Planet: Moon

Element: cardinal, water

Embodiment: crab

The negative result of her constant emotional vulnerability is that she can develop a wide variety of complexes.

The moon gives this woman a “rounded” psyche, emotionality and tearfulness. She is very sensitive and constantly hides in her shell. While your current man was with her, he was given the task from the very beginning to strengthen this shell and has been successfully fulfilling this task ever since. She hates conflicts, so even during the difficult periods of their coexistence, she tried to either control herself or separate the happy part of this relationship. Ultimately, both she and her ex-partner began to become increasingly weary of this relationship.

Cancer Woman is fussy. She prefers to have everything she needs close at hand. But organizing your life is not for her. It is important for her to feel comfortable at home, and she tries to make sure that others at her party feel the same way. It's not her fault that instead, others start to feel fear of things and a desire to quickly take a shower. If you ever visit her home, bring antibacterial soap with you.

In almost every aspect of your relationship with a Cancer woman, your current partner has acted as an advocate. First, he was her main source of income. This woman is simply not able to work - because of her emotionality, dependence and unwillingness to do what she is told. At the same time, she loves money and the freedom it gives. Secondly, even as an ex-girlfriend, she is emotionally drawn to him, and it is he who is blamed for all the changes in her mood. Now, after the breakup, she is more drawn to the tragedy of the loss than the lost relationship itself. She may occasionally call him, but this will not last long, since an emotionally broken Cancer will rather endure his losses alone. However, there are cases when Cancers liked the role of the victim, and for a long time they lamented loudly about their losses. Yes, she can be soft, romantic, sentimental and mysterious. These are the best features that the Moon gives to her children. However, it can also be too intrusive in its desire to patronize, jealous, dependent and overly sensitive.

Well, what do you do with it? Because of her desire to avoid conflict and hide in her saving shell, a Cancer woman will probably never openly oppose you. However, beware of her claws, because she can pinch you with them at the most unexpected moment. Of course, she will avoid conflict with you, but this does not mean that she will leave you alone. Remember: your current partner was her protector. And her dislike for conflict will not prevent her from "hitting" you using flanking maneuvers.

If there are children

Cancer Woman is a caring and attentive mother. She simultaneously sees in them a future source of self-care. She knows about the variability of the mood of toddlers and adolescents and helps them determine their emotional needs and desires. At the same time, he does not pay attention to their mental needs. If a Cancer woman does not approve of your new relationship, then she will not want you to take any place in the life of her children.

What does he lose

Her emotional dependency made him feel needed. Cancer woman's dislike for conflicts gave him the opportunity to introduce her to many people without fear that she would say something offensive or rude. The essence of the moon gave her a mysterious sensuality.

What does he not lose?

The same emotional dependence gave him the feeling of a beast driven into a trap. Her dislike of conflict stifled any constructive arguments that might have saved their relationship. An impulsive collector of things, she spent too much of his money on junk.

What can be done to hurt her

Since the Cancer woman is "closed" and reserved in expressing her feelings, it will be difficult for you to know how she really feels about you. The Cancer Woman doesn't necessarily want your ex back, but she's not sure she's ready to let him go. A new love may ease her pain of loss, but due to the fact that she idealizes love, it is a new feeling that can make her ex-partner even more desirable - after all, it was he who left her life. The best thing you can do to hurt her is to leave her in the dirt and create new dreams and memories with your new partner.

How will your sign handle the situation?

Your impetuous, assertive nature will make the Cancer woman take a defensive stance. And your new man likes to be with a woman who can logically fight him instead of crawling into her shell at the first sign of impending conflict. This does not mean that you are a sharp and tough woman. On the contrary, you like to be romantic, caring and see a smile on the face of your lover. Your home will be a little more inviting than his former home with the Cancer woman.

You have a natural intimacy with a Cancer woman. You understand her need for security and a stable, comfortable home. But that doesn't mean you'll let her run your new relationship. You protect your lover and never forget how destructive rivalry with his ex-girlfriend can be (especially if this rivalry is not necessary and can be avoided). At the very least, there will be little open hostility between you, and this will help strengthen your relationship with your partner.

You do not like at all that the Cancer woman is still very attached to your man. When the three of you collide, Cancer pretends that you do not exist. As if she does not exist in reality, but in her own fictional world - and she wants to drag her ex there too. Her frequent emotional calls and long conversations with your new lover make you think that either he will immediately hang up the phone or you will leave. It is best to talk to him about this (this is not difficult for you) and determine the boundaries of his contacts with her. This will help bring harmony into your relationship.

Both you and his ex-girlfriend love to reminisce about the past. The last thing you want to think about is his ex-girlfriend, but you can't help it. Both of you are emotionally demanding and unstable, and if your new man does not draw a clear line between his past life and his current one, he will soon run out of steam emotionally. It would also be good for you to outline some boundaries, make a promise to stop thinking about his past, start thinking about the future.

While it never hurts to try to understand the other person's point of view, it will take a tremendous amount of effort right now. Giving the Cancer woman space, allowing her to ask questions and make assumptions, while emphasizing the fact that you are his current girlfriend, will calm her nervousness and protect your new relationship. Everyone around knows that you are a passionate woman, ready to the end to protect yourself and those you love. After leaving the Cancer woman and starting a new relationship with you, your new man has traded the cool deceitful ocean for a fun sunny life.

Usually, women born under the signs of Virgo and Cancer may well be on friendly terms. However, the place that the Cancer woman occupied in the life of your man makes you feel extremely insecure. You have already studied all her mistakes (and his, too, just in case) and are able to predict what can improve their relationship again. Exes become exes for a reason. Your man knows this, otherwise he wouldn't be so deeply involved in your current relationship. Your habit of constantly criticizing yourself and everything around you can make you forget that everything has its positive aspects. You have some wonderful traits, and your man will surely notice them. Now it's time for you to notice them yourself and get away from your lover's past forever.

At first, the Cancer woman's sentimentality will make you feel sorry. But gradually you want her to admit that her ex-lover is better in his new relationship. She is very emotional, and you will offend this woman more than once by trying to remove her from the scene. Your new lover will probably breathe a sigh of relief as he is now with a woman who is independent and vocal about her preferences. After all, romantic relationships can be cold, wet with tears, and... painful.

You will most likely become friends. You believe that she should always be expected to show sentimentality, and give her some freedom of choice (which does not happen to many). Both of you are able to understand others, and she will be more happy than jealous when your relationship develops and hers fades. This gives you the freedom you need to focus on your relationship. Your lover will consider you much more intelligent and developed than his ex-girlfriend was, he will appreciate your intelligence, passion, courage and desire to build your relationship.

Your new partner will have enough opportunities to go about his business and have his own life, and you will support and inspire him. This is a stark contrast to his past relationships. The constant proximity of Cancer could be oppressive. Now she is upset and it is likely that she will be even more dependent on the departed man. First you try to support her. However, as soon as you realize that she herself prefers to be weak, your patience will run out. It is unlikely that you will get angry to the point that you lash out at her, although it would be good to keep her at a distance.

It is almost impossible for Capricorn to reach a compromise with a Cancer woman, because you have contradictions from birth. Cancer will look to you and your ex for emotional support during the difficult time she is going through after the breakup of her previous relationship, and soon you will tire of her endless demands. You will remind her that you and her ex don't have to. You are a more mature person than a Cancer woman - your man cannot help but appreciate this. You are also less emotional, you do not like to manipulate people and are much more successful at work, socially.

Communication with a Cancer woman requires great patience. The number of breakdowns he has helped her overcome during your romance with him drives you insane. It remains to be seen that he himself will determine the boundaries beyond which her need for support should not go. Unfortunately, water signs never fully say goodbye to their former partners and are always ready to fan the extinct flame. But as soon as a man finally breaks with her and can give you all his attention, he will see that you are intellectually richer than her, and the house that he will create with you will be respected in society.

You have a chance to make friends with a Cancer woman. You know why she keeps her distance and always takes a defensive stance. Don't you sometimes do the same? There will be no tension between you until you mistake her calmness for hostility. Your man will get more joy out of a relationship with you. He likes the feeling of freedom and the possibility of fulfilling desires. Let's hope he's the type to be grateful that you and his ex-wife (girlfriend) are on good terms, though he may be a little embarrassed about it.

Recently I wrote a post about how I am very afraid that my friend has cancer. She did not tell me anything at all about the fact that she had some kind of nodes in the thyroid gland. She just left once that she should be examined, because there is “something” - she always does this, reports about tin with a smile and somehow in between cases .. To me, as a terrible carcinophobe, such cases seem like just a collapse of the universes.

I didn’t listen to her talk about queues and so on, I pulled my friend out of her area and. From there, she was urgently hospitalized, I was terribly afraid, but everything worked out.

She had a huge tumor, 10 cm in size I don’t understand where she was hiding in her thin neck ...

With such introductory notes, I suggest you go to the post (the history of the node and the operation, and pictures are written there in detail):
Diagnosis based on the results of the first puncture in 2014: colloid cystic goiter grade 2.
The diagnosis of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences before surgery: left-sided multinodular euthyroid goiter of the 2nd degree (WHO).
Diagnosis according to the results of histopathological examination after surgery: follicular adenoma of the thyroid gland mixed structure with cystic transformation of part of the follicles.

"In preparation for pregnancy in 2014, I underwent a complete examination, during which a rather large thyroid nodule with a volume of 3.63 cubic meters was detected. see my 24 years old and they sent me for a biopsy.

In my conclusion it was written: "colloid-cystic goiter of the 2nd degree."

Already at that time, I was offered to be operated on with the prospect of follow-up for 1-2 years for relapses and the search for the optimal dose of hormones without the possibility of becoming pregnant.

I decided to give birth first, then to be operated on.

I can’t accurately assess to what extent the thyroid disease affected the course of pregnancy, but literally from the very beginning, due to the risk of miscarriage, I was prescribed Duphaston 2 times a day, which I took throughout my pregnancy, as well as a bonus:

vitamin E, 200 mg 2 times a day,

folic acid, 2 mg once a day,

Iodomarin, 200 mg once a day.

By the 2nd trimester, vitamin E and folic acid were canceled.

At the 34th week of pregnancy, Iodomarin was canceled and, due to significant edema and a gain of 17 kg, by this time from the beginning of pregnancy, the following was additionally prescribed:

magnesium B6, 2 tablets 3 times a day,

tincture of lingonberry leaves, 2 sachets per 1 cup of boiling water - drink per day in 3 divided doses,

Eufillin 1/2 tablet 2 times a day.

I repeatedly donated blood for hormones, the TSH level was significantly below normal and close to zero, which is not typical for a singleton pregnancy, but the endocrinologist did not see this as a reason for concern and no reason to prescribe me medications other than Iodomarin. At some point after the 2nd screening, the risk of trisomy 21 (Down's syndrome) was identified, which made me pretty nervous. They say that problems with the thyroid gland in the mother significantly increase the risk of mental retardation in the child (this has nothing to do with Down syndrome, but it was doubly scary from all this).

The birth itself took place through an emergency caesarean section, although from the very beginning I prepared for a natural birth, read a lot of literature and attended training courses.

By the end of pregnancy in 2015, the node had increased to 9.68 cc. cm due to the effect on my body of growth hormone, actively produced during pregnancy. Subsequently, the dynamics of the node volume was insignificant.

In 2017, I decided to have an examination earlier than usual, in May. It turned out that the entire left lobe of the thyroid gland was no longer functioning, and against this background, an increase in the right lobe began. The endocrinologist advised to repeat the biopsy, as the nature of the tumor during pregnancy could change.

I was refused in two polyclinics in Odintsovo:

· "Health Med" at 18A Molodezhnaya Street, as the doctor's license to perform this procedure has expired;

· Paid branch of the branch No. 3 of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "3 Central Military Clinical Hospital named after A. A. Vishnevsky" of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, since the doctor conducting the puncture himself recently underwent an operation and will not return to duty soon.

Considering the way the puncture story unfolded in 2014, and I had to wait a long time for my turn, I was pessimistic, and it is quite possible that this whole story would have been pushed into the back drawer if my friend had not taken control of everything, and together we managed to get into the RAS. I just came to the day hospital with my story.

Less than a week later, I ended up at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences at the reception of Glushkov Pavel Sergeevich, who, in addition to the degree of candidate, is constantly undergoing advanced training, including in the direction of thyroid diseases. After the initial examination and ultrasound, I was asked to perform an operation instead of a puncture, followed by a histological examination of the excised node.

On the day of hospitalization, 1 day before the operation, in less than an hour, I passed a lot of blood and urine tests, they did an ECG, they got me a card, I settled in a double room, I had a consultation with an endocrinologist discussing my problems with the thyroid gland since 1999. Even before noon, I talked with the anesthesiologist and surgeon (Pavel Sergeevich). The whole second half of the day was devoted to rest. I was struck by the efficiency, because with my rich experience of visiting hospitals from early childhood, these procedures, taking into account all the queues and work schedules of doctors, could take several days.

The chamber deserves special attention. I happened to be operated on in City Clinical Hospital No. 53, 2 weeks to be treated in City Clinical Hospital No. 29 named after. Bauman, to lie in a single paid ward in the Odintsov maternity hospital, to spend several months at the Kaluga branch of the MNTK Eye Microsurgery - there is something to compare.

The double ward of the surgical department of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences has a complete set of happiness: 2 beds, 2 bedside tables, 2 chairs, 1 table, 1 wardrobe, private bathroom, sink and shower, TV, refrigerator, 6 sockets per room and free Wi-Fi. The bathroom had soap and toilet paper in abundance (*happiness*). I was given a towel immediately upon check-in. The bed linen, 2 pillows and duvet were fresh.

For me, the biggest shock was the number of outlets, because with the current number of gadgets (e-book, smart watch, smartphone, laptop), 1 outlet even for 2 people in the ward is a complete collapse and a reason for constant conflicts. What if there are 6 people in the room? This is exactly what happened in the Infectious Diseases Department of the Odintsovo Central District Hospital, where my husband and child were lying - 1 socket for 6 people, who are located on 15 square meters in a ward with a ban on ventilation and an antibacterial UV lamp never turned on for a week.

Wi-Fi + a comfortable table and chair + a power outlet + a ban on children under 14 from visiting the department + a beautiful view outside the window = an ideal workplace.

After giving birth, I work remotely, from home with a child. During these 2 years, for the first time, I felt true pleasure from the process, maximum efficiency and the ability to concentrate, to go into work with my head. It was bliss (I say, listening to the child in the next room yelling furiously as I write this).

In the lobby, in addition to the reception, where a friendly nurse always sits, there is a library, a relaxation area and an aquarium with fish. The treatment room is located here, in the department, you do not need to go to another floor. The always open kitchen has a cooler, tea bags and sugar.

They fed 3 times a day. During hospitalization, I came on an empty stomach and before the operation I was supposed to have only 200 ml of cabbage soup and 1 glass of compote for the whole day. On the day of the operation, I could not eat anything, even the water did not linger in me. But then expanse began, and after a two-day fast, all food seemed to me like nectar and ambrosia. For those who are especially hungry, the day hospital of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences has a cafe, vending machines with coffee and snacks. I didn’t fall into this category, there was more than enough food, but on the last day before discharge I couldn’t deny myself a muesli bar and nuts.

Immediately at the time of discharge from the hospital, I received a medical history with a complete list of ongoing laboratory and instrumental studies, their results, procedures, and recommendations. The results of histopathological examination were ready in a week. All documents have doctors' signatures and seals.

According to the microscopic description, I had a follicular adenoma of the thyroid gland of a mixed structure with cystic transformation of part of the follicles. It is this type of node that most often transforms into a malignant one, and it cannot be reliably diagnosed by biopsy. During the operation, instead of the classic suturing, a special glue and special medical instruments were used to reduce blood loss during the operation. I am sure that the postoperative wound will look like a scratch soon, and next week I will resume my training on the path from half marathon to marathon with the approval of the surgeon.

In the next year, I will have to take frequent tests for TSH levels and control the dose of levothyroxine sodium (currently 50 mcg per day): 10 days after surgery, 1 month, 3 months, six months and subsequent regular studies once a year. Pavel Sergeevich believes that in the future it will be possible to cancel hormone replacement therapy, and my healthy lobe of the thyroid gland will cope with the production of hormones. I also believe in this and am optimistic. Communication with a doctor who has not been affected by the burnout syndrome, who pays attention to each patient and surrounds with care, charges with positive and confidence that everything will be fine now.

A week before the operation, I rested in a rest house near Moscow and, I want to say, the conditions are much better at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences, it was much more fun for me to work and rest. "

my girlfriend is almost nothing

morning before surgery

immediately after resuscitation - then she slept for a day

two days after surgery

thank you very much Glushkov Pavel Sergeevich!

It is very difficult for me to write about all this: even though everything happened very quickly, I was worried. The hardest thing in this situation, I did not know at all how to react, how to talk, how to properly support a person. I tend to push and dig into someone I want to feel sorry for, and I was very afraid of becoming a burden with my feelings to a person who himself needs support.

It affects nearly 12% of women in the US. In Ukraine, every half an hour, 1 woman is diagnosed with breast cancer, and every hour 1 woman dies from it. Not so long ago we published. Since this diagnosis is common, you probably have loved ones who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Perhaps you also know how difficult treatment can be. We publish stories of women who have been treated for breast cancer in the past and now work for charities. Below you will find advice from people who have overcome this disease and are now sharing their experience with readers.

1. Don't ignore the problem or pretend everything is the same

Fighting breast cancer can be a lonely battle. But, definitely, it is easier to cope with any trouble if there are words of support and compassion. Do not get too hung up on what you say is right and what is not. "It doesn't matter what you say. What matters is what you say at all," says Cathy Diamond Stone, executive director of Susan G. Komen Greater Atlanta.

Even if you have not communicated for years, a letter or SMS will please you anyway. You will need to take the initiative. As Jenny Saldana, a member of New York's Ford Warriors in Pink Models of Courage, says, your friend is "too sick" to ask for help.

Talking about cancer with a friend who is battling the debilitating condition of breast cancer is hard, but necessary.

2. Mentally Prepare Yourself

A friend who is battling a serious illness called breast cancer may find it difficult to come to terms with the physiological manifestations of treatment, for example, with. So don't exacerbate the situation with your negative reactions when you see it. When one of Jenny Saldana's friends saw her bald, she burst into tears. "I had so many situations where people came to support me. Instead, I had to calm them down, because they were horrified by my appearance," she says. Remember the main thing: the new appearance of your girlfriend is a symbol of her strength and perseverance.

3. Tune in to positive communication

It happens that a friend with a diagnosis of breast cancer is preparing for a meeting with relatives and friends. Find a way to alleviate the pain and reduce the experience, because you know it.

Sometimes a person just wants you to look into your eyes and say: "I appreciate you, you are important to me, and I think about you!"

Remind your friend how strong, beautiful and inspired she is. Sometimes a person just wants you to look into your eyes and say, "I appreciate you, you are important to me, and I think of you," says Christina Shermer, a member of Ford Warriors in Pink Models of Courage in Denver.

4. Help with the little things in the diagnosis of “breast cancer”

Suggest to a friend with a diagnosis of "" to clean up her house, give her a ride to the hospital, or cook a homemade meal so she can freeze it. Such simple actions seem at first glance too prosaic, but they will make life easier for your girlfriend and relax a little. "When people help out with little things, you feel loved," says Cathy Diamond Stone. She recalls how her friends showed up at her doorstep with a week's worth of food.

Interestingly, with just three words, Christina Shermer's friends showed their concern on the day the operation was scheduled. "[They] started a social media hashtag. A lot of people were holding up a sign saying 'We love Christina,'" Shermer recalls. "I was just bombarded with pictures of people from all over the world, and it was really something special," she adds.

5. Healthy food and fast food for a person with breast cancer

As for cooking, first, prepare a dish that can be easily thawed. Secondly, there are foods that help during cancer treatment - a special diet aimed at destroying cancer cells. In the people, the diet is called. Christina Shermer elaborates that fresh fruit, especially a large fruit basket, will be more beneficial for a person who is battling breast cancer. The same applies to fresh vegetable salad.

6. Don't Forget Your Girlfriend After Your Treatment Is Over

Life does not immediately get better after cancer treatment has come to an end. The transition to a normal lifestyle is not an easy period and takes a lot of time. "It's a strange realization that life goes on," says Jenny Saldana. Of course, you can't take your friend under your vigilant control. In the meantime, taking her to dinner to celebrate the anniversary of the victory over breast cancer, you will show how much you appreciate her, notes Christina Shermer.

Undoubtedly, those women who coped with breast cancer are worthy of admiration. Their success gives hope to those who are desperate and do not believe in themselves. The support of loved ones is very important. Don't turn your back on those who have bad news or look pathetic! They need your input and your help. By helping others, you help yourself as well. At the same time, try not to get too involved in a difficult situation and put bright thoughts in your head. This will help your friend or relative also tune in to success and believe in the best.

There is such an ominous and intractable diagnosis as oncology, popularly referred to as cancer. In order to most accurately describe the essence of a Cancer friend, a parallel should be drawn with this disease.

The fact is that this arthropod clings to all its acquaintances and close people with a death grip, breaking out of which is not so easy. It doesn’t matter who she meets on her way: her husband, friends, girlfriends, just acquaintances, into the soul of everyone and the whole Rachikha launches her claws in order to bind to herself as tightly as possible, and then, like a tumor, live at their expense. After all, a Cancer woman cannot exist on her own. Or doesn't want to, which is more like the truth.

At first, the Cancer girlfriend may seem like the sweetest person, so suitable for the image of the Turgenev young lady, a kind of airy and deeply spiritual person, a kind little man. She can cry into her vest, and hear a kind word, which, as you know, is pleasant even for a cat. However, this will not last long, even until Rachikha realizes that you have become attached to her and value friendship.

From this harsh moment, you will have to pay dividends, that is, every single day, listen to her long and necessary complaints about her husband and mother-in-law, or, even worse, be aware of the sores of all her household members. This is not for everyone! If before, you could easily chat about diets, films and clothes, now be kind to keep a record of vaccinations and constipation of her youngest, if you forget what was said, you will definitely be offended!!! And you will cry! Cancer girlfriends love this activity. Anything can become a reason for hysteria, up to the fact that her favorite yogurt was not in the store.

Tears! Here is the most powerful weapon of a Cancer girlfriend! And she uses this renewable resource to the place and not to the place, moreover, she cries pitifully and for a long time, so long, until she gets her way! So after her next request to do something, you will think several times to fulfill and kill a day for this, or refuse and kill one day to comfort her tears, and the next to fulfill her request.

On the other hand, it is very convenient to have a Cancer girlfriend if you are not against adultery with her husband. No matter how obvious your relationship with her spouse is, she will not pay attention to it, and calmly accept you as a guest. And this can last for years and decades, up to calls in the middle of the night: “Hi! Do you have mine? Okay, tell him he got a call from work!” Her life postulate in this regard is simple - let him walk, the main thing is that he does not leave the family! And you are a proven person, also married, which means that you will not take away the breadwinner, read the sacrifice of Rachikha. And here it is very convenient, and you don’t have to have sex with your husband, and the money is in the house.

Something, but money, Rachikhs are very fond of. True, directly! That is, to have them and spend them. Anyone should earn these pieces of paper, but not her. Therefore, if your Cancer girlfriend is unlucky with her husband, get ready for constant complaints of poverty. The main thing in this matter is to feel sorry for her, and to scold her betrothed! And God forbid to offer her to work too, to improve the material base of the family!!! That's right - will cry! After all, she, a poor woman, needs to take her child to school and pick her up, how can she work with such employment ???

In general, it’s better not to start making friends with Cancers at all, you yourself won’t catch the moment when she clings to you, and it will be easier to pretend that you are friends than to directly send away, and rake those tubs of slop that she pours on you in common acquaintances. And who do you think they will believe? To you, such and such, or to her, the sweetest, kindest little man ???

Read about other signs of the zodiac in the articles by Alena Solntseva in the section.

Ex-girlfriend is cancer. Potential best friends by horoscope

Aries Girlfriend. Will readily respond to any of your requests for help - from repairs to inventing a new hairstyle. She, without hesitation, will lend you any amount of money, and will not remind you of the timing of the return. Just do not ask her to participate in settling your conflicts - honest and straightforward, Aries is completely incapable of subtle hints and diplomatic concessions. You can experience this quality for yourself when you answer the question: “Listen, won’t it tell you that I’ve gained a little weight?” hear: “Yes, frankly, you have been pretty blown lately.”

Gemini Girlfriend. An ideal companion and participant in any adventures. Just don't expect her to share the responsibility with you if something goes wrong. The twin easily agrees to risky adventures, and can just as easily refuse at any stage. At the same time, her charm will not allow you to hold a grudge against her. She will always come out dry - what about you? The twin will perfectly support the company, will shine with wit at a party and will definitely not covet the man you have noticed for yourself. In addition, she loves to gossip on the phone - if you feel like talking to death - feel free to dial her number.

Girlfriend Cancer. A classic friend who can listen to your complaints for hours and wipe your tears with a handkerchief. No one else can so fully understand your misfortunes and so sincerely sympathize. True, such an idyll continues only until she has her own family. From now on, all her concern will be directed to her husband and child, and you will have to be content with rare meetings at the table at major holidays. However, you can always call her on the phone and ask for advice. Despite their sensitivity, Raquinhas are very practical and never lose their heads. You should not ask her for a loan, criticize her and make fun of her - and your friendship will last for years, bringing you both a lot of benefits. Crayfish are the best cooks, so always ask her for the recipe before parting - you won't go wrong.

Leo Girlfriend. Try to figure out who you are for your girlfriend. On the one hand, she tries to surround herself with bright and outstanding people. But on the other hand, she likes to have someone at her side, a kind of gray mouse, for an advantageous comparison in her favor. In friendship, you will have to give her the leading role, and at the same time learn to admire her actions. Make sure that your personality in such relationships is not suppressed or relegated to the background. It is not recommended to pay for a Lioness friend even sometimes - she can quickly get used to it. And do not give her hasty promises, succumbing to the power of the royal personality, as then you will have to fulfill them, sometimes to the detriment of yourself.

Virgo friend. She may not be loved for excessive pedantry and criticality, because it is difficult to communicate with a person who is constantly dissatisfied with something. Virgo's desire for order makes her to be excessively demanding both to herself and to her friends. She can love you with all her heart, but at the same time want to make you better and point out all the shortcomings. Of course, many do not understand the essence of these nit-picking and cannot withstand the flow of constant criticism. To be friends with Virgo, you need to have a fairly peaceful and balanced character, and at the same time - some optimism and a sense of humor. You should not push her and demand the impossible from her, it is better to show visible signs of attention and disposition to her - she will repay you a hundredfold. Keep in mind, telling her about your too free relationships with men, you risk disappointing her and causing a stream of moralizing. Any excesses will cause her condemnation.

Girlfriend Libra. Your relationship can be called secular in the full sense of the word. Libra will never cross the threshold of decency, will always remain within the framework of social conventions. Being a real diplomat, she is unlikely to show you her true reaction, only polite surprise and acceptable sympathy. She wants everything to be "decent", she will never get involved in scandals or quarrels. At the same time, she loves to gossip, and you can’t refuse her sharpness of tongue. She is able to help you if you get into trouble, but not excessive, and even then, if you ask for it. Friendship with her will be easy and not burdensome. It is useless to ask her for advice: she herself can never make a decision and endlessly hesitates in choosing.

Scorpio friend. This jealous woman will try to capture you entirely, claiming all your free time and demanding exclusivity and complete dedication. She can call you every day and insistently ask for details of your intimate meetings, she will try to find out the size of your salary, and even the color of your underwear. You will have to devote yourself to her completely and maintain a real spiritual connection. Scorpio, in turn, will repay you with reciprocal devotion, share your misfortunes, even the most severe ones. You may well live with her for a while or borrow a large amount of money. Just one tense moment: Consider Scorpio's innate sex appeal when introducing her to your husband. It is better to arrange so that they do not intersect at all, since the risk is too great. You can discuss it at least for hours, but you must avoid personal contacts at all costs. And be afraid to offend Scorpio - she is quite vindictive and, moreover, vengeful.

Sagittarius friend. With her independence, it is not clear whether she needs friends at all. She does not like to discuss her plans with someone and will brush aside your attempt to discuss relationships with the opposite sex. An irrepressible dreamer and dreamer, she often wishes for reality, so you should not trust her stories. Meetings with a Sagittarius girlfriend are unlikely to become regular, rather, they will be spontaneous and unplanned, but full of new impressions and emotions. The archer loves to make friends in her professional environment, and preferably more qualified than her. God forbid you think that she needs this in order to gain influence or exert pressure. Everything is much simpler - an honest and inquisitive Sagittarius just wants to learn something new, but at the same time useful.



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