Sketches of the all-seeing eye. What does an eye in a triangle tattoo mean?

All-seeing eye- a symbol that has been used by many cultures and communities in different times, so in reality there is no single graphic formula, describing this sign.

It is sometimes called "the all-seeing eye of God", "the all-seeing eye in the triangle", there are many variations, but in fact the name has no meaning. The generally accepted (in fact, the most common) version of the symbol is an eye (it is impossible to determine whether it is left or right), surrounded by rays (the rays are directed only to the sides and down) and often “inscribed” in an equilateral triangle. The all-seeing eye (we will look at its meaning below) is called the Window of Conduct in Christianity, and among the Masons it is called the radiant delta. But both use the same symbol, and the etymology is also similar.

The all-seeing eye (photo, various “variations” of the symbol are shown below) first “appears” at the beginning of the 14th century (approximately from 1510 to 1515). Fleming Jan Provost paints the canvas “Allegory of Christianity”, in which we see the canonical all-seeing eye. The meaning of the allegory in the context of the painting still remains a topic of much debate. Later, the Order of the Carthusians commissions another Italian painter (Jacopo Pontromo) to create a very specific canvas, which depicts only the all-seeing eye. The sketch (or finished painting) dates back to 1525.

It is worth mentioning separately such a thing as the “All-Seeing Eye of God” icon. It is difficult to say when such an icon was first painted (the oldest Russian examples apparently date back to the end of the 19th century). However, it is known that a similar symbol was used in Byzantine icon painting back in the 6th century, from where it apparently came to Rus', although much later - “variants” of the icon appeared in Russian churches only in the 18th century. Thus, the icon “The All-Seeing Eye of God” does not have an author; it is impossible to determine its origin, although modern theologians are sure that the image is associated with the corresponding lines from the Holy Scripture: “Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon those who fear Him and trust in His mercy” (Psalm 32: 18).

For many, this question related to the “All-Seeing Eye” icon is especially relevant: what does this image help with? Church polemicists say that “this image” is universal, that is, the icon of the “All-Seeing Eye” (“God’s Eye”) is capable of giving a person strength and help in any situation. But you need to understand that the canonical version of the icon differs significantly from what was described above. On the Christian canvas there is not one “eye”, but four; other parts of the face (nose, mouth) are also present; in the center there is an image of a person, from whom four rays diverge symmetrically to the sides. All these symbols are enclosed in a circle, and there are also many other elements on the icon that there is no point in describing here. That is, in fact, these are quite different symbols - the traditional (as they say now, Masonic) all-seeing eye and the “All-Seeing Eye” icon. How this icon actually helps is an interesting question, and, of course, there is no adequate answer to it.

But the Christian icon “The All-Seeing Eye of God” is, as mentioned above, only a “variation”, although in churches (not only Russian) you can find images of the desired symbol that are more consistent with the “original”. At the same time, the “official” version of the interpretation is as follows: the “eye” itself is the image of God who sees everything that happens on earth, the “rays” are the divine presence, and the triangle is the embodiment of the principle of the Holy Trinity (Father-Son-Spirit). That is, in Christianity the all-seeing eye (the pictures are presented below) is not represented the only form, exists whole line similar images that have a very specific interpretation. But it is unlikely that, say, the Masons or the same semi-mythical Illuminati would invest in this image similar meaning. Or not?..

It must be said that the Masons have an all-seeing eye - a symbol that is also associated with God, but not with the Christian one. More precisely, in context, it is fair to mention the term “creator,” and the Masons themselves say “Great Architect of the Universe.” The Masonic Radiant Delta was first mentioned by William Preston in 1772 in Illustrations of Freemasonry. This is the official Masonic symbol, which mandatory present in the lodge premises, above the presiding Worshipful Master, in its eastern part. Among the Masons, the symbol “all-seeing eye” has the following interpretation: the “eye” is actually the Great Architect of the Universe, the “triangle” is the personification of the principle of trinity, but this is not Christian trinity. In Masonic numerology (which is based on the numerology of Pythagoras), the number 3 is the number of the spirit, the number of the one who has risen above both the feelings and the mind, the number of the universe, one might say, the most sacred. At the same time, the “eye” itself is also a symbol of wisdom, and sometimes it is replaced by the letter “G”, the interpretation of which depends on the specific degree (level of initiation in msonry).

Now let's just list a few of the most famous places and events with which the “all-seeing eye” symbol is directly associated. In 1789, the all-seeing eye appeared on the original “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen” (if anyone doesn’t know, this document was developed and signed following the Great Patriotic War) french revolution). In 1782, this symbol (its canonical version) appeared on the Great Seal of the United States (on its back side). In Russia, during the reign of Peter I, the all-seeing eye was depicted on battle banners (“Symbolism of the banners of Peter’s time” by K.K. Mamaev). We have already mentioned Russian icons with this symbol; all that remains is to make a reference to the Wadget symbol (aka “Eye of Horus” or “Eye of Ra”), which took place in ancient Egyptian culture (where the roots of this image probably come from).

Moreover, in Ancient Egypt, Wadjet (the left eye of Horus) was personified with the Moon; it had a whole range of meanings - from royal power to fertility (this is a fairly broad topic, which will be devoted to a separate material). Some researchers believe that the “all-seeing eye” symbol was borrowed by Europeans from the culture of Ancient Egypt. But, firstly, the canonical all-seeing eye is still significantly different from Wadget graphically, and secondly, how exactly this symbol got to Byzantium (and it was there, if we take only Europe, it first appeared) from Egypt is unknown.

The all-seeing eye in a triangle is a controversial symbol. Many interpret it as a sign of world domination; it is in this vein that this symbol is found in various documents, telling about the “world conspiracy theory” (most of these documents, of course, have no historical or cultural significance). Also today you can often find an all-seeing eye tattoo. The meaning of such a tattoo can be interpreted in different ways, but one thing is clear: putting such an ambiguous (and, apparently, still esoteric) symbol on your body is the height of stupidity. And in general, the all-seeing eye (tattoo, pendant or signet) is clearly not an accessory that makes sense to use as a talisman or to put your own sacred meaning into it. He was never a talisman, never performed protective functions. On American banknotes, for example, the all-seeing eye is located above a pyramid with thirteen levels (the symbol of the 13 first American states), and around it along the perimeter are the words “annuity coeptis,” which means “it is favorable to our undertakings.” What is meant here by the word “it” is an interesting question. The eye of the creator (the same Architect) or something else? There is no one to answer this question, although it is believed that the pyramid here is a symbol of progress, and the eye on its top is either a “bright future” (probably embodied in the notorious American dream), or (which is more likely) a symbol of control, a group (? ), which directs and manages this very progress.

One way or another, the all-seeing eye (it’s not at all difficult to buy an image of it in our time) is undoubtedly one of the oldest esoteric symbols that literally “pierces” world history. Modern mystics say that we have before us that same “third eye,” symbolizing enlightenment, the ability to “see the truth,” in other words, to see the world as it really is. And yet, analyzing the facts (the above are quite sufficient, fully describing the “scale” of the use of the desired symbol), comparing events and images, it is not difficult to come to the conclusion that theories about a certain “world government”, about the “Illuminati” and “ black aristocracy" may be much closer to reality than we would like. On the other hand, this is just speculation, and perhaps it’s better for everyone.

Such a mystical image as the all-seeing eye deserves a lot of attention and delights with its beauty and mystery. A similar tattoo has a large number of various interpretations and has the greatest meaning, which has survived to this day. Such a tattoo easily attracts the attention of people around it and makes them admire the unusualness and uniqueness of the image. It is worth noting that it is difficult to take your eyes off this sign and there is a desire to look into the soul of its owner. However, before applying such a mysterious and mystical image, you need to ask what meaning the eye tattoo in a triangle has been fraught with since ancient times.

What is the meaning of an eye tattoo in a triangle?

In ancient centuries, such a tattoo was rare, so interpretations and designations have ambiguous meaning. Thus, the symbolism is not fully defined. IN different corners the world interpreted differently, for example, in the understanding of Westerners, the left and right eyes had opposite symbolism. In this case, the sun and the moon, day and night, future and present were opposed. But the American Indians gave the image the meaning of the eye of the heart, which is responsible for intuition, feelings and helps to reveal the truth. Also, in addition to this, the tattoo has the designation all seeing eye- the main powerful spirit.

The meaning of an eye tattoo in a triangle in religion

For many cultures, this symbol is more of a religious character. Because all people walk under the same sky and the saints watch us from the heights of the clouds. This sign is a powerful symbol for Buddhism, and it denotes great wisdom as well as enlightenment. The divine eye sees everything, it knows everything, no one can hide from this gaze. This sign serves as a conductor of the divine gaze, which observes people and events in the whole world. However, the Celts gave this mystical symbol a negative connotation. For them, it meant envy and ruthlessness. For Christians, this sign has always personified divinity and light forces.

The meaning of an eye tattoo in a triangle for different cultures

In the culture of ancient Egypt, the image was a symbol of the wise and all-seeing god Horus. The Egyptians believed that his eye betrayed incredible abilities and strength to the person on whose body such an image is placed. Thus, people believed that with the help of this symbol one could read minds and prevent evil actions. In the traditions of many cultures, the eye in a triangle has approximately the same character and symbolism. Only in Celtic culture is this symbol given a negative designation, which personifies envious views and evil intentions. In some temples, holes are cut out in the ceiling to symbolize the eyes of the celestials.

Where to get a tattoo with an eye in a triangle?

There are a lot of tattoos with different mystical symbols. The eye is one of them and its image on the body betrays self-confidence and attentiveness. This illustration can be done in any tattoo parlor in your city. However, you need to be careful when choosing an establishment where you can get your desired tattoo. You need to carefully choose a workshop that has proven itself to be one of the best in your city. The masters of such salons, as a rule, are highly qualified and use only high-quality Consumables, as well as equipment to create a tattoo that will suit your wishes and requirements. Otherwise, you will think about removing the applied image.

There are not many ancient religious symbols that are still used in a modern, deeply secularized society. One of them is an eye in a triangle. Its meaning is of interest to everyone who has ever encountered it in works of cinema, on the gables of buildings and in other contexts.

What does the triangle symbol mean?

An eye in a regular triangle with its apex facing upward is one of the most ancient symbols. According to experts, the following motives are clearly readable in it:

  • Pagan mythology- primarily the ancient Germans.
  • Eye of Wotan or Odin- the supreme deity of German-Scandinavian mythology, patron of victory and war. To taste life-giving moisture the key of wisdom, he sacrificed his eye. Therefore, in culture and art, Wotan appears as a one-eyed old man overseeing mere mortals. The ancient Scandinavians associated the Eye of Odin with a star that helped in sea navigation.
  • Celtic triangle, which among many peoples of Northern Europe was an integral element of Sun worship. The three directions of its peaks represented dawn, noon and sunset. As time passed, the semantic content of the image began to change. They began to associate him with the movement of the Moon, then with the element of fire, then with the patron of thunder, Thor. Celtic motifs are easily read in the symbols of the Teutonic Order and even in a number of works of art of Ancient Rus'.
  • Biblical influence. It is in the Old Testament that the symbol of the eye is interpreted as the protection of Jehovah. Gradually, the Christian “fathers of the church” developed and honed the philosophical content of this image.

What does a triangle with an eye inside mean?

In the Christian tradition, the eye in a triangle was first included in the Middle Ages. The resulting symbol designated the so-called “All-Seeing Eye,” which for the first followers of Christianity was the incarnation of God the Father. The triangle embodies the Trinity, each of whose hypostases is equal and one. Often the “All-Seeing Eye” is painted surrounded by rays, which is interpreted as the radiance of divine greatness.

Initially, the symbol had a threatening meaning - the inevitability of punishment, constant monitoring for petty human sins. Subsequently, in the Christian tradition, the image was reinterpreted as a symbol of hope for salvation from the constantly watching Lord.

The “all-seeing eye of God” has been a popular motif in Orthodox icon painting since the beginning of the 19th century. Most often, the image includes the following elements:

  • Jesus Christ (center);
  • The circle in which the Eyes of God are inscribed, watching people;
  • Four triangle-rays emerge from the circle;
  • The circles opposite these rays depict the apostles, the authors of the four canonical Gospels.

This motif gained particular popularity among the Old Believers.

Radiant Delta in Freemasonry

The “All-Seeing Eye” acquired a completely new meaning with the advent of the 18th century, when the secret society of Freemasons appeared. The philosophical concept of Freemasonry took from Christian religion many sacraments and symbolism, but gave them a completely new meaning.

Surrounded by a triangle human organ vision now began to be called the “Radiant Delta”. It began to be used for the first time in the documents of “free masons” in the late 1770s. “Delta” is used during Masonic rituals, and is also a recognizable element in the design of both the premises for their meetings and the clothing of members of the society.

The semantic content of the “delta” is extremely diverse and often contradictory in Masonic lodges of different states and peoples:

  1. Absolute knowledge, fight against ignorance;
  2. Victory of light over darkness;
  3. Origins of the Universe;
  4. The logical beginning of all things;
  5. Personification of the Creator;
  6. A truth that needs to be revealed.

Often "Eye" is stylized as a capital letter G Latin alphabet and is used in this form on various Masonic paraphernalia.

Where can you find an eye in a triangle?

The “All-Seeing Eye” is one of the most recognizable Christian and Masonic symbols. It is actively exploited by both supporters of all kinds of conspiracy theories and representatives of liberal professions.

Among other things, “Eye” can be found on the state symbols of the following settlements:

  • Braslav (Belarus);
  • Kalvaria (Lithuania);
  • Plunge (Lithuania);
  • Siauliai (Lithuania);
  • Wilamowice (Poland);
  • State of Colorado (USA);
  • City of Kenosha (Wisconsin, USA).

“Radiant Delta” is often used by the educational community. In particular, it is she who is depicted on the emblems of the Chilean and Mississippi universities. Informal student societies in America make full use of the motifs of this Christian sign.

In addition, the eye in a triangle is a popular motif in the national currencies of countries such as the USA, Estonia, Ukraine and others.

However, not only abroad can one find this mysterious symbol. He is depicted on the walls of the Cathedral of the Kazan Icon Mother of God in St. Petersburg.

Use in Ancient Egypt

The image of the human eye as the personification of the Sun and the divine plan was used long before the birth of the Christian religion. More than five thousand years ago, the population of Ancient Egypt worshiped the Eye of the supreme god Ra, which had the following meaning:

  • Force;
  • Flame;
  • Light;
  • Attentiveness;
  • Agility.

Also had high symbolic meaning eye of Horus- a deity who patronized the rulers of Egypt, the pharaohs. His organ of vision was the embodiment of:

  • Knowledge;
  • Healings (this is why talismans with the eye of Horus were worn by almost all inhabitants of the Egyptian kingdom - from rulers to ordinary people);
  • Spirituality;
  • Wisdom;
  • Hope for life after death and miraculous healing. When embalming pharaohs, they were given a figurine of an eye, which supposedly helped them come to life in the afterlife.

The eye in the triangle, the meaning of which goes back to the Christian image of the observing God, has now lost its original content.

Video answer: what does the “all-seeing eye” mean?

In this video, Father Alexey Berezovsky will tell you why they sometimes draw a symbol with a triangle, inside of which there is an eye above the crucifixion of Jesus, in icon painting:

They say the eyes are the mirror of the soul. It is not surprising that the image of eyes has been used in the symbolism of many cultures and peoples since ancient times.
This symbol was most often used as a talisman and was applied by people who wanted to be under the supervision of their God.
Who is it suitable for?
Unusual and original tattoo. Equally unusual people choose such a sketch.
The symbol can be the eye of a person, an animal, or a cartoon character.
Or an ancient occult symbol - the Masonic “all-seeing eye” or a tattoo with the ancient Egyptian god HORUS.

Places and style of tattoo.
Tattooing is performed in a wide variety of techniques and colors.
In our gallery, you can find photos of the most different sizes: on the feet, hands, shoulders or thighs.
A tattoo can be a separate body design or complement the composition of another, more complex work.

Symbol meaning

In many religions, there is a mention of a certain “third eye,” a symbol that can help a person look into other people’s souls.
An eye tattoo can symbolize the ability to see deeper into the essence of things happening in the world.
Cultures different nations keep superstitions that the eye of an evil or possessing magical power can harm a person’s health, life or deprive them of good luck.
Such a tattoo is credited with the ability to not only protect from evil spell, but also to remove the evil eye.

Eye on your wrist- a symbol of active lesbians.
In prison- eyes on the buttocks are a distinctive sign of the lower caste.
Eye on the back- a symbol of a person who is used to not trusting anyone. Indicates the constant readiness of the owner of such a tattoo.

Egyptian sign Wadjet - eye of HORUS

The first mention occurs in 2300 BC.
IN ancient Egypt, like many other peoples, there was a cult of the sun. The sun was perceived as the eye of the deity. Through which he observes everything that happens and each individual.
Egyptian God Horus with the head of a falcon - God of the sky, royalty and sun, patron of the pharaohs. His right eye was associated with the sun, his left with the moon. The image of the left eye (moon) is called Wadjet.
The Egyptians believed that the image of such a symbol helped to penetrate into the depths of someone else's soul and mind.
It was believed that the gods monitor the life of every person. But by applying such an image to his body, the person seemed to attract a little more attention.
It was believed that this symbolism would help a person:

  • understand the souls of others
  • revival
  • healing from illnesses
  • raised the level of joy and serenity
Eye of Ra (Eye of RA)

This is the female analogue of the most important Egyptian god - “RA”. The Eye subjugates the enemies of RA and, if necessary, can take on the image of any goddess.
The significance of the symbol is comparable to the sun. The goddess "Eye" could simultaneously be the mother, daughter, sister or wife of RA.

Hamsa (hand of God/hand of Fatima)
An ancient symbol found in Islam and Judaism. Archaeological evidence indicates the existence of this symbol even before the emergence of these religions.
Hamsa is a symmetrical palm facing downwards. Often an eye is depicted in the center of the palm. The symbol is considered a talisman.

In Christianity- a symbol of connection with God. Such a symbol indicates that no action will be hidden from the eyes of God.
For- a symbol of enlightenment. Wisdom and balance.

Meaning of an eye tattoo in a triangle
An eye in a triangle or an eye depicted against the background of a pyramid is an ancient symbol of the Freemasons.

Freemasonry is a secret society that appeared in 1717.
The literal translation of the name is “free mason.”
The history of society is full of secrets and mysteries, to which there are no reliable answers to this day.
The Freemasons are credited with creating, or at least participating in the construction of, a “world order.”

The most common name for the symbol is the “all-seeing eye.” Alternative name: radiant delta.
The eye in the triangle symbolizes the Great Architect of the Universe, who oversees the work of freemasons i.e. members of the secret society of Masons.
The first mention of the symbol occurs in 1772 in the work of William Preston.
The triangle symbolizes fire and enlightenment, and is also interpreted as the trinity in Christianity.
The eye in a triangle is found in architecture and painting among many peoples. This sign can be seen in the design of various temples. Almost everywhere it symbolizes the “eye of the Lord.”
On each US dollar bill you can see a triangle depicted in the background of a pyramid. The presence of the “all-seeing eye” on the world’s most popular banknotes is also attributed to the influence of the Masonic lodge.


Video from artist Joel Wright: the process of applying a “zombie eye” tattoo on the forearm.


Eye tattoo... Sketch for...

Eyes can be interpreted in different ways - imagination has no limits. This design was practiced in ancient times and was given deep meaning. The most obvious are the desire to show “all appearances,” the owner’s knowledge of a certain secret, the ability to look through the human soul.

This tattoo has a magical meaning. For example, ancient peoples applied it from behind - on the back, shoulders, neck. Thus, they wanted to protect themselves from the attack of a predatory beast. To this day, some people apply such a design on their body to protect themselves from the evil eye and misfortunes. It is not for nothing that they say that the eyes are a reflection of the soul. Agree, a tattoo, complemented by details in the form of a tear, a frightened gaze, or vice versa, clear sight, conveys the mood of the drawing. This may indicate something personal that only the owner knows about.

Eye of Horus or Eye of Ra

This symbol appeared thanks to the ancient Egyptians. Horus is the god of the sky and the sun, his appearance is that of a falcon. The symbol represents the left eye of the deity, which was damaged by the god of rage Set (that’s why we see the semblance of a tear). Over time, the eye was revived. As the myth goes, with his help Osiris was resurrected. Therefore, the Egyptians painted this image on mummies, hoping for eternal life.

IN modern world such a tattoo characterizes an amulet that protects against dark spirits, fills a person with bright feelings and a sense of harmony.

Eye in a triangle, pyramid or Masonic eye

This symbol is sensational and debates about it continue to this day. Some people consider this drawing to be a personification dark forces, the world government, and some, on the contrary, praise the simple drawing, which at the same time has a deep meaning.

The Great Architect of the Universe is an allegory of the Deity, who has a neutral character. He does not have a clear image or affiliation with religion. An eye tattoo in a triangle signifies the gaze of the creator. Nowadays, the drawing is not rare and can be found often: on architectural objects, in cinema, religious monuments.

The all-seeing eye tattoo has a mysterious meaning. It contains the wisdom of the universe, a sign of the highest intelligence, vigilance and supernatural traits.

But at the same time, depending on other details included in the drawing, the meaning may vary. For example, by adding a snake or giving the eye devilish features, the meaning of an eye tattoo takes on a negative interpretation.

Third Eye

The tattoo has ancient history, but it is clear that it carries a mysterious meaning. The drawing protects from ill-wishers and misfortunes, allows you to see deeper and more penetratingly, and gives you additional feelings. The owner most often believes that such a tattoo helps to strengthen the connection with the highest powers and gain protection from them. Also, the third eye combines wisdom and calmness.



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