Good Friday before Easter - what you can and cannot do: signs. Lent - Good Friday: what can you eat, bake, what conspiracies, rituals and prayers to read? Conspiracies for Easter and Holy Week

Large Orthodox church holidays are considered a good time to perform secret magical actions. Conspiracies for Holy Week have a special effect, and the results of the rites last longer than rituals performed on any other day. What threatens the use of magic in the week before Easter?

Conspiracies for Good Friday or Clean Thursday require special care, but if all recommendations are followed, no consequences threaten a person. Magic helps in love, return a job, save more money.

Why is a conspiracy needed?

Rites, as a memory of the past, have come a long way. The magical world was not always perceived loyally, or at least calmly. Persecution, neglect of ancient teachings, oppression. Time has taught man to hide his own intentions. To this day, most magical rites are performed in secret. The whole week before Easter is a special time during which Christianity passes significant moments from the last days of the life of Jesus Christ.

The heavy burden that the Savior carried, as if again, year after year, concerns every believer. Rites during this period for the sake of fun are not held. Conspiracies, if committed, have a specific and important reason. A person asks for only the most necessary things a week before Easter. Something without which it is impossible to build a happy life. Magicians warn that desires should be handled carefully, but carefully. The wrong decision, which results in a specific action on major church holidays, can end in disaster.

What can you ask for on days like these?

On such days, girls ask to send a successful marriage, a meeting with a fateful person and get answers to questions tormenting a young heart. Men are looking for support from higher powers, because the brave in life can be very scared, fearful, and thoughts about the future bring strong-looking men to real panic. Mature women turn on the eve of the holidays (combined with Easter) to magic for advice. They do not ask for themselves, but they are busy for loved ones. Husband, children, parents.

Powerful rituals need special attributes to enhance their effect. Asking for money during Holy Week should be done carefully, and only when absolutely necessary. Prayers are read before and after the rituals. Without them, it will not be possible to cleanse the soul from sin. Pure Thursday will be a turning point in getting rid of bad habits.

Behavior for Passion Week

Each day of Passion Week commemorates a significant event in the Christian world. Good Saturday and Friday are considered the most difficult in the history of the Orthodox people. On the day of the death of Jesus Christ, every believer fasts and mourns. Conspiracies for the Great Holy Week are carried out by experienced magicians and beginners. The main condition for their implementation is caution, the implementation of the sequence of all actions and accuracy. The magician must be scrupulous so as not to harm himself and the person who applied for magical help. Conspiracies are carried out at night and it is not worth spreading about the performance of rites to strangers. Attributes in the form of kopecks, pure waters and vessels will allow you to get rid of adversity.

Water is a universal pure conductor of energy. In time for Easter, perfect rituals give the magician incredible power, but its improper use will lead to the opposite result.

The last week coincides with the end of Lent, during which a person cleanses the soul and body of "garbage". Conspiracies for the Great Holy Week work thanks to the power inherent in the soul of people. Magical acts in and of themselves are neither good nor bad. Only the message and desire of a person makes them sinful or acceptable for a believer. Prayers can be read throughout all the days when conspiracies are made. The magician attends church and even fasts if his own convictions permit. Helping others does not go against his religion. What conspiracies for the Great Holy Week will help, and which ones should be abandoned?

Signs and strict post

Great Lent is something else a way to get rid of excess mental burden. In this regard, conspiracies by the principle of action are similar to fasting. If a person is tired of aggravating events, people, thoughts, Holy Week is an ideal time to cut off everything obsolete. Spells cast seven days before the end of the fast open up new opportunities for the magician or novice:

  • return the husband to the family (conducted by a desperate wife);
  • win back a lover; (return of the man);
  • receive money borrowed;
  • attract good luck (good luck in business or creativity);
  • remove the crown of celibacy;
  • accumulate wealth;
  • restore health (get rid of the disease).

End justifies the means. Holy Week happens only once a year, and you should not miss the chance to attract good luck or improve your personal life. Conspiracies will work, but only for people who diligently follow all instructions and instructions.

Passion Week Notes

Folk signs and customs were strictly observed, so as not to cause punishment. They served as strong recommendations for people who sincerely believe in the death and resurrection of the Savior. Signs that should not be ignored:

  1. Friday is a special day of the year. Bread baked on this day is not covered with mold. At the end of the week, important changes in life are planned. Friday brings bread, which protects sailors from storms and wrecks. Such signs have been passed down from captain to captain for centuries. The health of people who eat Friday pastries will be strong.
  2. Families are saved from illnesses not only by secret rites, but also by Easter cakes. Wednesday or Thursday is a good time to bake Easter cakes.
  3. Easter signs say that you can’t work, dig and cut on Friday. By the end of the week on the eve of the Easter holidays, all the work that has been started should be completed.
  4. On Monday of Holy Week, it is not worth making strong conspiracies, they will not give the desired results. Rituals need to be delayed.

Prayers are read every day, and when Friday comes before sunset, you can not drink or eat. By the end of the week, the forty-day cleansing of the soul and body ends. It is more difficult to perform rituals at a distance; Friday is more suitable for these purposes, and not Saturday of Holy Week.

Secrets of Holy Week and Easter.

What Not to Do on Holy Week

Good Friday conspiracy "from envious people and enemies" 2017

Good Friday Spells

Conspiracies are held all seven Easter days. Prayers are read in the morning and evening. Saturday is suitable for returning a loved one with the help of magic, but strong love spells are left for Friday.

Conspiracy for strong love

A secret ceremony is performed at night, it is necessary that all household members sleep. The family in this matter is the worst adviser. The whole ritual is carried out in a secluded place, without extra ears and eyes. To strengthen the faded love you need:

  1. When baking Easter cakes, you should make a small ball of dough. The ritual is performed after afternoon tea on Thursday or Wednesday.
  2. The bun is divided in half. One part is eaten, and the second is hidden under the icon.
  3. It is necessary to read the plot in a whisper:

“Lord, save, save, protect. Now and ever, and forever and ever."

  1. At the end, be sure to say "Amen" three times.
  2. You can insert the name of the husband into the conspiracy, then such a spell will last all year.
  3. If there is nowhere to put the other half of the ball, it is hidden in a secluded place.

To attract and bind a loved one should be waiting for Thursday. This is a time of purification, liberation from glamour. Charms made on this day will last a whole year. It is impossible to return a loved one other days. Their energy is destructive, and they cannot help in such a matter.

Conspiracy "8"

To make a conspiracy so that there is luck should be all people who were born on the eighth day. The figure eight is performed until Friday (the best time is the second half of Thursday). It is necessary to read the spell near the temple or church:

“In the name of the Eternal and Living God, Eight - mother, I order you to help me. Spin, spin, come back to me with luck. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Till the end of time. Amen".

Pure Thursday will help attract luck and success. But you need to remember the main thing, fasting and observing the rules guarantee success.

Healer Stepanova helps to rethink the approach to rituals. Natalia's books allow you to return the truth in love, find your loved one, return a man. The healing word of her postulates must be felt, it can be read over and over again, emphasizing something new and important. Natalya claims that a conspiracy is suitable for Thursday, restoring forgotten love or friendships. That's why he is clean, to start life from scratch. There are no barriers to love, the healer says, and if the soul requires the return of a loved one, it is not a sin to perform magical actions during Holy Week. Human thoughts are much more real and weighty than people can imagine.

Holy Saturday is the most exciting day before Easter. This is a busy time for hostesses who are preparing dishes for the festive table (some start on Friday). Due to fasting, these “goodies” cannot be eaten yet.

But on Holy Saturday comes the turn of magical deeds that can solve many problems. Of course, in order for everything to “work”, you need to know the rituals themselves. After all, conspiracies on Good Saturday are one of the most effective among their fellows.

Customs and Prohibitions of Holy Saturday

This day after Friday is the last day before the end of Lent, when eggs are dyed, dishes are baked and prepared for the night service in every way. It is highly desirable to reconcile with those with whom there were any quarrels before Friday (or sometime) and exchange modest gifts with them.

Great Saturday is the time for alms, when it is impossible to refuse alms to any beggar (although this is desirable on previous days, including Friday). Many believe that happiness for the coming year depends on the amount of alms. Others say that everything depends on the intentions with which a person gives alms.

Holy Saturday, customs, traditions and signs.

Good Friday conspiracy "from envious people and enemies" 2017

Rituals and beliefs for Easter - part 2

According to signs, there are things that are forbidden on Lazarus Saturday. In particular, to celebrate the festivities (or continue the ones started on Friday):

  • birthdays;
  • weddings;
  • professional celebrations.

Violation of this custom will not lead to anything good. This prohibition is also valid for all other days of Holy Week.

On the night of Holy Saturday on Sunday, Easter services are held, to which people go to receive a blessing and bless water, wine, krashenka and, of course, Easter cakes. Well, if a person could not attend the service, in any case, he should not sleep. Instead, at night you need to light a candle, put it near the icon of Christ and pray.

Conspiracies for material well-being

Although Easter is a spiritual celebration, certain spells and rituals on Holy Saturday can bring money into the home. Or save you from ruin. It all depends on what conspiracies and rituals on the day of Holy Saturday to spend a fraction of your time.

The fiat ruble conspiracy

A common talisman for prosperity among the Slavs is an unchangeable ruble. According to signs, it could be spent and spent, and it remained with its owner. In life, this talisman for money works a little differently. In order for it to bring prosperity, you just need to regularly carry it with you. And the fiat ruble is spoken just on Holy Saturday.

To do this, you need to take a brand new ruble, preferably received on Friday, tie it in a beautiful scarf and go to the all-night service. When “Hallelujah” is sung, this handkerchief with a ruble is taken out and a short and simple conspiracy is pronounced over it (it is easy to remember):

"Christ is Risen,

Be my golden ruble

Faithful to my coffin

And unchanging. Amen"

Then the talisman is placed back in the bosom. Vespers must be upheld to the end. In this case, the talisman for money will become a "worker". If all the conditions have been met, then the resulting “non-exchanger” must be constantly carried with you. Then the influx of money in the house is guaranteed.

Conspiracy to attract a brownie

Domovoy, domovichok, Lord of the house - this spirit is called differently, but the essence is the same: it is the guardian spirit of the house, which can bring both happiness (if welcomed) and misfortune (if ignored or tried to drive out through rituals) to the house. One of the conspiracies on Good Saturday is just such a one to attract a brownie. And not just for attraction. He is flattered so that the mighty spirit will bring wealth and prosperity.

This is usually done in the following way. I'll have to use one of the Easter cakes. It is he who will be the offering for the brownie. Such a gift will bring material wealth, so here you can be a little generous. There is no talk of a cake recipe, you can do it in a similar way. Only when it is kneaded, you need to pronounce the following words:

“I’ll knead the dough nicely, I’ll bake a sweet cake.

I’ll invite the brownie, I’ll treat them to the Easter cake.

Let him eat the cake, listen to my complaints,

It will heal in my house, it will bring me good luck.

Then the Easter cake is placed in the oven. When he finishes baking, the cake is cut into several pieces and laid out outside the window on the evening of Holy Saturday. After such a sincere wish, the brownie will certainly want to help the hospitable hosts and will bring them prosperity and good luck (maybe he will wish health if the owner is sneezing).

Conspiracies for love

Easter is a bright holiday of prosperity and love. Until Friday of this Holy Week, there is enough room for bright signs and customs. But, if there has already been a conversation about well-being, then it's time to move on to the second part - love. Of course, according to custom, love for God on this holiday comes first. But no one forbids to ensure a happy love with another person. On the contrary, a happy family has always been considered an important moment in the life of every Orthodox person. It is important to remember that everyday magic (like knowledge will take or a conspiracy on Saturday for love) is the lot of women. A man, on the other hand, must do everything with his hands, extracting money for the family from Monday to Friday.

Conspiracy for a beloved man

This plot is suitable for both single women who are looking for the very one, the only one, and already married matrons. The essence and order of the ritual does not change. It's just that a single girl gets a chance to see and find love, and a married woman gets a chance to rekindle it and increase family happiness.

So, the very order of the conspiracy. On the evening of Great Saturday, (Saturday-Sunday night), you need to make a dough. You should wait until it sours. When everything is ready, you need to eat three identical pieces, saying the following:

“How this dough dutifully fits into its place,

So warm thoughts about me fall

The zealous and living heart of the servant of God (the name of the beloved). Amen"

Now you need to bake rolls from the kneaded and dough. Their number is three. And you have to feed again three different men. This will bring the point to the ritual and consolidate the possible result. It is best that it be one of the relatives of the woman or her lover. But the “purpose” of the ritual itself should not try these Easter cakes. Otherwise, the effect will fail and nothing will come of it.

Love spell

This Holy Saturday conspiracy is also quite universal, although, to a greater extent, it is aimed at improving family life. But unmarried girls can also use it to bewitch a loved one.

The ritual is based on the same cooking of Easter cake. This Holy Saturday chant is a very strong magical catalyst, which is why people turn to it in many Orthodox rites. The main thing is that everything is done not in advance, (on Friday, for example), but on Saturday. So, even while kneading the dough, you need to pronounce certain words that will form the basis of the action:

“I am beautiful, I am handsome, I look like a slender birch.

I am sweet as honey, pleasant as a holiday, pure in soul, neat in body.

I am promised to you alone, together we will be bequeathed by heaven.

Then you need to make sure that your loved one tastes this Easter cake first on Sunday. This is very important, otherwise, at best, the ritual will fail. At worst, you can get a bewitched third-party or just an unloved person. And, as you know, nothing good ever comes of it.


Great Saturday before the Sunday of Christ is a strong day in terms of energy, and this can be used. Moreover, the possible conspiracies and rituals of Holy Saturday are not limited to the above. Not at all. There are many more. There are conspiracies to see a prophetic dream, conspiracies to bring good luck and good health, to heal diseases (the main thing is not to waste on sneezing). However, they are all bright and kind. Conducting evil eye and other dark influences at this time is even more dangerous than at any other time. The reason is that dark energy is almost guaranteed to turn against the source itself (and even stronger than at any other time). Therefore, it is better to limit yourself to bright wishes for yourself and your family. They will surely come true.

But we should not forget that sitting on the stove (or rather, on the sofa) and reading newspapers from Monday to Friday, you will not achieve anything special, no matter what rituals you resort to. Therefore, add a bit of effort to conspiracies and amulets - and the result will not be long in coming.

Rites and customs for Holy Week, Easter. How to make Thursday salt.
This week is called Passion Week in honor of the suffering of Christ. Every day of this week is called Great. Fasting these days should be especially strict. It should be remembered that the main thing in the post - not withholding food and sweets, but repentance, prayers and awareness of one's own sinfulness.
This week will be a good time for rituals. Don't miss out. Who can remove the heavy curse. To whom - money for the family. To whom - to add health. Be careful.

Folk rites and customs of Holy Week
Basically, the folk rites and customs of Holy Week are associated with Holy Thursday, but not only. It is known that on Holy Week Tuesday they made “juiced milk”: early in the morning, before dawn, hemp and flaxseed are swept into the bins, mixed, crushed in a mortar and diluted with water. It is good to drink livestock with such milk to protect against all kinds of diseases, but both treatment and preparation of liquor should be done at an early dawn and secretly from men. If the cattle does not drink milk, it means to be thin: some evil person has spoiled it - and all its offspring. On a passionate Wednesday, cattle is doused in the yard with water melted from snow collected from ravines and salted with last year's "Thursday salt". This water protects the yard from any flood for the whole year.
On Strastnaya a week you can talk to a child from seizures. To do this, take holy water in the church, read the conspiracy words over it and sprinkle the child with it.
Childish body, angelic soul,
Innocent before the Savior
And innocent in suffering
Cleanse and strengthen. Amen

On Holy Week buy white incense , which is necessary for some rituals. For example, to see a person who has killed an innocent soul (a murderer).

Great Wednesday
. Amulet for the approach of a vampire . They read on the water on the last Wednesday before Easter, on the eve of Maundy Thursday. Then they pour this water over themselves from head to toe.
Lord, Almighty God;
Created everything from nothing!
Bless and cleanse my body,
strengthen and save me from enemies.
Bless, Lord, my amulet.
For eternity.
Now, forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Maundy Thursday concentrated around him a huge number of beliefs, signs, rituals. Good Thursday is popularly called h and s ty m. On this day, everyone is washing, cleaning, cleaning, preparing their home for the holiday. Maundy Thursday- Pure Thursday is the day of purity. Whoever has dirt in his house on this day, the whole year will be in dirt and quarrel.

After Thursday, until the bright holiday of Easter, revenge is not accepted. Everything should be cleared on Thursday.
On Maundy Thursday G in the morning they clean up, wash everything, otherwise the whole year will be in mud, quarrels and illnesses. From that day until Easter, nothing is given away from home.
The main thing on this day washing, dousing, bathing . In the old days, girls and boys went to the river at exactly midnight to wash or swim in cold water. They believed that at midnight of this day spring comes and brings beauty and health with it. And if they bathed at home, they brought water before the first ray of the sun and threw gold and silver into it - in order to be rich and healthy.
Bathing was obligatory.
A purely Great Thursday affair was the preparation "Thursday salt". Ordinary coarse salt was wrapped in a cloth and baked in an oven, sometimes with kvass. You can do this in a cast iron skillet. Burnt salt is crushed and sieved. According to legend, salt prepared at this time has healing properties and is used in home treatment as a medicine for people and livestock. This salt was served at the table on Easter.

Everyone in family take a handful of salt and pour into one bag - this will be called "Thursday salt." They clean it and store it in case you need to treat someone, make a talisman for the family, home, garden ... If they often quarrel in the family, then they put it in dishes with a slander: “Salt, salt, sprinkle, I return happiness and peace to the house. Amen". For the purpose of prevention and in minor cases, they use this conspiracy and ordinary salt.
A few more ways:
1. Based on kvass
On Maundy Thursday Kvass thick (after fermentation of the wort) mixed with coarse rock salt. Instead of kvass thick, you can use rye or Borodino bread (for 1 kg of salt 5 kg of bread), mix the soaked bread with salt, place in an oven or oven heated to 250 gr. C and cook until the bread turns black. Grind the resulting mixture and sift through a sieve. The salt remaining in the sieve is poured into jars and used instead of regular salt.
2. With cabbage leaves and
Green upper leaves, taken from the cabbage head, chop and mix with rock salt. Then burn in the oven or oven.
3. With herbs
Mix spicy herbs (oregano, mint) with rock salt and rye or Borodino bread (leavened thick) and burn in the oven or oven. This delicious and healing salt is still prepared in Kostroma and is called Kostroma black salt.
4. Salt from service
On Maundy Thursday, take some salt with you to church with which you need to defend the service.

One of the oldest traditions of Maundy Thursday is frost spell. Ritual jelly was prepared from oatmeal, part of which was eaten on Good Thursday, and part was left for Easter. On Easter, they broke the fast before Easter cake. The owner of the house, taking the rest of the jelly out into the street or opening the window, said: “Frost, frost, come to us to sip jelly with milk, so that you can save our lives in the field, don’t beat with hail, don’t sharpen with a worm, and everything in the field would be whole” .

Many rites of Holy Thursday are connected with the desire to clean the house, yard, garden"from the dirt accumulated over the winter, from the evil spirits lurking in the corners, to prevent diseases and other misfortunes." At dawn, many carried out fumigation, burning juniper in the hut. They drove cattle through the smoking juniper and stepped over themselves.

To make hair thick and long, girls and trim the ends of their braids. For the first time, it is advised to cut the hair of a one-year-old child on this very day. Small children get haircuts on Maundy Thursday (if they already have six months, or better - a year). On this day, a little bit of wool is cut off from all livestock for their well-being.

They took the soap outside for the night, this soap made the face especially clean and healthy.
They believed that stove ash from Holy Thursday, Friday and Saturday protects the cabbage from the worm. Considered: “Whoever gets up easily and early on Great Thursday, gets up early all year long.” There was such a sign on this day: “If it’s cold on Great Thursday, then spring is cold until the seventh week; if the rain is wet «.

For money to flow, you need to count all the money three times, shoot a gun (if any), rearrange the furniture.
Today you can remove the damage on purpose. Wash before dawn, saying: “I wash off what they let on me, what my soul and body toils with, everything is removed on a clean Thursday. Amen".
For the good guys to love and ignored, they say when washing like this:

« As pure Thursday is bright and red, so I will be a beautiful slave (name) for everyone. Amen".

Many of the rites of Holy Week look quite archaic now, but even at the beginning of the century they were extremely common in Russia. On Holy Week they treated the waterman. It happened like this. The fishermen dumped and bought an old horse - without bargaining, for the first price asked, in order to show: nothing is a pity for treating such an important person!

For three days the horse was fattened with hemp, cake and bread. On the last evening, salted honey was smeared on her head, and her mane was removed with small beautiful ribbons. Just before the "treat" they entangled the horse's legs with ropes and put a millstone around the neck. It's midnight.

The horse is led to the rivers e . It is a great misfortune if the river governor does not favor refreshments: the horse does not drown. The merman lies on the river bottom all winter and sleeps in a deep sleep. By spring, pretty hungry, he wakes up and begins to break the ice and torture the fish to death to spite the fishermen. But if he accepts a treat, he becomes complaisant, accommodating, guards the fish, drives it into the seine, lures it from other rivers, saves the fishermen. They say that for three days and three nights the river lord is waiting for a treat during Holy Week. Without waiting, he will strangle all the fish in the river, and then leave it forever.

Even at the end of the last century, the following happened in the Vyatka province: on Maundy Thursday, before sunrise, the hostess of the house, naked, runs with an old pot in her hand to the garden and knocks over the pot on the floor; the pot remains tipped over on the floor throughout the summer - it protects the chickens from the bird of prey.

And in the remote villages of Kostroma, to protect the house, a girl sat on a broom until the sun, let her hair down and in one shirt, without a belt, went around the house with buildings. Driving up to the window, she turned to her mother: “Aunt Zina, is the cattle at home?” - "Houses!". Blessed. And so, three times. Perhaps this amusing rite will interest our contemporaries. It would be an unforgettable sight!

There were also such sayings and signs. Who on Thursday before sunrise washes with silver and with eggs, he will be healthy and clean. What is the weather like on a clean Thursday, so is it in Ascension. On Great Thursday, the full moon is high water in spring. On the Great Thursday frost, and oats under the bush. If in a clean quarter hot candles are brought home from standing, then there will be a harvest of spring wheat. In the Great Four, krinks are hovering with juniper, so that there is a good top (stay, cream).

Beginning on Thursday of Holy Week, preparations were underway for the feast of Easter. They bought flour, eggs, cottage cheese, veal and other products. They cooked Easter and Easter cakes, baked a ham, fried veal. Fish dishes were not cooked at all. Everything should be ready by Saturday evening, when Easter cake, Easter and eggs are brought to bless .

Friday night do not sleep, but pray.

You need to make a charm from the sorcerer a , in case that he could not hang his or someone else's illness on you.
Knead the dough and make as many cakes as there are people in your family. Before baking them, draw crosses on them and say: “I deny the sign of the cross, bread, given by God, from the deeds and illnesses of sorcerers of all stripes, from all volosts. As soon as this cake is digested in me, it turns into shit, so no matter what the sorcerer starts against my family, it turns into shit for him. The cakes are eaten by family members.
Leave water for washing at Easter (in the morning, with silver).

Good Friday
Under no circumstances will they be erased. On Good Friday (the last Friday before Easter) people who suffer from depression are told off. To do this, three consecrated colored eggs are dipped into water, with which the patient must then wash. At this time, you need to read a special conspiracy:
Strengthen my faithful words, Lord,
Strengthen, Christ, the servant of God (name).
How do people rejoice on a bright Easter,
So may the servant of God (name) be happy with life.

Holy Saturday
Today is the last day of Lent.

Bake pies, Easter cakes and easter.
Conspiracy for the rich Yu life is read before Easter at seven in the evening over a coin that is sewn into the lining of the clothes that you most often wear. The spoken words are:
The merchant carries gold
And like this merchant of wealth and fortune, matchmaker and brother,
So am I, the servant of God (name), not in shit, but in gold and silver. Amen.

Easter (Holy Resurrection of Christ)

On Easter, you can read the amulet, which, like an invisible shield, will protect you from all life's adversities. To do this, stand next to the temple and count those who will leave the gate. When exactly forty people come out of the gate, cross yourself and say:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Mother Mary carried Christ
She gave birth, baptized, fed, watered,
She taught prayers, saved, protected,
And then she sobbed at the Cross, shed tears, lamented,
She suffered with her sweet Son.
Jesus Christ rose on Sunday
From now on, His glory is from earth to heaven.
Now He Himself takes care of us, His servants,
Graciously accepts our prayers.
Lord, hear me, save me, protect me
From all troubles now and forever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

To chastise a man from love for drunkenness, on Easter, they cut the Easter cake into twelve parts, which are then placed on twelve graves with the same name as the patient's. Before each grave, they bow and read a special plot:
Christ is Risen!
You, dead man, don't get up, don't drink wine.
So don’t get up for a century, don’t drink wine,
And do not let the servant of God (name) drink.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

H to chastise drug addiction , it is necessary to consecrate three Easters and, after the vigil, divide each into exactly nine parts. After that, find 27 graves with the same name as the sick person, put Easter on them and, leaving, say:
How I cut, cut off holy Easter,
Dividing it into 27 pieces, 27 graves,
So I cut and cut
In the name of the holy and marvelous Easter
And the Lord Jesus Christ from God's servant (name) his illness.
And how these dead hands won't rise
So that the servant of God (name) would not be drawn to the dope disease,
Be his soul peaceful and calm,
Without craving for dope, indifferent to dope,
How calm, humble and indifferent this dead man is.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

And consecrated for Easter towel is used in the treatment of various diseases - they wipe a sick person with it. Take a new, white towel for this.
Healers reprimanded at this time I and from quarrels with relatives, helping to improve relations in an unfriendly family. To do this, on the third day after Easter, a special conspiracy is read twelve times in a row.
Lord, help, Lord, bless with a bright Easter,
Pure days, joyful tears.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
John the Faster, John the Theologian, John the Baptist,
John the long-suffering, John the headless,
Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, George the Victorious,
Nicholas the Wonderworker, Barbara the Great Martyr,
Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia,
Pray for the common path of God's servants (names of the warring).
Calm their anger, tame their anger, appease their rage.
Ratyu his saint,
By invincible, indomitable force, lead them to agreement.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

If on Maundy Thursday swim before sunrise you will be healthy all year long. This sign is connected with the fact that this morning the water acquires magical healing properties. She is able to wash away all the sins that have accumulated during the year. In addition, this water is soothing. You should not be lazy, but it is better to get up on Maundy Thursday early in the morning before dawn and take a shower or bath. If you do not believe in the power of Thursday water, then at least you will be clean on this day.

On Maundy Thursday clean the whole house- you will get a lot of joy. If you do not do this on this day, then according to religious concepts, you cannot do cleaning for the next six days.

Friday - passionate, Saturday - there are plenty of things to do before Easter, Sunday and the next three days - a holy holiday, nothing can be done. In addition, there is a belief among the people that if a person does a general cleaning in the house, then the Lord gives him the ability to find long-lost necessary or favorite things. And many assure that during such cleaning, they really find things that they mentally said goodbye to for a long time.

On Maundy Thursday count all your money- there will be. There is an old Russian custom, from which they later made a sign in order to pass on their knowledge to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. It was believed that if all the money that is in the house is counted three times during this day, then the money will not be transferred during this year. Money should be counted at sunrise, at noon and at sunset. None of the household should see this process, and even more so from outsiders. Otherwise, there will be no point. Only the one who manages the finances in the family should count the money. If there is such a need, then warn all your household members so that you will not be disturbed for some time. Even if a small child enters at such a moment, everything will go to waste, although the child is innocent. This is the case when no one should bother you. Only you, the Lord God, and what you want for your family throughout the next year. And do not worry about the fact that at this moment there is not enough money in the family. Even a penny can attract to you what you really want.

Wash the windows and doors with the water in which the change lies- the whole year the money will be multiplied. Cleaning should start with windows and doors, and then everything else. So, when you are going to wash windows and doors, do not forget to throw a handful of coins into a basin of water. At the same time, you can read any other conspiracy or prayer that you know. And according to your faith you will be. After you wash all the windows and doors in your house or apartment, you need to take out the change and put it in the farthest corner of your house for a week, but only after you clean it there. And water must be poured under any tree that you like. And after that, you can start cleaning the entire room.

On Maundy Thursday you wash yourself with silver- evil spirits will not touch. It is believed that if you put any silver thing in a vessel with water at night, and wash yourself with this water in the morning, then no one will be able to do you any harm throughout the year. It is especially necessary to wash in this way a child who has not yet turned a year old. The little ones cannot protect themselves, so it is necessary to take care that we protect them.

But it should be noted that recently we have begun to sell silver, so to speak, economy class. This is the lowest standard of silver, which can only be. It will certainly help, but not as much as real quality silver can do. But, even knowing this, do not despair. Higher help still comes faster to those who sincerely believe, and not to those who will use the most expensive silver.

Thursday salt, collected from three yards - cures even deadly diseases. In Russian witchcraft, there is a sign that if you collect salt from three yards, then by adding this salt to food and drink that a terminally ill person will take, he can be cured. What does it mean to collect salt from three different yards? This means that on Pure Thursday you need to go through your acquaintances and friends and ask for a small handful of salt. Then this salt must be mixed in any container, although the old people say that it is better to do this in earthenware. But again, it all depends on your faith.

There is another sign about Thursday salt. You can not ask anyone for salt, but pour a pack of salt into a pan and fry it, stirring constantly. In this case, it is necessary to constantly read the prayer "Our Father". When the salt is ready, you will feel it yourself. If the salt in the pan starts to crackle and shoot, then you have been spoiled. In this case, the salt must be fried for as long as it does not "calm down". And do not forget that all this time you need to read a prayer.

Only after Maundy Thursday do they begin bake Easter cakes and paint Easter eggs. For those who do not follow the rules of Maundy Thursday, the paska will not rise. Anyway, for starters, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning, and only after that you can start cooking Easter dishes.

What you found in Easter cake is your destiny. In Russia, it was customary to bake one cake just for the family. In such an Easter cake, notes with predictions were baked. For some, happiness in the family, for another - happiness in money or in business. Well, and everything else. Here, who will pull out what from the family - that will be it. It was considered a very bad omen to cut such a family cake while other guests were present. Such a turn could save the family from happiness, and could only add problems. Strangers can envy, and after this happiness you won’t have to wait anymore. Therefore, such an Easter cake was watched carefully, and carefully hidden from the guests.

If on Maundy Thursday move many objects from one place to another, then there will be no problems with money. Many old people claim that this sign is more associated with lazy people than hard-working people. You can rearrange the house if you want your wishes to come true. But if at the same time you leave everything in the dirt, then nothing good will happen. However, there is a sign that if you have wanted to rearrange your house for a long time, then you cannot even think of a better case. With one blow, you will realize your desire and attract good luck. There is only one condition - cleaning comes first.

If on Clean Thursday he was the first to see an old woman, then expect failure. It is this notion that underlies Thursday divination. If you want to know your future for the next three months, then in the morning, after washing, look out the window. If the first person you see is an old woman, then a series of failures awaits you over the next three months. It's even worse if this old woman comes with an empty bucket or an empty bag. In this case, all your failures will be related to money problems. Or rather, with their absence or even with the loss of work. The same means if you see a cat.

But to see a man or a dog is fortunately and well-being. And if you are lucky to see a man with a dog through the window, it means that your cherished desire will come true. If you see a child, you have to study. You may receive a new job offer that requires you to complete a specific education. If you see a young woman, happiness awaits you in the family.

But it should be noted that although a person wants to know his future, he should not guess. Many people who strongly believe in divination take everything at face value. If they saw failure in the window, then they will not do anything to correct the situation. In this case, failures will stick to these people all the time, because they themselves let them into their lives.

Conspiracy words to say when throwing a bucket or basin of water with a handful of coins:
“Money, drive - don’t transfer, grow, multiply, don’t get to the enemy!”

On Holy Week, you can talk to a child "from seizures." The modern world with its stress, difficult childbirth and other difficulties creates a lot of difficulties for our children. Almost every child is diagnosed with hyperactivity, hypertonus, or even worse. You should not wait for “fits” if your baby has difficulty concentrating, if he is hyperactive, if he has outbursts of anger, or God forbid, has a manner, when he needs something, to wallow on the floor and squeal and you are already all spears about it broken and no pills and psychologists help, use the knowledge of our grandmothers - there will be no harm, and the benefits may be tangible.
Take holy water in the church, read the conspiracy words over it and sprinkle the child with it: "Children's body, angelic soul, Innocent before the Savior And innocent in suffering, Cleanse yourself and become stronger. Amen."

On Good Friday - the last Friday before Easter, wipe all the corners of the house with a new cloth and put it away from prying eyes. According to the beliefs of our ancestors, such a rag relieves and cures pain in the lower back and legs (for the lower back - they tie it around the waist, wipe the legs after washing).

Our ancestors believed that stove ash, taken on Good Friday, helps in the treatment of alcoholism, and relieves mortal anguish.
The ashes taken from the oven on Good Friday are poured onto a pedestrian intersection (cars should not drive there) backhand the ashes, and they read three times: “As this ash does not sprout, but the sprouts are petals, the fruit from the petals, so the slave (name) of the wine will not take in the mouth: neither on Sunday, nor on Saturday, nor on Friday, nor on Thursday, nor on Wednesday, nor on Tuesday, nor on Monday. Amen. ) will not drink green wine. Amen. As this ash does not farrow, does not whelp, so the slave (name) will forever say goodbye to wine. He will not drink: neither on Sunday, nor on Saturday, nor on Friday, nor on Thursday, nor on Wednesday, neither on Tuesday, nor on Monday, nor on weekdays, nor on holy holidays. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
The first time to pour on Good Friday, then her two Fridays in a row. The remaining ash is also used in case of breakdowns, if suddenly, he washed down again, for prophylaxis before the holidays when "it's a sin not to drink."

Kneading the dough for Easter cakes three times over it, read the plot: “I interfere with the dough, I destroy all disagreements in the family. Get away from us all at the same moment and at the same hour, disagreements and quarrels, causeless strife! These are my words. May they be fulfilled! May it be so!".

On this day, they read a conspiracy for a rich life. At seven in the evening, over a coin that is sewn into the lining of the clothes that you most often wear, into the lining of a bag or purse, they read a conspiracy: "The merchant carries gold, And as this merchant is a matchmaker and brother to wealth and good luck, so am I, a servant of God (name), not in shit, but in gold and silver. Amen."

Also on Saturday, before sunset, you can talk for money a coin, or a bank card: take 5 kopecks. and say to them: “In the name of the father and son and the holy spirit. Money to money, penny to penny. holy saints, everyone is with me. Amen "Carry the coin all year in your wallet.

Good Friday Traditions, Signs, Conspiracies

This day of Holy Week is considered the most. Good Friday precedes the Easter holiday and is dedicated to the memory of the day of the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. This is the day of the strictest fast. Friday is the day on which Jesus Christ was crucified.

Traditions and customs on Good Friday

In no case do they wash it on this day. On this day, only cleansing with candles, reading favorite prayers, repentance and an informational post. It should be remembered that the main thing in fasting is not abstaining from food and sweets, but repentance, prayers and awareness of one’s sinfulness.

On this day, you can not do household chores - clean, wash, sew, etc.

You can’t have fun, dance, sing and walk on Holy Week. It is believed that if a person has fun on this day, then the whole year will cry and suffer.

You can not quarrel and swear.

After the church Friday service, it is customary to bring from the church twelve burnt candles in the house. Candles should be put in the house and let them burn out to the end. This will bring happiness and prosperity to the house for the next twelve months.

Good Friday is a strict day of Lent. All fasting refrain from eating until the removal of the Shroud. But even after that, only bread and water are allowed.

Notes for Good Friday

- This day is considered special - you can get rid of damage, the evil eye and diseases.

The rings consecrated on Good Friday will become a strong amulet against all diseases.

Parsley sown on this day gives a double harvest. Other plants are not allowed to be planted.

If on Good Friday wean a baby from the breast, then, according to the sign, he will grow up strong, healthy and happy.

If there is a starry sky on Good Friday, then this promises a rich harvest.

On this day, you can determine if there are any charmed things in the house, the so-called "linings". To do this, you need to bring a candle from the church service and walk with it throughout the house. Where the candle will crackle, there is a bad place full of negativity.

On Good Friday, people who suffer from depression are told off.

To do this, three consecrated colored eggs are dipped into water, with which the patient must then wash.

Strengthen my faithful words, Lord,

Strengthen, Christ, the servant of God (name).

How do people rejoice on a bright Easter,

So may the servant of God (name) be happy with life.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Holy Saturday

Last day of Lent.

On Saturday morning they bake pies, Easter cakes and Easter cakes. You can dye eggs. Get out. Work must be completed before noon.

A conspiracy for a rich life is read before Easter at seven in the evening over a coin that is sewn into the lining of the clothes that you most often wear.

The spoken words are:

"The merchant carries gold,

And as this merchant of wealth and fortune, matchmaker and brother,

So am I, the servant of God (name), not in shit, but in gold and silver.


On this day, in the late afternoon, put a painted egg and money in every corner of your house, while saying:

“Like an Easter egg with a ruble will not come out of this corner, so that money never leaves my house. Christ is Risen, and to my words amen.

Eggs are eaten the next day, that is, on Easter Sunday, but money cannot be spent until the Easter week has passed.



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