

The influence of the zodiac sign on the character

Astrological signs:

The meaning of the name spelled

Daria's name means:

Health and Nutrition

What should Daria do to maintain her health? This important question always torments her, she is the person who will voraciously read all the books on nutrition or even write down the necessary recipes! She will perfectly know the nutritional properties and calories of many foods, as well as their good and bad sides. In a word, she will always study and practice a lot in cooking.

Usually Darius are slender and graceful. However, she likes to try different diets for herself, most likely to test her sense of discipline. Therefore, it is best for her to follow her character, adhere to the rules of healthy eating and eat at a certain time. She can reduce her weight without much effort. And for the sake of perfection, you can try to eat the famous ten fruits and vegetables a day.

Since her name day is in spring and summer, which is associated with harvests, it is beneficial for her to consume pure agricultural products that are grown by farmers. Top Products:

  • Ancient cereals: amaranth, quinoa, spelled, green vegetables.
  • Calming herbs: black pepper, turmeric.

It's best for Daria and her sensitive stomach to eat little and often, but care must be taken that the day does not turn into one long lunch episode! She is in good health and this often translates into her dietary needs. She hates to throw away food, very often comes up with little tricks to cook something unusually tasty from healthy food leftovers.

At the same time, she needs to be as careful as possible with vegetables, she needs to monitor their quality and freshness, because Daria has a slower metabolism than usual, and she needs to eat a lot of salads and vegetables to keep her weight normal!

Famous namesakes

Among famous women named Daria, many athletes, writers, politicians:

Attention, only TODAY!

It has been customary to celebrate name days since the time of the baptism of Russia, when the tradition arose to give children names in honor of Christians who, by their deeds, have earned the right to be canonized as saints.

Who is Daria?

The priestess of Athena, the beautiful Daria, was married at a very young age to the Christian Chrysanthus, who came from a noble family. But instead of turning her husband away from Christianity, as his relatives intended, on their wedding night, Daria herself became a Christian. The pious couple turned their home into a place for Christian sermons. They converted many townspeople to Christianity. There were those who did not like it, who subjected them to unearthly tortures and penal servitude. A married couple was buried alive for their faith. So the Roman Chrysanthus and Daria perished. The Orthodox calendar celebrates Angel Day on April 1 (March 19).

Meaning of the name

Translated from the ancient Persian language, it means strong, winner, lord, woman-fire.

Since childhood, she is a girl full of energy, cheerful, inspiring. It shows sufficient firmness. Clockwork, impulsive, often a ringleader, soul of the company.

Able to quickly concentrate, abruptly switch to another type of activity. Sensitive nature, sometimes running from one extreme to another. She does not know how to do half, she always gives all the best to 100%. Capable, successful in all spheres of life, achieves her goals. The rule of her life is to walk like that! She is straightforward, always says what she thinks, and this often ruins her life. She is never petty, she always remains true to her friends, her values, her chosen one.


The day of the angel Daria according to the church calendar is celebrated more than once. There are many saints with the same sounding names. And then the patroness is considered to be a saint whose coincidence or are closer to the woman's birthday.

On April 1, they commemorate the martyr Daria of Rome, who suffered for her faith in the III century. AD The church also mentions Daria, who died from the enemies of the Christian faith in the 2nd century.


On the day of the angel Daria, according to church custom, it is customary to go to the temple, put a candle near the icon of your patroness, thank you, and pray for help. And as a gift, get an icon with the face of St. Daria and a prayer for salvation. But in order to earn his favor, you yourself must remain true to yourself, your word and faith.

Several times a year, the day of the angel Daria is celebrated. According to the church calendar, you can decide exactly when your Saint Daria is venerated. Having received a blessing in the church, you can celebrate name days, accept warm words of wishes and gifts.

How to congratulate a woman on angel day?

Women are emotional natures, they love gentle words of wishes, flowers and gifts for any occasion. Therefore, they are especially reverent about the day of the angel.

The choice of congratulations on the day of the angel does not depend on the age and status of the woman. Everyone wants the guardian angel to always be there, to help, protect, protect, avert trouble.

It does not matter in what form the congratulations sound. Daria knows how to feel people and does not tolerate falsehood. It is important that all the words spoken are sincere, sincere.

Congratulations in verse

The best option for congratulating a woman is always poetry. The possibilities of the Internet make it easier to find the right words. On specialized sites you can find great poems for any occasion.

Even better - write a poem for the birthday girl. On her day, the angel Daria will be happy with attention and kind words.

Dear dear friend,

Today we are talking about you.

So that the guardian angel is the best friend,

Protector and benefactor in fate.

So that your faith in the name day

I gave you according to your deeds.

Good luck with your life and career.

May the Lord give you many, many strengths.

To break all records

To make dreams come true.

You go forward in life proudly!

Know how to believe, hope, love!

I wish that the guardian angel,

Bless your home.

So that you live in hope

I was able to achieve everything in my life.

For faith to be strong

It was a successful career.

And life was full of love.

And we were friends with you.

Day of the angel Daria, what date,

Please tell me what.

A friendly company has come today,

Say a toast of good will.

We will drink for you: you and that

Who always guards

Who is always there, for your angel.

You deserve it. And he knows it.

On the day of the angel name, Daria

It is no coincidence that we are all here.

And they fly like a flock of swans

Wishes to the angel up.

So that he sends health to you,

And he gave his protection.

To always be lucky in fate,

So that you are always in the ranks.

Congratulations in prose

Sometimes a few simple words are warmer and much more expensive than any solemn speech or ode. A woman perceives reality on emotions. She is able to feel any note of falseness. On the day of the angel, Daria will especially emotionally perceive sincere wishes in simple words.

“Dear Daria! I want to pray to your guardian angel for giving me such a friend with a loving heart, tender nature and a vulnerable soul. Let him always walk next to you, substituting his faithful wing. And when your legs get tired of worries, let him pick you up in his arms. They say that with the kiss of an angel, a person receives talents. I want you to be kissed. And so that you do not spend them, but use them for good. I love you".

“Let the Lord send his assistant from heaven - an angel who will protect you, protect you, help you in difficult times.”

Short congratulatory verses

Short congratulations can be sent by SMS if there is no opportunity to say wishes in person.

Daria celebrates name days,

Today is her angel's day.

We wish her strength

To always fight for your own.

The day of the angel is given to us by God,

To open the doors to heaven for us.

Love, prayer and incense.

Let us be rewarded by faith.

Let it be like an angel's call

You sound blessed.

We congratulate you very much

Happy angel day and happy birthday.

And as a gift for the day of the angel, you can present the icon of the martyr Daria, who will put in a word before the Lord about the birthday girl, if you ask her with sincere prayer.

Each person can find his patron saint in the church calendar. The bearers of the beautiful name "Daria" are no exception. Dasha's birthday in April. On April 1, they remember the martyr Darius of Rome, a former priestess of the temple of Pallas Athena, who became the bride of a Christian, was baptized and was cruelly executed for her faith in the 3rd century AD. In addition to this saint, several of her namesakes are immortalized in Orthodox calendars.

If you are wondering when the day of St. Daria is celebrated (and there are many such dates in the church calendar) and what characteristics distinguish a person who bears this name, our article will be useful to you.

Day of the angel Daria according to the church calendar 2016

All numbers of Dasha's name day in the year:

  • March 14 - Remembrance Day of the Martyr Daria Zaitseva;
  • April 1 - the date of the name day of the martyr Darius of Rome;
  • April 4 - the date dedicated to the celebration of the name day of the martyr Daria;
  • August 17 - the name day of the righteous Daria;
  • August 18 is the day of memory of the New Martyrs Daria Siushinsky, Daria Timagina and Daria Ulybina.

Thanks to this calendar, you can determine when Dasha's name day is in 2016 and to which of her namesakes from the pantheon of Christian saints each specific day is dedicated.

Daria: the meaning of the name, character and fate

The roots of the name go back to ancient times. Translated from ancient Persian, it means “strong”, “conquering”, according to another version - “great fire”. Darius was the name of the great king of Persia, the conqueror of Asia, who lost his glory only to Alexander the Great. In Russia, this name was also associated with the words "gift", "granted".

The owners of the royal name, Daria, have shown strength of character since childhood, they know how to command and subdue, they are persistent and stubborn. They have a good memory, intelligence, artistic and emotional. Daria's self-esteem is often combined with some suspiciousness and distrust, although the company of close people means a lot to her. These women are kind, generous, loyal to those they love, sometimes childishly spontaneous or harsh. Impulsivity and impressionability do not make them reckless, they are able to analyze their actions and soberly assess the situation. Daria's family usually has an atmosphere of cordiality and hospitality. Dashas are loving mothers and faithful wives, sometimes they strive to dominate, but they really appreciate the home way and care about the good reputation of all household members.

Choosing a name for a child is a responsible matter. Now many are trying to choose the name that corresponds to the time of his birth according to the Saints, so that the child has the opportunity to celebrate the day of the angel. Almost all popular names are found in the Orthodox church calendar several times. The name Daria (Darina) is no exception. Daria also celebrate name days more than once a year, when there is a commemoration of saints or martyrs with the same name.

Choosing the name Daria - reasons

Meaning of the name

The name Daria is now very popular: it is pleasant to the ear, melodious, gentle. You can come up with many diminutive options: Dasha, Dashenka, Daryushka, Dashunya, Dashuta, Danya, Danyasha, Daryunya, Darinka. The meaning of this name is also incredibly symbolic.. There are two options:

  • in translation from the Slavic language, "Daria" is a gift, a gift (it is clear that the birth of a sweet girl is a real gift from God); perhaps this is the female version of the male name Dorotheus;
  • translated from the Irish language "Daria" (female - Darren) is a rocky mountain, strong, stable;
  • translated from Persian and Greek (male - Darius, female - Darios) "Daria" is the winner, mistress, owner of blessings.

In general, in the Greek language there are many variants and variations of the modern female name Dasha. For example, Dar is in Greek mythology the son of the god Zeus and the Pleiades of Electra, the legendary king, the founder of the whole state - Dardania, and the priest Dares (at the temple of Hephaestus) went down in history as one of the first who described the battle of Troy (even before Homer).

There are similar sounding names and in Japanese mythology: Daruma is a saint who fulfills wishes and brings happiness. In the Indian Ramayama, the name Dasha is also found. That was the name of the legendary king, who became the founder of a whole dynasty of gods, he was the progenitor of Rama himself.

It is still not clear how such a number of purely male names were transformed into a gentle and soft Slovenian name. But, one way or another, this transformation happened.

Under Orthodoxy, Dash girls are called Darius.

Name and character

A lot of Dashas are similar to each other. Probably, the name really affects the character and fate.

Daria is a strong name. That is why its owners can be sharp, impulsive, categorical in their judgments. They often say what they think and this negatively affects their relationships with other people.

On the other hand, Dashas are very active, hardworking, energetic and determined. Dashi perfectly cope with any work, they can do several things at once. Dashas never quit their job without finishing it, they are very demanding of themselves and others.

Almost all Dashas love good companies, traveling and having a good time. They are wonderful wives and mistresses, very loving mothers. For almost all Dashas, ​​family and friends come first.

Dashi love to cook, travel, learn something new. Almost all of them are creative personalities, charismatic. They may well take place as actresses, teachers, translators, they can become good psychologists. Any career will be given to girls and with a truly royal name is easy and simple. Leaders are tough, demanding, but fair.


Darius has many different talismans. The red color is very suitable for them, although they do not like it, “their” stone is the mysterious bloodstone, the flower is an anemone, and the tree is mountain ash. The element of Dash is fire, and the "militant" planet Mars patronizes them.

The name Daria in the Orthodox tradition

Daria's name day according to the church calendar (saints)

When is Daria's name day? All named Darius celebrate name day (angel day) several times a year. Naturally, the main name days must correspond to the date of birth according to the calendar. Name day (angel day) falls on

The day of the angel Daria according to the church calendar (main) falls on April 1. On April 1, the Orthodox Church commemorates the holy martyrs Chrysanth and Daria. Chrysanthus is an educated young man from a wealthy Roman family who converted to Christianity after reading the Gospel and the Life of the Holy Apostle Fathers. His father did not accept his son's decision and, wanting to corrupt him, married him to a pagan girl named Daria, who for a long time was a priestess in the temple of Athena Palada. However, the young man managed to convince his wife that that faith in one God will save her soul. Daria converted to Christianity and began to live with Chrysanth as a sister and brother.

Chrysanthus and Darius openly preached Christianity. For this, King Numerian ordered them to be tortured and executed. Their executioner, Claudius, surprised by the patience and courage of Chrysanthus and Daria and the miracles that the martyrs performed, he himself converted to Christianity along with his entire family. For this, he and his sons were also executed, and his wife died after praying at the place of their execution.

Daria endured the torment very steadfastly, the pagans even began to call her the goddess, before whom death recedes. Finally, King Numerian ordered that Chrysanthus and Darius be covered with living sand and stones.

There was a cave next to their grave., in which representatives of the Christian community came to a prayer service in order to honor the memory of the newly deceased martyrs. One day, angry pagans blocked the entrance to the cave with stones during the service, thereby dooming all the people who were there to death. At the site of the death of Chrysanthos and Daria and all those who suffered for them, a temple will later be erected. Chrysanthes and Darius died for their faith in 283 AD.

In history, there are other Darius Christians who performed martyrdom during the time of faith.

What to give Daria for a birthday

For Orthodox birthdays(angel's day) it is customary to give gifts. Darius is not very picky. They appreciate a good attitude and kindness, sincerity. Material gifts are not so valuable to them. Darius will rejoice

  • a good book
  • dinner in a restaurant,
  • a joint trip (even if it is a trip to a nearby lake or forest).

Daria is calm and friendly. On the name day of Daria, the day of the angel, they must visit the temple, defend the service, put a candle at the icon of St. Daria, leave a note about health and a note of thanks.

Darina and Daria - Orthodox names enshrined in the saints. They are not changed when a child is baptized. Interestingly, this name sounds the same in many languages. In Spanish, Polish, German, the name sounds like Daria, in English there is the name Dora, in Chinese - Dalia. Only when translated into Japanese, the name Darius sounds like Ohiko.



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