Candles terzhinan instructions for use. Terzhinan vaginal tablets or suppositories

Terzhinan (ternidazole + neomycin + nystatin + prednisolone) is an original combined gynecological drug from the French Bouchard-Recordati Laboratory.

It is used topically, the release form is vaginal tablets. It has antibacterial, antiprotozoal (directed against protozoa), anti-inflammatory effect.

The drug is prescribed to patients suffering from bacterial or fungal vaginitis. Terzhinan is also used as a prophylactic that prevents the development of infections during childbirth, abortion, intrauterine examinations and other gynecological procedures.

Clinical and pharmacological group

A drug with antibacterial, antiprotozoal, antifungal and anti-inflammatory action for local use in gynecology.

Terms of sale from pharmacies

Can buy without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Terzhinan cost in pharmacies? The average price is at the level of 580 rubles.

Composition and form of release

Dosage form - vaginal tablets: oblong, with a chamfer, flat, the letter T is applied on both sides, light yellow in color, there may be light or darker inclusions (6 or 10 pieces in a strip, in a cardboard bundle 1 strip).

1 tablet Terzhinan contains:

  • active ingredients: ternidazole - 200 mg, nystatin - 100,000 IU, neomycin sulfate - 100 mg or 65,000 international units (IU), prednisolone sodium metasulfobenzoate - 4.7 mg (3 mg prednisolone);
  • auxiliary components: lactose monohydrate, wheat starch, sodium carboxymethyl starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate.

pharmachologic effect

The therapeutic effect of Terzhinan is due to the active components that make up its composition. During treatment, the drug exhibits antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiprotozoal and antifungal effects. The combined agent contains a successful combination of an antibiotic, a hormonal and an antimycotic component, which determines its effectiveness.

The active substance ternidazole (an imidazole derivative) provides a trichomonacid effect, causing the death of trichomonads, and is active against anaerobic bacteria Gardnerell.

  1. - an antifungal component from the group of polyene antibiotics. Causes the death of pathogenic fungi due to damage to cell membranes. Fungi of the genus Candida, which are the causative agents of vaginal candidiasis (thrush), vaginitis and other diseases of the female genital area, are particularly sensitive to nystatin.
  2. Neomycin is an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides with a wide spectrum of antibacterial action. By suppressing protein synthesis in microbial cells, this component ensures their destruction. Gram-negative and anaerobic bacteria (Listeria, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Shegella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) show sensitivity to neomycin.
  3. - a hormonal component (glucocorticoid) that provides local anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative (decongestant) and anti-allergic effects.

Additionally, Terzhinan vaginal tablets include excipients (clove and geranium oils), which maintain the integrity of epithelial tissues during inflammatory and infectious processes and keep pH values ​​within the physiological norm. In the absence of an excipient, the penetration of active substances into the vaginal mucosa would be difficult, and therefore the therapeutic effect of the drug would not be so pronounced. In addition, geranium and clove oils contribute to the destruction of protozoa (chlamydia and Trichomonas), which multiply precisely in the vaginal mucosa.

Indications for use

The indication for use is the prevention of vaginitis before various gynecological procedures, such as the installation of an intrauterine device, treatment, hysterography, hysterosalpingography, abortion. In some cases, gynecologists recommend using a suppository before childbirth or any other actions of doctors that involve the use of instruments in the vagina.

In the list of infections that Terzhinan is able to effectively fight:

  • colpitis caused by chlamydia;
  • vaginitis caused by pathogenic bacteria;
  • vaginitis caused by Candida ();
  • treatment of vaginitis, which has a mixed pathogenic microflora as a pathogen (consisting simultaneously of fungi, Trichomonas, bacteria and gardnerella).


The only absolute contraindication for the use of Terzhinan suppositories is individual intolerance to one or more active components of the drug, as well as any of the excipients of the drug.

Before starting the use of the drug, it is important to exclude the presence of contraindications.

Appointment during pregnancy and lactation

During the entire first trimester of pregnancy (from the beginning to the 12th week of gestation inclusive), Terzhinan tablets cannot be used, since the active ingredients can penetrate into the uterus and have a negative effect on the fetus. However, if the woman's condition is not satisfactory, which can also adversely affect the course of pregnancy, then Terzhinan tablets are also used in the first trimester.

From the second trimester of pregnancy and up to childbirth, Terzhinan can be used without fear, since during these periods of childbearing the drug is no longer able to have a negative effect on the fetus.

Use during menstruation

If possible, you should always plan the course of candles so that it passes completely before or after menstruation.

If menstruation began unexpectedly, then treatment should not be interrupted. You must complete the course in full. In this case, it is likely that the effectiveness of the candles will be lower and the disease will not be completely cured. But the decision on how the treatment went can only be made after the fact, after the control examination and / or smear.

Dosage and method of application

As indicated in the instructions for use, Terzhinan tablets (suppositories) are indicated for vaginal administration.

  • One tablet is injected deep into the vagina in the supine position at bedtime. Before the introduction of the tablet should be held in water for 20-30 seconds. After the introduction, it is necessary to lie down for 10-15 minutes.

The average duration of the treatment course is 10 days; in case of confirmed mycosis, the duration of treatment can be increased up to 20 days; the average duration of the prophylactic course is 6 days.

Side effects

Side effects from these vaginal tablets are rare. At the beginning of treatment, local reactions are sometimes possible:

  • skin allergy,
  • burning sensation after drug administration,
  • patients regularly complain of pink spotting. This is the norm (C). But if there is pain or bleeding heavily, then it is better to consult a gynecologist for advice.

Treatment with Terzhinan does not affect the ability to drive a car and conduct active activities.


Due to the low degree of absorption of the active components of Terzhinan suppositories into the systemic circulation, the likelihood of an overdose is low.

special instructions

Do not stop treatment during menstruation.

In the case of treatment of vaginitis, trichomoniasis, simultaneous treatment of sexual partners is recommended.

Interaction with other drugs

No drug interactions with Terzhinan have been identified.


We suggest that you read the reviews of women who used Terzhinan candles:

  1. Irina . I have been using these pills for a long time now. A drug that has stood the test of time. Always helps quickly, relieves itching and burning. But there are also unpleasant moments. First, the price - the pills are quite expensive. Secondly, how to use. It is not very convenient to soak the tablet each time before use. It would be much more convenient to make medicine in the form of candles. And then everything flows out for a long time, so after using it you have to lie down, it is advisable to do this before going to bed, so as not to get up until the morning. But the healing effect is very good, so I continue to use it.
  2. Tanya. Terzhinan alone did not help me with thrush - she returned after a couple of months. and then I went to the doctor and he prescribed me a whole complex - that's when I forgot what it was.
  3. Marina. I have been treating chronic candidiasis for more than a year. A friend advised a cheap analogue of Terzhinan, but intolerance arose. Consultation with a gynecologist helped. He advised me Terzhinan and Fluconazole. Tried during the period of exacerbation of the disease. At first there was a strong itching and burning sensation, after a couple of days everything went away. The medicine helped me, the disease receded.

"Terzhinan" is a combination medication intended exclusively for local use for the treatment of gynecological diseases. The effectiveness of this drug is achieved through the action of special components that make up Terzhinan. In addition, such a drug has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiprotozoal properties.

Instructions for use of the drug "Terzhinan"

It should be noted that this medication is available in the form of vaginal tablets and is used only for local therapeutic therapy. The main indication for the use of "Terzhinan" are local inflammatory diseases caused by protozoal infection or anaerobic bacterial species. The main factor in successful treatment is a significant reduction in the severity of symptoms. In addition, a positive result of therapy directly depends on the implementation of a preliminary bacteriological diagnosis of vaginal discharge. In the event that a woman is scheduled for surgical intervention, the use of Terzhinan is based on the prevention of infectious complications immediately in the postoperative period. To do this, a six-day course of therapeutic therapy with such a drug is prescribed, which must be completed three days before the upcoming operation. For preventive purposes, the use of the drug "Terzhinan" is advisable before hysteroscopy, medical procedures on the cervix, labor or abortion. "Terzhinan" in the form of vaginal tablets should be used by introducing them into the vagina, moistened with water in advance. For best results, lie down in a calm state for about ten minutes. It is recommended to use "Terzhinan" no more than one tablet per day. As a rule, the duration of treatment therapy is ten days. However, in the presence of fungal diseases, the duration of treatment can increase up to twenty days. It must be remembered that the interval between courses of therapeutic therapy with "Terzhinan" should be at least six months. This is due to the fact that microorganisms are able to adapt to the active components of this remedy, as a result of which the treatment will be ineffective. It is noteworthy that menstruation is not a reason to stop treatment with Terzhinan. In order to avoid re-infection with the infection, it is advisable to conduct an examination and treatment of a permanent sexual partner.

Side effects of the drug "Terzhinan"

In general, this drug is well tolerated by patients. However, allergic reactions caused by intolerance to certain components can occur. In addition, after the introduction of the tablet into the vagina, there may be a pronounced burning sensation, itching, as well as redness of the genital mucosa. With the development of such symptoms, it is necessary to stop the use of the drug. It is allowed to use "Terzhinan" during pregnancy only according to the strict indications of a doctor. After all, only he can correctly assess the possible danger to the fetus and give appropriate recommendations for therapeutic therapy.

Very strange. The situation was like this. I am postpartum and I have uterine erosion. So far, I am a nursing mother and can not solve this issue. A year has passed. Went to the gynecologist. At the same time, I felt quite normal. She took a swab and found thrush. I went through a course of treatment, I came back. Inflammation. Has written out to me terzhinan. I used it and had problems. Stomach hurt... Very strange. The situation was like this. I am postpartum and I have uterine erosion. So far, I am a nursing mother and can not solve this issue. A year has passed. Went to the gynecologist. At the same time, I felt quite normal. She took a swab and found thrush. I went through a course of treatment, I came back. Inflammation. Has written out to me terzhinan. I used it and had problems. Stomach hurts like menstruation. 3 days of bleeding. I went to a paid doctor. Looked. They did an ultrasound. He said everything was fine, that this painful ovulation began after childbirth. I was sick for another 5 days. He prescribed me Terzhinan again. Treated for 10 days. I come to my doctor, inflammation. What the hell (sorry). Doubtful this medicine is terzhinan. After reading the reviews, now I'm starting to think that painful ovulation began just because of him. Because I am still breastfeeding and have not had my period. And then, for no reason at all, ovulation began. And what. With an explosion, literally. I was bent over for a week. Now I think it would not harm my daughter. She just turned a year old.

Many women know firsthand what vaginal infections are. You don't have to be promiscuous to get them. Sometimes you can swim in a dirty pond and get a lot of unpleasant problems. Modern pharmacology offers many drugs to eliminate the infection. Terzhinan vaginal tablets are considered an effective remedy. They are released only by prescription, so a visit to him is required. Without causing much discomfort to a woman, Terzhinan suppositories treat many infections and are used to prevent them.

Vaginal suppositories Terzhinan

The drug Terzhinan is a multicomponent drug for antibacterial therapy, created by French scientists. Indications for use are gynecological infectious diseases, inflammation of the vagina, it is effective in bacterial vaginosis, fungal infections and fungal complications. Terzhinan contains broad spectrum antibacterial components. Suppositories are used to prevent gynecological infections of the genital organs during appropriate procedures, including abortion.

Some experts recommend the use of the drug before procedures such as examination of the uterus, which involves the use of instruments and apparatus. The intravaginal method of use turns Terzhinan into a means of precise action. The drug is easy to use, has almost no side effects, does not come into contact with the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach.


Terzhinan contains the following active ingredients:

  • ternidazole;
  • nystatin;
  • prednisolone;
  • neomycin sulfate.

The preparation contains such auxiliary components as:

  • wheat starch;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide anhydrous;
  • sodium starch glycolate (type a);
  • magnesium stearate;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • purified water.

Due to the combined action of these ingredients, the drug has strong antifungal properties and produces a more complex and extensive antibacterial effect on pathogens, without harming the vaginal microflora and the female body. All this allows you to avoid after taking the pills of the course of restoring the microflora of lactobacilli. Suppositories do not affect the menstrual cycle in any way.

Release form

Terzhinan is produced only in the form of cream-colored tablets intended for intravaginal use. There is a "T" on each side of the candle. The package contains 6 or 10 pieces. Medicines used directly inside the vagina are often in the form of suppositories, which is why Terzhinan is sometimes called that. The name can still change according to the number of tablets in the package. Doctors and pharmacists often use the designations "Terzhinan 6" or "Terzhinan 10".

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The ternidazole contained in Terzhinan has a detrimental effect on Trichomonas, kills anaerobic pathogenic bacteria. Neomycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic. Possessing an antibacterial effect, it does not allow the pathogenic flora to synthesize proteins normally, which leads to a slowdown in their reproduction and subsequent death. Aerobic bacteria, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria and Corynebacterium, are especially sensitive to neomycin.

Nystatin antifungal belongs to polyene antibiotic substances. Penetrating into the shells of the "enemy" cells, it produces a coupling with ergosterol, destroying a dangerous microorganism. An antifungal antibiotic is effective against Candida. Able to act only on those pathogenic microorganisms that are eukaryotes.

Prednisolone, which is part of the tablets, is a glucocorticosteroid drug that relieves inflammation, effective in relieving an allergic reaction and swelling. Due to the presence of excipients in the tablets, the epithelial tissue, the lining of the vagina receives additional protection and help in maintaining the pH balance. The pharmacokinetic properties of Terzhinan have not been studied due to its insignificant absorption.

Candles Terzhinan - indications for use

The indication for use is the prevention of vaginitis before various gynecological procedures, such as the installation of an intrauterine device, the treatment of cervical erosion, hysterography, hysterosalpingography, abortion. In some cases, gynecologists recommend using a suppository before childbirth or any other actions of doctors that involve the use of instruments in the vagina. In the list of infections that Terzhinan is able to effectively fight:

  • colpitis caused by chlamydia;
  • treatment of vaginitis, which has a mixed pathogenic microflora as a pathogen (consisting simultaneously of fungi, Trichomonas, bacteria and gardnerella);
  • vaginitis caused by pathogenic bacteria;
  • vaginitis caused by Candida (thrush).


Terzhinan tablets should not be used by pregnant women for the first three months of bearing a child. At a later date, and for nursing mothers, the drug is prescribed by a specialist in exceptional cases. Its use is prohibited for girls under 16 years of age. The main contraindication is individual hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug.

Terzhinan candles - instructions for use

For one application, no more than one tablet can be placed in the vagina. Exceeding the dosage can cause a large amount of prednisolone to enter the bloodstream, which can produce side effects typical of glucocorticoid hormone. In the treatment of infection and use for prophylactic purposes, one tablet is inserted into the vagina once a day. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor. The tablet should be taken out of the blister as quickly as possible so that it does not have time to melt and become soft. The procedure should be carried out with clean hands.

During the introduction of the suppository, you should be careful not to touch the anus with your fingers, this can cause infection. The period of menstruation is not a reason to cancel the course of tablets. Bleeding will not affect the effect of the drug in any way. You just need to remember that on such days the requirements for hygiene are significantly increased. In the presence of vaginitis, antibiotics are sometimes prescribed to the woman's sexual partner. If trichomoniasis has been diagnosed, then a course of treatment for the partner will be mandatory. During this period, sexual intercourse should be excluded.

Side effects

In rare cases, there are problems with the elimination of inflammation, which is associated with a reaction to the corticosteroid present in the antimicrobial preparation. Sometimes the first few days at the beginning of the course, a woman may feel quickly passing discomfort. Among the possible consequences of the use of tablets may be such phenomena of a local nature as:

  • burning;
  • tingling;
  • swelling and pain in the vaginal area;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the vagina.

special instructions

Given this, patients with osteoporosis, heart failure or arterial hypertension, who use Terzhinan, should do so under medical supervision and after examination. The attention of specialists during the course of the drug is also required for glaucoma, tuberculosis, myopathy, epilepsy, severe stress or mental disorders, diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism.

During pregnancy

According to the instructions, the use of suppositories is unacceptable during the first three months of pregnancy. The components of the drug can reach the fetus through the mother's bloodstream. In the presence of infections in a pregnant woman, a specialist may prescribe the use of a suppository in the first trimester in exceptional measures. In the second trimester of pregnancy and beyond, the tablets can be used calmly, the drug is no longer able to affect the fetus. Due to the possible contact with milk, the suppository is not desirable during lactation.

drug interaction

The interaction of Terzhinan with other medicinal preparations did not manifest itself in any way.


Terzhinan is characterized by a slight penetration into the tissues and circulatory system, which makes the likelihood of an overdose negligible. When it occurs, the side effects of the drug will become stronger, it can cause burning and discomfort.

Price from 313 rubles. Analog is cheaper by 31 rubles

Instructions for use for Terzhinan

Registration number: P N015129/01

Trade name: TERZHINAN

Dosage form: vaginal tablets

COMPOUND for 1 tablet

Active ingredients:

Ternidazole…………………………………………..0.2 g
Neomycin sulfate ………………………………...0.1 g or 65000 IU
Nystatin ……………………………………………100,000 IU
Prednisolone sodium metasulfobenzoate……….. 0.0047 g,
equivalent to prednisone ……………………....0.003 g



Tablets are light yellow in color with possible inclusions of darker or lighter shades, flat, oblong in shape with a chamfered edge and printed in the form of the letter "T" on both sides.
Combined antimicrobial agent (antibiotic-aminoglycoside + antimicrobial and antiprotozoal agent + antifungal agent + glucocorticosteroid).

ATX code:
Combined preparation for local use in gynecology. It has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiprotozoal, antifungal effect; ensures the integrity of the vaginal mucosa and the constancy of pH.

Ternidazole- an antifungal agent from the group of imidazole derivatives, reduces the synthesis of ergosterol (an integral part of the cell membrane), changes the structure and properties of the cell membrane. It has a trichomonacid effect, it is also active against anaerobic bacteria, in particular gardnerella.

Neomycin- a broad-spectrum antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides. It acts bactericidal against gram-positive (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus pneumoniae) and gram-negative (Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella flexneri, Shigella boydii, Shigella sonnei, Proteus spp.) microorganisms; against Streptococcus spp., inactive.
Microbial resistance develops slowly and to a small extent.

Nystatin- an antifungal antibiotic from the group of polyenes, highly effective against yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, changes the permeability of cell membranes and slows down their growth.

Prednisolone- dehydrated analogue of hydrocortisone, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-exudative effect.


Treatment of vaginitis caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug, including:

bacterial vaginitis;
- trichomoniasis of the vagina;
- vaginitis caused by fungi of the genus Candida;
- mixed vaginitis.

Prevention of vaginitis, including:

Before gynecological operations;
- before childbirth and abortion;
- before and after the installation of intrauterine devices;
- before and after diathermocoagulation of the cervix;
- before hysterography.


Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.


It is possible to use the drug from the second trimester of pregnancy.
The use of the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy and during lactation is possible only in cases where the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus or infant.


For vaginal use.
One tablet is injected deep into the vagina in the "lying" position at bedtime. Before insertion into the vagina, the tablet should be held in water for 20-30 seconds.
After the introduction it is necessary to lie down for 10-15 minutes.
The average duration of the treatment course of therapy is 10 days; in case of confirmed mycosis, it can be increased up to 20 days; the average duration of the prophylactic course is 6 days.

Burning sensation, itching and irritation in the vagina (especially at the beginning of treatment).
In some cases, allergic reactions are possible.

There are no data on cases of overdose.

Not found.


In the case of treatment of vaginitis, trichomoniasis, simultaneous treatment of sexual partners is recommended.
Do not stop treatment during menstruation.

Vaginal tablets.

6 or 10 tablets per strip (aluminum foil), one strip with instructions for use is packed in a cardboard box.

3 years. Do not use after the expiration date.


Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.
Keep out of the reach of children.


On prescription.

68, rue Marjolin 92300
Levallois-Perret, France

21, rue du Presso, 28500 VERNOUYER, France


Benefits: Efficiency

Cons: didn't find

During my second pregnancy, I faced the problem of candidiasis, or thrush, to put it simply. The gynecologist said that this is a common problem in women due to a violation of the microflora of the mucous membranes during the period of bearing a child. The specialist prescribed Terzhinan suppository tablets. In the pharmacy, I was surprised by their price, after all, 600 rubles is a little expensive for such a drug, but our health is generally priceless, so I decided to purchase Terzhinan, and not its analogues. After ten things (I was prescribed one a day), I went for tests - there was no trace of the thrush! In addition, the tablets are good because they relieve swelling and itching of the mucosa. More recently, my friend also complained about candidiasis, I advised her Terzhinan, he also helped her, after 5 applications the thrush was gone.

My positive experience

Benefits: effect

Cons: price, inconvenience to use

Probably, somewhere in the thirty-fourth week of pregnancy, a huge amount of leukocytes was found in my smear. The gynecologist said that it was urgent to get rid of the infection and prescribed Terzhinan. When I saw the price tag in the pharmacy, I thought that I would faint right there and crash. Despite the exorbitant price, I bought tablets and started using them. I put them on just before bed. I didn't have any pain, itching or burning. In general, the treatment went smoothly, so to speak, without unpleasant surprises. And two weeks later, the results of repeated analyzes arrived in time and they turned out to be good. And this means that Terzhinan helped me.

Effective but not the most comfortable

Benefits: Efficiency

Cons: itching in the vagina

Terzhinan was prescribed by a gynecologist as a combined remedy for thrush. This problem can be dealt with with conventional pills, but those that are inserted into the vagina are much safer because they do not damage the liver. Therefore, the choice was stopped on this drug. Yes, the remedy can be called effective, after 10 days of treatment, the problem was dealt with. I am especially pleased that I did not have to buy a new package, just 10 tablets are needed for the course. The only negative is not the most comfortable feeling when using. Introducing the remedy is half the trouble, because it is a pill, not a candle, the main feature is itching in the vagina. As you use it, it stops being intense, but still unpleasant. I didn't notice any other side effects.

Helped and not

Benefits: Help

Cons: Feel bad

I encountered these suppositories back in the maternity hospital, they found bacterial vaginitis in smears, in other words, thrush. They prescribed tablets that are used vaginally, called Terzhinan. The packages are different, there are 6 pieces, and there are 10 each. There are no unpleasant sensations when administered, though later, when the tablet dissolves, it feels like it is leaking out. After putting down candles for 5 days, everything remained unchanged in the smears. But the thrush did not cause me any problems, I simply did not feel it. Then, after giving birth, after 4 months, the thrush began to bother me, I still had the pills and I applied them again, they helped quickly, the itching disappeared, the discharge became less. Then she took a smear, and it turned out to be clean.

Antiseptic vaginal tablets

Benefits: Fast and effective action

Cons: Potential side effects

Terzhinan was prescribed to me by a gynecologist before cauterization of erosion. They did tests, there were a lot of leukocytes, which means there is an inflammatory process. I was prescribed treatment for a course of 10 days. Before going to bed, it was first necessary to douche with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then inject a pill. It needs to be moistened with a little water for a few seconds. The night was saved calmly, the candle began to flow out only in the morning in a small amount, so the presence of a gasket is mandatory. There were no unpleasant sensations in the form of burning and itching. The drug suited me perfectly and the results of the analysis after a ten-day course of treatment were excellent, no inflammation, everything was clean.

The treatment process is not very pleasant, but the result is impressive

Benefits: Fast acting, very effective, no major side effects

Disadvantages: Not cheap, not sold everywhere, causes a very strong burning sensation

Nuclear remedy against candidiasis! Flucostat and other brethren had only a temporary effect, the disease returned after a while, but Terzhinan was able to cure me completely. And it happened quite quickly - it only took 4 days. The wild itching became much less after a day - I have not yet received such an effect from any drug. Other symptoms like burning, soreness and swelling also began to melt before our eyes, and as a result, for four days there was not even a reminder of candidiasis. But there are no ideals, and Terzhinan is very sad because of the pain and burning it causes, especially in the first days of use. I introduced it at night, and in the middle of the night on the first day I woke up with the feeling that it was not a pill inside, but acid in general. Gradually, this discomfort weakens, by the fourth tablet it was barely perceptible, but it was very hard for two days, so I advise you to be patient when using it.



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