How is an anal fissure treated? Treatment of a crack in the anus in children and adults. Fissure in the anus - causes and treatment of a delicate problem

Update: October 2018

Almost everyone who is interested in health issues has heard or read about hemorrhoids. But not everyone knows that itching, burning and even bleeding in the anal area can cause not vein disease, but a rectal fissure.

More often it is an acute disease, lasting up to 4 weeks, related to surgical pathologies or a section of diseases of the rectum. The crack has a linear shape, can be located on the mucous membrane of the anal canal or on the skin of the anus and have different depths and lengths.

Much less common is a chronic fissure with a protracted undulating course with improvements and deterioration. Chronization of the process contributes to the prolonged exposure to factors leading to this problem.

The reasons

Causes of cracks near the anus:

  • Chronic constipation, forcing a person to strain excessively, increasing pressure in the rectum.
  • Mechanical injury solid feces, poor quality toilet paper, anal sex practices, instrumental examination of the rectum.
  • In childbirth during the period of attempts, a crack in the anus or rectal mucosa is an unfavorable sign, as it can become a harbinger of a rupture of the perineum of the 4th degree.
  • Insufficient hygiene, diaper rash can also lead to cracks.
  • Inflammatory changes the intestinal mucosa against the background of diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, helminthic invasion can also be manifested by cracks, which, in this case, will be only one of the manifestations of the underlying pathology.

Fissure symptoms

  • The pain is stronger, the deeper the crack. At first, it appears only with defecation or mechanical irritation. Later, as inflammation joins, pain sensations can take on a permanent character and disturb a person even without any irritation of the problem area. The nature of the pain can be pinching, burning, stabbing or pulling and pressing with significant swelling and chronic inflammation. In the chronic course, there is also a spasm of the obturator muscle of the rectum, which increases the pain during bowel movements.
  • Itching and discomfort provoked by narrow, uncomfortable or synthetic underwear, prolonged sitting, constipation or loose stools. The greater the length of the crack, the wider the itchy area and the more pronounced the discomfort.
  • Isolation of scarlet blood, not mixed with feces, during defecation or straining - the result of the destruction of the walls of the capillaries in the anal region (see). If the damage is very deep, then the veins can also be injured, then dark venous blood will appear and the bleeding will be similar to hemorrhoidal (long and voluminous, see).

The appearance of the listed symptoms - discomfort, pain, blood during defecation can also be with more serious diseases, such as hemorrhoids, inflammatory and oncological processes in the intestines, therefore, rectoscopy is required to establish a diagnosis.


The crack causes significant discomfort and in order not to aggravate the condition, the factors that support its existence and provoke the formation of new damage should be eliminated:

  • Lead an active lifestyle, avoiding prolonged sitting. Walk more, exercise more.
  • Fight constipation (see), avoiding stool retention for more than two days. Timely correct dysbacteriosis and treat intestinal infections with diarrhea.
  • Use soft toilet paper and rinse with cool water after a bowel movement.
  • Do not get involved in non-traditional sex or use high-quality lubricants.

Diet for cracks

Dietary measures are reduced to the selection of a table that normalizes the regularity of the chair. It is also important to exclude fried foods, spices and alcohol (see).

For constipation, a contrast breakfast is useful (a glass of cool juice, after 20 minutes - hot oatmeal), an empty stomach intake of a dessert spoon of sunflower or olive oil, beets in all forms, bran bread, cereals, apples, plenty of fluids (at least 3 liters per day) and soups for dinner.

Diarrhea requires restriction of cabbage, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits (fiber), yeast baked goods, whole milk.

What medicines treat rectal fissures

It is customary to heal acute cracks with the help of various forms of drugs, that is, to conduct conservatively. In the arsenal of a proctologist today there are ointments, creams, gels and suppositories. Also sometimes they resort to tablet medicines.


Before local treatment of an anal fissure, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory sitz baths are prescribed. They need to be produced after defecation. The temperature of the solution is 30 degrees Celsius, the duration is 10-15 minutes.

  • Oak bark is also used as a therapeutic solution (separately or in a ratio of 2 to 1). Chamomile suppresses inflammation in tissues, facilitating healing. Oak bark gives an astringent effect, drying the crack. You can also use decoctions of calendula or yarrow.
  • Less commonly, a weak solution of potassium permanganate (pale pink) is used as an antiseptic.

Ointments, creams

The ointment for cracks should contain a fatty base, do not cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, and, ideally, combine anti-inflammatory and tissue healing properties. It is administered 1-2 times a day after emptying the intestines and a ten-minute bath in the amount of one centimeter. The average duration of course treatment with ointments for acute fissures is 7-10 days. Most drugs for cracks are also used to treat hemorrhoids (see).

  • Ultraproject 420-500 rubles - a combination of the glucocorticoid fluocortolone and the local anesthetic cinchocaine. It has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and analgesic effects.
  • Aurobin 190-230 rubles - a combination of prednisolone (anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect) with lidocaine hydrochloride (local anesthesia) and dexpanthenol (acceleration of healing and restoration of the skin and mucous membranes). The drug is contraindicated in pregnant, lactating, persons with bacterial or viral inflammation or intolerance to the components of the ointment.
  • Dexpanthenol, Bepanthen, Pantesol 70-120 rubles - ointments and creams based on pantothenic acid, which affects protein and fat metabolism and accelerates healing.
  • Solcoseryl 160-180 rub. in the form of an ointment or gel, it accelerates the uptake of glucose by tissues, thereby improving tissue nutrition.
  • 100-120-180 rub. improves cellular respiration and glucose utilization, promoting tissue repair.
  • Methyluracil 60-80 rubles - a medicine that combines the properties of an anabolic and anti-inflammatory agent, an immunomodulator.
  • Proctosan 230-270 rub. contains bismuth subgallate, titanium dioxide, lidocaine and befexamac. Dries and heals the crack.
  • Emla 1400-1600 rubles - local anesthetic based on lidocaine and prilocaine. The drug is indicated for spasm of the anal sphincter against the background of a chronic fissure. May cause palpitations and allergies.
  • kathejel 120-140 rub. combines lidocaine and antiseptic chlorhexidine. Indications are similar to emla.
  • Levomekol 80-120 rub. - antibacterial chloramphenicol and methyluracil, which accelerates the closure of the crack. The drug is indicated for chronic or inflamed fissure. It should be remembered that long-term use may be complicated by anemia and a decrease in blood leukocytes. contraindicated in lactating.
  • Nitroglycerin ointment 0.2% dilates blood vessels and relieves spasm of the sphincter. Prepared according to the recipe.


Candles are a convenient dosage form that allows the main drug substance to be quickly absorbed into the veins of the hemorrhoidal plexus. In addition, candles are made on the basis of cocoa butter or other neutral fat, which simultaneously play the role of a laxative. When there is a chronic anal fissure, treatment is best done with combined agents containing painkillers and antispasmodics. Preparations in suppositories are used twice a day after defecation.

The role of laxatives in treatment

By making the stool softer and the stool daily, one of the main reasons why there is a crack around the anus can be eliminated. Medications that facilitate bowel movements are divided into the following groups.

  • Emollients (vaseline and, Norgalax). At home, for problems with the anal sphincter, counter microclysters are used 10 minutes before emptying (100 ml of pasteurized sunflower oil and 200 ml of boiled water at room temperature).
  • Means that increase the volume of intestinal contents: vegetable based on agar or psyllium (Naturolax, Mucofalk, Fiberlex), based on cellulose (Fiberal, Fibercon).
  • Polyhydric alcohols:, Normase, Lactulose (standard, non-irritating to the intestines), Sorbitol, Macrogol, Laktiol (see).

Fissure of the anus in a child

The immaturity of the child's digestive tract causes the ease with which they have various intestinal dysfunctions and, as a result, cracks appear in the anus. If in babies up to a year the most common crack is the result of diarrhea on the background of dysbacteriosis or intestinal infections, then in older children, as in adults, the main problem is associated with constipation, including neurogenic origin.

Therefore, in parallel with the beginning of the treatment of cracks, it is worth taking care of the normalization of intestinal motility and the correction of dysbacteriosis. Without the elimination of these moments, therapy can be difficult and delayed, which contributes to the chronicity of the process and transfers it to the category of surgical problems.

When a sharp crack appears in the anus, the child becomes restless (or cries) when trying to poop. During or after defecation, droplets of bright red blood may be discharged. When these symptoms appear, it is worth showing the child to a pediatrician or pediatric surgeon.

So, the drugs of choice for the treatment of anal fissures are:

  • children - candles with sea buckthorn
  • adults - Dexpanthenol, Methyluracil, Aurobin (not pregnant)
  • as an anesthetic - Anuzol

How to cure anal fissure after childbirth

The cause of a crack in the anus may be childbirth. During the straining period, the pressure in the rectum increases, and the tissues of the perineum are stretched. Since a fissure in childbirth is a trifle that is not taken into account, all problems begin after a couple of days, when pain occurs during defecation. Here you have to resort to laxatives and drugs that are either not absorbed into the blood or do not penetrate into the milk. The most important thing is to get to a specialist doctor as soon as possible in order to get competent recommendations and not to miss hemorrhoids under the mask of an anal fissure.

In general, the treatment tactics are the same as in children under one year old (Duphalac, suppositories with sea buckthorn, Methyluracil). Can be added Posterisan in candles, Emla for the skin of the perianal area, Cathejel gel.

The healing of anal fissures, which exist for more than three months, is very difficult due to keratinization of the edges of the defect and a decrease in metabolic processes in the tissues. In such a situation, different options for surgical treatment are indicated.

Surgical treatment

  • Devulsion - a compromise between surgical and conservative treatment can be the manipulation of anal devulsion. At the same time, under anesthesia, the spasmodic sphincter is expanded, which solves some of the problems. This procedure is not performed in the elderly.
  • Cryodestruction - there is a variant of cryodestruction of a crack with liquid nitrogen, which is expensive and does not always radically solve the situation (it is difficult to achieve a clear freezing of only pathologically altered tissues).
  • Sphincterotomy - a classic surgical intervention involves excision of a crack along a plane within healthy tissues. If the crack is combined with spasm of the sphincter, then it is dissected from the inside (sphincterotomy operation). Terms of wound healing - 5-6 days. Up to this point, dressings are made with Levomekol.

Thus, the treatment of an acute anal fissure should be started at the first manifestations. In this case, it is very important to consult a doctor, since hemorrhoidal varicose veins of the rectum and tumors give similar symptoms (see).

Using these folk remedies, it was possible to quickly cure rectal fissures. These recipes are taken from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" and tested by readers on themselves.

Fissure of the anus - treatment with calendula and sea buckthorn oil
1 st. l. calendula pour 100 g of boiling water, bring to a boil, wrap and leave for 1 hour. Before going to bed, strain the infusion and add 2 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil. Make a microclyster with this mixture into the rectum, immediately close the hole with a cotton swab. Do this daily at night until complete recovery. (Recipes of the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2010, No. 3, p. 18,).

Anal fissure treatment with carrots
Grate 1 carrot, squeeze the juice. Wrap the resulting cake in gauze and apply to the sore spot at night. (Healthy lifestyle recipes 2010, No. 5, p. 31).

How to treat an anal fissure and hemorrhoids with an ice candle
Mix dry herbs: wormwood, tansy, plantain, chamomile, calendula, yarrow, celandine, oak bark, pine buds, birch leaf, birch buds, lingonberry leaf in equal proportions. You can mix not the whole set of herbs, but those that you could buy. Pour 1 cup of the collection with 1 liter of hot water and boil for 5 minutes. In a bag for making ice cubes (sold in the store), prepare ice candles. Candles can also be made in the fingers of a rubber glove. Candles put every day in the anus at night until complete recovery.
This recipe for the treatment of cracks and hemorrhoids was commented by V. P. Boikov, Doctor of Medical Sciences: “This method of treating hemorrhoids allows the patient not only to prevent the development of the disease, but also to avoid surgical intervention in 99 cases out of 100.” (2010, No. 7, p. 37).

How to Treat Anal Fissures and Hemorrhoids with Raspberry Leaf Tea
2 tbsp. l. crushed dry raspberry leaves pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Strain, take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals. This tool helps to bring the rectum in order, and also reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. (Healthy lifestyle recipes 2010, No. 14, p. 29).

Hemorrhoids and anal fissures - alternative treatment with garlic
This recipe has been tested on many people, it helps with hemorrhoids in 3 days, and if the disease is running, then in 10 days. But this folk recipe can be used only if there are no cracks in the rectum. And anal fissures are quickly treated by this method: dilute potassium permanganate in fresh urine to a slightly pink color. Lubricate the anus with this solution, if the cracks are deep, then douche. Then, when all the wounds in the anus have healed, you need to insert a clove of garlic lubricated with vegetable oil into the anus, change it from time to time.
The woman was scheduled for an operation for hemorrhoids, she used this folk remedy, after which the proctologist said that everything was fine with her and the operation was no longer needed. (Healthy lifestyle recipes 2009 No. 16 p. 10).

Another way to use garlic. This remedy can simultaneously treat cracks in the anus and hemorrhoids. Helps quickly and effectively. A woman has an ulcerated fissure in her rectum. They performed an operation on her, but after she caught a cold, both the hemorrhoids and the fissure reappeared. A friend gave her a recipe for effective treatment. It is necessary to heat a brick in the oven, put it in a bucket, pour chopped garlic on the brick, sit on the bucket, wrapping the edges with a cloth. Cover with a blanket on top. Sit until the garlic begins to brown and all of its juice has evaporated. Then wrap everything in the same hot blanket and lie down for 20-30 minutes. (Healthy lifestyle 2007 No. 13 p. 22).

Celandine treatment
The woman could not sit on a chair - it was very painful, she went to the surgeon, and he diagnosed a large rectal fissure. He prescribed her sitz baths with potassium permanganate. She decided that such baths were of little use, since the crack was deep inside. I decided to treat the crack with folk remedies. First, she gave herself a large enema with a weak infusion of celandine (2 bushes per 3 liters of water). After cleansing the intestines, she made a small therapeutic enema of the following composition: 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed celandine juice, 1.5 tbsp. l. water and 0.5 tsp. badger fat (can be replaced with castor oil). The treatment lasted a month. A month later, she was checked by a doctor, and the doctor said that the crack had healed. (Healthy lifestyle recipes 2009, No. 3, p. 9-10).

Ointment for the treatment of cracks
The woman was diagnosed with an anal fissure. She began to use various folk remedies: baths with a decoction of oak bark, sea buckthorn oil, enemas with urine. There were temporary improvements, but she could not completely cope with the disease. Once she read a recipe for a miracle ointment in which she immediately believed. I made an ointment, injected it into the anus. The crack was completely healed.
Here is the recipe for the ointment: take 100 g of butter, linseed oil, melted pork interior fat, beeswax, paraffin, tar, spruce resin, planed laundry soap, onion grated on a fine grater, honey, aloe, passed through a meat grinder, 1 tbsp . l pharmaceutical sulfur and half a pack of snuff. Mix everything, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes.
This ointment also treats abscesses, hangnails (2004, No. 5, p. 25).

Alternative treatment with salted fat
The woman had an anal fissure of the rectum, she was being prepared for surgery, but the doctor himself dissuaded her from being operated on. He advised me to find old, old yellow fat, clean it from salt, make a candle and insert it into the anus at night. The woman was treated daily for a month, and everything returned to normal. (2003, No. 13, p. 25).

Chamomile baths and potato candles
It was possible to cure a crack in the anus as follows: at first, the woman did sitz baths every evening (36-37 degrees) with chamomile infusion for 15-20 minutes (the basin with infusion was placed in a bath of hot water to maintain the desired temperature). After the bath, she inserted an anesthetic candle. After 10 baths, she began to heal the crack with potato candles - three times a day she inserted a fresh candle cut from potatoes. The duration of treatment is 3-4 months. (Healthy lifestyle recipes 2003, No. 15, p. 25-26).

Propolis suppositories for anal fissures and hemorrhoids
Melt 200 g of good butter in a water bath. Collect the foam and throw into the oil about 20 g of grated propolis. keep the mixture in a water bath for 10 minutes, stirring, then strain through a sieve. Store in the freezer. It is enough to make 1 suppository three times a night, as hemorrhoids pass. This recipe helped ten friends whom the author of the article advised this remedy for. Once he met a neighbor who was scheduled for surgery for a painful fissure in the rectum, and also recommended this recipe. Five days later I saw my neighbor - he was coming from a surgeon who could not find an anal fissure and canceled the operation. (2002, No. 19, p. 20).

Alternative treatment of rectal fissures with coniferous ointment
Collect pine or spruce needles away from the city at any time of the year. Buy 300 g of fresh butter. Prepare a cast-iron or clay pot for 1-2 liters. Do not take aluminum or enameled dishes. At the bottom we put oil with a layer of 1 cm, then 1 cm needles (whole or sheared), 1 cm oil on top, then needles. So fold until the oil runs out. Close the bowl with a lid, and cover with unleavened dough. Put in the oven and simmer over low heat for 24 hours with breaks of 2 hours: simmer 2 hours, 2 hours break. Then pull out the bowl, remove the burnt dough and strain the oil. The needles should turn black, the oil should be marsh-colored. When the oil hardens, it should harden like a stone. If the oil is less languishing, then it will be watery - it will be difficult to introduce it into the anus.
Apply this folk remedy at night: insert a piece of ointment in 1 cubic cm into the rectum. The oil immediately relieves pain and heals not only cracks, but also neighboring organs: the prostate, ovaries, bladder. If the disease is chronic, then apply this ointment for a long time, in courses: a month to treat, a week break. This ointment can also treat cracks in the hands and heels, hemorrhoids, herpes, eczema. (Healthy lifestyle recipes 2001, No. 6, p. 17).

It becomes very disappointing when the usual rhythm of life is disturbed by discomfort and pain in the anal canal. Unpleasant sensations do not give rest day or night. Candles from cracks in the anus will help to quickly and effectively solve the problem. They delicately eliminate damage to the rectal mucosa and prevent the development of complications. This article will help you decide on the choice of the necessary tool among the many options.

With a crack in the anal canal, rectal suppositories are used

The mechanism of action of rectal suppositories

The effectiveness of suppositories for cracks and tears in the anus is based on their healing composition. When injected into the anal canal, medicinal substances dissolve and have a therapeutic effect on the rectal mucosa.

As a rule, the active components exhibit only a local effect and are not absorbed into the systemic circulation. The exception is hemostatic suppositories. Their pharmacodynamics involves penetration into the local bloodstream in order to improve blood clotting.

Remedies for anal fissures on a natural basis act gently and effectively. Plant components envelop the mucosa, activate the recovery process, relieve pain and inflammation.

Attention. Rectal suppositories with a single use are recommended to be administered at night. This will allow you to get the maximum benefit and speed up your recovery.

The best rectal suppositories

Each drug used in coloproctology to combat the pathologies of the anus has its own ways of influencing the disease. There are healing suppositories for cracks, anti-inflammatory and painkillers. In addition, many anal suppositories strengthen the veins and vessel walls, prevent bleeding and the formation of blood clots.

Today the choice of rectal suppositories is very rich.

What is better in this or that case and how to apply them, the doctor will tell. We will make a short review of the most effective means and dwell on some of them in more detail.

Anti-inflammatory anal suppositories

Rectal suppositories with anti-inflammatory activity may contain both natural ingredients and chemicals. Herbal preparations include extracts of medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula, propolis, chestnut. Such funds can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

  • Forte;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Rektaktiv;
  • homeopathic calendula;
  • Betiol;
  • (belladonna leaf);

The composition of synthetic suppositories includes bismuth, hormonal substances of a steroid nature, inactivated E. coli microbial cells. Such drugs have many contraindications and should only be used as directed by a doctor.

Rectal suppositories with hydrocortisone

Hydrocortisone suppositories are very effective for anal fissures. In addition to a pronounced healing result, they have an antihistamine, antipruritic and vasoconstrictive effect.

The best representative of this group is considered. The drug can be bought without a prescription, but it should be used with caution.

Anal suppositories with prednisolone

Synthetic suppositories with prednisolone are glucocorticosteroid drugs. They eliminate itching and swelling in the anus, reduce discomfort and irritation.

In pharmacies, rectal suppositories with prednisolone are not widely represented. The only remedy that has proven itself and is in demand is Hepatrombin G. The suppository is sold without a prescription, but, like any hormonal remedy, it has a lot of contraindications.

Rectal suppositories with analgesic effect

All drugs in this group contain a local anesthetic - anesthesin or lidocaine. Medicines have a pronounced analgesic effect. They act very quickly and eliminate discomfort in the anus after 1-2 minutes. The duration of anesthesia lasts up to 1 hour.

Anal candles in this category include:

  • Anestezol;
  • Nigepan;
  • Proctosan;
  • Hemorol;
  • Olestezin;
  • Cinhocaine;
  • Procto-glivenol;
  • Proctosedyl:
  • Hemoproct.

In addition to the active substance, analgesic rectal suppositories also contain some auxiliary components: sodium, menthol, zinc oxide, framicetin, hydrocortisone.

Attention. When using analgesic suppositories, it should be remembered that they can only temporarily eliminate discomfort and improve the patient's condition, but in no way will they cure a fissure in the anus.

Wound healing rectal suppositories

The action of suppositories of this group is aimed at the speedy regeneration of the tissues of the anus, reducing swelling and irritation. In addition, suppositories relieve soreness and facilitate defecation with cracks in the rectum.

The composition of restorative rectal agents is very rich. They contain sodium alginate, sea buckthorn oil, mesalazine, fluocortolone hexonate, cinchocaine hydrochloride, propolis, bee bread, royal jelly, flower pollen, natural honey.

The best wound healing candles:

  • Salofalk;
  • Prostopin;
  • Ultraproject.

Healing suppositories are more effective than similar tablets and ointments. Due to the introduction directly into the focus of inflammation, they are instantly absorbed and give a quick result.

Overview of suppositories from a crack in the anal canal

Pathologies of the anus and anorectal region require immediate therapy. They give a person a lot of unpleasant minutes and are accompanied by pain, bleeding and itching.

Detailed information about suppositories for the treatment of cracks in the anus will allow you not to get confused when choosing and purchase a really necessary drug.

Advice. Since complex treatment always gives the best effect, a combination of several groups of rectal suppositories is justified: anti-inflammatory, analgesic and healing.

Below we consider the most popular and effective remedies for a crack in the anus.

Sea buckthorn candles

A medicinal product made from sea buckthorn oil and wax quickly soothes itching and irritation, accelerates regeneration processes. The natural composition allows the use of candles by pregnant and lactating women, babies at a very early age. Infants are given half of the suppository. The product does not cause any discomfort, therefore it is suitable for frequent use.

Candles with sea buckthorn oil have no contraindications

In addition to pharmaceutical medicine, sea buckthorn suppositories for anal fissures can be made at home. The effect from them is no worse than from the purchased ones.

Suppositories with methyluracil

Candles based on methyluracil have anti-inflammatory, anabolic and healing effects. Shown for cracks in the anus, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the rectum.

Advice. Before the introduction of the drug, you should defecate and wash the anus with warm water.

Suppositories with methyluracil have a number of contraindications:

  • children's age up to 3 years;
  • cancerous neoplasms of the brain and hematopoietic tissue;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • malignant hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue;
  • leukemia.

The use of the drug requires mandatory medical supervision.

Glycerin suppositories

Very useful for cracks in the anus. The active substance envelops the mucous membrane and softens the stool, which greatly simplifies the act of defecation.

Candles are produced in different forms - for children and adults. They should not be used for a long time, as they are addictive.

Contraindicated in deep anal fissures, malignant neoplasms, hemorrhoids and an allergic reaction to the active substance.

Rectal suppositories Relief

These are very popular and effective shark liver oil suppositories. Thanks to this component, candles perfectly restore the mucous membrane, strengthen blood vessels and relieve irritation and swelling.

Relief - one of the best rectal suppositories for anal fissures

Candles with propolis

This remedy applies to . Propolis not only eliminates pain and discomfort in the anal canal, but also has a therapeutic effect on all organs of the small pelvis. Candles are prescribed for cracks and ruptures in the anus.

A contraindication to use may be an allergy to a bee product. During pregnancy and during the period, consultation with a doctor is required.

Attention. Candles with propolis prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, have antiviral activity and increase local immunity. Prevent the development of cancerous growths and help get rid of the infection.

This is not a complete list of anal suppositories, but they have the best healing effect.

How to use candles

Rectal suppositories with a crack in the anus are recommended to be used only after visiting a coloproctologist. The appointment of the necessary drugs depends on the degree of damage to the mucosa, the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant ailments.

  1. Before the procedure, empty the intestines and rinse the anus with warm water and soap.
  2. Hands must be washed well or put on disposable gloves, fingertip.
  3. It is recommended to warm up the candle before use so that it does not damage the mucous membrane.

The process of preparing and inserting a rectal suppository into the anus

The process of introducing a suppository is not difficult. An adult patient, when performing the procedure on his own, should lie on his side, pull his legs to his chest, relax his stomach and slowly insert the candle into the anus. Then you should lie down quietly for 20-25 minutes.

Advice. If during the treatment there was a forced act of defecation, it is recommended to repeat the hygiene procedures and again place a fresh suppository in the anus.

If the rectal remedy is intended for the baby, and it needs to be cut into pieces, this should be done without removing the suppository from the package. If it is difficult to enter into the anus - and this happens if the child is afraid - the tip of the suppository should be lubricated with petroleum jelly.

The simultaneous use of several types of drugs for the treatment of anal fissures is possible only after consulting a doctor. If the patient is prescribed rectal suppositories with different therapeutic effects, they should be used with a certain time interval. This will avoid side effects and not always favorable interaction of drugs with each other.

You can learn more about how to properly insert a suppository into the anal canal from the video:

Use of rectal suppositories during pregnancy

Many women during the period of bearing a child often suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. Frequent constipation leads to irritation and cracks in the anus. For the treatment of the disease, expectant mothers are most often prescribed complex therapy.

Plant-based suppositories from anal fissures deserve special attention during pregnancy. The most effective suppositories with propolis, sea buckthorn oil and calendula extract.

The same funds are suitable for women after childbirth with severe tears and minor operations. To eliminate discomfort in the anus, nursing mothers are prescribed rectal remedies with natural ingredients. They have practically no contraindications, but before using them, you should consult a doctor and carefully read the annotation.

How to choose the right rectal suppositories

The choice of suppository directly depends on the severity of the symptoms. For example, with an uncomplicated fissure in the anus and mild pain, but with a risk of bleeding, heparin drugs are suitable.

An anal fissure is a rupture of the walls of the anal canal, accompanied by severe pain, and in some cases, blood discharge during bowel movements. The provoking factor of the defect of the rectum are constipation, diarrhea, mechanical damage, inflammation.

More susceptible to gaps in the anus are people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, lift heavy objects, abuse alcohol and spicy foods. The acute form of anal fissure is episodic, while the chronic form lasts more than 3 months.

Principles of therapy

Treatment is prescribed by the doctor after the diagnosis has been made, depending on the form and symptoms of the disease. There are several ways to treat an anal fissure:

  1. Medicamentous method - involves the use of drugs that help eliminate infection in the rectum, regenerate the crack. The duration of treatment depends on the degree of the disease diagnosed in the patient.
  2. A minimally invasive method consists in laser removal of an anal fissure on an outpatient basis.
  3. Surgical treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. The surgical removal of the anal fissure takes place with the help of a laser and sphincterotomy.

These methods are not the only ways to treat the disease. Traditional treatment involves the use of medicinal plants and recipes passed down from generation to generation. How exactly to treat the disease, which method to choose, the doctor will tell you after the examination.

Principles of folk therapy

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. An anal fissure is no exception. A special place is occupied by the prevention of the disease. Folk remedies are effective not only in the treatment of anal fissures, but also as a prophylactic. You can conditionally divide folk remedies into 2 main groups: for internal and external use.

Means for internal use:

  1. Yellow stonecrop tincture - eliminates pain, inflammation, promotes tissue regeneration. Local treatment of a rectal defect can be diversified by oral administration of a tincture. The herbaceous part of the medicinal plant must be finely chopped, and then pour 200 ml of boiling water. The infusion must be infused. Then strain the tincture and can be taken orally during the day.
  2. Peony tincture has the same healing properties as stonecrop tenacious. In order to prepare the tincture, it is necessary to finely chop the leaves and petals of the plant. With a glass of boiling water, brew 1 tbsp. l. chopped plant, let it brew. When the infusion has cooled, it is necessary to strain it. It is recommended to take a quarter cup every 4 hours.

Products for outdoor use:

Steam baths and sitz baths

An anal wound can be treated with an ancient Chinese water bath.

You will need 2 liters of water and 1 kg of pumpkin seeds. 10-15 minutes before the start of the procedure, the seeds are poured with hot water. The patient then sits over the steam twice during the day.

Sitz baths are an equally effective way.

The duration of the procedure is from 15 to 20 minutes. Legs and the lumbar region should not be exposed to hypothermia during the procedure. For sitz baths, you must first prepare the infusion. To do this, 20 g of the collection of medicinal herbs is poured into 1500 ml of hot water. Strain and dilute with 4 or 5 liters of warm water.

Compresses and ointments

The compress is applied to the painful area of ​​the anal wound. It is recommended to grate beets and carrots. Then - mix the ingredients in equal proportions. After - 3/4 of the resulting mixture is mixed with 1/4 of pork bile. The resulting mixture is laid out on gauze and applied to the anus for a quarter of an hour.

Another folk remedy is honey. After preliminary bowel cleansing while lying down, inject 100 ml of a 20% honey solution into the anus, the temperature of which is about 40 ° C. Then firmly clamp the buttocks so that the solution does not flow out of the rectum. Lie in this position for 5 minutes. Honey should be absorbed into the walls of the rectum. In this case, the treatment will be effective. At the end of 5 minutes - empty the intestines.

Place spruce resin, wax, vegetable oil, honey in equal proportions in a container and put on fire, stirring. After the mixture becomes homogeneous, remove it from the heat and cool. Ointment to treat the defect of the rectum.


Lotions in folk medicine are used to eliminate signs of anal bleeding. This symptom is life-threatening, as it can be triggered by the presence of pathology of the rectum or epigastrium. If bleeding is caused by hemorrhoids, you can make lotions from decoctions of medicinal herbs (calendula, chamomile, oak bark).

A swab dipped in a decoction is applied to the anus. The herbs used in the decoction eliminate inflammation, heal wounds, and eliminate itching. The prepared decoction can be used not only for lotions, but also for sitz baths, microclysters.

Education: Graduated from the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov, Faculty of Medicine. Took advanced training courses. Primary specialization - in coloproctology at the State Scientific Center of Coloproctology. Worked at the City Scientific and Practical Center of Coloproctology of St. Petersburg.

Work experience: Proctologist. Experience in medical practice - 25 years. Author of more than 40 medical articles. A regular participant of conferences and symposia, which highlights the problems of modern medicine.

Provides highly qualified diagnostics and treatment of many diseases: hemorrhoids, anal fissures, various diseases of the colon, successfully diagnoses neoplasms of the perianal region and rectum at early stages. He also conducts examinations of children.

A fissure in the anus is a serious disease, the treatment of which should be carried out under the supervision of a treating specialist. Otherwise, it can become chronic or cause purulent processes in the intestinal area.

But in some cases, a person does not have the opportunity and time to visit a specialist, and the treatment is carried out at home.

Home Treatments

In order for folk remedies and the treatment of an anal fissure at home to be effective, it is necessary to regularly carry out the recommended procedures and use medications daily.

Treatment at home is possible:

  • Candles, ointments and creams.
  • Microclysters.
  • Compresses.
  • Baths.


They are carried out regularly before the introduction of local drugs in the rectal area.

Duration - about 15 minutes. The water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.

It is desirable to carry out about 4 procedures per day, which will avoid infection and promote the healing of cracks.

Traditional medicine involves the use of decoctions of chamomile and oak bark for the preparation of baths. They can be used individually or in a 2:1 ratio. Decoctions also give a good effect:

  • Calendula.
  • Yarrow.
  • Immortelle.
  • Field horsetail.
  • Peony leaves.

To do this, one tablespoon of dried herbs is added to one glass of boiled water and brewed for 15 minutes. In the absence of medicinal herbs, a weak solution of potassium permanganate can be used.


They are carried out in case of constipation, which are unacceptable for cracks. The enema will have the most beneficial effect if it is carried out in the evening. The temperature of the injected solution should not exceed 35 degrees. The liquid is injected with a syringe and try to keep the maximum amount of time.

For the solution, you can use decoctions:

Oil-based micro enema promotes faster healing of cracks and makes the act of defecation painless.

Most often, castor, vaseline and sea buckthorn oil are used for this.

Chamomile enemas have antiseptic and healing properties. Linseed oil or sea buckthorn oil can also be added to their composition, in a ratio of 2: 1.


Compresses will have a positive effect if the crack is formed on the outside of the anus.

As a compress, you can use a swab soaked in sea buckthorn oil. In this case, compresses based on medicinal herbs, which are used for baths, also help.

A good result is a mixture of grated carrots and beets in equal amounts, which is applied for 15 minutes.

Candles, ointments and creams

Cracks in the anus can cause serious inflammation when pathogenic bacteria enter, therefore, during treatment, it is necessary to abandon home-made creams and ointments, as well as the means of little-known traditional healers.

It is very difficult to cure such a disease only with folk remedies, and at best it will become chronic.

Most popular candles:

Ointments for anal fissures:

Remedies for severe pain:

  • Ultra project.
  • Proctosan.
  • Anestezol.
  • Proctoglivenol.
  • Candles with adrenaline.

With severe pain, novocaine blockades can be used. They are introduced into the area under the crack about 1.5 cm deep. This procedure allows you to relieve pain in a short period.

Choice of treatment method

Which drug will help in one case or another depends on the stage of the disease and the presence of other intestinal pathologies.

Ointments and suppositories are used according to the instructions. Their term of use usually does not exceed 14 days. It is best to take them before bed.

Folk remedies cannot act as an independent method of treatment, especially if the disease has become chronic. They will serve as a good addition to the main therapy. Chamomile, rosehip oil, oak bark - they must be present in the treatment of anal fissures, and will help a quick recovery.

If anal fissures are in a neglected chronic state, only the attending physician can choose the most effective ointment. Folk remedies in this case will be powerless - at best, they will temporarily eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, but they will not be able to cure completely.

Diet for anal fissure

Meals should include soft, easily digestible foods to eliminate the risk of constipation. List of products allowed for consumption:

  • Dairy products.
  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • Bran and porridge.
  • Dried fruits.

It is necessary to completely exclude from the diet:

You need to eat often, in small portions. In no case should you overeat and drink alcohol. Light low-fat vegetable broths, cereals and sour-milk products are indicated for many intestinal diseases, as they allow you to normalize the digestion process.

Indications and contraindications

In order for the treatment to give a positive result, an accurate diagnosis is necessary.

Anal fissures have similar symptoms to many intestinal pathologies, and self-treatment can only hurt if a person makes a self-diagnosis.

Alternative methods of treatment can be used only on the recommendation of a specialist, if the disease is in an acute stage, and is allocated with large bleeding.

During pregnancy and lactation, all drugs are strictly prescribed by the attending physician.



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