Dentist for children. Private pediatric dentistry: children are the most important patients

Preparing for a visit to the children's dental clinic

Many children have a fear of dentists. To prevent this from happening, it is important to properly organize the first visit to the dentist: choose a good clinic specializing in pediatric dentistry and prepare the child for the upcoming appointment.

Features of pediatric dentistry

Pediatric dentistry has its own characteristics, which should be taken into account by doctors of a children's dental clinic.

  • The reception time, if possible, should not exceed 30 minutes - it is difficult for a child to sit in one place for a long time.
  • The doctor should be able not only to treat teeth, but also to find an approach to each child.
  • The procedure for dental treatment should be non-traumatic. If it is necessary to use a drill, this should be done at low speeds to reduce discomfort;
  • Dental treatment for children should take place without pain - for this, the method of double anesthesia is used - when the injection site is previously anesthetized with lidocaine gel.
Have you chosen the right children's dental clinic? It's time to prepare your child!

How to prepare a child?

  1. Whenever possible, the first examination should be preventive rather than associated with acute pain.
  2. Tell us about the upcoming trip to the doctor as an interesting adventure.
  3. It is not necessary to talk in detail about what the doctor will do - it can scare. In addition, the treatment regimen is determined individually after admission.
  4. You should not warn about this earlier than a day before the event, so that the child does not have time to wind himself up and hear enough scary stories from his peers.
  5. No need to offer a gift for a visit to the doctor or persuade them not to be afraid - this will only convince the child that something terrible is ahead of him. Do not under any circumstances say the phrase "It will not hurt"!
  6. Remain calm when accompanying your child to the clinic. If you are worried, he will definitely feel your condition and will also be worried.

The first impression is usually the strongest. Therefore, it is so important that the first acquaintance of a child with a dentist is calm and positive. Children's dental clinic "" near metro station Shabolovskaya is equipped with everything necessary for children's reception. Our doctors will establish contact with a child of any age and make dental treatment a fun and educational game for the baby!

Our children are lucky to be born in an age when dental treatment has ceased to be something scary and painful. The next generation will not know what the fear of visiting a doctor is if the very first visits to a pediatric dentist go without discomfort and pain. A dentist can be a friend of a child, to whom the kids go for an appointment with joy, and children's laughter can be heard from the office! This is not a fairy tale, this is the real world of pediatric dentistry of the Mother and Child clinic network.

Why is it important to make friends with a dentist from childhood?

  • The foundation of a healthy, beautiful smile and a healthy bite for life. With regular visits, the pediatric dentist will be able to control the process of tooth formation, if necessary, correct the bite. When the dentition is just being formed, such a correction will require less time and financial costs, and will not cause much discomfort to the child.
  • Teaching good oral hygiene. Firstly, in childhood itself, the most important habit for life is laid - brushing your teeth regularly. Secondly, care for milk teeth is almost more important than for permanent ones. Milk teeth are more prone to caries; the disease spreads very quickly on fragile enamel. Therefore, children need to go for preventive examinations two to four times a year. Early extraction of a milk tooth can lead to an incorrect formation of a permanent bite.
  • The habit of regularly visiting a dentist is laid. Preventive examinations by key specialists, including dentists, are the basis of our children's health. To instill this habit in them from childhood is one of the duties of caring parents.

Doctors of pediatric dentistry of our clinics have various methods of treating complications in milk teeth and permanent teeth with unformed roots (pulpitis and, if possible, save the tooth, periodontitis).

Depending on the clinical situation, the age of the child, methods of treating complicated caries (pulpitis) are used in one or more visits.

When treating permanent teeth with immature roots, pediatric dentists use PRO ROOT MTA to protect the tooth pulp. The imposition of this material on the pulp in most cases ensures the formation of tooth roots and does not require additional endodontic treatment (nerve removal and canal filling). The result of such treatment is the full formation of a permanent tooth.

Pediatric dentistry in clinics "Mother and Child"

  • Friendly environment. The doctor will get to know the baby, discuss the treatment in a playful way, choose a cartoon with the child to watch during the procedures.
  • In pediatric dentistry, painless methods of administering anesthesia are used, including the Injex needleless injector (Germany) (according to indications).
  • Diagnosis of carious and non-carious enamel lesions using a "marker".
  • Treatment with the latest materials produced in Germany and Japan.
  • Digital diagnostics of the presence of rudiments of permanent teeth.
  • Preventive program for preserving the enamel of milk and permanent teeth.
  • Aesthetic pediatric dentistry - the foundations of a beautiful smile are laid at the age of 6-10 years.
  • Plastic surgery of soft tissues of the oral cavity for children from 7 years old.
  • Protection of hard tissues of teeth: sealing of chewing surfaces, coating with fluorine varnish, silvering method.

Pediatric dentistry at the clinics "Mother and Child" provides a full range of services for the treatment and care of teeth. We are not afraid, not painful and interesting. Friendly, understanding and professional doctors in the clinics "Mother and Child" are by nature good teachers and psychologists. We find an approach to a variety of small patients and treatment without tears and pain is our daily reality. Come get acquainted!

Teeth are normal Dental treatment for children The best children's dental clinics in Moscow, an overview

It is well known that attention should be paid to the health of children's teeth from the moment they appear. Attention means not only proper home hygiene, but also a timely visit to the dentist for the prevention and early elimination of problems. Choosing a clinic and a doctor, meanwhile, is not easy, because a specialist must be not only a great professional, but also a person who can find an approach to the child. Which children's dental clinic in Moscow can be called the best? We offer a brief overview of the leaders of parental ratings.

Briefly about the features of pediatric dentistry

Pediatric dentistry has its own characteristics.

The difficulties faced by pediatric dentistry can be conditionally divided into two groups. The first is therapeutic problems involving the use of special techniques and tools. This is due to the following factors:

  1. Features of the structure of milk teeth. They differ from permanent ones in a thinner layer of dentin, smaller size, large pulp volume, wide root canals and low mineralization. These circumstances cause the frequent development of caries, which quickly develops into pulpitis.
  1. In pediatric dentistry, techniques are used that are not used in adults. Among them, for example, silvering to prevent the development of caries or the use of special softening pastes that simplify the cleaning of the carious cavity.
  1. The use of special equipment and materials - for example, contactless devices instead of drills and which are placed on milk teeth.

Each age has its own dental features and difficulties that are not typical for adults:

  • Up to two years can be identified as well as bottle caries.
  • From two to five years, bite problems are often found, which, with the timely start of treatment, can be eliminated quickly and painlessly.
  • After 6 years, it is important to observe whether the closure of the jaws is formed correctly. In addition, if the short bridle has not been trimmed, speech therapy problems may be detected.

In addition to solving medical problems, a pediatric dentist must also be a psychologist, because keeping a small patient in a chair is not at all easy. The doctor must establish contact with the child, carry out all the procedures in a playful way so that the baby does not feel fear.

Overview of the best children's dental clinics in Moscow


The center has been operating for 15 years, providing services in the following areas:

  • Surgery.
  • Therapy.
  • Orthodontics.
  • Prevention.
  • Whitening.

The clinic has everything for the treatment of small patients in comfortable conditions - special chairs for children, play areas, silent equipment, toys. Priority in the choice of methods is given to non-contact procedures.

Dental Fantasy

According to Kommersant, the clinic was named the best among pediatric dentistry in 2015. Features of the center:

  1. Guarantee for fillings (they will stand until the change of milk teeth).
  2. Modern X-ray machine and tomograph, allowing you to take pictures with minimal radiation exposure.
  3. Conditions for the treatment of children with disabilities.
  4. Sleep therapy is practiced.

Dental Fantasy has 4 centers in Moscow, each of which is equipped with a play area.


The clinic focuses not only on the treatment of the child, but also on establishing his contact with the doctor. For this, special psychological techniques are practiced:

  1. The acquaintance of the doctor and the little patient takes place outside the office, in a comfortable playroom.
  2. The program of the visit includes face painting.
  3. All patients have the opportunity to watch cartoons and receive gifts.

For this, a special gel is used, which softens hard tissues and allows the cavity to be treated with a non-contact method.


Reception takes place in the form of a game.

Dentistry positions itself as a family, so special attention is paid to both the treatment of the teeth of all family members, and prevention, as well as educating parents about the health of children's teeth. For children it is offered:

  • Treatment without a drill.
  • Game form of reception.
  • The use of anesthesia Sevoran.


The center has developed a set of psychological techniques that help the child to be distracted and not be afraid of treatment. This is a fabulous design, toys, cartoons, medals for bravery and much more.

If necessary, manipulations can be performed under general anesthesia. The clinic has documents allowing this type of service; it is equipped with an intensive care unit, and an anesthesiologist and a cardiologist work in the team.


An appointment with a dentist takes place in the playful form of a visit to the “country of carious monsters”. This is possible thanks to the visualization of the treatment process on a large screen. The show is accompanied by cheerful comments by the doctor, thanks to which the child is not afraid of treatment, but rather strives to defeat the “monsters”.

One of the new methods that are being used in the clinic is the “silicone key” technique for removing hidden caries. Especially often it occurs on contact surfaces in adolescence. The technique involves the removal of a silicone cast, cleaning and preparation of the tooth, filling and pressing the seal with a cast. Thanks to this, the shape of the chewing surface is restored.


The table contains approximate prices (in dollars) for some services of the best children's dental clinics in Moscow. Based on them, you can form an idea about the pricing policy of each institution.

martinka Dental Fantasy Nutcracker Markushka Cipollino
Baby tooth caries 65 115 from 50 45 70
30 25 17 22 40
nitrous oxide (30 minutes) 25 30 45 25 35
Frenuloplasty from 80 130 55 80 150
Installation of braces (metal) 2200 (two jaws, with installation) 2600 (two jaws, with installation) 480 (manufacturing only) 230 (one jaw, without fixation) 260 (one jaw, without fixation)
Installation of Invisalign aligners 5300 7200 from 4500 from 6000
Professional hygiene 2 (Air Flow, one tooth) 60 (two jaws) 40 25 45

The task of a pediatric dentist is not only to cure teeth, but also to form a child’s confidence that it is not painful, but very important. Therefore, the choice of a doctor for children should be approached with special attention.

Pediatric dentistry has its own characteristics, specifics and differs significantly from the treatment of adult patients. Every year there are more and more specialized children's clinics aimed at the treatment and diagnosis of milk teeth. We offer you an overview of children's dental clinics in Moscow and some useful information for parents.

How to prepare your child for a trip to the dental clinic?

First, choose a clinic. This is easy to do via the Internet, every serious medical institution has a website with which you can make an appointment with a pediatric dentist (this can be an online appointment, by phone or electronic appointment). Responsibly approach the choice of a doctor, as pediatric dentistry has not one, but several directions:

  1. A dentist-therapist treats caries, puts fillings, conducts preventive examinations and gives referrals to narrower specialists.
  2. The surgeon cuts the frenulum, removes the teeth, and performs other surgical procedures.
  3. doing prosthetics.
  4. The orthodontist corrects the abnormal bite, installs braces.

Expert opinion. Children's dentist Akulshina L.N.: “Never scare your baby with a dentist, because sooner or later you will have to go to him, do not create problems. Do not deceive the child, you do not need to say that the doctor will not do anything to him. Tell that the dentist will look at the teeth, cure the sick. You can create a trip to the doctor at home. Put the baby in a chair, let dad be a doctor, and you, for example, an assistant. Invite the baby to open his mouth, examine the teeth. This situation will prepare the child for the real visit.”

Important nuances

Bright drawings, toys, a special atmosphere will distract the baby from experiences.

What should I pay attention to when studying the website of a children's dental clinic? When choosing a clinic for a child, be sure to study the following information:

  • location of the clinic: choose the one that is closest. It is difficult to travel long distances with a child (taking into account that you need to go there and back),
  • clinic phone and other contacts. Call before taking your child to the dentist. Firstly, it is necessary to make an appointment with a pediatric dentist Secondly, there are times when the doctor you need is not in place (vacation, sick leave),
  • almost all sites have the ability to leave reviews. Based on patient reviews, you can evaluate the quality of services,
  • work schedule (there are clinics working around the clock),
  • the type of services that the clinic provides: for example, there may not be an orthopedic doctor,
  • be sure to study the cost of the services of several clinics, so you can not only find lower prices, all kinds of discounts and promotions,
  • if the clinic has a consultant who works around the clock, you can check with him for information that interests you, in more detail,
  • pay attention to the photos of the clinic: the presence of a children's room, toys will make a visit to the dentist not a stress for the baby, but an interesting adventure.

Read also:

Children's dentistry "Markushka"

Address: Uralskaya street, 23, building 4.

On the website of the clinic, you can make an appointment with a pediatric dentist online or by phone, there is also the possibility of feedback. On the site you can see photos of cabinets, read patient reviews, compare prices.

Clinic feature: It practices the treatment of children with special needs (with Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, epilepsy, heart pathologies, bronchial asthma and other serious diseases). If necessary, it is possible to carry out dental treatment under general anesthesia, the use of sedation.

Dental services "Markushka":

On the site you can find a lot of useful information about the health and treatment of children's teeth, discuss some questions on the forum.

"Dental Fantasy"

Children's dentistry "Dental Fantasy" for 10 years. This is a network of 4 clinics:

  1. Molodogvardeyskaya street, house 2, apartment 1.
  2. Prospekt Mira, house 36, building 1.
  3. Palekhskaya street, house 21.
  4. Garibaldi street, 15.

Ask if the clinic has a playroom.

Services provided by the clinic "Dental Fantasy":

  1. Diagnosis and prevention: laser diagnostics, CT, visiograph, mouthguards, enamel fluoridation.
  2. Therapeutic treatment of caries, pulpitis, stomatitis, frenuloplasty, tooth extraction.
  3. Correction of malocclusion.
  4. Aesthetic dentistry.
  5. Treatment of children with special needs.

Dentistry for teenagers "Baby Smile"

Address: Novoslobodskaya street, 67/69.

The site describes in detail how to get to the clinic both by public transport and by your own car. The site contains patient reviews, useful information, the "Question and Answer" section. We offer you to get acquainted with the prices for services at the Baby Smile clinic (check the cost of services with the administrator).

Clinic "Doctor Lopatin" has the most modern treatment and diagnostic technologies, which allows you to effectively use the best methods of treating children's teeth. The leading specialists of the clinic are experienced dentists who are dedicated to their work.

Why are children not afraid of going to Dr. Lopatin dentistry?

If the task of parents is to find a good pediatric dentist whom the child would trust, then the main task of our clinic is to gently adapt children to the new environment, to convince them that treating teeth is not scary.

After meeting with the doctors of our clinic, children have only positive memories. Doctors do not focus on the treatment itself, but win the trust of the kids with funny stories and stories. Therefore, children visit the dentistry "Doctor Lopatin" without fear and with pleasure.

Among our doctors are only experienced dentists: therapists, surgeons, orthodontists who treat children's teeth according to world protocols and do not use the method of keeping children in the chair.

We care about the health of your children:

  • when carrying out rehabilitation, we take into account the age and individual characteristics of small patients;
  • we use the most highly effective and safe methods of treatment;
  • we show live human participation to small patients. We are attentive to their problems and answer all the questions of interest to parents;
  • every day we prove that the treatment of children's teeth can be painless and safe;
  • we treat caries using the best filling materials;
  • we restore (restore) milk teeth;
  • we conduct hygiene lessons for children and teach the rules of brushing teeth.

When is it necessary to consult a pediatric dentist?

Signing up for a paid appointment with a pediatric dentist at the Doctor Lopatin clinic is advisable in the following situations:

  • with the appearance of acute pain, caries, pulpitis;
  • with swelling around the tooth, bumps on the reddened gums (flux);
  • with malocclusion;
  • with improper growth of milk and molars;
  • with problems with breastfeeding;
  • when the child refuses to eat solid food;
  • with plaque that a toothbrush cannot cope with;
  • with manifestations in the oral cavity of dysbacteriosis;
  • with dental injuries;
  • for preventive purposes or when there are doubts about the health of children's teeth.

An impeccable knowledge of the anatomy of milk teeth is the key to successful treatment. After all, the health of permanent teeth depends on temporary teeth. Timely contacting our clinic is a guarantee that infections from milk children's teeth will not get to the rudiments of molars. We always tell parents that it is cheaper and easier to cure caries in milk teeth than to correct malocclusion after a few years.

Cosmetic defects that do not directly affect the health of children, but give them severe psychological discomfort - a separate item. We will conduct a diagnostic examination, draw up a detailed treatment plan and carry out orthodontic treatment.

Quality dental care for children

In the arsenal of the clinic "Doctor Lopatin" there are a number of modern techniques that allow for painless and quick treatment. Parents can learn how to prepare a child for visiting a pediatric dentist by calling the administrator. He will sign the child up for an appointment.

After the acquaintance, when the doctor establishes contact with the child, a thorough examination will be carried out and (if necessary) an X-ray diagnostics will be prescribed.



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