The child has an earache what to do first. How can you understand how a child's ear hurts: symptoms, treatment


The child has an earache - what can be done urgently at home and how to relieve the pain.

Ear infections are a common problem in children. More than 90% of children under the age of 5 experience ear inflammation.

It is not difficult to determine the disease: a child who can speak will tell himself what worries him, the kids will constantly be naughty, pull their ears and cry, as a rule, inflammation is accompanied by high fever. In this case, parents need to see an otolaryngologist as soon as possible, but sometimes it is impossible to get an appointment right away. How to help the baby in such a situation? What should mom and dad do? How not to harm the little man?

Why does my ear hurt

A child's ears can hurt for various reasons:

  • features of the structure of the child's body. The auditory tube of children is short. Another and the angle of the tube to the nasopharynx (it is less than that of an adult). Fluid from the nasopharynx easily enters this tube and causes inflammation, which then spreads to the middle ear, in which fluid accumulates, pressing on the eardrum, severe pain occurs;
  • genetics. If problems with the ears often bothered mom and / or dad in childhood, then with a high degree of probability their ears will often hurt too
  • nationality. It has been proven that the Japanese practically do not have ear diseases, and the children of Indians and Eskimos suffer from them quite often;
  • SARS. Viral diseases affect children much more often than adults. Inflammation of the ear "complements" the temperature, cough;
  • bacterial infection. The middle ear is often affected by bacteria: streptococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella. Ear pain caused by bacteria occurs suddenly, it is not accompanied by a runny nose and cough, the temperature either remains normal or rises slightly;
  • allergic reactions. Ear problems are often associated with allergic rhinitis. The nasopharynx swells, fluid accumulates in the auditory tube, causing inflammation.

How to relieve pain and how to urgently help

The most reasonable solution to the problem would be to immediately consult a doctor, since only a specialist will be able to examine the child's ear in detail using an otoscope. If it is not possible to get to the doctor in the near future, you need to proceed as follows:

  1. Anesthetize. Ibuprofen or Paracetamol (taken by mouth) can be used for pain relief. These same tools will help bring down the temperature of the child.
  2. Drip drops into the nose (vasoconstrictor). This tool will help relieve swelling, open the auditory tube, as a result, the accumulated fluid can flow into the nasopharynx, reducing pressure on the membrane and soothing the pain.

Be careful with drops

Problems with the ears worry many children, so some caring parents buy ear drops with anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects at the pharmacy in advance in order to “be fully armed” in case of illness. The most popular Otipaks, Otinum. Of course, these remedies are effective, but they have a serious contraindication - they cannot be instilled if the integrity of the eardrum is violated (one of the signs of damage is fluid flowing from the ear). It is impossible to independently assess the integrity of the membrane, special equipment is needed, so it is better not to use drops without a doctor's prescription. Through a damaged membrane, they can enter the middle ear and cause further hearing loss. Are such sacrifices justified?

Would dry heat help?

Opinions about applying a dry warm compress are mixed. Some doctors recommend warming up a sore ear, others do not recommend, others suggest sticking to the middle (you can warm it up, you can’t overheat it). Who is right?
Dry heat can indeed be beneficial if applied at the very beginning of the development of the disease. It helps to relieve inflammation, reduce pain, but if the result is the opposite (when applied, the pain decreases, but increases), then dry heat should be abandoned.

You can not warm the ear if it has been hurting for several hours, since such pain indicates inflammation, which will only intensify when heated. Heat increases pressure on the membrane, causing it to rupture.

With an ear disease, you can use a simple cotton compress. A large piece of cotton wool is applied to the painful ear, which is covered with a film on top and tied with a scarf. This bandage will not significantly heat the sore ear, it will protect it from external influences, since with inflammation, pain sensations intensify even with a slight breath of wind. You should not insist on such a compress if the child categorically refuses it (is naughty, tears off the bandage). Nervous shock will only aggravate the situation.

The methods listed above (dry heat, compresses) cannot be used for:

  • a significant increase in temperature;
  • liquid and purulent discharge from the ear.

You can’t overheat the ear too much, so you need to forget about “grandmother’s” advice (warm the ear with hot salt, boiled egg). It is not recommended to make alcohol compresses and instill alcohol (boric) into the child's ear, as it is highly toxic.

Otitis externa

It happens that ear pain is caused by inflammation of the auditory tube itself. This is the so-called otitis externa. A characteristic symptom of the disease is increased pain or retraction of the ear shell, opening of the mouth. The ear canal swells and narrows, red rashes and itching appear.

Otitis externa may result from:

  • Excessive hygiene. Removal of protective sulfur from the ear leads to the reproduction of pathogenic organisms, which cause inflammation.
  • Injury. Small children often put foreign objects (buttons, needles) in their ears and injure the passage.
  • Water ingress. Due to frequent bathing, diving, water enters the ear, causing inflammation. Swimmers are the most affected by otitis externa.

There are 2 forms:

  • diffuse. Such inflammation is provoked by bacteria, fungi, allergens. Microorganisms spread with trauma to the ear canal and an insufficient layer of sulfur. Such otitis is characterized by: severe pain, fever;
  • Limited. With such otitis media, foci of inflammation appear in the ear canal: a furuncle, an inflamed hair follicle. The child has enlarged lymph nodes. At the opening and rupture of the boil, pus flows from the ear.

A doctor can diagnose otitis externa, since the child's ear canal is very narrow, and inflammation can only be seen in it with the help of special equipment.

Treatment of otitis externa

You can treat otitis externa at home, but a doctor should prescribe drugs and control recovery. The treatment procedure includes the use of:

  1. Medicinal preparations. Otitis externa is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. If the disease is caused by bacteria, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics. It is allowed to put cotton flagella with ointment in the ear, use lotions.
  2. Additional funds. Among them are popular warming compresses, vitamin complexes,

If severe inflammation does not go away for a long time, hospitalization may be required to open the abscess.
Before going to the doctor, you can give the baby painkillers.

Subtleties of instillation of drops in the ear

Otitis is treated with ear drops (you don’t need to prescribe them on your own, you can do harm). When instilled, a number of conditions must be observed:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before the procedure.
  2. Drops should not be cold. Before use, they must be warmed in hot water or by hand. You can test the temperature of the drops by dropping them on your hand.
  3. The child during the procedure should lie on his side, his ear must be held.
  4. The baby's ear should be pulled back and slightly down, in older children - back and slightly up.
  5. The kid should lie on his side in order for the drops to work, then the procedure should be repeated with the second ear.
  6. After instillation of drops, the child's ear canal must be closed with cotton wool.
  7. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. You do not need to drip 3 drops, if the doctor recommended 2, this will not speed up recovery, but will only harm the child. Be sure to observe the frequency and interval between procedures.
  8. If an additional pipette is needed for instillation of drops (not all products have it), then before each procedure it must be treated with boiling water.
  9. If the child is concerned about only one ear, drops should be instilled in both.


After examining the doctor and his permission to use drops, compresses, you can use traditional medicine as a complex therapy. The ear can be treated:

  1. camphor oil. It is slightly warmed up and buried in the ear;
  2. a leaf of Pelargonium (room geranium). The leaf of the plant is kneaded in the hand, folded into a bag and inserted into the ear;
  3. walnut (walnut) oil. oil is squeezed out of the nut itself and instilled 2 drops into the ear;
  4. propolis and honey. Both components are mixed (proportion 1:1), 2 drops are instilled overnight in each ear;
  5. oil and propolis. Propolis and corn (you can use olive) oil are mixed (1: 2), applied to a cotton swab and placed in each ear;
  6. baked onions. Bake the onion until the juice is released, remove it from the oven, squeeze the juice through gauze and drip into the ear (dig in warm);
There are a lot of traditional medicine to help cure otitis media, but do not forget about the individual characteristics of each baby. Do not use those recipes that contain substances that cause allergies.

So, let's repeat the algorithm of action for ear pain in a child. Firstly, give the baby an anesthetic, and secondly, take the child to a specialist and follow his recommendations in the treatment.

Otitis media is a common disease in children. They end with a "cold" in every fourth child. (It is SARS that most often provokes the development of this disease.) It is believed that 80% of children by the age of three have experienced severe ear pain at least once.

However, otitis media can be different - external (inflammation of the ear canal), acute middle catarrhal (inflammation of the middle ear), purulent (when pathogenic microflora joins) ... Only a doctor can determine which otitis media attacked your heir. This also depends on the treatment.

What should not be done with otitis media?

Hoping for a "tragus test"

Many believe that if you press on the tragus - a protruding "process" near the ear - and the child says that it hurts, then there is inflammation. However, with young children, such a test is not always correct: they cannot really explain their feelings.

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to other possible symptoms of otitis media. For example, a child can shake his head, lie down on the side of the sore ear (it becomes easier for him in warmth), rub it with his hand. With otitis, oddly enough, there are also problems with digestion - abdominal pain, cramps, vomiting, diarrhea. Adults think that the child has been poisoned, and they are strenuously fighting toxins, and otitis media develops further.

Pick your own drops

If otitis is caught by surprise, the parents run to the pharmacy and ask for "something for a sore ear." However, drops must be selected by a doctor! If a child has a damaged eardrum (and only an ENT can determine this), anyhow, what drops can harm. For example, cause hearing problems.

There are some nuances with the introduction of drops. Firstly, it is desirable to warm them up - when they are warm, they will work faster. But do not put the entire bottle in hot water - the medicine will quickly deteriorate. It is enough to heat the pipette. Secondly, after you have dripped the drug, lay the child on his side (the sore ear should be on top). Let it lie down for a few minutes until the drops reach their destination. It is not necessary to cover the ear with cotton.

Rely on folk remedies

Parents argue like this: since inflammation in the ear is most often caused by an infection, then it is necessary to fight this very infection. How? Strengthen the immune system with vitamins and immunomodulators.

But these funds are more suitable for prevention, because they have a cumulative effect. In the treatment of otitis media, another tactic is to urgently stop the inflammation, preventing the development of complications. Therefore, antibiotics are usually indispensable. But again, they should be prescribed by a doctor, not a pharmacist in a pharmacy.

Ignore a runny nose

Otitis with a runny nose often go in pairs - usually a runny nose begins first, and then otitis media enters. At the same time, most moms and dads throw all their strength into the fight against inflammation in the ear, ignoring the snot.

But it is necessary to treat both, because the infection in the nasopharynx persists for more than one day. It is also important to teach the child to blow his nose correctly: pinch one nostril, release the other from the mucus. Then repeat the same with the other nostril. That is, release them alternately. If you do this at the same time, mucus can get into the auditory tube, provoking an inflammatory process.

Abuse warm-ups

The affected ear should be kept warm. But adults often go to extremes, forcing a child to wear a hat at home during otitis media. And even laying down in it to sleep. But you should not allow the child to overheat or have a sweaty head. The slightest draft and he'll catch a cold. It is better to put warm vodka compresses twice a day for three hours (not at night!).

However, remember: if the body temperature is elevated, warming up is contraindicated! And such treatment should also be agreed with the doctor.

If a child’s ear hurts for a long time, or intense sudden pain occurs, this is always a reason for immediately contacting a pediatrician and an otolaryngologist. The goal is not to start the inflammatory process, which in children quickly becomes purulent.

An older child may complain of sharp or aching pain in the ear area. The baby will “tell” about his suffering with inconsolable crying, torsion of the head, grabbing the sore ear with his hands and refusing the breast or his favorite bottle of milk.

Only a qualified specialist is able to distinguish and identify all types of diseases with the appearance of pain in the ears. He will evaluate and take into account the accompanying signs and prescribe the correct treatment regimen in each individual case.

The most likely cause of ear pain in children, especially younger children under 5 years of age, is bacterial otitis media or acute inflammation of the tissues of the middle ear (auditory tube, tympanic cavity, mastoid process). This is a pathology that develops when the ear is affected by pathogens - pneumococci, hemophilic and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci. Without treatment, the process in children under 3 years of age quickly spreads to another - a healthy ear. Ear pain causes discomfort and a host of other reasons.

Other types of otitis are also diagnosed:

  1. Otitis externa (inflammation of the auricle, external auditory canal, eardrum). In this case, inflammation can occur in the form of the formation of a painful boil or purulent diffuse (diffuse) inflammation of a chronic nature.
  2. Internal (severe inflammation of the inner ear - labyrinthitis) is much less common.

But pain in the ears of varying degrees of intensity occurs not only because of otitis media.

There are pathological conditions in which the ear hurts without temperature:

  • ear damage, eardrum injury, insect bite;
  • the formation of a sulfur plug (accompanied by ear congestion and hearing loss);
  • penetration of a foreign object into the ear canal;
  • water ingress;
  • increased blood or intracranial pressure;
  • manifestation of an allergic reaction (usually on both sides);
  • tumors.

Ear pain can be completely different.

Among other causes of pain inside and outside the ear, pathologies such as:

  • otomycosis - a fungal infection (accompanied by itching);
  • mastoiditis - a complicated condition after otitis media - inflammation of the mucosa
  • mastoid process of the temporal bone;
  • anthritis is a severe acute inflammation of the mastoid process of the ear (antrum) in infants (often debilitated or premature) and surrounding tissues.

In addition, it should be understood that soreness in the ear:

  • may appear as an "echo" with irradiation (recoil) of pain in the teeth, in the throat (with tonsillitis, pharyngitis), with parotitis (mumps);
  • is one of the signs of diseases of neighboring organs in the nasopharynx (sinusitis, sinusitis), eyes, neck, brain.

How to relieve pain - first aid

How to eliminate the pain that torments the child, but not to harm, that is, not to provoke a worsening of the baby's condition?
Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Basic rules:

  1. Introduce the baby vasoconstrictor drops into the nose. They quickly relieve swelling of the mucous membrane of not only the nose, but also the auditory tube, reducing pressure from the inside on the middle ear and membrane, improving ventilation and outflow of inflammatory secretions from the middle ear cavity
  2. Drip into the ear according to the instructions drops that relieve pain. The most effective medication in pediatrics is Otipax, Otirelax, which, in addition to the anti-inflammatory component, also includes the anesthetic Lidocaine. In case of acute pain, it is allowed to instill a local anesthetic Lidocaine in the form of a spray or in an injection solution from an ampoule. You can either drop 2-3 drops of the solution (2%) from the ampoule (warm), or make a cotton swab, soak it in a solution of lidocaine or spray it with a spray (10%), squeeze out the excess liquid and put it into the ear canal. It is allowed to use a solution of Novocaine 0.5 - 2%. Drops from otitis should be heated to body temperature by simply holding the pipette in a glass of hot water or holding it in the palm of your hand. Important! Use of boric alcohol for instillation into the ears of children under 12 years of age is not allowed due to its toxicity. In the treatment of adolescents, a gauze swab soaked in an alcohol solution and carefully wrung out is put into the ear.
  3. To quickly relieve pain, give the baby a remedy that combines antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects (at an age dose), even if he does not have a temperature. Syrups, suspensions, tablets are chosen taking into account the age of the child: Analgin (the highest analgesic effect), Paracetamol (Panadol), Ibuprofen (Nurofen, Mig-200). For infants and young children, you can use candles (Panadol, Cefekon, Efferalgan). Adolescents over 12 years of age relieve pain using Saridon, Nimegesik, Nise, Nimulid, Nimesil. A very strong analgesic drug Ketoprofen for acute pain in a single dose is allowed for adolescents from the age of 15 years. Important! Aspirin up to 12 years is prohibited, due to the threat of a serious complication - Reye's syndrome with cerebral edema and liver damage.
  4. At the initial manifestations of the disease (at an early stage of catarrhal otitis media), when there is no temperature and discharge from the ear, mild warming gives a good effect. They use dry heat (clod of cotton wool, a warm scarf, applied to the ear), the use of a “blue lamp”. Such procedures activate blood flow, resolve inflammation, and relieve pain.
  5. The application of an alcohol compress, as well as dry heat, has a beneficial effect on the condition of a child with otitis media.

In the gauze folded in several layers, a hole is made for the ear. Gauze is soaked in vodka or 2% camphor alcohol diluted in half with water, applied not on the ear itself, but around it. Top cover with polyethylene, a layer of cotton wool and fix with a handkerchief.


  • you can not keep the compress for more than 3 hours (especially leave it overnight), so as not to cause skin burns;
  • to prevent burns, the skin around the ear and the auricle itself are lubricated with a greasy (not moisturizing) baby cream;
  • a compress (like any warming up) is prohibited at a temperature and discharge of pus from the ear. Excess heat can provoke a rapid spread of inflammation to internal structures with severe consequences for the child.

If you have ear pain, you should contact your pediatrician.

The child must be shown to the pediatrician if:

  • ear pain increases or does not decrease, persisting for 24 to 48 hours;
  • pain is accompanied by fever;
  • there is redness and swelling in the ear area;
  • any kind of discharge from the ear (mucus, yellowish, watery, bloody discharge) is observed;
  • submandibular lymph nodes swell, sore throat appears.

Ear hurts inside, outside

Severe pain in the ear can be compared to a toothache.

The ear inside often hurts with pathologies such as:

  • labyrinthitis, otitis media, including complicated purulent conditions, such as epitympanitis (pain usually increases with pressure on the tragus);
  • accumulation of wax inside the ear;
  • caries or pulpitis of teeth (more often - on the upper jaw);
  • finding water in the depth of the ear canal;
  • mastoiditis (throbbing pain, swelling behind the ear, discharge from the ear canal, fever);
  • rupture of the eardrum (sharp sudden pain);
  • meningitis (accompanied by severe headache, vomiting, fever).

Pain outside the auricle can be caused by:

  • diffuse external otitis (become stronger when pressing on the tragus);
  • an abscess in the tissues of the auricle or ear canal (usually acute pain occurs on contact with the ear or touching the suppuration zone);
  • ingress of a foreign body;
  • inflammation of the bone of the temporomandibular joint (swelling near the ear and cheek-zygomatic region, pain when chewing and talking);
  • perichondritis - inflammation of the perichondrium of the auricle;
  • skin damage, eczema;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve.

What to do and how to treat ear pain in a child

Effective folk remedies

Homemade recipes based on traditional medicine for ear pain in a baby sane parents use only after determining the exact diagnosis by an otolaryngologist. Like medicinal drops, many substances should not be used for perforation of the eardrum, fungal or viral otitis media, and more severe ear pathologies.
Use after an accurate diagnosis from a doctor.

We must not forget about the acute allergic reaction that often occurs in young children to plant and animal substances - up to laryngeal edema and anaphylaxis, threatening the very life of the child.

The thermal effect at elevated temperature and suppuration in the ear can also cause serious harm to the child.

With the approval of a pediatrician or pediatric ENT doctor, it is allowed to use:

  • heated salt in a linen bag, sand to warm the ear;
  • camphor oil (from 2 years old), as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic;
  • alcohol tincture of calendula, aloe juice, which also wonderfully relieve pain and inflammation.

For children over 5 years of age, medicinal substances can be instilled into the ear (no more than 3 drops), heating the solution to body temperature.

The best method for treating young children is to use a cotton swab or gauze tampon soaked in camphor oil, aloe, calendula solution (also heated in a water bath), which is inserted into the ear for 2 to 3 hours.

The strong advice of all pediatricians is not to experiment with folk recipes for ear pain in a child: you can miss the time for successful drug treatment and allow catarrh to turn into a purulent process.

Drops from otitis media

The elimination of ear pain in a baby is directly related to the treatment of a disease established by a doctor. Parents should remember that strong medicinal solutions with an antibiotic or glucocorticosteroid are prescribed only for serious processes accompanied by acute inflammation.
You should read the instructions.

Therapy for children involves the use of ear drops:

  • for catarrhal otitis - drugs with non-hormonal anti-inflammatory substances and an anesthetic - Otipax, Otinum (only with the permission of a pediatrician), Otirelax;
  • with a deep inflammatory process caused by a bacterial infection, drops with antibiotics, hormonal substances that quickly stop inflammation are used: Tsipromed (from 1 year old), Candibiotic (from 6 years old), Fugentin (from 3 years old), Polydex (from 2.5 years old) ;Garazon (from 8 years old);
  • with purulent otitis, Anauran is used (from 12 months), which is prescribed for infants up to a year if absolutely necessary under the supervision of an otolaryngologist; Otofa (an antibiotic of the rifamycin group). Both drugs are approved for use in perforation of the eardrum.

Almost all ear drops are prohibited for babies up to a year, except for analgesic medicinal solutions. More often, babies with otitis media up to 12 months old are treated in a hospital in order to notice negative changes in the baby's condition in time and prevent complications.
The ears of the baby should be given special attention.

If the pain in the ear is caused by a sulfur plug, the doctor, after making sure that the child does not have otitis media, may prescribe special drop solutions that dissolve the ear samples. They loosen the sulfur clot, which is easily brought out. Basic children's drops: Cerumen (from 2.5 years old), Otipaks, Aqua Maris Oto (from 4 years old).

What not to do with ear pain in a child

Before examining a child by a pediatrician or otolaryngologist, it is prohibited:

  • use ear sticks and try to clean the ear canal from secretions (use only flagella twisted from gauze or cotton wool);
  • instill medicinal solutions in the ear if mucus, pus, blood is released from it, the child complains of tinnitus, hearing loss - these symptoms may indicate perforation (rupture) of the eardrum;
  • drip into the ear of a small patient oil, alcohol, drops that are not approved for use in pediatrics;
  • use drops with antibiotics until an accurate diagnosis is made, since the child may have otitis media of fungal origin and antibacterial drops will worsen the condition;
  • rinse the ear with a syringe, a children's enema;
  • warm the ear in any way at temperature and discharge from the ear canal;
  • warm the ears with a hairdryer: eardrum injury is possible.

In children, the ears often hurt, which is associated with the structure of the ear canals. The article reveals the causes of ear pain in children and discusses treatment options for various causes of pain.

Ears in children hurt quite often, approximately 75% of children suffer from this disease in childhood. During illness, children become capricious, behave restlessly, sleep is disturbed, and may refuse to eat.

Ear pain is not only unpleasant, but it is also very dangerous. If effective treatment is not applied, the child may lose his hearing. In especially severe cases, death can occur.

Why is my child's ear sore? Causes of ear pain in a child

In children, the ear organ is underdeveloped. The Eustachian tube, through which the infection penetrates, is short and wide and practically does not prevent the penetration of microbes. Children's ears do not withstand mechanical stress, which can occur, for example, when sneezing. Therefore, ear pain in children is much more common than in adults.

Causes of ear pain:

  • otitis is the most formidable and dangerous, even for life, cause. This is an inflammation of the inner, middle, or outer ear. Otitis media can be caused by a bacterial or viral infection.
  • otomycosis - a fungal infection of the outer or middle ear, while the head can hurt a lot, boils appear, pus is released
  • blockage of the Eustachian tube - more often a complication of various diseases of the upper respiratory tract, can cause inflammation of the middle ear. At the same time, a headache is felt, ears are blocked
  • sulfur plug - appears with excessive work of the ear glands. Excess sulfur does not have time to be removed and blocks the ear canal. The child feels congestion and pain in the ear, hearing worsens
  • bacterial, viral lesions of the body with colds, tonsillitis, SARS, influenza, adenoids, when the infection enters the ear through the blood, lymph. The pain is caused by an inflammatory process due to an infection or overexertion and increased pressure in the middle ear
  • inflammation of the parotid lymph nodes - lymphadenitis. The state of health worsens, and pain is felt in the region of the lymph node, where there are many nerve endings
  • trigeminal neuralgia is a pathological irritation of the facial nerve, which provides sensitivity to the jaws and gums. Pain in these areas may radiate to the ears
  • meningitis - inflammation of the membranes of the brain, can lead to bacterial infection of the inner ear (labyrinth), which can lead to complete hearing loss
  • mastoiditis - inflammation of the mastoid process, which is located behind the auricle and looks like a bony protrusion. The infection gets here with the bloodstream or injury. At the same time, a throbbing pain is felt in the ear and in this process, the temperature rises, discharge appears from the ears, hearing decreases
  • mumps - mumps. Lymph nodes become inflamed, pain can also be given in the ears
  • chickenpox - with an increase in the lymph nodes in the ears, pain is felt
  • parotitis - inflammation of the salivary gland located in front of the auricle under the skin as a result of microbes with blood, lymph, from a diseased tooth getting there
  • neoplasms in the ear (furuncle, for example), causing an inflammatory process
  • mechanical injuries of the skull, jaws
  • teething, gingivitis, head and neck problems can be referred to as ear pain
  • in case of circulatory disorders in the vessels of the head and neck, which provokes an increase in blood pressure, pain can be given in the ears
  • ear injuries - insect bite, impact, damage to the eardrum, burns, hypothermia, barotrauma (when firing a gun, very loud sounds, popping on the ears, in an airplane with a pressure drop)
  • a foreign body that children themselves put into the ear. Do not pull it out yourself if it is deeply stuck
  • water in the ear that gets in while swimming can cause swelling, increased pressure in the middle ear, and pain. If water is in the ear for a long time, then otitis media may begin. Also, liquid can enter the middle ear through the nasopharynx during meals.
  • allergic reactions that cause swelling of the ear tissue and increased pressure in the middle ear
  • prolonged exposure to the cold wind provokes the appearance of a painful bruise. The auricle and the skin around it become cyanotic and sore. This condition goes away on its own.

What to do if a child has an earache with otitis media?

If the ear hurts with otitis media, the child should be shown to the doctor as soon as possible. This is done without fail, even if the preliminary measures have brought an effect, so that the process does not remain cured.

It is forbidden to bury anything in the ear, even boric alcohol. The fact is that if the eardrum is damaged, then alcohol will penetrate the eardrum and cause complications.

All recommendations of the doctor must be strictly observed, it is impossible to cancel medicines ahead of schedule, and especially antibiotics. The pain syndrome disappears before the inflammation passes, so the withdrawal of drugs can cause complications or lead to a chronic form.

Acute otitis media in children, treatment

Acute otitis media is an inflammatory process with subsequent accumulation of fluid, exudate, in the middle ear. Acute otitis can be caused by streptococci, staphylococci, viruses, fungi.

  • Immediately show the child to the otolaryngologist. The doctor will determine the cause of the pain, whether there are purulent formations or is it just an inflammatory process
  • The process of treatment, its duration, the types of medications used will depend on such an examination.
  • Treatment of otitis media lasts about 10 days, although in severe forms it may be longer. The patient needs absolute rest and bed rest. This measure will prevent complications. Walking in extreme cold, wind on the street is impossible. It is allowed to go outside only after the child's condition is normalized and the pain stops.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs are used, antibiotics may be prescribed (although many experts consider them inappropriate in some cases). It is also necessary to drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nose and use antihistamines that relieve swelling and alleviate the condition.
  • The doctor may additionally prescribe warming up with a blue lamp, compresses
  • If after 3 months the exudate does not resolve or recurrences are frequent, then a puncture of the eardrum can be used to release the fluid and insert drainage tubes. These tubes fall out on their own after 6-12 months. In 80% of cases, after such a procedure, otitis media does not recur.

Purulent otitis media in children, treatment

After the development of the inflammatory process and the accumulation of exudate, the second stage of acute otitis media begins - purulent otitis media. This phase is characterized by the formation and accumulation of pus in the middle ear, followed by perforation (rupture) of the eardrum and leakage of pus from the ear.

Why do my child's ears hurt at high temperatures?

A high temperature is a sign of a strong inflammatory process. Temperature and pain in the ear can be with inflammation in the inner (the most dangerous type), middle or outer ear, mastoiditis.

Since the mouth, nose and ears are interconnected systems, pain can be given in the ears, with such diseases with high fever:

  • sore throat
  • diphtheria
  • chicken pox
  • scarlet fever
  • tubootitis
  • acute pharyngitis

An increase in temperature is accompanied by such ear inflammations:

  • otitis externa provoked by a furuncle. The hair follicle is most often affected by Staphylococcus aureus. The temperature usually does not exceed 38 ° C, the duration of the pathology is about a week
  • purulent perichondritis of the auricle is a lesion of the perichondrium of the auricle, in which the cartilage tissue is melted with pus. The skin of the ear becomes hot, at first has a reddish tint, then changes to bluish. The auricle gradually shrinks and loses its shape. Temperature 37°С-39°С
  • acute purulent otitis media - purulent inflammation of the middle ear, temperature 38°C-40°C
  • mastoiditis - inflammation of the bone tissue of the mastoid process behind the ear, temperature 37 ° C-38 ° C

Against the background of viral diseases, ear pain appears after the mucus from the nose enters the ear through the auditory canal and begins to put pressure on the eardrum. If this mucus does not infect the ear cavities, then the pain goes away on its own.

Why does the child's ears hurt after SARS?

In children after SARS, acute otitis media can occur as a complication. More often this disease occurs in weakened children: often ill, premature, artificially fed.

The infection passes through the short and wide auditory tube from the nasopharynx to the middle ear. This is especially true for the smallest, since they often lie horizontally, which complicates the outflow of mucus and promotes the growth of microbes.

What should I do if my child has ear and head pain?

It is necessary to understand the causes of pain. Often, headache and earache are due to the fact that the cranial nerves are affected, usually with an acute inflammatory process.

  • If it is a viral infection that radiates to the ear and the pain is not intense, periodic, then put drops in the nose and give the child antipyretic drugs. If there is no temperature, make a compress. There is a high chance that there will be no complications. If the pain is pronounced and does not go away, then it is otitis
  • If it is otitis, otomycosis, lymphadenitis, mastoiditis, purulent labyrinth (inflammation of the inner ear) - alleviate the patient's condition and, as soon as possible, without delay, visit a doctor
  • If it is meningitis, diphtheria, tonsillitis, measles - give painkillers to relieve pain and call an ambulance
  • If the pain is caused by a blow to the ear or head, especially if the child lost consciousness, call an ambulance. If blood comes from the ear, then the ear should be closed with cotton wool moistened with camphor alcohol, and a bandage should be applied on top. Before the ambulance arrives, put the child to bed, and apply ice to the affected part of the head
  • If there is a rupture of the eardrum, which is characterized by sharp pain, tinnitus, short-term disorientation, sound distortion, then close the passage with sterile cotton, apply a bandage and go to the doctor

What to do if a child has an earache without a temperature?

If there is no temperature, then the cause of the pain may be a foreign object or water in the ear, teething, allergic reactions, lymphadenitis, sulfur plug, or the onset of an inflammatory process in the ear (otitis media, furuncle).

Examine the child carefully. Then eliminate the root causes: give antihistamines, painkillers, clean your ears, make a compress. If you are confident in your actions and there is no possibility of examination by an ENT doctor, carry out drug treatment with drops. If the ear continues to hurt, then it is better to consult a specialist.

What should I do if my child has neck and ear pain?

The neck and ear can hurt with lymphadenitis. At the same time, the lymph nodes become inflamed not only on the neck, but also behind the auricles, and the pain is given in the ears. It is necessary to provide first aid and go to an otolaryngologist, who will not only prescribe treatment, but also identify the root cause.

Also, the neck and head hurt when the blood circulation of the vessels of the head and neck is disturbed. If this condition often recurs, then the process must be controlled, an ultrasound scan of the vessels should be performed, and a neurologist should be visited.

Causes of ear pain in a child: tips and reviews

  • If the child has an earache, but the pain is not acute or intermittent, and the child is active, then it is advised to observe the development of the condition for 48 hours for children from 1 year old. If the condition does not improve, then a visit to the otolaryngologist is mandatory.
  • After otitis media, you should not swim and dive to avoid recurrence
  • Traditional medicine in the treatment of otitis media can be used after consulting an ENT doctor with the methods agreed with him, otherwise the consequences of self-treatment can be catastrophic
  • You can not stop treatment after the pain has passed, this is fraught with complications: the transition to a chronic form, partial hearing loss


When I fly on vacation with children on an airplane, before the flight I drip vasodilating drops into my nose, and Otipax or Otinum into my ears to make it easier to endure the pressure drop. Before I started using this method, during landings and takeoffs, I felt not just congestion, but downright pain. Chewing and swallowing movements did not help. Now it's easier.


At the age of 3, a small bug crawled into the child's ear. I saw it, but I couldn't get it. There was a day off. Then I boiled refined sunflower oil (there was simply no vaseline oil at that moment) and poured it into my ear to kill the insect. After 5 minutes, I turned my daughter's head so that the oil could easily flow out. It leaked out along with the bug. The next day we turned to the ENT, she said that we did everything right.

Video: Otitis in a child. Treatment of otitis media

Video: Otitis - School of Dr. Komarovsky

The always cheerful baby suddenly starts crying piercingly for no reason... He wants to eat, but trying to swallow his favorite porridge causes crying again? He can't sleep, trying to get comfortable on the pillow, but he can't? Perhaps the child has an earache.

Seeing the suffering of a crumb who is not even able to explain where and what hurts him is a serious test for parents. The worst thing is to realize your own helplessness. To prevent such a situation from being taken by surprise, it is better to find out as much as possible about the disease in advance. Moreover, timely detection of the disease will help its effective treatment and will make it possible to minimize the likelihood of complications.

The vast majority of ear diseases belong to the inflammatory group and have a common term - otitis(otitis; from the Greek otos - ear and the suffix -itis, used to form the names of inflammatory processes that can be spicy and chronic).

Inflammatory diseases of the outer ear

Of these, it is more common in children otitis externa. It occurs when an infection gets into the skin of the external auditory canal (when cleaning the ears or combing the hair). In this case, the skin around the ear canal turns red, and the passage itself narrows slit-like due to edema. Often there appears a translucent discharge.

There is also a disease of the outer ear, caused by group A streptococci, - erysipelas. Infection occurs through microcracks, skin lesions. The disease begins with the fact that the body temperature rises to 39.0 ° C and above, chills appear, the child refuses to eat. The auricle at the same time turns red, swells, blisters often appear on the skin of the external auditory canal.

In addition, the cause of ear pain can be furuncle or hair follicle inflammation in the external auditory canal. The prerequisites for its appearance may be microtrauma of the skin and reduced body resistance. Outside, the boil is not visible, but its presence can be assumed by indirect signs, such as pain in the ear, which is aggravated by touching and chewing, and an increase in the parotid lymph nodes. After a few days, the ripened abscess opens, and the pain subsides. With timely treatment, complications can be avoided.

Treatment. It is necessary to assess the general condition of the child and determine the tactics of combating the disease. With a mild course of the disease, you can limit yourself to local treatment at home - lotions, ointments, balms. In severe cases, hospitalization is indicated and the addition of general therapy to local treatment - antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, etc. In all cases, drugs should be prescribed by a doctor, self-medication is unacceptable.

Inflammation of the middle ear

Allocate acute and chronic otitis media.

Acute otitis media is the undisputed "leader" in the frequency of occurrence among the pathologies of the organ of hearing. This disease often occurs against the background of SARS (as its complication) in immunocompromised children, premature babies, and also in babies who are on and therefore deprived of maternal antibodies (protective blood proteins) transmitted with breast milk. In the vast majority of cases, the infection enters the middle ear from the inflamed nasopharynx through the auditory tube. In young children (up to 3 years old), the auditory tube is wide and short, which greatly facilitates the path of the microbe. In addition, the babies of the first year of life are mostly in a horizontal position, which makes it difficult for the outflow of mucus to the outside and contributes to its stagnation in the nasopharynx. In infants, the cause may be the ingress of formula or breast milk from the nasopharynx into the middle ear.

Acute otitis media is divided into two forms: catarrhal and purulent.

Symptoms. The main manifestation of acute middle catarrhal otitis media is pain in the ear. A young child cannot tell about it or indicate the place that hurts. He screams piercingly, rubs his head against the pillow, sometimes grinds his teeth, cannot sleep. With a unilateral lesion, the baby tends to take a forced position, lying on a sore ear, sometimes reaches for it with his hand, refuses food, since sucking and swallowing increase pain. You can determine the side of the lesion if you gently press on tragus- protrusion located in front of the ear canal. A pain reaction will occur on the side of the lesion, the child will cry and try to turn away from the irritant. To better appreciate this test, you can do it when the baby is sleeping (although many mothers will be sorry to disturb the baby). In addition, the child's body temperature rises, he quickly gets tired, periods of anxiety are replaced by lethargy, lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea may join.

In children, acute catarrhal otitis media can very quickly (already on the first day from the onset of the disease) go into purulent. It is characterized by suppuration from the ear, which indicates a rupture of the eardrum (while the pain in the ear subsides) and is an indication for urgent medical care(the child needs to put a dry cotton turunda (wick) into the external auditory canal, be sure to put on a hat and go to the doctor).

Complications. The danger of this disease lies in serious complications that can occur with untimely treatment or a fulminant course of the disease. The most frequent of these is mastoiditis- acute inflammation of the mastoid process of the temporal bone. There is pain in the behind-the-ear region, its skin may turn red and swell, swell, while the auricle protrudes forward and downward, the child bows his head in the direction of the lesion.

Another condition that can be considered as a complication is irritable meningeal syndrome(meningeal syndrome), arising from the underdevelopment of the structures of the middle ear, when nothing restrains the spread of inflammation beyond its limits, and also due to the abundant vascular network and connection with the cranial cavity.

This causes convulsions, vomiting, confusion and decreased motor activity. To alleviate his condition, the child reflexively throws his head back.

Treatment. At the first suspicion of an ear disease (with anxiety, an altered condition of the child), it is necessary to call a pediatrician or ENT doctor to the house, consult a specialist in a polyclinic, medical center. With timely and proper treatment, it is possible to save the baby from suffering without any unpleasant consequences. For example, in acute otitis media, conservative (non-surgical) treatment is sufficient in most cases. Therapy necessarily includes a course of antibiotics in tablet form or in the form of injections (with purulent otitis media) for at least 5 to 7 days, especially for children under two years of age. This is done to prevent the development of complications. In addition, it is necessary to regularly use drugs for vasoconstriction (vasoconstrictor drops in the nose), which maintains the patency of the auditory tube. Also applied local treatment:

  1. with acute catarrhal otitis media dry thermal procedures in the ear area are effective, since heat activates blood and lymph circulation in the focus of inflammation, as well as additional production of protective blood cells. For example - heating with a blue lamp (reflector), semi-alcoholic (1 part alcohol and 1 part warm water) or vodka compresses, as well as turundas with ear drops (see below);
  2. with acute purulent otitis media requires careful and systematic removal of pus with cotton turundas, ear toilet with disinfectant solutions (for example, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution), antibiotics.

In addition to the main treatment, thermal physiotherapy can be prescribed: UFO (ultraviolet irradiation), UHF therapy (electrotherapy method based on exposure of the patient's body to an ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic field), laser radiation, mud therapy.

Treatment of acute catarrhal otitis media takes an average of a week, and acute purulent otitis media - more than two weeks.

It should be understood that the choice of one or another drug depends on the phase of the inflammatory process, antibiotics should be prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of microbes to them. In case of ineffectiveness of treatment, a replacement of the drug is required. Self-prescription by parents of treatment based on the experience of a previous visit to the doctor may lead to undesirable consequences or mask the process, making diagnosis difficult.

Local treatment of otitis according to the rules


So, if for the treatment of acute catarrhal otitis media the doctor prescribed half-alcohol or vodka compresses ( with suppuration from the ear, compresses are contraindicated), then you need to do it as follows.

It is required to take a four-layer gauze napkin, the size of which should extend beyond the auricle by 1.5-2 cm, make a slit for the ear in the middle. The napkin should be moistened in an alcohol solution or vodka, squeezed out, applied to the ear area (place the auricle in the slot). Put compress (waxed) paper a little larger than gauze on top, and cover with a piece of cotton wool larger than the size of the paper. All this can be secured with a scarf tied around the child's head. The compress should be kept until it has a thermal effect (3-4 hours).

Ear drops

Direct instillation of ear drops is dangerous, since at home it is impossible to examine the ear the way an ENT doctor does, and clarify the nature of the inflammation at the moment, to see whether the eardrum is damaged or not. If drops fall into the middle ear cavity when the eardrum ruptures, they can cause damage to the auditory ossicles or lead to damage to the auditory nerve, resulting in hearing loss. Instead, it is necessary to make a turunda out of dry cotton, gently insert it into the external auditory canal and drip warm medicine on the cotton 3-4 times a day. A portion of the drops should be heated to body temperature (36.6 ° C). You can, for example, heat a pipette in hot water, and then draw medicine into it, or first draw up the drug, and then heat the pipette with it in hot water. If a dropper-dispenser is attached to the bottle with drops, then it is convenient to heat in hot water that part of the medicine that will fit in the pipette when the vial is turned over. Close the cap first.

Ear drops for children with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, such as OTIPAKS, are useful to have at home.

It is necessary to provide the child with free nasal breathing. To do this, as necessary, it is required to free the nasal passages from mucus with the help of a special pear suction or flagella twisted from cotton wool and dipped in baby oil. A scarf or cap should be put on the baby’s head so that his ears are warm during the day. During illness, bathing a child is not recommended, but you can wipe it. Walking with the baby is allowed after the pain in the ear disappears and the temperature returns to normal. At the same time, on a walk, the baby must be in a hat.

In some cases, with otitis media - especially when complications occur - one has to resort to surgical treatment in a hospital.

Acute transition otitis media in chronic occurs under the influence of many factors. These include a decrease in the general and local resistance of the body, which occurs with the pathology of various organs and systems, as well as pronounced, diabetes mellitus, frequent runny noses (growth of lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx), curvature of the nasal septum.

The main signs of chronic otitis media are the presence of a persistent hole in the eardrum and suppuration from the ear, which can periodically stop and resume again, causing an undulating course of the process. Chronic otitis necessarily accompanies hearing loss, which increases with the long-term existence of the disease.

Nonpurulent diseases of the middle ear

Non-purulent diseases of the middle ear, more common in children, include tubootitis(another name is eustachitis) - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the auditory (Eustachian) tube, leading to its swelling and narrowing.

Tubootitis can appear with colds, when, against the background of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, the mucous membrane of the auditory tube also becomes inflamed.

Symptoms. There is one- or two-sided permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, a feeling of stuffiness. When yawning, blowing your nose, hearing can improve for a while.

Treatment. Therapy for tubootitis should be comprehensive and primarily aimed at eliminating the disruption of the functioning of the auditory tube. It is necessary to cure the focus of infection in the nasopharynx, using local antibiotics, antiseptics (disinfectants), physiotherapy. A good effect is the introduction of drugs into the ear through the auditory tube. This procedure is carried out by an ENT doctor.

If enlarged adenoids are the source of infection in the nasopharynx, tubo-otitis can lead to permanent hearing loss. Their timely removal helps to avoid such an unfavorable outcome.

Simple rules

As you know, it is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. To reduce the risk of otitis media in a child, following a few simple rules will help. If we are talking about the smallest, it is advisable to provide them with breast milk for as long as possible, since it is the source of the main defenses of a small organism.

When feeding, it is better to keep the baby close to the upright position, to avoid the liquid being thrown into the ear through the auditory tube.

Reasonable also increases the body's resistance.



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