The Russian Navy celebrates the Day of the Submariner. Congratulations on the day of the Russian submarine fleet

MOSCOW, March 19 - RIA Novosti, Andrey Chaplygin. The submarine forces of the Russian Navy are celebrating their 110th anniversary on the verge of a major renewal of the ship composition and a change in generations of submarines, which will be accompanied by a transition to fundamentally new principles of underwater shipbuilding.

In Russia, March 19 is celebrated as the Day of the Submariner, the date for which was not chosen by chance - it was on this day in 1906 that submarines in the Russian fleet, by order of the Minister of Marine, were singled out as an independent class of warships.

On the Day of the Submariner, RIA Novosti sums up the interim results of the large-scale renewal of the Russian submarine fleet, carried out as part of the state arms program until 2020.

Generational change

Today, the basis of the modern submarine forces of the Russian Navy are nuclear strategic and multi-purpose submarines armed with sea-based ballistic missiles and cruise missiles. In the next few years, the nuclear backbone of the submarine forces will be seriously updated: the state armament program until 2020 provides for the construction and commissioning of eight Project 955 Borei strategic missile submarines into the Navy.

Currently, three SSBNs of this class have been accepted into the Navy's combat strength: Yuri Dolgoruky (Northern Fleet), Alexander Nevsky and Vladimir Monomakh (both Pacific Fleet). Four submarine cruisers - "Prince Oleg", "Prince Vladimir", "Generalissimo Suvorov" and "Emperor Alexander III" - are now being built at Sevmash. Despite the fact that the last laying of the Borea took place only three months ago, in the summer of 2016 another missile carrier will be laid in Severodvinsk, which will be the last in the series planned for today.

Given the plans for the continuous and progressive renewal of the submarine forces, which are being built by the command of the fleet and the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, a natural question arises - what's next? The simplest answer is to extend the Boreev series with the modernization of the project. Such an outcome seems very likely, given that the 955 project has already given way to the modernized 955A, according to which all buildings will be built, starting from the fourth. Project 955A boats will have a lower level of physical fields and, accordingly, increased stealth, as well as more modern means of communication and detection. They will also improve the living conditions of the crew.

The General Director of the Central Design Bureau MT "Rubin", which developed the project, Igor Vilnit did not rule out that the "Boreas A" would be replaced by the "Boreas B", since the state always needs such boats. It is difficult to argue with this, given that the Boreas are one of the components of the Russian nuclear triad, and therefore a guarantor of national security. Underwater cruisers of this project have a displacement of 24,000 tons and can carry 16 sea-based intercontinental ballistic missiles R-30 Bulava-30 with a range of more than 9,000 kilometers.

Nevertheless, the modernization potential of these submarines, although huge, is not unlimited. The arrival of a new generation of strategic submarines is inevitable, and every year its image becomes clearer. The development of the next (fifth) generation of nuclear submarines was mentioned more than once by Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral Viktor Chirkov, who had previously filed a resignation report. According to him, the main efforts in the design of new generations of strategic missile submarines are aimed at modernizing weapons and "ensuring stealth, a significant reduction in noise, improving communications and control, as well as equipping with automated reconnaissance and warning systems."

Work on the qualitative changes outlined by Admiral Chirkov is already underway - in the Krylov State Research Center for a new generation of nuclear submarines, structural elements based on composite materials are being developed, which significantly exceed traditional metal in terms of performance. In addition to a significant sound absorption coefficient, which makes it possible to make the submarine less noticeable to enemy radars, composites are lighter and more reliable, since they are not subject to corrosion. Full-scale testing of composite units for new generation submarines is scheduled to begin in 2018.

It is noteworthy that all the improvements mentioned, as Chirkov said, will also affect multi-purpose nuclear submarines in the future. Submarines of project 885 "Ash" should become the basis of Russia's multi-purpose nuclear submarine fleet in the near future. These submarines are designed to significantly "rejuvenate" the ship's composition - the last multi-purpose nuclear submarine of the Shchuka-B project that preceded the Ashes was laid down more than 20 years ago.

So far, only one Yasen, the Severodvinsk, is serving in the Russian Navy, but a second boat, the Kazan, should join it this year. Three more hulls are currently under construction, and in total by 2020 the fleet should receive seven submarines of this project. All submarines in the series, starting with the second one, are built according to the modernized project 885M, which differs from the lead submarine in updated equipment, optimized hull contours, and reduced noise. In addition, an important detail of the Yasen-M project is the rejection of equipment from the countries of the former USSR - boats are built exclusively by Russian enterprises.

In the future, nuclear submarines of the Yasen project, which are currently being built and are entering the Navy, will be replaced by fifth-generation multipurpose nuclear submarines of the Husky project. On the eve of the Day of the submariner and the 110th anniversary of the submarine forces of the Russian Navy, the United Shipbuilding Corporation reported that "at present, work is underway to form the appearance of a new nuclear submarine, the Navy is developing a tactical and technical task for the preliminary design of the ship."

Information about the Husky project is secret - it is only known that it is being conducted by the St. Petersburg design bureau Malachite and that the fifth-generation multi-purpose nuclear submarines will be armed with Zircon hypersonic missiles.

The closest thing to a generational change today is Russia's non-nuclear submarine fleet. At the International Naval Show in St. Petersburg in July, Admiral Chirkov announced that the construction of submarines with an anaerobic power plant would begin in 2018. At the same salon, Anatoly Shlemov, head of the state defense order department of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, explained to RIA Novosti that the Central Design Bureau of MT Rubin, by order of the Russian Ministry of Defense, had already developed a project for a non-nuclear submarine of the Kalina project with an air independent power plant (VNEU).

The official representative of the USC told RIA Novosti that the construction of the latest non-nuclear submarines of the Kalina project and their number will be determined by the new state armaments program (GPV) of Russia until 2025, which is scheduled to be adopted in 2016. "The issue of building submarines will depend on the readiness of the full-time VNEU, which is planned to be created through the Federal Target Program for the Defense Industry," the agency's interlocutor specified.

The main features of the project "Kalina" developed by the Central Design Bureau of Marine Engineering (TsKB MT) "Rubin" will be a full-time air-independent power plant and cruise missiles "Caliber-PL".

In terms of their tactical and technical characteristics, the Kalina submarines should significantly surpass the predecessors of projects 636 Varshavyanka and 677 Lada.

Central Design Bureau MT "Rubin" in recent years has been developing an anaerobic power plant and a lithium-ion battery (LIAB), which significantly increase the stealth of submarines, allowing them to stay under water for a long time without surfacing. According to Igor Vilnit, General Director of the enterprise, bench tests of an air-independent installation in the Baltic Sea will begin this spring, which means there is every reason to believe that the construction of the lead Kalina will begin on the date specified by Admiral Chirkov.

As the official representative of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) told RIA Novosti on the eve of the Day of the Submariner, the Rubin and Malachite design bureaus have begun developing unmanned underwater vehicles (UAVs) to be placed on fifth-generation submarines. "The decision to equip these vehicles and assign tasks to them will be made when the appearance of the fifth generation submarines is being formed," the USC representative said.

As a high-ranking representative of the Russian Navy told the agency, the concept of using unmanned (automated) underwater vehicles, that is, robots, suggests their presence on board submarines of the future. "They will be launched from a submarine to monitor the environment using various equipment or to attack the enemy. Torpedoes can be used as weapons on such carriers. For now, we call them underwater robots," said the representative of the fleet.

Update here and now

Nevertheless, the construction of anaerobic "Kalins" is, although the near future, but still the future of the Russian fleet, and the renewal of the ship's composition in some areas must be carried out in the present. The construction of a series of six diesel-electric submarines of project 636.3 "Varshavyanka" for the Black Sea Fleet is coming to an end - four submarines have already been enlisted in the Navy, and two more, including the submarine Veliky Novgorod launched on the eve of the holiday, will be handed over to the end of the year.

The next step, which is currently being considered by the command of the Navy, will be the possible construction of an additional series of six "Varshavyanka" in the interests of the Pacific Fleet. According to Vice-Admiral Alexander Fedotenkov, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, the appropriate decision will be made "with a high degree of probability."

Apparently, the Navy Command was forced to think about extending the Varshavyanka series by the successful baptism of fire of this project - in December 2015, the Rostov-on-Don submarine performed a salvo launch of Caliber sea-based cruise missiles, hitting the infrastructure and militant bases " Islamic State (IS, banned in Russia) in Syria. The missile strike, launched from a submerged position, was a surprise not only for the terrorists, but for the entire world community, which appreciated the capabilities of Varshavyanka.

The key quality of the project 636 is stealth. According to this indicator, "Varshavyanka" are among the best in the world - it is no coincidence that they were nicknamed "Black Hole" by NATO. A modern sonar complex and noise reduction systems allow Project 636 submarines to detect a target at a distance three to four times greater than that at which they can be detected by a potential enemy.

The submarines are armed with an impressive arsenal - not only the aforementioned Caliber missile system, but also 533 mm torpedoes (six devices with a reload speed of only 15 seconds) and mines. This armament, combined with high stealth, makes Varshavyanka one of the best projects in the field of non-nuclear submarine shipbuilding.

The construction of "Varshavyanka" for the Pacific Fleet practically puts an end to the project 677 "Lada", the lead submarine of which - "St. Petersburg" - has been in trial operation in the Northern Fleet since 2010. Indeed, the fate of the Lada cannot be called simple - these boats were supposed to replace the Varshavyankas back in the late 1990s, however, the former commander-in-chief of the Navy, Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky, sent the project for revision due to problems with the power plant and acoustic insulation.

Last year, when the third submarine of the series, after a long idle time on the stocks, was relaid under the new name Velikiye Luki, it seemed that the project had moved off the ground, but this Lada, apparently, was destined to be the last.

Nevertheless, the creation of a shortened series of submarines of this project cannot be called in vain - the St. Petersburg, as well as the Kronstadt and Velikie Luki under construction, will become real platforms for testing fundamentally new types of weapons and equipment, which in the future will be equipped with a new generation submarine. Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Vice Admiral Alexander Fedotenkov, talking about the innovative Kalina project, emphasized for a reason that he would take the best qualities of his predecessors - Varshavyanka and Lada.

As the command of the Russian Navy has repeatedly stated, research work in the field of underwater shipbuilding does not stop for a minute, since only the constant improvement of existing developments and the use of fundamentally new scientific approaches can ensure the systematic development of submarine forces.

They say that only real romantics go under the water. Perhaps, at the origins of the dream is the alluring, unknown world of the ocean. But only real daredevils become real divers. And the military profession itself is considered one of the most difficult and secret. In addition, the sea itself - powerful and ruthless, gentle and boundless - leaves an inevitable imprint on the character of these people. It is these brave souls, heroes of their craft, that we will congratulate on their professional holiday, which is celebrated annually on March 19.

Who notes?

Only a strong and technically and militarily highly developed state, which has access to the ocean, can afford to maintain such a type of troops as an underwater one. Russia owns the most powerful modern fleet. Over the years that the submarine fleet has existed, it has become one of the important components of the state's naval forces, and the submariners themselves are proudly called the elite of the Navy. It is these brave guys, brave officers, gray-haired admirals, unforgettable veterans that are usually congratulated on the Submariner's Day.

history of the holiday

Over a hundred years ago, the rulers of the empire and the leadership of the fleet could not even imagine what the Russian fleet would be like. But it was the events of 110 years ago that formed the basis of both the formation of this unit and gave its date in the future for a professional holiday.

At the origins of the formation of the fleet

For sailors serving under water, and their relatives about the Submariner's Day holiday in 2017, what date is not a question. Over the past 20 years, the celebration has been celebrated on March 19 by order of the IMF Commander-in-Chief.

What is memorable for submariners this date. It is this day that can be considered the birthday of the Russian submarine fleet. Since in 1906, by Emperor Nicholas II, submarines, as a new class of warships, were introduced into the Navy.

How was the fleet formed?

The Russian Empire at one time became the first country to have its own submarine fleet. And, despite the fact that the official date of its creation is 1906, development began much earlier. And not by overseas designers, as some sources report, but by our compatriots.

For the first time, the idea to make a “hidden vessel” arose back in the time of Peter I. Master Efim Nikanov addressed the emperor with such a petition. However, the experimental sample did not pass the tests, as it received a hole during the first descent. Unfortunately, further work was frozen. After the death of the ruler, the repair was stopped, and the master himself was demoted to a simple shipyard worker.

Further attempts to create such a ship also failed, largely due to the lack of funding. But, nevertheless, the first metal boat in the world was built in 1834 in Russia.

Only in the 70s of the 19th century the leadership of the Empire became interested in the projects. Even was Mr. an order for the manufacture of a batch of 50 boats, which were set in motion by pedaling sailors. Such peculiar underwater bicycles have not received practical application.

A boat with an electric motor appeared in 1885. It was built according to the project of the inventor Dzhevetsky.

But I.G. is called the author of combat submarines. Bubnov. The Russian designer and naval engineer designed exactly those units that could already perform combat missions. These ships became the basis for the allocation of a separate division of the submarine fleet.

Modern submarine fleet

The submarine fleet had to endure the difficult times of the collapse of the Union, when, due to confusion and irresponsibility, many military personnel simply left their post. However, the submariners were able to survive the difficult times of the post-Soviet deficit, lack of funding, cuts in the fleet. The sailors continued their service with dignity, and the most persistent were able to see the revival of the military sphere with the advent of the new millennium.

Against the backdrop of the development of nuclear energy, the emergence of improved nuclear missile weapons, the submarine fleet received a new, more powerful status. It has become part of a modern nuclear shield, which is of strategic importance in ensuring the country's defense capability.

One can be proud of the modern submarine fleet, as it is able to perform all the training and, if necessary, combat missions at the highest level. Today, there are many diverse ships in service, such as multi-purpose nuclear submarines, diesel-electric ships, missile submarines. And all these "hidden ships" are equipped in accordance with military necessity and all security requirements.

Moreover, a plan has been developed for the coming years to increase the nuclear backbone of submarine forces with its gradual but continuous renewal. In the construction of modern submarines, the emphasis is on reducing the level of physical fields, which will increase the level of stealth. They are equipped with advanced communications and detection tools. Attention is also paid to improving the living conditions of the crew members.

About the profession

The prestige of service in the modern Russian fleet has grown significantly. But not everyone can pass a rigorous selection.


After all, the service of a submariner is fraught with a number of difficulties. Guys must have excellent physical and mental health, be in excellent physical shape, must have the appropriate education and the highest professional training.

The most complex technical systems and equipment require seafarers not just endurance, but certain knowledge. Moreover, among the graduates of the relevant educational institutions, the best are selected who can become top-class specialists.

Do not forget that service under water is associated with a long absence from home, with many months of service raids. A submariner must be mentally prepared for such conditions, for a long stay in a confined space.

On Submarine Day, not all admirals and officers, midshipmen and foremen, sailors have the opportunity to accept words of congratulations from their relatives. Many of them will celebrate their holiday when they rise to the surface. After all, it is not in vain that divers drink on a holiday so that the number of dives is equal to the number of ascents.


Happy Holidays

I want to congratulate you on the holiday. And may you be far away today. I wish you to persevere in your service and be proud of your country. Be ready to defend yourself at any moment. And may the elements of the sea not frighten you, and may your heart not lose its masculinity. Serve and do not think about earthly problems, know that we are waiting for you.

Happy submariner's day,

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.

And courage, more courage,

Today I will praise.

I wish you well every day

So that you are friends with the submarine.

And may it never be

Bad forecasts in reports.

Be healthy, happy

To all of us relatives to the joy,

And remember, we are waiting patiently,

Showing no weakness.

Larisa , April 18, 2017 .

March 19 marks the 112th anniversary of the creation in Russia of the submarine forces of the Navy. Over the years, the submarine forces have shown their effectiveness and reliability in solving the tasks of the defense of our state. 19 March 2018, 08:40

On this day, solemn events are held in all fleets of the Russian Navy, meetings with veteran submariners in naval educational institutions.

On the eve of the submariners congratulated the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Admiral Vladimir Korolev. The telegram of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy was sent to the formations of nuclear and non-nuclear submarines, and was also addressed to those who devoted their lives to serving in the Submarine Forces of the Navy.

On March 19, 1906, in accordance with the Decree of Emperor Nicholas II, submarines were separated into a separate class - submarines. In the same year, the State Council approved the regulation on the creation of a scuba diving squad. By order of the Main Naval Staff, 68 officers who passed a special exam were awarded the first title of "scuba diving officer". Russia was one of the first countries to use submarines in armed struggle at sea.


In 1904-1905. During the Russo-Japanese War, a detachment of submarines was formed in Vladivostok. This detachment, under the command of Lieutenant A.V. Plotto had no combat clashes with the enemy. Nevertheless, having received the news that Russian submarines were patrolling the approaches to Peter the Great Bay, the Japanese admirals decided to refrain from attacking Vladivostok from the sea.

In the Baltic Fleet, the first unit - a submarine brigade - was formed in 1911 and was based in the city of Libava (Liepaja).

After the allocation of submarines to an independent class of warships, the submarine forces received a significant impetus for their development. By the beginning of the First World War, it was already an established branch of forces capable of solving various problems. Unfortunately, our history in the second half of the last century turned in such a way that we rarely remembered the actions of the fleet in the First World War. Now this gap is being filled. The main command of the Navy considers it fair that next to the names of the submariners who covered themselves with glory during the Great Patriotic War, there were the names of the commanders of the "Wolf", "Seal", the underwater mine layer "Crab".

The Great Patriotic War will forever remain one of the main events in Russian history. All types of forces of the Navy made their contribution to the victory over the enemy, and the submarine force is one of the most significant. During the war years, submariners made more than 1,200 military campaigns, made about 700 torpedo attacks, fired 1,542 torpedoes, and 1,736 mines were placed in active minefields. As a result, they sank about 100 warships and more than 200 enemy transports.

In the middle of the 50s of the last century, in response to the creation by the United States of America of a submarine with a nuclear power plant in the Soviet Union, work was launched aimed at ensuring parity in this direction. Russian scientists and designers coped with this difficult task almost twice as fast. The path from the world's first nuclear reactor used in Obninsk to the main power plant of the submarine was precisely chosen, and huge research and development carried out by 135 organizations was carried out over 6 years. On July 1, 1958, the Naval flag was hoisted on Russia's first nuclear submarine K-3 "Leninsky Komsomol". On July 4, 1958, Academician Anatoly Petrovich Alexandrov made a historical entry in the logbook of the power plant console: “For the first time in the country, steam was supplied to a turbine without coal and fuel oil.” This is a great event in the history of our country. Russia has become one of the few world powers capable of building and operating nuclear submarines.

Forever in the annals of the Russian Navy are the names of the project leaders - Academician Anatoly Petrovich Alexandrov, chief designer of the boat Vladimir Nikolaevich Peregudov and designer of the nuclear reactor Nikolai Antonovich Dollezhal.

By 1961, the Soviet Union already had 9 nuclear submarines - 4 missile and 5 torpedo. In total, over 250 nuclear submarines of various classes were built in the USSR during its existence.

In 1965, 48 submarines were deployed at sea during the exercises of the Northern Fleet, more than 50 submarines, including 21 strategic missile submarines, operated at the Ocean-80 exercise in the Atlantic.

60 years have passed since then, and Russia is still a leader in this direction, one of the few countries with the ability to carry out a full cycle of building ships of such classes.

The nuclear submarine fleet is a national pride, it is an essential deterrent to any aggressive aspirations from sea and ocean directions.

Having defined themselves as an independent class of ships, submarines have come a long way of development and currently form the basis of the combat power of the Russian Navy, and strategic missile submarines, which are part of the Naval Strategic Nuclear Forces, are the most important component of the strategic triad that ensures the military security of the Russian Federation.

Organizationally, submarines are part of all fleets. The most powerful groupings of submarine forces are in the Northern and Pacific fleets. From the moment of formation as an independent branch of the Navy forces, submarine forces have always been at the forefront of deterring potential adversaries from aggression from sea and ocean areas.

Submarines are the main striking force of the fleet. They have high mobility, secrecy, and the ability to participate in solving operational-strategic and strategic tasks.

For the unconditional fulfillment of the tasks of strategic deterrence, the Navy is carrying out planned work to maintain the grouping of naval strategic nuclear forces through the construction of new Borey-class nuclear missile cruisers with the Bulava missile system, as well as ensuring the technical readiness of strategic missile submarines RPLSN third generation with the Sineva missile system.

Today, the Main Command of the Navy continues the planned development of submarines with high-precision sea-based cruise missiles. The development of these weapons follows the path of increasing their capabilities, as well as the accuracy of hitting both sea and coastal targets. The creation of a group of 6 submarines of project 636.3 in the Black Sea Fleet has been completed. These boats have already passed the baptism of fire, having successfully completed the tasks in the special operation in Syria. It is planned that a similar grouping will be created on the eastern borders of our Motherland, in the Pacific Fleet. The group of nuclear multi-purpose submarines Yasen and Yasen-M should become the most effective in terms of its strike potential in the near future.

In 2017, the development of the nuclear component of the Navy Submarine Forces and, in particular, the composition of strategic missile submarines, continued through the construction of nuclear submarines of the Borey project, as well as multipurpose nuclear submarines through the construction of nuclear submarines of the Yasen project. The Kazan multipurpose nuclear submarine (Ash project) and the Knyaz Vladimir strategic missile submarine (Borey-A project) were launched. The cruisers "Yuri Dolgoruky", "Alexander Nevsky" and "Vladimir Monomakh" were accepted into the Navy, they perform the tasks of combat service and combat duty. Other ships of this series are at various stages of construction, which will form full-fledged groupings of strategic missile submarines RPLSN in the Northern and Pacific Fleets in the near future. The construction of the latest diesel-electric submarines for the Pacific Fleet has begun. The construction of Project 677 diesel-electric submarines (of the Lada type), Kronstadt and Velikie Luki, continues.

Currently, the main tasks of submarines are carried out in the form of combat services in the oceans. These are combat patrols of strategic missile submarines, the actions of multi-purpose submarines to search for submarines and ship groups of a mock enemy, working out tasks to track them, as well as performing oceanographic research.

Over the past year, submarine crews have carried out more than 150 combat exercises with the practical use of rocket, torpedo and mine weapons. Submarines of new generations, which are equipped with the Navy, took part in the development of these exercises.

The role of submarines in the Arctic zone is also important. This role is determined, first of all, by the participation of nuclear submarines in strategic deterrence from unleashing aggression against the Russian Federation in the Arctic regional direction and in the implementation of the national maritime policy of the state. In addition to the tasks of patrolling, submarines of the Navy in the Arctic zone solve other equally important tasks. These include studies of the world ocean, including in the interests of solving an extremely important political issue - in collecting evidence to substantiate the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation on the continental shelf in the Arctic, conducting depth measurements and ice research.

In recent years, the 60-year history of the Russian nuclear submarine fleet has been further developed. The Navy has resumed inter-fleet crossings under the Arctic ice of nuclear submarines from the Northern to the Pacific Fleet. This became a worthy continuation of the traditions of the nuclear component of the Submarine Forces and proof that the domestic school of under-ice navigation in the Arctic regions has been fully preserved and is being enriched with new experience.

With the inclusion in the Navy of submarines of new projects, equipped with the most complex systems of weapons and weapons, the requirements for the level of training of submariners have increased.

Currently, more than 30 crews of submarines of various projects are trained annually in the Navy's training centers. The main activity of the training centers is the training of commanders and ship combat crews for the combat use of missile and torpedo weapons, mastering the basics of naval combat tactics, the ability to make quick and competent decisions in any situation. This is the basis for the successful solution of all the tasks facing the Navy submarine crews.

The most obvious indicator of the increased level of professional training of Navy submarine crews, I think, is the so-called "surfacing" - the total time spent by all submarines during the year at sea. For comparison, five years ago this figure was 1105 days, while in 2017 it was already three times more - 3360 days.

Since the beginning of the construction of a new generation of submarines in the Navy, work has been carried out to improve the system of their basing, which meets all the requirements for safe parking and operation in naval bases.

In recent years, the efforts of the Russian Ministry of Defense have carried out the arrangement of the main hydraulic structures of the berthing front and several dozens of coastal infrastructure facilities for submarine bases of the Northern, Pacific, Black Sea and Baltic fleets.

To date, the construction of the top-priority facilities of the new-generation nuclear submarine basing system in the North (the settlement of Gadzhiyevo) and in the Pacific Ocean in Vilyuchinsk has been completed. The remaining construction projects, which do not have a significant impact on the safe parking and operation of submarines, have a high degree of readiness and will be put into operation in the very near future.

The High Command of the Navy is confident that the current pace of construction will make it possible to fulfill the instructions of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the RF Armed Forces and the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on the creation by 2020 of an integrated system for basing new-generation submarines in a timely manner. (RPLSN project 955, 955a "Borey" and 885 "Ash").

Work continues on the construction of the main Geoport basing point on the Black Sea Fleet in the city of Novorossiysk. These works are carried out within the framework of the implementation of the Federal Target Program "Creation of the Black Sea Fleet Basing System on the Territory of the Russian Federation".

After construction is completed, more than 60 units of combat and special ships, including submarines and support vessels, will be able to be based in the Geoport water area.

Also, at present, the Navy is carrying out a set of measures to repair and modernize various projects of nuclear and diesel submarines as part of the state armament program for 2018-2027. This program fully ensures the maintenance of the technical readiness of nuclear and diesel submarines at a given level, as well as an increase in the share of modern weapons in the Navy.

Ship repair enterprises of the military-industrial complex, with the involvement of a wide range of cooperation, are carrying out the most technologically complex work on the repair and modernization of nuclear and diesel submarines of the 2nd and 3rd generations. This should make it possible to maintain the groupings of multi-purpose nuclear submarines at a given level, to achieve a significant improvement in their strike potential in the context of a long-term construction of a series of submarines of new projects. This year, it is planned to complete repairs, including repairs with separate modernization work, and transfer three nuclear and one diesel submarines to the Navy.

And by 2021, the Navy will receive from industrial enterprises from repair with deep modernization the lead submarines of projects 971M and 949AM. Deep modernization makes it possible to obtain ships of a qualitatively new look with improved tactical and technical characteristics compared to the basic designs, with an expanded range of weapons.

In parallel with the construction of new generation submarines, the system of search and rescue support for the actions of the Russian Navy Submarine Forces is being developed. The task of providing assistance to the crews of emergency submarines lying on the ground is a priority task of the search and rescue support system of the Navy, which is solved by rescue vessels carrying rescue deep-sea vehicles, which are in service with each of the fleets.

On December 14, 2014, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army S.K.

One of the main directions in the development of search and rescue support forces is the creation of a series of modern multifunctional rescue vessels and boats while reducing their existing type order.

In the period from 2014 to 2017, several dozens of modern rescue vessels, boats and deep-sea submersibles entered the fleet's rescue teams. Since 2009, repair and modernization work has been carried out, with the extension of service life by 15 years, on all rescue deep-sea vehicles.

By 2020, the share of fleet rescue teams equipped with modern ships, boats and deep-sea vehicles will be more than 70% of their total number. In December 2015, the new generation Igor Belousov rescue vessel with the AC-40 rescue submersible was accepted into the Pacific Fleet. The conducted exercises confirm the inherent design solutions and technical characteristics of the Igor Belousov rescue vessel, which surpasses similar foreign submarine rescue vessels in its capabilities. At present, the ship is testing domestic methods for training deep-sea divers. The ongoing activities are aimed at clarifying the appearance of the first serial rescue ship of this class, which will be a continuation of the development of project 21300. In accordance with the Shipbuilding Program until 2050, it is planned to design the construction of ships similar in their tasks to Igor Belousov. For this, the experience of using the rescuer "Igor Belousov" as the lead ship is analyzed.

In order to ensure the independent exit of submariners from the compartments of an emergency submarine, industry experts jointly developed and tested in laboratory and sea conditions (more than 500 descents were carried out) modern SSP-M submarine rescue equipment, which makes it possible to provide rescue from depths of up to 220 meters using the free ascent method. In order to develop international cooperation in the field of search and rescue of crews of wrecked submarines, specialists of the Navy are actively working on the development of intergovernmental agreements with a number of countries in the field of search and rescue of crews of wrecked submarines.

The High Command of the Russian Navy will continue to work on the introduction of robotic systems into the search and rescue forces of the Navy. It is planned that over the next 3 years, the search and rescue service will receive more than 40 robotic systems, which allow, without risk to humans, to carry out inspection and assistance to emergency ships and submarines. Currently, the search and rescue forces of the Russian Navy already operate over 150 remote-controlled uninhabited underwater vehicles capable of performing the tasks of inspecting emergency objects at depth and providing assistance. Also, development work is underway to create new generations of retrieval devices for search and rescue underwater vehicles.

Today Russia celebrates the Day of the Submariner. This professional holiday was established by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy in 1996 and since then has been annually celebrated by military personnel and civilian personnel of the submarine forces on March 19th. However, the history of this holiday goes back much earlier than 1996.

For the first time, the idea of ​​building an underwater "hidden ship" originated in Russia back in the time of Peter the Great, when in 1718 the Sovereign was approached with a similar project by the inventor-nugget peasant Efim Nikonov, who promised to make “for a military occasion against enemies, a pleasing vessel, which at sea, in quiet times, will smash ships, at least ten or twenty, and for testing that ship will make a sample”. The idea interested Peter the Great and in 1720-1721 a model was first built, and then, by 1724, a full-size underwater “Secret Ship”, which became the first Russian submarine. However, the tests of the wooden vessel ended in an accident, attempts to eliminate structural failures did not bring results, and after the death of Emperor Peter Nikonov fell into disgrace, was demoted to an ordinary carpenter and exiled to the Astrakhan shipyard.

In the reign of Emperor Paul I, a resident of Kremenchug, S.A. Romodanovsky, followed in the footsteps of Nikonov, who designed an underwater vessel in 1799 and managed to attract attention to his project from the authorities. At the suggestion of the vice-president of the Admiralty Board, Admiral G.G. Kushelev, a special commission of the Academy of Sciences got acquainted with the Romodanovsky project, but rejected it, finding a number of significant shortcomings in it and considering the idea extremely dangerous.

The idea of ​​building hidden warships came back in the time of Tsar Nikolai Pavlovich. In 1829, the project of an iron submarine with a cylindrical hull was presented by the Polish rebel K.G. Charnovsky, a prisoner of the Peter and Paul Fortress, which, however, was not implemented. But already in 1834, the outstanding military engineer General K.A. Schilder created the world's first six-meter all-metal submarine, which could sink to a depth of 12 meters. To move the boat under water, rotary folding paddles resembling duck paws were used, and the ship's armament consisted of mines and missiles. The first tests of Schilder's boat took place on August 29, 1834 in the presence of Emperor Nicholas I on the Neva. Despite the fact that the experience as a whole was successful, the speed of the submarine was clearly insufficient. And soon the project stalled - in 1847, the development of the ship was stopped due to a critical attitude towards the idea on the part of the Minister of War A.I. Chernyshev and the head of the Naval Department, Prince A.S. Menshikov.

However, the promising idea was not abandoned. In the reign of Emperor Alexander II, in 1862, I.F. Aleksandrovsky proposed a new project for a submarine, but the Marine Exercises Committee did not believe in the idea and decided to leave the project without consequences. But Alexandrovsky did not retreat, and in 1866 the first test of the ship he invented took place in Kronstadt. The submarine was personally examined by Emperor Alexander II, in his presence the boat sank and covered some distance under water, after which it was decided to continue work on its improvement. And after a series of corrections and rebuildings, the Alexandrovsky submarine in 1868 at 15 o'clock in the afternoon plunged to a depth of 9 meters with a crew of 22 people and remained under water until 8 o'clock the next morning. As stated in the report, “during the stay under water, officers and a team of lower ranks drank, ate, smoked, put on a samovar. All this took place under excellent lighting with lamps and candles. The valves were all closed, and yet the air in the boat was not at all spoiled, all the lamps and candles burned brightly and clearly, and no one felt the slightest discomfort underwater: they ate, drank, slept exactly as in ordinary rooms ... ». However, sea trials were less successful and therefore the boat was not suitable for mass production.

The next notable step in the development of the Russian submarine fleet was made by the Russian-Polish inventor, a participant in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78, who was awarded the St. George Cross for bravery, S.K. Dzhevetsky. The single-seat submarine built by him, driven by the power of human legs, was tested in 1878 on the Odessa roadstead. And the following year, Dzhevetsky proposed a project for a four-seater submarine, which was built in St. Petersburg in 1879 and successfully passed the tests, as a result of which an order was received for 50 similar ships intended for the defense of coastal fortresses. By 1881, Drzewiecki's boats were built and distributed among the fortresses, but they had no combat use (all of them were intended for attaching mines to stationary enemy ships). Meanwhile, Dzhevetsky continued to improve his invention and in 1885 created the world's first submarine with an electric engine powered by a battery, which was the beginning of a fundamentally new direction in underwater shipbuilding. For the project of a submarine with a displacement of about 120 tons, having a steam engine, a crew of 12 people, which he developed together with A.N. Krylov, at the International Competition in Paris in 1898 Dzhevetsky was awarded the first prize.

But in reality, the construction of the Russian submarine fleet was taken up only from the beginning of the 20th century. From December 1900, the Naval Ministry began designing the first submarines. And by 1902, work on the "destroyer 150", better known as the Dolphin submarine, was almost completed. In 1903, the boat passed the first tests, and in the following year, 1904, the first commander of the first Russian combat submarine "Dolphin", Captain 2nd Rank M.N. Beklemishev, was appointed temporary head of diving. In 1905, during the Russo-Japanese War, together with other submarines ("Som" and "Kasatka"), "Dolphin" repeatedly took part in combat patrols in the area of ​​Preobrazheniya Bay. And in the same year, the post of Head of Scuba Diving appeared in Russia, to which Rear Admiral E.N. Shchensnovich was appointed.

After the end of the Russo-Japanese War, when it became obvious that the future belongs to submarines, it was decided to develop the construction of the Russian submarine fleet. And soon, by decree of Emperor Nicholas II, a new class of warships - submarines - was included in the classification of ships of the Russian Navy.

This event happened in the following way. On March 6/19, 1906, Vice-Admiral A.A. Birilev, Minister of the Sea, prepared a report in which he spoke of the need to introduce the category of submarines into the classification of ships of the military fleet established back in 1891. Having familiarized himself with the arguments of the minister, the Sovereign gave his highest permission and, based on the results of the report, on March 11/24, 1906, an appropriate order was issued by the maritime department signed by A.A.Birilev. “The Sovereign Emperor, on the sixth day of March of this year, the Highest Command deigned ... to include submarines in the classification of the ship fleet”, - noted in the order for the Maritime Department.

Thus, the highest permission of the monarch and the signature of the Minister of Marine turned Russian submarines into an independent class of ships of the Russian Imperial Fleet. It was from that day that the submarines got their real name (before that they were classified as destroyers and "low visibility boats"), and were assigned to ships of the 3rd-4th rank. And already on March 27 / April 9 of the same year, the Diving Training Unit was established at the port of Emperor Alexander III in Libau (Liepai). The training ship and submarines Minnow, Sterlet, Beluga, Salmon, Sig were based here, and later Mackerel and Perch appeared. By 1911, the first submarine brigade of the Russian fleet was formed here, which included 11 submarines and 2 floating bases (Europe and Khabarovsk). By the beginning of World War I, the Russian Navy already had 22 combat-ready submarines, and 24 more were being built at shipyards. Brigades, divisions and detachments were based in the Baltic, Black Sea and Pacific Ocean.

Since then, it was customary to consider the date March 6/19 as the “Day of the Submariner”, but after the 1917 revolution, it was forgotten. Despite the fact that in the Soviet years, huge successes were made in the development of the domestic submarine fleet (suffice it to recall that by the beginning of World War II, the USSR submarine fleet was the largest in the world - 267 combat units, and during the Cold War, becoming he was not inferior to anyone in the world neither in number, nor in speed and depth of immersion), and many commanders and crews of submarines forever inscribed their names in golden letters in the heroic annals of Russia (116 submariners were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Russia or Hero of Socialist Labor), submariners did not have their own holiday.

The “Day of the Submariner” was revived only on July 15, 1996, when the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral of the Fleet F.N. And from that day on, it has become a good tradition to congratulate our valiant submariners who carry out a difficult and dangerous service, and to award those who have especially distinguished themselves with state awards, memorable gifts, letters of commendation from the command.

The course is laid and time does not wait for us,

And the commander gives the go-ahead to dive

Glorious homeland we are called to serve

Where the Russian fleet is, the enemy will definitely not pass.

In the days of hard times you argued with fate

Boats of new generations are in service today,

And veterans of heroic battles

For the feat of arms, bow to the earth.

("Submariners of Russia", L. Alekseev, A. Skvortsov).

Prepared Andrey Ivanov, Doctor of Historical Sciences

The professional holiday appeared in 1996 in accordance with the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy. The date for the celebration was not chosen by chance. On March 19 (March 6 O.S.), 1906, submarines in the Russian fleet were separated into an independent class of warships. This is evidenced by the order of the Maritime Department No. 52 dated March 24 (March 11, O.S.) 1906, signed by the Minister of Marine, which says "Sovereign Emperor [Nicholas II], on the 6th day of March of this year, the Highest Command deigned ... to include submarines in the classification of the ship composition of the fleet. This day is considered the official date of birth of the submarine forces of the Russian fleet.

The idea of ​​scuba diving was repeatedly discussed in Russian government and military circles during the 17th and 19th centuries. For the first time, a submarine is documented in Russian sources in 1718 as the "hidden ship" of Efim Nikonov. In 1834, a submarine was built according to the design of the Russian military fortification engineer Karl Schilder. Then, according to the project of engineer Stefan Dzhevetsky, a submarine was created, which became the first serial one. The Maritime Department ordered 50 Drzewiecki submarines for the defense of naval fortresses.

Until 1900, over 60 submarines were built in Russia. All of them were intended to attach mines to stationary (anchored) enemy ships.

At the end of the 19th century, the command of the navy and the top leadership of Russia came to the conclusion that it was necessary to create a new class of ships in the Russian fleet capable of attacking enemy ships from a submerged position. Such ships were called destroyers, or semi-submarines. The real name - submarine - was established only in 1906.

January 4, 1901 (December 22, 1900 O.S.) The Naval Ministry created a commission for the design of submarines. According to the commission's project, in 1903 the first Russian combat submarine "Delfin" ("Destroyer No. 113") was built.

The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 was the first in world history in which submarines took part.

In 1906, with a change in the official classification of ships of the Imperial Russian Navy from 1891, submarines were assigned to ships of the 3rd-4th rank, ceasing to be called destroyers.

The first formation of Russia - a brigade of submarines - was formed in 1911 as part of the Baltic Fleet and was based in Libau. The brigade included 11 submarines, floating bases "Europe" and "Khabarovsk".

By the beginning of the First World War, the Russian Navy already had 22 combat-ready submarines, and 24 more were under construction. Brigades, divisions and detachments were based in the Baltic, Black Sea and Pacific Ocean.

During the First World War of 1914-1918, submarines were widely used for fighting on sea lanes, destroying enemy surface ships, as a means of anti-submarine defense, for conducting operational reconnaissance and landing sabotage and reconnaissance groups, as well as vehicles.

After the end of the civil war, the state of the submarine forces of Soviet Russia was catastrophic. The construction of the Soviet submarine fleet began after overcoming the consequences of devastation with the restoration of ships that had survived from the tsarist fleet.

During the period from 1930 to 1939, more than 20 large, 80 medium, 60 small submarines and 20 underwater minelayers were built for the USSR fleet. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, there were 212 submarines in the four fleets.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Nazis lost 35% of all their warships and transports at sea from the strikes of Soviet submarines.

As a result of the implementation of post-war shipbuilding programs in the period from 1946 to 1954, 154 submarines were built, and at the same time, the expanded construction of the submarine fleet began according to new projects. By the beginning of 1958, 260 submarines of new designs were built. In 1958, the first Soviet nuclear submarine of project 627 "K-3" ("Leninsky Komsomol") entered the fleet. By 1961, the USSR Navy had nine nuclear-powered boats - four missile and five torpedo boats.

With the equipping of submarines with ballistic and cruise missiles - carriers of nuclear weapons, the appearance of nuclear power plants on submarines, the submarine forces entered the ocean and became the main striking force of the Navy, possessing high mobility, secrecy, and the ability to solve operational-strategic and strategic tasks.

Today, the basis of the submarine forces of the Russian Navy, which are part of the triad of the state's strategic nuclear forces, are modern nuclear strategic and multi-purpose submarine missile carriers armed with sea-based ballistic missiles and cruise missiles.

As a result of the implementation of the state armament program, eight missile submarines, 16 multi-purpose submarines.

On the Day of the Submariner, solemn events are held at the main bases and bases of the fleets, at which a well-deserved tribute is paid to all generations of submariners.

The day of the submariner is celebrated not only by the military, but also by the creators of the submarine fleet - employees of design organizations, shipbuilding and ship repair plants. Thanks to talented designers and engineers, skilled workers, submarines are in demand both in the domestic navy and in the navies of foreign states.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources



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