Bad smell from the navel causes in women. Causes of discharge in women with an unpleasant odor from the navel

The navel is just a scar left after cutting the tube that connects the baby and the mother's body during pregnancy. Therefore, the discharge of fluid from the navel cannot be the norm. If such a problem occurs, appropriate measures should be taken as soon as possible, because this symptom may indicate a whole range of dangerous diseases.


Various debris and dirt easily enters the umbilical cavity. Dead cells and sweat accumulate there. In such an environment, bacteria multiply rapidly. Microorganisms cause itching and the appearance of a liquid discharge with a repulsive odor. For treatment, anti-inflammatory ointment antiseptics are used. As a preventive measure, during daily water procedures, attention should also be paid to the navel.


The occurrence of a focus of infection in the umbilical zone. It is caused by staphylococci and Escherichia coli. The easiest way for pathogens to get there is through wounds. For example, after a puncture. Omphalitis is of three types: catarrhal, phlegmonous and necrotic. Patients have a fever. The inflamed skin turns red and swells, begins to itch. There is a liquid from the navel with an unpleasant odor and an admixture of blood and pus. It is possible to spread the infection to the vessels, blood, liver and intestines. At the initial stage of the disease, the affected surface is treated with antiseptic solutions and cauterized with alcohol, iodine or brilliant green. In difficult cases, a tube is inserted to drain the pus and antibiotics are prescribed.

Urachus cyst

Formation of a cystic cavity with mucous secretion in the urinary duct. The pathology is usually congenital, but with a small size, the neoplasm goes unnoticed until adulthood. If the capsule with the contents becomes infected, it increases to several centimeters in diameter. begins to put pressure on neighboring organs, disrupting the process of urination, causing constipation and flatulence. If a rupture occurs, pus is released from the navel. The skin is constantly wet and irritated. Treatment involves drainage of fluids and excision of the capsule. A course of antibiotics and physiotherapy are also prescribed.

umbilical fistula

Channel between the bladder or small intestine and the wall of the abdomen. The pathology is usually congenital, but may also appear at a later age due to inflammation or as a result of operations. There are several types of the disease with specific symptoms:

In case of incomplete fistulas, antiseptic treatment is carried out and ointment bandages are applied. Complete fistulas are sutured.

navel endometriosis

The endometrium is the inner layer of the uterus. Its cells can enter the peritoneum with lymph flow or during gynecological operations. It is the endometrium that bleeds during menstruation, therefore, on the days of menstruation, bloody discharge from the navel appears, which acquires a bluish tint. There are also pains associated with the menstrual cycle. When an infection joins, pus appears. The problem is solved by surgery.

Malignant tumors

Formed directly in the umbilical cavity or spread to it from the organs of the peritoneum. They look like seals, growths or ulcers. The skin around is dark and flaky. There is blood and an incomprehensible fluid. Tumors are removed surgically and chemotherapy is used. In the case of metastases in the navel, only symptomatic treatment is used.

If fluid comes out from the navel, this is a serious symptom. Do not think that since this is not a vital organ, then there is nothing to worry about. Inflammatory processes threaten blood poisoning, and there is no need to talk about the danger of oncology, which can occur anywhere. In the presence of discharge from the umbilical fossa, they turn to the surgeon.

Every person has a navel - this is a memory of our intrauterine development, a scar at the site of attachment to the mother's body.

Since the umbilical cord heals in infancy, little attention is paid to the condition of this area in the future. When adults have an unpleasant and liquid is released, they wonder how it can be? After all, the navel has long been overgrown.

Such symptoms indicate unpleasant conditions or the onset of inflammatory diseases that need to be treated.

Causes of irritation of the umbilical region

The reasons why adults have discharge from the navel with an unpleasant odor are enough:

  1. Neglect of hygiene procedures. The natural cavity on the abdomen is filled with debris, dust, particles of clothing fibers, in addition, the skin sweats. Ideal conditions are created for awakening the activity of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that are constantly present on human skin. First, periodic itching appears, then the skin becomes inflamed, the formation of an umbilical wound begins when combing. A secondary infection joins, and a purulent-inflammatory process has to be treated;
  2. Secondary infection is the introduction of anaerobic bacteria or fungal flora into the wound. In this case, a purulent or serous fluid is already released, which has a very unpleasant odor;
  3. It provokes inflammation of the navel, the formation of a cyst of the bladder. It presses from the inside, irritates the nerve endings. Constant soreness leads to inflammation, and then - due to external influences - to suppuration. When a cyst appears, the general condition worsens, with an exacerbation of the process, a temperature appears, cystitis or even pyelonephritis begins - if pathogens, due to impaired bladder emptying, rise through the ureters to the kidneys and pelvis;
  4. When the umbilical region is irritated, Candida is activated - a conditionally pathogenic organism, a fungus. With mycosis, lumps appear that are similar in consistency to sour milk. The disease smells accordingly - sour milk;
  5. Trauma and secondary infection.

This phenomenon is especially common among young people. In the desire to be beautiful, the navel is pierced and an ornament is inserted into it. In cases where asepsis was not observed during the procedure, or dirt got into the open wound, an acute purulent inflammatory process begins. Also, piercing can provoke the formation of an umbilical fistula. So that it does not arise, after laying it is necessary to do dressings - after all, this procedure is also an operation, albeit a cosmetic one.

If treatment is not started on time, then an attempt to decorate oneself can end in sepsis - blood poisoning.

Diseases of the navel and treatment

If the navel hurts in an adult and purulent fluid is released, but no internal organic changes are detected during an ultrasound examination, regardless of the etiology of the disease, the diagnosis is omphalitis.

Only with the help of soap and water, the disease at this stage cannot be eliminated, it is necessary to apply a therapeutic regimen, as in any purulent processes.

Itchy swollen skin is treated with antiseptics, cauterized with a solution of iodine or brilliant green. If the inflammation has already penetrated deep into the tissue and pus accumulates under the skin, it may be necessary to use compresses with Vishnevsky or Ichthyol ointment. Cauterize the wound with silver nitrate or hydrogen peroxide.

When the inflammatory process cannot be stopped and there is a suspicion that pus begins to penetrate into the body - the temperature rises, the inguinal nodes increase - one has to resort to surgical intervention.

First, the wound is probed and cleaned of pus, then dressings are made using antiseptics. Synthomycin emulsion effectively helps to eliminate omphalitis, "Polymyxin-m sulfa", "Bactroban" in the form of a cream or ointment.

If the question “Why is fluid coming out of the navel and strange white lumps appearing?” the answer is a fungal infection, then eliminating such a condition is quite simple.

The abdomen should be washed regularly, and the navel should be smeared with an antifungal agent. Candidiasis is relieved: "Nystatin" ointment and any remedy with local clotrimazole.

In people with a reduced immune status, candidiasis can be local in nature - spread deep into the body, affecting internal organs - in particular, the intestines. In this case, oral antifungal agents are used.

The treatment of local candidiasis - a rather dangerous disease - should be dealt with by a doctor.

Another nuisance - a weeping navel, also appears due to the activity of the fungal flora. Dermatomycosis at the stage of discharge of fluid from the navel and the appearance of serous crusts - before the onset of the inflammatory process - is quite easy to eliminate.

Increased attention to personal hygiene, treatment with antiseptics, the use of powder so that the skin does not get wet.

If the integrity of the skin is violated, pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate into the adipose tissue around the umbilical region:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • intestinal and Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • other types of pathogenic microflora.

They enter the adipose tissue, which is necessarily present on the abdomen, after injuries, injections, by the lymph or hematogenous route, and cause the development of phlegmon, a very dangerous purulent-inflammatory process. A healthy body seeks to limit inflammation of adipose tissue with a shell - to encapsulate. If this happens, then the disease is limited to the formation of a carbuncle or abscess, but sometimes pus dissolves the membrane and the process progresses, covering the surrounding tissues.

Not the only symptom of phlegmon is the release of fluid from the navel in an adult, if the inflammation reaches this stage, then not only the navel hurts, sometimes pain is felt when moving, it is given to the back. The temperature rises, the vessels located in the upper layers of the skin undergo pathological changes. The process is dangerous and requires urgent surgical treatment.

In most cases, a fistula is a congenital pathology. In the upper layer of the skin, an uncovered duct remains, connecting to the ureter or intestines. Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene leads to the fact that debris, desquamated epithelial cells and sebaceous secretions accumulate in the umbilical cavity, as a result of which the fistula becomes inflamed when pus is released. An umbilical fistula can appear after injuries and piercings.

Treatment in an adult with the release of fluid from the navel, if the main cause is a fistula, is the same as for other purulent-inflammatory processes: antiseptic treatment and antibiotic ointments. When the condition worsens, they resort to the help of a surgeon.

Discharge from the navel indicates a health condition that may require your attention. It is more common in children, especially newborns, but it also occurs in adults.

Fungal infection - purulent discharge

brown discharge

One of the most common causes of belly button discharge is fungal infections. This is exacerbated by the fact that "the navel is a dark, damp, warm place, an ideal breeding ground for fungus" especially candida albicans.

When a yeast infection appears in the belly button, it causes swelling and yellow, white or dark discharge - pus. Other common symptoms include itching, soreness, and irritation. Redness, bleeding occurs due to scratches, and can provoke a bacterial infection.

The use of steroids, some anti-cancer drugs, HIV infection, obesity, the use of antibiotics, birth control pills, tight sportswear and pregnancy are known to contribute to the development of a yeast infection not only on the navel, but also on other parts of the body,


Antifungal medications, especially creams and powders, are often used to treat a yeast infection. In addition, personal hygiene of the navel should be observed and thoroughly dried after showering, avoid tight clothing, reduce the use of antibiotics, eat live yoghurts and reduce the consumption of alcohol and sugar.

Bacteria - yellowish or greenish discharge with an unpleasant odor

Bacteria, like fungus, love damp, dark, and warm places. The condition is exacerbated when sweat and skin particles clog the navel, especially with a pitted navel and/or poor hygiene.

The presence of bacteria in the belly button leads to a purulent greenish, brown or yellowish discharge. They can join after surgery or due to scratching due to a fungal infection, as the wounds open the way for bacteria.

To treat bacterial infections, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics—topical, oral, intramuscular, or intravenous. In addition, you need to carefully observe hygiene - use antibacterial soap for the navel, disinfectants, avoid touching it with dirty hands, and so on.

This is a bacterial infection of the umbilical cord that usually affects newborns. It is caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Streptococcus, leading to cellulitis (inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue) or skin infection that is accompanied by redness, swelling, localized fever, and pain.

Other symptoms include "pus discharge from the umbilicus, fever, increased heart rate (tachycardia), low blood pressure (hypotension), drowsiness, poor appetite, and jaundice."

After operation

Some people experience discharge from the navel after surgery, especially after a tummy tuck, tubal ligation, or surgery on any of the abdominal organs where laparoscopic surgery is used. This is not due to the procedure itself, but to the subsequent addition of infection.

Immediately after the operation and up to three weeks, odorless discharge is usually possible, which is normal. There may also be slight crusting. However, if you have symptoms such as increased pain, redness, swelling, chills, or fever, contact your surgeon immediately.

Infected stitches

In some cases, discharge from the navel will be due to inflammation of the stitches, especially if it lasts longer than two to three weeks, which is the normal healing time. According to Francisco Canales, MD, Santa Rosa Plastic Surgery Center, "Depending on the type of suture chosen, infection and discharge may result."

If they have an unpleasant odor, this is a likely sign of deep stitch infection. Using hydrogen peroxide will help kill bacteria but slow healing, use antibacterial soap and water.

If there is no improvement, ask your surgeon to remove the saved suture. He may also recommend certain medications, such as antibiotics.


If you have intermittent, severe, severe or chronic discharge after a tummy tuck, cysts on your navel may be the cause. "Intermittent and chronic drainage from the umbilical region after a facelift indicates the presence of a cyst associated with the umbilical ring" according to Barry L. Eppley, MD, Indianapolis Plastic Surgery Center.

Pinched skin and hair can also cause a cyst, so there will be discharge.

Infections after surgery

After a surgical procedure, such as tubal ligation, patients may have a viscous, white discharge with a bad smell. Often accompanied by swelling, redness, and abdominal pain. These are all signs of infection after surgery.

Urachus anomalies

The urachus is the remaining tubular communication channel that exists in embryogenesis (embryo formation and early development). It connects the bladder to the navel. However, after the 12th week of pregnancy, the urachus normally closes and smooths out. Sometimes it remains after birth, presenting four problems:

Urachal cysts

They form when the urachus does not completely disappear, but there is no connection between the umbilical and bladder. This gives the cyst a chance to develop. It is often asymptomatic, but if an infection occurs, it can "cause abdominal pain or lead to cloudy or bloody discharge."

Urachal sinus

Occurs when the urachus does not heal, leaving a cavity near the navel known as the sinus. May show no symptoms or cause abdominal pain and discharge, especially if an infection occurs.

bladder diverticulum
When the urinary duct does not fuse, a channel forms near the bladder, which ends in a diverticulum. May pass without symptoms or cause urinary tract infections.

The above urachus anomalies are not very common, i.e. "rarely seen in adults because the urachus usually flattens out in early infancy".


Chemical cauterization, drainage, and surgery (where surgeons may opt for laparoscopic removal) are usually the main ways to deal with this problem. The exact procedure will depend on the specific condition.

If the skin infection occurs due to any of the urachus abnormalities, fever and redness may be present, and antibiotic treatment and hospitalization may be required.


Diabetics may suffer from "a foul-smelling, curd-like discharge." You need to control diabetes to be able to cope with this problem.

Other reasons

Other common causes are an infection of the navel, obesity, or an internal abscess. Less often, sebaceous cysts and polyps on the navel.

White, yellow or brown discharge with a bad smell

In this case, the cause is mainly infection. There may be infected stitches, post-surgery infections, an internal abscess, or problems with the urachus.

If the discharge is white, yellow, or brown, smells bad, and is accompanied by itching, pain, redness, and blisters, then the infection is most likely caused by a fungus or bacteria.

Discharge and abdominal pain

The presence of pain and discharge from the navel may be due to problems with abdominal surgery, a lift, or abnormal development of the urachus, especially bladder cysts. Mild pain can also be caused by a fungal or bacterial infection.


Bladder cysts are likely causes, and this can lead to spotting. Bleeding can also be caused by scratching due to a yeast or bacterial infection. Injuries can also cause bleeding and purulent discharge.

If there is a lot of secret, consider seeing a doctor.

In children and infants

Discharge in newborns and children can be caused by a number of reasons, including the addition of bacteria or fungus, as well as general urinary disorders, namely "in newborns and infants, constant wetness of the umbilical cord may be a sign of a problem with the urachus."

If the newborn's belly button has been recently circumcised, a small amount of discharge and crusting is part of the healing process and should not be a concern.

In women and men

With the exception of pregnancy, which only increases the risk of a yeast infection, there are no gender-specific causes of discharge. Most of them can lead to secretion from the navel, in both women and men.

Transparent highlights

This is a normal belly button healing process after surgery, piercing or injury. But in addition, the presence of such an anomaly of development as patent urachus can lead to the fact that urine will ooze through the navel.

During pregnancy

Most women complain of discharge from the navel during pregnancy. The presence of asymptomatic urinary disorders can become apparent during pregnancy, and pregnancy, in turn, can increase the chances of having a yeast infection, which causes discharge.

Answering the question: “Does the discharge of fluid from the navel mean that something is wrong with the pregnancy or the baby? , OB/GYN doctor Jeff Livingston said there is no direct link between pregnancy and the problem.

What to do?

The presence of a bad smell and discharge from the navel often pushes many people to try almost everything to get rid of this problem.

The body of a healthy person does not emit any sharp and unpleasant odors. The only exception is sweat. Its release is not a pathology, but evidence of normal thermoregulation of the body. Sweating does not need treatment, but every adult has to mask and prevent its appearance with the help of deodorants and antiperspirants.

An unpleasant smell from the navel should alarm and encourage you to visit a doctor. In women, the reasons for such a strange manifestation can be many. By the way, any changes in this part of the body often signal the development of serious diseases.

Main reasons

The scar that forms at the site of the umbilical cord must remain dry throughout subsequent life. Among the reasons for the smell from the navel in a woman, it is worth noting inflammation or the presence of anomalies in the urogenital area - these problems are most often diagnosed in the fair sex. By itself, the scar in the central part of the abdomen, as a rule, does not emit any odor. Regardless of the cause, the smell from the navel in a woman occurs due to discharge.

The fetid liquid from the scar is quite common in medical practice. The following factors can cause an unpleasant odor and discharge from the navel in women:

  1. Poor-quality or irregular care of the body and the umbilical zone in particular.
  2. Bacterial or fungal infection.
  3. Urinary system disorders.
  4. Inflammation due to chronic diseases.

Before proceeding with treatment, the doctor must understand the reasons why the navel smells unpleasant. Despite the fact that this symptom brings a lot of discomfort, you should not try to get rid of this symptom yourself. Be sure to consult a qualified professional.

Poor hygiene

First of all, the doctor should pay attention to the anatomical features of your navel. In some women, the scar is too narrow or deeply retracted. Such a structure is most favorable for the accumulation of sebum and dead cells, and hence for the reproduction of bacterial microflora. So, for example, if dust, clothing particles, debris, sand get into the area of ​​​​the retracted scar, tissue injury and infection is likely. At first, there may not be any smell from the navel. Most likely, itching will be felt, and if the scar is not treated in a timely manner and foreign bodies are not removed, the processes of decay will begin, which will become the very cause of an unpleasant smell from the navel in a woman.

Infections and inflammation

If foul-smelling discharge becomes purulent and other symptoms appear (fever, swelling, hyperemia of the navel and paraumbilical region), the doctor has the right to suspect omphalitis. This is one of the most common bacterial diseases caused by anaerobic microorganisms. The stinking pus that stands out with omphalitis has a yellowish tint, but as the disease progresses, the liquid may turn brown and acquire a thicker consistency.

Another potential cause of the smell from the navel in a woman lies in the defeat of a fungal infection. Usually the scar is very itchy, burns, the skin is flaky or wet (depending on the type of pathogen).

Among the representatives of the fungal microflora, Candida is most common. This microbe prefers to live in the navel even in a healthy person, without interfering with normal well-being. Problems begin when candida actively multiplies. This happens in two cases - against the background of weakened immunity and in the presence of constant moisture in the scar zone. A characteristic feature of candidiasis is curdled discharge with a sour milky aroma.

Pathologies of the genitourinary system

Diseases of the urinary tract and genital organs, as well as anomalies in their development, can provoke the occurrence of unpleasantly smelling discharge from the umbilical region. In women, the cause of the smell from the navel is most likely to be:

  • Bladder cyst. This pathology is manifested by the occurrence of pain in the abdomen, persistent subfebrile condition.
  • Endometriosis. A very common disease in women of young and mature age, which is characterized by the growth of the uterine mucosa and its penetration into the peritoneum. Pathology can be cured only by surgery.
  • Abnormal structure of the urinary ducts. Between the navel and the bladder, each person has a kind of connecting tube - the urachus. Normally, after birth, this duct closes, but sometimes, for reasons that we will not understand, this does not happen. As a result, a cyst or fistula of the urachus develops, problems with urination are possible, and mucus and an unpleasant smell from the navel appear. In childhood, pathology may not manifest itself in any way, this really happens, but sooner or later it is detected with age. The anomaly can be cured only by surgery.

What else can cause discharge

It is impossible to remain silent about other possible causes of the smell from the navel in a woman. Treatment of the problem directly depends on the provoking factor. Inflammation of the umbilical region and the release of purulent fluid can lead to:

  • Postoperative complications. Most often, the navel becomes inflamed after gynecological procedures for female sterilization (tubal ligation).
  • Diabetes. This chronic disease is often accompanied by candidiasis. Discharge of a nauseating sour smell from the navel is not uncommon in women with this diagnosis.

  • benign tumors. These include wen and atheromas, which do not have a direct effect on the scar, but when an infection or minor injury is introduced, they provoke the development of a painful inflammatory process.
  • Excess weight. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, sweating is not a disease. But overweight people are prone to increased sweating, which makes their body constantly wet, which means that it creates all the conditions for the rapid multiplication of bacteria on the body, especially in the skin folds and navel.

Belly button in pregnant women

Discomfort and an unpleasant smell from the umbilical cavity sometimes worries women who are expecting an addition to the family. With an increase in the volume of the abdomen, the expectant mother may notice that the skin around the scar is constantly wet. The cause of this phenomenon, most likely, is a slight inflammation due to a change in tissue stretching.

Consequences of piercing

Often fashionistas who decide to get pierced turn to the doctor with such a symptom as discharge from the umbilical zone. If the puncture was made without the use of antiseptics and hygiene rules, the consequences can be unpredictable: from severe inflammation to bleeding and blood poisoning.

Treatment options

Let's dwell on how to get rid of the smell from the navel. Any of the diagnosed diseases and pathological conditions requires appropriate treatment. For example:

  1. An umbilical fistula or cyst is a direct indication for surgical intervention. Otherwise, serious complications are possible.
  2. With omphalitis and other inflammations of an infectious nature, doctors resort to conservative therapeutic methods. The basic principles of treatment for this disease are the regular treatment of the umbilical scar with antiseptic and antibacterial drugs, maintaining dryness and cleanliness of the body.
  3. If discharge from the navel is a consequence of pathological processes caused by diabetes, a woman needs to undergo a treatment course to reduce the percentage of sugar in the blood.

Preventive treatment of the scar

In diseases of the urogenital area, which provoked the smell from the navel, they are primarily treated. In all other cases, you can get rid of such an unpleasant manifestation by washing the scar daily with a soft washcloth and soap, and after water procedures, by disinfecting with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin. It is important for a woman, especially overweight, to prevent the formation of mud plugs in the navel.

Every person has a navel - this is a memory of our intrauterine development, a scar at the site of attachment to the mother's body.

Since the umbilical cord heals in infancy, little attention is paid to the condition of this area in the future. When adults have an unpleasant smell from the navel and fluid is released, they wonder how this can be? After all, the navel has long been overgrown.

Such symptoms indicate unpleasant conditions or the onset of inflammatory diseases that need to be treated.

  1. Neglect of hygiene procedures. The natural cavity on the abdomen is filled with debris, dust, particles of clothing fibers, in addition, the skin sweats. Ideal conditions are created for awakening the activity of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that are constantly present on human skin. First, periodic itching appears, then the skin becomes inflamed, the formation of an umbilical wound begins when combing. A secondary infection joins, and a purulent-inflammatory process has to be treated;

  2. Secondary infection is the introduction of anaerobic bacteria or fungal flora into the wound. In this case, a purulent or serous fluid is already released, which has a very unpleasant odor;

  3. It provokes inflammation of the navel, the formation of a cyst of the bladder. It presses from the inside, irritates the nerve endings. Constant soreness leads to inflammation, and then - due to external influences - to suppuration. When a cyst appears, the general condition worsens, with an exacerbation of the process, a temperature appears, cystitis or even pyelonephritis begins - if pathogens, due to impaired bladder emptying, rise through the ureters to the kidneys and pelvis;

  4. When the umbilical region is irritated, Candida is activated - a conditionally pathogenic organism, a fungus. With mycosis, lumps appear that are similar in consistency to sour milk. The disease smells accordingly - sour milk;

  5. Trauma and secondary infection.

This phenomenon is especially common among young people. In the desire to be beautiful, the navel is pierced and an ornament is inserted into it. In cases where asepsis was not observed during the procedure, or dirt got into the open wound, an acute purulent inflammatory process begins. Also, piercing can provoke the formation of an umbilical fistula. So that it does not arise, after laying it is necessary to do dressings - after all, this procedure is also an operation, albeit a cosmetic one.

If treatment is not started on time, then an attempt to decorate oneself can end in sepsis - blood poisoning.

If the navel hurts in an adult and purulent fluid is released, but no internal organic changes are detected during an ultrasound examination, regardless of the etiology of the disease, the diagnosis is omphalitis.

Only with the help of soap and water, the disease at this stage cannot be eliminated, it is necessary to apply a therapeutic regimen, as in any purulent processes.

Itchy swollen skin is treated with antiseptics, cauterized with a solution of iodine or brilliant green. If the inflammation has already penetrated deep into the tissue and pus accumulates under the skin, it may be necessary to use compresses with Vishnevsky or Ichthyol ointment. Cauterize the wound with silver nitrate or hydrogen peroxide.

When the inflammatory process cannot be stopped and there is a suspicion that pus begins to penetrate into the body - the temperature rises, the inguinal nodes increase - one has to resort to surgical intervention.

First, the wound is probed and cleaned of pus, then dressings are made using antiseptics. Synthomycin emulsion, "Polymyxin-m sulfa", "Bactroban" in the form of a cream or ointment effectively help to eliminate omphalitis.

If the question “Why is fluid coming out of the navel and strange white lumps appearing?” the answer is a fungal infection, then eliminating such a condition is quite simple.

The abdomen should be washed regularly, and the navel should be smeared with an antifungal agent. Candidiasis is relieved: "Nystatin" ointment and any remedy with local clotrimazole.

In people with a reduced immune status, candidiasis can be local in nature - spread deep into the body, affecting internal organs - in particular, the intestines. In this case, oral antifungal agents are used.

Another nuisance - a weeping navel, also appears due to the activity of the fungal flora. Dermatomycosis at the stage of discharge of fluid from the navel and the appearance of serous crusts - before the onset of the inflammatory process - is quite easy to eliminate.

Increased attention to personal hygiene, treatment with antiseptics, the use of powder so that the skin does not get wet.

If the integrity of the skin is violated, pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate into the adipose tissue around the umbilical region:

  • staphylococci;

  • streptococci;

  • intestinal and Pseudomonas aeruginosa;

  • other types of pathogenic microflora.

They enter the adipose tissue, which is necessarily present on the abdomen, after injuries, injections, by the lymph or hematogenous route, and cause the development of phlegmon, a very dangerous purulent-inflammatory process. A healthy body seeks to limit inflammation of adipose tissue with a shell - to encapsulate. If this happens, then the disease is limited to the formation of a carbuncle or abscess, but sometimes pus dissolves the membrane and the process progresses, covering the surrounding tissues.

Not the only symptom of phlegmon is the release of fluid from the navel in an adult, if the inflammation reaches this stage, then it does not hurt

only the navel, sometimes pain is felt when moving, is given to the back. The temperature rises, the vessels located in the upper layers of the skin undergo pathological changes. The process is dangerous and requires urgent surgical treatment.

In most cases, a fistula is a congenital pathology. In the upper layer of the skin, an uncovered duct remains, connecting to the ureter or intestines. Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene leads to the fact that debris, desquamated epithelial cells and sebaceous secretions accumulate in the umbilical cavity, as a result of which the fistula becomes inflamed when pus is released. An umbilical fistula can appear after injuries and piercings.

Treatment in an adult with the release of fluid from the navel, if the main cause is a fistula, is the same as for other purulent-inflammatory processes: antiseptic treatment and antibiotic ointments. When the condition worsens, they resort to the help of a surgeon.

An unpleasant smell from the navel is quite common - especially in older men - but few people pay serious attention to it. With a finger, the debris accumulated there is removed from the natural cavity, and that's it. After ablution, they do not think that this place needs to be drained - especially when it is deep.

If, after washing, pay attention to the umbilical cavity, drain it, if irritation occurs, treat it with alcohol tincture of calendula or water - furacilin, then the risk of an inflammatory process will be minimized.



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