Rivanol solution 1%. Instructions for use "Rivanol"

"Ethacridine" ("Rivanol") is an antiseptic. It is used to combat microorganisms that cause various diseases. The solution is used to treat wounds, with inflammation of the mucous membranes, boils, psoriasis.

Forms of drug release:

  • Paste.
  • Solution.
  • Powder.
  • Ointment.

The solution for use is prepared immediately before use.

To remove unwanted hair

The solution of the drug is used for It is inexpensive, painless, effective. A little lower is the instruction for the drug "Rivanol". The analogs described below, as you can see, are much more difficult to handle:

  1. For 10 grams of Rivanol powder, 1 liter of water is required - a 1% solution will be obtained.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and wipe the areas with unwanted hair. It is not worth keeping the product in one area for a long time, it is enough to hold it once.
  3. The procedure is repeated daily for 7 days (prolongation of the course is possible, but not recommended to avoid drying out of the skin, in any case it should be determined individually).

During treatment with the drug, unwanted hair becomes thinner and lighter, then falls off.

Before use, an allergy test is required: a drop of the prepared solution is applied to the skin from the inside of the elbow bend and observed for 2 hours (it is highly desirable to wash off the drug after this time and continue monitoring for another 48 hours).

How the drug works

The active substances of "Rivanol" (lactate 2-ethoxy-6,9-diaminoacridine) gradually destroy the hair itself and the follicle, thereby eliminating not only existing hair, but also future ones. At best, unwanted hair will not bother you for a month, then hairs may grow back, but they will be much lighter, thinner and more inconspicuous than the previous ones.

The tool is used, as a rule, for light (vellus) hair, for example, on the face. It is worth noting that the drug does not help everyone, however, it is impossible to say in advance who will be among the lucky ones, so it’s worth trying.

If after two weeks of use there is no result, then the drug is not suitable, and its use should be discontinued.

Many are interested in whether the effective and convenient "Rivanol" has analogues?

We note right away that there are no complete analogues, however, there are many means whose action is a bit similar (lightening hair and affecting the hair follicle). Let's take a look at them below.

Immediately, we note what is important to know in order to effectively use the analogues of "Rivanol", the description of which is given below.

To influence the follicle, it is important to open the path to it, that is, the hair must be removed from the root. In addition, on the surface of the skin we see, as a rule, only 25% of all available hair. The rest are in a dormant state, so for a really effective result (smooth skin for months), the procedure must be repeated periodically, and not for one week. It is also desirable to steam the area for applying the product, this allows you to open the pores, however, it should be borne in mind that this makes the skin more sensitive and increases the risk of burns.

Almost all the tools described below are very strong and at the same time unpredictable, therefore they are capable of:

  • remove unwanted hair;
  • have no effect;
  • spoil the skin, which will require long-term treatment after this.

Above, you already had the opportunity to see how simple the instruction is for Rivanol. Analogues, reviews of which are quite numerous and allow us to evaluate the effectiveness and laboriousness of each tool, are much more difficult to handle and are rarely able to give such a quick effect.

Hydrogen peroxide

Does "Rivanol" have analogues among pharmaceutical products? Hydrogen peroxide is the only drug with a similar effect. This tool is much weaker, although with good tolerance and perseverance, it can help get rid of hair. Although it is not recommended to use it on sensitive skin, such as on the face. Typically, peroxide is used to remove hair from the back of the neck, from the arms and legs. How is it applied? The desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is wiped daily for 2-3 weeks. they are selected individually, although in any case a 3% pharmacy solution will not work, hair bleaching and hair destruction is possible only with a 5-10% solution. Also, do not use too strong a solution: 30% peroxide will definitely cause changes on the skin that are unlikely to please anyone. The peroxide-burned dermis has a characteristic white coating.


This spice can make the skin smooth forever, at least that's the reputation it has in its homeland - in India. At a certain concentration of the substance, turmeric affects the hair itself and, most importantly, the follicles, slowing down hair growth. With frequent use, the hair stops growing, and the skin becomes very smooth and even. This analogue of "Rivanol" for hair removal also acts individually. Among the reviews, there are many stories when turmeric-based masks did not have any effect. Side effect - yellowing of the skin, irritation, redness. Turmeric is often used for permanent hair removal in the bikini area.

There are many recipes with turmeric. The most popular are a mixture of turmeric with cream, milk, flour.

  1. With cream. Any suitable moisturizing (not greasy!) cream is mixed in equal proportions with turmeric, applied to the desired area. The proportion can be varied, it all depends on tolerance. The mixture is applied to the skin, aged for 10 minutes (it can be a little longer, this is also individual), washed off with warm water or sour milk to avoid staining.
  2. Turmeric is mixed with wheat flour and milk, the proportions are also individual. It is optimal to mix the bulk ingredients, and then add milk, achieving a consistency convenient for application. Flour is needed only to soften the effect of the spice.


Datura contains alkaloids that can depress the hair follicle. This is a very poisonous plant, so you should be extremely careful with it, much more careful than when using the Rivanol drug. The analogues described here are also much safer than Datura. The only reason it deserves attention is that with its help you can achieve a complete cessation of hair growth. However, this process cannot be called fast. It will take about a year before the result, otherwise there is a risk of harming the body as a whole. To remove hair use:

  1. Alcohol tincture - suitable for oily skin.
  2. Oil tincture - preferred for dry skin.

Use the mixture on prepared skin (hair removed from the root) strictly no more than once a day, but regularly - daily or every other day.


A very risky and dubious drug (iodine tends to be absorbed through the skin and accumulate in the body, exposing the latter to intoxication), suitable only for those who have exceptionally healthy skin, who are not afraid of turning their skin yellow, have already despaired of achieving results with milder means, I tried the Rivanol solution, analogues of plant origin - and everything turned out to be in vain.

Recipes with iodine are also very diverse, the most popular is with castor oil and ammonia. For him you need:

  1. Iodine - 1.5 ml.
  2. Ammonia - 2 ml.
  3. Castor oil - 5 ml.
  4. Medical alcohol - 35 ml.

Everything is mixed and kept for a couple of hours until the mixture loses its characteristic yellow-brown color. Moisten a cotton swab with the prepared solution, wipe areas with unwanted hair 2 times a day, keeping for 15 minutes. The procedures are performed within 2-3 weeks until the hair falls out completely (they begin to fall out after one week of use).

walnut juice

Green walnut contains enough iodine, so it can be used to get rid of hair. The unripe fruit is cut in half, the prepared area is rubbed with half, left overnight. One week of such procedures is enough for hair not to appear. You can also grind the shell of young walnuts, mix with water and rub the skin with unwanted hair 3-4 times a day, repeat until the result (hair loss) is achieved.

Stinging nettle seeds

Does "Rivanol" have analogues of mild action? safe enough. They contain which and helps to act on unwanted hair and follicles. To remove unwanted vegetation, you can use a decoction, oil tincture or alcohol tincture (although the latter is undesirable). Oil tincture is prepared in the following way:

  1. Grind 40 grams of nettle, but not to powder, but simply knead.
  2. Mix the crushed mixture with 100 grams of castor oil (you can take another soft oil, for example, from grape seeds).
  3. Keep the mixture in a dark and cool place (but not in the refrigerator) for 2 months.
  4. Straining - optional.

The tincture is applied as follows: the necessary place is lubricated, the oil is left on the skin, kept for 1 hour, wiped with a cloth or napkin. Repeat daily. The first result will be visible in a month - thinner, weaker hairs that are easy to remove with tweezers or hands.

There are other folk analogues of "Rivanol", in the article we have indicated the most common ones. However, in any case, the drug "Rivanol" looks the most convenient to use.

Rivanol is a powder and a ready-made solution at a concentration of 1% and 0.1%, which contain the active ingredient ethacridine lactate .

Boric acid is no longer included in the composition, as it was when released in the USSR. During this time, the pharmaceutical industry has advanced, and this component is not added to the new composition.

Release form

It is produced in the form of a powder (1 gr. package) and a ready-made solution of 100 ml. in two types of concentration 1% and 0.1%.

The powder is crystalline, yellow, odorless. Has a bitter taste. Poorly soluble in alcohol, in cold water, more easily soluble in hot water.

The aqueous solution is not stable and must be used freshly prepared.

Not available in tablet form.

pharmachologic effect

What is Rivanol is described in detail in the annotation to the drug. This tool has antiseptic effect , therefore, it is used in the process of combating a number of pathogens. The drug is most active in relation to coccal microorganisms, in particular to streptococcus .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

No data.

Indications for use

Rivanol is used both for treatment and for the purpose of prevention as a disinfectant. It is used in surgery, urology, dermatology, gynecology, ENT practice, ophthalmology.

It is used for the purpose of treating wounds, subject to infection and the development of purulent processes inside them. Also used for preventive treatment of wounds.

In the treatment of patients who have undergone peritonitis or purulent pleurisy , used for washing the pleural cavities.

Used to combat pustular skin diseases, with chronic dermatoses , at psoriasis .

Prescribed for treatment carbuncles , boils , removal of inflammatory processes on the skin.

It is used in the development of inflammation on the mucous membranes of the larynx, pharynx, mouth, and in the nasal cavity.

Used in ophthalmology for conjunctivitis and other infectious eye diseases caused by coccal infection.

Rivanol is also used in the treatment purulent cystitis , as well as arthritis complicated by purulent infection.

Inside is taken at colitis , inflammation of the large and small intestines .


It is not used to treat people suffering from kidney disease, in particular, in the presence of protein in the urine. You can not take the drug with intolerance to its components.

Side effects

In the treatment of Rivanol may develop local allergic reactions .

If the patient notes the manifestation of adverse reactions, he should immediately contact the doctor who prescribed the course of treatment.

A solution of 1% Rivanol is used to stop hair growth and, with a long course, can completely remove hair follicles.

Instructions for use Rivanol (Method and dosage)

The instruction for Rivanol provides for its external, less often - internal use. The instruction for external use provides that it is necessary to prepare a solution for external use immediately before using it.

Rivanol solution is applied externally (Rivanol 0.1% (solution 1:1000) 0.05% (1:2000), 0.2% (1:500). In dermatological practice, Rivanol 1% ointment, 2.5% powder is used , 5-10% paste based on Rivanol.

Inside is prescribed in a dose of not more than 0.05 g (single), not more than 0.15 g (daily).

Rivanol can be used to remove hair that grows in unwanted places, since it contains ethacridine destroying the hair follicle. A hair removal solution is prepared as follows: 10 grams of powder is dissolved in 10 liters of warm water. Every day, the solution is applied with a cotton swab to the places where unwanted hair grows. The solution is used every day for at least two weeks. Before starting such a course of treatment, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test by applying the solution to the bend of the elbow and waiting 6 hours. If there are no allergic manifestations, you can start a course of treatment.


Cases of overdose are not described.


Rivanol is not pharmaceutically compatible with alkalis (as a result, a precipitate forms). Insoluble compounds appear when combined with salicylates , sulfates , chlorides , benzoates .

Terms of sale

The drug in the network of pharmacies is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions

Store the product in a dark and dry place. Store in a dark container.

Best before date

You can store the drug for 5 years.


In pharmacies you can buy analogues of the drug - Ethacridine , Ethacridine lactate and others. Analogues of the solution have the same active ingredient, but when replacing the drug, you should still consult with your doctor first.


Ethacridine lactate , Acrinol , Acrycid , Etodin .

Rivanol (Ethacridine lactate) is, first of all, an antiseptic that destroys pathogens and especially streptococci. It is mainly used externally and is part of powders, ointments or pastes made on its basis. But in some cases, the drug is administered intravenously.

Rivanol is used as a disinfectant in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. They are used in gynecology, surgery, ophthalmology, dermatology. In inflammatory processes - in ENT practice.

drug in solution:

  • process;
  • used after peritonitis, washing the pleural cavity;
  • treat purulent pleurisy;
  • purulent cystitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • chronic dermatoses;
  • carbuncles and boils;
  • arthritis, which are complicated by purulent infection.

Ethacridine lactate has low toxicity, it is used for inflammation of the larynx and nasal cavity. Used in the treatment of infectious diseases of the eye, such as conjunctivitis.

For colitis and inflammation in the large and small intestines, the drug is administered orally. It has recently been used in cosmetology as a means to remove unwanted hairs.

Treatment of open wounds and purulent ulcers

They make lotions on the ulcer: pus will come out of the wound, and it will be cleansed. After that, you need to apply Vishnevsky ointment. For the treatment and treatment of open fresh and infected wounds, aqueous solutions of 0.05% are used; 0.1%; 0.2%.

0.1-0.2% drug is used as a lotion or tampon for:

  • boils,
  • chiryakh,
  • carbuncles,
  • abscesses
  • acne,
  • acne.

In addition, in dermatological practice, Ethacridine lactate powder 2.5% is used to dry oily skin, to treat dermatitis, eczema, lichen - 1% ointment, or 5-10% paste.

Angina, colds and runny nose

With angina, and especially follicular, you need to gargle with 0.1% rivanol. The procedures will remove the inflammatory process, the abscesses will clear up, and the disease will go away faster.

In case of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the pharynx and nasopharynx, rinsing (washing) with a 0.1% solution or lubricating the inflamed areas with 1% is prescribed.

For colds, dilute a 1% solution (1 tsp) with warm water (200 ml) and gargle. They can wash the nasal cavity in the form of a cold prevention.

With conjunctivitis, provoked by various cocci, it is used in the form of eye drops. 1-2 drops in each eye 4-6 times a day.

How to use Rivanol for hair removal?

Rivanol 1% solution can be freely purchased at pharmacies. Thanks to resourceful women, he began to help their beauty, removing unwanted facial hairs without any painful symptoms and consequences.

The tool was not originally intended for depilation, and manifests itself in different women in different ways due to individual characteristics. So under its influence, the hairs begin to thin and fall off after a few procedures. However, for some, this effect may not be present.

The main properties of Ethacridine lactate is its delicate effect, which is very important. It can also be used on other parts of the body.

To use rivanol for hair removal, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist, even realizing that the drug has almost no contraindications, except for its individual intolerance in the form of an allergic reaction. For safety, a small amount is applied to the bend of the elbow. After six hours, if nothing happened, you can use it.

For depilation of unwanted hairs, a solution with a concentration of 1% is used (ointments and creams with this component are not suitable for this purpose). The finished product can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared by yourself.

If you decide to make the solution yourself, then to prepare the recipe, powder or ground tablets of 10 g are taken and dissolved in 1 liter of clean water. As soon as the substance is dissolved, proceed to the removal procedure.

Moisten a cotton swab and apply to the problem area of ​​the skin, do not wash off. Do the procedure once a day, when convenient. Best in the evening. The effect depends on the condition of the hair, their stiffness. For some, it is noticeable on the third day, while for others it will take two weeks. Apply no more than 14 days. If the result does not come, try another means of depilation.


Rivanol should not be used if there are kidney diseases, protein is present in the urine. Its use can cause the development of an allergic reaction of local localization. If an unusual reaction of the body is manifested, it is unacceptable to use it further. Before use, it is better to seek the advice of a doctor.

The problem of excessive vegetation on the body worries both women and men. After all, modern canons of beauty dictate their own standards, which the majority strives to follow. However, in pursuit of beauty, people resort to the most unusual methods. In this article, you will learn what Rivanol is and whether unwanted hair can be removed with this remedy.

What is "Rivanol"?

Initially, this drug was created as an active antiseptic. As a rule, "Rivanol" is prescribed by doctors in cases of skin lesions and internal organs, purulent wounds, boils and many other dermatological diseases. A distinctive feature of this drug is the absence of side effects even in people prone to allergic reactions.

Official medicine does not speak about the use of the drug "Rivanol" for removing hair on the face and body. In addition, this fact is not even fully understood by professional cosmetologists and dermatologists. However, patients who have been treated with this remedy note that the hair on the skin area treated with Rivanol becomes thinner. But does this drug really help fight excess hair on the body?

The composition of the antiseptic agent and its analogues

The active ingredients of the drug "Rivanol" are boric acid and ethacridine. These components are designed to fight a number of microorganisms that cause dermatological diseases. Remember that the active substances of the drug do not interact with alkali. In this case, a precipitate will form in the solution and the effect of the application will be reduced.

"Rivanol" for hair removal, reviews of which prove its effectiveness for medicinal purposes, is used for serious violations of the skin. In this case, the doctor prescribes various dosages depending on the degree of damage. It must be remembered that the tool is used exclusively externally.

The antiseptic drug has analogues that can be purchased at a pharmacy. "Ethacridine lactate" and "Ethacridine" have an identical composition and active ingredients. However, before replacing the drug, you should consult with your doctor.

Can Rivanol remove body hair?

It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. After all, "Rivanol" for hair removal, reviews of which are very popular among users, was originally created for completely different purposes. For hair removal, according to the comments of those who have already tried this drug, the remedy is used as follows:

For such purposes, it is better to purchase not Rivanol powder, but a ready-made 1% solution. At the same time, it is not required to dilute it with additional water. If after the course you have not noticed any changes, then you need to resort to a different method of hair removal.

It is worth noting that you should not use Rivanol ointment for hair removal. Reviews prove that it is ineffective for the hair removal procedure.

Contraindications for use

It was the active discussion on the Internet that contributed to the fact that people began to purchase the Rivanol antiseptic for hair removal. Description, application, composition of the product and its contraindications can be read on the package of the drug. At the same time, you will make sure that not a word is said there that "Rivanol" is used as a means for hair removal. If you still decide to conduct a similar experiment on your body, remember the following:

  • Despite the fact that the drug "Rivanol" is suitable even for people prone to allergies, it is necessary to test on a small area of ​​​​skin before use. If after 24 hours there is no negative reaction, you can start the procedure.
  • Do not use if you have kidney disease. The manufacturer warns about this in the instructions.
  • Refrain from using the drug "Rivanol" during pregnancy and lactation.

"Rivanol" for hair removal: price

Reviews of people regarding the antiseptic drug diverge in both positive and negative directions. However, the low cost of the tool makes it affordable for almost everyone. So, a bottle of a solution with a volume of 50 ml will cost 400 rubles, and an antiseptic ointment - 300 rubles. In addition, the drug is available in the form of a powder, from which the patient can prepare a solution on his own. The volume of the acquired funds is enough for several courses of use. That is why what encourages many to purchase Rivanol for hair removal is the price.

The instruction, reviews of which are ambiguous, does not indicate that the drug can be used for chemical hair removal. Therefore, before using the product, it is better to consult a doctor or cosmetologist. Do not blindly trust user reviews. After all, the drug has not yet been fully studied by experts and can harm your body.

Where to buy "Rivanol"?

You can buy the drug in almost any pharmacy in Russia and the CIS countries. In addition, the antiseptic "Rivanol" can be ordered in the online store, choosing a convenient form of release and free delivery.

Before buying, make sure that the drug has a sufficient shelf life and its packaging is not damaged. If you purchase a powder, then you need to use a home solution immediately after preparing it. After a few hours, it loses its properties.

"Rivanol" for hair removal: reviews of real users

It is possible to judge the quality and effectiveness of the drug only by the reviews of those who have already managed to try the effect of the drug on themselves. Its positive results during the chemical hair removal procedure are evidenced by numerous comments from real users. In addition, the low cost of the tool allows you to evaluate its effect and make sure of the effectiveness.

However, you can meet negative statements regarding the action of the drug. Some users note that they did not notice any effect even after completing the seven-day course. As a rule, this applies to owners of thick and thick hair. While with a light and light fluff, the tool copes perfectly.

Many also note that the hair removed after the drug "Rivanol" grows again after some time. This means that the remedy cannot be called a panacea for excessive vegetation on the body, in contrast to photo or electrolysis.

Therefore, what is mandatory to study before buying the drug "Rivanol" - reviews. Hair removal is a serious intervention in the structure of the skin. Too aggressive exposure can cause irreversible reactions, which will not be easy to cure.

What to choose - "Rivanol" or other methods of hair removal?

Everyone dreams of having smooth and beautiful skin. That is why men and women are trying to carry out hair removal with a solution of "Rivanol".

Rivanol has nothing innovative, the composition has long been proven, since the main component - ethacridine lactate - is used in German and other European products, such as RIVANOL and has proven itself well in the home first aid kit as a remedy for all occasions. Aethacridini lactas (ethacridine lactate) - this complex name hides a powerful restorer and cell regenerator. Now in Russia there is a remedy based on it for skin of all types.

Skin problems

Every day, the skin is exposed to various aggressive environmental influences and needs not only moisturizing, nourishing and cleansing.

Rivanol is exactly the remedy that can be initially applied to the skin after traumatic epilation, mechanical damage after depilation, excessive exposure to the sun, cracks after frost or stress, as well as in the presence of peeling, itching or other skin rashes and irritations.

What does Rivanol do?

  • soothes (reduces redness and restores a healthy look)
  • gently removes impurities and dead layers of the epidermis
  • triggers internal regeneration mechanisms
  • dries out inflamed skin

Rivanol is applied immediately after the occurrence of an undesirable effect on the skin, which is why it is considered a sos-agent that quickly begins to work on the skin. You don't need to use it for weeks to see improvements in your skin, you can see results in a couple of days. After use, you can either wipe the required area of ​​​​skin with a cotton swab or cotton swab moistened with Rivanol solution, or use Rivanol spray.


Rivanol has a yellow tint, try to avoid getting it on light fabrics. If unwanted staining does occur, then a slice of lemon or citric acid will help remove the yellow stain from the fabric.

The yellow color of Rivanol arises from the main ingredient, which carries all this positive effect and penetrates deep into the skin. If other cosmetics are easily washed off after visiting the pool or water procedures, then Rivanol keeps so well in the skin that it works even when you swim in the sea. That is why Rivanol exists in the form of a powder (1-gram waterproof sachet), which is convenient to take on trips to the sea or hiking, just dilute it in boiled (not hot) water. Another feature is that Rivanol is not afraid of moisture, and climatic features do not prevent it from working where other products simply clog pores.

Nothing extra

Rivanol skin care solution is 0.1% ethacridine lactate and distilled water. Ethacridine lactate as part of Rivanol is labeled EP (European Pharmacopoeia) - this indicates compliance with the standards of the European Pharmacopoeia.

You need to understand one thing, the simple formula of the remedy is a guarantee that your skin and body will not be subject to clogging of pores, exacerbation of acne, provoke other types of rashes and itching. Rivanol does not contain synthetic oils (petrochemical additives).

That is why Rivanol is suitable for all types of skin, without causing discomfort or tightness during application.

Rivanol 1% to solve the aesthetic problems of excessive vegetation

During the application of a solution of 1% ethacridine lactate (rivanol), its effect on the hair was noticed. For a couple of weeks of daily application, ethacridine destroys the composition of the hair and its subcutaneous root. The process of blocking the development of the follicle in the anagen phase (hair growth) begins, thereby gradually thinning the hair until it disappears completely. Often, dark hair can simply be bleached to a soft light fluff, as if it had burned out in the sun. This is especially suitable for those who are contraindicated in epilation by other methods.

Rivanol to slow down hair growth is perfectly used in combination with the method of hair removal you use. It does not matter if you use wax, photoepilation or laser after the procedure, since Rivanol 1%:

  • reduces burning sensation and relieves redness
  • Prevents ingrown hairs and pimples
  • increases the duration of the hair removal procedure

How to use Rivanol is up to you, in any case, no matter what your skin experiences, it needs not only decorative care, but also a simple and reliable assistant, which can be this yellow solution, which feels like plain water.



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