How to wake up if you don't get enough sleep. Your libido is dropping

Do you suffer from insomnia and often can't sleep at night? In this case, you need to keep in mind that there are a number of rules that say "what not to do in the morning, if you didn't get enough sleep". If you follow our simple tips, you will soon feel healthy and rested.
In our article, we will tell you about what mistakes you should not make in the morning after a sleepless night.

Drink popular energy drinks

If you didn't get a good night's sleep, and the next morning you have to work at your normal pace, you can drink a cup of strong coffee or a soft drink. However, in no case do not buy "energy drinks", which are now so actively advertised on TV. After all, they contain a number of components that are harmful to the body, so the abuse of energy drinks will certainly have a negative impact on your health.

Give up physical activity

If the body does not get the necessary rest and proper sleep, this can also cause cholesterol in the blood and affect heart rhythms, which, in turn, in many cases provokes the development of cardiovascular diseases. And high blood sugar levels and a rapid heartbeat lead to the fact that you feel tired and overwhelmed all day long and you begin to fall asleep at the most unexpected and inconvenient moment.

If you don't get enough sleep, be sure to spend some time exercising. Particular attention should be paid to the implementation of cardio exercises (special exercises to strengthen the heart). They release adrenaline and help you wake up.

There is also one simple secret: when you go outside, look at the sky. If it is clear, light and blue, then select one point on it and stop looking at it for a few minutes. This simple method is actually very effective. It causes some biochemical reaction, as a result of which the production of melatonin, the hormone that causes drowsiness, is reduced.

Sleep more than 15 minutes during the day

Those who spent a sleepless night are advised to drink a cup of strong in the morning and then take a little nap, but no more than 15 minutes! According to medical research, caffeine takes effect only 20 minutes after ingestion. Therefore, the best advice for you: drink coffee and sleep for only 15 minutes. Then, within 5 minutes after waking up, you will feel fresh and rested. And, of course, if you fall asleep for longer periods of time, caffeine will have the exact opposite effect on you.

If you don't get enough sleep, don't put multiple layers of makeup on your face.

Of course, when we don't manage to get enough sleep at night, we don't look very attractive in the morning. From the mirror, a man with pale skin and swollen, reddened eyes looks at us. This happens because large amounts of toxins are usually released through the sweat glands during the night. But, if your body does not have enough sleep and rest, the work of cells and their functions that they usually perform during sleep are disrupted. Still, you shouldn't cover your face with tons of make-up, because artificial cosmetics may improve your appearance, but will not benefit your health. We advise you to try to solve the problem with the appearance in a natural way.

For example, refer to based on natural remedies. They will not only help you refresh your face, but also restore and improve the blood circulation process. If you have bruises under your eyes, use a special emollient cream or apply warm chamomile compresses to swollen areas. And try not to overuse makeup.

Do not forget that sleep is vital for our body. Lack of sleep disrupts the functioning of many organs and deals a serious blow to our health and well-being. We get tired quickly, become lethargic and nervous, experience problems with memory and concentration. This will also affect our appearance: if we often lack sleep and suffer from insomnia at night, we will constantly look tired, pale, with noticeable circles under our eyes. In addition, it is a known fact that sleep deprived very often become victims of nervous breakdowns,

After a sleepless night, you do not want to go for a run or go to the gym. But that is exactly what needs to be done. From physical activity the heart rate increases. This is followed by the release of serotonin - a neurotransmitter that provides a good mood. You will feel more energized and it will be easier for you to work.

If there is no time for a morning workout, move more during the day. Set a reminder on your phone and do 20 jumps or squats every hour. Even after these, you will feel more cheerful.

2. Don't obsess over sleep deprivation

Thinking about a bad night will make you even more tired. Go about your business and don't think about how little sleep you got. Otherwise you will have all day Bad mood. And this will further reduce productivity.

When you start discussing your lack of sleep with a colleague or mentally with yourself, stop. Take a deep breath and switch to something that requires your attention.

3. Limit yourself to three tasks per day

It is unlikely that you will be able to do everything qualitatively when you do not get enough sleep. Choose the three most important tasks that cannot be put off. Do them in the morning, while there is still an effect from the morning workout or coffee. In this state, the first two hours after waking up are usually the most productive.

Do not put off important things for the second half of the day. Afternoon will not let you perform them well.

4. Eat a healthy breakfast

When you don't get enough sleep, you want to eat something sweet. It seems to cheer up and energize. Yes, a chocolate bar or donut will cheer you up. But a drop in blood sugar levels, and with it a breakdown, will not keep you waiting. You are not working at full capacity anyway. Don't undermine your productivity further.

For breakfast, you need a combination of proteins and carbohydrates. For example, eat eggs and toast. Sleep deprivation is similar in effect to hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels). In this case, you need to maintain a constant level of sugar. To do this, eat.

5. Drink cold water

Drinking water is generally useful, and cold water will help you cheer up. This is a small shock to the body. Workout and cold water will energize you. You will release endorphins and feel alive.

6. Work outdoors if possible

You've probably heard that it's good to be outdoors. This rule also applies to ordinary fatigue from lack of sleep. So get outside more often.

Vitamin D is produced in the body under the influence of sunlight. If it is deficient, sleep problems may occur. After a lack of sleep, you need to reset your internal clock, and vitamin D will help with this.

7. Don't Overdo Your Caffeine

Don't rely on caffeine as your only source of energy. If you drink too much coffee or tea, concentration, on the contrary, will worsen. You will be nervous and unable to concentrate. So know the measure.

The more tired you are, the more irritable you become. Lack of sleep leads to the fact that you simply do not have enough strength to cope with stress. This can lead to depression and a host of other disorders.

2. You are always hungry

Lack of sleep leads to lower levels of leptin, a hormone that suppresses hunger and maintains energy. If you constantly want something to eat, the reason may be a banal lack of sleep.

3. You fall asleep instantly

If you pass out as soon as your head hits the pillow, that's a sure sign that you need a good night's sleep. Scientists say that if you fall asleep faster than five minutes, then most likely the body suffers from a lack of sleep.

4. You look like you're hungover.

A distracted look, red eyes and a dull complexion are not always the result of heavy drinking. You will get exactly the same result if you chronically do not get enough sleep.

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5. Your immunity is declining

If you manage to catch colds regularly and feel disgusting, this is a sure sign of overworking the body. The immune system gains strength during sleep, so those who sleep at least eight hours a day get sick three times less often.

6. You cry over nothing

Healthy sleep contributes to the growth of emotional stability, and its lack leads to psychological vulnerability. If all sorts of little things make you cry, it's time to think about the fact that it's time for you to sleep.

7. You can't wake up even with coffee.

Coffee energizes and gives you energy, but what if it no longer works? Unfortunately, caffeine is not an all-powerful remedy, so if you feel that it has become useless, finally try to take a nap.

8. Your libido is decreasing.

It's pretty hard to think about sex if you fall asleep as soon as you lie down on the bed. However, this is a scientific fact: lack of sleep leads to a noticeable decrease in sexual desire. Still would! After all, the body simply does not have the strength for it.

9. You fall asleep at the cinema

If you fall asleep as soon as you find yourself in a dark room like a movie theater, then your body is desperately trying to signal that it needs sleep. And you better listen to him!

10. You became clumsy

When you don't get enough sleep, your body's reactions slow down noticeably. Scientists say that if you spend a night without sleep, your body's hand-eye coordination will correspond to that of a fairly drunk person.

A sleepy person is more likely to make serious mistakes, more likely to get injured at work, and breaks down in stressful situations or when dealing with problem clients. For a good night's rest, you need to sleep 7-9 hours, but sometimes there are circumstances that do not allow you to sleep normally.

Svetlana Zakharova, an art therapist, a member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League and the Association of Educators-Artists and Creative Workers, tells about how to safely survive a working day if you managed to sleep only a couple of hours last night.

First, work on the bugs

The most common mistake a sleepy person makes is trying to take at least a little nap in the middle of the day. It is important to know that the average time to fall asleep is from 15 to 20 minutes, and if you decide to snooze for a few minutes on public transport or in the corner of the office, you will not be able to wake up refreshed and refreshed. After a sleepless night, try not to sleep during the day - this will help not to disturb the circadian rhythms, and if you still decide to sleep a little in the middle of the day, then there is a risk that you will suffer from insomnia the next night.

If for some reason you could not get enough sleep at night, you need to more carefully build your working day. Here are some tips to help you cope with sleep deprivation.

Tip #1: Start the day right.

In the morning after a sleepless night, do a little exercise, take a contrast shower and be sure to have breakfast. But no buns, cakes or fast food - breakfast should be healthy, complete and must include protein foods (eggs, cottage cheese, etc.).

Tip two: smile at the light.

Bright light will definitely help to cheer up. In the dark, our body produces the hormone melatonin, which regulates sleep and wake cycles. If you do not get enough sleep, if possible, turn on all the lights at home or in the office - this will help you better tune in to the working day.

Tip three: don't change your plans for the day - stick to your normal routine.

You should not feel sorry for yourself and complain that today you did not get enough sleep and want to sleep. Do not give yourself any indulgence and try to do everything that was scheduled for the day. This will activate the internal resources of the body and increase self-esteem: you will understand that even after a sleepless night you can successfully cope with important tasks.

Tip #4: Drink coffee.

The invigorating effect of coffee is due to the fact that caffeine blocks the action of adenosine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter that stimulates sleep and suppresses alertness: the concentration of adenosine in the body increases during prolonged wakefulness and decreases during sleep, preparing a person to wake up. If you don't get enough sleep, a couple of cups of coffee (but no more!) in the morning will be very helpful, but after two in the afternoon it is not recommended to drink coffee, otherwise you will not be able to fall asleep for a long time the next night. After dinner, green tea will help cheer up. But energy drinks should be avoided - they can cause temporary excitement, but they will not give real vigor to a sleepy body: soon after taking energy drinks, you will feel even more tired.

Tip #5: Drink more water.

When the body is dehydrated, fatigue will be felt even more strongly, so after a sleepless night, try to drink 2-3 liters of water during the day.

Tip six: do breathing exercises.

During the working day, it is useful to do a few simple exercises, but this is not always possible. Simple breathing exercises will help to invigorate a sleepy body. Sit up straight, relax, put your hands on your knees, palms up. Breathe slowly through the nose, including the diaphragm: inhale deeply for 5 seconds, exhale for 10 seconds, without pauses between inhalations and exhalations. Breathe like this for a few minutes, but do no more than 40 respiratory cycles (breaths - exhalations).

Tip seven: stay away from heat.

In a hot or stuffy room, a sleepy person will definitely begin to feel sleepy. Open the window, turn on the air conditioner and ventilate the room more often - fresh air and a cool atmosphere will help overcome drowsiness. It is very useful to keep your hands in cold water from time to time - this will help you more easily survive lack of sleep and relieve unnecessary stress.

Tip #8: Eat less.

It's no secret that lack of sleep awakens an increased appetite, as the human brain tries to replenish energy reserves with high-calorie foods. For this reason, after a sleepless night, everyone is drawn to sweet, fatty and high-calorie foods. But after eating high-calorie foods, fatigue will be felt even more and you will certainly be drawn to sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, try not to overeat. Eat only light food and watch the portion size: in this state, you need to reduce the calorie content of the diet and drink more mineral water.

Tip nine: communicate more with other people.

Connecting with other people (colleagues, clients, patients at the clinic, customers at the pharmacy, etc.) will energize you and help you overcome the annoyance caused by lack of sleep. It is especially useful to communicate with energetic people - they will surely recharge you with their energy, and you will come to life even when you are very tired. If you are an introvert, try to hang out with those of your colleagues who are especially pleasant to you.

How to end a hard day

After a sleepless night, the working day always seems especially long and difficult, so you need to complete it in such a way as not to knock the body out of its usual biorhythms. After returning home from work, do not rush to fill up - go about your usual daily activities, but with one exception: no gadgets! Try not to turn on the TV or computer unless absolutely necessary, and turn off your smartphone two hours before bedtime so that the bright light from the screens of electronic devices does not prevent the body from adjusting to sleep. Go to bed at the usual time or a maximum of an hour earlier - this will help in the future to maintain the usual daily routine without much damage to health.

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In the modern world, people have to work too much, and some also have to run a household, while they need to have time to put themselves in order and get enough sleep. Unfortunately, it takes too little time to sleep. Many people prefer to drink large amounts of coffee to solve this problem, and some even use energy drinks.

However, there are several ways to help cheer up when you really want to sleep.

Of course, you should not use them all your life, because sleep is a guarantee not only of beauty and success, but also a guarantee of health, because a person’s health depends on the number of hours of sleep.

Here are some options for awakening and cheerfulness.

You will need:

How to drink coffee to cheer up

It is better to use freshly brewed coffee, the caffeine content in such a drink is about 135 mg per 250 ml volume.

Indeed, coffee is a great helper in the fight against sleep, but for it to really help, you need to use it correctly. It has long been proven that if you drink a cup of coffee and immediately lie down and relax, take a nap, then the desire to sleep will immediately disappear. Use an alarm clock. Set the alarm after about 15-20 minutes and try to get some naps. After waking up, you will feel like never before, cheerful and energetic.

A similar effect occurs due to the fact that during these 15-20 minutes caffeine will begin to take effect and you simply will not be able to fall into a deep sleep phase, of course, if you do not forget to set an alarm. Previously drunk coffee will not let you fall asleep quickly and in a period of 15-20 minutes you will be in the light sleep phasewhen it is easiest to wake up.

Where else is caffeine found?

In addition to coffee, other foods that contain caffeine will help you:

  • chocolate - a bar contains about 30 mg of caffeine;
  • brewed tea - about 50 mg of caffeine per 150 ml mug;
  • cold tea from a bottle - from 15 to 100 mg of caffeine, depending on the volume of the contents - 0.33 - 0.5 ml;
  • coca-cola - up to 50 mg of caffeine in a 0.33 ml bottle.

There is no need to consume everything at once, you can overdo it with caffeine, and then it will only get worse.

It is better to consume such products gradually, after 2-3 hours. And limit in the afternoon to fall asleep quickly in the evening.

afternoon nap

One of the most effective methods is to sleep after a lunch snack.

There is a theory that after dinner you need to lie down to take a nap for literally half an hour.

Scientists have already proven that within 24 hours a person falls asleep twice, namely around the middle of the day and night. Accordingly, during the day you need to take a nap for at least half an hour.

If you have such an opportunity, then be sure to use it. However, if you always have a desire to sleep at lunchtime, then you should think about it, because it can even be chronic sleep deprivation or the night sleep cycle can be disrupted.

Bright light

The most suitable way for most people is bright light. It so happened that the body begins to fall asleep in the dark, but if you turn on a bright light in the room, then the dream will take off as if by magic. This method has already been proven.

Weather permitting, take a walk during your lunch break. Bright street light will also do you good.

Proper nutrition

How to cheer yourself up has already become clear, but how to avoid cases when there is a huge desire to sleep? As strange as it may sound, you need to eat less. The body spends a lot of energy digesting food. The more a person eats, the more energy is needed. The more you want to work and feel energized, the less you need to eat.

Therefore, if you are working after a sleepless night, limit a hearty lunch to a light snack.



Perhaps this is one of the most optimal and proven options that will help you cheer up a little. However, do not get carried away, because sleep patterns may be disturbed. In such cases, there is little that can help. It is better to stick to the general regimen and go to bed at the same time, then the feeling of fatigue will appear much less often and in the late afternoon. Well, coffee and employment will help you cheer up at work - these are some of the best options.

How hard it is sometimes to wake up. And with lack of sleep doubly so. What to do in order to quickly and effectively join a new day after a sleepless night? The experts told us about it.

“To begin with, let's figure out what happens in a dream and what we lose when we lack sleep,” says Tatyana Maikova, neuropathologist, head of the Headache medical network, a member of the European Headache Federation. - During high-quality sleep, certain substances are produced in the body and processes occur that make a person's life activity active, full-fledged during the day, and, importantly, he achieves this without strain. That is, he does not have to use a second wind, the resources of which are not unlimited. Life in the super-effort regime leads to various kinds of disorders, disorders and diseases. It is only a matter of time and the initial level of health.

So, in a dream, the brain processes information received during the day, forms long-term and short-term memory. Also in a dream, the brain evaluates emotional experiences, their realization takes place and reconciliation occurs. If sleep is disturbed or not enough, then a person loses the opportunity to critically, pragmatically and balancedly resolve issues during the day.

Because without recovery, the nervous system is depleted. And very soon, a chronically sleep-deprived person begins to react to the slightest problems, like a neurasthenic, and he begins to perceive ordinary tasks almost as force majeure.

Or, for example, melatonin. This hormone is produced only during sleep, moreover, a full one: at least 8 hours, with falling asleep at least no later than 23:00. Melatonin regulates the activity of the endocrine system, blood pressure, slows down the aging process, improves the functions of the immune system, works as an antioxidant, regulates the functioning of brain cells and the functioning of the reproductive system.

There is no proper sleep - there is a whole cascade of disorders in the body. And that's just because of one hormone! And how many other substances are not produced and how many more processes are not performed if a person does not get enough sleep! That's why it's so important to improve sleep in general."

Of course, life can make its own adjustments - and sometimes sleep deprivation can happen. The following tips from experts - in such a case. But remember that there should be no more than 2-3 nights with poor sleep per month. If more, it's time to reconsider the routine of life that interferes with sleep. After all, the consequences of chronic lack of sleep are too destructive to leave everything as it is.


“Lack of sleep is already stress, and if you are also going to literally run around the apartment and look at your watch every second, you will introduce the body into even more stress. And the result of extreme stress is always apathy, which you will definitely feel as soon as you run into the office, - says Yuliya Sharupich, a cardiologist of the highest category of the KNP "CDC of the Shevchenkovsky District". - Therefore, if you know that the night will not be very good today, set an alarm clock, on the contrary, 20-30 minutes earlier than usual. Then you will avoid another source of stress - you will have time to plan today.


“Bright lights and rhythmic sounds will dispel drowsiness. In addition, pleasant music will trigger the production of dopamine, the so-called pleasure hormone, and the stress from lack of sleep will decrease. And bright lighting will turn on the hormonal system, thus reducing lethargy, ”advises Yulia Sharupich.


“Slowly drink 300 ml of water at room temperature - this will wash all the mucous membranes in the body, wake up the gastrointestinal tract and increase intestinal motility,” says Lyudmila Denisenko, an independent nutritionist, a member of the European Association for the Study of Obesity. “And then pour water from head to toe at room temperature - a cold shock will wake up the body as a whole.”


“In regular exercises, be sure to include exercises to relax the spine,” advises therapist Olga Opanasyuk, head physician of the Harmony Center for Folk and Traditional Oriental Medicine. - On the one hand, lack of sleep causes muscle tension, on the other hand, muscle tension leads to nervousness and generally impairs the functioning of the autonomic system, which is already disturbed due to lack of sleep.

All this is manifested by lethargy and a heavy head in the morning. Therefore, at the end of the charge, do twisting of all parts of the spine. For the cervical region: turn your head all the way to the right and count to 50. Now also to the left. Then obliquely to the right-up and to the left-up. And in conclusion, on an oblique right-down and left-down.

Each time, linger in position for a count of 50. For the thoracic region: put your hands behind your head. Turn the body all the way to the right to 50, to the left - up to 50, bend back 45 degrees and linger for a count of 50, the same for 45 degrees and for a count of 50 - forward.

For the lumbar region: Lie on your back on the floor. Bend your knees. At the same time, move them to the right, and both hands to the left, then vice versa. Repeat 50 times. At the same time, try not to tear your back off the floor.


“With lack of sleep, as a rule, you don’t want to eat. But breakfast is a must. Otherwise, after an hour or two you will feel even more tired and overwhelmed, - advises Tatiana Maykova. - The fact is that in order to maintain life in the absence of nutrients, the body increases the production of norepinephrine. But reserve resources are limited, so after a while there is an even greater decline in strength.

“At the same time, it is better to have breakfast with animal products, in particular, lean meat, since it contains tryptophan, an amino acid that is a precursor to happiness hormones, and a sleepy person lacks it in particular,” explains Lyudmila Denisenko.


“Replace green, black tea or coffee with mint or lemon balm tea,” recommends Tatyana Maykova. - A burst of energy, of course, can be obtained with the help of caffeine. But the effect will be short-lived and not harmless. Indeed, after the maximum excitation from caffeine, inhibition occurs. A person, as a rule, reaches for a new portion of stimulants: he gets a surge and again a breakdown.

With regular invigoration with tea, coffee and alcohol, the situation eventually becomes closed. Since life in the “above” mode, on the one hand, requires ever greater doses of stimulants, on the other hand, it causes deterioration in performance, memory and sleep disorders due to chronic overexcitation, and the circle closes.

Since there is a chronic lack of sleep. Teas made from mint or lemon balm, on the contrary, give a surge of strength, and for a long time, because they calm nervous system and it has resources.”

Caffeinated drinks and alcohol in reasonable doses (no more than 50 ml of cognac / vodka or 280–360 ml of dry wine) per day, according to experts, can only be afforded by people who get enough sleep and only sometimes.


“Our nervous system works by two mechanisms: excitation and inhibition. When she is healthy, she is very mobile and correctly gives out certain reactions depending on the situation. But when her work is disrupted, we cannot wake up and calm down in the morning, and vice versa, we cannot relax and fall asleep in the evening, - explains Tatyana Maykova. - One of the ways to adjust the reactions of inhibition and excitation are moderate physical activity. These, in particular, are hiking. Therefore, walk at least half the way to work.


During the day, at every opportunity (for example, at lunchtime), lie down with your eyes closed for 15 minutes. The meaning and principle of operation of this advice is that, on the one hand, in this way you will save forces that are already in short supply with lack of sleep, on the other hand, you will gain them, since calming allows the nervous system to start excitation reactions without harming itself.

On the day when you do not get enough sleep, try to save nervous energy, then there will be no lethargy. Or at least reduce it. Avoid conflict situations, speak more quietly, reduce the time spent at the computer.


How to tidy up the eyes with lack of sleep? “Wipe them with ice from mint tea, frozen since the evening,” advises Oksana Terpelivets, cosmetologist-dermatologist, head physician of the TOP Laser Center for Laser Aesthetics. - Now lightly press with your thumbs on the bone under the eyebrow, linger for 5 seconds. Walk 3 times over the entire bone from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. This will give the eyelid elasticity. Before leaving the house, press with your index fingers at the corners of your eyes at the bridge of your nose. Hold 10 s. Repeat 3 times. The eyes will be moistened and shine will appear in them.


Anastasia Prikhodko, singer:

“Oh yes, sleep deprivation. I know, alas, what it is. Especially now, when I constantly give charity concerts in the ATO zone. And I bring myself into tone as follows. I set my alarm an hour before the time I should wake up. For example, if I need to leave the house at 08:00, then I wake up not at 07:00, but at 06:00. I don't like to gather at a pace, it's terribly annoying for me. In addition, I have time to tidy up a face that, if you don’t get enough sleep, you yourself know what it looks like.

After waking up, I drink a large glass of cold water. And by the way, since it became my habit, I forgot what a sore throat is. Then I have breakfast: I like cheesecakes or potato pancakes and I always eat a fresh “vitamin” - an apple, grapefruit or orange, and then I go to a hot bath. There I read news, fresh gossip. Reading draws me into the day ahead. Especially some nonsense about me invigorates me. Invigorates, paradoxically it sounds, and the hot water itself.

After a bath, I like to lie on the couch, put my feet up on the pillow, and think about my plan of action for the day. And before leaving the house I eat another energizer - a piece of cake. I love Prague and custard cakes. Since I tend to be overweight, I savor dessert in the morning.”

Ivan Sakh, guide from Lviv region:

In the recent past, Ivan Vasilyevich was the head of a passenger train, now a conductor. At Ukrzaliznytsia - more than 20 years. “Little sleep is my old habit. What helps me turn on? I think the most important thing is that my wife and I (she is also a guide with 23 years of experience) eat everything natural - only what we ourselves have grown. I don't remember the last time I was in a supermarket. I am sure that the fact that we do not poison ourselves with all sorts of harmful additives helps us to wake up effortlessly even with such a mode of life, since natural provides vitality».

Vlad Vorona, Kyiv taxi driver:

“The use of energy drinks is prohibited by virtue of our profession. The most I drink is coffee. With lack of sleep, and they are frequent, I put more sugar: so the head starts to work faster. I definitely do exercises in the morning, because the back is the most vulnerable place for taxi drivers. If you don’t knead it well, then you feel overwhelmed all day later. And the work of a taxi driver is such that the brain performs many tasks at the same time, utmost care is required. Therefore, another way to turn on a new day is to simply start working.

In this article, we will tell you what mistakes are most often made by people suffering from insomnia and lack of sleep, and we will give you some simple and useful tips on how to avoid them. So, what should not be done in the morning if you do not get enough sleep?

Do you suffer from insomnia and often can't sleep at night? In this case, you need to keep in mind that there are a number of rules that say "what you can not do in the morning if you do not get enough sleep." You will see: if you follow our simple tips, you will soon feel healthy and rested.
In our article, we will tell you about what mistakes people most often make in the morning after a sleepless night:

Drink popular energy drinks

If you didn’t manage to get enough sleep and properly rest at night, and in the morning you have to work at your usual pace, then you can take a break and drink a cup of strong coffee or a soft drink, however, in no case do not buy "energy drinks", which are now so actively advertised on TV. After all, they contain a number of components that are harmful to the body, so the abuse of energy drinks will certainly have a negative impact on your health.

Refuse physical activity

If the body does not get the necessary rest and proper sleep, this can cause an increase in blood sugar and cholesterol levels and affect heart rhythms, which, in turn, in many cases provokes the development of cardiovascular diseases. And a violation of blood sugar levels and a rapid heartbeat lead to the fact that you feel tired and overwhelmed all day and you begin to fall asleep at the most unexpected and inconvenient moment.

The best advice in this case is to take some time to exercise., paying special attention to the implementation of cardio exercises (special exercises to strengthen the heart), because they help release adrenaline and help you wake up.

There is also one simple secret: when you go outside, look at the sky. If it is clear, bright and blue, then choose one point on it and stop looking at it for a few minutes. This simple method is actually very effective, because it causes some biochemical reaction, which reduces the production of melatonin, the hormone that causes drowsiness.

Sleep more than 15 minutes during the day

For those who spent a sleepless night, it is recommended to drink a cup of strong in the morning and then take a little nap, but no more than 15 minutes! According to medical research, caffeine takes effect only 20 minutes after it enters the body. Therefore, the best advice for you: drink coffee and sleep for only 15 minutes, then after 5 minutes after waking up, you will feel fresh and rested. And, of course, if you fall asleep for more than 15 minutes, caffeine will have the exact opposite effect on you.

Apply several layers of makeup to the face

Of course, when we do not manage to get enough sleep at night, the next morning we do not look very attractive: a person with pale skin and swollen, reddened eyes looks at us from the mirror. This is due to the fact that usually a large amount of toxins are released through the sweat glands during the night. But, if your body does not have enough sleep and rest, the work of cells is disrupted and their functions that they usually perform during sleep are disrupted. Still, you can't cover your face with tons of make-up, because artificial cosmetics may improve your appearance, but will not benefit your health. We advise you to try to solve the problem with the appearance in a natural way.

For example, turn to natural-based exfoliations, because they will not only help you freshen up your face, but also restore and improve blood circulation. If you have “bruises” under your eyes, use a special emollient cream or apply warm chamomile compresses to swollen areas. And try not to overdo the make-up.

Do not forget that sleep is vital for our body. Lack of sleep disrupts the functioning of many organs and causes a serious blow to our health and well-being in general - we quickly get tired, become lethargic and nervous, experience problems with memory and concentration. This will also affect your appearance: if you often lack sleep and suffer from insomnia at night, you will constantly look tired, pale, with noticeable circles under your eyes. In addition, the fact is known that sleep deprived very often become victims of nervous breakdowns and depression. Therefore, it is so important to understand what a huge role good rest plays in our life; If you are familiar with the problem of insomnia and lack of sleep, try to solve it as soon as possible!

We have selected 10 tips for you that will allow you to quickly recover.

Sleep deprivation was often used as a form of torture. This can really negatively affect the functioning of the whole organism, in particular, the functioning of the brain. A sleepy person is like a drunk: he thinks for a long time and does not remember well. This condition is very dangerous, especially if you are engaged in work that requires serious concentration. So, here are the rules of conduct for those who do not get enough sleep.

Do not drive under any circumstances! According to EU experts, 30% of all fatal accidents were caused by drivers who fell asleep at the wheel. The monotonous road, monotonous movements, warm air in the cabin are downright lulling on the road. Park your car in the garage, walk or use public transport. A walk will invigorate you, and you can take a short nap on the subway.

Keep yourself busy. Wake up your brain and it will help you wake up. The biological clock will give a small charge of vivacity at about 10 am and at 6-7 pm. However, remember that you should not engage in passive activities that can easily put you to sleep: do not read large amounts of text, try not to look at the computer screen for a long time. If monotonous work cannot be avoided, switch to another type of activity as often as possible.

Go to bed. A full sleep cycle lasts an hour and a half. During the night you go through several such cycles, and if you manage to snatch time for at least one cycle, then you will immediately feel a surge of vigor and will be able to continue working.

Take a nap for 10 minutes. Try breaking up your day into several ten-minute breaks and taking some naps. During this period, the brain will go into slow sleep, and you will feel a surge of energy after you wake up. But do not get carried away with breaks: if 10 minutes turn into 40 minutes, then due to sleep inertia, you will feel tired.

Warm up. Go for a run or exercise. This will increase blood flow to the brain. Sit straight at the table. By bending over, you will get tired faster.

Turn on the light. Excess light reduces the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps us fall asleep. Open the curtains and turn on all the lights in the room.

Freshen up. When a person is cold, he cannot sleep. Open a window, turn on the air conditioner or fan, rinse your face and neck with cold water.

Drink coffee or caffeinated drinks. Caffeine begins to act in half an hour, this charge will last you 3-4 hours. If caffeine is contraindicated for you, then drink two glasses of ice water every thirty minutes. The cold will cheer you up, and you simply won’t be able to fall asleep in the toilet.

Have a bite. Eat something light like yogurt or an apple. This will help you keep your blood sugar levels stable. Do not fill your stomach with fatty foods: it will take a lot of effort to digest it, and you will want to sleep. Give up milk, turkey, muesli and lemon, these foods are also considered "sleepy".

Chew gum. It is very difficult to fall asleep with something in your mouth. Take a lot of gum and chew it like your quarterly bonus depends on it.



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