Step-by-step preparation of fish soup over a fire. How to cook delicious fish soup over a campfire while camping

If you love outdoor recreation, gatherings by the fire, fishing and spending the night in tents, then, of course, you know what dish no trip to a pond can do without. Of course, without fish soup.

Cooking fish soup over a fire is a whole science and we will help you master it.

Before you start cooking, you should prepare the appropriate utensils. To cook fish soup over a fire, you should use dishes that do not oxidize. The most the best option there will be a stainless steel pot.

One of the main secrets of the fish soup recipe is that you need to cook it without a lid, in the open air. Cover the pot with a lid for only 15 minutes, and then only after you remove it from the heat. Then the fish soup, the recipe for which is completely simple to prepare, will turn out very tasty.

Do not pour too much water into the pot - it is enough if the fish is covered with water no higher than 2-3 cm.

Make sure that the soup does not boil too much while cooking.

Under no circumstances should you stir the fish soup during cooking; even when laying it out, you should not scoop the broth from the bottom. It is also not recommended to add oil or bouillon cubes to the soup - you will get a tasty and rich soup without outside help.

You should not deprive your fish soup of additional fat, so do not throw away fish heads and fins during cooking.


  • 5 liters of water
  • freshly caught fish
  • bulb
  • carrot
  • a couple of parsley roots
  • peppercorns
  • Bay leaf
  • millet or pearl barley - 3 tbsp.
  • 150 g vodka
  • 300-500 g potatoes
  • 4-5 pcs. small tomatoes
  • 0.5 lemon
  • 1 tbsp. butter or ghee

How to cook fish soup over a fire:

Ideally, freshly caught fish, any fish (except crucian carp and tench) are laid out in 2 piles, small ones for the fat (the more types of fish among the small things, the tastier it will be) and large ones (preferably not bony) for the second pile.

We gut the small ones, do not remove the scales, wash them and put them in a pot. We clean the large ones, gut them, cut off the heads, tails, fins, remove the ridges, and wash them. It is advisable to remove the gills (for perches it is necessary), they can give off bitterness, and the eyes can give off a fine cloudiness.

Place the heads with tails, fins, ridges and swim bladders into the pot with small pieces (it should be about a quarter or a third of the pot’s volume), pour in water, but not to the brim. We put a large onion in scales, a large carrot (score the onion and carrot with a knife not completely crosswise), a couple of parsley roots and put it on the fire, bring to a boil, cover with a lid and cook for about 40 minutes, or even an hour, the fish should be completely boiled.

Keep in mind that the soup should not boil violently, the boiling should be barely noticeable! The fish is boiled and falling apart - remove the cauldron from the heat and strain the fish soup through calico or 2-3 layers of gauze, if possible, squeeze out the minced meat that is inside and throw out the cooked fines. You can cook it all at once by wrapping it in gauze or calico and tying it, but it’s not aesthetically pleasing.

Bring the fish soup to a boil again (don’t let it boil violently!), add salt, add peppercorns. 8-10 and 3-4 large bay leaves, millet or pearl barley soaked about 3 tablespoons, and chopped potatoes about 300 g - half a kilo, then cook under the lid.

You don’t have to put in the cereal at all, you can also boil the potatoes separately and serve them hot to the table, as a bite, or everyone can crumble them into a bowl for themselves. The cereal is half-cooked - carefully place portioned pieces of fish into the fish soup and cook until cooked - about 15 minutes from the moment of boiling.

If the whole fish does not fit, we make another stash; if the fish soup has boiled over, add boiling water. A couple of minutes before it’s ready, test for salt, correct any mistakes, pour in 150 g of vodka, take a firebrand from the fire (not coniferous), shake off the ashes and simmer in the soup.

Remove the fish soup from the heat, if necessary, acidify it with the juice of half a large lemon or drop 4-5 cream-type tomatoes into the fish soup, cut into thin circles; however, cut lemons (slices) and tomatoes can be placed on the table on plates for individual consumption .

Sprinkle chopped dill or sprigs into your ear, add a level tablespoon of creamy or ghee, cover with a lid and let it brew for 10 minutes.

The fish soup cooked over the fire is ready. Bon appetit!

Almost no fishing trip is complete without this delicious dish like fish soup at the stake. It is impossible to imagine Russian national cuisine without this fish dish, which appeared in the 11th-12th centuries. The classic soup on the fire appeared only in the 15th year.

Cooks do not classify fish soup as a soup, because they have different cooking technologies. A dish with a smoky aroma cannot be compared with more than one fish soup from the kitchen stove.

The main secrets of cooking fish soup over a fire

Every self-respecting culinary fisherman should know these nuances of cooking fish soup over a fire:

  • The fire should be slightly burnt, but with a sufficient reserve of heat.
  • It is recommended to use water from a spring. They say that regular tap water will not produce such an “ideal” dish.
  • The most important ingredient in yushka is fish, and it is better to give preference to perch or ruff.
  • It is worth giving up tench and crucian carp, which will add to the first course bad smell and bitter taste. If there is only this fish, but it must be cleaned, rinsed thoroughly and soaked in a vinegar solution for an hour. Vinegar is taken in the proportion of 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. If vinegar is not available, use saline solution, in which the fish is left for 30 minutes.
  • To draw out all the unpleasant odors from the fish soup, you need to throw a coal from the fire into the almost finished dish. For this purpose would be better suited birch charcoal.
  • Many fishermen add a little alcohol to it before removing the cauldron from the fire. This allows you to raise the temperature of the dish, so fish bones soften and boil.
  • The more fish in the soup, the less seasonings and spices are added.
  • Before throwing the fish, it is worth considering that it tends to absorb some of the salt. Therefore, before serving a dish, you need to check it for salt.
  • For a rich taste of fish soup, it is advisable to use several types of fish. For greater fat content, it is better to choose carp, silver carp or catfish. The soup will come out lean when cooked with the addition of pike perch, bream or abalone.
  • If there is a lot of salt in the yushka, then you need to add water and wait until it boils.

Triple fish soup: fishermen's recipe

Before you cook fish soup over a fire, it is worth considering that a delicious fish soup over a fire is prepared in three stages. This fish soup recipe is very popular because the fish soup is cooked in a triple fish broth over an open fire.

  1. Before cooking fish soup over a fire, you need to sort the entire catch. Fish small size needed for fat, which is best obtained from perch, ruff or privet.
  2. After the water boils, small fish, previously gutted, washed, cleaned of scales and wrapped in double gauze, are lowered into the pot. This fish is cooked for half an hour over low heat.
  3. Then the container with the broth is removed from the heat and the fish in gauze is removed. The broth should settle for a little, after which it is filtered through gauze to remove the sediment and again sent to the fire.
  4. To make it work correct ear at the stake, you need to move step by step to large fish. The catch is cleaned, gutted, washed and cut into large pieces. Fish pieces and an onion cut into four parts, salt, peeled celery or parsley root and carrots cut into slices are dipped into the broth. If necessary, you can add boiling water.
  5. Cooking of large fish ends after 20 minutes, but you need to carefully monitor the temperature, because if it boils violently, the fish may fall apart. To prevent the fish from burning, you should avoid stirring the dish with a spoon. It’s better to turn the pot and shake it.
  6. Cooking fish soup over a fire does not take much time and after the fish is ready, it should be pulled out, put in a separate container and covered with a lid. The next portion of large fish is placed in the cauldron. Then black pepper, a couple of swim bladders and fat ribbons from the same fish are added to it.
  7. Fish soup in a cauldron over a fire should have a natural taste and smell of fish, so you should discard large quantities seasoning Various spices, bay leaves, parsley or dill are added to taste directly to the plate.
  8. After preparing the third portion of fish, the yushka is almost ready to serve.

Triple fish soup in a cauldron over a fire has a unique taste and amber color. It should consist of a large amount of fish, without seasonings and potatoes. The best spice is carrots and onion. But if you wish, you can add potatoes and seasonings. Some fishermen like to add a slice of lemon, sorrel or a slice of pickled cucumber to the fish soup recipe over the fire.

Now the question should not arise about how to cook fish soup over a fire, because the recipe for its preparation is practically unchanged, and the difference lies only in the additional ingredients. Fish soup can be carp with potatoes, pike with crayfish or crucian carp with nutmeg. It all depends on taste preferences. Bon appetit!

Video: Cooking fish soup over a fire

Step-by-step recipes for rich fish soup on the fire: classic, with vodka, various vegetables and cereals

2017-10-31 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

4 gr.

1 gr.


3 gr.

33 kcal.

Option 1: Classic fish soup on a fire with a firebrand

A traditional recipe for fish soup over a fire with a stunning smoky aroma. It is achieved by adding a burning firebrand to the pot. IN this recipe Perches are used, but you can also use any other types of river fish for fish soup. Additionally, the broth will require heads, tails and fins, which remain after cleaning and cutting.


  • 1 kg of heads and tails;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 700 g potatoes;
  • 1 kg of peeled and gutted perches;
  • 200 g onions (2 pcs.);
  • 200 g carrots (2 pcs.);
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • 2 laurels;
  • pepper and salt.

Step-by-step recipe for classic fish soup on the fire

Fill the pot with water and place it over the fire. Immediately add heads and other illiquid pieces. Throw in one carrot, cut into several pieces, add onion, bay leaves and pepper.

As soon as the heads with vegetables begin to boil, remove all the foam that forms. Otherwise the ear will be ugly. Cover the cauldron and lower the fire a little to reduce the boiling activity. Cook for about 40 minutes until the broth is rich.

Peel the remaining vegetables. Cut potatoes into quarters, onions into half rings, carrots into circles.

Using a slotted spoon, remove all the heads from the broth with the remaining parts of the fish; you can leave the vegetables. Throw in the potatoes, and after boiling, add the onions and carrots. Cook the fish soup over the fire for another fifteen minutes.

Rinse the cleaned perches. If the carcasses are large, then cut into several parts. Add to the pot, add salt, continue cooking.

As soon as the fish is ready, taste the fish soup for salt. Add a little more if desired. Wash a bunch of greens, tear them with your hands and throw them into the pot.

Immediately take a burning large firebrand from the fire, shake off excess ash so that it does not float in the soup, lower it into the cauldron, that is, extinguish it in it, and remove it after a few seconds. The smokey soup is ready!

At home, you can also prepare a dish with the aroma of a campfire. To do this, you need to set fire to wooden splinters, let them burn out a little, then throw them into the pan. In this case, you don’t need to take them out right away, let them float for about five minutes so that the pronounced aroma is transferred to the soup.

Option 2: Quick recipe for fish soup over the fire

An accelerated method of cooking fish soup over a fire. There is no need to prepare the broth in advance, take anything out, or transfer it. Everything is much simpler and faster, but good pieces of river fish are used right away, possibly with heads. Perch, bream, crucian carp, ruff and tench are suitable, in general, any prey.


  • 900 g fish;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 pepper (Bulgarian);
  • 1 carrot;
  • 4 peppercorns;
  • laurel, salt and herbs.

How to quickly cook fish soup over a fire

Pour about three liters of water into the pot and bring to a boil over the fire. Add quartered potatoes and boil for about five minutes.

Peel the onions and carrots, chop them into arbitrary pieces, but not finely. Add to the potatoes and cook together for about ten minutes.

Wash, clean and gut the fish. Small carcasses can be thrown in whole, large ones can be cut in half. Add the fish to the pot and immediately add salt. Bring the soup to a boil.

Lightly rake the fire to reduce the intensity of the boiling. Add chopped pepper. Boil the fish soup for about a quarter of an hour; the fish should be cooked.

Chop the greens, prepare the laurel, crush a few peppercorns and throw it all into the prepared fish soup. You can put out a firebrand in it, as in the previous recipe.

If the fish is small, then it has very soft and tender meat, so the cooking time needs to be reduced slightly. If they are used big pieces from large carcasses, you can boil them a little longer.

Option 3: Fish soup on the fire with millet and vodka

Vodka is often added to fish soup. There is no need to be afraid of this. Alcohol quickly evaporates, but with it the smell of mud, which is often present in river fish. Additionally you will need millet. It gives the dish satiety and its own taste; it is one of the most grains used in soup.


  • 6 potatoes;
  • 1.5 kg of river fish;
  • 50 g vodka;
  • 0.5 tbsp. millet;
  • 2 onions;
  • carrot;
  • herbs, spices to your taste.

How to cook

Immediately pour water over the sorted millet to remove the bitterness. Clean and gut all fish. Cut off the heads and tails and throw them into the pot. Pour in about three liters of water. We send it to the fire. When boiling, remove the foam and throw in the onion. Cook the broth for about half an hour.

Peel the carrots and remaining onions, do the same with the potatoes. We cut it into fairly large pieces, and the rest of the vegetables a little smaller.

Remove the boiled heads with tails and the onion that was added from the pot. Add potatoes, salt and cook for about ten minutes.

Add the remaining vegetables, cook for a few minutes and add the prepared cleaned fish. Let's boil. A little foam forms on top, you need to catch it.

After another couple of minutes, add the millet. Since it was soaked, it won't take much time. Cook the soup over the fire until done.

Pour vodka at the end, throw in herbs and laurel, pepper. Stir the soup and remove from the fire.

Fish soup with rice is prepared in the same way. Very popular addition pearl barley, but there are many nuances here. It needs to be soaked in advance for several hours or boiled at home and taken with you into nature at almost any time. finished form. Otherwise, cooking the pearl barley will take several hours.

Option 4: Red fish soup on the fire

A great recipe for fish soup over a fire, which turns out incredibly aromatic and tasty. The soup can be cooked in water, but it is better to use fish broth. In this case, the soup will be very rich and aromatic. For the broth we take small river fish or heads.


  • 500 g red fish;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 laurels;
  • 800 g fish for broth;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • greenery.

Step by step recipe

Place the washed and cleaned river fish into the pot. Pour in water so that it covers the filling well, throw in the onion, bay leaves and prepare the usual broth. Finally, use a slotted spoon to remove everything from the pot.

Cut the peeled potatoes into pieces, place them in boiling broth, and after about five minutes add the chopped carrots and onions that are left. Add salt to the fish soup and cook until the potatoes are almost done.

Any red fish will do for fish soup; you can take salmon or pink salmon at your discretion. Cut into neat, but not small pieces. You can immediately make the number of servings so that everyone can catch it on a plate.

Place the fish in the pot with the vegetables and bring to a boil. Cook the fish soup for another eight minutes, this is enough for the red fish.

Chop the greens and add to the pot. Taste for salt, add a little pepper if desired, and dip the burning firebrand.

You can cook fish for broth in a gauze bag. To do this, all the pieces are laid on the fabric and tied in a knot, but not tightly. This method is good because you won’t need to catch fish and fallen pieces in the hot mass; the broth will turn out more beautiful.

Option 5: Summer fish soup with tomatoes and eggplants

An option that is bright, fragrant and truly summer fish soup at the stake. The dish is prepared quickly and simply; there is no need to pre-cook the broth; good pieces of fish are used immediately. You can take large crucian carp, bream, perch, catfish, tench, etc.


  • 800 g fish;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 3 eggplants;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 2 peppers;
  • bulb;
  • spices, herbs to taste.

How to cook

Chop the potatoes. Boil 2.7 liters of water in a kettle. Add the vegetable and simmer for five minutes.

Chop the onion and carrots and add to the potatoes. While they are boiling, cut the eggplants into large pieces, sprinkle with salt, and set aside. Chop the pepper into arbitrary pieces, you can use strips or strips. Cut the tomatoes into four parts.

Wash the fish. As soon as the potatoes have boiled for 10-12 minutes, add them to the pot, add some salt, but only a little. Boil for a few minutes.

Rinse the eggplants and throw them in the ear along with the pepper. Cook for another five minutes, then add the tomatoes.

Stir vegetables and fish, bring to a boil, taste for salt. Rake the wood under the pot to the sides, reducing the intensity of the boil, and simmer over low heat for about five minutes.

Add greens, bay leaves and other spices to your ear to your taste.

In addition to these vegetables, you can add any other types to your fish soup at your discretion, for example, replace potatoes with zucchini or pumpkin. Sometimes eggplants are fried on skewers before being added to the cauldron. This technique will enhance the aroma of the fire.

  • Catfish (or other fish that caught your bait) the bigger the better
  • Potatoes 4-5 pcs.
  • Onion 1 piece (large)
  • Carrots 1 piece (large)
  • Ground pepper mixture
  • Vodka (1 glass)
  • Smoldering log from the fire
  • Greenery

Cooking method:

Place a cauldron of water on the fire and bring to a boil. Carefully add pre-peeled, washed and diced potatoes, bay leaves and onions.

The onion can be peeled or cooked directly in the peel (in this case, wash the onion even more thoroughly). You can cut it, if you like onions, or whole, then it is easier to catch it from the cauldron. Experienced fishermen cook it whole and unpeeled. After a heated argument, I insisted that we would clean it after all.

When the potatoes are almost ready, add salt. Wash the carrots well, peel and cut into half rings. Add to the ear and cook for 10-15 minutes.

Wash the fish well and clean it thoroughly. It is enough to gut the catfish and cut it into large pieces. We wash the fish pieces well again and place them in the cauldron. Don't get rid of your head. If you don’t like to eat it, just remove it from the cauldron after cooking. It is the head that contains all those necessary elements, which make the soup rich.

Bring the broth to a boil and immediately remove some of the wood from under the cauldron. The broth should not boil too much if you want to get a clear broth. Now you need to remove the resulting foam and cook over very low heat for another 10 minutes.

The next stage of preparation made me laugh to tears when our male fishermen, with a very important and concentrated look, began to create magic: they measured and added a glass (50 grams) of vodka to the cauldron and, with a solemn look, lowered a smoldering log from the fire into the cauldron.

Actually, what is needed is not just any burning stick, but a small piece of wood that was specially prepared. To do this, even before starting cooking, they put a medium-sized log into the fire, which burned on one side. One part of it was charred and smoldering, and the second part remained such that it could be easily picked up. We lower the smoldering part into the cauldron, of course.

After these magical procedures, add a mixture of peppers and remove the cauldron from the fire. Add fresh herbs and layer under the lid for 10-15 minutes.

Well, what do I want to say? I don’t know what played a role, nature, a fire, the first catfish caught, or fishing secrets…. But the fish soup in a cauldron over the fire exceeded all expectations. You just have to try it.

Happy fishing!

Many people know how to cook fish soup over a fire. But not everyone knows how to cook the most delicious fish soup. Several recipes and useful tips will allow you to achieve success in this matter. Don't expect to cook this first course - once, twice, and you're done. If you need something quick, buy yourself a bag of soup. instant cooking and try to be healthy after this!

We will cook real fish soup, according to all the rules, and it, like fishing, does not tolerate fuss. But first, general secrets for all recipes.

Six secrets of delicious fish soup

  1. The first secret before cooking fish soup over a fire is the fire itself, which is already slightly burnt out, but has a sufficient reserve of heat. A soup with “smokiness”, even from the simplest fish, cannot be compared with any other prepared in the kitchen.
  2. The second secret is water. The most delicious fish soup is made with spring water.
  3. The third secret is fish. The best ones are ruff and perch. Unlucky option - crucian carp and tench, this fish will give an unpleasant bitter taste and the smell of mud. If there is no other fish other than crucian carp and tench, then it must be thoroughly cleaned, washed and soaked for an hour in a vinegar solution (2 tablespoons per liter of water). If there is no vinegar, then in a salt solution for half an hour.
  4. The fourth secret is a coal from a fire (preferably birch). If you put such a coal into an almost finished dish, it will draw out all the unpleasant odors.
  5. The fifth secret is alcohol. At the end of cooking, some fishermen add vodka to the fish soup, but it is preferable to add alcohol. When it dissolves, a short-term increase in the temperature of the dish occurs, which contributes to the boiling and softening of fish bones.
  6. How more fish- the less spice!

Triple fisherman's soup - the simplest but most delicious recipe

This recipe received this name due to the fact that it is cooked in triple fish broth over an open fire, and not like borscht - on the stove. To do this, the catch is sorted.

  • Small fish are used for fat. A particularly tasty broth is obtained from ruffs, privets and perch. After the water boils in the pot, put small fish wrapped in double gauze into it. Before this, it must be gutted and washed thoroughly. It is not necessary to remove scales.
  • Cook small fish over low heat for 30-40 minutes. After which the pot is removed from the heat, the gauze with the fish is removed and the broth is allowed to settle. Carefully drain off the sediment, strain through cheesecloth and place again over the fire.
  • Now it's time for the big fish. Large fish are cleaned, gutted, washed thoroughly and cut into large pieces. Place pieces of fish into the broth.
  • At the same time as the large fish, add a large onion, cut into 4 pieces, sliced ​​carrots, peeled parsley or celery root (optional), and salt.
  • If necessary, you can add boiling water.
  • Cook large fish over low heat for about 20-2 minutes. You need to make sure that the boiling is not violent and the fish does not fall apart.
  • You should also not stir the dish with a spoon, so that the fish does not burn; you need to shake and turn the pot from time to time.
  • After the fish is ready, take it out into a separate bowl and cover it with a lid to keep it warm, and put a third portion of large fish into the pot. With it - a little black pepper, a few swim bladders large fish, some ribbons of fat extracted from the offal.
  • The fish soup should have the aroma and taste of natural fish, so you shouldn’t get carried away with spices. Everyone can put dill, bay leaf and other seasonings on their plate if desired.
  • After the third portion of fish is finally ready, the fish soup is ready.
  • Triple fisherman's soup It has amber and unsurpassed aroma. It has a lot of fish, no potatoes and an abundance of seasonings. The best seasonings for it are onions and carrots.
  • Ready fish soup You can flavor it with a slice of pickled cucumber, a slice of lemon or a couple of sorrel leaves.
  • Bon appetit!

Bishop's ear or (from rooster) - a unique old recipe

Let's look in detail at how to cook bishop's fish soup over a fire, because for this you need to make special efforts and put all your skill and diligence into its preparation. But in the end you will get the kind of multi-course culinary masterpiece that you can only dream of. Your friends will be amazed!

The name itself says a lot. This is not a simple fish soup, this is a haute cuisine dish! Many restaurants will proudly offer various variations of it. Here you can have fish soup royal-style and monastic-style, with champignons, caviar, and champagne.

  • For the bishop's you need to cook a real hearty transparent chicken bouillon, how to cook according to all the rules. And not from a broiler, but from a good domestic chicken, or even better - from a rooster.
  • Remove the chicken meat, add potatoes, onions and roots to the broth simmering over low heat, and bring until half cooked.
  • After which it’s the turn of sturgeon. Add as much sturgeon as will fit. When the sturgeon is cooked until half cooked, remove half of it and bake in the oven with vegetables for the second course.
  • Before the end of cooking, a glass of good dry white wine is poured into the dish. But if there is no wine. then a couple of glasses of vodka won’t hurt for refueling. The alcohol will dissolve the fat and the broth will become clearer.
  • Some chefs use whipped cream to clarify chicken protein, but tasters and connoisseurs of this dish claim that the egg spoils the taste and loses the aroma.
  • Bishop's fish soup is poured into transparent plates. Greens are served separately.
  • A truly Russian dish - it will not only satisfy you, but also provide aesthetic pleasure.

And this video recipe is just a mind blower!

Eh, let's feast!!! After all, now we are masters and know how to cook the most delicious fish soup over a fire.



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