Aronia jam properties. Aronia jam: benefits and harms

Chokeberry (chokeberry) is a shrub or small tree found in almost every garden plot. Its berries can be purchased in the market, private farmsteads fresh, dried and frozen. They have a tart specific taste, rich color, pleasant smell and serve as a potent drug. Their use for home treatment should be agreed in advance with the doctor.


Harvesting black chokeberry berries

Aronia fruits are harvested in autumn (September or early October), preferably after the first frost, and dried outdoors under a canopy. Dried herbal raw materials retain medicinal properties for no more than 2 years. You can pack it in cardboard boxes or glass jars covered with parchment paper.

A quick drying method involves the use of special dryers or an oven. Start processing at a temperature of 40°C until the fruits wither, then add it to no more than 60°C. Properly harvested berries should become shriveled, but not lose their inherent aroma and color.

Advice: A convenient way to dry chokeberry berries for medicinal purposes is to hang them in brushes on a stretched thread on a veranda, attic or balcony.

Freezing berries is the preferred method of storage, it is convenient to use such raw materials in recipes for the preparation of folk remedies. Quick freezing at a temperature not exceeding -15 ° C allows you to completely preserve sugars, but thawing and re-freezing are unacceptable. Compotes, fruit drinks, jams, wine, and especially tinctures based on chokeberry fruits are also of great value for everyday use.

jam recipe

Black chokeberry berries - 3 kg
Sugar - 4.5 kg
Apples - 1 kg
Grated walnuts or cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.
Water - 600 ml
Large lemons - 2 pcs.

Pour boiling water over the rowan and leave for 12 hours, boil the syrup with sugar on the resulting liquid in the amount of 3 cups. Put the berries, peeled and core apples, nuts or cinnamon, let the composition boil and hold it on fire for 5 minutes. Cool the mixture to a slightly warm state, boil again and boil for 10 minutes. Cut the lemons, add to the jam and leave it to cook for another quarter of an hour.

During the cooking process, the foam must be periodically removed. The finished delicacy is poured hot into sterile glass jars with ordinary food-grade polyethylene lids.

Recipe for homemade healing wine

Black chokeberry berries - 5 kg
Sugar - 2 kg
Raisins - 50 g
Water - 1 l

Berries and raisins for making wine are not washed with water. With clean hands, you need to carefully knead the fruits of the chokeberry and put them in an enameled or glass dish of a large volume. To the resulting mass, add 0.75 kg of sugar, raisins and mix gently. The container must be tied up with gauze and kept warm for 7 days, kneading the composition daily and controlling the absence of mold on it.

After the specified period, the juice is squeezed out (for this you can use a special press) and placed in a glass bottle with a capacity of at least 10 liters. It is necessary to add the remaining sugar in the amount of 1.25 kg into the squeezed mass and pour the heated boiled water, stir well and put it back in a warm and dark place for a week. It is also important to mix the drug every day.

A rubber glove is put on a bottle of juice, having previously made a puncture in one of its fingers, and placed in heat and darkness for fermentation. When the infusion on the lees is ready, it is drained without squeezing more, and added to the juice after removing the resulting foam from it.

The fermentation process will take about 60 more days, until the sediment disappears, the strength of the drink will be 10-12 degrees. If necessary, you can add alcohol or vodka to it in the right concentration and leave it to ripen in the refrigerator for 4-5 months.

Warning: Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding are a contraindication to taking alcohol-containing drugs of chokeberry.

Healing properties of chokeberry

Aronia berries have an extremely rich composition:

  • vitamins (C, K, E, B1, B2, B6, bioflavonoids, beta-carotene);
  • trace elements (iodine, iron, copper, fluorine, molybdenum, boron, manganese);
  • sugar (sucrose, glucose, fructose);
  • organic acids.

Biologically active substances allow the fruits of the plant to show pronounced medicinal properties, the basis of which is the antioxidant effect on the cells of the human body and the normalization of the immune system. They fight the occurrence of allergic reactions, improve the function of the thyroid gland, stomach and intestines, liver and gallbladder, kidneys, heart and blood vessels.

A large amount of vitamins and iodine allows you to overcome apathy, weakness and loss of strength, get rid of bleeding gums, hemophilia and rheumatism. Regular consumption of juice diluted by half with water helps to lower blood sugar, which is extremely beneficial for people with diabetes. The sorbitol contained in the berries of the plant also helps in the fight against it.

Aronia anthocyanins contribute to the treatment of obesity and normalization of weight. With a calorie content of only 55 kcal, the plant effectively eliminates the feeling of hunger, inhibits the growth of adipose tissue cells. These same substances block the development of cancerous tumors.

Freshly squeezed juice and berries of the plant are of great importance in the treatment of nervous diseases. They help to cope with emotional imbalance by regulating the processes of excitation and inhibition in brain cells.

Video: Practitioners on the healing properties of chokeberry

Normalization of blood pressure and the function of the blood system

Reduction of intracranial and arterial pressure is the most demanded property of chokeberry. It is involved in the regulation of cholesterol levels, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, and also significantly affects blood clotting. As a result, the risk of developing thrombosis of small vessels is declining, which, in turn, serves as an effective prevention of varicose veins, cardiac ischemia, stroke and other pathologies associated with malnutrition of brain cells.

Regular intake of products based on chokeberry contributes to the return of elasticity and elasticity to the walls of blood vessels, increasing their permeability, and expanding the lumen of the bloodstream. To normalize high blood pressure, undiluted juice is consumed in 5 tsp. 2-3 times a day for half an hour before a meal.

To prevent the development of atherosclerosis, it is recommended to eat 100 g of berries three times a day 30 minutes before meals in courses of 1-1.5 months. It is useful to combine the use of mountain ash with blackcurrant fruits and rosehip preparations.

Recipe for tincture to increase hemoglobin levels

Black chokeberry berries - 100 g
Cherry leaves - 100 pcs.
Sugar - 1.5 cups
Vodka - 0.75 l
Water - 1.5 l

Plant materials must be boiled for 15 minutes on a low fire, then drain the liquid and squeeze out the sediment. Add sugar, vodka to the broth, leave for about 14 days.

Prescription drug for the treatment of rheumatism

Grind chokeberry berries in the amount of 1 kg through a meat grinder, pour 0.5 kg of granulated sugar. Let the composition brew a little, mix thoroughly, put in a glass dish and store in the refrigerator. Take the remedy for 2 tbsp. l. twice a day.

Recipe for the treatment of hypertension

Mix 50 g of freshly squeezed juice of chokeberry berries with 1 tbsp. l. honey, take a drink three times a day half an hour before meals for 4-6 weeks.

Recipe for tea to prevent the development of cerebral vascular sclerosis

Mix the dried berries of chokeberry and wild rose in equal proportions, pour into a thermos and pour boiling water in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials to 200 ml of water. After 60 minutes, when the drink is infused, it can be used instead of tea 2-3 times a day.

Immunity Boost

To stabilize the functioning of the immune system, it is enough to include home-made preparations from chokeberry berries (jam, compotes, fruit drinks) in the daily diet during periods of seasonal colds and massive epidemics of SARS and influenza. They cleanse the internal environment of the body from toxins, heavy metals, radioactive compounds and pathogenic microbes.

general health drink recipe

Boil dry berries in a ratio of 10 g per 100 g of boiling water in a water bath for 5-10 minutes, cool and drain the liquid, squeezing out the precipitate. It is necessary to take a drink of 100 g 3-4 times a day.

Recipe for a remedy for maintaining immunity and treating beriberi

Aronia berries - 5 cups
Garlic - 2 heads

Grind the berries and peeled garlic, add salt and mix well, put the resulting mass into a pre-prepared and sterilized glassware. You can take the composition little by little immediately after preparation, store in the refrigerator.

Recipe for tincture to protect against colds

Aronia berries - 2.5 cups
Vodka - 1 l
Honey - 3 tbsp. l.
Oak bark powder - 1 pinch

Wash the berries, pour into a glass jar, add honey, oak bark and mix well. Pour vodka into the mixture, close the container hermetically and remove for infusion for 16-20 weeks. Periodically, the composition must be taken out and shaken. The finished drink must be filtered and bottled.

The recipe for "live" jam for taking during the off-season

Fresh chokeberry berries in the amount of 1 kg are ground with a meat grinder or blender, combined with sugar (800 g). The composition is left to brew for a short time, then again it is well mixed until the crystals are completely dissolved. The finished product is transferred to a sterile glass jar with a food grade polyethylene lid and stored in the refrigerator.

The recipe for a drug to restore strength after an illness

To get rid of weakness, it is necessary to grind the fruits of blackcurrant and mountain ash into a puree, add honey to taste. The mixture is consumed during the day, 1 glass.

Help with the digestive system

With low acidity of gastric juice, it is enough to eat a few chokeberry berries shortly before a meal: this will help the stomach work, relieve belching, discomfort (including a feeling of heaviness in the stomach), activate the digestion process and the absorption of nutrients.

Acalculous cholecystitis responds well to therapy with the use of chokeberry. It also serves as a choleretic agent, improves intestinal motility and relieves spasms. The berries of the plant produce a fixing effect, therefore they are indicated for the treatment of diarrhea and indigestion.

Recipe for a balanced vitamin tea to increase appetite, improve liver and gallbladder function

Dried berries of chokeberry, blackcurrant and wild rose, taken in equal proportions, pour into boiling water and put in a water bath for 10 minutes. Remove the finished liquid from the heat, cool a little and drink instead of tea with sugar or honey in a bite. You can prepare such a drink using a thermos with a glass flask, insisting the composition for 4 hours.

Benefits for endocrine glands

Aronia fruits have a beneficial effect on the endocrine system, providing a stabilizing effect. They are especially useful for improving the thyroid gland.

Prescription remedy for the treatment of hypertrophy of the thyroid gland

Grind fresh rowan fruits with sugar in a ratio of 1: 2 by weight, take 1 tsp. three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Recipe for tincture for the treatment of thyroid diseases

Fresh chokeberry - 1 cup
Alcohol - 0.5 l
Honey - 2 tbsp. l.

To prepare the product, fresh chokeberry berries need to be crushed with high quality and put in a glass jar with a capacity of 1 liter. Add alcohol to the fruits, shake and put in a cool dark place for 30 days. After the specified period, the liquid must be drained, honey introduced and insisted for another 2-3 days.

Recipe for infusion for diabetes

Wash fresh chokeberry berries, mash, take 1 tbsp. l. and insist 30 minutes in a glass of boiling water. Drain the liquid and consume 2-3 tbsp. l. three times a day.

The use of chokeberry during pregnancy

The use of moderate amounts of chokeberry during the period of bearing a child brings considerable benefits to the expectant mother. It provides the body with microelements and vitamins necessary to overcome toxicosis, protects the baby from the risk of pathologies in the formation of the nervous system and other congenital malformations. It is the high antioxidant activity of berries that protects cells from disturbances in the process of their growth, development and differentiation, and also helps to restore damaged DNA sections.

With allergies or intolerance to vitamin complexes for pregnant and lactating mothers, chokeberry fruits can largely replace them (especially in combination with rose hips and black currants).


Aronia berries are a powerful remedy even when they are simply eaten. Contraindications to the use of chokeberry must be strictly observed in order to avoid the development of pathological side effects:

  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • high rates of blood clotting;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypotension;
  • allergy, individual intolerance.

Do not give chokeberry berries to children under 2 years of age.

Video: All about the properties of chokeberry in the program "About the most important thing"

A shrub, which is often called chokeberry by the people, it is more correct to call chokeberry chokeberry. This plant has nothing to do with mountain ash, being a representative of the Rosaceae family. The chokeberry was cultivated not so long ago, and before that it was an exclusively wild plant and was used for decorative purposes.

Translated from Greek "Aronia" means "helper".

Aronia chokeberry fruits have an unusual sour-sweet taste with astringent tart notes. Maybe that's why not everyone uses the healing potential of this berry, throwing out the fruits or leaving them to feed the birds. At the same time, the fruits of black mountain ash are more valuable for health than many exotic fruits and other berries, and this gift of nature should not be neglected.

Composition of chokeberry

Chokeberry is a storehouse of nutritious and physiologically active substances. It contains vitamins, micro and macro elements, sugars. The berries contain few organic acids, but they are rich in tannins, which make the taste of the fruit tart and astringent. Also, the berries have a lot of pectin, iodine, vitamin C, and vitamin P or rutin in chokeberry is 20 times more than in citrus fruits.

100 g of chokeberry berries contain:

12 useful properties of chokeberry

    Chokeberry refers to berries with a high content of dietary fiber. This contributes to better absorption of food, elimination of constipation, intestinal spasms, bloating and discomfort in the stomach. And organic acids, due to their immunostimulating and antioxidant effect, protect the intestines from dangerous bacteria.

    Aronia chokeberry contains countless antioxidants, the largest in comparison with other berries: quartzetin, epicatechin, caffeic acid, malvidin, lutein and others. These substances work to improve overall health by eliminating free radicals in the blood, skin, eyes, organs and tissues and preventing cells from mutating. Studies show that aronia berries, due to the presence of anthocyanins in the composition, reduce the risk of developing colon cancer.

  1. Improve the functioning of the nervous system and brain

    Aronia anthocyanins increase the activity of nerve cells, reduce oxidative processes, block free radicals that have a destructive effect on the brain and cognitive pathways, thereby reducing the onset and onset of Alzheimer's disease, dementia and other age-related cognitive disorders.

  2. Immunity Boost

    The high concentration of vitamin C in chokeberry stimulates the activity of leukocytes that protect the body's immune system from various infectious diseases. Also, vitamin C is an essential component for the production of collagen, which is indispensable for the growth and restoration of new tissues, organs, blood vessels and cells.

  3. healthy eyes

    Carotene, being one of the most powerful antioxidants, reduces the intensity of oxidative processes, thereby preventing or slowing down the development of cataracts. Aronia fruit is also rich in flavonoid antioxidants, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the eyes from ultraviolet rays, and thus protect the eyes from age-related macular degeneration in old age and eye inflammation.

  4. healthy skin

    The skin is very sensitive not only to external influences on it, but also to the internal problems of the body. Due to negative effects, as well as due to age, the skin ages, wrinkles, age spots, scars appear. The berries of chokeberry contain many components that improve the appearance of the skin and their health in general. Aronia antioxidants have an excellent astringent effect, which helps to cope with age-related skin changes and delay the appearance.

  5. Improving the work of the heart and blood vessels

    The potassium content of chokeberry is quite high, which has a beneficial effect on heart health. By dilating blood vessels and arteries, blood flow increases, blood pressure falls, thereby reducing the risk of a heart attack or stroke. And dietary fiber and various antioxidants play a primary role in lowering blood cholesterol levels and blocking free radicals. Ripe chokeberry fruits also contain a large amount of phenols, which disinfect the blood, promote the rapid healing of wounds and the removal of toxic substances from the body, reduce inflammation, improve the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent their clogging.

  6. Bacteria protection

    Recent studies have shown that chokeberry berries have a healing effect on the body for influenza and bacterial infections in the intestines and respiratory tract, making them a popular prophylactic during influenza epidemics.

  7. Blood sugar regulation

    Studies show that chokeberry berries are useful for people with diabetes, as they do not increase blood sugar levels and can even reduce it. Aronia is very useful for people who want to prevent diabetes as well as cure its complications.

  8. Escherichia coli is considered to be the main cause of urinary tract infections. Symptoms of the disease include frequent urination, pain when urinating, and cloudy urine. Not everyone knows that chokeberry berries are 5-10 times more effective than cranberries in this matter. This is due to the higher concentration of quinic acid in mountain ash, which can reduce the growth of certain bacteria, including E. coli, and prevent urinary tract infections, keeping them healthy.

  9. Normalization of the thyroid gland

    Juice from black rowan berries has a unique property, it helps to remove salts of heavy metals and radionuclides from the body. Due to this, it is very effective in disorders of the endocrine glands, especially the thyroid gland, as it helps to restore and normalize its functions. This property is especially relevant for residents of industrial cities with an unfavorable environment. Such juice neutralizes the impact of technogenic pollution on the body.

  10. Improving liver function

    Experts advise using the leaves and roots of chokeberry in the form of decoctions and tinctures for violations in the liver. Due to the high content of pectin substances, bile secretion and its excretion from the body are improved in case of excessive amounts.


The beneficial properties of chokeberry are undeniable, but this does not mean at all that the berries are equally useful for everyone. The fruits of chokeberry should not be consumed by persons suffering from the following diseases:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • hypotension;
  • constipation;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • ischemic disease;
  • phlebeurysm.

Scientists have noticed this small shrub just over two centuries ago. At first, chokeberry was used for decorative purposes. But the Russian scientist I.V. Michurin, who crossed chokeberry with bitter, received a new variety of berries, which began to be eaten.

Aronia berries are used for making jams, marmalades, marshmallows, as well as in the wine industry.

Scientists have established the fact that chokeberry fruit extract increases the effectiveness of drugs for the treatment of pancreatic cancer.

It is better to collect chokeberry after the first frost - then the berries ripen completely and are ready for use. You can understand that the chokeberry is ripe by pressing on it. Juice of a rich dark ruby ​​​​color should flow from the berry.

What else is useful?

Chokeberry (or chokeberry) came to Russia from North America at the beginning of the 19th century, where indigenous people actively used its beneficial properties to treat many diseases. This plant was adapted to the Russian climatic realities by the famous breeder Michurin.

Due to its outstanding taste and useful qualities, the berry has now firmly entered the diet of our compatriots and is used in a large number of recipes: from juice that can prevent vitamin deficiency and increase immunity, to marmalade, wine, syrup and tinctures. Especially popular is jam made from chokeberry.

Chokeberry fruits contain about 10% fructose in combination with glucose and sorbitol, carotene, vitamins E, K, C, P, group B, amygdalin, coumarin, a number of pectin and tannin compounds. The composition also includes water, dietary fiber, various organic acids, monosaccharides and disaccharides.

The high content of vitamin P deserves special attention, which slows down the aging process in the body and has a positive effect on the immune system. Enough to eat 3 tbsp. l. per day to replenish the daily allowance.

Mineral profile of the berry: iron, molybdenum, fluorine, boron, manganese and iodine (in high concentration). Present: calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium.

The berry itself has a calorie content of 56 kcal, but in jam made from chokeberry, this figure is already 388 kcal. The amount of fat in the product is close to zero, and carbohydrates - 75 g per 100 g.

Beneficial features

Berries have a positive effect in the treatment of such ailments:

  • obesity;
  • Graves' disease;
  • increased intracranial and arterial pressure;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • weakness;
  • apathy;
  • weakening of the immune system.

As a result of repeated experiments, the benefits of these wonderful fruits for the body have been confirmed. In the middle of the 20th century, chokeberry was officially given the status of a medicinal product.

Not far behind fresh berries and chokeberry jam, which has a number of useful properties and is an indispensable tool in the treatment and prevention of a large number of diseases.

In aronia berries it is several times higher than in raspberries, currants, gooseberries and blackberries. Therefore, the product is recommended for use in case of general apathy, rapid fatigue of the body, bleeding from the gums and other symptoms of iodine deficiency.

The benefits of pectins found in fresh and candied fruits are also noteworthy. They remove heavy metals and radioactive compounds from the body, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and act as a mild choleretic agent in the treatment of cholecystitis.

For people suffering from low acidity, chokeberry and jam from it can be a real salvation. Organic compounds present in it facilitate the process of digestion of food.

A small amount of jam, taken after a hearty meal, will benefit the digestive tract. It will relieve the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, bad breath and belching.

Trace elements present in large quantities in the jam normalize the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, act as an excellent prophylactic against varicose veins, lower cholesterol and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Chokeberry jam can be used by hypertensive patients as a means of normalizing blood pressure. To do this, take 35-30 g of jam with water or warm tea, if desired, add a little lemon or other berries rich in vitamin C to it. This recipe can also save you from a headache, and before going to bed it will relieve insomnia.

Regular intake of this sweet product is especially useful in the cold season, as it allows not only to avoid seasonal beriberi, but also significantly increase the body's defenses before impending viral epidemics.

Contraindications and harm

So that a tasty and healthy product does not harm your health, pay attention to contraindications.

Aronia jam is an excellent remedy for high blood pressure, but it is advisable for hypotensive patients to exclude it from the diet. Passion for chokeberry for this group of people is dangerous with a serious drop in pressure.

The use of the product is contraindicated in the following ailments:

  • gastritis, accompanied by high acidity;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • frequent bowel disorders;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diabetes.

Since the berries have a mild diuretic effect, people with kidney problems are advised to consume them in moderation. Otherwise, you risk causing serious harm to your body.


Classic recipe


  • 1 kg of chokeberry berries;
  • 1500 g of sugar;
  • 700 ml of pure water.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the berries thoroughly and remove the stalks.
  2. Place in a deep bowl or other suitable container.
  3. Pour washed and peeled fruits with cold water - so that it completely covers them.
  4. Leave the bowl in this form for exactly one day.
  5. In a separate saucepan, combine 700 ml of water and 1.5 kg of sugar.
  6. Boil the syrup until it becomes transparent.
  7. Drain the berries in a colander and rinse thoroughly with cold water.
  8. Pour into an enamel pan and pour hot syrup over.
  9. Leave the resulting mixture to cool completely.
  10. Put on low heat for 7-10 minutes, then let cool.
  11. Repeat the previous step 3-4 times. This is necessary so that the berries do not boil, but remain intact.
  12. Arrange the resulting jam in pre-sterilized jars and cork.

There are a large number of jam recipes with the addition of other useful ingredients: apples, currants, cherry leaves, nuts, lemons, plums, etc.

It is necessary to use only ripe berries collected in the first two autumn months.

Some housewives grind berries with a blender or meat grinder. In this case, the jam will acquire a viscous thick consistency, well suited for making sweet pastries.

Jam or syrup?

Chokeberry syrup is prepared much faster, but its shelf life does not exceed a year, unlike jam, which can be stored much longer. Usually used as a dressing for various desserts, or simply diluted with water and drunk. Syrup is especially useful in combination with hawthorn. Such a product is not difficult to find in a pharmacy. It is indicated for use in hypertensive patients and people with reduced immunity.

Jam is considered more useful if the cooking rules are observed, since it contains berry peel. But it is in it that contains up to 1/3 of the useful components of chokeberry. Nevertheless, the syrup also has preventive and therapeutic properties.

Berries of chokeberry or chokeberry, as it is also called, are incredibly useful. They contain a lot of iodine, vitamin C, and they also contain a valuable element that is not produced by the human body. We are talking about vitamin P, a routine that is a powerful antioxidant. However, chokeberry berries are not only useful, but also have a pleasant tart flavor. These berries are harvested after the first frost and be sure to harvest them for the winter. One way to do this is to close the chokeberry jam for the winter. Let's clarify only his recipe, and also discuss the benefits and harms of chokeberry.

Aronia jam - simple recipes

Delicious blackberry jam

For jam, you need to carefully select the berries. If you collect them yourself, then be sure to review them so that you don’t get rotten ones. When buying chokeberry fruits in the market, choose large, resilient berries. Ripe fruits are only slightly soft when squeezed lightly with your fingers.

Ingredients: chokeberry berries - 1 kg, sugar - 1 kg, water - 200 ml.

After washing the berries, remove the stalks. Place them in a colander. Put a pot of water on the stove, boil. Dip a colander with contents into boiling water. Blanch the fruits for about 5 minutes until they are soft. At this time, we are preparing syrup on another burner. Pour a glass of water into a bowl, add sugar to it. Stir the syrup as it heats up so that the sugar dissolves completely.

When the syrup boils, we shift the fruits into it and cook on a very low heat for 20 minutes. After that, the jam must be turned off and cooled to room temperature. Then bring it to a boil again, boil for at least 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. The jam is ready. We fill them with sterilized containers and roll them up. Chokeberry jam is stored both in the cellar and in the conditions of the apartment.

Aronia berry jam with oranges and lemon

This recipe is for citrus lovers. The result is an excellent tandem of slightly tart rowan berries with orange. Try it, it's delicious and healthy.

Ingredients: berries - 1 kg, 2 juicy oranges, lemon - 1, sugar - 1.5 kg. You will also need one and a half glasses of water.

Rinse the fruits thoroughly, place them in a bowl and pour in the water. It is necessary to boil the berries for at least a quarter of an hour. Then we add sugar and, constantly stirring the contents, again bring the mass to a boil, after which we boil it for another 5-7 minutes. Turn off the burner, let the syrup with berries cool down.

In the meantime, let's get on with the citrus. Wash the oranges and lemons, cut them into slices, removing the seeds. Pass the fruit through a meat grinder along with the crust. Put the crushed citrus fruits in a bowl with syrup and berries, bring everything to a boil again. Stirring constantly so that the jam does not burn, cook it for another 15-20 minutes. The finished product is poured into sterilized jars and sealed for the winter.

Also considered on the site. You can try to cook it too.

Chokeberry jam - the benefits and harms of the product

To understand the benefits of chokeberry jam, it is worth mentioning the benefits of its berries.

The benefits of chokeberry berries

As mentioned above, chokeberry berries are a valuable source of routine, the reserves of which a person can replenish only from the outside. This substance is a flavonoid, rutin is an excellent antioxidant. It performs important functions in the body - it strengthens blood vessels and veins, helps to reduce pressure, slows down the heart rate. That is why chokeberry is useful for those who suffer from atherosclerosis. Rutin inhibits the production of histamine. Thanks to this substance, ascorbic acid is better absorbed.

Aronia berries are an effective remedy for strengthening the immune system. They are good to use in the spring, when the body is exhausted, and also in the fall, since at this time there is a high risk of influenza and SARS epidemics. These fruits contain a lot of iodine, and it is important for the functioning of the thyroid gland. It is especially important to eat them for people living in megacities. With low acidity, it is worth including chokeberry fruits in the daily diet, they increase the secretion of gastric juice.

Aronia fruits are rich in valuable pectin, which is able not only to improve the functioning of the intestines and cleanse it, but also to remove heavy metal compounds and radioactive substances from the body. These berries also have a choleretic effect, and also have a beneficial effect on the liver. Anthocyanin in the composition of the fruits of black mountain ash prevents the appearance of cancer cells in the body. Interestingly, these delicious berries are useful even with increased nervous excitability, they have a calming effect.

Is black chokeberry jam dangerous, is it possible to harm it?

To understand this, it is worth mentioning the harmful effects of its berries.

Chokeberry - harm impact

Can aronia berries harm you? In some cases this is possible. For example, if low blood pressure is normal for you, then you should not eat a lot of chokeberry fruits. Doctors do not recommend using it during the period of exacerbated gastritis and ulcers, because the acid contained in its fruits can irritate the gastric mucosa, cause heartburn and colic. If you have problems with blood clotting, also refrain from the desire to eat chokeberry. Another contraindication to taking berries is the presence of an allergic reaction to it.

Compared to what benefits can be obtained by eating chokeberry berries, its harm is minimal. If you manage to stock up on these valuable fruits, be sure to make preparations for the winter, because during this period the body needs vitamins most of all. Now you know how to make delicious blackberry jam, so you are guaranteed a pleasant and healthy tea party on winter evenings.

Aronia has been used by the Indians of North America since ancient times as a medicinal and ritual berry. The settlers introduced chokeberry into their diet as a filling for pies, making jams, jelly. Gradually, the plant began to be cultivated in the Old World, but more often as an ornamental to decorate garden plots. Although the true value of chokeberry lies precisely in the healing properties of its berries.

Like all fruit crops, chokeberry contains a small amount of proteins (1.5 g) and fats (0.2 g). The main energy component of carbohydrates is about 11 g of them in fruits, which ensures a low calorie content of berries (55 kcal per 100 g of product).

The most powerful composition makes mountain ash a strong natural immunostimulant:

  • .110 mg of ascorbic acid is present in fruits;
  • 100 g of berries contain 22.5 g of flavonoids (vitamin P);
  • up to 40 g iodine is present;
  • antacids in the composition of about 14.8 g;
  • aronia fruits also contain sugars (9%), phenolic acids (6%), sorbitol (3.5%), pectins (2.5%).

But this is only a small list of what can be found in chokeberry. And there are no less valuable components - tocopherol, nicotinic and folic acids, riboflavin, lipids, carotenoids, trace elements, tannins, ethereal, resinous substances, waxes, paraffins.

One of the features of rowan berries is their ability to stay fresh for a long time even when plucked. This is the merit of organic acids that prevent bacteria from multiplying.

The extensive chemical composition of the fruit allows the use of chokeberry in the treatment of many diseases. Pharmacists also paid attention to berries - in the pharmacy you can find a dry extract from the fruits of mountain ash "Aromelin", liquid balm "Aronia" and fruit oil "Complar".

Berries have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antispasmodic properties. Chokeberry is included in folk recipes as a means to cleanse the liver, expel bile and uric acid. Apply preparations based on chokeberry and in such cases:

  • with poor blood clotting and vegetative-vascular diseases;
  • disorders in the work of the endocrine system (diabetes, hyperthyroidism, etc.);
  • with serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in external use, rowan juice is used to treat burns, wounds, and skin diseases.

The remedy easily copes with colds, but severe forms of tuberculosis are also subject to it. It is worth noting the antioxidant properties of the plant - berries not only restore damaged cells, but also rejuvenate the entire body.

There are diseases specific to men, and here chokeberry is very useful. Having a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism, berries help clear the vascular lumens. As a result, plasma flow to the pelvic organs is accelerated. This helps to avoid erectile dysfunction and increase libido.

By positively affecting the pituitary and hypothalamus, chokeberry helps maintain normal testosterone levels and avoid androgen deficiency. By introducing chokeberry juice into the diet, you can restore reproductive abilities and make the sperm pool of better quality.

Chokeberry has a positive effect on the female genital organs, helping to cope with many gynecological diseases. The berry will allow the ovaries to function normally, as well as to establish the process of ovulation. The ability to increase blood clotting will come in handy with heavy periods. And the antispasmodic properties will relieve their soreness.

Chokeberry provokes sexual arousal and helps in the treatment of infertility. For women who care about their appearance, the fruits of chokeberry will only benefit, helping to fight old age and excess weight. Berries are also introduced into the compositions of fortified masks for skin care.

Rowan in the form of compotes is recommended for children with prolonged colds. Thanks to tannins, berries will help to quickly cope with diarrhea. Aronia is useful for weakened children - it stimulates appetite and, thanks to the iron it contains, helps to avoid anemia.

Despite the usefulness of the product, the mountain ash cannot help everyone without exception. There are individual characteristics of the body, and they should be taken into account:

  • when solving problems of the gastrointestinal tract, you should not use chokeberry for peptic ulcers and high acidity;
  • the ability to thicken the blood sometimes leads to thrombosis and is contraindicated in people with increased clotting;
  • pregnant women should not abuse the fruits because of their tannic properties.

Sensitive people should use chokeberry-based preparations with caution so as not to provoke an allergic reaction. But the rest should also take into account that excessive consumption of berries can lead to hypervitaminosis and serious complications.

This is a good way to avoid atherosclerosis. But mountain ash is not just contraindicated for hypotensive patients - it is life-threatening.

Chokeberry - useful properties and recipes: video

Traditional medicine recipes with chokeberry berries

Not everyone consumes tart-acid astringent fruits fresh, although they are most useful. You can make jam from mountain ash or dry berries. Then the astringency will go away, but the heat treatment will not prevent the beneficial properties from retaining their strength.

Due to the fact that chokeberry has long been used in folk medicine, a lot of recipes have gathered. Only a small part is given here, but each of the options can be safely used to treat any of the diseases listed above - the berry is characterized by versatility.

  • the berries are washed, slightly dried and ground with sugar (700 g of sweet sand are taken for 1 kg of fruit); take 2 tablespoons with tea, morning and evening;
  • Mix 1/3 cup of juice with honey (1 tbsp), dilute a little with warm water and drink at one time;
  • fresh juice of chokeberry fruits, taken in 1 tbsp. before eating, not only reduce blood pressure, but also soothe heart pain.

  • rowan berries (0.5 kg) are passed through a meat grinder, honey (200 ml) is added, boiling water is poured (0.5 l); insist day in a cool place; then simmer for half an hour and cool again; take twice a day; the product is stored in the refrigerator;
  • and this drink will not only relieve a headache, but also invigorate the whole body; mix rowan juice (200 ml) with currant (100 ml), dilute with mineral table water (1/2 cup) and acidify with lemon (on the tip of a knife); An ice cube will help enhance the effect of the drink.

  • you can reduce blood sugar levels if you eat a handful of fresh chokeberry every day;
  • useful infusion of mountain ash and (take 2 tablespoons), filled with 2 cups of boiling water; the drink is steamed in a thermos for 3 hours; filter and distribute for 3 visits, drinking half an hour before meals.

  • 1.5 tbsp fresh mashed fruits (or 2 tablespoons dried) are brewed in 0.5 liters of boiling water and infused for 3 hours; take 0.5 cups hot with the addition of honey up to 5 times a day; the infusion has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect for severe colds;
  • 15 g of dry berries are poured into a glass of water and boiled for 15-20 minutes; a decoction is taken for lung diseases, 1 tbsp. three times a day;
  • for sore throats, you need to take a remedy that includes chokeberry juice, May honey and cognac (all ingredients 100 ml each); drink half an hour before a meal, 1 tbsp.

  • with beriberi, 1 tbsp is brewed in 1 cup of boiling water. fruits and drink twice a day, 100 ml;
  • brew tea, as in the previous recipe, and take at night; this will help calm the nerves and cope with insomnia;
  • good for insomnia and such a recipe - they take equal parts of the fruits of mountain ash, fennel; pour 1 tbsp. collecting a glass of boiling water and insist half an hour; then add a few drops of a golden mustache and take 100 ml before meals;
  • with sclerosis of cerebral vessels, rowan bark will help; 400 g of raw materials are poured with a liter of water and simmer under a lid for 2 hours over low heat; take three times a day before meals, 1 tablespoon;
  • you can get rid of hemorrhoids in this way - 1 tbsp is diluted in a glass of rowan juice. honey and drink 50 ml 3 times a day with warm water.

If you just brew berries like regular tea and use it for breakfast, the drink will not only help strengthen your immune system, but also energize you for the whole day, as well as cheer you up.

If there are no problems with the stomach, you can cook (it is recommended to take vodka or cognac). By consuming this drink in small doses for prevention, you can avoid such health problems:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • decrease in the elasticity of the vascular walls;
  • increase in cholesterol levels;
  • failure in the digestive system;
  • a decline in strength and a decrease in immunity.

Alcohol tincture will help in the treatment of cancer after chemotherapy sessions. There are several ways to prepare such a drink:

  • rowan berries (1 kg) pour into a 2-liter jar;
  • pour vodka (1 l);
  • add sugar to taste and mix;
  • closing tightly with a lid, leave for 2 months in a dark room at 20-24 degrees.

Shake the jar every 5 days. When the tincture is ready, it is filtered and bottled, which are stored in a cool, dark place. The remaining berries can be filled with a new portion of vodka and the whole algorithm repeated.

  • chokeberry fruits (1.5 kg) are crushed and placed in a jar;
  • add sugar (0.5 kg) and clove buds (3 pcs.);
  • the jar is shaken, the neck is tied with gauze and the fruits are infused for 2 days in a dark place;
  • add vodka (1 l), close the lid and incubate for 2 months.

Aromatic tincture is filtered through gauze and a layer of cotton wool, bottled. A healing drink prepared according to this recipe does not lose its properties for 3-4 years.

Aronia tincture: video

  • berries (0.5 kg) are poured in a jar with cognac (0.5 l);
  • honey (2 tablespoons) is brought to a liquid state (in a water bath) and added to the drink.

The tincture is kept in the dark and warm for 3 months, shaking the contents every week. Filtered and bottled, this drink can be stored indefinitely.

For alcohol-based tincture to be beneficial, it should be used in moderation. The optimal norm is 50 g per day. A small glass of drink taken at dinner will solve many health problems.



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