Helicobacter pylori bacterium treatment with antibiotics. Helicobacter pylori bacterium, what is it and how to treat it? And finally, some important facts

Harmful bacteria destroy the gastric mucosa, disrupt the intestinal microflora, and provoke the development of dangerous diseases of the digestive system. The consequences for health are extremely unpleasant, intensive therapy is required. Before identifying Helicobacter pylori, a person is tormented by alarming symptoms of the digestive tract.

What is Helicobacter pylori

This gram-negative bacterium destroys the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the digestive system. Helicobacter pylori not only penetrates the stomach, but also maintains viability in an acidic environment, and in addition, it multiplies rapidly, affecting the gastrointestinal mucosa. The harmful bacterium Helicobacter pylori is common in almost every organism, but its aggressive influence is preceded by a number of pathogenic factors. Helicobacter pylori is considered a family health problem, as microbes are quickly transmitted through household contact and beyond.

How is Helicobacter pylori transmitted?

Doctors have not been able to determine the exact ways of transmission of the pathogenic infection, however, they confirm that it is possible to become infected by the oral, contact, fecal-oral, contact-household route. If a patient kisses a healthy person, he will become infected with a dangerous bacterium that can provoke gastritis, ulcers, and other inflammatory processes in the digestive tract. After infection with Helicobacter pylori, the patient does not immediately begin to get sick: it takes time to complete the incubation period

Here are a number of common options for how Helicobacter is transmitted to a person:

  • in case of violation of asepsis rules in relation to medical equipment;
  • by airborne droplets - when sneezing, coughing, lacrimation, in the process of talking with an opponent;
  • when using the same dishes with the patient;
  • in violation of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • from other households infected in a known way earlier;
  • through vegetables, fruits, other contaminated items;
  • upon physical contact.

Helicobacter pylori - symptoms

At first, the bacterium does not detect itself in the body in any way, but during the incubation period it grows, multiplies, releases intoxication products that disrupt the epithelium layer. Symptoms of Helicobacter pylori become pronounced, resemble signs of poisoning, require timely diagnosis, therapeutic measures. It is important to pay attention to such changes in general well-being:

  • stool disorder - chronic diarrhea or constipation;
  • allergic skin rashes;
  • hair thinning;
  • bad breath;
  • fragility of the nail plates and other signs of beriberi;
  • pain in the stomach after a meal;
  • all other signs of dyspepsia.

Helicobacter pylori - treatment

If you respond to alarming symptoms in time, you can cure the indicated ailment, provide reliable and affordable prevention of active bacteria. If you listen to the doctor, the treatment regimen for Helicobacter pylori includes taking antibiotics, using agents to restore the affected mucosa, a therapeutic diet, and vitamins for immunity. It is immediately worth clarifying that this bacterium is characterized by increased resistance to many antibiotic agents, so superficial self-treatment is completely excluded.

Eradication of Helicobacter pylori

If a bacterium is found, a complex of medications and procedures are prescribed to quickly stop further development. Such eradication therapy for Helicobacter pylori is highly effective with the right choice of antibiotics, and has a number of significant advantages. Before treating Helicobacter pylori infection in the stomach, it is necessary to choose the optimal scheme. More often it looks like this:

  1. Antibiotic Clarithromycin for 7 days.
  2. Antibacterial drugs Tinidazole, Trichopolum, Amoxicillin for a weekly course.
  3. Proton pump inhibitors Rabeprazole, Omez for a week.

Since the body develops an increased resistance of the pathogenic flora in relation to antibiotic agents, it is not easy to get rid of pathogenic bacteria with antibiotics. It is necessary to first perform a drug sensitivity test, take a full course with Helicobacter pylori, do not violate the prescribed sequence of actions.

How to treat Helicobacter pylori with medication

Doctors first of all determine the cause of the pathological process, then eliminate it, prescribe an effective treatment. If the treatment of Helicobacter pylori is started late or is prescribed erroneously, serious complications that occur in the human body may follow. Below are the most common medical referrals for Helicobacter pylori:

  1. Eradication, combining in one appointment three medications Amoxicillin, Rabeprazole, Clarithromycin.
  2. In the absence of a stable therapeutic effect, it is indicated to replace these medicines with Rabeprazole, Metranidazole, Bismuth subsalicylate, Tetracycline.
  3. Oral intake of probiotics is required for the speedy recovery of the mucosal epithelium.

Diet for Helicobacter pylori

Special requirements are shown only for internal bleeding, in other clinical pictures, nutrition should be complete, balanced, healthy. The diet for Helicobacter pylori is aimed at maintaining the functions of digestion, the speedy recovery of the affected gastric mucosa. If Helicobacter pylori progresses - what kind of bacterium is it important to find out first, and only then there will be treatment and a diet that excludes such foods from the daily diet:

  • alcohol;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • smoked meats and preservation;
  • confectionery;
  • spices and pepper;
  • mushrooms and the first (fatty) broth;
  • coffee Tea.

It is allowed to use low-fat soups, milk porridges, lean meat and fish, vegetables, milk and berry cocktails, medicinal decoctions for Helicobacter pylori. The manifestation of relapse with a properly planned menu will be relegated to the background, and the number of tablets consumed will be reduced several times. At home, you can always use alternative medicine recipes against dangerous bacteria.

Helicobacter pylori - treatment with folk remedies

With Helicobacter pylori, alternative treatment recipes are in no way inferior in effectiveness to medical methods of intensive care. It is necessary to choose the right medicine against bacteria, pre-approve its intake from a specialist, do not violate daily prescriptions, do not overestimate the dosage. Before treating helicobacteria in the stomach with folk remedies, it is important to clarify the absence of an allergic reaction to herbal ingredients, to minimize the risk of side effects. Here are some good recipes:

  1. In equal quantities, combine chamomile, celandine, yarrow and St. John's wort. Prepare a decoction by the classical method - for 2 tbsp. l. raw materials 500 ml of boiling water. Take after eating up to 3 times a day. Each time prepare a fresh portion of this medicine.
  2. Grind calamus root, after which 2 tbsp. l. steam raw materials and insist in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Take it internally in the same way. Positive dynamics with increased activity of Helicobacter pylori is provided to the patient.
  3. Dandelion, apple or pear flowers act on the same principle, productively complement antibiotic therapy, have no drug interactions, and exterminate the Helicobacter pylori bacterium.

Analysis for Helicobacter pylori

It is possible to determine the infection only in the laboratory. By performing an analysis for Helicobacter pylori, you can make a final diagnosis, predict the clinical outcome for the patient. The determining biological fluid for the study is considered to be blood, a smear of the mucous membrane is secondary. From a single portion of blood, the presence of specific antibodies formed by immunity against a dangerous bacterium is determined. After confirming the nature of the disease, intensive therapy with conservative methods should follow immediately.

Video: Helicobacter pylori - symptoms and treatment

Effective treatment of Helicobacter pylori is impossible without the use of antibiotics, and for their appointment, gastroenterologists are guided by various aspects.

Before the discovery of such a specific bacterium, medical scientists could not even imagine that the existence of microorganisms in the acidic aggressive environment of the stomach is generally possible! But, alas, more than 17 years ago, such a "resident" was first discovered in the gastric mucosa and now the infectious nature of many gastroenterological diseases is beyond doubt.

In addition, as a result of laboratory tests, the detection of Helicobacter bacteria in the stomach does not always require treatment. Gastroenterologists around the world are still not unambiguous about the problem of the complete destruction of this microorganism, especially since the process is very difficult due to its adaptation to many groups of antibiotics.

General aspects in treatment

Symptoms of the presence of bacteria in the body and indications for the eradication of infection

A person may not even suspect that a dangerous bacterium has settled in his body. Therefore, you should definitely pay attention to such signs of dysfunction of the functions of the whole organism as increased constipation or diarrhea, allergies, hair loss, brittle nails and the presence of fungal diseases on the legs and arms. Or if you have healthy teeth and bad breath. All these signs indirectly indicate the possibility of infection with a pathogenic bacterium.

In the presence of some symptoms of Helicobacter pylori, treatment is not started without test results that really confirm the presence of an infection. A modern diagnostic base detects harmful bacteria with great accuracy and speed.

In addition, the emerging pain in the stomach, which fades after eating, often accompanied by heartburn, nausea, intolerance to meat food and severe heaviness, should definitely alert you and serve as an obligatory reason for a visit to the doctor.

When laboratory tests confirm the presence of symptoms of Helicobacter bacteria and treatment is carried out adequate and comprehensive.

Indisputable indications for eradication, that is, the complete destruction of bacteria in the body, are:

  • follow-up therapy after resection of a cancerous tumor in the stomach;
  • as a prophylaxis for the closest relatives of a cancer patient with a tumor of gastric localization, etc.

Often, when the main symptoms of Helicobacter pylori disease are detected, treatment is carried out solely in order to drown out the manifestations of gastroenterological diseases, while the correct treatment is complex, aimed at eradicating the microorganism in the stomach, and is mandatory in order for the early healing of ulcers and erosions of the gastric mucosa to begin. .

To eliminate many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, antibiotics are called upon that affect the vital activity of the Helicobacter microorganism, which must be present as part of a comprehensive restorative treatment.

In the presence of symptoms of Helicobacter pylori, treatment should be associated and meet the following requirements:

  • effectively selected attack on the bacterium;
  • resistance of prescribed antibiotics in the acidic contents of the stomach;
  • the ability of the drugs used to successfully penetrate the layer of gastric mucus;
  • locality of drug action;
  • rapid removal from the body without affecting other organs and tissues.

Only such a combination will really lead to a positive effect.

Methods and types of treatment

If a helicobacter pylori infection is detected, treatment can be carried out in two directions: with the help of chemicals that regulate the level of gastric acid and diet, as well as alternative methods.

The very treatment of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium still creates a dilemma among physicians, because complete eradication, although indicated in some cases, is rather problematic due to the forced use of a whole group of drugs for therapy, and the bacterium is resistant to many of them, i. e. sustainable behaviour.

Treatment of Helicobacter infection may also be ineffective if the patient has been prescribed antibiotics that have previously been used to treat another disease. The problem is that along with pathogenic bacteria, the beneficial microflora also dies, which leads to the development of dysbacteriotic manifestations and allergies.

Antibiotic treatment

Which antibiotics to treat Helicobacter pylori should be determined by the doctor based on the results of the tests and the medical history, which should indicate all the drugs previously used in the treatment of various pathologies of the patient.

Antibiotics and drugs that can regulate the acid level in the stomach should form the basis of the treatment of the Helicobacter bacterium.

In order to reduce the impact of side effects and minimize the development of complications, given the financial condition of the patient, three treatment regimens for Helicobacter pylori are offered:

  1. First option. Preparations for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori: a combination of omeprazole (can be replaced by lansoprazole, esomeprazole), clarithromycin and amoxicillin (can be replaced by metronidazole) taken 2 times a day for a week. In this case, the control study is carried out after a week of taking the medication. If the ulcer does not heal, you must continue taking the first drug on the list twice a day for 20 days.
  2. Second option. Treatment of Helicobacter pylori with antibiotics amoxicillin and clarithromycin is supplemented with colloidal bismuth subcitrate, which has the popular name de-nol. The therapy is carried out 2 times a day for a decade. After the control check, if there is no improvement, treatment with Helicobacter pylori de-nol is continued for 2.5 weeks with a double daily intake.
  3. Third option. The Helicobacter treatment regimen consists of any one inhibitor indicated in the first line of the first option, amoxycycline and de-nol, which should be taken 2 times a day for 10-12 days. If proper healing of ulcers does not occur, therapy is continued with omeprazole or de-nol for another 21 days. With ineffective eradication of helicobacter pylori, the treatment regimens indicated above are replaced with quadruple therapy (fourth option) for 10 days, with de-nol taken twice a day for the next 3 weeks.
  4. Fourth option. Treatment of Helicobacter with a 4-component scheme involves the appointment of one of the proton pump inhibitors (omesoprazole, lansoprazole, pantoprazole, esomeprazole) at a standard dosage twice a day, bismuth tripotassium dicitrate (de-nol) four times a day, metronidazole three times a day, tetracycline four times a day for weeks.

Such a regimen for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori with antibiotics is recommended in case of ineffective previous therapy, as well as in case of impossibility to determine the sensitivity of the microorganism strain. In all of the above schemes, the first-line inhibitors can be replaced with flemoxin-solutab, which has a gentle effect on the intestinal microflora and minimizes possible complications after its administration.

The above treatment of Helicobacter with antibiotics has not only an antimicrobial effect, but also has an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect.

According to the above treatment of Helicobacter with antibiotics, the reviews are positive, many respondents who took these treatment regimens fully recovered.

Treatment with folk remedies

An intense attack on the bacterium Helicobacter pylori with antibiotic treatment does not guarantee a complete recovery. At the same time, many are trying to get around it, but, unfortunately, according to gastroenterologists, the treatment of Helicobacter without antibiotics is too problematic, since the strain of this infection is very resistant to many antibacterial drugs.

But recently, many experts are inclined to believe that self-treatment of Helicobacter pylori with folk remedies gives a much better chance of recovery, especially since such a combination does not harm the body, but, on the contrary, strengthens the immune system.

However, it should be remembered that the treatment of Helicobacter with folk remedies is applicable only in the initial stages of the disease, when there are no ulcers in the advanced stages, dangerous internal bleeding and a serious general condition of the patient.

In the treatment of Helicobacter with folk remedies, emphasis is placed on the long-term use of decoctions of herbs, freshly squeezed juices, which have an enveloping effect that reduces pain. In addition, such combinations of herbs are selected in order to eliminate pathogenic microbes as quickly as possible, relieve the inflammatory process, and, most importantly, normalize the acidity of the juice secreted by the stomach.

Among the effective means is a decoction of flax (1.5 tbsp. Infused for 1 cup of boiling water for 15 minutes), which is taken 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. 0.5 hours before meals, collecting herbs of chamomile, celandine, St. John's wort and yarrow (the dosage and intake are the same, but the decoction is infused for 2 hours), as well as freshly squeezed cabbage, potato (with increased acidity) or beetroot juices.

If cabbage and potato juices are of particular value in the first 15 minutes, when vitamin U has not yet been destroyed, then beetroot must be aged for at least 3 hours in an open container. It should be taken diluted 1:1 in 100 ml before meals.

After the treatment of helicobacter pylori with folk remedies, there are many examples of eradication, in particular, after taking infused pumpkin seeds and wormwood leaves in equal proportions of alcohol, which is taken 25 ml twice a day before meals for at least 14 days. However, this method is strictly prohibited during exacerbations of the disease.

The treatment of Helicobacter pylori with propolis has proven itself well, the tincture of which can be taken for 1 month, 10 drops three times a day before meals. You can buy it at a pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself: insist 20 mg of propolis in 100 ml of 70-degree alcohol for 14 days in a dark, cool place, constantly shaking.

Reviews of the treatment of Helicobacter pylori with folk remedies prove the effectiveness, sparing effect of the applied herbal infusions, although many complain about the duration of treatment. In addition to medicinal and herbal remedies, the diet in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori involves the exclusion of fried, smoked, salty and spicy foods from food. In addition, pureed soups, steam cutlets, mousses, vegetable purees, as well as berry, vegetable and fruit juices are recommended.

The complexity of treating a child's body from an illness

If there is one of the adults in the family - the carrier of the infection, then it is likely that the child will also be infected, since the infection is transmitted if elementary sanitary and hygienic rules are not followed, for example, through common dishes, saliva, kisses, etc.

Treatment of Helicobacter pylori in children is a difficult task, because such drugs should be prescribed that will have the most gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract, while the effect must be achieved. The child cannot endure heartburn for a long time, pain in the abdomen, accompanied by constipation, weight loss - all this leads to a nervous breakdown of the child. Therefore, antibiotic treatment of helicobacter pylori is the most optimal and is carried out in a short time.

Treatment of Helicobacter pylori in children involves the use of several antimicrobial agents. The following is an exemplary treatment regimen for gastritis with Helicobacter pylori:

  1. With the use of bismuth preparations: de-nol is prescribed for up to 14 days, furazolidone (2 times a day) and amoxicillin injections during the week according to the age scheme. Amoxicillin can be replaced with clarithromycin or roxithromycin (2 r / d);
  2. With the use of proton pump inhibitors: losec (2 r / d), amoxicillin (2 r / d), azithromycin (1 r / d from the second day) for a week. Azithromycin can be replaced with roxithromycin (2 r / d).

All drugs indicated for the treatment of helicobacter pylori should be used in the dosage indicated for a certain age of the child!

Medicines for Helicobacter pylori are the use of specific antibiotics, nitromidazoles (their derivatives), colloidal bismuth salts, proton pump inhibitors, probiotics, which can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Self-medication is not only unsafe for your health and the health of the child, but is also fraught with subsequent peak situations in which any doctor's appointment will not have the desired effect due to the acquired resistance of the bacterium to many drugs.

Therefore, only a doctor decides how to treat Helicobacter pylori. And in order to stay healthy longer, you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, quit bad habits, balance and enrich your diet with useful vitamins and minerals, sanitize nasopharyngeal infections in a timely manner and prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of the body, and, most importantly, adhere to personal hygiene. In addition, a positive attitude towards life will help to avoid many diseases.

Video how to treat Helicobacter pylori:

Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that inhabits the inner surface of the stomach and duodenum. It is the cause of peptic ulcer of these parts of the digestive tract. Without getting rid of it (the so-called eradication), a successful recovery of the patient from an ulcer, gastritis or gastroduodenitis should not be expected.

Principles of H. pylori eradication with antibiotics

  1. Treatment should be preceded by an examination. All patients with abdominal pain should be sent for testing for Helicobacter pylori. With the initial detection of this infection, complex antibacterial therapy is carried out, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, concomitant pathology or an allergic reaction to drugs. If the pathogen is detected again after the therapy, the patient is sent for EFGDS (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) with the obligatory taking of a biopsy (a piece of the mucous membrane of the affected organ). The material is sent to the laboratory to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics.
  2. It is necessary to treat not only the patient, but also his relatives. It is necessary to examine all relatives permanently residing with the patient. With a positive result, antibiotic therapy is also carried out for them, regardless of the presence or absence of symptoms.
  3. eradication control. It is carried out 1.5 months after treatment. With a repeated positive test result for Helicobacter pylori, a repeated 3-4-day course of antibiotics is prescribed at the maximum allowable doses.
  4. Combination of drugs. To date, the effectiveness of three-component or four-component therapy has been proven.

Is it possible to get rid of Helicobacter pylori without antibiotics?

There are opinions that helicobacteriosis can be cured with the help of traditional medicine. Treatment with herbs or other natural substances can be used as an adjunct to the main antibiotic therapy. Phytotherapy is also quite effective as a means for the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Helicobacteriosis treatment regimen

To date, a list of drugs that are highly effective for the eradication of this infection has been established:

  1. Colloidal bismuth subcitrate (De-nol). There are treatment regimens with or without De-nol. But it has been proven that the effectiveness of the therapy is much higher when De-nol is included in the treatment regimen. This is due to the fact that this drug significantly reduces the absorption of antibiotics. They are concentrated in a higher dose in the digestive tract, in the habitat of Helicobacter Pylori.
  2. Antibiotics. Amoxicillin group drugs (Augmentin, Flemoxin Solutab, Amoxil), clarithromycin (Klacid), azithromycin (Sumamed, Ziomycin, Ormax).
  3. A group of antisecretory drugs (Omez, Ranitidine, Gastromax, Gastrocepin).
  4. Antimicrobial drugs (Macmirror, Metronidazole).

The duration of the standard course of treatment is 7-10 days. In more severe cases, the course can be extended up to 14 days.

There is first line therapy, the so-called three-component scheme, and second-line therapy, the so-called quadruple therapy. The first line happens with and without De-nol. How to treat the patient, and with what therapy to start treatment - the doctor decides after a complete examination.

Three-component therapy includes:

  • De-nol (1 t in the morning);
  • antibiotic (amoxicillin or clarithromycin or azithromycin group) + antimicrobial agent (Macmirror, Metronidazole).
  • 2 antibiotics (from the amoxicillin group + from the clarithromycin or azithromycin group).

Three-component therapy includes:

  • antisecretory drug (Omez, Gastromax, Gastrocepin);
  • antibiotic (from the group of amoxicillin, clarithromycin or azithromycin) + antimicrobial agent.
  • antisecretory drug;
  • 2 antibacterial agents (from the amoxicillin group + from the clarithromycin or azithromycin group).

Quadrotherapy (four-component therapy) includes:

  • an antibacterial agent (choice of amoxicillin, clarithromycin or azithromycin);
  • antisecretory drug (Omez);
  • antimicrobial drug (Macrimor or Metronidazole).

Azithromycin preparations (Sumamed, Ziomycin, Ormax) are added to therapy on the 3rd - 4th day of treatment and are prescribed for 3 - 5 days.

A big problem in the treatment of helicobacteriosis is the resistance (resistance) of bacteria to antibiotics. This is due to the frequent and uncontrolled use of antibacterial agents for the treatment of various diseases.

To resolve the issue of which antibiotics to treat a patient with unsuccessful eradication of the first and second line of therapy, a study is conducted on the sensitivity of Helicobacter pylori to antibiotics during fibrogastroscopy. After that, a third-line treatment regimen is selected using an antibiotic to which the bacterium of a particular patient is highly sensitive.

If the patient, in addition to the underlying disease, also has reflux disease (reflux of gastric contents from the stomach into the esophagus), then domperidone preparations (Motilium, Motilak) are added to therapy.

An additional prescription of probiotics (Lactobacterin, Bifidobacterin) is also used. It has been proven that the combined use of probiotics with antibiotic therapy improves the barrier functions of the stomach and slows down the growth of H. pylori, since the bacteria contained in them compete with Helicobacter pylori. As a result, the percentage of eradication increases.

- this is a very unpleasant and serious disease, and until recently, doctors did not know how to treat it at all, and whether to treat it at all. Everything was attributed to malnutrition and stress, the treatment was carried out experimentally. Only at the very end of the 19th century, scientists from Germany came to the conclusion that stomach diseases are caused by a certain bacterium that lives in it, and this bacterium is called Helicobacter pylori. For this achievement, scientists Barry Marshall and Robie Warren were awarded the Nobel Prize.

General concepts about bacteria

Helicobacter pylori is a spiral-shaped bacterium, the only one of its kind, that can multiply and survive in the acidic environment of the stomach.

Helicobacter pylori is a danger to human health, as it performs the following functions:

  1. The bacterium has flagella, and therefore it can move quite quickly along the gastric mucosa.
  2. Provokes inflammation in the cells of the human body. If the patient has, then for some time he will be able to restrain the activity of the bacteria.
  3. The bacterium secretes enzymes that neutralize hydrochloric acid in the stomach and consider this environment favorable for life and reproduction. In addition, Helicobacter pylori releases ammonia, which also additionally burns the walls of the stomach.
  4. Another type of enzyme secreted by this bacterium destroys the cells that make up the gastric mucosa.

Attention! When the patient has an ulcer, the Helicobacter pylori bacterium behaves more aggressively than when the patient has. This suggests that the more dangerous the disease, the more difficult it is to cure it, so the illness associated with Helicobacter pylori in the stomach should not be ignored.

It is very easy to get infected with such a bacterium, and sometimes it is not at all due to a wrong lifestyle or poor health care. Infection can occur when kissing, when using not quite clean dishes (which often happens in cafes or other catering establishments), through medical devices.

Is there any point in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori?

In this matter, the opinions of experts differ, and radically. There are 3 conclusions about the appropriateness of treatment.

  1. The disease is in a state of exacerbation.
  2. The disease passes with serious complications.
  3. The development of gastritis of varying severity.
  4. Gastric resection, which was carried out as an attempt to get rid of cancer.
  5. Treatment is sometimes recommended for people who have close relatives with stomach cancer. However, this is possible only after a detailed consultation with your doctor.

Treatment is advisable in the following cases:

  • , in which the destruction of Helicobacter pylori leads to the fact that the patient begins to feel better.

Treatment is questionable in the following cases:

  • A particular patient has no problems with housing and communal services, but his family already has those infected with such an infection.

The possibility of treating Helicobacter pylori without antibiotics

Without the use of antibiotics, eradication of Helicobacter pylori is not possible, however, there are factors that help speed up the healing process and improve scarring. Give up what creates stress in the mucosal area. These are smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, stress, spicy and fried foods.

  • Amoxiclav
  • Clarithromycin
  • Azithromycin
  • Klacid
  • Tetracycline

Some of these drugs deserve to be discussed separately.

Amoxicillin (Flemoxin)

This antibiotic has an incredibly wide spectrum of action, with its help many diseases are treated, not only the gastrointestinal tract. It is successfully used in the destruction of Helicobacter pylori, both the first and second lines.

Amoxicillin (also called Flemoxin) belongs to the group of semi-synthetic penicillins, that is, it is a direct relative of the very first antibiotic that was invented in the world.

The main purpose of such a drug is, but the medicine only acts on those that are actively multiplying at a given time. An antibiotic is not prescribed simultaneously with those drugs that inhibit the reproduction of bacteria, since if they are used together, then such treatment simply loses its meaning.

This tool has no serious contraindications. It is not recommended for those people who are hypersensitive to penicillins, and also suffer from a disease such as mononucleosis.

With extreme caution and only under the strict supervision of a doctor, such a drug is allowed to be taken during pregnancy and renal failure.


- this is such an antibiotic, which in its composition has two active substances at once - it is amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.

The composition of this drug also includes penicillin, but it cannot be said that this is good, because penicillin is one of the oldest types of antibiotics, so many strains of bacteria have already adapted to it, and it has ceased to pose any danger to them. Therefore, the clavulanic acid in the composition of this drug serves to take on the blow of those bacteria for which penicillin no longer poses any danger.

Contraindications to taking the drug are absolutely the same as for Amoxicillin, however, it should be borne in mind that even the competent use of Amoxiclav can sometimes cause serious dysbacteriosis. Therefore, if there is such a risk, then it is better to stop taking Amoxicillin.

Antibiotic Clarithromycin as an effective drug against diseases caused by Helicobacter pylori

This very popular remedy for Helicobacter pylori ailments is often used in many treatment regimens, especially in the first line.

The main active ingredient of the drug is erythromycin. Antibiotics based on erythromycin are very effective, have a wide spectrum of action, and have low toxicity. Another advantage of Clarithromycin is that this remedy is well developed and causes almost no side effects in anyone. If side effects occur, then among them are the following:

  1. - fungal inflammation of the oral mucosa. Most often occurs in cases where this antibiotic is taken uncontrollably, or it is taken for too long.
  2. Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums. It is observed for the same reasons as stomatitis.
  3. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

As can be seen from the above list, side effects appear in cases where the patient is negligent in taking the medicine. That is, it turns out that, by and large, he is to blame for this.

Clarithromycin is one of the most powerful drugs currently used against the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Bacterial strains have not yet had time to develop resistance to it.

The advantage of the drug is also the fact that it does not conflict with other drugs, and if they are taken together, they only enhance each other's action.

A contraindication to taking Clarithromycin is the patient's hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, so before you start actively using it, you should read the instructions and the composition of the remedy. With caution, it can be given to infants under the age of six months, pregnant women and people who suffer from kidney failure.

Azithromycin - an additional option for Helicobacter pylori

This is also a relatively new drug, and its main advantage is that it has practically no side effects. Side effects during treatment with them are observed even less frequently than in the case of treatment with Clarithromycin. That is why Azithromycin is often considered by doctors as a fallback option, for example, when the use of Clarithromycin causes side effects, such as frequent loose stools.

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The advantage of Azithromycin over Clarithromycin is that Azithromycin increases the concentration of gastric juice in the gastrointestinal tract of a sick person, and this helps the patient to feel better much faster. In addition, the drug Azithromycin was invented specifically for the forgetful, the scheme for its use is very simple - just one tablet per day.

Other antibiotics that help fight Helicobacter pylori

If the treatment of Helicobacter pylori with the antibiotics mentioned above, for one reason or another, did not take place, this is not at all a reason to give up and stop treatment. It is worth discussing with your doctor the advisability of using the following drugs for this disease.

This drug is the latest invention in the field of antibiotics. Used only in the second or third line of treatment, it is recommended for those patients who have already failed in the field of treatment for helicobacteriosis. Like many other antibiotics, Levofloxacin has a very wide spectrum of action.

Why can't it be used immediately, in the first line of treatment? The fact is that this drug is very toxic, this is its significant drawback, so it is allowed to be taken only in emergency cases. Levofloxacin is in no case prescribed to children who have not reached the age of majority, since this agent can adversely affect the growth of bone and cartilage tissue.

The remedy is completely contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers, people who have disorders of the central nervous system of any severity, as well as those who are intolerant to its components.


This drug from the group of antibiotics has an antibacterial effect. The components of the drug get inside the harmful cell and destroy it. This remedy, as a rule, is prescribed in short courses, it does not have a toxic effect on the human body. However, it has a number of fairly common side effects, including: accompanied by severe itching, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth.

If you decide to be treated with this drug, then do not plan any holidays and feasts at which alcohol will be present during the course of therapy, since taking such a drug is categorically incompatible with alcohol.

A slightly unpleasant factor in taking the medicine is that it stains the urine in a rather bright brown color, there is nothing to worry about, after the course of treatment, the color of the urine will return to normal by itself.

The drug is not prescribed for pregnant women, as well as those people who are allergic to its components.

A significant drawback of Metronidazole is that all over the world there is an increase in the immunity of bacteria to this agent, that is, it will soon become completely useless.

This antibiotic has two actions at once - it inhibits the reproduction of bacteria, and also prevents the implementation of important life processes for bacteria. This drug should not be taken for a long time, otherwise it begins to have a toxic effect on the body. Taking the medicine for this reason must be agreed with the doctor and strictly follow the instructions that he gives. There are also side effects.

A significant advantage of the remedy is that it only strengthens the body's defenses, and does not weaken them, as is the case with other medications.

The only contraindication to taking Macmirror is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. As for the use of it by pregnant women, in principle, the medication is not contraindicated for them, but should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor and with great care, as it can cross the placenta, which negatively affects the health of the fetus. If it becomes necessary to take the remedy during breastfeeding, then you will have to refuse breastfeeding for a while and switch to artificial feeding of the child, or look for alternative options with which you can get rid of helicobacteriosis.

Macmiror is used, as a rule, in the second line of treatment for Helicobacter pylori, after the first attempt to get rid of it was unsuccessful. This drug is highly effective, since the remedy is relatively new and the bacteria have not yet developed immunity to it. However, it should not be used in the first line of treatment due to a rather impressive list of side effects.

The advantage of this medication is also the fact that it can be used to quite successfully cure Helicobacter pylori in children.


This medicine consists of bismuth. Products containing bismuth were used long before the discovery of Helicobacter pylori. The action of De-nol lies in the fact that when it enters the stomach, it forms a film around the stomach that protects these organs from the penetration of harmful bacteria there. In addition, medicines containing bismuth help to ensure that ulcers that have already formed on the walls of the stomach and duodenum begin to scar as soon as possible.

Helicobacter pylori is a unique pathogenic microorganism that is the causative agent of such a dangerous disease as helicobacter pylori. This is a pathology that often affects the stomach, but can also develop in the duodenum.

The bacterium got its name due to the environment in which it lives - the pyloric part of the stomach. A feature of the microorganism is that it is able to withstand even gastric acid. The bacterium has flagella, with the help of which it freely moves along the walls of the stomach, or is securely attached to them.

Helicobacter pylori can lead to the development of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, because, multiplying, it causes irritation of its mucous membranes and, as a result, inflammatory processes. In this case, we are talking not only about gastritis or peptic ulcer disease, but also about the development of the oncological process. If you start treatment in a timely manner, you can prevent the dangerous consequences that can be caused by the vital activity of this bacterium.

Discovery history

Spiral pathogens living in the human stomach were described 100 years ago by the Polish professor V. Yavorsky. After some time, the scientist G. Bidzozero discovered the same bacteria on the mucous membranes of the stomach in animals. For many years, this infection turned a blind eye, unaware of its danger, but in the late 70s of the last century, scientist Robert Warren noted that these bacteria live on the inflamed gastric mucosa.

As it turned out, the vital activity of these microorganisms was studied, albeit not completely, and described by German scientists. However, in those days, this was not given much importance. Warren, joining forces with Barry Marshall, began to conduct research to study in detail the characteristics of these bacteria. For a long period of time, it was not possible to isolate the culture of microorganisms, but the scientists, nevertheless, were lucky. During the Easter holidays, laboratory staff accidentally left dishes with bacterial cultures not for 2, but for 5 days. Thanks to this case, scientists recorded the growth of colonies of unknown microorganisms.

The bacteria were originally named Campylobacter pyloridis because they resembled microorganisms belonging to the genus Campylobacter in their characteristics. In 1983, scientists first published the results of their research. However, a little later, the researchers had to refute their previous discoveries, since it soon became clear that the discovered representatives of pathogenic microflora were not related to the genus Campylobacter. Based on this, the detected microorganisms were renamed Helicobacter pylori.

To prove the ability of a microorganism to cause YABZH, B. Marshall in 1985 swallowed his culture. However, it was not an ulcer that developed, but gastritis, which went away on its own. Thanks to this experiment, the scientist was able to prove that the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori is the cause of gastritis. In 2005, Warren and Marshall received the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology for their sensational discovery.

Bacteria Features

The first feature of this microorganism is its ability to withstand a very acidic gastric environment, while most bacteria and viruses simply die. Helicobacter pylori, on the other hand, can adjust to the level of gastric acidity using 2 mechanisms:

  1. When it enters the stomach, the bacterium begins to move through the mucous membranes. She does this with her flagella. Hiding in the mucous membranes of the stomach, the microorganism protects their cells from excess acids. Simply put, the bacterium "chooses" the most optimal habitat for itself.
  2. H. pylori stimulates the production of ammonia, which reduces the acidity of the stomach. Due to this, the microorganism can be conveniently located on the walls of the organ, remaining in its place for many years.

The second feature of the bacterium is its ability to cause inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Reproducing, it causes a slow destruction of gastric cells, and the substances secreted by it cause chronic inflammatory processes and gastritis. With the weakening of the mucous membranes of the duodenum and stomach, ulcers and erosion begin to form, which increase the risk of developing cancer. For this reason, many gastroenterologists reasonably consider Helicobacter Pylori to be a provocateur of oncological processes in the stomach.

You can get rid of the pathology only after the course of antibiotic therapy. With the help of antimicrobials, the level of stomach acidity is regulated. Specific medications can only be prescribed by a gastroenterologist, after conducting the necessary examinations and referring the patient to additional instrumental diagnostic procedures.

How is H. pylori transmitted?

Infection with this bacterium can be mainly in two ways - oral-fecal and oral-oral. However, there is an opinion that the microorganism can be transmitted from the cat to the owner, or by transferring the infection by flies. Young children are most susceptible to infection.

Transmission from one person to another occurs in 3 ways:

  1. Iatrogenic, when infection is due to ongoing diagnostic procedures. So, an infection can be introduced during endoscopy or other poorly sterilized medical instruments that had direct contact with the patient's gastric mucosa.
  2. Fecal-oral. The bacterium is excreted along with feces. You can become infected with the bacterium through contact with contaminated water or food.
  3. Oral-oral. Gastroenterologists believe that H. pylori also lives in the oral cavity. Therefore, the infection can be transmitted by kissing, using someone else's toothbrush or poorly washed cutlery.

Although Helicobacter pylori is able to cause histological gastritis in all infected people, signs of pathology appear in rare cases. Less often than gastritis, gastric ulcer develops, and extremely rarely, gastric cancer.

Symptoms of infection

After entering the stomach, the bacterium begins to actively secrete its waste products. They irritate the mucous membrane, resulting in inflammation. The clinical symptoms of Helicobacter pylori depend on its form.

There are five of them, let's consider each of them in more detail:

  1. Latent or asymptomatic form when an infected person does not have any alarming symptoms, especially if his immunity is strong enough to resist Helicobacter pylori. But even if the clinical picture does not appear, the person is still a carrier, and can infect others. With a long stay of bacteria in the stomach, serious complications may occur, one of which is stomach cancer.
  2. - a disease manifested by pain in the epigastrium, nausea, loss of appetite. The disease can become chronic with periodic relapses.
  3. . It is this pathology that is one of the main manifestations of helicobacteriosis. During the period of exacerbation, the patient complains of pain in the stomach, bouts of nausea, sometimes with vomiting, headaches, loss of appetite. The patient does not leave heartburn, a feeling of bloating, belching, bouts of flatulence. There are also non-specific symptoms in the form of bleeding gums and.
  4. when the pathological process affects the duodenum. The clinical picture resembles the symptoms of gastritis, but with gastroduodenitis, stool disorders, in particular, constipation, are possible. The patient loses his appetite, complains of nausea, his sleep is disturbed. Changes in the mucous membranes are detected only during endoscopy. Lesions can be mild, moderate, or severe.
  5. , which can also occur for other reasons (alcoholism, smoking, frequent stress, harmful work, etc.). Erosions and ulcers are formed with a deeper lesion of the mucous membranes of the stomach. Pathology manifests itself with a large number of symptoms: pain in the stomach, nausea, the appearance of a white coating on the tongue, nausea, flatulence, vomiting, indigestion, heaviness in the epigastric region, heartburn, etc.

If we talk about out-of-gastric symptoms, then a patient with helicobacteriosis has a subcutaneous or skin rash in the form of small white or pink pimples. As a rule, they are localized on the face. Often this disease causes the development of erythema.

The photo shows the symptoms of Helicobacter pylori: acne on the face.

Analysis for Helicobacter pylori

Diagnosis can be invasive (endoscopy followed by biopsy of gastric tissues) and non-invasive (laboratory tests). Of course, the most accurate and reliable is the invasive technique, because due to the sampling of tissues of the gastric mucosa, a medical specialist conducts a thorough study of the biomaterial to detect foci of inflammation and the bacteria themselves. In addition to microscopic examination, a sample of gastric tissue can be subjected to various laboratory tests.

All laboratory studies are aimed at identifying Helicobacter pylori and assessing its vital activity. During its life cycle, the microorganism breaks down gastric urea into ammonia, thus creating favorable living conditions for itself. If you place a piece of gastric mucosa infected with Helicobacter Pylori in urea, ammonia will be released. Due to this, the level of alkalinity of the solution will increase, but these changes can only be detected using special test strips. Indicators work on the principle of litmus paper.

But to detect the disease, it is not at all necessary to conduct an EGD or a biopsy study - another technique can be used. The 13-urea test helps to detect the presence of an infection absolutely painlessly and immediately begin treatment.

Possible Complications

With timely initiation of therapy, dangerous consequences can be prevented. In addition, the risk of infecting other people will be completely eliminated.

If we talk about complications, they can manifest themselves through the development of:

  • chronic or;
  • YABZH and duodenum;
  • oncology of the stomach;
  • endocrine pathologies caused by atrophy of the epithelial lining of the stomach.

In order to avoid such consequences, self-medication is strictly not recommended. It is better to entrust this issue to a qualified gastroenterologist.

Helicobacter pylori treatment

Before starting treatment for Helicobacter Pylori, an assessment is made of the degree of damage to the stomach and the contamination of its walls. The fact is that in some people, over time, these microorganisms become one of the varieties of opportunistic microflora, so they may not manifest themselves in any way.

If the bacterium does not harm the health of its carrier, manipulation to remove it is not carried out. But to cure the infection, you will need the use of powerful antibacterial drugs. They, in turn, can significantly weaken the immune system and cause development.

On a note. You can not resort to the use of folk remedies for the treatment of helicobacteriosis. The use of decoctions and infusions can only “lull” the symptoms of the disease for a while, forcing the patient to postpone the visit to the doctor. The disease, meanwhile, will only progress, which in the future can cause serious complications.

Therapeutic regimens

The treatment regimen for Helicobacter pylori requires an integrated medical approach. Usually the patient is prescribed 2 drugs, which are selected individually. Plus, one remedy from the group of proton pump inhibitors is mandatory.

The duration of treatment is determined by the gastroenterologist after a thorough examination of the patient and an assessment of the severity of the disease. The duration of the course of therapy is 14-21 days. After its completion, the doctor conducts repeated laboratory tests to confirm the complete recovery of the patient.


Despite the fact that Helicobacter pylori belongs to the group of pathogenic bacteria, not all antimicrobials are able to destroy it.

The microorganism quickly develops resistance to antibacterial substances, which greatly complicates the healing process. Sometimes a doctor has to combine several drugs at once in order to achieve positive dynamics, in addition, the acidic environment of the stomach can prevent the activation of drug components and slow down the process of therapy.

Antibiotic therapy for helicobacteriosis involves the use of the following drugs:

  • Clarithromycin
  • cephalosporin drugs;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Levofloxacin.

The highest effect in the treatment of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and ulcers formed on it has the drug Amoxicillin and its analogue. It is possible to use other antibacterial drugs - and. They contain clavulanic acid, which prevents the production of specific enzymes by microorganisms. This, in turn, prevents H. pylori from developing resistance.

Preparations of bismuth tripotassium dicitrate

Most often, for the treatment of diseases caused by helicobacteriosis, a drug is used, which includes the active substance tripotassium dicitrate. Due to this, there is a significant decrease in the production of biological compounds that contribute to the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

The action of De-Nol is aimed at:

  • violation of the permeability of cell membranes;
  • change in the membrane structure of cells.

In the chemical interaction of tripotassium dicitrate with protein compounds of the gastric mucosa, the formation of high-molecular complexes occurs. Due to this, a strong protective film is formed on the surface of ulcers and erosions, which prevents gastric juice from entering the damaged areas of the gastric mucosa.

After completing the full course of therapy with De-Nol, there is an increase in the resistance of the gastrointestinal mucosa to pepsin and hydrochloric acid.

Proton pump blockers

For effective and faster disposal of Helicobacter Pylori, proton pump blockers are included in the treatment regimen. Due to the components that make up their composition, complex biological processes are launched that lead to a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach.

The most effective blockers (inhibitors) of the proton pump include the following drugs:

  1. ( , ).
  2. Rabeprazole (analogues - Hairabezol, Beret).
  3. Pantoprazole (analogues - Controloc,).

With a decrease in the acidity of the stomach, the process of repairing damaged tissues starts. It creates unfavorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, and in particular, H. pylori.

In addition, proton pump inhibitors significantly increase the effectiveness of antibiotics used to treat diseases caused by this bacterium. With this in mind, gastroenterologists often reduce the dose of antimicrobials. This favorably affects the state of the intestinal microflora and the general immunity of the patient.

Therapeutic diet

To normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract throughout the course of treatment and after its completion, the patient must follow a special therapeutic diet. It implies the following rules:

  1. Meals should be fractional, that is, you need to eat little, but often.
  2. Exclude fried, fatty, spicy, spicy foods, muffins and confectionery.
  3. Observe the drinking regime.
  4. Avoid alcohol and soft drinks.
  5. Exclude marinades, pickles, soda, fast foods and other junk food from the diet.

At first, following such a strict diet will not be easy, but, taking care of your health, the patient should do it. Over time, he will get used to such a diet, and will not notice food restrictions.

Here is a sample menu for patients with Helicobacter Pylori:

  1. Breakfast consists of oatmeal porridge, fresh cottage cheese cheesecakes and fruit compote.
  2. For an afternoon snack, it is allowed to eat curd soufflé and drink a cup of chamomile tea.
  3. For lunch, you can have soup based on chicken broth with lean meat, steamed fish cakes and stewed or fresh vegetables.
  4. For the second afternoon snack - fruit or milk jelly with baked apples.
  5. For dinner, you can eat steamed turkey and boiled potatoes.
  6. For a late dinner, it is allowed to use kefir or a decoction of rose hips.

Dishes are selected individually, depending on the stage of the disease. The risk of exacerbations, as well as other factors, is also taken into account.


To avoid infection, you must follow the simplest rules:

  • wash hands thoroughly before eating and after visiting the restroom;
  • use only your own means and hygiene items (towels, toothbrushes, soap, etc.);
  • completely cure the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • be sure to undergo routine preventive medical examinations.

To consolidate the results of treatment and strengthen the immune system, the doctor will prescribe vitamin complexes, as well as drugs, which also include trace elements necessary for a person. But the patient himself must help his body get stronger after the illness, giving up alcohol and smoking, and reconsidering his lifestyle.



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