Opening the third eye: an ancient way. How to open the third eye

How many secrets and conjectures can be heard about the third eye! To the uninitiated, it seems to be a mystical perfection, with the help of which you can see everything you want, find out any information, become enlightened ... But is everything really so easy and simple? In this article, we will learn what abilities an open third eye gives a person, as well as various techniques for opening it.

What is the third eye?

On the physical level, the third eye is a small gland - the pineal gland, which is located approximately between the eyebrows, but only in the depths of the brain. Although some researchers claim that there is no connection between this gland and the third eye, since this is not mentioned in any of the ancient descriptions. In general, the gland itself is not very well studied today, as well as its functions.

The sixth energy chakra, Ajna, is also associated with the third eye. Obviously, this is why the method of opening the third eye is associated with meditation, as, in fact, with all chakras. In Indian culture, the tradition of marking the third eye on the forehead between the eyebrows is still preserved.

Third eye abilities

What gives a person an open third eye? According to ancient Eastern traditions, it was he who was with all the gods, so they had the ability to know the whole history of the emergence of the Universe, to see the future, and also to see what is happening in the whole universe. Some researchers are convinced that we inherited the third eye from our ancestors, who created earthly civilization.

Be that as it may, if you learn to look with the third eye, then a person can have the following abilities:

  • gift of hypnosis of any level;
  • telepathy;
  • clairvoyance and a high level of intuition;
  • telekinesis;
  • the ability to receive knowledge from their common storage in space;
  • foresight and;
  • see past and future;
  • affect the gravitational field of the earth.

It should be noted that there are various versions of why we do not have this gift today. According to one of them, the ancient gods were angry with us and blocked many human capabilities. According to another, our ancestors themselves contributed to this by turning off the spiritual path of development.

In any case, today even those who are trying to open the third eye have limited opportunities, not everyone is on the list. Why this happens is unknown, because those people who have reached a higher level of spiritual development usually have little contact with ordinary people.

There are many practices for opening the third eye, almost all of them are associated with meditation and concentration. However, some believe that complete knowledge can only be obtained from a good teacher.

How to open the third eye: techniques

It should be noted that it is believed that the happier and more successful a person is, the more developed his third eye is.. It is no coincidence that it is happy people who receive the gift to see the truth and lies, the future and the past, see visionary dreams, etc. Now let's look at a few techniques that will affect the opening of the third eye.

In fact, there are quite a few meditations that help open the third eye. Not all of them are safe, since usually a person is rarely ready for new opportunities. That is why it is recommended to open the third eye with a teacher or by attending a good school. So you can learn some subtleties, as well as safety techniques for your mind.

Since ancient times, the third eye has been revered in many cultures. Today it is known to us as the pineal gland or pineal gland, but in spiritual practice it is still called the third eye. It is a kind of fifth sense that helps us overcome all kinds of problems in everyday life, using our inner strength and wisdom.

In most Eastern cultures, it is believed that the third eye can be observed in each of us and that it indicates a strong sense of self-worth and mental involvement. It is also called the result of the fusion of body and soul. The third eye can open with regular meditation, and its influence on our lives becomes stronger over time.

Present to your attention 5 signs your third eye is open

1. Feeling of pressure between the eyebrows

When the third eye begins to manifest on a subconscious level, there is often a feeling of pressure between the eyebrows. You may feel as if someone is lightly touching you at this moment, or you may feel warmth in the area. Sometimes this feeling comes out of nowhere.

2. Sharpening of intuition

One of the most obvious signs of the opening of the third eye is a sharpening of foresight and intuition. Intuition is the ability to foresee any events before they happen, or gives an understanding of how you should act in certain situations. Very often, its exacerbation occurs suddenly and just as suddenly passes, but over time this feeling can intensify and become an integral part of your daily life.

3. Sensitivity to light

Opening your third eye can make you more sensitive to light and bright colors. It usually starts gradually and is not so obvious. However, increased sensitivity to light helps us perceive the world around us better.

4. Constant change

The opening and proper functioning of the third eye can also be evidenced by a constant change in outlook on your life and your behavior. This usually manifests itself in a change in attitude towards other people. You can become more tolerant of them and less selfish. Changes like these are definitely good for you.

5. Periodic headaches

The pressure that accompanies the headache is usually stronger than the sensation that occurs between the eyebrows. Sometimes it can cause some discomfort, but getting rid of it is very simple. Go for a walk, do things that give you pleasure, like meditation. Pressure in the head region is a clear sign of third eye opening, especially if it occurs in the center of the forehead. This indicates that your pineal gland is actively developing.

Have you experienced any of the above symptoms? We are waiting for your answers in the comments!

Pay attention to the world around you. Introverts believe they have a more intuitive understanding of the world than regular people, and they may be right. This is because they tend to spend a lot of time watching other people and in doing so develop a deeper understanding of things like body language, facial expressions and other hidden types of communication. This allows them to better recognize lies, sarcasm, sexual chemistry, and other hidden signals.

  • Try going out to public places like a park, restaurant or coffee shop and just people watching. Don't be rude or go overboard by eavesdropping on other people's conversations. Try to come up with the story of these people, the topic of their conversation and other information. The more you practice, the better you will get.
  • The next time you are at a table with family or friends, be quiet for a while and just listen to the conversation. Observe silent people and watch their reactions to the interaction that occurs. Try to imagine what people think when they are silent. Again, the more you practice, the better you will get.
  • Pay attention to your dreams. Many psychic people believe that dreams can serve as premonitions. Before analyzing dreams, you should start keeping a dream journal. Keep a diary by your bed so you can write down your dreams as soon as you wake up.

    • Be mindful of your dreams and try to find the connection, if any, between your sleep and your daily life. Analyze if anything that you dreamed about in the last couple of weeks came true in real life.
  • Listen to your instincts. Did you have a peculiar premonition about a person, place, or event that you couldn't explain? Have you ever had a feeling that something will happen, without any hard evidence of it? Such sensations are called instincts; and everyone has them. Unfortunately, many forget their instincts and choose to over-rationalize their lives. The next time you have one of these feelings, write it down and see if it comes true. Try to trace the connection between these instinctive feelings and your life.

    • Remember that premonitions are not necessarily true. Conversely, if this is true, the event may occur in real life in a few days, months, or even years. The best way to be sure of the veracity of instinctive sensations is to write down premonitions and reread the notes from time to time.
  • Any of us has a third eye, but not all of us enter the phase of active work. The probability of opening a third eye in a person directly depends on the belief in its existence, the use of various practices and techniques. The following signs will help determine if your third eye has opened.

    All these signs lead to the fact that a person experiences inspiration and grace. Whether a person's third eye always shows signs of clairvoyance is a moot point. Sometimes bright insights are seen, the ability to read the thoughts of other people arises.

    There is an awareness of the Way - this is a system of values ​​that you need to use in your life. A person with an active sixth chakra changes: he feels part of the world. He gets the opportunity to "act without acting." He simply walks in the direction of the life force, making no effort to change his life path.

    Action without effort consists in the fact that a person allows life to act through him, instead of affecting life by the effort of his will. A person swims with the flow of life, but the direction of the flow is dictated by the opened third eye, to the signals of which there is high confidence.

    People with a developed sixth chakra do not go through life guided by their personal worldview. They accept the stream of reality that the third eye dictates to them, after which they begin to follow the path dictated from above. This saves you from many mistakes and troubles.

    If a person's third eye shows signs of opening, then one can mentally travel to other worlds, see the past and the future, and feed on energy from space. A person is able to do what others cannot do.

    Physical signs:

    Important.The above signs of opening the third eye may coincide with its underdevelopment and the beginning of activation. Especially if a person is tired, suffers from chronic migraine, is prone to sudden panic attacks.

    Attitude towards other people

    You can see for yourself how the third eye opens - signs of this will appear in tolerance for other people. Irritation and nervousness will practically disappear, and life wisdom will appear instead. Momentary flaws of relatives, relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues and subordinates will no longer annoy you and take you out of a state of peace, peace and peace of mind. Such changes are definitely beneficial and help to understand the world around us better.

    Ability to read special signs of Space

    An active sixth chakra makes it possible to see secret signs in everything - nature gives hints about important events for a person. Their interpretation will help in preventing trouble, the owner of a working third eye will learn to appear at the right time in the right place.

    We figured out which signs of an open third eye are the most significant. If you have found at least some of the above manifestations, then we congratulate you: your deep self has learned to use intuition and is ready to interact with energy fields.

    Before starting this practice, please read the treatise Opening the Third Eye. All descriptions of techniques are recommended to be read many times for their full understanding and re-read them again from time to time as you progress through the practice. I intentionally wrote everything down as briefly and clearly as possible, so that your consciousness is protected as much as possible from various interpretations of what was written. The result from the correct passage of this practice can include both the very minimum - for example: the vision of the aura and the movement of energies in space, and the initial maximum - the vision of the spiritual worlds and Beings of higher dimensions.

    Description of techniques
    practices for opening the third eye


    1. In the evening (necessarily in the evening or better just before going to bed) look at the flame of a candle (removal of 10-30 cm from the eyes) from 5 to 10 minutes, without blinking if possible. Also try to see the glow around the candle flame (which will increase in size as the Third Eye opens). The room must be dark.
    2. Then close your eyes and only after that (this is important) blow out the candle. Relax. After that, look at the colors that will change in front of your eyes (with your eyes closed). Yellow, red, blue, green...
    3. Watch until the colors disappear. Sometimes the picture can get lost or "float" to the side when your concentration decreases or distracting thoughts appear. At this moment, you just need to relax even more and concentrate on the colors in front of your inner eye.


    • To stop the "running" of closed eyes, you can apply fingertips to the eyelids. You need to feel the moment when the eyeballs stop, relax, and nothing else interferes with concentration on the colors of the flame.

    All-seeing eye

    In the center of the left palm, draw an eye (iris and pupil; you can draw with a pen or felt-tip pen, the color and size of the image of the eye is whatever you like).

    1. Sitting in Padmasana (or any position in which you meditate), fix the position of the left hand so that the palm with the image is at eye level.
    2. The palm is straightened, the fingers are pressed one to the other. You should look without blinking at the image of the eye; intently, but without straining the eye.
    3. The muscles of the face are relaxed, the tongue lightly touches the upper palate at the base of the upper teeth. During exhalation, the energy from the Third Eye is sent to the center of the palm, in the image of the eye.
    4. When inhaling, one should imagine how energy is radiated from the image of the eye and enters the Third Eye.
    5. At the end of the session, you should calmly close your eyes without straining your eyelids and show a visual image of the eye.

    OM sign

    Every evening you need to look at the OM sign located below. The look is calm and scattered. It is as if you are looking through this sign with your physical eyes (you seem to "turn off" them to allow Third Eye vision to take over). Try not to blink. Concentration on the area between the eyebrows, a little deeper. After ten minutes, close your eyes and try to see the sign of OM in the area between the eyebrows (in front of the inner eye). Be relaxed and not distracted by extraneous thoughts.


    • If your monitor is larger than 15 inches AND you want to place the OM sign on the whole screen - you can open the animation. In this case, a flash player is required to view.

    Sri Yantra

    Place the Sri Yantra in front of you at a convenient distance for you (this can be a sheet pasted to the wall with an image of the Sri Yantra printed on it or an image on the monitor; the central red triangle must be angled down).

    1. Focus your attention on the center of the Sri Yantra and try to cover all its parts with peripheral vision. Look calmly, without tension, breathing slowly and evenly.
    2. Continuing to look at the Sri Yantra, be aware that before you is a graphic image of the Universe, which contains all of its Energy in a "sleeping" state, which is awakened by your desire-intention to awaken it. Keep that desire in your mind.
    3. Further, while also continuing to look at the Sri Yantra, ask the Higher Self to unite the Energy contained in the Sri Yantra with Your Energy (It may sound like this: “Higher Self, I ask You: unite my Energy with the Energy of the Sri Yantra”). At this point, be completely open and relaxed.
    4. After that, close your eyes and try to imagine the Sri Yantra around you in volume (three-dimensional). In this representation, let there be triangles - pyramids, circles - balls, a square - a cube.


    • Don't try to be specific. In the representation, trust in the sensations and visions that will arise.
    • You can also download a picture of Sri Yantra in poster format and in better quality.

    Vision of the etheric body

    1. Place your palm at a comfortable distance from your eyes. Behind your palm, you need to hold a white sheet of paper with your other hand at a distance of 5-10 cm from your palm.
    2. With a distracted look, look at the contour of the palm.
    3. After a while (from 1 to 2 minutes) you will see a glow emanating from the palm along the entire contour. This glow is the etheric body. Continuing this practice, attune the Third Eye to the vision of the astral body.


    • In seeing the etheric body, observation by lighting the hand from different angles can help. The best option is when the light from the sun falls on your hand (for example, from the side of the window).
    • Also, always remember that the eyes should be as relaxed as possible, like the eyes of a sleeping person.

    Third Eye Concentration

    1. This technique is convenient to practice during the day. For example, when you just walk down the street or go to work in transport.
    2. In order to practice this technique - concentrate in the area between the eyebrows and a little deeper (radius 2 - 3 cm).
    3. Concentrate whenever possible. There should be some pleasant pressure in the area between the eyebrows.
    4. Increase this pressure. Try to feel as if you are looking from the center of your head through the area between the eyebrows.

    Volumetric vision

    1. The practice is to develop the ability to see what is shown in special stereo images and then further develop this ability in the form of a simple training set out on this page.
    2. Don't be discouraged if you don't see what's on the stereo pictures right away. Make attempts to see again and again, in a day or in a week. Everyone is able to see this, and failure can only be in the wrong technique of looking.
    3. Also, when you "suddenly" see what was hidden from you in the image - you will be able to remotely imagine and understand what the essence of clairvoyance looks like - you just need to look differently, you need to change the usual way of seeing.

    Corpuscles of Light

    1. Go to the window during daylight hours, preferably during the day. Move tulle, curtains or blinds away from the window. The window should be free and you should stand very close to the glass (50-100 cm). Look at the sky (eyes open), but do not raise your head too much. The line of sight is about 45 degrees relative to the ground. Concentrate on the area behind the eyes (1-2 cm).
    2. Pay attention to any glowing dots or moving strips in front of your eyes. Focus on this vision.
    3. When your concentration increases, you will see the movement of bright dots and stripes in front of your inner eye. Do not be afraid if at some point you will not see anything but this representation of particles of Light - at the first desire, you can return to normal vision again.

    Do this exercise at home or just by walking down the street, but before that, having thoroughly studied it at home.

    Light Energy

    1. This technique is described on this page and it is very important, as it quickly and significantly develops the pineal and pituitary glands, which are also one of the components of the general process called clairvoyance.
    2. Before using this technique, consult your doctor about your health and its compatibility with this technique.

    candle flame

    1. Look at the candle flame with a calm and relaxed look for 5-10 minutes.
    2. Then close your eyes, blow out the candle, open your eyes again and turn on the light.
    3. Take a white sheet of paper (you need to put it near you in advance) and look at it with a calm, distracted look.
    4. You will see a colored dot that will change its colors: red, green, blue, etc. Concentrate on this point.
    5. At this time (with a frequency of 3-4 seconds) you need to make special blinks as follows: You close your eyes tightly for 0.5-1 sec. (at this time, the dot will be visible brighter) and then again, opening your eyes, continue to look at the colored dot on a white sheet of paper. And so for the time until this point is visible.
    6. Achieve a distinct and clear vision of the colored flame of the candle.

    inner view

    1. The apartment should be as dark as possible.
    2. Place the Double Pyramid (it is written about what a Double Pyramid is and how to make it) on the top of the head (the base is parallel to the floor, one of the corners "looks" at the tip of the nose).
    3. Relax and don't think about anything. Keep your eyes closed (and cover your eyes if possible).


    • This technique can be performed without the Double Pyramid. But the pyramid greatly enhances the energy in the Third Eye - therefore its use is recommended.

    aura candles

    1. This exercise must be done in the evening.
    2. Light a candle and turn off the light.
    3. Place the candle approximately 15-20 cm from the eyes, at eye level.
    4. Look at the glow from the candle with a calm and relaxed look for 1-2 minutes.
    5. Next, without turning your head, squint your eyes up so that you can continue to see the glow of the candle with peripheral vision (You should notice that the vision of the aura of the candle improves significantly with peripheral vision). Watch this way for 30-60 seconds.
    6. Then return your eyes to their original position and look straight again, trying to pay attention to the fact that the diameter of the candle's aura has increased and become more saturated (1-2 minutes).
    7. Then everything must be repeated exactly, but with the movement of the eyes to the right, and then to the left. Those. you need to squint your eyes to the left and look with peripheral vision at the glow of the candle, and then squint to the right.


    • Achieve a vision of the glow from the candle as large as possible with peripheral vision when looking at an angle to the candle.
    • You should also notice how you see more of the glow from the candle when you lower your eyes and look directly at the glow from the candle.
    • When looking at an angle to the candle, you may also notice that the glow is different in intensity or color than when you look straight ahead.

    Agni breath

    1. There is a candle in front of you (removal of 1-2 meters, flame at eye level).
    2. Connect the ajna chakra with the candle flame with a beam (or just a channel).
    3. Taking a slow deep breath, imagine that the energy of fire (golden) from the flame of a candle along the beam (or channel) begins to move into your body, reaches the ajna chakra, then goes through the sushumna channel (middle channel, spine), and then at the peak of inhalation it stops in the region of the coccyx. Take a short pause in your breath.
    4. Start exhaling slowly. Exhaling, imagine how the energy of golden color (or the color of fire) begins to move along the sushumna channel, reaches the ajna chakra, goes along the beam (or channel) to the candle flame.
    5. A short pause on the exhale.
    6. And then all over again.


    • Energy can simply be represented as a flame. It is as if you are breathing in the energy of a candle flame through the Third Eye.

    Vision of a doppelgänger

    1. Enter any room (for example, the kitchen) and turn on the light in it (if it is not bright enough).
    2. Stand in the center of the room. Relax (especially facial muscles). Unfocus your eyes. Silence in the mind, no thoughts.
    3. Look immediately at everything that is in the field of view (including also peripheral vision). You can only do this if you don't look at something in particular, i.e. subject to defocusing.
    4. At the same time, try to "feel" the room and the objects in it.
    5. Turn 180 degrees and do the same.
    6. Next, go to a completely different room (if you have only one room, then it can be a bathroom or a balcony).
    7. Get into a comfortable position (for example, sitting in a chair). Close your eyes (you can tie a bandage). Relax as much as possible. The room must be dark.
    8. Next, feel that your presence in the center of the room that you just left continues (and it is, because the energy presence always continues for some time, despite the fact that the physical body has already left this place).
    9. Use this presence. Feel again everything that you felt and try to see everything the same way as you saw it, standing in the center of this room. Return the maximum sensations (first one position, then the position when turning 180 degrees). Try to feel exactly that you are in the other room, as if you are still standing there.


    1. Stand near the mirror (removing the eyes from the glass 20-30 cm). And start looking exactly at the area between the eyebrows, silent (2-3 cm) deep, as if you are looking at a sphere with a diameter of 2-3 cm located behind the frontal bone.
    2. Concentrate on this area and don't get distracted by anything else.
    3. With this view, you will also see your physical eyes with peripheral vision - distribute 30% of the concentration over two eyes.
    4. If you wear glasses, they must be removed.

    Ajna channel

    1. You need to make the following device: fold a sheet of white paper so that you get a hollow cylinder (tube) and glue the ends of the sheet so that it does not unfold (diameter is about 5 cm).
    2. Next, you need to attach (glue) an elastic band (or bandage) to one of the ends of the tube, which will hold the tube in the following position: one end of it should be pressed to the forehead in the area between the eyebrows (and a little higher), its other end should be directed to the side from the forehead, the axis of the tube is perpendicular to the plane of the forehead.
    3. The design is put on the head as follows: an elastic band (or bandage) is placed around the head (like the edges of a hat), while the tube occupies the above position (like a unicorn horn).

    Description of meditation

    1. The above construction is fixed on the head and you sit quietly, concentrating on the white paper cylinder along its entire length at the same time.

    Vision in the dark

    1. The apartment should be as dark as possible. Relax and don't think about anything. Keep your eyes closed at all times (and cover your eyes if possible).
    2. Start looking ahead (with your eyes closed). Just peer into the darkness that will be in front of you, as if you were in a deep night forest and trying to make out the outlines of trees or a path leading home. Look in the literal sense, as you would look with open eyes.
    3. Next, place your right hand in front of you, feel its presence (remember how it looks when you looked at it with physical eyes). Concentrate on it, on its entire volume, and try to see it as if your eyes are X-rays passing through matter.
    4. After that, start moving it slowly - to the left, then to the right - without breaking your concentration on it and your desire to see it.

    Drawing the invisible in the mind

    1. Looking at objects, try to "finish" their invisible parts. For example, you are looking at a bedside table, and it is naturally impossible to see two rear legs, a back wall, various partitions that are inside, etc. with physical vision. The meaning of the exercise is to switch to a three-dimensional vision of objects and the surrounding space.
    2. A car drives by - draw two invisible wheels, doors and other details, right down to the insides. When she leaves the field of view - still continue to "look" at her and see her off with your mind's eye, continuing to see her in volume.
    3. When you walk down the street - try to keep in mind all the details of the street (in volume and around you) - houses, cars, streets, alleys, people passing (keep it all in your mind at the same time).
    4. Just looking at a person - try to see him in volume (with internal organs, etc.). In the beginning, it does not have to correspond exactly to the one and only familiar reality that we know. You can look through the medical encyclopedia before that.
    5. When you hear any sound, try to create (draw) in your imagination that (or that) that this sound gave rise to. For example, you hear a car passing by - draw it in your imagination, and if possible look at it.
    6. Do the following exercise with the clock in the same way: look at the clock with a second hand (3-5 minutes). Then close your eyes and continue to "look" at the second hand with your eyes closed ("watch" how it continues to move). Achieve the result when, after 5 minutes, what you see with your eyes closed coincides with the real course of the arrow.
    7. From time to time try to walk around the apartment with closed (blindfolded) eyes. Very slowly at first, with good concentration before each step and action. Do some familiar actions, for example: turn on the TV, open the cabinet door by the handle (before that, focus well on where this handle is located), etc. When walking with your eyes closed, try not just to walk habitually, as you usually walk with your eyes closed - namely, try to see, but using (and activating as much as possible) for this all other available ways of orientation in space.
    8. Also do a very good exercise to develop inner vision at a distance. It consists in the following. For example, for some time you were in some room (for example, a bedroom) and you leave it for the bathroom. Your energetic presence will continue for some time in the bedroom - use it this way: while remaining in the bathroom, keep in mind the feeling that you are still in the bedroom, feel it, try to "see" as many objects in the her, etc. This exercise can become a daily practice, for example, it is very good to do it right after waking up (when your energy presence in bed is very strong). You go to the bathroom (for example, brush your teeth...) and at the same time continue to feel your presence in bed.

    Vision of Energy

    These dynamic meditation exercises are designed to develop the ability of the Third Eye to see energy in space, its movement (movement) and colors. These exercises should be approached after mastering the above techniques with a candle.

    Description of meditation

    1. Light a candle (it is better to use a thin wax candle in this meditation).
    2. Hold the candle away from you - near your shoulder. You can touch the fist in which the candle is clamped to the right shoulder. Candle flame at about eye level.
    3. Then relax and try not to think about anything. Relax your eyes and look at infinity in front of you (during the entire exercise, try to blink and move your eyes as little as possible).
    4. As soon as you feel that the fifth point has been passed well enough, start slowly (but not very slowly - the movement is smooth, like a smooth fall of a light feather) to move the candle in a circle around the head in front of the eyes to the left shoulder.
    5. Stop near the left shoulder.
    6. Observe in front of you a beautiful long strip left by a candle flame.
    7. When the strip disappears, start the movement of the candle from the left shoulder to the right and then repeat everything again.
    8. Make such movements a pleasant number of times (for example, 10 times to the left and 10 times to the right).
    9. When you finish the above exercise, move on to the next one.
    10. The next exercise is similar to the previous one, only you need to move the candle in a straight line.
    11. From the position when the candle is in a position near the left shoulder - begin to straighten your right arm and move the candle forward from you and to the right. After the arm is fully extended in front of you, observe the beautiful stripe left by the candle flame.
    12. Make such movements with your right hand a pleasant number of times (for example, 10 times). Then switch hands and repeat these movements with the other hand.
    13. At the end, make arbitrary movements of the candles. For example: from the lower right corner to the upper left, from the lower left to the upper right, etc.
    14. While observing the streaks left by the candle flame, think that you are observing streaks of energy that are right in front of you.

    Description of meditation

    1. Exercise should be done in complete darkness or with a minimum amount of lighting, preferably in the evening (any time after sunset).
    2. Take any comfortable sitting position (for example, on a chair, in Turkish, lotus position, etc.) so that there is free space in front of you. For example, if you sit near the wall in your room, then there will be a dark space in front of you about 2-3 meters.
    3. Light a candle and place the flame of the candle as close as possible to the eyes (eg 5-10 cm).
    4. Look at the candle for about 5 minutes.
    5. Try to blink less and not move your eyes. The eyes are relaxed, the gaze is calm.
    6. After that, put out the candle and without closing your eyes - look into the space in front of you, observing a colored spot in front of you.
    7. At this moment, think that you are observing a colored clot of energy, which is located exactly in front of you at a distance of 1-3 meters.


    • Don't let your mind conclude that it's all just an optical faculty of the eyes - don't think about how You see, focus on what You see (and be sure to think that you see this is in front of you in the form of real objects).
    • Once again, I want to emphasize the importance of the fact that you need to concentrate on the images that appear after the candle as on real-life objects that are in front of you in space, otherwise these exercises will not have the desired effect.

    Right hemisphere of the brain

    These exercises will allow you to focus on right-handed thinking and shift your consciousness towards intuitive perception.

    Description of the first meditation

    1. Take a sheet of paper and a pen (you can use a pencil or something else that is convenient).
    2. Hold the handle in your left hand (that is, not in your right hand, as usual - but in your left, like a mirror image).
    3. Start writing from the right edge of the sheet of numbers in their mirror image.
    4. Start with 1, 2, 3...etc. Write on the first day up to 100 (or more). The next day, continue like this: 101, 102, 103...etc. And so on until you write up to 1000 (or more).
    5. Do not forget that you write in mirror image. Those. for example, you write the number 395. Usually they write the number 3 first, then 9, then 5 (from left to right). You need to write the number 5 first, then 9, and only after that the number 3 (from right to left), and this rule applies to all numbers ().


    • Try to make the numbers look neat enough both in the writing itself and in an even arrangement on the sheet.
    • If the stated way of writing numbers turns out to be too complicated, then use the writing scheme presented.
    • This exercise is only recommended for right-handers. For those whose left hand dominates from birth, this exercise can be omitted.

    Description of the second meditation

    1. You need to take any posture for meditation (for example, sitting on a chair, in Turkish, etc.) and relax.
    2. Imagine inside the skull - in the area between the eyebrows there is a blue ball, in the area behind the right ear there is a red ball, in the area behind the left ear there is a white ball. Spheres represent approximately in these places. The diameter of the balls is within 2-3 cm. (You can view this diagram)
    3. Concentrate on the blue ball for 1-2 seconds. then the same number on the red ball and the same number on the white. Then again on blue, red...etc. Do this for about 10 minutes, gradually bringing the time of concentration on one ball to about 0.5 seconds (ie, accelerating the pace).
    4. In the end, many will have a good feel for the areas where these balls are located.
    5. Finally, concentrate only on the red ball and keep your concentration on it for a pleasant time (for example, 1-2 minutes).


    • You can represent just areas instead of balls (i.e. just moving your concentration from one specified area to another without defining it as a ball).
    • While practicing these techniques (which can take 3-5 days) I also recommend reading poetry (even if you don't like or understand poetry), listening to any classical music (even if it seems boring), and drawing something ( even if absolutely nothing happens and crooked and unsuccessful drawings come out).

    Techniques with animation

    These techniques also have a positive effect and development. In addition, many people like them for their ease of use and pleasant visual effects.


    1. If you wear glasses, then techniques that require looking at images are best performed with glasses (unless otherwise stated).
    2. Don't strain your eyes in none of the techniques I have cited. Remember that the only gaze that is required is that of a sleeping person, as if you are daydreaming about something (imagine a schoolchild who daydreams about something in a math lesson, his eyes are open, his body is in the classroom, but he himself is somewhere somewhere else, his mind is in a distant land of imagination...)

    It is advisable to view every day. Be relaxed. Do not tense the muscles of the face and mainly always control the relaxation of the Third Eye area.


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