Endoscopic facelift. Safe Rejuvenation Technique – Endoscopic Facelift Endoscopic Midface Lift

The essence of any surgical rejuvenation is reduced to relief shifts in muscle and skin tissue, the opposite of age-related changes. Endoscopic facelift is one of the safest methods of this type of surgery.

What is an endoscopic facelift

Rejuvenation surgery involves exfoliation of the skin, dissection and movement of muscle tissue, removal of fatty deposits, if necessary, fixation of muscle fibers, tension and fixation of the skin. In this case, excision of excess skin and connective tissue is carried out.

Endoscopic lifting belongs to the category of minimally invasive methods. Its fundamental difference from traditional plastic surgery is the absence of excision. And the skin, and muscles, and connective tissue are redistributed in such a way as to take their "rightful" place and thus level out age-related changes. Only adipose tissue is subject to removal, since it is definitely superfluous.

To hold the muscles and skin in a new place, special sutures or endotines are used - staples and tapes with "tweezers". The latter fix the tissues for a sufficiently long period, so that by the time they disappear, the newly formed connective tissue has fixed the skin and muscles. Endotins dissolve on their own and do not need to be removed.

This approach provides many benefits:

  • the minimum number of incisions and their very small size - within 1.5–2 cm;
  • high accuracy of the operation: the use of an endoscope allows you to receive an image and constantly evaluate the state of the surgical field;
  • minimal intervention guarantees a minimum of consequences and complications;
  • the rehabilitation period after a facelift is much lower;
  • the operation can be carried out locally - in certain areas, or in a complex.

The only drawback of the intervention is that a highly qualified surgeon is required. In addition, there are restrictions on age, and not only on the condition of the patient.

What is an endoscopic facelift, the video below will tell:

The essence of the procedure

Its name is endoscopic, the correction received due to the method. In a conventional operation, it is required to completely exfoliate the skin, literally removing it from the operated area, which implies large incisions and significant blood loss.

Endoscopic technology allows you to act differently. Small incisions are made in the required places - up to a maximum of 2 cm. Silicone tubes are inserted into the incisions. The lighting and recording system - the endoscope, and the instruments themselves move along them. As a result, the doctor does not need to exfoliate the skin, since he receives an image using an endoscope. Accordingly, there is no need to increase the cuts.

The small size of the incisions allows modification of the techniques used. To correct the middle zone of the face, a vertical lift is possible, when the skin of the cheeks is lifted to the lower ciliary edge and at the same time the nerve nodes located in the middle part of the cheek are not affected at all. The effectiveness of the vertical lift is higher, the minimum amount of skin needs to be redistributed, but it cannot be done in the usual way.

Endoscopic technique allows you to combine intervention in different areas, and with multi-vector stretching. Although many plastic surgeons believe that an integrated approach justifies itself to the greatest extent.

Professor A. M. Borovikov, one of the most famous practicing surgeons, claims that after local rejuvenation, patients return literally a year later, as they find that, compared to the rejuvenated part of the face, the rest of the areas do not look aesthetically pleasing. After a comprehensive rejuvenation for 10 years of practice of this procedure, no one has yet applied for a second restoration.

The operation lasts from 40 minutes to 6 hours, depending on the extent of the intervention. Local anesthesia is possible only for partial correction or for blepharoplasty. All other types of facelifts are performed under general anesthesia, which is a limitation for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The result of rejuvenation lasts on average 5–7 years: this is due to individual characteristics and general health. A complex operation, as already mentioned, provides a more stable result.

Photos before and after facelift


The division of the face into zones is associated with the mechanisms of aging and understanding of the subject of plastic surgery.

The face is divided into lateral and central - the medial part, along a conditional vertical line running along the nose. According to this division, it is immediately clear why a vertical lift, if possible, will give more tangible results. The signs of aging are concentrated mainly in the medial part, and the lateral skin tightening is effective only in relation to the lower part of the face and the lateral region. Although, of course, it still reduces relief changes.

The face is divided into 3, or rather, 4 zones. Conditional lines run horizontally at the level of the eyebrows and nostrils.

  • - neck, jaw line, chin, corners of the mouth. Nasolabial folds are no longer included in this zone, as they appear when the skin of the cheeks is lowered and, in fact, corrections are not available in this case. Signs of aging here are a double chin, jowls, lowered corners of the mouth, and wrinkles from the corner of the mouth to the chin. In the lower zone, excess fat most often accumulates, so the correction has to be combined with liposuction. The mechanism of correction of the lower third of the face is as follows: an incision is made around the ear and the soft tissues of the cheeks are redistributed. At the same time, the cheeks are removed, the folds around the mouth take on an inclined position and are smoothed out. For a facelift, do not make incisions under the chin. A lower facelift does not affect the condition of the middle zone in any way.
  • - the space between the horizontal lines at the level of the nostrils and eyebrows. Includes nasolabial folds and lower eyelids, although the latter are often distinguished into a separate 4th zone. The middle zone ages the fastest, the signs are the zygomatic sac, the relief between the lacrimal sulcus and the ciliary margin, and, of course, the most obvious sign of aging is the nasolabial folds formed by overhanging tissues. Mid-zone correction provides the most pronounced effect of rejuvenation, especially when combined with a lower eyelid lift. The operation takes from 1.5 hours, if it concerns only the circular muscle of the face, and up to 3 hours, if a check-lift is performed.
    • The technique is as follows: incisions are made along the lower ciliary edge in a natural crease. Muscles are cut through them and moved to their original position, fixed with endotines, then the skin is pulled. The resulting folds in the corners of the eye are removed by a lift in the temporal region. The complexity of the procedure lies in the fact that it is necessary to work here with facial muscles. If they are incorrectly shifted, synchronous work is disrupted, and this is fraught with asymmetry and disturbances in facial expressions from different sides of the face.
    • Another option is also possible: in this case, a lateral lift is combined - incisions are made near the ear, and a lift through incisions on the oral mucosa. The technique is safe, since the nerve nodes in the center of the cheeks are not affected.
  • - forehead and eyebrows. Signs of aging are here: drooping eyebrows, drooping upper eyelids, horizontal sweetness and wrinkles on the forehead. The drooping of the eyebrows and eyes may not be related to age and is quite amenable to correction. The essence of the operation: incisions are made along the border of hair growth in order to hide the roller that appears when the skin is pulled, and the sutures themselves, of course. In this case, the omission disappears, wrinkles are leveled, but the height of the forehead increases. If this is a problem, a variety of techniques are used: oblique slope, sawtooth pattern, and so on. An upper facelift is often combined with other types of correction. The fact is that exfoliation of the skin on the forehead opens up many opportunities for rejuvenation of the eyes, and the middle zone of the face, and even the lower one - it’s a sin not to use it. You can remove wrinkles at the temples, change the shape of the nose - a hump, fill the cheekbones. Moreover, in this case, the need for lateral incisions for lateral skin tightening disappears. True, the result of such an operation is initially fixed not with sutures or endotines, but with titanium screws, which are removed after 20 days.
  • 4 zone - eye socket. Its upper part belongs to the upper third, the lower one to the middle. However, often the operation is performed only here, since the eye socket focuses the most obvious signs of aging: wrinkles and folds in the corners, drooping of the upper eyelid, sub-eversion and drooping of the lower, increasing the distance between the ciliary edge and the tear trough. Often, patients who are not ready for radical rejuvenation perform eye socket correction as a compromise between the desire to get a younger face and the fear of a facelift. There are no physiological or anatomical justifications for isolating the eye socket into a separate zone. On the contrary, the surgeon works with two different zones during the operation, which, of course, is disadvantageous. However, blepharoplasty as a separate procedure is in great demand, which has to be taken into account.
  • Complex rejuvenation involves working on the entire face at once. This decision should be considered the most rational. The minimum number of incisions is made, since a maximum of actions are carried out through them. In relatively mild cases, the entire correction is performed through incisions on the forehead and in the crease of the lower eyelid. In addition, the result lasts longer.

Clearly and with useful diagrams, this video describes how the operation is performed:

At what age can you do

To correct cosmetic flaws - a drooping eyelid or eyebrow, there are practically no age restrictions. But for anti-aging procedures, age matters.

Endoscopic technique does not involve excision of muscles and skin. The calculation is that relatively elastic tissues take root on their own in a “new” place, and connective tissue is formed quickly enough to secure this position. Alas, in old age this is impossible.

Skin with too low elasticity simply cannot hold on and sags again. The same can be said about the muscle fibers: the better they are in condition, the greater the chances for the success of the operation. Accordingly, any endoscopic procedures after 60 years are meaningless.

  • Rejuvenation of the middle part of the face of this kind can be resorted to as early as 30-35 years. Age between 35 and 50 is optimal.
  • Correction of the lower part of the face, as a rule, is performed later - from 45 to 60 years. However, in combination with liposuction, it is also done earlier, if the double chin and cheekbones are due to excess adipose tissue.
  • The age limit for rejuvenation of the upper face is 60 years.
  • Blepharoplasty is performed between the ages of 35 and 60.

Photo of the patient

The complex of endoscopy of the upper third of the face includes several types of operations - depending on the indications, the operations are performed in isolation or combined:

  • forehead lift,
  • brow lift,
  • brow lift,
  • lifting of the temporal areas.

Often, age-related changes in the forehead, eyebrows, glabellar area and temple area can be resolved within a single operation. Prior to the consultation, the plastic surgeon assesses the condition of the patient's tissues, and also determines the position of the hairline and preferences for hairstyles, which allows you to get a complete picture and offer the patient the most effective technique for performing the operation to achieve maximum aesthetic results in the complete absence of scars.

Free annual maintenance and monitoring! After the operation, we provide our patients with a free annual service, supervision and support from surgeons and clinic staff, in all matters related to your plastic surgery.

Installment plan possible*. Details by phones of clinic.

Prices for endoscopic upper zone lift

The final cost of the operation is determined at the consultation of a plastic surgeon.

    Endoscopic lifting of the upper zone: forehead and temples - temporal region, eyebrows

    Badak O.E., Filippov A.I., Kopasov A.E., Kondratiev D.G., Naydenov N.P. (Christmas discount from January 3rd to 21st!)

    260 000 205 000 ₽

    Tumakov G.I. (Stock!)

    260 000 208 000 ₽

    Egorova M.V.

    Abrahamyan S.M.

Prices for the operation at professors Blokhin S.N. and Vulf I.A. - on request.

All inclusive!

  1. Anesthesiologist's consultation
  2. Anesthesia
  3. Hospital stay (room + meals)
  4. Complete post-operative care
  5. Free annual service (monitoring and support for all issues related to the operation)

Attention! Lifting of the forehead and temporal areas can be performed using endotins - special biodegradable tissue fixatives. The final decision on the use of endotins is made by your plastic surgeon during a consultation.

forehead lift procedure

What scars remain after a forehead lift?

Endoscopic forehead lift is carried out through 3 micro-incisions located in the scalp. The size and location of the incisions during a forehead lift depend on the technique chosen by your plastic surgeon. The incisions are usually made along the hairline or in the deep crease of the forehead - in the future they will be carefully hidden.

Lifting techniques:

  1. Coronary technique - is indicated in rare cases with severe ptosis of the skin and soft tissues.
    The incision is made in the scalp - 3-5 cm above the hairline - starts above the ears and is hidden in the hair.
  2. Endoscopic forehead lift.
    This technique is performed through three micro-punctures 1 cm above the hairline - through which the endoscopic equipment passes. In the future, the scars will be completely hidden in the hair and completely invisible to others.
  3. Minimally invasive way.
    Thin incisions 1.5 cm long will be hidden at the border of the frontotemporal region and in the scalp. A special endoscopic wedge resection technique allows correction of the frontotemporal zone, as well as minimal lifting of the lateral corners of the eyes and the eyebrow line.

There are a large number of cosmetic preparations and cosmetic facial skin care procedures that have a rejuvenating effect:,. With their help, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in her condition. However, there comes a point when these remedies become powerless against loss of elasticity and gravitational ptosis. The desired effect can be obtained if you turn to a plastic surgeon in time. The latest technique in plastic surgery is the endoscopic facelift. It allows you to achieve amazing results.

What is the age-related changes in the face

This problem is faced by patients starting from the age of 30-40, as well as those who have lost weight in a short period of time. Due to a decrease in synthesis, a decrease in the content of collagen and elastin fibers, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity.

Changes are especially susceptible to tissue in the area of ​​mimic muscles. When the latter contract, the skin forms folds in the most mobile parts of the face, which are smoothed out when the mimic muscles relax. With increasing age, this ability is increasingly lost due to increased fragility and slower recovery of collagen and elastin fibers, the folds become deeper.

Fatty tissue, located in the area of ​​the zygomatic bones, descends, pulling the skin. As a result of this, furrows are formed at the nose, in the corners of the eyes, bags under the eyes, descend and hang over the upper eyelid tissues located in the region of the superciliary arches.

The constant reflex contraction of the forehead muscles, aimed at holding tissues, leads to an ever greater deepening of the frontal longitudinal furrows and vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows. The fatty tissue under the skin in the cheek area gradually descends, deepening the nasolabial folds and forming the so-called “folds of sadness” in the corners of the mouth, and the chin sags.

Progressive tissue atrophy exacerbates all these processes. Most noticeably they affect the middle zone of the face. It takes on a somewhat gloomy, preoccupied and tired look. It, like in a mirror, reflects the aging of the body, which greatly affects the psychological state of people, especially women. Endoscopic facelift helps to get rid of these changes for a long time.

Idea about the operation and indications

Endoscopic lift is the most modern way in plastic surgery in the fight against aging. It is the most effective compared to all other methods.

The endoscopic method consists in using a flexible plastic device with a miniature optical and powerful lighting systems (endoscope). Through it, the whole picture in a significantly enlarged form is transmitted to the monitor screen. Through one of the punctures in the skin, the endoscope itself is inserted, through the others - the appropriate instruments, with the help of which manipulations are carried out on detachment, tightening and fixation of tissues. The operation is performed under general anesthesia for 1-4 hours.

The advantages of endoscopic facelift are:

  1. Safety and absence of traces after the operation.
  2. Minor injury. If, when using other methods, large incisions had to be made to provide access to the necessary tissues, then with endoscopic lifting, in most cases, 2-5 point punctures are sufficient (depending on the volume of the operation). This allows you to act locally precisely in those areas and on those tissues that need to be moved, tightened and, accordingly, rejuvenated.
  3. Opportunities to achieve a more stable and high-quality aesthetic result that lasts for many years (sometimes for life). The operation is performed on the deepest layers of tissues. Endoscopy makes it possible to separate from the bones, without affecting their structure, the entire array of soft tissues and move them entirely.
  4. The minimum number of postoperative complications in the form of hemorrhages and loss of sensitivity in certain areas due to damage to nerve endings. This is due to a large increase in the operated area and the ability to bypass even small vessels and nerves without damage.
  5. Short rehabilitation period and preservation of natural facial features.

Types of endoscopic lifting

Temporal regions and forehead

Endoscopic operations to lift the skin of the forehead and temporal areas are called upper endoscopic lifting, indications for which:

  • Transverse and longitudinal wrinkles on the forehead.
  • Low drooping eyelids or eyebrows.
  • Wrinkles at the root of the nose and in the area above the bridge of the nose.

Surgical intervention is carried out from two punctures in the hair growth zone. Under the control of a video camera, tissues are dissected at the points of muscle fixation to relax them. These muscles move the eyebrows downward, resulting in the formation of folds and mimic wrinkles on the bridge of the nose.

To eliminate frontal wrinkles with the help of endoscopic equipment, soft tissues are separated from the bone, followed by their displacement and fixation with special biodegradable plates. On the forehead, the skin is shifted upward and strengthened with special glue. The camera makes it possible to view the nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels in an enlarged form.

This type of braces allows you to:

  • get rid of wrinkles between the eyebrows and wrinkles on the forehead;
  • raise overhanging eyebrows;
  • raise the outer ends of the eyebrows, which gives the face an “open” look, freshness and vivacity.

There are no hemorrhages after the operation. Puffiness disappears within 10 days, which makes it possible to return to work. The full formation of the scar takes about 2 months.

Endoscopic midface lift

This area is the most difficult to correct with all types of circular lift. In some cases, endoscopic lifting is combined with other anti-aging interventions - or blepharoplasty. Indications for the application of the technique are:

  • Decrease in volume of cheeks and flabbiness of skin.
  • Deep nasolabial folds.
  • Bags under the eyes.
  • Omission of the eyelids, corners of the mouth, skin of the infraorbital region.

To perform a mid-face lift, surgeons practice the following techniques:

check-lifting- is a complex rejuvenation of the middle zone from incisions in the lower eyelid; this allows you to correct changes in the infraorbital region, the region of the zygomatic bones to the zone of nasolabial folds;

temporal or temporal lifting, in which access is carried out from incisions of the mucous membrane of the upper lip, in the temporal zones and in the region of the lower eyelid using ultra-thin biomaterial fixators (); the technique makes it possible to give the face a natural look when lifting the cheeks.

Lower face area

The lower zone is the edge of the lower jaw and the area of ​​the angle between the chin and the neck. If changes in this area occur only due to the accumulation of adipose tissue, correction can be carried out using classical liposuction or. But more often this is due to age-related aging of tissues, in which they “hanging” under the lower jaw, the formation of a double or triple chin with the formation of deep skin folds on the cheeks and around the mouth, wrinkles on the neck, and the disappearance of clear outlines of the face oval. The degree of such changes is influenced by the size and shape of the lower jaw: if it is small, then the contour of the lower zone is not expressed even in youth.

Surgical endoscopic lifting of the lower face area is carried out through the main access under the chin and auxiliary - behind the ears. In this case, excess adipose tissue is excised. With flabbiness of the skin of the neck and under the chin, a partial resection of the subcutaneous cervical muscle is additionally performed. The latter is sutured and moved.

If the lower contour is broken due to enlarged salivary submandibular glands, they are resected. With underdevelopment of the lower jaw, the desired effect is achieved with the help of additional plastics with implants. Thus, endoscopic facelift and neck lift are carried out simultaneously.

The use of isolated lower endoscopic lifting is indicated only for people of young and middle age in the absence of pronounced sagging of tissues in the chin and cervical regions.

General contraindications

Endoscopic facial rejuvenation is a surgical technique that is contraindicated in the following diseases:

  1. Infectious.
  2. Inflammatory local character.
  3. Vessels and heart.
  4. Systemic autoimmune.
  5. Diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation.
  6. Hypertension II-III stages.
  7. Changes in blood clotting.
  8. Renal or liver failure.

Endoscopic facelift surgery is rarely performed in isolation in any one area of ​​the face. Most often, a combination of various options is used with, the use of implants and. The highest results and the duration of their preservation can be achieved in people aged 30 to 50 years. Endoscopic lifting is the most effective operation in facial plastic surgery.

An endoscopic mid-face lift and an upper face lift give excellent results on their own. The effect can be enhanced by their combination with eyelid surgery, especially when performing lateral canthopexy. This avoids a round eye and gives the outer corner of the eye an elevated position relative to the inner corner of the eye. When performing an upper facelift, endoscopic lifting of the middle third of the face in combination with blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids, in addition to lateral canthopexy, myopexy is performed (myopexy is a lifting of the circular muscle of the eye). This improves the quality of the procedures. As a result, the nasolacrimal sulcus and the pseudozygomatic sac are successfully straightened.

An endoscopic mid-face lift combined with an upper face lift affects a large part of the face. Thus, with this type of lifting, we get the most pronounced result:

  • the projection of the cheekbones is noticeably increased,
  • shortening the height of the lower eyelid,
  • crow's feet are almost completely gone,
  • the eyebrow is raised to the desired position,
  • wrinkles between the eyebrows are smoothed out,
  • the soft tissues of the middle zone of the face are moved in the cheek area in the temporal direction,
  • the severity of the “puppet” fold decreases.


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