How to help a child choose a future profession test. How to choose a profession for a teenager

Do you dream that your son went to study as an economist, and at the same time he hates math? Since his birth, you wanted him to become a famous doctor, and your baby faints at the sight of a drop of blood? Very often one can observe an unflattering picture when parents choose a future profession for their children, not taking into account their wishes and preferences.

In the best case, the child will bring a diploma, give it to mom and dad, after which he will go to get a second education. At worst, the son will work all his life at an unloved job, hating his boss, colleagues and subordinates. Therefore, it is very important to understand the talents and tastes of your baby. Remember, your child is a river. You can only slightly redirect it in the right direction. But it will not be possible to completely change the course.

The main rules for choosing a future profession

We take into account the desires, abilities and capabilities of the child

So, first of all, you must decide what is interesting to the student. After all, it is very important that your child loves his future profession very much. No wonder they say that if work coincides with a hobby, then a person does not have to work a single day in his life.

So, for example, if a kid loves animals, he can become a veterinarian, ecologist, zoologist. Does your son love to craft, repair and build? Why wouldn't he then go to the design engineer. Girls who love to draw can be not only artists. Architect, designer, photographer - this is just a small list of professions where her abilities will definitely come in handy.

Also, do not forget about the abilities of the student. Ask him to solve a difficult problem and watch how he behaves. Will he be able to sit for 2 hours without a break or will he be distracted by trifles. Will he ask for help or will he try to do everything on his own. It is from his perseverance, loyalty and character that how his career will develop in the future depends.

When choosing a profession for a student, consider his temperament. If the son is sociable, a ringleader, likes to be in the spotlight, he will like a job where you need to be able to communicate with people. And vice versa, it is better for a calm, quiet person to choose an activity where you do not need to constantly worry and be nervous.

Children who can easily understand numbers can connect their lives with mathematics, programming, engineering. Linguists should go to the writers, journalists, lawyers, philologists or teachers. Do not worry if a student makes 10 mistakes in an essay, and in each sentence. The main thing is the content. After all, writing correctly, but not catching the reader with a word, is much worse.

Physically strong children can go to sports. Usually such students study very poorly, but they play football, basketball or hockey better than anyone else. Do not stop these inclinations in the bud - give the opportunity to go to the big leagues. In extreme cases, the child will then be able to get a second education or study in absentia. By the way, athletes make good money and are popular.

Emotional children with great charisma can become actors. Do not worry if your child fails to enter the theater department the first time. Many celebrities tried to break into the arena of fame 3-4 times. The main thing is to provide psychological support.

We do not put pressure on children

Dynasty is, of course, good, but only if the student is really interested in the occupation of his parents. Otherwise, the child may become in a pose, refusing to continue his studies at school and go to university. The maximum that you can do is to bring your child to your work, let them read the necessary literature, etc.

But in no case should you talk directly about material wealth. At this age, children do not always understand the value of money, influence and connections. There is no need to reproach or hint that the son will not be able to support you or his family. Otherwise, he will do everything to spite you, forgetting about his desires. In addition, in our country the situation with salaries can change dramatically.

Pay no attention to the certificate

Learn to prioritize. Naturally, it is impossible to decide in one minute who the child should go to study. Parents are required to think about this from 5-8 grades. And if you have already decided, then focus on items that will really come in handy in the future. Remember once and for all - it is impossible to know everything. Of course, it's nice when the kid is an excellent student and is the best student, but in this case, his knowledge will be superficial.

But under no circumstances let your child relax by making indulgences in school. Let him study for fours, but threes are not allowed. Maximum - 1-2, no more. And then only in those areas that are given to him with difficulty. For specialized subjects, be sure to hire tutors.

Separating dreams and reality

If your child has chosen a profession that he is unlikely to master, try to gently explain this to him. All of us in childhood dreamed of becoming pilots, astronauts, teachers. As adults, most of us begin to see things realistically. But there are a few who look at the world through rose-colored glasses.

Of course, if your son has the makings of a footballer, feel free to support his undertakings. It is better to send a singing daughter to vocals. However, it would be pointless to choose the profession of an actor for a child if he is afraid to speak in public. Do not look at the talents of children through the eyes of a loving mother. Evaluate as if you are a strict critic, because the future life of a little man depends on it.

How to help your child choose a future profession

Making a list

Take a piece of paper and write on it a few options suitable for the child. Do not forget to indicate the requirements that apply to applicants at the time of admission and to future employees. So, for example, now my daughter will be able to perfectly pass biology or chemistry in order to study as a laboratory assistant. But think about it, will she be able to dissect rats in the future?

Then show the list to the child. The student only needs to choose two or three professions that he more or less likes. Of course, it is bad if these are different directions. In this case, the kid will have to decide again where it is better to go, especially if he successfully passes the exams.

Information about professions

If the child has chosen a profession, give the teenager the opportunity to plunge into it with his head. A future journalist can work for free in a local newspaper, a doctor can work as a volunteer in a hospital. Only after that the student will be able to understand whether he really likes this activity. After all, many of them do not even realize what difficulties await in a given situation. Agree, in most cases we can get an idea of ​​the position of a pilot, stewardess or singer only on the basis of cinema. Everything is always smooth, perfect and interesting there. In fact, it is much more difficult than it seems to us at first glance.

Passing the aptitude test

Take your child to an employment center where they will be asked to answer a series of questions. After analyzing and summarizing the results, the specialist will provide a number of professions for which your baby is suitable. Exactly the same tests are carried out in some schools, only parents do not pay much attention to them.

But don't take this assessment too seriously. The result could be affected by a bad mood, fear of not answering correctly, etc. In addition, when compiling the test, psychologists did not take into account the nature of each individual individual. Questions were invented for a wide audience, and not specifically for your case.

We study the situation on the labor market

Hundreds of unemployed economists, lawyers, philologists and historians cannot find a place under the sun. Without work experience, such positions are rarely hired, as there are many professionals in this area. Therefore, it is better to choose a profession that will always be in demand, regardless of the economic situation in the country. These are engineers, teachers, doctors, builders, programmers, cooks. Naturally, the future applicant must be well versed in his field.

Mistakes when choosing a future profession

Imposing your opinion is half the trouble. It is bad when parents do not take part in the life of the child at all. Schoolchildren choose their future profession, not taking into account the realities of our life. As a result, he studies in vain for 5-7 years, and then goes to work not in his specialty. To date, there are six of the most common mistakes that are made by applicants every year.

  • Lack of information about the profession

How can a child choose something without having an idea about it? Outdated information or idealistic ideas about a particular position can ruin the life of a future employee. Often children are guided by the prestige of the profession or the possible earnings. But no one explained to them that at first they would have to work hard, climb over their heads, forget about the family in order to become a boss or open their own business. In addition, unfortunately, not many manage to stay afloat.

  • Ignorance of one's own abilities

It so happened that a person cannot correctly assess himself and his abilities. He either exaggerates them, considering himself a genius and a superman, or understates them, thinking that he is good for nothing. In both cases, it is quite difficult to choose for yourself the direction in which you can move.

  • Failure to prioritize

Never draw a line between study and future work. Good grades do not speak about the real abilities of a teenager. You don't have to love math to be able to solve problems. You also do not need to be an excellent student to get involved in biology, computer technology or medicine.

  • Fear of being rejected by friends

Another mistake is to transfer your attitude to the person who occupies a particular post. So, for example, a teenager may be afraid that his friends will turn away from him if he goes to study as a policeman or a traffic cop. In this case, explain to the child that acquaintances should perceive a person as he is. And in every profession there are good and bad people. And people in power are usually feared or disliked by everyone.

  • Follow the crowd

It is not uncommon for students to enter “for the company”. This is always done either by doves in love or by best friends. But, unfortunately, only one person will like this profession. The second one will have to fulfill his duties, because it is necessary.

  • Failure to choose a good institution

Studying on a budget at a public university or commerce in a private one - it all depends on your financial capabilities. The main thing is that good professors teach at the institution of your choice. It’s great if I practice trips abroad at the department.

But what you should not do is to enter an unaccredited educational institution with a dilapidated building. Perhaps philologists and historians will cope without computer equipment, but it will be difficult for programmers, chemists, physicists and other students. But the future salary and employment of your child depends on the knowledge gained and the prestige of the university (institute, college, academy).

What to do if the child does not want to continue studying

The first step is to talk to a teenager to understand why he decided to abandon his studies. Perhaps he simply has not decided on the choice of profession or does not want to waste 5 years in vain. In that case, give it one year. Let him work officially. At the same time, be sure to take part of his salary for food and housing. Since he wanted to become independent and mature, let him immediately feel the bitter taste of freedom on himself.

The second reason may lie in financial difficulties. Not all children want to study at the expense of their parents. And, unfortunately, not everyone can enter the budget. There are two ways to solve the problem: either let them earn money, or lend them money. Set conditions that after graduation, the child will pay you a certain amount every month.

It is also not uncommon for children to hope that they will inherit the family business. To come to everything ready, without making any effort for this - what could be easier. Smart parents in such cases do not put their sons or daughters at the helm, but make them start, for example, with an assistant director, an ordinary manager or a salesperson. Such is the psychology of man - he does not appreciate what he gets for nothing.

Why go to university: answer the questions correctly

Does a teenager set as an example people who, even without education, have achieved good success? You should not convince the child that these are only a few. At this age, students rarely listen to their parents or teachers. It is necessary to give him more substantial and interesting arguments that will make him think.

  • Connections

At the faculty, along with your child, children will study, who in the future, perhaps, will occupy serious posts. Having maintained warm friendly relations with classmates, your son will always be able to turn to them for help in a difficult situation.

  • Development

Only at the university do people learn many tricks that not all specialists know about. In addition to knowledge and skills, mentors make their students think. To answer perfectly by pulling out an unlucky ticket is easy. Discussing with the dean is easy. The main thing is to learn to defend your opinion.

  • Sociability

If we compare a student and a university graduate, then these will be two completely different people. Even the most shy students open up at seminars, conferences and other serious events. And, importantly, your child will learn to be independent.

By the way, try to explain to your child that school education will not be enough for a good position. And if at the beginning the absence of a diploma will not interfere with him, then in the future, when the choice is between him and his colleague, preference will be given to the second.

Talk 3

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What can you do, but a child who has just recently learned to walk grows up quickly. And now you won’t have time to blink an eye how soon he will have to choose his future profession, here he may need the help of his parents. Help can be of various kinds, but your participation in this process is important for the child.

At what age should you think?

Measure is important in everything. And from a young age, agitating a child to become a doctor is also not worth it. Yes, maybe this is your unfulfilled dream, but you should not impose it on a child. Yes, he is an extension of you, but he is already a completely different person and his preferences can be diametrically opposed.

Let your child try everything at an early age. Children should be sent to various kinds of circles, but if the child did not like the dances and they do not go well with him, do not force him to go there, this can develop hostility towards them for life. Contact with the child and be sure to talk to him about his failures, you may well help the baby with good advice, support him. At the stage of trial and error, he really needs you.

By trying different types of mugs, you and your baby will be able to find what interests him the most. An occupation that he will do willingly and with great zeal. Try to continue his undertakings, develop them into a serious occupation. After all The main thing when choosing a profession is the opportunity to do what you enjoy. And you can prepare for your profession already from childhood.

If your child does not know at all and cannot imagine his future, but soon he will need to apply for admission, try with him to consider the advantages of certain professions, but not starting with material gain, but starting with the knowledge and skills of your child, with how he copes with certain activities, with his perseverance, with how he communicates with people. This will help, if not to choose a profession, then to direct the child in the right direction. You can also consider the most popular professions and see if your child has an interest in them.

At an early age, children often want to be those who are an example for them. It can be a school teacher, or a cartoon character or a favorite book.

What traits of character speak about this or that choice?

Any profession, even the most simple, requires certain skills from a person. You should pay attention to this. For example, concentration of attention is important for a corrector, an artist must have imaginative thinking. It is important to consider these factors. It is best for a child to choose a profession where he will be able to reveal his abilities as much as possible, where he will be able to realize himself to the maximum and achieve the greatest success. If you help him with this, then in the future he will be grateful to you.

Today, high school students are offered to take a psychological test for career guidance. Such tests are compiled by several specialists at once: psychologists, teachers, personnel specialists. Based on the results of the tests, the child is offered a choice of several options for professions at once. This will help him make a choice in the right direction. He will be able to choose the profession to which the soul lies more and begin preparation for admission. Sign up for a course or tutor.

How can you help your child make the right decision?

First, introduce your child to your own profession. Indeed, often parents want their child to continue the profession of parents. But whether he wants it or not is another question. And a good way to figure it out is to show him how dad or mom works, show his working day, all the charms and disadvantages of the profession.

Mistakes in choosing a profession

When choosing a profession, a child can make typical mistakes. Warn him of them.

  • Attitude to the choice of profession as a permanent one. This is not entirely correct, now people change their profession during their lives and more than once, or even change not quite their profession, but their qualifications. Your child will also face this in the future.
  • The prevailing opinion about the prestige of the profession. Popular professions tend to become obsolete after some time and may even become unclaimed, for various reasons. Including due to an overabundance of specialists in the market. You can always offer a child something related to a popular profession if he wants nothing more than this.
  • Fascination only with the external or any one side of the profession. It is important that the child has a complete understanding of the profession. Maybe he likes architects and the way their work looks from the outside, but from the inside this profession may not be so attractive.
  • The transfer of attitude towards a person representing a certain profession to the profession itself. Seeing how people treat a family friend who works as a photographer, for example, a child may want to be the same, but he does not quite realize that a family friend is so popular because of his personal qualities, and not his professionalism, even if he is good as specialist.
  • The inability and unwillingness of the child to understand their personal qualities. It’s hard, but it’s worth awakening in the child an interest in yourself and in your interests. Watch him from the side and, if possible, point out his abilities, what he does.
  • Ignorance of their physical abilities and shortcomings existing when choosing a profession. To understand himself, the child needs to develop and be busy with some business, where he could test his abilities.

The main thing is to be unobtrusive in these matters and not put pressure on the child, give him some freedom, but also point out the responsibility of his choice.

/  Choosing a profession for a child

Sooner or later, the child grows up, and adulthood looms on the horizon. In middle and high school, you are already asking your son or daughter questions about their future career. Indeed, choosing a profession is a very important and responsible step, and your task at this stage is to make it as painless and useful as possible for the child.

From the article you will learn how to choose a profession for a child. We will talk about the problems of such a choice and understand how to influence a teenager.

How to choose a profession?

Perhaps almost every one of us has a story about who he wanted to be as a child. Agree that not always a dream finds itself in real life. And the point here is not only about parents or opportunities: with age, the range of interests of the child changes, what was interesting 3-4 years ago becomes boring and not so important. That is why do not be alarmed if at the age of 8-10 your child in all seriousness decides to become a welder, plumber or someone else. Most likely, in a couple of years, his position will change dramatically.

At what age can you already think about choosing a profession? Psychologists say that from the age of 12-13 a child can already make his choice.

From this period, you can connect various tests that help determine professional orientation, and success at school in certain subjects begins to "give out" the child: someone is successful in the field of the humanities (Russian language, literature, social studies, and others), someone in the field of exact (mathematics, physics and others), and someone respects the natural (biology, chemistry).

Based on the abilities and preferences of the child, you can choose the appropriate profile class or additional courses - it all depends on your school and financial capabilities.

In addition, various additional classes and sections help in choosing a profession.

Agree, if at school a child had 1-2 computer science lessons a week, and all his free time after school he was engaged in programming, it is unlikely that your child will go to a literary institute. So, when choosing a profession, it is imperative to take into account side interests, because they can become the basis of a lifetime's work.

Another way that can help you choose a profession is psychological tests that speak about the abilities and characteristics of the child's thinking. In adolescence, children take such tests at school, but modern technology makes it possible to repeat them at home, on Internet pages. We have compiled a few links for you:

Such tests divide people into groups according to the ways of interacting with the outside world:

1) man - nature;

2) man - technology;

3) a person is a person;

4) a person is a “sign system”

5) a person is an “artistic image”.

Depending on the results, you can choose a future profession from the list. So, for example, a child with the result "man - nature" will become an excellent chemist or ecologist.

Some development centers offer the child to decide on a future profession in a playful way. For example, the DreamLand Children's Development Center (TV Street, 1, building 4, tel. 290-15-15) offers a whole journey to the Land of Professions for children. In the course of an exciting game, the child gets acquainted with dozens of professions and can go through a professional path in one day. Such a one-day adventure can be a great help for choosing a future career.

Perhaps these methods and your friendly conversations with the child will be enough to choose a future profession, but the situation is not always so ideal. The choice of profile creates certain problems in many families and in some cases can lead to serious conflicts.

Problems of choosing a profession

The first and most important problem in choosing a profession for a child is that the child's opinion does not coincide with the plans and beliefs of the parents regarding the child's career. Many consider the future profession of their son or daughter as their own professional orientation. This is especially true for those families that raise a child as the heir to a business - you wanted to get a lawyer and an economist, but a doctor or teacher grew up.

How to act in such a situation? Look for a compromise and listen to the child. Of course, many parents successfully persuade the student to leave the dream and build a lucrative career - sometimes something comes out of this. But in many cases, such persuasion ends in incomplete higher education or lifelong suffering about an unloved job. Our advice is to talk to each other more and come to a common opinion. We are sure that everything will work out for you, but perhaps not immediately.

The second problem is that the child's opinion may change. Such problems are indeed possible, because vocational orientation tests lie, teachers make mistakes, grades in a magazine sometimes depend on the teacher, and not on abilities, and in a higher educational institution the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe specialty changes. Such troubles are difficult to prevent, but, again, pay more attention to your child - you understand him better than others, believe me.

“Of course, conversations with the child should be carried out, no matter how dad or mom will explain to him what is better and what is worse, where attention is required, where perseverance. But it is impossible to insist on choosing a profession for a child in any case. As a result, if something does not work out for your child in the future, he will blame you for it! Well, you need to respect the choice of the child!

Happy dad Artem Artemiev

How to influence the child?

If the choice of the child’s profession categorically does not suit you and you intend to influence the student, then you need to do this very carefully. Of course, it will be better if you have little influence on such a difficult aspect of his life, but anything can happen, so heed our recommendations.

First, never say your loud and categorical “no” and “no” about choosing a child. If you want to change something, do it carefully. Talk to him about the pros and cons of a particular specialty, offer your own version of a profession that suits both parties.

Second, never tell your child that he can't do something. "You're laughing? Haven't you ever been able to draw?" - this is how the career of a future architect or a great artist may end. Thanks to you. There is one rule: if you want to say something, say it softly. Tell us that any profession requires tremendous effort, work, perseverance. You can really help a child with good advice.

Thirdly, talk about the fact that higher education sometimes allows you to work in another field, about the importance of self-education in the life of an adult. This will make it clear to the child that the choice of an educational institution is not so critical and may change depending on the future fate and interests of an adult.

“A child cannot be left completely alone only with himself in this situation. Here it is important to help, to help, but not to influence, not to incline towards the option that the parent considers “correct”. To do this, you can ask questions that problematize, doubt, test the options that the child has chosen, test the desire, not so that he refuses these options, but so that he thinks about the risks and difficulties, sees the limitations of the options, it is important to discover other possibilities - show some options, ways that the child even thought about it.

For example, in recent years there has been a clear trend of obtaining only higher education after school, the guys do not even imagine that it is possible in a different way. But there are a lot of pluses in getting a graded education: first, secondary vocational, then higher.

On the other hand, it is important to accompany, but not interfere with the child. Of course, parents want their child to choose everything correctly, correctly and even ideally, so that it is the best university, the most sought-after profession. But you should not be afraid of failures, sometimes you need to be given the opportunity to make a mistake, perhaps in a year to understand that the choice was made incorrectly, and to enroll in a different faculty and a completely different specialty.

Daria Shtork, psychologist at gymnasium No. 1 "Univers", employee of the Department of Developmental Psychology and Counseling, Siberian Federal University

We are sure that the choice of a future profession will not become a big problem for your family, and you will solve possible problems calmly, without disputes and screams. Remember that the future life of your child depends on the choice of a future profession. Pay special attention to this moment, dear parents!

Moms, dads and other relatives! Let's agree right away - the site site will not tell you how to choose a profession for a child instead of him!

A maturing person must make this difficult choice himself, and the task of relatives is to HELP choose a profession, orient in the ocean of opportunities, show as many options as possible! This will be discussed in this article!

At what age should a teenager seriously focus on a profession?

Of course, every child changes many “future professions” during childhood.

But there comes an age when the question "what do you want to be?" ceases to be a “duty joke” among grandparents, aunts and uncles, but becomes a very real problem. And the fact is that in the last couple of decades, the age of making a final decision on obtaining a particular specialty is rapidly decreasing!

If during the adolescence of us and our parents there was a quite typical situation when a teenager took final exams from school and only then began to seriously choose a university (or vocational school after the 9th grade), now only a reckless triple student with parents can afford this don't care...

As a rule, already from the 8th-9th grade, responsible mothers and fathers demand that their child decide (sometimes too openly palming off their own vision of resolving the issue).

The subjects that are needed for admission and successful passing of the Unified State Examination are crammed (the certificate must be good, because it affects admission!), All sorts of “non-core” interests and hobbies go into the background - after all, maximum efforts should be directed to the main thing, to admission!

It is difficult to blame parents for such help in choosing a profession - the bar is really quite high, successful admission requires good preparation, and there is simply not enough time to pay enough attention to all subjects and extracurricular hobbies without losing the quality of education.

But the problem is that even the most responsible student may well make a mistake in choosing a profession when he is 13-14 years old, and before starting a career on the chosen path, there is still a good ten years of study! And the situation is not uncommon - a child’s fleeting passion for some profession turns into the beginning of tedious preparation for that university, which subsequently turns out to be of no interest to him ...

How to solve this situation, in the average version? Perhaps, it is not necessary to think too early about how to help a child choose a profession.

It is worth giving him maximum opportunities to actively study subjects that are really interesting to him, also develop in his hobbies, try something new, etc. And a more specific decision can be postponed until the last school year - when it will be clear which direction the teenager is more interested in.

As a rule, no specific professional knowledge is needed for admission to universities (except for creative specialties), and any school subject for the sake of an exam can be improved during this last year.

How to help a child choose a future profession?

There are two aspects to helping a teenager choose a profession:

  • Provide all the opportunities for various hobbies, hobbies and interests - after all, one of them can become the basis for choosing a future profession! Listen to the child - what interests him, what would he like to try? This must be done from a very early age, as soon as the baby begins to show any abilities and inclinations! Indirectly, sections, circles, creative studios, tutors of school subjects and children's and youth camps (with teaching something or language practice), etc. can help to choose a profession for a child.
  • Show the teenager the professions that interest him as realistically as possible, talk about them. If possible, during the holidays you can arrange in the area of ​​​​interest to him. It's great if one of your friends is a representative of this profession, can sensibly tell about it. Well, if there is an opportunity to conduct an excursion to the enterprise (to a specific workplace)! Of course, reading articles, books and other materials about this profession, interviews with its prominent representatives, etc. will also help you choose a profession.

In addition, a good psychologist can help you choose a profession - there are many tests to determine which activity a particular person is more inclined to.

If a child dreams of getting an unusual profession ...

We have already said about this at the very beginning - the independent choice of a growing person cannot be condemned, and even more so - forbidden and demanded to choose some other university or faculty. This is his life, and he has every right to live it the way he wants! Your task is only to help a teenager choose a profession!

But still, the anxiety of parents for the future of their own child can be understood ... We hasten to console the mothers and fathers of future actors, painters, philosophers, etc.:

  • A person with a diploma in a creative specialty usually has much wider employment opportunities than what is written in the "crust". For example, artists-painters can make paintings in interiors, illustrate books and other printed materials, design websites, etc. Actors can be involved in holding public events, hosting holidays, shows or TV programs ... That is, as a rule, there is always the opportunity to change a little after graduation if it is difficult to find a job purely in the specialty.
  • There are "eternal" professions. These include, for example, those associated with manual labor - these are furniture makers, builders, seamstresses, etc. Masters with "golden hands" will always be in demand, these are people who are least affected by crises and unemployment.
  • Some professions have great potential in the future, but so far seem exotic. Perhaps the choice of your child will be promising in a few years, and he will be one of the first to be in demand in the employment market!
  • If a person is really passionate about his work, then he has a chance of success even when the professional niche is rather narrow!

Do you want to help your child choose a profession that he will really like? Give it a "trial year".

Let him enter the university of his dreams and study there for a year - during this time he will be able to understand whether the chosen profession is really close to him, whether it looks “from the inside” as it seemed before admission. And if it turns out that this is not his path, then try not to condemn and support the child when he wants to transfer or re-enter another university - plan B can be much more thoughtful!



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