Nano filling destroys bacteria and strengthens teeth. Which filling is better to choose for teeth, price-quality ratio

Tooth filling - installation of a filling in Moscow at an affordable price using the latest technologies. What to do if a tooth hurts under a filling?

One of the most urgent and important problems of modern man is the destruction of the crown part of the tooth. Daily consumption of sweet, starchy and soft foods negatively affects the condition of the oral cavity. Also, the situation is aggravated by such reasons as poor ecology, unhealthy lifestyle, inadequate oral hygiene and a hereditary factor. In this case, the only correct solution is filling, with the help of which it is possible to quickly restore a tooth affected by caries.

If earlier the amount of materials used for these purposes was limited, today a whole variety of fillings, which have impeccable physical properties and also differ in cost, help to solve the problem.

We work only with modern, high-quality and durable materials, which allows us to make the process of dental treatment as effective and painless as possible. In addition, our clinic provides dental filling warranty, thanks to which, in case of any problems, you can come for a second appointment completely free of charge. That is, if you are interested in where you can put the best a filling on a tooth and her cost inMoscwe, DentaLand dentistry offers you the best solution on flexible terms. Our staff includes specialists of the highest category who are able to provide an individual approach to each patient and are fluent in working with the latest equipment and materials.

In the clinics of the DentaLand Partnership filling price from the latest Japanese innovative material for 4 000 ₽. It is important that the price of the filling includes anesthesia, Japanese filling material, and polishing of the filling. In this way, the cost of a light-curing filling is 4,000 ₽- this is turnkey light seal price.

In this article, we will provide detailed information about what is placing a filling on a tooth. In addition, you will learn how much does a tooth filling cost in Moscow, and what types of materials are preferred in modern clinics.

What factors influence the cost of a tooth filling in Moscow?

To understand what is included tooth filling costMoscwe, attention should be paid to the following points:

  • Destruction volume. As a rule, a large amount of material is expended in case of massive foci of destruction. However, in many metropolitan dentistry, the minimum price for a filling is indicated, based on the possibility of restoring a small area of ​​\u200b\u200ba damaged surface. To find out exactly how much does it cost to get a filling on a tooth it is necessary to consult directly with the dentist;
  • Material price. As is known, best dental filling made on the basis of nanocomposites. However, the method of their production is considered one of the most complex and unique, which directly affects the cost of filling. If you want to get a filling cheap, it is better to give preference to cement and metal components. Also, when choosing a filling material, the characteristics of the affected tooth and the age of the patient are taken into account.
  • restoration technique. When the patient asks: How much does a filling cost?”, it is necessary to take into account the technology of its application. For example, if the filling material is applied using "sandwich technology", that is, in layers, you will have to pay much more for the work than with the standard installation method. This is due to the large expenditure of time and effort of the dentist, as well as the involvement of the latest technology, which is directly reflected in the price.

Tooth filling, before and after photos: (leave blank)

  • Before Filling on front tooth After
  • Before Complete restoration of teeth with veneers After
  • Before after
  • Before Composite restoration of the anterior tooth After
  • Before Hollywood smile with ceramic veneers After
  • Before Light curing composite fillings After
  • Before Hollywood smile with veneers After
  • Before Artistic restoration of teeth with vinyls from filling material directly in the dentist's chair After
  • Before Light curing composite fillings After

What types of dental fillings are priority in modern clinics?

As you know, it can be installed both for a short period of time and for a long one, which is due to the purposes of its installation. Below we will describe what characteristics, structure and purpose each of these materials can have.

This seal is for a short time period. At the same time, the quality of the components from which it is made will affect its cost. In most cases, the period of use of this material can reach 5 days. Today, however, fillings are successfully used, the period of safe stay in the oral cavity of which can reach 24 weeks. A direct indication for the use of temporary fillings is the presence of carious foci, cysts and inflamed internal tissues.

It is important to note that this is able to resist the ingress of food particles, saliva and bacteria into the affected area of ​​the pulp and channels. However, before applying such a material, it installs special tabs to relieve inflammation. This contributes to the rapid penetration of the drug inside.

To place a temporary filling, which will bring the desired effect, the following requirements must be observed: the material used must have the necessary moisture resistance, plasticity, and also ensure hermetic closure of the cavity.

Similar properties are inherent in the following materials:

  • Zinc sulfate cement. The composition contains kaolin, zinc oxide and zinc sulfate. Thanks to the above combination of substances, it is possible put strong filling for a three day period. Wherein price such tooth fillings in Moscow can reach 150-200 ₽;
  • Dentin paste. It is made of glycerin, artificial dentin and vaseline, which testifies in favor of the increased plasticity of this composition. Put similar filling in Moscow possible for a seven-day period. At the same time, its price will be 200-300 ₽;
  • Vinoxol. It is presented in the form of a combination of polystyrene, zinc and calcium, which promotes excellent adhesion and reduces the risk of irritation of the tissues of the pulp. Put a filling on a tooth from vinoxol can be for a 180-day period, which is ensured by its ultimate strength. it the best temporary filling for a tooth, and its cost can be equal to 400-600 ₽;
  • Zinc-eugenol cement. The composition includes eugenol and zinc, the mixing process of which is carried out right before being applied to the tooth. The hardening of the cement mixture occurs within 8 hours. The period of use can be 5-6 days. Installation such fillings for teeth can be 120-200 ₽: this price material in Moscow and other cities of Russia;
  • Polycarboxylate cement. Good compatibility with internal fabrics. Moreover, this material is able to create a protective barrier for the entry of monomers and acids inside. It has been successfully used for root canal treatment in both adults and children. The specified cement is warranted for 90 days. You can put a polycarboxylate filling at a cost of 300-500 ₽.

It should be noted that installation temporal fillings produced on an individual basis. At the same time, in order to correctly answer the question: How much does a temporary filling cost?”, it is necessary to take into account the age criterion and the nature of the lesion.

Distinctive features are: excellent aesthetic qualities, good depreciation properties and ultimate strength. Their main purpose is to restore the natural shape of the dental unit, recreating its natural shade and physical properties.

Installation of a permanent filling involves the use of the following components:

  • Metal. If you want to get a filling cheap, metal material is ideal for this purpose. It provides the necessary strength indicators, but has satisfactory aesthetic qualities. In most cases, these products contain combinations of mercury and silver. The period of their application is 10 years. Currently, such restorative materials are practically not in demand, since their installation is considered laborious, and they can be harmful to the patient's body. If you still decide put such a filling on a tooth, her price may approach 1,000 ₽. In the event that a higher quality metal is used instead of an amalgam, the above will have other prices in Moscow;
  • Light-cured composite. Thanks to the use of a special adhesive base, it became possible to instantly fix the material on the tooth surface. It has impeccable aesthetic parameters and is often used to eliminate chips. Similar seal ideal for installation on the anterior tooth. The period of its operation can be equal to 5 years or more. However, light-cured front tooth filling not available for all patients price can be from 1,200 ₽ and more;
  • glass ionomer cement. Among the distinctive characteristics of this material are: significant resistance to mechanical damage and strength. In addition, it is able to withstand critical temperatures and firmly “sticks” to the affected tooth surface. Also among the advantages is the presence in the composition of fluorine, which has a restorative effect on the enamel. When installing such a filling under the prosthesis, get ready to pay at least 1000 ₽. In general, the glass ionomer has prices from 1700 ₽ and above. This has its own operational period, which is, on average, 5 years.
  • Nanocomposites. Great for restoring teeth located in the smile and chewing area. Among the characteristic features are: ultimate resistance to mechanical damage and other aggressive influences, as well as high reliability. In addition, such a filling material is able to repeat the natural tone of the enamel and reproduce the necessary transparency. The period of use of a nanocomposite filling is five years or more. Installation given fillings for teeth considered one of the most expensive price in clinics Moscow may approach $2,000 or more. It should be noted that the above filling material has a long operating period, however, this is only possible with proper installation. If performed by an incompetent specialist, nanocomposite fillings fast enough fall out of the teeth.

Tooth filling guarantee – impeccable quality

So if seal fast fell out of the tooth, this indicates its low quality. What do you think, what distinctive qualities should a filling material have that it lasted in the oral cavity for a long time without the need for re-filling?

First of all, to seal not fell out of the tooth ahead of time and was resistant to wear, it should be homogeneous, have a high density and fit snugly to the working surface. It must also accurately repeat the anatomy of the tooth and clearly reproduce the transparency and color shade of natural enamel.

It is important to understand that in order to be durable, it is important to observe two main components - the doctor's knowledge of the technology of filling teeth and the availability of modern and rationally used in each clinical case, filling material.

Tooth filling: prices in Moscow (DentaLand clinics)

It must be understood that the cost of a tooth filling in Moscow may differ significantly depending on the type of filling material used for filling teeth and the type of tooth restoration (filling or restoration veneer). In the clinics of the DentaLand Partnership, for example, from modern Japanese material get a filling cheap (4 000 ₽) can. This will be the price for a turnkey seal. So if you are wondering where get a filling cheap, then it is rational to contact DentaLand clinics. In the event that you need put a filling on a tooth, cost which will be adequate even when it is planned by veneer, then our specialists veneer price – from 6 000 ₽.

In this way, tooth filling and prices in Moscow may be quite acceptable and we are ready put a filling on the tooth, so that the cost in Moscow was good for you.

Therefore, to the question how much does a tooth filling cost in Moscow 2018 we can answer that the price of a seal is 4,000 ₽ on a turnkey basis.

We consider it appropriate to note that the indicated prices for fillings are indicated taking into account the entire complex of treatment, which is implied when filling a carious cavity or setting a restoration veneer. Deviations from this price can only be caused by significant destruction of the crown part of the tooth. At the same time, it must be understood that this price of a tooth filling does not include the treatment and materials necessary for endodontic treatment, i.e. filling the canals of the tooth.

opening the chamber with subsequent expansion. Next, a thorough cleaning of the channels is performed. In this case, you will have to pay more than with a small carious lesion. That is, when the placing a filling on a tooth with pulpitis, price in Moscow may include the cost of root canal treatment.

  • Reproduction of tooth anatomy. When installed, on her prices may be affected by the amount of material involved. That is, the larger the volume of the product required, the higher the price indicator.
  • Also, when applied, price this procedure may include the cost of installing special insulating gaskets.

    Therefore, in order to put a seal, which will allow you to reproduce all the anatomical features of the corresponding surface of a particular tooth, it is necessary for the dentist not only to have modern filling material, but also to have a protocol for the restoration of teeth.

    Is anesthesia a mandatory procedure for filling teeth?

    The use of painkillers is a prerequisite for the quality of any dental procedure. In the presence of superficial caries, it is enough to make an application, with the help of which it is possible to reduce the sensitivity of the tooth to a depth of 3 mm. The price of application anesthesia is approximately 150 ₽. For deep lesions, conduction anesthesia is widely used at a cost of up to 1,000 ₽. Therefore, when a filling is installed, one or another type of anesthesia is planned before that, which will allow put a seal painlessly.

    My tooth hurts under a filling, what should I do?

    You can often hear the question of what to do if toothache under a filling. To determine the course of action when toothache under a filling, it is necessary to try to identify the cause of the pain and determine why a toothache with a filling. If a a tooth hurts under a filling when pressed, then this may be caused by irrational contact between the surface of the placed filling and the chewing surface of the antagonist tooth. In this case, it is necessary to carry out additional grinding and polishing of the seal.

    Also, this type of pain can manifest itself as a result of filling with deep caries, if the cavity bottom is not properly isolated or the contact of the filling material in the area of ​​​​the border of the tooth tissues at the separation of enamel and dentin is not sufficiently developed. Of course, the cause of pain under the filling can be perforation of the bottom of the cavity, and incorrect “pressure” of the filling on the gum tissue, and an irrational contact point along the lateral cavity with the adjacent tooth. A tooth hurts under a filling, and what to do you ask. We recommend that you report this to your dentist as soon as possible in order to diagnose the cause of this pain. If the tooth began to hurt, then there is always a reason for this and it is not advisable to wait for the pain to pass. The pain may go away without any measures taken, but this can lead to subsequent complications.

    It is also important that fillings falling out of teeth not only after the pain identified by the patient, but also without a pain symptom. There may be many reasons for this, but in most cases it is an irrational position of the chewing surface of the filling in contact with antagonists or poor-quality preparation of the tooth cavity when seal installation.

    We are sure that you will be proud of your Moscow smile! Be healthy!

    Most people who come to the dentist will be puzzled by the variety of materials on offer. In addition to classical composites, amalgam, ceramics and plastics, light fillings have recently appeared. Why are they good, how much do they differ from other materials and how much do they cost? And most importantly, how versatile are the latest generation fillings? We'll figure out.

    What it is

    A classic chemical filling hardens when certain components are mixed, while a light filling hardens under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. With this technology, the dentist can accurately restore the shape of the tooth, even if it is badly damaged.

    Such a filling consists of composites that harden under the influence of light. These can be macro-, mini-, microfillers, nanohybrid composite. The composition of the seal includes a substance that is sensitive to light, therefore, when exposed to rays, it disintegrates and a chemical reaction occurs with the polymerization process.

    The choice of filler depends on the complexity of the restoration task. For example, large particles are resistant to constant mechanical stress and abrasion, but do not look very aesthetically pleasing. Such material is suitable for the chewing surfaces of the posterior teeth. For filling the front rows, nanohybrids are used, which completely repeat the color and structure of the tooth.



    The preparatory stage is no different from standard procedures. The dentist removes damaged tissues, cleans and expands the canals if necessary, then applies a filling material.

    The channels are treated with special antiseptic substances that prevent the occurrence of infections and recurrence of caries. In severe cases, a temporary filling may be needed.

    The material for light seals is in convenient syringe dispensers

    The light polymer is applied in layers (the larger the cavity, the more layers), while each “pad” is dried separately for 2-3 minutes. As a rule, ultraviolet lamps work automatically and turn off after a predetermined period of time. The finish layer gets the most attention. It should be formed in such a way that the contact of the upper and lower row of teeth is not disturbed. The aesthetics of the filling also plays an important role, especially in the smile area.

    After hardening, the filling is ground and adjusted to the individual characteristics of the oral cavity. When it comes to composite restoration, the material is additionally varnished.

    It is difficult to say what the service life of such a filling is - it all depends not only on its composition, but also on the characteristics of the patient's diet, his bad habits. On average, these fillings last 5-6 years.


    • High plasticity. The dentist can form a filling for as long as he likes and be sure that it will not harden at the most inopportune moment. It is also convenient for the patient: the soft material fits snugly to the edges of the carious cavity and tightly fills all the convolutions and tubercles on the teeth, so that the “patch” will last longer.
    • Non-toxic. Reflective fillings can be placed even during pregnancy. They do not emit harmful substances and are not rejected by the body.
    • A large number of shades. A wide range allows you to choose a color that blends perfectly with natural. This quality plays a big role in the filling of the front teeth - the material should not be noticeable even upon closer examination.
    • Long service life. The claimed service life is 5 years, but dentists say that light fillings last even longer. The main thing is to properly care for the oral cavity and regularly visit the doctor's office.
    • Convenient use. The material is packaged in convenient capsules or syringes, which saves time. In addition, the finished filling is well ground and polished.
    • Rapid maturation. After installing fillings from materials of the previous generation, it is necessary to refrain from food for several hours, after light - only an hour.
    • High aesthetic characteristics. Even after a few years, it is extremely difficult to establish the boundaries of the seal with the naked eye, and immediately after installation it is completely impossible.


    There are few obvious disadvantages of light seals:

    • Dentists try not to use this technology in hard-to-reach places, since light curing may not be sufficient, and the filling simply will not harden. In difficult areas, chemical materials are preferable.
    • A rather high percentage of shrinkage is not suitable for filling large defects.
    • Within a few days after the renewal of the smile, you will have to give up coloring foods. Otherwise, the material may change its color.
    • Difficulties can arise if the carious cavity passes close to the gum, and blood or saliva gets into it.
    • Light polymer fillings should not be placed on people who use an artificial pacemaker.

    Restoration of teeth with light fillings

    Composite restoration, so common in recent times, is nothing more than a polymer filling with nano-fillers. It allows you to hide most enamel defects in just a couple of hours and is much cheaper than other methods of artistic restoration of teeth.

    Restoration of teeth with photopolymers is very popular

    Sometimes light fillings are called veneers, which is not entirely correct. Of course, in some cases, polymer veneer can replace ceramics, but it cannot cope with a strong curvature of the teeth. In addition, the average service life of a composite plate is about 5 years. If you decide on this type of restoration, be prepared for restrictions on food and smoking. With frequent use of coffee and strong tea, the material can change its color, and without proper care, the fillings quickly crumble and collapse.

    However, experts are actively advocating the method of composite restoration. Firstly, it is less traumatic - when installing a veneer, only damaged tissues are removed. Secondly, light seals are easier to repair. When the ceramic is chipped, the plate has to be removed, and the composite can be restored.

    But even here there are subtleties. Dentists recommend restoration with composites under the following conditions:

    • tooth damage is insignificant (no more than a third);
    • the patient carefully observes hygiene;
    • the filling acts as a temporary measure;
    • I need an inexpensive option.

    In the case of installing a light filling, you will have to visit the dentist 1-2 times a year and carry out additional surface polishing.

    What is a dental filling: types of dental fillings and which ones are better to put

    Dental filling is the most common treatment in dental practice. Modern materials allow you to restore the aesthetics of the dentition and not spend a lot of money.

    Dental filling - before and after

    A filling is a specialized medical material with the function of protecting the hard tissues of the tooth from destruction.

    Competent selection of filling material allows you to restore the aesthetic and chewing function of the tooth to the fullest.

    Most patients are already familiar with polymer photo fillings, which have high strength and adhesion. But there are other materials that help restore the integrity of the dental crown. And to determine which seal is better, a specialist will help after examination.

    Types of dental fillings

    Dental fillings differ from each other in some parameters:

    • Time of use.
    • The materials from which the filling material is made.

    By the time of use, two categories of seals are distinguished: permanent and temporary.

    Temporary fillings are installed for a short period of time, when it is necessary to close the cavity of the tooth until the next appointment with a specialist.

    Permanent fillings are placed on sanitized teeth and help to recreate the original shape of the tooth. Permanent fillings are installed for a long period of time (from one to five years), help prevent pathogenic microorganisms from entering the deep layers of dentin and prevent secondary caries.

    Temporary tab is placed for a period of not more than two weeks

    If the permanent compositions are set according to the required standards, then the filled tooth does not differ from other crowns in the dentition.

    Materials for the manufacture of filling compositions are used different:

    • inert metal alloys. Another name for the material is amalgam.
    • Specialized durable dental cements.
    • inert plastics.
    • Composite materials.

    The most common filling material used in aesthetic dentistry is a photopolymer. These are composite materials that harden when exposed to ultraviolet light. Photocomposite polymer materials provide the highest aesthetics and durability.

    Types of permanent filling compounds

    Dental filling with permanent material is intended for:

    • Closure of the treated tooth for a long period of time.
    • Ensuring full aesthetic and chewing function.

    For this purpose, various sealing permanent compositions are used in therapeutic dentistry. The properties of each of them are different.


    Specialized dental cement has been used for filling teeth for decades. What fillings are better to put on the basis of dental cement and is such treatment effective? The answer can only be given by a qualified specialist.

    Cement has gained its popularity among dentists due to its high adhesive properties, high strength of the material, and long service life. It is better to entrust the choice of cement material to a specialist, since cement with the addition of various impurities has a high density, incomparable with the density of enamel, which often leads to tooth destruction around the filling. Some compositions cannot be set for more than a few years.

    Cement filling in tooth

    There are several types of cement fillings:

    1. With the addition of phosphoric acid and special glass. This silicate material tends to remove phosphorus from the hard tissues of the tooth, which can provoke the appearance of secondary caries. Therefore, with acute forms of caries on adjacent teeth and the lack of proper hygiene, silicate materials are not used. Do not use this type of fillings for children's teeth.
    2. Cement preparation based on phosphate. Phosphate materials have lost their relevance due to weak adhesion and increased abrasion of the composition after being placed in the tooth cavity.
    3. Dental glass ionomer cement. One of the most popular cement compositions for filling teeth. Even children's milk teeth are treated with such filling material. Due to its high adhesion, glass ionomer cement is firmly held in the tooth cavity, does not crumble, and its polymerization requires ultraviolet light. But such cement cannot be used on central teeth and crowns in the smile zone, since the composition is somewhat darker than natural dental tissues, and does not look aesthetically pleasing. Glass ionomer cements are most often used for filling molars where chewing function is more important than aesthetics.


    Plastic materials for filling teeth are not used in modern therapeutic dentistry for several reasons:

    • High toxicity of plastic compounds.
    • Excessive brittleness and susceptibility to deformation.
    • Erasure and discoloration due to the action of coloring products.

    Plastic tabs are the cheapest option

    Previously, plastic fillings were linings for carious cavities, which were attached with dental glue.


    Fillings from alloys of various metals were used for a long time before the advent of glass polymer. But modern scientists have proven that the use of amalgam fillings is life-threatening. Amalgam contains mercury and other hazardous copper-based metal compounds.

    Amalgam is placed only in molars

    Among the positive qualities of amalgam fillings are: strength, durability.


    A ceramic or ceramic-based inlay helps to restore dental crowns with the most complex destruction. But if the coronal part is significantly destroyed, then specialized ceramic inlays are used to restore it. This process helps to restore even the most complex destruction without the use of orthopedic implants. The delivered ceramic fillings have an excellent aesthetic appearance and are no different from the crowns in the dentition.

    Ceramic fillings are expensive, but their use is justified by the ability of ceramics to withstand heavy loads and temperature changes.

    Porcelain can be placed anywhere on the tooth, but ceramic onlays look best on the central teeth. Ceramic inlays and fillings are installed only on molars; pediatric dentistry does not provide for the installation of such orthopedic structures. One of the disadvantages of ceramic fillings is that the installation of ceramics requires a highly qualified specialist, since the inlays are made according to individual casts.

    Ceramic inlays in the teeth are almost invisible

    If other orthopedic structures made of cement or composite materials destroy the walls of the tooth over time, then ceramics have advantages:

    • Helps strengthen the tooth.
    • Since the fabrication of the structure takes place outside the patient's mouth and according to the impressions of the teeth, this helps to create a ceramic filling of high precision and the highest quality.
    • Ceramic fillings do not shrink, do not destroy the enamel outside the tooth cavity, which helps to avoid the development of secondary caries.
    • Ceramic fillings are completely inert and harmless to the human body.
    • There are no allergies and other negative reactions of the body to ceramic inlays.
    • Ceramic orthopedic construction is made of materials that help to fully recreate the color of a decayed tooth.
    • Ceramics are highly durable. Therefore, it is better to put it on chewing teeth.
    • Ceramic fillings do not stain over time.

    If the crown part of the tooth is significantly destroyed, then it is better to consult with several specialists and decide which filling to choose. But most experts will advise to restore the tooth with a ceramic inlay.

    light polymer

    Light polymer compositions of ultraviolet curing are the most common filling material.

    Light-curing composite

    The filling material based on light-polymer composite compositions has a large number of advantages:

    • Aesthetics. Thanks to a rich set of colors, the light filling is selected with the maximum correspondence to the natural color of the teeth. And the light transmission of the polymer helps to recreate the transparency of natural tooth enamel.
    • Reliable connection with the tooth. Light-polymer materials have high active properties, which helps them to hold securely in the tooth cavity. Versatility. Light polymer fillings can be placed on any tooth from the dentition.
    • Convenience. The main convenience in installing a light polymer filling is the gradual laying of the polymer material into the tooth cavity and gradual illumination. This method allows the dentist to level the surface of the tooth and fit it to the size of the cavity. Therefore, polymer fillings are the most effective.
    • The main plus in the use of light polymer materials is the durability of the structure. And the minus is only a slight shrinkage of the material over time.

    Therefore, with a detailed study of polymer compositions, the question of which fillings for teeth is better to put disappears by itself.

    Chemical Curing Composite Materials

    Chemically cured materials polymerize as a result of the combination and reaction of chemical components. The mixture of components takes place immediately before the filling of the tooth.

    Glass ionomer cement is mixed with an aqueous solution of polyacrylic acid and placed into the tooth cavity. The curing process lasts no more than seven minutes, during which time the specialist must have time to form the surface of the tooth and make the shape as natural as possible.

    Glass ionomer cement

    Finally, chemical curing fillings complete the formation of their structure in two weeks. After this time, the maximum load can be given to the seal.

    Which dental fillings are best

    The answer to the question of what is better to put fillings, the patient will be given only by a specialist, after the treatment. But the most suitable in terms of price and quality are seals made of reflective polymers. They are strong and guarantee a long service life without the use of additional restoration measures.

    If the seal is placed by a highly qualified doctor, then the use of a polymeric material does not play a role. Almost all modern manufacturers of photopolymers offer high-quality filling compositions.

    Setting a filling is the final step in the treatment of many tooth pathologies, whether it be caries, restoration after a chip, or restoration of enamel after.

    Modern dentistry has a wide arsenal of various types of dental fillings. However, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

    What are the types of dental fillings and which ones are best used in each case?

    Cement based filling

    In the photo, a cement filling on a tooth

    Since cement fillings have excellent adhesion, that is, they adhere perfectly to the surface of the tooth, they are very common in dentistry. These are durable, non-fragile elements that can stand for a long time.

    There is one caveat: the density index of such fillings is higher than the density of tooth enamel, and over time, that part of the tooth that surrounds the filling wears out. As a result, a vulnerable zone is created along the edge of the filling, secondary caries occurs.

    The compositions of cement fillings are divided into:

    • for phosphate cements, which contain up to 90% zinc oxide, magnesium oxide, silica and phosphoric acid;
    • for silicate-containing mixtures, with the content of aluminosilicate and phosphoric acid.
      Phosphate cements are not used for surface work, they close up channels, put under crowns or under the overlying layer.

    Silicate cement is more similar to the natural color of the tooth and has a shiny surface. transparency. Since it is a very hard material, it is suitable for filling anterior teeth.

    For deep filling, silicate cements are not used, as they adversely affect the soft tissues of the pulp.

    Ercodont-cement is formed from a mixture of the above species. also suitable for different types of fillings.

    To improve the quality of fillings, silver powder is added to phosphate compounds. These compounds are used when they are very inexpensive materials.

    Plastic fillings

    Plastics used in dental technologies harden quickly, have high hardness, strength, chemical resistance and do not irritate oral tissues.

    The problem of their use is a decrease in their volume, over time, a person feels that the filling, as it were, has sagged, slightly decreased in size, which gradually leads to tooth destruction.

    Plastic fillings also tend to stain and do not retain their original color for long. These fillings include acrylic oxide and carbodent.

    Amalgam fillings

    The quality of amalgam fillings, which are an alloy of mercury and metals, is very high.

    Amalgams may contain silver, tin, copper, zinc, mercury. These are very plastic, well-adhering materials, which have great strength and serve for several decades.

    The negative quality is that the material remains with a metallic sheen, so it is placed only in inconspicuous places. The body does not get mercury poisoning. The most commonly used silver amalgam.

    The use of ceramics

    The photo shows ceramic inlays on a plaster model

    Ceramic fillings have high hardness and do not lose their size over time - shrinkage does not occur.

    Ceramic fillings do not change their color, do not acquire dark shades or stains. This is, one might say, the perfect filling.

    The filling is made in the form of an inlay based on a cast from a treated and disinfected tooth. Due to its configuration, the inlay distributes the load on the tooth more evenly when chewing, and holds on tighter.

    There are different types of ceramics, for example, containing zirconium oxide - transparent and durable; pressed ceramics, cermets.

    Light curing composites

    Dental fillings made of light-hardening composites are also called "light" fillings. Polymerization reactions in the substances that make up such fillings occur under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. healed teeth will shrink over time, but at first the fillings look perfect.

    These materials are well polished, microphiles are used on the front teeth, macrophiles - on the more massive back ones.

    Self-hardening material with particles of silicon and zirconium is used to restore the surface of chewing teeth. For hard-to-reach areas, flowable composites are used.

    When setting the seals, each layer is illuminated, starting with the adhesive coating. A filling can cost upwards of $100 and must last at least 5 years.

    Installation and characteristics of composite fillings:

    Glass ionomer cement

    This group of materials contains a significant amount of fluorine, which prevents the occurrence, and is good for healing teeth in children.

    The negative properties are the fragility of the resulting material. These cements can be both self-hardening and light-curing, the dentist is comfortable when working with such a material, there is no rush to install.

    Glass ionomer fillings, as in the photo on the right, do not always match the color of the tooth, you have to cover it with a composite material.

    The cost of such fillings, depending on the complexity of the work and the use of light-curing composite materials, may vary.

    Chemically Cured Composites

    The main component of such compositions is porcelain, which determines the hardness and durability of the installed seals.

    Polymerization shrinkage, which is a minus of these fillings, is compensated with the help of additional adhesive preparations that improve adhesion to the tooth tissue and prevent secondary caries.

    The main advantage of chemically cured composites is that curing occurs evenly throughout the depth of the cavity.

    Stages of setting a seal

    When treating a diseased tooth, after establishing the primary diagnosis, the doctor removes the softened dentin, cleaning the surface of the tooth from the affected tissues. Already at this stage, patients sometimes require. With a deep lesion, a medical pad with calcium is placed to relieve inflammation.

    Under the aesthetic surface of the filling, an insulating gasket made of high-quality materials with maximum adhesion is placed. The next step is the setting of the seal, if the material is light-hardening, then each layer of the seal shines.

    Filling cost

    The use of modern technologies with the use of expensive medical materials and filling compositions, the use of expensive equipment and the high level of skill of a dentist are significant costs.

    Comfortable treatment of infected teeth costs a lot of money. The price for treatment, for canal filling if necessary, for the installation of a seal consists of different parameters.

    In each individual case, the treatment is individual, sometimes a tooth can be healed in one visit, and sometimes the doctor and the patient have to meet three times.

    All stages of treatment in summary:

    • initial inspection;
    • cleaning the affected cavity;
    • drug administration;
    • if necessary, an x-ray of the roots of the tooth is taken for accurate diagnosis;
    • cleaning and shaping channels;
    • removal of nerves;
    • canal filling;
    • setting or, as a consequence, a permanent seal.

    Prices for all these stages are in the price lists of clinics.

    The cost of filling a tooth can also vary greatly. Composite, light fillings can be an order of magnitude more expensive than cement ones.

    The filling of the actual canal of the tooth, of which there are several in the tooth, also consists of separate stages - this is the biological treatment of each canal, closing the existing enlarged hole, covering the surface with a light-curing composite. The formation of prices in each clinic is based on the quality of the drugs used for treatment and filling, the range of which is different.

    How much does it cost to fill a tooth?

    Approximately current prices for fillings in Moscow:

    Children's orthodontics and fillings on children's teeth in some cases are qualitatively different from adults, the installation of fillings for children is usually performed faster than for adults and the price does not exceed 2000 rubles.

    Removing an old filling will cost about 400 rubles, applying a medical or insulating pad will cost from 700 to 2000 rubles.

    Restoration of a tooth with a deep lesion with the installation of a light filling includes many parameters, and the filling itself will cost from 4,000 rubles. Anesthesia when working with a tooth costs 300-400 rubles, and it costs the same amount to perform an x-ray of the jaw area.



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