How to wipe a child with vodka. Rubbing at high temperature in children: vinegar, water, vodka

When a child has a fever, parents urgently seek advice on how to bring it down. Firstly, it should be noted that the temperature should not be brought down to more than 38 degrees at all, for a child up to a year old, a temperature of 37.5 is the norm. If the baby, up to two or three months, the temperature has risen to 39 degrees, then you just need to immediately call the doctors. In other cases, the fever can be brought down by the usual children's antipyretics.

Wipe or not?

Dr. Komarovsky categorically opposes wiping children with vodka and other "folk remedies". All substances are absorbed through the skin and can to some extent cause intoxication, especially when it comes to alcohol.

Rubbing with vodka, as well as the method of “soaring the legs”, according to the pediatrician Komarovsky, are not normal methods at a temperature. The same goes for decoctions of raspberries: they cause increased sweating, which leads to dehydration, so they can be used after the baby drinks at least three cups of warm drink (weak tea without herbs and additives).

Rubbing vodka on a child is also better not to use. Surely there is an opportunity to go to a 24-hour pharmacy and buy Nurofen or other suppositories or syrups that help with a strong fever in a baby of this age.

Bring down the temperature of the child, if it has reached 39 degrees, it is better with the help of candles. their action is longer than that of tablets and syrups. This applies mainly to children under three years of age. But it is important to remember: it is not necessary to mix the use of different drugs, and each separately should be given only after consultation with an experienced pediatrician.

Dr. Komarovsky insists: bringing down the temperature by rubbing with a liquid containing alcohol is a method strictly prohibited by the World Health Organization (WHO). Therefore, if suddenly an ambulance doctor advises this method, you do not need to immediately put his advice into practice. The reasons are:

  • alcohol is absorbed through the skin into the body, into the blood;
  • inhalation of alcohol vapors often leads to laryngospasm and aggravates the situation;
  • skin cooling provokes vasospasm, due to which, with a decrease in skin hyperemia, hyperemia of organs increases (the reason is a violation of heat transfer due to rapid cooling of the cover).

Pediatricians of all civilized countries insist on these positions. The American Academy of Pediatrics, WHO, world-class doctors recommend that mothers do not wipe their children with vodka at elevated temperatures, and answer their question: “Is it possible?” a categorical "No!"

Video "Rubbing with alcohol for children"

How to wipe

It is impossible to rub a child with vodka. But, if someone nevertheless decided to apply this method on themselves (although it is not recommended for adults), then the rules for rubbing the skin with this alcohol-containing agent are as follows:

  1. vodka, vinegar and water are diluted: 1:1:1;
  2. with a soft cloth dipped in the solution, start wiping your hands, armpits, chest (except for the heart area!);
  3. wipe the legs and back (except for the groin area!);
  4. 1.5 minutes with warm air (hairdryer) to blow the body;
  5. go to bed, you can put a compress (cool) on your head.

But again, it's better to do it in other ways. From folk remedies - this is a plentiful drink.

Of the drugs - ibuprofen-containing drugs (sometimes you can use drugs with paracetamol), it is important to strictly observe the dosage. With a small overdose of paracetamol, a fatal outcome is possible.

Video "Is it worth rubbing a child at a temperature of 39 degrees"

Doctor Komarovsky, whom you will see in the next video release of his program, will be able to answer this simple question.

Even our mothers used for centuries a proven method of rubbing a child with vodka at a temperature, in compliance with certain proportions. Thanks to this procedure, even very high readings of the mercury column fall to normal. But what do doctors say about this method?

Can it be carried out?

The opinions of the Aesculapius were divided on this matter - the majority categorically forbids engaging in such bullying of children, which can lead to very negative consequences. The rest, on the contrary, in emergency cases, recommends wiping the child with vodka before the ambulance arrives in order to bring down a very high temperature.

Everyone draws a conclusion for himself, but still, children under 5-7 years old should not carry out such an unsafe procedure. The fact is that children's skin is very delicate and has a large throughput. So the vodka that got on it, not having time to evaporate, is partially absorbed and can cause alcohol poisoning and an allergic reaction to boot.

The safest age for such procedures is adolescence, when the body is already able to cope with a certain amount of alcohol that has entered it, albeit through the skin.

Do I need to dilute vodka to rub a child?

So, we came to the conclusion that you can wipe a big child, in no case a baby. But how to prepare a solution for processing? If vodka has 40 ° C, then it is not necessary to dilute it, since the whole point of this procedure will be lost - there will be little alcohol and it will not cool the skin properly. But if the child is still small, you should add the same amount of water to it. But when we are dealing with alcohol 96 ° C, then it should certainly be diluted two or even three times with cool water - it all depends on age, the younger the child, the more you need to dilute.

vodka for a child?

The child should be undressed before rubbing. If he has a strong chill, then you can wipe it partially, temporarily removing clothes from a certain area. First, they wipe the back, neck, chest with gauze soaked in vodka, bypassing the nipple area, stomach and hands, without affecting the face. After evaporation, light, not warm clothes should be worn.

After that, they wipe the buttocks and legs, and also put on light trousers, or put the child under a thin sheet. After 10-15 minutes, the temperature will begin to drop. If this does not happen, the procedure should be repeated.

Reading time: 4 minutes

With an increase in body temperature in a child, action is required immediately. The task of parents is to normalize the well-being of a small patient. Many mothers choose a folk remedy for treatment - rubbing a child at a temperature with vodka.

Causes and consequences of high fever in children

An increase in body temperature is a protective reaction of the body against pathogenic flora (viruses, infections, toxic substances, etc.). Possible causes of an increase in body temperature:

  • eruption of milk teeth;
  • overheating, hypothermia of the body;
  • colds, SARS, flu;
  • childhood intestinal infections;
  • a consequence of preventive vaccination;
  • allergic reactions;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

Most pathogenic viruses die at a body temperature of up to 38 degrees. Bringing down body temperature to 38.5 degrees is not required, since antibodies (immune response) to diseases are produced in the child's body. Higher figures need to be corrected, as the child's body suffers from dehydration. Possible consequences for the health of a small patient:

  • pathological decrease in immunity;
  • violation of the functions of the nervous system, internal organs;
  • protein denaturation (deprivation of the protein of its natural properties, functions);
  • slowing down of systemic blood flow;
  • convulsions (more often develop in babies under 1 year old);
  • disruption of enzyme activity;
  • changes in the blood coagulation system.

If at a temperature of 38.5 degrees and above the child is active, feels cheerful, eats well and is not naughty, it is recommended to wait a little with vodka rubdowns, taking medications.

The child's body fights off the infection on its own. It is necessary to control the condition of the baby, give more warm drink.

How vodka rubdowns help

In contact with hot skin, ethyl alcohol evaporates quickly, increasing heat transfer. As a result, body temperature drops rapidly. Home wiping should not be done for children under 1 year old, since ethyl alcohol in direct contact with sensitive skin can cause a burn.

Age restrictions - patients under 7 years.

The benefits and harms of vodka rubdowns

Rubbing with vodka at a temperature in a child causes a lot of controversy and controversy in pediatrics. Self-medication is contraindicated. It is believed that ethyl alcohol quickly lowers body temperature and can provoke vasospasm. As a result, heat transfer slows down, the temperature of all internal organs rises.

Pediatricians do not exclude the positive effect of vodka rubdowns on the children's body (with the exception of babies under 1 year old). Benefits of the home procedure:

  • efficiency;
  • quick result;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • affordability;
  • minimum medical contraindications.

The main disadvantages of vodka rubdowns in case of heat in a child:

  • the risk of vasospasm;
  • burns of mucous membranes, skin in contact with vodka;
  • the risk of alcohol intoxication in a child.

Rules for rubbing vodka

It is forbidden to use concentrated alcohol or vodka, since such liquids cause severe irritation, dermatitis, and burns. It is necessary to dilute the concentrate with warm water in a ratio of 1: 1, dip a cloth and wipe the skin.

The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Positive dynamics occurs after 30 minutes.

In the absence of such, wiping with vodka at a temperature in a child is required to be repeated no earlier than after 2 hours. Otherwise, the load on the heart increases.

  • Carry out up to 3 procedures per day for no more than 3 days. If there is no improvement, the antipyretic must be replaced.
  • If the child's skin has damage, such as scratches, insect bites, or open wounds, rubbing is contraindicated.
  • The procedure is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity of the body to ethyl alcohol or other allergic reactions.
  • It is important to distinguish between rubbing and rubbing. The former are often used to suppress the cough reflex.
  • After the session is over, it is allowed to put a vodka compress on the forehead or in the armpits.
  • To exclude dehydration of the body, when wiping with vodka, it is necessary to drink plenty of warm water, maintain the body's water balance.
  • The room needs to be ventilated regularly.


Elevated temperature always brings discomfort, besides it is unsafe. This is especially true for children. The temperature of the child must be monitored very carefully. If it is above 38 ° C, measures must be taken: use medicinal or folk remedies to bring down the fever.

Quite common is wiping with vodka. How to rub a child with vodka at a temperature?

Causes of high temperature

Why does fever occur?

There are many reasons:

It is usually advised to bring down the temperature above 38 degrees. However, if the baby does not tolerate heat well, you can try to remove it immediately. The fact is that at 37 ° C, almost all viruses and microbes die. That is why it is not recommended to immediately reduce the heat, because the body fights itself. But it all depends on the state.

Of course, while the baby is very small, it is advisable to bring down the heat with folk remedies. They usually have no side effects and are well tolerated. What can be said about wiping with vodka?

Wiping with vodka at a child's temperature - how does the remedy work?

How exactly does vodka work? Since the alcohol evaporates quickly, there is an increase in heat transfer. As a result, the heat quickly disappears. But we must remember that neither vodka nor alcohol can be used in its pure form.

But is it possible to wipe a child with vodka at a temperature? Will it benefit the body or vice versa, harm?

Rubbing vodka at a temperature in a child - good or bad?

There is no single answer to this question. Some doctors believe that wiping is okay, while others are of the opposite opinion.

In any case, it is not recommended to relieve fever with vodka in very young children. Since such a crumb can inhale alcohol and get poisoned. In addition, children have very delicate skin, so it is possible to get poisoned through it. Therefore, you can experiment with this folk remedy only from five to seven years.

The disadvantage of this method is that the child may experience vasospasm. Since the body temperature is greatly reduced, and the internal organs - increases. In addition, the baby can get burns to the skin and lungs.

Therefore, be very careful and use the tool only for older children, schoolchildren. Do not abuse it, if the temperature does not drop, use an antipyretic.

How to do a rubdown on a child at a temperature?

It is necessary to prepare the remedy correctly, otherwise you can only do harm. First you need to add warm water to the vodka (proportion - 1: 1), then mix everything well. If it is alcohol, it is necessary to mix it in a ratio of 1: 2, that is, there should be twice as much water. You can not wrap the crumbs in a sheet that is moistened with vodka or alcohol.

In addition, children in the heat must be given plenty of fluids. Fruit drinks, rosehip broth, water, warm tea, juices, compotes - all this should be drunk, and more often. After all, because of the heat, the liquid evaporates, the body is dehydrated. And at an early age, dehydration occurs faster than in an adult.

Dehydration is very dangerous, it should not be allowed in any case.

How to rub a child at a temperature if he is very small? Plain warm water, it should not be hot or cold. Otherwise, it will act like vodka - it can cause vasospasm. And warm water dilates blood vessels and heat is released from the body. You can wipe the whole body. Particular attention should be paid to the abdomen, folds in the groin, pits under the knees and elbows. You need to repeat this procedure several times. That is, plain water can also bring down the heat.

How to wipe a child with vodka at a temperature?

After you have prepared the remedy, proceed to wiping. All clothes should be removed - this also helps in this situation.

Cotton wool or gauze must be moistened with liquid and wiped underarms, elbows and knees, wrists. You can not wet the whole body, you need to be especially careful with your face. You can wipe your back and buttocks.

It is necessary to wipe it easily, and not rub the skin to redness. After all, you do not rub vodka into the skin, but simply help the body to reduce the temperature.

The procedure should not take more than a few minutes. After 15 minutes, you can check the result. If the fever is gone, you can put on cotton pajamas. But after a while it is necessary to put the thermometer again. If the fever reappears, you can wipe it again. If this procedure does not help, it is necessary to give the baby an antipyretic medicine. Usually the fever goes away after a maximum of half an hour.

No more than three procedures per day should be done. And at the same time no more than three days in a row.

It is not always possible to carry out this procedure. Rubbing is not recommended for: sensitive skin, as allergies are possible, as well as for scratches, bites and cuts on the skin. If the skin is damaged, alcohol will be harmful, in addition, pain will occur.

Procedure results

Usually, when rubbed, the heat passes quickly. However, it can reappear just as quickly. Therefore, the procedure helps if there is no way to give pills, and the state of health is very bad. Then, for a while, rubbing with vodka can help bring down the heat and improve the condition. In general, poor health must be removed by any harmless means, otherwise convulsions may occur.

But it is best to take pills. They act more slowly, but their action remains for a long time. Bringing down the heat with vodka or alcohol is desirable for older children.

This procedure is not suitable for very small children. In this case, it is better to use water.

At a high temperature, coolness, warm drinks, antipyretic drugs are necessary, and a doctor's consultation is desirable.

If you are going to use wiping, carry out the procedure very carefully. Don't do more damage. And do not forget: small children can only be wiped with warm water.

To reduce the temperature, a long-known folk method is often used - rubbing the body with vodka. The method is considered quite effective, although there are some dangers in its application.


An increase in temperature is a sign of illness, but also that the body is fighting it. Therefore, if it does not exceed 38.5 ° C, it is not recommended to knock it down. Rubbing with vodka is shown only at a higher temperature.

Rubbing with vodka when coughing

The method of vodka rubbing is often used to eliminate cough. But before rubbing, you need to figure out why the cough occurred, and also determine its features - this requires consultation with a doctor. To soften the cough and facilitate the process of coughing, rubbing vodka on the back of the patient can be used. The processing process should be accompanied by gentle patting movements.

Rubbing with vodka for a cold

When the first symptoms of a cold appear, it is allowed to use vodka to rub the whole body. The feet should be treated the most carefully. After that, you need to put on woolen socks on your feet and go to bed. Often this procedure becomes enough to stop a cold at an early stage.

The technique of wiping with vodka at a temperature

The procedure should be carried out in this way: the patient must be undressed and laid on his back. Next, dip a soft cloth in the prepared solution and begin to wipe the body with it. Try to do this with light, gentle movements without intense rubbing. You should not wipe the skin in the groin, as well as near the heart.

The proportions of a solution of vodka for wiping at a temperature

At a high temperature, the solution used for rubbing is prepared as follows - the proportions of water and vodka are 1 to 1.

Rubbing with vodka and vinegar

In some cases, for rubbing at elevated body temperature, a solution of vodka, water and vinegar is used. In this case, the proportions are 1 to 1 to 1.

Wiping with vodka at a child's high temperature

Doctors mostly disagree about whether rubbing with vodka is beneficial or harmful. Some of them advise using this method at a temperature, but others are categorically against it, as they consider it very dangerous.

Rubbing with vodka at a child's temperature is dangerous because its rapid decrease can cause vascular spasms. As a result, there will be a slowdown in heat transfer, which will increase the temperature of the internal organs.

Rubbing with vodka is prohibited for children under 7 years of age, and especially for infants. This is due to the fact that children's skin is very thin, so vodka easily passes through it into the blood vessels, as a result of which alcohol poisoning can occur.

It should also be borne in mind that children cannot be wiped with clean vodka or an alcohol solution - this can provoke the development of dermatitis on children's skin, as well as the appearance of irritation. Therefore, when making a solution, you need to dilute vodka with water (it is better to use warm water, because cold water can cause the baby to shiver).

Rubbing with vodka during pregnancy

Is rubbing with vodka allowed during pregnancy? In the event of an increase in temperature, this remedy is allowed to be used, but some nuances related to the position of the woman should be taken into account. One of the rules - when rubbing, it is recommended to avoid the abdomen. In addition, you need to understand that it is impossible to abuse this method during pregnancy. It should be used in rare cases, in small doses. It is also recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Contraindications for carrying out

Contraindications to the use of this method are such cases:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin, the presence of ulcers on it. Since vodka has strong irritating properties, wiping with it in the presence of wounds will be very painful and, moreover, can interfere with their healing;
  • areas on the skin where there are many moles, especially those that have a convex shape. You should not rub these places with vodka, because this brings discomfort to the patient, and in addition, damage to moles can cause them to degenerate into a malignant tumor;
  • oncological pathologies. A history of tumor formations is a contraindication against any type of heating, because they can provoke a relapse. In such cases, other methods of treatment should be used;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system. In disorders of this type, it is undesirable to increase the speed and intensity of the function of the circulatory system. It is necessary to consult in advance with a specialist of this profile regarding the implementation of such procedures;
  • children under the age of 7 years.


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