Aquarium disinfectants. Proper aquarium care - disinfection How to treat an aquarium after sick fish

Disinfection of the aquarium is necessary when the fish are diagnosed with infectious or parasitic diseases. Aquarium disinfection refers to the disinfection of the aquarium itself, equipment, decorations, fish-breeding equipment, water, soil and aquarium plants. Inadequate disinfection will cause a new outbreak of disease in immunocompromised fish.
Only temperatures of the order of 80-100°C kill parasites. The exception is cases when the pathogens are ciliary ciliates, ichthyophthirius, trichodins, costia, oodiniums and monogenetic flukes - dactylogyrus, gyrodactylus. To get rid of the parasites named above, it is enough to leave the aquarium for 7 days without fish with a water temperature of 28-29 ° C. Protozoa and monogeneans, not finding the host on which they parasitize, die.
With plestophorosis, glugeatosis, nodular disease, disinfection of the aquarium does not give positive results. With mycobacteriosis, it is useless to use acid preparations, since the bacteria are resistant to weak acids.
We start disinfecting the aquarium. We release, clean and only then disinfect each part. Aquarium plants are rarely sent to quarantine, it is better to destroy them, since pathogens of fish diseases can be in the form of spores protected by a shell, so disinfection of vegetation will not give a positive result. Disinfectants are mostly toxic materials that can harm fish and plants. Therefore, after disinfection, the aquarium, decorations, equipment should be washed with clean water.
Commercially available household disinfectants based on alcohols, phenols, aldehydes and detergents are not intended for aquarists - their residues will lead to poisoning. After using such disinfectants, the aquarium should be rinsed with plenty of fresh water several times to completely remove any residue of harmful substances.
To disinfect the aquarium, use a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution for several hours. Sometimes washed with a concentrated solution. Hydrogen peroxide is a safe agent that completely decomposes into non-toxic decomposition products. Use protective goggles and gloves when handling this drug.
Slight traces of 3% chloramine solution or clarified 5% bleach solution remaining in an unwashed aquarium will damage the skin and gill tissues of the fish. Chlorine lime is corrosive, spoils nylon nets, metal parts of equipment, and is deadly to plants.
Clean with 4% formalin solution, 5% aqueous solution of hydrochloric or sulfuric acid, 1-2% formaldehyde solution.
To disinfect the aquarium, detergents, washing powders are used at the rate of a pack of powder for 30-50 liters of water. An aquarium with such a solution is kept for a day. At the end of disinfection, rinse repeatedly with warm water.
Iodine-based disinfectants are less dangerous than bleach. Pet stores sell ready-made solutions of iodophors. Equipment is disinfected by immersing in a solution or wiping the surface. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding the dilution of the solution and the time of exposure;
Ethyl alcohol is volatile, it is enough to wipe objects with alcohol and it is gone. There is no danger for fish and plants.
Disinfect with a saturated solution of sodium chloride and baking soda 1:20. An empty aquarium, using a nylon stocking, is rubbed with this solution and left for 6-12 hours. Then the dried salt is washed off with warm water.
A good means of disinfecting inventory, but not an aquarium !!!, is to treat it with boiling water or boil it for 10-15 minutes. The filter material from the filter, sprayers, nets are boiled for 15 minutes, the soil is boiled for 30-40 minutes.
Nets, thermometers are kept in a 3% solution of chloramine or with a 4% solution of formaldehyde in a glass jar.
Apply Virkon-S (Virkon-S) - a strong disinfectant for disinfecting aquariums and aquarium equipment as follows:
The drained aquarium is wiped with a sponge (rag) heavily soaked in a 2% solution of Virkon-S. Twice, with an interval of 15 minutes. After the second treatment, the aquarium is left for three hours, then it can be considered completely disinfected. To put the aquarium into operation, simply wipe it with a damp sponge. Additional rinsing, as after using household disinfectants, is not required.
Aquarium equipment is soaked in a solution with a concentration of 200 mg of Virkon-C in 1 liter for at least 5 hours. It can be reused after a light rinse.
During the period

You will need

  • Disinfectant;
  • UV lamp (if any);
  • Pot for boiling soil (if necessary).


The easiest way is to treat the aquarium with hot water, ideally boiling water. In this case, all microbes and microorganisms will die. Be careful: the water temperature must be raised slowly so that the glass does not crack. But this method is only suitable for seamless aquariums and structures with solid glue - it looks like ceramics. If the glasses are placed on a soft silicone sealant, then from hot water it will become soft and the aquarium may begin to leak, and the glued container may even fall apart.

Another effective way is a strong disinfectant. You can treat the aquarium with a powerful liquid cleaner or chlorine solution. But after treatment, the aquarium must be thoroughly rinsed, as even small residues of the cleaning agent can kill the fish. Ideally, the aquarium should be thoroughly rinsed several times, then filled with water, allowed to stand for a day and then rinsed again.

Hydrogen peroxide can also be used to disinfect an aquarium. It is weaker than the previous options, but safer. Of course, the aquarium will have to be washed with water, but not so intensively.

To treat the aquarium, you can use ordinary table salt. First, make a slurry of salt and water and use a soft sponge to process the glass and seams. Then fill the aquarium with water, add salt at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter of water and leave for a couple of hours. Then drain the water and rinse the aquarium thoroughly - salt is harmful to many species of fish, and for some it is deadly. Another disinfection method that can be applied even to aquarium plants without the risk of destroying them is potassium permanganate. Make a medium pink solution and rinse the aquarium, wiping the inside with a soft sponge. Then wash the aquarium with water. Plants for disinfection should be placed for 10-15 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate. Do not overdo it with the concentration - there is a risk of burning the plants and staining the glass with a brown coating. There is a drug that can disinfect an aquarium even with fish - methylene blue. It has bactericidal and fungicidal properties, but is practically harmless to living organisms. The drug is available in the form of drops, for disinfection it is necessary to dilute it in a ratio of 2 ml per 10 liters of water. The only drawback is that it paints everything blue.

There is another mild disinfection method that does not harm plants and fish - an ultraviolet lamp. This option can be used either alone or in combination with the above. Using the lamp is simple: use it for several days instead of a regular lamp.

When it becomes necessary to disinfect the aquarium, the question arises: what to do with the soil. The most effective way is to boil. In this case, all microbes die with one hundred percent probability.

Before deciding on such a purchase as an aquarium with fish, you need to know how to properly install it at home. After all, special conditions are necessary for keeping fish, and harmonious decoration will delight not only the owner, but also guests.

The first step is to choose the right aquarium. In pet stores, you can see this item in different shapes, sizes, and also made in different designs. You must first choose the most suitable place for the aquarium. It should be in the quietest area, and away from the sun's rays, as excessive lighting can adversely affect deep sea life. The sun's rays also contribute to the rapid growth and growth of algae, which simply fill the entire aquarium in a short period of time. If the aquarium is very large, it is advisable to purchase it along with a special pedestal in which you can place various aquarium accessories and fish food. Often, a backdrop is also sold along with the aquarium, which adds an even more attractive look to the tank. Paste the background should be before the aquarium is decorated and filled with water. To fix the picture on the back wall should be with the help of glycerin, it is smeared on the glass surface with a very thin layer. The capacity of the aquarium should be installed in such a way that the gap between it and the wall is large enough, since subsequently it will be necessary to run filter pipes and wires for decorative lighting. Purchase for an aquarium should only be the soil that has been specially treated. This product and other decorative stones can be purchased at any pet store. However, after buying the soil, it is recommended to rinse thoroughly, then boil. The same must be done with empty shells and decorative stones. It is advisable to spread the soil at the bottom of the aquarium somewhat unevenly so that it looks natural. Its smallest layer should be in the foreground, and at the back wall - large enough. With this design, the view is much better, in addition, it makes cleaning the aquarium much easier. If you plan to plant natural marine plants, then the soil must be poured to the bottom in a thick layer. Water can be used directly from the tap, it must have a certain temperature. It is recommended to fill the aquarium with water slowly so that the soil does not erode, but remains at the same level. To prevent the appearance of turbidity from the ground, you can put a plate in the center of the aquarium, and pour water directly on it with a stream. You need to pour water almost to the very top, leaving a couple of centimeters from the edges. All decorations and plants must be added to the aquarium before it is filled with water. To remove heavy elements and chlorine, it is necessary to install an air conditioner. Once the aquarium is filled with all the necessary equipment and decorative elements, the filter, heaters and lights will need to be checked.

The water temperature in the aquarium should not exceed 25°C. You can check it with a thermometer, but only after warming up the water. So the aquarium should stand for several days, only then it will be possible to start the fish themselves.


  • How to start a new aquarium in 2017
  • Aquarium - where to start in 2017


If the fish were sick, but you cured them, disinfect the aquarium anyway. The infection may be in a latent state and will manifest itself sooner or later.

Useful advice

Be sure to ask family or friends to help you, it is very difficult to manage even a small aquarium alone.


  • how to handle an aquarium
  • Plant disinfection

Proper care of the aquarium - disinfection

Do not forget that the aquarium is a real home for fish. He, like a human dwelling, needs cleaning. If a person can provide himself with frequent cleaning, then such a luxury is not available for fish, so it is the owner who must disinfect the aquarium and monitor the condition of his pets. Many people know about this, but not everyone knows how to properly disinfect an aquarium.

Primary activities

The first disinfection of the aquarium takes place immediately after you have purchased the tank. The future home for fish must be carefully processed before the first inhabitants of flora and fauna appear there.

How to properly disinfect:

  1. Fill the aquarium with plain water.
  2. Dilute the potassium permanganate solution to a dark color and pour it into an aquarium filled with tap water.
  3. After that, leave it for a day. During this time, all pathogenic bacteria will die.
  4. Drain all the water and dry the walls with a dry cloth.
  5. Rinse it several times with clean running water.

The next step will be the preparation of water for the launch of a new aquarium. In order for free chlorine to come out of the water, it is necessary to defend all 100% of the water for at least 3 days. Then fill it up and wait a couple of days again. Only after that the aqua will be ready to receive the first inhabitants.

In order not to waste time, prepare the rest of the equipment and decor for your exclusive pond. Don't forget, they also need to be thoroughly disinfected before they end up in the same water as the fish. Particular attention is paid to the soil. As it is most often used sea sand and pebbles collected in natural conditions. Of course, a huge number of pathogenic bacteria have been collected in the substrate, which will poison the entire environment in the water. To defeat the negative consequences, you need to ignite the soil in the oven or in a large frying pan. It is necessary to expose the entire soil to the maximum temperature and for at least 20 minutes. For convenience, divide it into portions. Do not pour hot sand into the aquarium! Cool and rinse it well. One washing is not enough, it is better to repeat the procedure 3-4 times, only after that you can place it in the aquarium. Do not ignore this stage of the initial launch of the aquarium.

Among the mandatory elements of the normal functioning of an artificial reservoir are accessories. Collect all the decor elements, excluding plastic options and boil them thoroughly. Since plastic parts can melt from heat treatment, it is better to treat them with a dark solution of potassium permanganate.

Continuous disinfection measures

In the event that the aquarium is already functioning, but a nuisance has occurred and various bacteria and algae have begun to appear in it, then disinfection cannot be avoided. It is urgent to save plants and fish from there.

All fauna that was in the infected aquarium must be treated with an antibacterial solution. The most popular is a mixture of 10 mg of penacillin per 2 liters of water. Soak the plants in it for about 3 days. Do not be afraid, nothing terrible will happen to the plants during this time. The aquarium itself can be disinfected with a special bactericidal lamp daily for 20 minutes. Disinfection of the aquarium is necessary even if there are no visible problems. Preventive measures are the best way to keep your fish and other inhabitants healthy. The next disinfection begins with the disinfection treatment of all surfaces. The simplest improvised means are potassium permanganate and peroxide. Remove all the fish and decor from there, then fill to the edge with 3% peroxide or a dark solution of potassium permanganate. Leave everything for 5-6 hours. Then thoroughly rinse all surfaces and corners.

If there is neither time nor desire to wait so much time, then you can use the express method. Buy a special solution from the pet store that is designed to disinfect all surfaces. Remember to put on gloves before work. If you have the opportunity to process everything with formalin, chloramine, hydrochloric acid, then use this option.

To disinfect plants, it is necessary to prepare a penicillin solution in a ratio of 10: 2. Leave all the plants there for about three days.

The most common means:

  • Isopropane 70%;
  • Ethanol 70%;
  • Sidex;
  • N-propanol 60%.

With these tools, you can wipe the plants just once, this will be enough to kill the pathogenic sphere. They sell these funds in zoo-pharmacies. The rest of the inventory should be boiled. To be sure, keep them in boiling water for at least 20 minutes. The more time they stay in boiling water, the less chance the bacteria have to survive. Please note that rubber, plastic and thermometers should never be boiled.

Choose the way that is most convenient for you and enjoy the view of a beautiful, healthy aquarium with happy fish.

How to disinfect an aquarium

An aquarium is a home for fish. It needs cleaning, which for aquatic pets should always be accompanied by disinfection. Let's consider how to do this before settling the fish there and in the process of their residence there.

Primary aquarium disinfection

If you have purchased an aquarium, there is no need to rush with its design and settling of fish. After all, the fish house needs to be disinfected and treated with water.

First fill the aquarium with water. In another container, dissolve the potassium permanganate to a dark color. Then pour the solution into the aquarium, stir and leave for a day. After 24 hours, pour out all the liquid from the aquarium. After that, wipe the fish house with a clean, dry cloth. Rinse your tank thoroughly with water again. Now you can prepare water to fill the aquarium. It must be defended for three days before pouring into the aquarium. After filling the aquarium with settled water, you need to wait a few more days. Only after that you can launch fish there. In the meantime, you are waiting for these couple of days, you should carefully prepare all the other items in the aquarium. They also need to be disinfected. So, the sand must be placed on a hot frying pan. It is recommended to “fry” it, thus disinfecting it, for at least 20 minutes. Then the sand must be allowed to cool. Rinse it well to remove dirt and other unwanted particles. Washing should be done 2-3 times. This method of disinfection is mandatory, since dangerous bacteria live in the sand that can harm the health of your aquatic pets.

Aquarium accessories also need to be disinfected. It's about boiling. Plastic products are recommended to be treated with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, because they can be deformed when boiled. But stones, drainage pipes and other items for the formation of shelters should be boiled thoroughly.

In-line disinfection of the aquarium

If bacteria has appeared in your aquarium and caused plant diseases, then you need to urgently save them. Such plants should be placed in an antibacterial solution, which is prepared from 5 mg of penicillin per liter of water. Algae are kept in it for 3 days. And the aquarium itself can be disinfected with a bactericidal lamp, doing this for 20 minutes.

Even if everything is fine in your aquarium, it still needs regular disinfection as a preventive measure to keep your aquatic pets healthy. After all, there is no other way to get rid of microorganisms.

To carry out the next disinfection of the fish house, you need to choose a solution for treating all surfaces. The simplest and most affordable is the same potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. The aquarium should be freed from its pets and decor, filled to the brim with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or a saturated solution of potassium permanganate. Let it stand like this for 4-5 hours.

Another method of disinfection, faster, is rinsing with a special high concentration disinfectant. You can clean the aquarium with a solution of formalin and chloramine, hydrochloric acid and bleach.

In order to disinfect all plants, you need to prepare a penicillin solution: 5 mg per 1 liter of water. It is advisable to leave them in this solution for three days. Sidex and isopropane, n-propanol and ethanol are often used to disinfect the aquarium and inventory. All items just need to be wiped with 70% isopropanol, 60% n-propanol or 70% ethanol. One wipe will be enough. This method is not dangerous for fish, because alcohols are volatile substances, they evaporate quickly. They are effective in removing bacteria and microbacteria. The latter are much more difficult to deal with.

You can buy the above disinfectants in specialized departments or stores.

As for boiling inventory and other decor items, it should last at least 15 minutes in time. Do not boil objects made of rubber and plastic, heaters and thermometers.

Each aquarist himself chooses a convenient way to disinfect the aquarium. It is only necessary to rinse all items with boiled water after it and disinfect regularly.

Disinfection of the aquarium and inventory

Disinfection is carried out in case of detection of an infectious disease in the biotope, in order to prevent its spread and eliminate it as soon as possible.

But many pathogens of infectious diseases can live in the aquarium for a long time or remain on the inventory in the form of cysts, eggs, etc. In these cases, the aquarium, plants, soil, inventory are subject to disinfection.

During disinfection, the aquarium is treated with a disinfectant solution.

Filter material, sprayers, nets are boiled for 10-15 minutes. Heaters, thermometers, hoses, filter housing (meaning plastic), rubber suction cups must not be boiled. They are also treated with disinfectant solutions. Sprayers can be kept in nitric acid for several hours. The inventory is treated with a soft brush, washed several times with water. The aquarium soil is boiled for 30 minutes or replaced with a new one.

Disinfectant solutions:

0.1% potassium permanganate solution;

3% solution of chloramine;

4% formalin solution;

5% solution of hydrochloric or sulfuric acid;

5% bleach solution.

The procedure for disinfection of the aquarium is as follows: fish, plants, molluscs and other hydrobionts are removed from the biotope (they are subjected to a separate special treatment, for example, fish - quarantine); the vessel is filled with a solution to the brim for one day, the next day the solution is poured out and thoroughly washed several times with clean water. After that, the biotope is started again.

With mycobacteriosis, it is useless to use acid preparations, since bacteria do not react to them. For disinfection in this disease, washing powders are used (450 g of powder per 30-40 liters of water). The inventory is washed in the same solution. After disinfection, all items are thoroughly washed several times with warm water and rinsed, then water is poured into the vessel, left for several days, then poured out again and this time it is completely poured.

In case of mycobacteriosis, the aquarium and inventory can also be disinfected with a 5% solution of bleach or a 3% solution of chloramine: pour 1 liter of the solution into the aquarium and thoroughly wipe the internal and external walls and corners with a cloth soaked in it several times a day. After that, the aquarium is rinsed several times, the soil is covered and filled with fresh, settled water, plants are planted, and fish are launched after a few days.

For disinfection, you can also use ozonation of water or irradiation with a bactericidal lamp for 15-20 minutes.

Plants, if they are not subject to destruction, are placed in a solution of penicillin (50 mg per 10 liters of water). You can also use a solution of bicillin-5 at the rate of 150,000 IU per 10 liters of water. Disinfection of pre-washed plants is carried out in a container with water at a temperature of 24-26 degrees (possibly higher, depending on the type of plant) for 5-6 days (up to two weeks). The disinfectant solution is applied once a day, after changing the water. In the first two hours, the vessel is shaded, then kept under normal lighting.

In some diseases (mainly caused by sporozoans, for example, plestophorosis, glugeatosis, nodular disease, the pathogens of which can be at rest in the form of spores protected by a shell), disinfection of the aquarium and aquatic vegetation does not work. In this case, the plants are destroyed.

Obviously, disinfecting an aquarium is a very laborious operation. In practice, even experienced aquarists use it quite infrequently: mainly in the case of a mass epidemic. Therefore, the best way is to prevent the onset of an infectious disease in the biotope, which is achieved by quarantine of newly arrived hydrobionts, disease prevention in the aquarium, careful selection and processing of food (live), proper care, daily inspection and culling of fish with suspected diseases, etc.

An aquarium is a home for fish. It needs cleaning, which for aquatic pets should always be accompanied by disinfection. Let's consider how to do this before settling the fish there and in the process of their residence there.

Primary aquarium disinfection

If you have purchased an aquarium, there is no need to rush with its design and settling of fish. After all, the fish house needs to be disinfected and treated with water.

First fill the aquarium with water. In another container, dissolve the potassium permanganate to a dark color. Then pour the solution into the aquarium, stir and leave for a day. After 24 hours, pour out all the liquid from the aquarium. After that, wipe the fish house with a clean, dry cloth. Rinse your tank thoroughly with water again. Now you can prepare water to fill the aquarium. It must be defended for three days before pouring into the aquarium. After filling the aquarium with settled water, you need to wait a few more days. Only after that you can launch fish there. In the meantime, you are waiting for these couple of days, you should carefully prepare all the other items in the aquarium. They also need to be disinfected. So, the sand must be placed on a hot frying pan. It is recommended to “fry” it, thus disinfecting it, for at least 20 minutes. Then the sand must be allowed to cool. Rinse it well to remove dirt and other unwanted particles. Washing should be done 2-3 times. This method of disinfection is mandatory, since dangerous bacteria live in the sand that can harm the health of your aquatic pets.

Aquarium accessories also need to be disinfected. It's about boiling. Plastic products are recommended to be treated with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, because they can be deformed when boiled. But stones, drainage pipes and other items for the formation of shelters should be boiled thoroughly.

In-line disinfection of the aquarium

If bacteria has appeared in your aquarium and caused plant diseases, then you need to urgently save them. Such plants should be placed in an antibacterial solution, which is prepared from 5 mg of penicillin per liter of water. Algae are kept in it for 3 days. And the aquarium itself can be disinfected with a bactericidal lamp, doing this for 20 minutes.

Even if everything is fine in your aquarium, it still needs regular disinfection as a preventive measure to keep your aquatic pets healthy. After all, there is no other way to get rid of microorganisms.

To carry out the next disinfection of the fish house, you need to choose a solution for treating all surfaces. The simplest and most affordable is the same potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. The aquarium should be freed from its pets and decor, filled to the brim with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or a saturated solution of potassium permanganate. Let it stand like this for 4-5 hours.

Another method of disinfection, faster, is rinsing with a special high concentration disinfectant. You can clean the aquarium with a solution of formalin and chloramine, hydrochloric acid and bleach.

In order to disinfect all plants, you need to prepare a penicillin solution: 5 mg per 1 liter of water. It is advisable to leave them in this solution for three days. Sidex and isopropane, n-propanol and ethanol are often used to disinfect the aquarium and inventory. All items just need to be wiped with 70% isopropanol, 60% n-propanol or 70% ethanol. One wipe will be enough. This method is not dangerous for fish, because alcohols are volatile substances, they evaporate quickly. They are effective in removing bacteria and microbacteria. The latter are much more difficult to deal with.

You can buy the above disinfectants in specialized departments or stores.

As for boiling inventory and other decor items, it should last at least 15 minutes in time. Do not boil objects made of rubber and plastic, heaters and thermometers.

Each aquarist himself chooses a convenient way to disinfect the aquarium. It is only necessary to rinse all items with boiled water after it and disinfect regularly.

Causes of diseases: , , left without a host, they live in the biotope for a relatively short time. Therefore, if the aquarist is sure that the above parasites were the pathogens, then aquarium disinfection optional. In this case, it is necessary to remove the fish from the vessel for 15 days, change the water, and then maintain the temperature in the aquarium at 26-28 degrees for 12 days, of which 32-33 degrees for 3 days. Adult parasites will die in the first three days, and those covered with a cyst, having developed in 3-12 days, will not find a new host for themselves and will die in three days (a temperature of 32-33 degrees will kill them). After the specified period, you can run the fish back.

But many pathogens can live in an aquarium for a long time or remain on in the form of cysts, eggs, etc. In these cases, the aquarium , inventory are subject to disinfection.

During disinfection, the aquarium is treated with a disinfectant solution.

Filter material, sprayers, nets are boiled for 10-15 minutes. Heaters, thermometers, hoses, filter housing (meaning plastic), rubber suction cups must not be boiled. They are also treated with disinfectant solutions. Sprayers can be kept in nitric acid for several hours. The inventory is treated with a soft brush, washed several times with water. The aquarium soil is boiled for 30 minutes or replaced with a new one.

Disinfectant solutions:

0.1% potassium permanganate solution;

3% solution of chloramine;

4% formalin solution;

5% solution of hydrochloric or sulfuric acid;

5% bleach solution.

Order of conduct disinfection aquarium next:, plants, mollusks and other hydrobionts are removed from the biotope (they are subjected to a separate special treatment, for example, fish -); the vessel is filled with a solution to the brim for one day, the next day the solution is poured out and thoroughly washed several times with clean water. After that, the biotope is started again.

When using acid preparations, it is useless, since they do not react to them. For disinfection in this disease, washing powders are used (450 g of powder per 30-40 liters of water). The inventory is washed in the same solution. After disinfection all items are thoroughly washed several times with warm water and rinsed, then water is poured into the vessel, left for several days, then poured out again and this time it is completely poured.

At mycobacteriosis the aquarium and inventory can also be disinfected with a 5% bleach solution or a 3% chloramine solution: pour 1 liter of the solution into the aquarium and thoroughly wipe the internal and external walls and corners with a cloth soaked in it several times a day. After that, the aquarium is rinsed several times, the soil is covered and filled with fresh, settled water, plants are planted, and fish are launched after a few days.

For disinfection can be applied and water ozonation or irradiation with a germicidal lamp for 15-20 minutes.

Plants, if they are not subject to destruction, they are placed in a solution of penicillin (50 mg per 10 liters of water). You can also use a solution of bicillin-5 at the rate of 150,000 IU per 10 liters of water. carried out in a container with water at a temperature of 24-26 degrees (possibly higher, depending on the type of plant) for 5-6 days (up to two weeks). Disinfectant solution make once a day, after changing the water. In the first two hours, the vessel is shaded, then kept under normal lighting.

With some diseases (mainly caused, for example, with , pathogens of which can be in the dormant stage in the form of spores protected by a shell) aquarium disinfection and aquatic vegetation does not work. In this case, the plants are destroyed.

It's obvious that aquarium disinfection- a very laborious operation.
In practice, even experienced aquarists use it quite infrequently: mainly in the case of a mass epidemic. Therefore, the best way is to prevent the onset of an infectious disease in the biotope, which is achieved by quarantine of newly arrived hydrobionts in the aquarium, careful selection and processing of food (live), proper care, daily inspection and culling of fish with suspected diseases, etc.

Do not forget that the aquarium is a real home for fish. He, like a human dwelling, needs cleaning. If a person can provide himself with frequent cleaning, then such a luxury is not available for fish, so it is the owner who must disinfect the aquarium and monitor the condition of his pets. Many people know about this, but not everyone knows how to properly disinfect an aquarium.

Primary activities

The first disinfection of the aquarium takes place immediately after you have purchased the tank. The future home for fish must be carefully processed before the first inhabitants of flora and fauna appear there.

How to properly disinfect:

  1. Fill the aquarium with plain water.
  2. Dilute the potassium permanganate solution to a dark color and pour it into an aquarium filled with tap water.
  3. After that, leave it for a day. During this time, all pathogenic bacteria will die.
  4. Drain all the water and dry the walls with a dry cloth.
  5. Rinse it several times with clean running water.

The next step will be the preparation of water for the launch of a new aquarium. In order for free chlorine to come out of the water, it is necessary to defend all 100% of the water for at least 3 days. Then fill it up and wait a couple of days again. Only after that the aqua will be ready to receive the first inhabitants.

In order not to waste time, prepare the rest of the equipment and decor for your exclusive pond. Don't forget, they also need to be thoroughly disinfected before they end up in the same water as the fish. Particular attention is paid to the soil. As it is most often used sea sand and pebbles collected in natural conditions. Of course, a huge number of pathogenic bacteria have been collected in the substrate, which will poison the entire environment in the water. To defeat the negative consequences, you need to ignite the soil in the oven or in a large frying pan. It is necessary to expose the entire soil to the maximum temperature and for at least 20 minutes. For convenience, divide it into portions. Do not pour hot sand into the aquarium! Cool and rinse it well. One washing is not enough, it is better to repeat the procedure 3-4 times, only after that you can place it in the aquarium. Do not ignore this stage of the initial launch of the aquarium.

Among the mandatory elements of the normal functioning of an artificial reservoir are accessories. Collect all the decor elements, excluding plastic options and boil them thoroughly. Since plastic parts can melt from heat treatment, it is better to treat them with a dark solution of potassium permanganate.

Continuous disinfection measures

In the event that the aquarium is already functioning, but a nuisance has occurred and various bacteria and algae have begun to appear in it, then disinfection cannot be avoided. It is urgent to save plants and fish from there.

All fauna that was in the infected aquarium must be treated with an antibacterial solution. The most popular is a mixture of 10 mg of penacillin per 2 liters of water. Soak the plants in it for about 3 days. Do not be afraid, nothing terrible will happen to the plants during this time. The aquarium itself can be disinfected with a special bactericidal lamp daily for 20 minutes. Disinfection of the aquarium is necessary even if there are no visible problems. Preventive measures are the best way to keep your fish and other inhabitants healthy. The next disinfection begins with the disinfection treatment of all surfaces. The simplest improvised means are potassium permanganate and peroxide. Remove all the fish and decor from there, then fill to the edge with 3% peroxide or a dark solution of potassium permanganate. Leave everything for 5-6 hours. Then thoroughly rinse all surfaces and corners.

If there is neither time nor desire to wait so much time, then you can use the express method. Buy a special solution from the pet store that is designed to disinfect all surfaces. Remember to put on gloves before work. If you have the opportunity to process everything with formalin, chloramine, hydrochloric acid, then use this option.

To disinfect plants, it is necessary to prepare a penicillin solution in a ratio of 10: 2. Leave all the plants there for about three days.

The most common means:

  • Isopropane 70%;
  • Ethanol 70%;
  • Sidex;
  • N-propanol 60%.

With these tools, you can wipe the plants just once, this will be enough to kill the pathogenic sphere. They sell these funds in zoo-pharmacies. The rest of the inventory should be boiled. To be sure, keep them in boiling water for at least 20 minutes. The more time they stay in boiling water, the less chance the bacteria have to survive. Please note that rubber, plastic and thermometers should never be boiled.

Choose the way that is most convenient for you and enjoy the view of a beautiful, healthy aquarium with happy fish.



2022 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs