Alfresco Community is a free enterprise document management system. Alfresco document management system overview

Alfresco - an overview of the ECM system in Russian

Web-based Open Source system for intranet collaboration, content management (ECM) and business process management (Alfresco Activity). Contains personal start pages, document library, search engine, virtual workspaces, microblogs, wiki, blogs, forums, calendars.

Alfresco alternatives

Overview of the Alfresco system

The Alfresco system is one of the most common electronic document management and project management systems in the West. This is largely due to the openness of the code (full Open Source) and the difference from most open source products by the stability of work and the possibility of scaling to the tasks of a business of any size. This is not surprising, since the “father” and main designer of the Alfresco system to this day is John Newton, one of the leaders and co-owners of Documentum, the world market leader in enterprise-scale electronic document management systems. Companies such as Activision, American Stock Exchange, Cisco, Electronic Arts, etc. successfully work with the system. The system can work on almost any platform and with any database. A number of Alfresco systems easily cope with the load of millions of stored documents and tens of thousands of users.

The low popularity of the system in Russia is a consequence of the fact that until recently there were no companies capable of providing professional services for the implementation, support and training of users of the Alfresco system.

Benefits of Alfresco

Alfresco is an EDMS with web access. This is convenient because:
No need to install additional software on users' machines.
No problem updating the client software.
Can be used from anywhere in the world, including mobile devices

Alfresco has the most advanced web-interface: convenient, fast and beautiful.
But European and American EDMS, including Alfresco, stopped placing their main bet on the web interface 3 years ago. Of course, there is support for it, but it is used for remote access to documents and nothing more.

Because when a person is in an office or branch united in a VPN network, there is nothing more convenient and easier than working with folders and files in the usual way. Edit documents in office applications. People are used to working this way, they know how to work this way, and they will work this way. And the use of any other interfaces, even the web, causes understandable irritation, a decrease in the speed of work and, as a result, sabotage of the implementation.

But how to work with standard folders and files, because they do not support versioning, access control by roles, routing, etc.?

The solution has long been found and used in European and American EDMS:

Imagine that you have 2 folders on your desktop (Or any number of folders, this is just an example):
"Documents for Consideration"
"Corporate Documents"

You open the first one. There are 3 documents. You know that if they are there, you have to make a decision on them. We open them in the usual MS Word by double-clicking. And, lo and behold, you can not only read the text of the document, but open any versions, read comments, make decisions and send the document for consideration to arbitrary persons without leaving anywhere from MS Word (MS Excel, MS Power Point). Moreover, there you can see your tasks, incoming and outgoing.

Need to create and launch a new contract for approval? There is nothing easier. Create a document in MS Word and send directly from there using the standard route. Or, first create a file and simply copy it to the "Corporate Documents" / "Draft Agreements" folder. The document will immediately be entered into the EDMS and sent along the standard route.

Nobody refuses the Web-interface either. Alfresco's web interface allows you to perform all of the above functions and much more. Web is convenient on business trips, for quick access from a phone or laptop, for performing complex group operations with documents and tasks, and generating reports.

There are 2 main versions of the Alfresco system: Community Edition and Enterprise Edition.

Community Edition completely free, can be downloaded and installed in any company. However, the system has no support other than the voluntary help of members of the Alfresco user community. But despite this, the Community edition remains one of the most common options for electronic document management systems in Europe. The system supports the possibility of hosting on a cloud of servers or a cluster, thereby being a worthy solution for both 10 and 10,000 users. Embedded databases: MySQL and PostgreSQL.

Services of Alfresco Community Edition implementation companies:

- Russification
- Guarantee for the work of implemented business processes

Enterprise Edition- industrial edition of the system, which runs under the control of powerful Oracle or MS SQL databases. Such systems are certified by Alfresco and system users are provided with a guarantee for the stable operation of the system, support and updates.

Sale and implementation of the certified Alfresco Enterprise Edition system:

Delivery of a certified system
- Installation
- Implementation of business processes
- Warranty for the operation of the system as a whole
- Guarantee for implemented business processes
- Annual system support hotline
- Annual update of system versions
- Training of technologists (Remote + seminars)

The main features of the Alfresco system:

  • Full web interface
  • Full text document search
  • Integration with LDAP
  • Integration with Sharepoint
  • Integration with MS Office
  • Email integration
  • Integration with Firefox&IE
  • Integration with Google Gadget
  • Document versioning
  • Version comparison
  • Flexible role-based access to documents
  • Support for the JBoss jBMP graphical business process editor
  • Support for simple workflows Created using the "create wizard"
  • Embedded project management system based on microsites



Document details

Administration panel

Reviews and news about Alfresco

2015. Video: Alfresco Document Management System Interface

Alfresco is a replicated integrated content management system for development organizations by the British company of the same name. Used to manage documents, records, web publishing, teamwork, and business processes in an organization. Exists in two editions. Alfresco Community is free, distributed under the terms of the LGPL. Alfresco Enterprise Edition is a paid commercial version of the product, distributed under its own proprietary license, is open source and complies with open standards.

2013. Alfresco came to Russia

Alfresco, a web-based (and cloud-based) system for content management and collaboration, has been implemented in our country for several years by local integrators. And since Since this is an open-source product, and it has a free community version, it has become the most popular in Russia. But now Alfresco apparently saw a serious potential in our country and decided to take sales and marketing under its control. The founder of the company, John Powell, came to Moscow to open a representative office. Apparently, now Alfresco will focus on promoting its cloud version in Russia and selling it directly. And for partners, they leave the opportunity to create and sell their own OEM solutions based on Alfresco (similar to how many integrators now create their portals based on SharePoint).

2013. The SaaS version of Alfresco has updated interface and search

Alfresco Cloud is a SaaS version of the popular Alfresco ECM that was launched about 2 years ago. The other day this solution was updated, and the main change is the new interface, which has become simpler and more convenient. The developers have hidden some menus and buttons, and added more options for customization and personalization. Also in the cloud version, an advanced content search by several criteria appeared. Overview video of Alfresco Cloud - see below:

2012. Alvex - Russian solution based on Alfresco

ITD Systems announced the release of Alvex, a document and business process management system based on Alfresco. Alvex solves the problem of combining rigid business processes described by strict regulations and real daily tasks, the diversity and dynamic connections of which do not fit into formal schemes. The Alfresco system provides tools for corporate content management (ECM), social content management (SCM), business processes (BPM). Alvex adds the ability to create dynamic business processes (Dynamic BPM) to Alfresco. Alvex also expands Alfresco's capabilities in terms of ECM / BPM, provides tools for linking processes to the company's structure and convenient tools for monitoring the current situation for both ordinary employees and managers. Like Alfresco, Alvex comes in Community and Enterprise editions. The Community version is available under the LGPL license and is completely free.

2011. Alfresco Community 4 integrates Apache Solr, social networks and Activiti BPM

The new version of the free open-source content management system Alfresco Community 4 introduced many new features. Alfresco's own search engine has been replaced by the popular open source search engine Apache Solr. Also, the Activiti BPM business process management engine was integrated into the system. New social features let you subscribe to peer updates, like content, and easily share content on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and SlideShare. The ability to collaborate on content has also been improved through integration with Google Docs, Apple iWork and Adobe Creative Suite. Recall that in addition to the free Community-version, Alfresco sells the Enterprise version. Alfresco supports the Russian interface language and is being implemented by some domestic companies.

2011. Alfresco releases collaboration system for small businesses

The Alfresco content management system has become quite widespread in our country due to its low cost and the availability of a free open-source version. But still, this is a rather complicated solution and it was not suitable for small businesses. Now Alfresco has decided to correct this shortcoming and released the Alfresco Team solution, which is designed for collaboration (with content) at the level of departments and small companies. It resembles the Sharepoint Team Site or, only in comparison with them - more functional and cheaper. Users can create sites (workspaces) with pages of different formats - file storage, calendar, wiki, task list, blog, forum. Alfteso Team functionality includes social tools (comments, ratings, likes), update feeds, web viewer (which allows you to view even video and audio files), mobile versions for iPhone and iPad, workflow engine (implemented on Alfresco BPM), document converter (eg doc -> pdf).

2011. Alfresco integrates Activiti's BPM engine into its ECM system

Last fall, Alfresco introduced the free open-source BPM system Activity. Initially, Activity was conceived as a separate product and was developed by a separate division of Alfresco in collaboration with VMWare SpringSource. But by popular demand from the community, the company has integrated Activity into its main Alfresco ECM system. Until now, Alfresco used another product - JBoss jBPM - as a business process management system. An updated version of Alfresco with the Activity engine will appear in the fourth quarter of this year. Activity BPM will also remain available as a standalone product.

2011. Alfresco and Jive have integrated their solutions

The leader of the social software market Jive and the developer of the leading open-source ECM system Alfresco decided to join forces and introduced a connector that allows you to integrate these solutions. This is a fairly logical and profitable move for both companies. It is clear that a lot of content is created in a corporate social network, and it somehow needs to be controlled and managed. On the other hand, to organize collaboration in a social network, you need to provide easy access to files and documents. It is only surprising that it was these two companies that agreed, because. More recently, Jive executives have been very critical of open-source systems. The connector is based on the new CMIS standard and allows you to publish content in both directions (from Alfresco to Jive and vice versa). In addition, it allows you to synchronize the user base and their access rights to each piece of content thanks to the support of the LDAP protocol.

2010. Alfresco wants to beat Sharepoint with WCM

Web content management (WCM), which generally boils down to creating internal and external sites, has always been a weakness of SharePoint. The new version of SharePoint 2010 contains much better WCM functionality, but upgrading to this version is quite expensive. It is necessary to invest in 64-bit architecture and upgrade server software (to Windows Server 2008). According to research by consulting company Global360, only 8% of companies using SharePoint have migrated to the new version so far. But the open-source competitor of SharePoint - Alfresco is updated more often and does not require such capital investments. The new version of Alfresco Community Edition 3.4 focuses on web content management as a major advantage over SharePoint. Alfresco developers believe that seamless integration between intranet and external web applications is becoming increasingly important. For example, a marketer wants to be able to create documents in Word and publish them on the site without the help of IT professionals (which is quite problematic in SharePoint). The new version of Alfresco supports SharePoint Protocol and CIFS technologies for the ability to work with the site directly from MS Office. In addition, similar work from Google Docs is supported.

2009. Alfresco and Ingres are preparing an open-source competitor to Sharepoint

Developers of open-source systems Ingres and Alfresco plan to release an alternative to Microsoft SharePoint. It will be based on a database from Ingres and a corporate content management system from Alfresco. In addition, the distribution will include Linux OS, which will make the system ideal for supporters of open technologies, in particular, government organizations. The development will be based on completely open source code, the Linux operating system and standardized hardware, which will keep implementation costs to a minimum. The developers also thought about those who already use Microsoft SharePoint - the new collaboration system is fully compatible with the technical protocols of SharePoint and Office, which allows the open system to be closely integrated with the developments of the corporation.

2008. Alfresco - open-source ECM in Web 2.0 style

The London company Alfresco, which develops the ECM system of the same name, was founded in 2005 by Documentum co-founder John Newton and Business Objects top manager John Powell (pictured). Having lured quite a few employees from Documentum (which was bought by EMC), as well as other players in the field (Interwoven and Vignette) and having received $ 20 million in investments (including from SAP Ventures), the company seriously threatens the leaders of the ECM market. And the developer community helps her in this - after all, Alfresco publishes the open source code of the system under the GPL license. True, this does not mean that the Alfresco system is free. There is a free version for the Alfresco Community community and a paid version - Alfresco Enterprise, which is sold along with company support.

2008. Free ECM in a web 2.0 world

John Powell, CEO of Alfresco, is optimistic about the company's future and its role in the enterprise content management market. Alfresco's approach is different from other major ECM players such as IB, Oracle and Microsoft. They don't sell software (it's free), but their implementation and support services. Powell says, "Users no longer perceive enterprise content management systems as a complex end-to-end solution. They want simple and functional tools." Traditionally, due to "clunky" interfaces and architectures that are not really service-oriented, it is quite difficult to implement enterprise content management systems. Most of Alfresco's services use the Representational State Transfer (REST) ​​web architecture, which makes it much faster to set up the required features. Powell cites a recent integration with Facebook as an example to show that his company's software is "designed for Web 2.0." “Using REST, it only took us two days to integrate with Facebook. In less than a week, our customers were able to use the Facebook portal through which they shared data and collaborated in real time.”

Alfresco is an open source information platform developed by Alfresco Software Inc (UK). The platform is not an electronic document management system, but on its basis you can build a ready-made system on your own or with the help of specialists.

Projects to build a unified ECM system based on Alfresco have now been implemented in many countries: France, Switzerland, USA, Great Britain, Belgium, Japan, Mexico, Italy. By world standards, this is one of the most common electronic document management and project management systems.
In Russia, Alfresco is also applicable, it is used by many large companies with complex business processes and an extensive organizational structure. The developers of the Russian company Citeck have already implemented various projects on Alfresco in companies: BNP Paribas Cardif, General Electric, Unilever, DHL, Gazprom Space Systems, Raiffeisen Bank, Moscow Government and others.

The choice in favor of Alfresco is often determined by 7 main reasons:

  1. Free software (Open Source Software) and open license. This allows you to increase the number of jobs without licensing costs;
  2. A large number of system developments by Alfresco Software Inc and a large community. All tools for system development;
  3. Famous brand. Alfresco is the world leader among programs for the organization of electronic document management;
  4. Convenient multilingual web interface (including in Russian). It provides access to shared documents from anywhere in the world via a secure connection;
  5. Low requirements for IT resources: the ability to integrate into any IT infrastructure of the organization;
  6. Demanded integrated components in the system: joint scheduling, meeting support, case management, document accounting and control, and much more;
  7. Complete cross-platform - server and client parts can run under various operating systems, such as: MS Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, etc.

A distinctive feature of the system from most open source products is the stability of work and the ability to scale to the needs of a business of any size.

In general, Alfresco is a unique system that automates content management processes and covers the full life cycle of most types of documents: contracts and related documents, primary financial documentation, incoming and outgoing correspondence, instructions and tasks, orders and instructions, safety and labor protection documents, personnel applications and orders, documentation for tenders and the procurement process.

The system can manage any kind of documents. In corporate practice, they are divided into two types of data: structured and unstructured.

Structured documents are often presented in the form of tables and records that are stored in accounting systems (1C, SAP, Oracle, and others). Unstructured content includes content that goes beyond the general structure - a set of files and folders, media and video files located on external media or on the Internet. And the management of unstructured content is handled by a separate class of systems, namely Enterprise Content Management (ECM), to which Alfresco belongs.

Citeck has been implementing projects based on ECM Alfresco for more than 7 years in Russia and other post-Soviet countries.

Why choose us ... There are many such reasons, but there are three key:

  1. In 2014, Citeck signed a partnership agreement with NTsPR LLC, which is the official representative of Alfresco Software, Ltd in Russia and the CIS countries.
    Thus, Citeck can use a single platform for managing corporate information resources - Alfresco Enterprise Edition - with ;
  2. Employees of the company are certified as "Alfresco Certified Engineer";
  3. We offer our solution based on Open Source Russian assembly. Our Citec ECOS platform is included in .

Described system versions: Citeck ECOS 3.2.a, Alfresco Community 5.1.f.

List of abbreviations

Table 1 Abbreviations

Basic concepts of the system

Applications server is a Java Enterprise Edition software component that enables the launch and execution of Java applications.

Alfresco system structure

Three-tier structure

Alfresco follows a three-tier architecture (Figure 1):

  • data storage (Physical storage);
  • Alfresco Application Server (Alfresco Content Application Server);
  • Alfresco client applications (Alfresco Client).

Figure 1 - Structure of Alfresco links

The Data Storage link consists of a file storage (File System) and a database (Relational DB). File storage is used to store document content (files) and document versions. All other information (metadata) is stored in the database. The Alfresco database schema is not a public API, changes frequently from Alfresco version to version, and therefore should not be used when interacting with Alfresco. Instead, it is recommended to use one of the many public services (Embedded API, Remote API, see below) to interact with Alfresco.

The "Application Server" link provides advanced services for working with documents. The entire business logic of working with data is concentrated on this link. To work with various types of clients, the application server provides various types of external protocols, such as CMIS, REST API, CIFS, IMAP, and others. On the other hand, the application server works with the data warehouse through a connection to the DBMS (JDBC) and the mechanisms of the OS file system. Thanks to the use of these mechanisms, any implementation of the DBMS and file systems can be used as a data store, the only essential requirement is the presence of the necessary JDBC drivers and OS.

The "Client Applications" link is represented by various Alfresco client applications. These can be both web clients in the browser, and applications for desktop and mobile platforms, and even access through file system mechanisms (CIFS, FTP, WebDAV).

The described architecture allows you to implement various types of document-oriented applications, such as file management (Document Management - DM), web content management (Web Content Management - WCM), document management (Records Management - RM) and others.

Application server structure

The Alfresco Application Server is a Java web application and consists of various components. At the top level, the structure of the application server is shown below (Figure 2).

Figure 2 - The structure of the Alfresco application server

The application server should be considered as an extended DBMS that provides a wide range of document management services:

  • services for working with content (Content Services) - modeling, search, version control, multilingualism, export / import, content conversion, content classification through categories and tags, selection of metadata fields from content;
  • control services (Control Services) - business processes, rules and policies, access rights, access audit, preview generation, publication;
  • collaboration services (Collaboration Services) - favorites, "I like", the feed of events, wikis, blogs, forums.

These services are provided through a number of programming interfaces and protocols:

  • internal interfaces (Embedded APIs) - an interface for Java, JavaScript, FreeMarker (templates), languages ​​for modeling content and business processes;
  • external interfaces (Remote APIs) - interfaces for web services (SOAP), web scripts (REST), as well as CMIS API (options for SOAP and REST);
  • other protocols (Protocols) - CIFS, WebDAV, FTP, IMAP, SharePoint.

The application server architecture allows you to implement various types of modules and extensions to a standard set of interfaces:

  • content models;
  • business processes;
  • additional services for Java, JavaScript, FreeMarker;
  • rules and actions, policies;
  • additional web scripts (REST API).

Interaction with related systems

To implement its services, the application server uses the services of related systems. In particular, third-party systems are used for:

  • indexing and search (Lucene, SOLR);
  • authentication (LDAP, NTLM, Kerberos, External)
  • content transformations (LibreOffice, ImageMagick, SWF Tools).

Indexing and searching are absolutely essential features in most Alfresco applications. In new versions, Alfresco no longer uses the Lucene subsystem and recommends using SOLR.
The search subsystem supports a number of characteristics essential for applications:

  • checking access rights before issuing search results to the user;
  • support for various search languages, including Full Text Search, CMIS, Lucene.

Authentication subsystems allow you to delegate the user authentication function to external systems. The most common way to integrate with enterprise infrastructure is to use directory services such as Microsoft Active Directory for this purpose. With this integration, user information is imported from AD to Alfresco, and authentication takes place using one (or several) of the LDAP, NTLM, Kerberos protocols. Comparison of authentication protocols is given below (Table 2)

Table 2. Comparison of different authentication protocols

When using NTLM, the Alfresco server plays the role of a "man in the middle", in fact exploiting a protocol vulnerability. Therefore, only NTLM version 1 is supported. NTLM version 2 is not supported when interacting with Active Directory because authentication to third-party services is not the purpose of the NTLM protocol. The recommended authentication protocol for integrating into an enterprise infrastructure is Kerberos.

Content transforms are used for various purposes, such as generating previews and icons, printing, image scaling. LibreOffice is used to convert office formats (and PDF), ImageMagick is used to convert images (and PDF), and SWF Tools is used to convert PDF to SWF for preview.

These services can work as Windows services, but this is not provided by default in the Alfresco distribution.

Resources needed to run Alfresco

Hardware resources

Very roughly, Alfresco's system requirements can be calculated as follows.

For 50 concurrent or 500 registered users:

1.5 GB JVM RAM 2x server CPU (or 1xDual-core)

For 100 concurrent or 1000 registered users:

1.5 GB JVM RAM 4x server CPU (or 2xDual-core)

For 200 concurrent users or 2000 registered users:

2.5 GB JVM RAM 8x server CPU (or 4xDual-core)

If you intend to deploy the Alfresco server in a virtual environment, then these figures should be multiplied by two.

The volume of the database depends mainly on the approximate volume of cards, for example, the number of documents 1000 x number of fields 20 x average field size 10 bytes x average number of versions 5 x indexing factor 2 = 1000 x 20 x 10 x 5 x 2 = 2,000,000 bytes = 2 MB.

If processes are put on documents, history is kept, or other additional information is stored, this should also be taken into account.

The amount of disk space depends on the content size of the documents, for example, number of documents 1000 x average size 1 MB x average number of versions 5 = 1000 x 1 x 5 = 5000 MB = 5 GB.

The size of the disk space for the index (lucene, SOLR) is calculated in a similar way, and several times less (approximately 3 times).

Program resources

  • The standard installation of Alfresco on Windows systems creates the following services:
  • alfrescoPostgreSQL - to run PostgreSQL - a DBMS that services the Alfresco database;
  • alfrescoTomcat - to run Apache Tomcat - a servlet container that serves Alfresco web applications.

If these service names have been taken, then the installer selects similar unused service names, such as alfrescoPostgreSQL-1 or alfrescoTomcatnuml.

When installed on Linux systems, a single alfresco service is created that runs all the necessary Alfresco components (PostgreSQL and Tomcat by default).

Alfresco components occupy the following TCP network ports by default (Table 3).

Table 3. Comparison of various authentication protocols

Port Component Protocol Description
5432 PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
8080 tomcat HTTP Web application port
8443 tomcat HTTPS Web application port
8009 tomcat AJP
8005 tomcat Shutdown port
8000 Java Java debug port (off by default)
7070 VTI SharePoint Support online editing
21 Alfresco FTP Can be disabled in
445 Alfresco CIFS Can be included in
50500 Alfresco RMI Also a few other RMI 8100 LibreOffice ports
8100 libreoffice libreoffice

If these ports are already occupied by another, then when installing Alfresco, you can specify other ports for PostgreSQL, Tomcat and VTI, and configure Alfresco ports in the file. If you want to specify other ports after installation, you can also do this, you must refer to the component configuration guides.

Alfresco Extension Methods and Customizations

Alfresco is distributed as a WAR file (WAR - Web Archive - Java archive format) or several WAR files that need to be installed on the Java application server(s) (such as Apache Tomcat or JBoss Application Server). Extensions and modules are usually packaged inside web applications, while configuration elements are located in a separate place - the so-called. shared classpath (for Tomcat, this is the tomcat/shared folder).

Alfresco supports the following packaging options for third-party extensions:

  • not packed files;
  • ZIP archive;
  • JAR files
  • AMP files.

A JAR file (JAR stands for Java Archive) is a Java archive format and is supported by all Java application servers. JAR files are installed in the shared classpath or directly in the "WEB-INF/lib" folder of the web application. However, in this case, their integrity is not guaranteed, so it is recommended to pack these files into AMP archives.

An AMP file is an Alfresco Module Package format (AMP - Alfresco Module Package), which is also a renamed ZIP archive with special internal structure conventions. When you install an AMP file, its content becomes part of the WAR file.

Configuration elements are located in the shared classpath. In particular, the main alfresco configuration file, the file, is located at the root of the shared classpath (for Tomcat, this is the tomcat/shared/classes folder). The configuration of other extensions is located at classpath:alfresco/extension (for Alfresco repository) and classpath:alfresco/web-extension (for Alfresco Share). Commonly used configuration files are listed below:

  • alfresco/extension/* - log4j log configuration files;
  • alfresco/extension/subsystems/Authentication — authentication subsystem configuration files (for example, interaction with MS Active Directory);
  • alfresco/extension/custom-vti* — VTI module configuration files (SharePoint Protocol support for online document editing);
  • alfresco/web-extension/share-config-custom.xml - Share custom configuration.

Alfresco log files (event logs)

Alfresco log files, depending on the Alfresco version, are located either in the Alfresco root folder, or in the tomcat/bin folder, or in the root of the file system (Linux). Alfresco generates one log file per web application. Accordingly, in a standard installation there should be log files:

  • alfresco.log - Alfresco repository event log
  • share.log - Alfresco Share event log (web interface)
  • solr.log - SOLR (Indexing Service) event log

In addition, Apache Tomcat maintains its own logs, they are located in the tomcat/logs folder:

  • catalina.out for Linux, alfrescotomcat-stdout.YYYY-MM-DD.log for Windows - Apache Tomcat stdout
  • localhost_access_log.YYYY-MM-DD.txt - log of served requests

All of the above log files are set to rotate, a new file is created and used every day, but old files are not deleted. If old files need to be deleted as well, Alfresco and Tomcat settings need to be adjusted accordingly.

Citeck ECOS expansion modules

Three-level structure of modules

Extension modules are designed to add new functionality to the Alfresco system. In order to ensure maximum reuse of functionality in a wide variety of applications, a three-level structure is used:

  1. kernel modules (core) - contain basic functionality applicable in a wide range of applications (like Alfresco itself);
  2. application modules (applications) - contain functionality applicable only in certain document management applications, for example, contract management (contracts), attorney management (attorneys), order management (orders), etc.
  3. implementation modules (custom) - contain functionality that is applicable only in a specific implementation of the system in a specific organization. Each organization has its own set of modules.

A typical system deployment involves kernel modules, one or more application modules (or without them), and deployment modules.

The Alfresco framework allows modules of more specific levels to override the implementation and configuration of modules of more general levels. In particular, application modules and kernel modules can be overridden in injection modules.

Composition and functions of kernel modules

The core of the Citeck ECOS system includes the following modules:

  • 1st-override-repo;
  • 1st-override-share;
  • idocs-repo;
  • idocs-share.

Modules with the "-repo" suffix are intended for installation in the alfresco.war web application (Alfresco repository), modules with the "-share" suffix are intended for installation in the share.war web application (Alfresco Share - web interface).

Modules prefixed with "1st-override-" are for overriding Alfresco files. Modules with the "idocs-" prefix contain the core functionality of the Citeck ECOS system core.

Among the functions that the Citeck ECOS system adds to the Alfresco system, the following main functions can be noted.

Magazines. Represents the possibility of document-oriented viewing and searching for various types of documents and other objects in the system. A distinctive feature of magazines is that they take into account the specifics of various types of content and display only relevant attributes in each specific case.

Organizational structure. Represents the ability to model the structure of an organization in which the system is used through the built-in mechanism of Alfresco groups. A distinctive feature is the ability to mark groups with different labels corresponding to different types of units and officials. Through the use of the mechanism of groups, it is possible to issue rights to units and officials, as well as setting tasks for officials.

Templates. Content templates allow you to generate document content based on a given template. Card templates allow you to generate related documents according to a given template, such as approval sheets, access history, etc. Notification templates allow you to customize the sending of email notifications on specified events. Autonumber templates allow you to generate document numbers based on a given template. Templates in docx format (MS Word 2007) are also supported.

Advanced process capabilities. Opportunities for automatic issuance of rights for the duration of the task and their removal after the end of the task. Ability to attach documents to tasks. Deputy support.

life cycles. The possibility of a simple description of the life cycle of documents in the form of a set of states and transitions between them. A distinctive feature of the lifecycles component is the ease of implementation and extension of lifecycles even after they have been launched. Basic business processes (approval, signing, etc.) have been implemented, from which it is possible to compose the life cycles of documents.

Reporting support. Automatic uploading of information to an external database to simplify reporting using third-party tools.

Case management. The ability to organize cases - special containers with arbitrary types of attachments.

Integration. Ability to synchronize Alfresco directories with external sources. Data sources such as SQL-compatible databases, XML files, simple files (for content import) are supported. It is also possible to upload information to external storages.

Document card. The ability to create a document card from various sections (cardlets), you can rearrange sections and specify arbitrary conditions for their display.

User interface. Various visual components that expand the capabilities of Alfresco Share and increase the usability of the system.

Composition and capabilities of application modules

Application modules include the following modules:

  • contracts - contract management;
  • attorneys - management of powers of attorney;
  • orders - order management.

Application modules deploy sites in the system (site of agreements, site of powers of attorney, etc.) and logs for managing the corresponding types of documents, contain the definition of models and forms for these types of documents, the definition of special policies and predefined templates, as well as some default settings, which can be overridden in injection modules.

Synchronization service description

The synchronization service allows you to synchronize data across different data stores. Supported storages include:

  • Alfresco repository;
  • external databases;
  • folders with XML files;
  • folders with arbitrary files.

The synchronization service operates on the following basic abstractions:

  • Object DAO - a service for accessing some kind of data storage, Source DAO (data source) and Target DAO (data receiver) are distinguished;
  • Object Type - the type of objects that the Object DAO operates on, each Object DAO operates on its own type of objects, for example, repository objects, database records, XML elements, etc.
  • Object Info - information about an object of type Object Type, existing or potential, Object DAO allows you to get Object Info from Object Type and create (update) Object Type from Object Info;
  • Object Converter - converts Object Info from Source DAO format to Target DAO format;
  • Sync Configuration - synchronization parameters: from where to transfer (Source DAO), how to convert (Object Converter), where to transfer (Target DAO).

Below is a diagram of data flows during synchronization (Figure 3). The transformation takes place as follows:

  1. Source DAO receives the next set of objects to synchronize (either all or only updated since the last synchronization);
  2. Source DAO converts received objects into Object Info format;
  3. Object Converter provides Object Info format negotiation between Source DAO and Target DAO; additional Object Converter objects can be used to convert individual fields;
  4. The Target DAO creates or updates objects based on the information received.

The synchronization service supports the loading of object relationships through special Object Converter implementations that allow you to find and/or create related objects according to the configuration.

To improve the speed of import / export, the synchronization service supports multithreading and combining the synchronization of several objects in one transaction. You can adjust the maximum number of concurrent transactions (that is, the number of threads) and the maximum number of objects in a transaction.

Download description of Citeck ECOS and Alfresco.

Alfresco is the best open source enterprise content management system. It is compatible with Microsoft Windows, Macintosh and Unix/Linux platforms. In this review, we will present Alfresco Share document management application.


Alfresco Share offers the user a set of tools for document management within the enterprise. The system is characterized by simplicity and at the same time rich functionality, providing its users with close and fruitful cooperation. Alfresco Share tools centralize the enterprise's workflow, standardize document processing processes, increasing the degree of interaction between employees. As a result, the working time required for processing documents, passing them through the authorities, archiving documents and searching for them is significantly reduced.

The system also gives participants completely new opportunities. Such as versioning, centralized search, hypertext documentation and others. The indisputable advantages of the system over the usual (non-integrated) workflow make it possible to achieve much higher labor productivity. By integrating the workflow, the system saves working time, reduces time costs, thus significantly increasing the degree of economic efficiency of the enterprise.

The purpose of this presentation is to roughly illustrate the capabilities of the tools provided by the system. We are ready to hold a more detailed presentation at any time convenient for you. Contact by email at [email protected].

Control Panel

Click on the image for a detailed view.

The control panel provides the user with an overview of the main tasks at the moment. From here you can get to all sections of the system.

The control panel is divided into blocks - the so-called "Dashlets" (from the English Dashlet) - and is fully customizable. The user can always turn on those blocks that interest him and turn off unnecessary ones.

Click on the image for a detailed view.

user management

System users are managed centrally. The following screenshot shows the account creation:

Click on the image for a detailed view.

To facilitate work with access rights, users can be combined into groups:

Click on the image for a detailed view.


The user can take part in the operation of one or more so-called websites. Sites are sections of the document management system. Sites usually correspond to those subsystems of the enterprise, the workflow of which is limited to certain thematic frameworks. For example, it makes sense to separate the workflow of the accounting department and the design department, the computer center and the personnel department.

Sites are created by the system administrator. In this case, we have created three sites:

Click on the image for a detailed view.

Sites are divided into pages. A site page is a tool with which you can perform one of the types of tasks that arise within the theme of this site.

The current version offers the following tools:

  • Document Library
  • Calendar
  • Links
  • Discussions

The site manager can determine what tools are needed in the operation of this site:

Click on the image for a detailed view.

In the following screenshot, we left only the wiki, document library, calendar, and links:

Click on the image for a detailed view.

Document Library

The document library is the most necessary section of the site when it comes to document management. It is actually the core of our system. Usually this is where the main work with documents is done. The following screenshot shows a typical view of a document library:

Click on the image for a detailed view.

Documents from the user's computer are uploaded to the server for further processing.

Click on the image for a detailed view.

After downloading, the document is given an internal name, it is supplied with a description, tags, and entered into a specific folder. Access rights are defined for the document.

Click on the image for a detailed view.

After the document is registered in the system, you can view it, change it or add your comments.

Click on the image for a detailed view.

You can add an updated version of the document later:

Click on the image for a detailed view.

If necessary, you can view old versions of the document, or roll back to one of them:

Click on the image for a detailed view.

One of the most interesting features of the system is the ability to assign documents to the so-called process (workflow).

Processes give the user the ability to construct document processing scenarios. For example, the passage of instances when approving any documents. The simplest and most understandable example would be the collection of signatures of those responsible for equipment orders. The following screenshot illustrates the creation of the "Asanali Ashimovich Ashimov must review and approve the order" workflow:

Click on the image for a detailed view.

In this way, a document library provides the following benefits:

  • The document is saved electronically, which increases its friendliness for search tools and simplifies cataloging.
  • The system takes care of document versioning. Not only the current version is saved, but the entire history of the document. In this way, you can easily roll back to one of the previous versions or track changes between versions.
  • Document flow in the enterprise is standardized.
  • The workflow system in large enterprises with several spatially separated branches is being combined.
  • Communication within the enterprise is accelerated and, accordingly, cheaper.
  • Access rights ensure the confidentiality of documents.
  • Authorized users, if desired, can easily print a document when they need it, rather than wasting time looking for a paper original and then copying it.
  • With the timely implementation of proper measures to back up the system, documents become "fireproof".
  • Tags make searching much easier. Documents can be searched in several categories at once. In addition, there is another advantage of tags - documents with similar topics automatically fall into the user's field of vision.
  • Workflows simplify and speed up the passage of documents through the authorities.


A wiki is designed for quick collaborative editing of documents. The following screenshot shows a list of current documents:

Click on the image for a detailed view.

The advantage of editing documents on a wiki is that the user does not need to install any software other than a browser to edit documents. Thanks to the wiki language and built-in editor, editing is quick and easy. Each wiki document can be assigned one or more tags, making content easy to catalog and search friendly.

Click on the image for a detailed view.

Wiki articles make heavy use of hypertext. Thus, the reader can be offered an innumerable number of routes for reading the documentation. In addition, just like a document library, a wiki provides document versioning.


A blog is a website whose main content is regularly added entries of temporary significance, added in reverse chronological order. In the context of this system, a blog can play the role of a communication tool between a narrower group of "writers" and a larger group of "readers". A classic example of such communication in the context of an enterprise is the "administration - employees of the enterprise" link. The administration can bring to the attention of employees any information with a time reference on such a blog. For example, changes in legislation or any internal regulations, the results of the company's activities for the quarter, or such things that are not entirely related to the main activities of the company, such as an announcement of an upcoming corporate party.

Click on the image for a detailed view.

The following screenshot shows the process of creating a blog post.

Click on the image for a detailed view.


One of the tools, although not directly necessary in document management, but nevertheless providing a certain level of comfort when using our system, is a calendar. The calendar allows the user to enter his appointments or reminders of any other upcoming events in the same system where his documents are located. This allows certain synergistic effects to be achieved. For example, the ability to refer participants to a meeting to any documents simplifies the setting of the meeting agenda. Participants prepare for the meeting by processing documents "attached" to the event in the calendar.

The calendar offers the user several perspectives: daily, weekly, monthly and "Agenda" mode, which we conventionally called "Overview". The following screenshot shows the daily perspective:

Click on the image for a detailed view.

Overview of upcoming events:

Creating an event:

Click on the image for a detailed view.


In the "Links" section, site members can store links to documents and Internet resources necessary for their work. For example, links to some online documentation. Instead of each employee storing their links locally, all employees' links are stored in one place. This allows you to practically reduce data redundancy to zero.

The following screenshot shows a list of links:

Click on the image for a detailed view.

Click on the image for a detailed view.


To discuss any topics in the system there is a section "Discussions". Unlike the "Documents" section, here are topics that need a wide discussion. For example, with the participation of all interested parties, it is necessary to develop a common line of conduct on any issue. Moreover, the discussion is expected to be hot and difficult, and its participants are spaced apart. Instead of several face-to-face meetings and the associated costs, the discussion is transferred to our system. This provides numerous benefits, from savings on travel expenses and so on, to an almost ready-made "transcript" of the discussion.

The following screenshot shows the creation of a response to one of the posts:

Click on the image for a detailed view.


This section is intended for the administrator or site manager. Here they can manage the participants.

Click on the image for a detailed view.

The following screenshot shows the process of adding users to the site:

Click on the image for a detailed view.

You can also invite "external" participants.

In addition to the standard "Invitations" and "Deletes", here you can assign roles to users.

Click on the image for a detailed view.


Within the framework of this document, some features of the system were not covered. Here are a few of them:

  • Integration into the Windows domain. The directories in a document library can be presented by the system as regular shared folders.
  • Integration into Microsoft Office. A plug-in that provides management of document properties in a document library from Microsoft Office applications.
  • Integration into OpenOffice. A plugin for OpenOffice that manages document properties in a document library.
  • Other framework applications. For example, WebStudio or Mobile.


The use of a document management system forces an enterprise to standardize workflow schemes, which even in itself is a considerable gain for the enterprise. The flexibility and versatility of the system make it easier to fit the simulated processes to reality. The system is also easily integrated into existing schemes, while offering the user completely new possibilities:

  • Centralization of workflow
  • Standardization of document processing processes
  • Reliability of document storage
  • Easy and fast search
  • Managing access to documents at the level of users, as well as their groups
  • Versioning of documents with the ability to rollback and compare different versions
  • Workflows
  • Service tools (calendar, wiki, blog, discussions) enable collaboration within the enterprise.

Thus, a document management system within an enterprise of almost any scale can significantly simplify and speed up document management in an enterprise, significantly reducing the cost of creating the final product. Intensive use of this system and the ideal transition to "paperless workflow" gives a real economic effect.

Version 1.0.1. The current version of the document is located at .

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A search in Habr did not find detailed articles on the Alfresco system. In this article I will try to kill two birds with one stone: to tell what the Alfresco system is and how we use it in our work.

How are documents stored in a small organization? The simplest is on a local disk. And if collaboration is needed, they are sent by mail, or, the most popular option, on a network drive. Another great option is Google Docs, but I'm not sure that it is widely used in Russian practice.

I don't know what size an organization needs to reach in order to think about the introduction of an electronic document management system, but I think this is approximately a figure in the region of 50-100 employees working with documents.

When thinking about an electronic document management system, expensive solutions from well-known vendors such as Microsoft, EMC, 1C, etc. come to mind first. But there is an alternative to closed solutions - the open source document management system Alfresco. Or, if in English, then Open Source Enterprise Content Management System (ECM, CMS).

Alfresco's competitors are proprietary software such as EMC Documentum, Open Text, Sharepoint. Alfresco developers themselves write about their competitors as a legacy of the 90s, which:

  • is too expensive
  • too hard to use, deploy, scale
  • too difficult to modify to fit your needs
  • too "proprietary"
I'll try to talk about the system, and you already decide whether the developers were right.

What is Alfresco

Alfresco was originally conceived as an open source alternative to Microsoft Sharepoint. But in the course of development, he moved away from this, and provides a number of unique functions that are not available to other similar systems. Suffice it to say that Alfresco works stably using the Sharepoint protocol over HTTPS.

It is in the openness of the system that I see its main advantage: there is no “lock-in” for any manufacturer, the system itself is free. Another advantage of Alfresco I see is that it is built on modern Java technologies such as Spring, JSF, Hibernate, Lucene; new versions will use Spring Surf. And I know that big serious business loves Java systems.

Users work with the system through a browser. It is also possible to work with files through Windows Explorer, as with a regular network folder (CIFS protocol) or via FTP. We are working with the English version, there is a Russian localization.

Screenshot of Alfresco Document Management standard page

Alfresco provides the ability to create, store, modify documents and much more. It is possible to create a document directly in the system, both empty and based on your company's templates. The system allows you to search by the content of documents, supports versioning of documents. The entire history of changes is stored, you can always see who added or deleted what.

Is it suitable for your tasks? Expandability

Alfresco is completely ready to use, you can download the free Community Edition, install it, and start using it today, everything is very simple. There is also a paid Enterprise Edition, the main difference is the availability of technical support.

Alfresco is installed on both Windows and *nix compatible systems, Java Runtime Environment is required. The delivery includes built-in OpenOffice, for converting between different types of documents, extracting text data for indexing and full-text search capabilities. Also included is Tomcat, which, if desired, can be replaced with any suitable web container.

Alfresco maintains its own user base. However, auto-creation of users at first login or synchronization with an external source is possible: LDAP, Microsoft Active Directory, company domain, etc.

Standards accepted in the ECM industry are supported. Thus, the Alfresco data storage system is smoothly shifting from its own implementation of the JSR-170 standard to data access via CMIS, removing the last restriction - the use of the storage supplied with Alfresco.

The system works with documents of any format: Microsoft Office, Open Office, pdf, etc. If the required format is not in the list of supported ones, you can add your own conversion module to one of the supported ones, and conversion chains will be built to all the output formats required.

The advantage of Alfresco as an open system is full access to source codes, you can change any part of the system, with good specialists, of course. The license allows.

The system allows you to expand its functionality using extension modules. Modules can contain anything: business logic, page styles, new pages, data model extensions, and new services. Extension modules can work with Alfresco through a number of protocols, the REST protocol being the best supported. The user interface is proposed to be implemented using Spring Surf, there are no restrictions on the rest, Java is most often used, less often server-side JavaScript, Groovy, JRuby. The main thing is to have CMIS support.

You can completely abandon the standard web interface and implement your own. Then Alfresco will only be used as storage.

For integration with other software, various types of authentication are supported, it is possible to connect them into chains. For example, a user can be logged in with Single sign-on . If the user came not authorized, then Alfresco will try to authorize him (will ask for a username and password, or a certificate, depending on how the system is configured).

Alfresco has a very flexible data model, there are many opportunities for its extension, but this is a topic for a separate article. In short, it is worth mentioning that the model supports multiple inheritance (using aspects), and dynamic, that is, any aspect can be added to any object at any time, and the object acquires all the properties of this aspect.

Access to data and functionality can be flexibly configured. The authorization system operates with such concepts as: data object, permission, user, group, role. Roles are assigned to users and groups while the application is running, including cascading role assignments for an entire data subtree.

There are a large number of ready-made extensions for Alfresco.

Number of users. Scalability

Due to the openness and freeness of Alfresco, you are not limited by the number of client licenses. Rather, you are limited by the performance of your servers and database, the ability to scale the system.

Based on our experience, an Intel Core 2 2.4 GHz server with 8Gb of memory is enough to serve up to a thousand registered active users. With an increase in the number of users, it is necessary to analyze which parts of the system are most loaded. The system works reliably in a cluster, ensuring the integrity and relevance of data, but a competent configuration is needed, more details will be written below.

There are examples of Alfresco implementation in a large non-profit organization in Russia with a base of 40,000 or more users. Foreign implementation examples also include Alfresco use cases with hundreds of thousands of active users. Or with a much smaller number of users, but with multi-terabyte storage.

Our experience in implementing Alfresco

The system is used in the company - the largest software producer in Europe. Estimated number of internal users: 30 thousand. Expected number of external users: over 3 million.

Alfresco was chosen as the only ECM system on the market with good enterprise support, implementation of the Sharepoint protocol, and implementation examples with 1000+ users. Microsoft Sharepoint didn't, as far as I know, although it may not have met other criteria.
At the moment, the repository stores ~2000 documents of 5-10 Mb each.

Major improvements made:

  • Changing the appearance of the system. Added caps, company logos where necessary.
  • Alfresco has been modified to work with the application server, database and authentication system adopted as a standard within the company.
  • Alfresco has been linked to existing metadata on the company's portal, such as country registries, customer categories, etc.
  • A module for creating so-called “projects” using templates, creating documents using templates.
  • Access control system. According to representatives of Alfresco, this is the only implementation with such a deep use of the Alfresco access control system.
  • Publication of documents passing through the stages of workflow to other company resources. Reverse import of documents into the system.
  • Significantly changed the standard workflow in accordance with company standards.
  • Implemented the ability to set up workflow on the go, using the user interface, including sending notifications to those responsible for performing work at each stage.
  • Interfacing with a third-party library for converting and extracting data from documents.

The system has already gone into production. There are a number of problems that had to be faced, some have not yet been resolved.

For example, when run on a developer's local machine, the system runs quite fast. However, when running on a client in a cluster of 5 application servers, the system sometimes starts to unnecessarily slow down. The problem has not yet been solved, although even Alfresco developers themselves were connected to it.

Unfortunately, the architecture of our system is built in such a way that the indexes of the search engine (Lucene) are stored on a network drive. And this seriously contradicts the recommendations of the developers, we often encounter the fact that the indexes are collapsing.

Another problem with OpenOffice when converting and extracting data from documents. Even the latest version of OpenOffice in server mode can only convert one file at a time. Attempting to convert several files at the same time leads to an unpredictable result. Also, OpenOffice has the annoying property of eating up a lot of memory over time and becoming unresponsive. I can recommend several ways:

  • use to start and automatically restart several OpenOffice servers at once;
  • using other libraries for converting and extracting data (for example, Aspose, but it is paid).
  • as already mentioned, do not use network drives to store Lucene indexes;
  • use of a file system with modern means of combating fragmentation (EXT4).

Our project is currently under active development. Despite some managerial and technical errors in the implementation of our project, I like the Alfresco system itself, it's a pleasure to work with it, I believe in the promise of open systems for business.


Alfresco is a good base for building a company's workflow. I think in the near future Alfresco can become a replacement for many obsolete systems. Of course, there are several unresolved problems, and Alfresco is unlikely to capture the whole world, but I think it will be able to take over a significant part of the corporate document storage and workflow market.

It is possible to use Alfresco in the cloud. For example, Amazon AWS already has pre-installed instances with Alfresco.

Rumor has it that Oracle is considering buying Alfresco. How this threatens or shines for Alfresco is still unknown, time will tell.

It would be very interesting to see your Alfresco implementation stories in the comments.


  • alfresco
  • java
  • ecm
  • crm
  • document management
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Compatibility with PostgreSQL 10

Description of "Logic of EDMS" based on Alfresco/MSVsfera Infoflow

According to the developers of the system, automation of document management using “Logic: EDMS” on the platforms Alfresco / WSWSsphere Infoflow leads to an increase in the productivity of employees, easier access to information for making management decisions, improving executive discipline, and hence to a general improvement in the quality of corporate and government controlled.

For October, 2018 the system helps to solve the following tasks:

  • Organization of effective work with contracts
  • Ensuring quality control over the execution of orders of managers
  • Automation of document flow of authorities
  • Reduce the cost of finding and sharing documents
  • Optimization of business processes for document processing
  • Minimization of labor costs of employees when working with documents
  • Increasing the level of control over the performance discipline of employees
  • Maximum paperless internal corporate document flow
  • Improving the efficiency of work with applications
  • Document management within the quality management system
  • Working with documents constituting a trade secret
  • Implementation of project workflow and the possibility of teamwork
  • Creation of a single information space for storing and processing documents of the organization

The system can be easily adapted to these and many other tasks related to document processing using built-in settings, development of additional modules, integration with other systems.

The Logic: EDMS system based on the Alfresco / MSVSfera Infoturnover platforms is designed to manage corporate content and content-oriented business processes in medium and large commercial and government enterprises with a large number of geographically distributed divisions and many counterparties.

Implementation effects:

  • In the authorities:
    • Improving the quality of public services
    • Reducing the cost of ensuring the work of authorities
    • Improving performance discipline, increasing manageability
    • Increasing transparency and openness of activities
    • Creation of the basis for an integrated information system such as "electronic government" (interdepartmental document management, EAR, archives, portals of public services)
  • For commercial companies:
    • Improved manageability
    • Rapid response to changes
    • The payback period of the system is from six months to two years
    • Increasing the company's competitiveness in the market


Integration with Information Leak Detection

The ILD system helps to identify the source of leakage of confidential information on paper. The algorithm of the solution is to create individual copies of the document with which employees work in the electronic document management system. ILD remembers several document parameters: the conversion algorithm, the date and time the copy was issued, and the employee's identification data. Thus, in the event of a leak of information, ILD reliably determines the employee whose fault it occurred. You can read more about technology integration.

"Logic of EDMS 2.0" based on Alfresco/MSVsfera Infoflow

The product has been upgraded to version 5.1 of the Alfresco/MSVSphere Infoflow platform. This ECM platform is based on free software (free software).

In version 2.0. The mechanism for processing document cards has been redesigned, and editing of Microsoft Office, Open Office and LibreOffice files directly from the document card has been added.

Added a number of features:

  • imposition of resolutions on documents,
  • primary distribution of documents,
  • centralized document status tracking,
  • Opportunities to work with orders and organizational and administrative documents.
  • the product toolkit for setting up the solution during implementation and operation by customers and partners has been supplemented.

In this version of the system, 16 additions to user functionality and 29 changes in the functionality of setting up and administering the system are implemented.

The capabilities of the latest version of the Alfresco platform, in particular a faster version of Java , a modern search engine and an advanced API, make it easy to modify the solution to unique requirements and achieve even greater performance on it, creating additional value for users. And “Business Logic”, which promptly reflected innovations in its decision, increased its competitiveness.


Release of "Logic of EDMS" on the platform MSVsfera Infoflow

On December 15, 2015 the Business Logic and National Support and Development Center companies announced release of the solution for electronic document management on the EDMS Logic platform and "MSVsfera Infoflow".

The barcoding mechanism was used as the basis for integrating these two solutions: a single barcode is assigned to the document card and the document, which can be printed on a sticker (for incoming documents) or on a document (for documents published in the organization and sent).

The document contains a unique identification number (UNID). Its presence helps when searching for a document in the SED. During streaming scanning, the barcode of the registered document is read by the scanner, after which the image of the document is automatically attached to the corresponding card. Subsequently, the user can find the document using a barcode scanner.

“Streaming data entry is a critical component of any document management solution. Therefore, the choice of a platform for this task is critical for effective work with corporate content, - said Oleg Beilezon, chief ECM architect of Business Logic. “We once again analyzed the solutions in this area presented on the market and came to the conclusion that ABBYY FlexiCapture solutions remain the most optimal.”
“ABBYY FlexiCapture increases the speed of data entry from various types of documents by several times and allows you to significantly reduce the number of input errors. The solution is easily integrated with many corporate document management systems, including EDMS based on the Alfresco platform, which allows customers to organize work with documents and data as efficiently as possible,” said Dmitry Shushkin, director of corporate projects at ABBYY Russia.

Transfer of "Logic of EDMS" to the Alfresco platform of version 4.2

The release of September 2014 of the Logic SED system was transferred to the latest version of the Alfresco 4.2 platform, which provides a number of significant improvements:

  • Changed the global design of the user page, which allows for more rational use of the screen size. In addition, header building mechanisms have become more flexible and dynamic.
  • Improved system performance
  • Added new customization options for the Share UI
  • Simplified content publishing options
  • Added group content download options
  • A more advanced version of the Activiti business process engine is used, which allows you to build more flexible business processes

The functionality of Logic SED has undergone the following changes:

  • The "EDMS" dashlet has been implemented, allowing you to start working with EDMS documents directly from the Alfresco homepage
  • Implemented the ability to manually enter the registration numbers of documents with checking their uniqueness
  • New features have been added to the workplace of the EDMS user:
  • * Work with documents added to "Favorites"
  • * Work with the list of recently viewed documents
  • * Setting the composition and order of displaying the columns of document attributes when they are displayed in the list
  • * Export to Excel the contents of any list
  • Redesigned forms for creating and editing all documents
  • Added additional entries to the document history for greater clarity
  • Added the ability to view the history of document movement by life cycle status in graphical form
  • Implemented control of duplicates when creating a new counterparty
  • Added the action "attach to ...", which allows you to transfer any file of the Alfresco repository inside the EDMS document
  • Added standard reports: a summary of the topics of documents, instructions executed with deadline violations
  • Enhanced administrator options for setting up user workstations

Release 1.1.2 is scheduled for early October, which will include:

  • An improved standard document approval process that allows you to configure and use multi-stage approval routes of varying complexity
  • Possibility of using one installation of the system for the work of several organizations
  • New user tools for working with the employee directory, including a special Alfresco dashlet that allows you to search for employees directly from the system home page
  • Optimization of configuration and administration tools



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