A detailed description of the methods for diagnosing mental states is presented in the works of A. O. Prokhorov, A. B. Leonova. This workshop presents only those methods that are directly related to the diagnosis of stressful conditions.

Inventory of stress symptoms

Introductory remarks

The technique allows you to develop observation of stress signs, to carry out a self-assessment of the frequency of their manifestation and the degree of susceptibility to the negative consequences of stress.

Stress Symptom Inventory Questionnaire

The total number of points scored is calculated.

Up to 30 points. You live calmly and intelligently, coping with the problems that life presents. You do not suffer from false modesty or excessive ambition. However, we advise you to check your answers with someone who knows you well: people with such a score often see themselves in a rosy light.

  • 31-45 points. Your life is characterized by activity and tension. You are stressed both in the positive sense of the word (strive to achieve something) and in the negative sense (enough problems and worries). Most likely, you will continue to live the same way, just try to make a little time for yourself.
  • 45-60 points. Your life is an ongoing struggle. You are ambitious and dream of a career. You are quite dependent on other people's assessments, which constantly keeps you in a state of stress. This lifestyle may lead you to success on a personal or professional front, but it is unlikely to bring you joy. Everything will flow like water through your fingers. Avoid unnecessary arguments, suppress anger caused by small things, do not always try to achieve the maximum, abandon this or that plan from time to time.

Over 60 points. You live like a driver who presses both the gas and the brake at the same time. Change your lifestyle. The stress you experience threatens both your health and your future. If a change in lifestyle seems impossible to you, try to at least respond to the recommendation.

Symptomatic questionnaire "Health in extreme conditions"

A. Volkov, N. Vodopyanova

Introductory remarks

A symptomatic questionnaire was developed to identify the predisposition of military personnel to pathological stress reactions in extreme conditions. Practical experience shows that a significant number of young people do not cope with the adaptation to military and naval service during the first 3-4 months. Most often, this manifests itself in psychosomatic and emotional disorders (pathological stress reactions). The questionnaire allows you to determine the predisposition to pathological stress reactions and neurotic disorders in extreme conditions of military service according to the following symptoms of well-being: psychophysical exhaustion (reduced mental and physical activity), violation of volitional regulation, instability of the emotional background and mood (emotional instability), vegetative instability, impaired sleep, anxiety and fears, a tendency to addiction.

The technique was created on the basis of a clinical and psychological examination of 1,500 healthy servicemen and 133 servicemen who first fell ill with neurosis and neurosis-like conditions in the first year of military service. Age of the surveyed 18-35 years. Of the observed signs related to the phenomenology of neuroses, 42 were selected, which were most common in 133 servicemen who fell ill with neurotic disorders as a result of working in extreme conditions of military service. Long-term application of this method has shown high validity and reliability of this technique.

Symptomatic Feeling Questionnaire (SOS)

Instruction: the proposed questionnaire reveals the features of your well-being in a given period of time. You need to unambiguously answer 42 questions: either “yes” or “no”.

Processing and evaluation of results. Answers "yes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points. In accordance with the "key", the sums of points are calculated for each scale and the total number of points scored is the total indicator of neuroticism.

Up to 15 points. A high level of psychological resistance to extreme conditions, a state of good adaptation. 16-26 points. The average level of psychological resistance to extreme conditions, the state of satisfactory adaptation. 27-42 points. Low stress resistance, high risk of pathological stress reactions and neurotic disorders, a state of maladaptation.


Questionnaire "Determination of neuropsychic stress"

T. Nemchin

Introductory remarks

The author of the NPN methodology is a professor at the Psychoneurological Institute named after A.I. V. A. Bekhtereva T. A. Nemchin used the results of many years of clinical and psychological studies conducted on a large number of subjects in an extreme situation when developing the NPN questionnaire. The first stage of developing the questionnaire consisted in compiling and systematizing a list of complaints-symptoms received from recipients in a stressful situation: from 300 students during the examination session and from 200 neurotic patients with leading symptoms in the form of phobias, fear, anxiety before performing painful procedures and stress- interview. At the second stage of developing the methodology, out of 127 primary signs related to the phenomenology of neuropsychic stress, only 30 signs were selected, which were systematically repeated during repeated examinations.

The highest frequencies of recurrence of 30 signs were found in the group of patients with neuroses. The different severity of signs in different subjects allowed the author to divide each of the items of the questionnaire into three degrees: weakly expressed, moderately pronounced, sharply expressed, which received a conditional score in points of 1, 2, 3, respectively. According to the content of the questionnaire, all signs can be divided into three groups statements: the first group reflects the presence of physical discomfort and unpleasant sensations from the somatic systems of the body, the second group claims the presence (or absence) of mental discomfort and complaints from the neuropsychic sphere, the third group includes signs that describe some general characteristics of the neuropsychic tension - frequency, duration, generalization and severity of this condition. The questionnaire is recommended to be used to diagnose mental tension in a difficult (extreme) situation or its expectation.

Questionnaire NNP

Instruction: fill in the right part of the form, marking with a “+” sign those lines, the content of which corresponds to the features of your condition at the present time.



Type of activity (work, waiting for an exam, procedures, etc.)


Professional affiliation……………………………………….

After the subjects fill in the right part of the questionnaire, the points scored are calculated. At the same time, 1 point is awarded for the “+” sign placed against subparagraph A; put against subparagraph B, 2 points are awarded; put against sub-item B, 3 points are awarded. The maximum number of points that the subject can score is 90, the minimum number is 30 points, when the subject denies having any manifestations of neuropsychic stress.

Table 2.1

Characteristics of the three degrees of CNP according to the questionnaire

(7.A. Nemchin)

According to the statistics presented by T. A. Nemchin, according to the sum of the points scored, the NPN index (IN) distinguishes three degrees of NNP and their characteristics (Table 2.1).

IN< 42,5 - the first degree of NPN - the relative safety of the characteristics of the mental and somatic state.

42,6 > IN< 75 - the second degree of NPN - a feeling of recovery, readiness for work and a shift towards sympathicotonia.

IN> 75 - the third degree of NPN - the disorganization of mental activity and a decrease in the productivity of activity.

There are certain differences between men and women at all stages of NPI.

Psychological stress scale RSM-25

Introductory remarks

The Lemyr-Tessier-Fillion PSM-25 scale is designed to measure the phenomenological structure of stress experiences. The goal is to measure stress sensations in somatic, behavioral and emotional indicators. The methodology was originally developed in France, then translated and validated in England, Spain and Japan. Translation and adaptation of the Russian version of the methodology were made by N. E. Vodopyanova.

When developing the methodology, the authors sought to eliminate the existing shortcomings of traditional methods for studying stress states, aimed mainly at indirect measurements of psychological stress through stressors or pathological manifestations of anxiety, depression, frustration, etc. Only a few methods are designed to measure stress as a natural state of mental tension. . To eliminate these methodological inconsistencies, Lemour-Tessier-Fillion developed a questionnaire that describes the state of a person experiencing stress, as a result of which there was no need to define variables such as stressors or pathologies. The questions are formulated for the normal population aged 18 to 65 for different occupational groups. All this makes it possible to consider the methodology universal for application to different age and occupational samples in a normal population.

Ottawa, Larcy at the University and in the hospital of Montreal, as well as Tessier and his colleagues at the hospitals of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Justine in Montreal. In Russia, the methodology was tested by N. E. Vodopyanova on a sample of teachers, students and commercial personnel in the amount of 500 people.

Numerous studies have shown that PSM has sufficient psychometric properties. Correlations were found between the integral PSM index and the Spielberger anxiety scale (r = 0.73), with the depression index (r = 0.75). The magnitudes of these correlations are explained by a generalized experience of emotional distress or depression. At the same time, divergent validity studies show that PSM is conceptually different from anxiety and depression research methods.

PSM Questionnaire

Instruction: a number of statements are proposed that characterize the mental state. Please rate your condition over the past week using an 8-point scale. To do this, on the form of the questionnaire, next to each statement, circle the number from 1 to 8, which most accurately describes your feelings. There are no wrong or wrong answers here. Answer as sincerely as possible. The test will take approximately five minutes to complete. Numbers from 1 to 8 indicate the frequency of experiences: 1 - "never"; 2 - "extremely rare"; 3 - "very rarely"; 4 - "rarely"; 5 - "sometimes"; 6 - "often"; 7 - "very often"; 8 - "constantly (daily)".

Note. * Reverse question.

Processing and interpretation of results. The sum of all answers is calculated - an integral indicator of mental tension (IPN). Question 14 is evaluated in reverse order. The higher the PPN, the higher the level of psychological stress.

PIT over 155 points- a high level of stress, indicates a state of maladaptation and mental discomfort, the need to use a wide range of means and methods to reduce neuropsychic tension, psychological relief, change the style of thinking and life.

PPN in the range of 154-100 points- average level of stress.

low stress, PPN less than 100 points, indicates the state of psychological adaptation to workloads.

Diagnostics of the state of stress

K. Schreiner

Introductory remarks

With sincere answers, the technique allows you to determine the levels of stress and can be used in autodiagnosis.

Instruction: Circle the numbers of those questions to which you answer yes.

  • 1. I always strive to complete the work, but often I do not have time and have to catch up.
  • 2. When I look at myself in the mirror, I notice traces of fatigue and overwork on my face.
  • 3. At work and at home - continuous trouble.
  • 4. I struggle hard with my bad habits, but I'm not succeeding.
  • 5. I am worried about the future.
  • 6. I often need alcohol, cigarettes or sleeping pills to unwind after a busy day.
  • 7. Such changes are taking place around that the head is spinning.
  • 8. I love my family and friends, but often I feel bored and empty with them.
  • 9. I have not achieved anything in my life and I often feel disappointed in myself.

Processing of results and their characteristics. The number of positive responses is counted. Each “yes” answer is assigned 1 point.

  • 0-4 points. You behave in a stressful situation quite restrained and know how to regulate your own emotions.
  • 5-7 points. You always behave correctly in a stressful situation. Sometimes you know how to keep your composure, but there are times when you get turned on over a trifle and then regret it. You need to work on developing your own individual methods of self-control in stress.
  • 8-9 points. You are overtired and exhausted. You often lose self-control in a stressful situation and do not know how to control yourself. As a result, both you and the people around you suffer. Developing self-regulation skills in stress is now your main life task.

According to the data obtained by the author of the methodology, it was noticed that the vast majority of bank employees have a score in the range of 5-7 points (80% of respondents). Approximately 18% of respondents have 8-9 points. And only about 2% have a score of 0-4 points. Consequently, most bank employees urgently need to increase their means of self-control in stressful situations.

V. Zhmurov

Introductory remarks

One of the causes of depressive states is the depletion of the neuropsychic potential due to prolonged stress or psychotrauma. Depression is a specific affective state of the individual, which is characterized by negative emotions, as well as the transformation of the motivational, cognitive and behavioral spheres. In a state of depression, the individual experiences excruciatingly difficult experiences, such as longing, despair, fears, depression, guilt for past events, helplessness-infantility in the face of life's difficulties. Depressive states, as a rule, are characterized by low self-esteem, skepticism, a tendency not to trust anyone, lack of initiative, fatigue, a drop in activity, etc. The technique makes it possible to differentiate six levels of depression: apathy, hypothymia, dysphoria, confusion, anxiety, fear.


Instruction: From each group of indications, select and circle the answer 0, 1, 2, or 3 that best describes your condition.

Processing and interpretation of results. The sum of all marked options (points) of answers is determined. In accordance with this amount, an assessment is made severity depression.

  • 1-9 points- depression is absent or very insignificant;
  • 10-24 points- depression is minimal;
  • 25-44 points- slight depression;
  • 45-67 points- moderate depression;
  • 68-87 points- severe depression;
  • 88 points and more- deep depression.

Qualitative characteristics of depressive states

Apathy. A state of indifference, indifference, complete indifference to what is happening, others, one's position, past life, prospects for the future. This is a persistent or passing total loss of both higher and social feelings, and innate emotional programs.

Hypothymia (low mood). Affective depression in the form of sadness, melancholy with the experience of loss, hopelessness, disappointment, doom, weakening of attachment to life.

At the same time, positive emotions are superficial, quickly exhausted, and may be completely absent.

Dysphoria(“I can’t bear it well”, I carry the bad, the bad). Darkness, anger, hostility, gloomy mood with grouchiness, grumbling, discontent, hostile attitude towards others, outbursts of irritation, anger, rage with aggression and destructive actions.

Confusion. An acute feeling of inability, helplessness, misunderstanding of the simplest situations and changes in one's mental state. Super-variability, instability of attention, inquiring facial expression, postures and gestures of a puzzled and extremely insecure person are typical.

Anxiety. An obscure, incomprehensible feeling of growing danger, a premonition of a catastrophe, a tense expectation of a tragic outcome. Emotional energy acts so powerfully that peculiar physical sensations arise: “inside everything is compressed into a ball, tense, stretched like a string, is about to break, burst…”

Fear. A spilled state, transferred to all circumstances and projected onto everything in the environment. Fear can also be associated with certain situations, objects, persons and is expressed by the experience of danger, an immediate threat to life, health, well-being, prestige, etc. It can be accompanied by peculiar physical sensations indicating an internal concentration of energies: “it got cold inside”, broke off, “ hair is moving, chest is constricted, etc.

Methodology "Differential diagnosis of depressive states"

V. Zung, adapted by T. Baklashova

Introductory remarks

Depressive states occur as post-stress or post-traumatic reactions. The questionnaire can be used for differential diagnosis of depressive states for screening diagnostics in mass studies and for preliminary pre-hospital diagnostics. A complete examination takes 20-30 minutes.

Instruction: Read carefully each of the sentences below and cross out the appropriate number to the right, depending on how you've been feeling lately. Do not think about questions for a long time, because there are no right or wrong answers.

depression scale

Full Name……………………………………………………..

The date …………………………...…………………………………………………………..

Answer options: 1 - "never" or "occasionally"; 2 - "sometimes"; 3 - "often"; 4 - "almost always" or "always".

Processing and interpretation of results. The level of depression (LD) is calculated by the formula: UD = S + Z, where S is the sum of the crossed out numbers for "direct" statements No. 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 19; Z is the sum of the digits of the “reverse”, crossed out, statements No. 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20. For example, the number 1 is crossed out in statement No. 2, we put 4 points in the amount; statement No. 5 has the answer 2 crossed out, we put 3 points in the total; for statement No. 6, the answer 3 is crossed out - we put 2 points in the amount; statement No. 11 has the answer 4 crossed out - we add 1 point to the total, etc.

As a result, we get UD, which ranges from 20 to 80 points. UD<50 баллов - No depression.

  • 50 - mild depression of a situational or neurotic origin.
  • 60 - subdepressive state or masked depression.

UD > 70 points- depression.

Subjective Comfort Rating Scale

A. Leonova

Introductory remarks

The Russian version of the subjective comfort assessment scale was developed by A. B. Leonova. The technique is aimed at assessing the degree of subjective comfort of the functional state experienced by a person at a given moment in time. It consists of 10 bipolar scales, the poles of which are indicated by adjectives opposite in meaning, describing the characteristic features of a “good” and “bad” subjective state.

Instruction: read each of the pairs of polar statements below and on the rating scale note the extent to which your feelings at a given moment of time are closer to one or another pole of the scale. The absence of any pronounced shift towards one or another experience on this scale corresponds to a score of "0". Please do not think for a long time over the choice of answer - usually the first feeling that comes to mind is the most accurate.

Full Name ………………………..…………………………..

Date……………………………… Time of completion………………………

Processing and interpretation of results. When calculating the test results, the scale is transformed from 7 to 1 points. 7 points are assigned to the most positive assessment of the trait, and 1 point - to the most negative. A score of 4 points corresponds to the neutral point "0".

Direct scales: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9.

Reverse: 3, 6, 8, 10.

The subjective comfort index (SCI) is calculated as the total score for all scales. Interpretation of results:

Scale of differential emotions

K. Izard, adapted by A. Leonova

Instruction: Here is a list of adjectives that characterize different shades of different emotional experiences of a person. To the right of each adjective is a series of numbers - from 1 to 5 - corresponding to the increase in the varying degree of severity of this experience. We ask you to evaluate how much each of the listed experiences is inherent in you at this moment in time by crossing out the corresponding number. Don't think long about the choice of answer: the most accurate is usually your first feeling!

Your possible scores:

  • 1 - "experience is completely absent"; 2 - "experience is expressed slightly"; 3 - "experience is moderately expressed";
  • 4 - "the experience is expressed strongly"; 5 - "the experience is expressed to the maximum extent."

Processing and interpretation of results.Index of positive emotions characterizes the degree of the subject's positive emotional attitude to the present situation. Calculated: PEM = I, II, III (Interest + Joy + Surprise).

Index of acute negative emotions reflects the general level of the negative emotional attitude of the subject to the existing situation. Calculated:

NEM = IV, V, VI, VII (Grief + Anger + Disgust + Contempt).

Index of anxiety-depressive emotions reflects the level of relatively stable individual experiences of the anxiety-depressive complex of emotions that mediate the subjective attitude to the present situation. Calculated: TDEM = VIII, IX, X (Fear + Shame + Guilt).

Instruction.Fill out the answer form, marking with a “+” sign those lines whose content corresponds to the characteristics of your current state, in accordance with the numbers of statements and their gradation (a, b, c) of the proposed questionnaire.

1. Level of physical discomfort:

a) the complete absence of any unpleasant physical sensations

b) there are minor discomforts that do not interfere with work (do not cause anxiety)

c) the presence of numerous, varied unpleasant sensations

2. The presence of pain:

a) complete absence of any pain

b) pain sensations appear only occasionally, quickly disappear and almost do not interfere with work

c) there are constant pain sensations that seriously disturb and interfere with work

3. Temperature sensations:

a) no change in body temperature sensations

b) a feeling of warmth, an increase in body temperature

c) a feeling of coldness of the body, limbs, a feeling of chills

4. The state of muscle tone:

a) normal, unchanged muscle tone

b) a moderate increase in muscle tone, a feeling of some muscle tension

c) significant muscle tension, twitching of individual muscles of the face, neck, arms (tics, tremor)

5. Coordination of movements:

a) normal coordination of movements

b) increasing the accuracy, ease, coordination of movements of writing, other work

c) decrease in the accuracy of movements, impaired coordination, deterioration of handwriting, difficulty in performing small movements that require high accuracy

6. Motor activity in general:

a) normal, unchanged motor activity

b) increase in motor activity, speed and energy of movements

c) a sharp increase in motor activity, the inability to sit in one place, fussiness, a constant desire to move, walk, change body position

7. Feelings from the side of the cardiovascular system:

a) the absence of any unpleasant sensations from the heart

b) a feeling of effort of cardiac activity, which does not attract much attention and does not interfere with work

c) the presence of unpleasant sensations from the heart (sharp heartbeat, feeling of constriction in the region of the heart, tingling, pain in the region of the heart)

8. Sensations and manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract:

a) no discomfort in the abdomen

b) single, quickly passing, not causing anxiety, sensations in the abdomen that do not interfere with work (sucking in the epigastric region, a feeling of slight hunger, periodic "rumbling" in the stomach)

c) severe discomfort (pain, loss of appetite, nausea, feeling of thirst)

9. Respiratory manifestations:

a) no sensation

b) increase in depth and quickening of breathing, not interfering with work

c) significant changes in breathing (shortness of breath, feeling of insufficient inspiration, "lump in the throat")

10. Manifestations from the excretory system:

a) no change

b) moderate activation of the excretory function (frequent desire to use the toilet while fully maintaining the ability to abstain (endure))

c) a sharp increase in the desire to use the toilet, difficulty or even inability to endure

11. Sweating condition:

a) normal sweating without any changes

b) moderate sweating

c) the appearance of profuse "cold" sweat

12. Condition of the oral mucosa:

b) moderate increase in salivation

c) feeling of dryness in the mouth

13. Coloring of the skin:

a) normal coloration of the skin of the face, neck, hands

b) redness of the skin of the face, neck, hands

c) blanching of the skin of the face, neck, hands, the appearance of a "marble" (spotted) shade on the skin of the hands

14. Susceptibility, sensitivity to external stimuli:

a) no change, normal sensitivity

b) a moderate increase in susceptibility to external stimuli that does not interfere with work

c) a sharp exacerbation of sensitivity, distractibility, fixation on extraneous stimuli

15. Feeling of self-confidence, one's abilities:

a) the usual feeling of confidence in one's own strengths, one's abilities

b) increased self-confidence, belief in success

c) feeling of self-doubt, expectation of failure, failure

16. Mood:

a) normal mood

b) elated, elevated mood, a feeling of elation, pleasant satisfaction with work or other activities

c) decreased mood, depression

17. Sleep features:

a) normal sleep

b) a good, sound, refreshing sleep the night before

c) restless sleep with frequent awakenings and dreams during the previous several nights, including the day before

18. Features of the emotional state in general:

a) the absence of any changes in the sphere of emotions and feelings

b) a sense of concern, responsibility for the work performed, excitement, an active desire to act

c) feelings of fear, panic, despair

19. Noise immunity:

a) the normal state without any changes

b) increased noise immunity in operation, the ability to work in conditions of noise and other interference

c) a significant decrease in noise immunity, inability to work with distracting stimuli

20. Features of speech:

a) ordinary speech

b) increasing speech activity, increasing the volume of the voice, speeding up speech without deteriorating its quality (logicality, literacy, etc.)

c) speech disorders (the appearance of long pauses, hesitations, an increase in the number of unnecessary words, stuttering, too quiet voice)

21. General assessment of mental state:

a) normal state

b) the state of concentration, increased readiness for work, mobilization, high mental tone

c) a feeling of fatigue, indifference, absent-mindedness, lack of concentration, apathy, decreased mental tone

22. Memory features:

a) ordinary immutable memory

b) memory improvement (it is easy to remember what you need)

c) memory impairment

23. Attention Features:

a) normal attention without any changes

b) improving the ability to concentrate, distraction from extraneous matters

c) deterioration of attention, inability to concentrate on the work performed, distractibility

24. Wits:

a) normal intelligence without changes

b) increased intelligence, high resourcefulness

c) confusion, deterioration of intelligence

25. Mental performance:

a) normal mental performance

b) increase mental performance

c) a significant increase in mental performance, rapid mental fatigue

26. The phenomenon of mental discomfort:

a) the absence of any unpleasant sensations and experiences from the psyche as a whole

b) a feeling of mental comfort, an increase in mental activity, or single, mild changes in mental state that pass quickly and do not interfere with work

c) pronounced, diverse and numerous mental disorders that seriously interfere with work

27. The degree of prevalence (generalization) of signs of stress:

a) single, mild signs of tension that are not paid attention to

b) clearly expressed signs of tension, not only not interfering with activity, but, on the contrary, contributing to its productivity

c) a large number of various unpleasant signs of stress that interfere with work and are observed from various organs and systems of the body

28. The frequency of occurrence of the state of stress:

a) the feeling of tension almost never develops

b) some signs of tension develop in the presence of really difficult situations

c) signs of tension develop very often and often without sufficient reasons

29. Duration of the state of tension:

a) very short, no more than a few minutes, quickly disappears even before the difficult situation has passed

b) lasts almost the entire time of being in a difficult situation and performing the necessary work, stops shortly after it ends

c) a very significant duration of the state of tension, which does not stop for a long time after a difficult situation

30. The general degree of severity of stress:

a) complete absence or very weak severity

b) moderately pronounced, distinct signs of tension

c) pronounced, excessive stress

Npn a 276 questions. Personality questionnaire "NPN-A" (neurological instability - accentuations)

Instruction: "This questionnaire contains statements regarding your health, views, interests, character, etc. If you decide that you agree with these statements, then on the registration form, according to the number of the statement, put "+". If you do not agree with it , then put a "-" sign.

Characterological accentuations of personality and neuropsychological instability personality questionnaire

2. Most of my acquaintances consider me a cheerful conversationalist.

3. I often act according to my mood rather than my conviction.

4. Often some obsessive thought keeps me awake.

5. I am indifferent to alcohol.

6. I am very seriously interested in yoga gymnastics.

7. I like to prepare for exams, tests, etc. one.

8. In a dispute, I often leave the essence of the issue and turn to personalities.

9. I get very lost, suddenly remaining in the center of everyone's attention.

10. I try to adhere to the principles of morality and morality.

11. My head often hurts.

12. I never need the sympathy of others.

13. On trains, buses, etc. I often strike up conversations with people I don't know.

14. Often a trifle said to me can cause a violent reaction in me.

15. Criticism in the presence of those around me is extremely depressing.

16. I often have a bad mood.

17. I began to doubt the correctness of the chosen profession.

18. I easily get used to any society.

19. At times I am tempted to enter into an argument with someone.

20. It is often difficult for me to resist feeling sorry for myself.

21. As a child, I was registered with a psychiatrist.

22. I try to live in such a way that others say about me: "This is a man!"

23. My physical development and health quite allow me to become a good officer.

24. I consider myself quite a sociable person.

25. Often I feel like doing something dangerous or stunning.

26. If I made some kind of mistake, then I quickly forget about it.

27. Sometimes I take bromine, elenium and other sedatives.

28. I never follow fashion, but I wear anything.

29. I willingly participate in the organization of various events.

30. Often I can not restrain myself and be rude, even if it hurts my interests.

31. I tend to mentally return to my troubles and find it hard to get them out of my head.

32. I was told that I walk in my sleep.

33. I believe that drug use is quite natural.

34. I like to wear trendy and unusual clothes that attract the eye.

35. I like to communicate with people and I rarely miss the opportunity to talk even with an unfamiliar person.

36. Quite often I act under the influence of a momentary mood.

37. In relationships with people, I experience difficulties because of my own shyness.

38. I feel that my abilities are probably not enough to master the chosen profession.

39. Almost always something hurts me.

40. I tend to joke and tell different stories.

41. When they shout at me, I answer the same.

42. The use of obscene expressions is always unpleasant for me.

43. At times I can't resist the temptation to steal something.

44. I live by my inner thoughts and have little interest in reality.

45. I think that books are more entertaining than conversations.

46. ​​Often I don't give in to people just out of principle.

47. Of course, I lack self-confidence.

48. At the medical commission, I hid my serious illnesses.

49. I always do and think in my own way, and the opinion of others is of little interest to me.

50. I try to follow the laws and rules of the hostel.

51. I prefer to have a wide circle of acquaintances.

52. I like to play pranks on others.

53. When people watch me, it makes me feel uncomfortable.

54. I have bad and restless sleep.

55. My ideas and thoughts look like they are ahead of time.

56. I can easily talk to a stranger.

57. I often wind up with half a turn.

58. I am very embarrassed when people talk about my character.

59. I had cases of loss of consciousness.

60. I am a hard-to-reach person.

61. I believe that most people lie if it is in their interest.

62. I can walk alone with pleasure.

63. I get very annoyed if I am rushed.

64. When talking with girls, I try to avoid sensitive topics that can cause embarrassment.

65. My nervous system is very upset.

66. I don't believe in God.

67. They often say about me: "You won't get into your pocket for a word."

68. Often I am ready to do anything to win an argument.

69. It happens that I am disturbed by a feeling of guilt or remorse because of some trifle.

70. I had drives to the police.

71. It seems to me that no one understands me.

72. People around always know my point of view.

73. I prefer mutually beneficial solutions in a dispute.

74. I feel less adapted to life and its requirements than others.

75. I would rather sit most of the time doing nothing and daydreaming (philosophizing).

76. I would join one of the political parties only under public pressure.

77. I do not hope that I will achieve anything in life.

78. In general, I am concerned about the feeling of my own shyness.

79. I love to play tricks on others.

80. In society, I am disturbed by the feeling of my own shyness.

81. I am able to accomplish something outstanding.

82. I was persuaded to enter this university, and the most special

there was no desire.

83. In a team, I rarely initiate anything.

84. I often want the unlawful.

85. I consider myself dreamy rather than practical.


86. As a child, I had severe injuries and illnesses.

87. I believe that the American way of life can be accepted.

for a sample.

88. In a circle of strangers, I rarely speak first.

89. It's hard to make me angry.

90. I am disturbed by the feeling that I am worse than others.

91. At times I regret that I live in this world.

92. My opinion often coincides with the opinion of others.

93. I have very strange and unusual inner experiences.

94. Usually I am not very sociable.

95. It is often difficult for me to cope with my desires.

96. I often try to look into myself and find out the reasons for the appearance of my thoughts.

97. As a child, I was capricious and irritable.

98. According to my abilities, I can become a good leader.

99. If any issue is discussed, I am one of the first to express my opinion or consideration.

100. I do not consider it necessary to hide my contempt or negative opinion about anyone or anything.

101. Sometimes it seems to me that people guess what I'm thinking.

102. I like to quote brilliant or shocking remarks from famous people.

103. In relation to me, people around me often act unfairly. I like to work slowly.

105. Sometimes they tell me that I am quick-tempered.

106. I am often disturbed by the thoughts that I am not acting in the way that is obvious.

107. With great difficulty I adapt to the new conditions of study, life and everyday life.

108. I like to look for unusual or paradoxical methods for solving various problems or issues.

109. Often I am the initiator of some business.

110. I easily lose patience with people.

111. I rarely have periods when I lose sleep due to excitement.

112. Criticism and objections addressed to me are very rarely justified.

113. In companies, I am always the center of attention.

114. My weight fluctuates a lot (I lose weight, then I get better).

115. I adhere to the proverb: "Who is in a hurry, he makes people laugh."

116. If someone annoys me, I can endure it for a long time.

117. I often miss opportunities because of my indecision.

118. I almost always feel dry mouth.

119. I am easily confused.

121. There are too many obstacles and restrictions in modern life, which irritate me very much.

122. I often have to hide my shyness at the cost of great effort.

123. I am one of those people who know how to admire or bow before someone or something.

124. At school I had conflicts with teachers.

125. I am a rather sociable and cheerful person.

126. Quite often I feel the need for thrills.

127. I have a world of dreams where I don't let anyone in.

128. I learned school material with difficulty.

129. Sometimes I feel that someone controls my thoughts.

130. I feel like a deeply lonely person.

131. I am willing to meet new people.

132. Sometimes I feel like a deeply lonely person.

133. I often worry about something.

134. A stormy manifestation of feelings is characteristic of me.

135. I think that I am a doomed person.

136. For recreation, I prefer collective games and entertainment.

137. I tend to give categorical assessments of the actions of others.

138. I am acutely and for a long time experiencing troubles.

139. At times I have fits of laughter and crying, which I can not cope with.

140. Sometimes I feel that I am close to a nervous breakdown.

141. Usually I act and speak quickly, without thinking for a long time.

142. Everything boils inside me if they do something not in my opinion.

43. I tend to worry about what awaits me.

144. I have qualities in which I definitely excel other people.

145. I like food made from exotic ingredients.

146. I often have constipation.

147. I am more silent and listen when I am in society.

148. It gives me to do risky things for fun.

149. At times I feel overwhelmed.

150. Sometimes I have an obsessive desire to harm myself or others.

151. I am a special person and incomprehensible to others.

152. I like to talk a lot.

153. It is rare that things can be done by gradual, moderate methods; more often it is necessary to use force.

154. I feel like a failure when I hear about the successes of my friends and comrades.

155. Some capriciousness is characteristic of me.

156. I think that the chosen profession is quite suitable for me.

157. I express my thoughts the way they come to my mind and do not try to "comb" them first.

158. I often have "jitters" in my hands or all over my body.

. When doing any work, I prefer to do it on my own, rather than in a team.

160. People consider me a calm and balanced person.

161. I tend to take everything to heart.

162. I often have an attack of irritability.

163. I don't have and probably never will have a friend.

164. I conscientiously and honestly answered all questions.


Statements of this or that scale reflect the attitude to oneself, to other people, to work, to the future, to the past, to failures, to criticism, to risk, to rules, to orders, etc.

Accentuations of character should be considered as an extreme version of the mental norm. This is the fundamental difference between the terms "accentuation" and "psychopathy". At the same time, self-esteem remains adequate, and a specific type of accentuation indicates vulnerabilities of character, which, under certain conditions, can cause a psychogenic reaction (situationally determined behavioral disorders), lead to decompensation or maladaptation.



Criteria: +2, -7, +13, +18, +24, +29, +35, +40, -45, +51,

+56, -62, +67, +72, -78, -83, -88, -94, +99, -104, +109, -115, +120, +125, +131, +136, +141, -147, -152, -159.

Signs: high values ​​indicate a pronounced aspiration of a person to society, lack of shyness, promiscuity in establishing interpersonal contacts, frequent overestimation of one's capabilities. Low values ​​indicate isolation, modesty, stiffness in relations with others, slowness, phlegm.

Explosive form

Criteria: +3, +8, +14, +25, +30, +36, +4

1, +46, +52, +57, +63, +68, -73, + 79, +84, -89, +95, +100, +105, +110, -116, +121, +126, +132, +142, +148, +153, -160.

Signs: inconsistency of emotional reactions with the strength and quality of stimuli; increased excitability, aggressiveness, explosiveness, ease of occurrence of a "failure" on an insignificant occasion, a tendency to sharp criticism, poor control of emotions, impulsiveness of actions.

Psychasthenic form

Criteria: +4, +9, +15, +20, -26, +31, +37, +42, +47, +53, +58, +64, +69, +74, +80, +85, +90, +96, +1

01, +106, +111, +117, +122, +127, +133, +138, +143, +149, +154, +161.

Signs: high anxiety, indecision, self-doubt, slight vulnerability, increased sensitivity, fatigue, fixation on failures, a tendency to doubt and introspection, shyness, timidity, decreased activity.

Schizoid form

Criteria: +6, +12, +16, +28, +44, +49, +55, +60, +66, +71, +75, +77, +81, +91, -92, +93, +102, +107, +108, +124, +129, +130, +135, +144, +145, +150, +151, +157, +162, +163.

Signs: unusual and original thinking, originality of logical connections and associations, emotional coldness, arrogance, isolation, isolation from the life and affairs of the team, unusual perception of the environment.

Hysteroid form

Criteria: +3, +10,

+14, +22, -28, +34, +35, +40, +46, +49, +51, +61, +67, +72, +81, +87, +97, +100, +102, +113, +123, +134, +137, +139, +140, +144, +145, +148, +155, +157.

Signs: egocentrism, the desire to stand out in demeanor, appearance, a thirst for leadership and originality, theatricality of behavior, a desire to be in the center of attention, external expressiveness of experiences, high claims regarding the evaluation of the results of one's work and the exclusivity of the position.

Directional scale

Criteria: -1, -5, +17, -23, +32, +33,

+38, +39, +43, +48, -50, +59, +65, +66, +70, +76, +77, +82, +86, +87, +91, -98, +135, -156.+164.

Signs: attitude towards the chosen profession, desire to master it, assessment of one's physical development, health and abilities in relation to the possibility of mastering the profession, sticking out one's moral and mental shortcomings.

Reliability scale

Criteria: 3-36, 4-111, 7-159, 9-53, 13-35, 14-57, 24-125, 30-68, 37-80, 47-117, 51-131, 52-79, 74-85, 78-94, 84-95, 89-116, 90-154,138-161,146-152.

Signs: with a high score on the scale, a mismatch of signs in nine or more pairs of statements, the results of the survey should be considered unreliable.

Neuropsychic instability

The concept of "neuro-psychic instability" combines a number of pre-pathological and partially pathological manifestations of personality traits that predispose to disruptions of the nervous system and mental activity even with minor mental or physical exertion.

Most often, neuropsychic instability manifests itself with character accentuations, alcoholism, drug addiction and some mental illnesses. The main manifestations of neuropsychic instability are associated with insufficient social maturity, observance of moral norms, requirements, rules of behavior and order, violations of discipline, interpersonal relations and activities (labor and educational), premorbid and painful conditions.

Scale of neuropsychic instability

Criteria: +3, -5, +6, +8, +9, -10, +11, +12, +14, +16, +19, +20, +21, +22, +25,

+27, +28, +30, +32, +33, +34, +36, +39, +43, +44, +46, +49, -50, +53, +54, +55, -49, 2-50, +57, +58, +59, +60, +61, +65, +66, +68, +70, +71, +74, +75, +76, +77, +79, +81, +84, +86, +87, +90, +91, -92, +93, +97, +100, +101, +103, +106, +107, +108, +110, +111, +112, +113, +114, +118, +119, +121, +123, +124, +127,+128,+129,+130,+132,+134,+135,+137, +138, +139, +140, +142,+144,+145,+146, +148, +149, +150,+151,+153,+154,+155, +157, +158, -160, +161, +162, +163.

Signs: character accentuation violation of disciplinary and moral norms of behavior, interpersonal relationships and professional activities, insufficient social maturity; painful events.


The conclusion is drawn up on the basis of the analysis of the obtained numerical values, given in a nine-point scale, for each accentuation. At the same time, the ratios of various values ​​are taken into account, indicating the degree of expression of a particular character trait and their relationship. The table shows indicative normative estimates of the CAL and NPN scales in relation to the nine-point scale of normal distribution.

9 points on the CPI scale is assessed as a state of "neurological instability" and only after a focused conversation with a psychologist, regardless of the results of other types of professional selection, the candidate is assigned the IV group of psychological selection. IV group of psychological selection is also exhibited at 8 points of NPI and 9 points on any of the three scales: explosive, psychasthenic and schizoid. The analysis of the HAL scales provides clarifying characteristics of the NPN type.

The degree of severity of character traits is assessed on a 9-point scale. Extreme values ​​of 1 and 9 points are considered accentuated, sharply pronounced - 2 and 8 points, pointed - 3 and 7 points.


Extraversion - the severity of this quality characterizes the aspiration of a person to society, a large crowded environment. The interests of such people are directed outward. They are socially open and relaxed, easily establish interpersonal contacts, are sociable and active.

Such people from childhood are distinguished by noisy behavior, sociability, independence and courage. They are cheerful

and enterprising, love companies and strive for leadership; with increased vitality, optimism, with a lively interest; easy to communicate, accessible and frank.

They are easily carried away and disappointed, not capable of systematic and sustainable work. They are confident in the success of their undertakings, but if they do not achieve it, they always console themselves, quickly replacing failed plans with new ones, the success of which they do not doubt.

They are responsive, versatile and often give the impression of "sunny natures", they are the "soul of society", constant organizers of collective events.

They have neither shyness nor timidity in front of strangers, but they lack a sense of distance, tact; noting indiscipline, restlessness and distractibility.

They treat various requirements, rules and laws quite simply and frivolously, they easily see the line between what is permitted and prohibited. Poorly cope with work that requires perseverance, painstaking, thoroughness. Accuracy does not differ either in the fulfillment of promises or in monetary transactions, they like to brag, show off. They overestimate their capabilities and abilities. Knowing and not hiding the peculiarities of their character, they often try to show themselves more conformal. Often careless, inattentive, careless and unemployed.

Introversion - (opposite to the above) - the interests of such people are directed to internal experiences. They are modest, closed, prone to solitude, constrained in relations with other people, do not actively establish contacts; tolerant of traditional difficulties, conservative and pedantic; prudent, cautious, serious, silent, preoccupied, thoughtful, phlegmatic, slow, prudent, restrained, self-controlled, pessimistic, disciplined.

Explosive form of accentuations (excitable form) - characteristic of people of this type is the discrepancy between emotional reactions to the strength and quality of stimuli, i.e. they are subject to relatively easier changes and fluctuations in mental state.

Diverse disorders of emotional activity are manifested in the form of a sharp instability of mood, irritability, irascibility, inability to restrain oneself during unrest, ease of occurrence of a "breakdown" for an insignificant reason, distinct vascular and autonomic reactions (pallor or redness of the skin, general sweating, dilated pupils, immense increase in pulse, violation of the rhythm and depth of breathing, dyspeptic disorders, etc.). A typical motor reaction is excitement, facial muscle tension, mimic reactions. Often in a state of excitement, speech is disturbed: they begin to stutter

, with difficulty pronouncing words, scrambled speech, etc.

The reasons for the development of affective reactions are very different: the orders of the elders, the remark of an equal, and often even situations that are not directly related to them, can cause a violent reaction. They cannot calmly relate to the conflict between others, they immediately intervene, take the side of the "unfairly" offended, shout loudly, and tend to act aggressively.

Making, without hesitation, sarcastic remarks about others, they do not tolerate similar remarks, especially objections and remarks addressed to them, and react to light insults as if they were serious insults.

Characteristic features are restlessness, "inability to expect", constant slight motor restlessness. Usually they hardly engage in activities that require patience and painstaking work, any expectation is accompanied by painful experiences for them, causes an active protest.

In persons with a pronounced form of accentuation, in addition to affective disorders, there is a violation of the intellectual mediation of the situation and the ability to restrain oneself. Thinking is concrete and superficial. Attention is characterized by instability. Of the other symptoms, a narrowness of interests and a craving for boasting, deceit, talkativeness, and a focus on sexual experiences are constantly noted. Demonstration and originality are found in behavior.

They ignore rules and obligations, indulge their desires. Self-confident, tend to take responsibility. A sleep disorder is also characteristic: poor falling asleep and shallow, sensitive sleep, dreams reflect the events of the day and conflicts.

Psychasthenic form of accentuation - the basis of this form of accentuation is an anxious and suspicious character. With a pronounced form, the most characteristic are such qualities as slight vulnerability, hypersensitivity, rapid exhaustion and fatigue. They are usually scrupulous, sentimental, delicate, honest, timid, shy, condescending and attentive to others, but picky about themselves. They are always tormented by doubts about the correctness of their decisions and actions, the justice of what they have done, they constantly detain their attention on failures. Circumstances arising from the requirements of the daily everyday situation are subjected to painful "processing". The tendency to delve into oneself: to find faults in oneself paralyzes their activity. So, for example, recalling the events of the past day, he finds a lot of evidence that he acted wrong, said wrong, decided wrong. The plan of the coming day does not yet seem clear to him, because the duties arising from the real situation are for him a source of doubt and torment. Memories of completed cases are colored by painful feelings of dissatisfaction, the consciousness of their failure.

Constant distrust of oneself makes one seek help from relatives, friends, often doctors.

Being deprived of firmness and self-confidence due to their anxious and suspicious nature, they continue to live more in dreams than in the implementation of their deep plans. Despite a rich outlook and often outstanding abilities, these people often remain outside the active life of society, cannot arrange their personal lives, being lonely, without a family, they are known as "wise eccentrics".

One of the extremely characteristic features of psychasthenics is a tendency to introspection and loss of a sense of the real. In their thoughts, dreams, they see themselves as strong, strong-willed, full of plans with the possibility of their implementation.

Often, under the influence of the asthenizing effects of external factors (infections, intoxications), this accentuation may experience decompensation, which manifests itself not only in terms of even more sharpening of anxious and suspicious character traits, but also in the appearance of obsessive states of various content (obsessive thoughts - obsessions, fears-phobias and etc.)

When these anxieties and fears are directed to various sensations in one’s body, to the correct functioning of internal organs and systems, when weakness, exhaustion, fatigue come to the fore, one can speak of a hypochondriacal form of psychopathy. The most characteristic feature of this psychopathy is the tendency to hypochondriacal reactions, i.e. to unreasonable complaints about health, the concentration of all thoughts on well-being.

Among the types of psychasthenic accentuations, there are those in which increased sensitivity and vulnerability are especially pronounced. In these cases, we can talk about a sensitive form of accentuation and (or) its development into psychopathy.

Among the most typical character traits of sensitive accentuations are hypersensitivity, excessive impressionability and exhaustion. They have a strong sense of their own inferiority. These are timid, shy and cowardly people. They startle at the slightest surprise, are afraid of the dark, faint at the sight of blood. They consider themselves ugly, even ugly, funny, and think that those around them despise them, laugh at them. This is not nonsense, but a logical conclusion from a sense of one's own insufficiency. They blush for the slightest reason, they cannot speak at meetings. Confusion and fear seize them during the exam and at any somewhat responsible performance.

They are characterized by passive-defensive forms of behavior. Because of this, they are easily decompensated, give breakdowns, their sleep is easily disturbed, headaches, irritability, and unpleasant bodily sensations occur.

Insufficient development of persons with a mental form of character accentuation is a favorable somatic basis, and a weak type of higher nervous activity is a necessary condition for the formation of this form of accentuation.

It should be emphasized separately that in a difficult life situation that requires the identification of civic qualities (during natural disasters, wars), such a person is able to show traits of courage and composure. At the same time, suspiciousness, indecision, indecision with fruitless sophistication and other qualities completely disappear for a certain period.

Accentuation according to the schizoid type - the main feature of pronounced schizoid accentuation is the conspicuous originality of their personality. They are characterized by isolation, low sociability, isolation from the real, self-centeredness, difficulty in establishing contact with people. They are distinguished by low social intuition and low "responsiveness": they are little able to understand the mood of the group, to feel the attitude that is not expressed aloud, they are not capable of empathy. Interest in reality is lowered and they are poorly versed in it, they live more in their inner world and fabrications. Their appearance is of little concern.

They differ in strange behavior. Their actions are often not sufficiently motivated for an outsider, their behavior is eccentric, their actions are unexpected and incomprehensible to others. Schizotics are prone to complex logical constructions based on a detail that interests them, often of little significance. Their hobbies can be persistent and unusual, but never demonstrative. Unusualness, non-banality and originality of thinking is based on the extraordinary originality of logical connections and associations.

Emotionally, they are mostly cold, they are little touched by the misfortunes of others. Often they are stubborn, straightforward, inaccessible to the influence of others, touchy, proud. They do not adapt well to life, do not get along with others, often waste their energy on unproductive activities (collecting, etc.). Much, however, depends on external conditions. Sometimes they have very good abilities, mostly one-sided (in music, painting, mathematics, etc.), flexibility of mind, ingenuity. Then for them nothing but the subject of interest does not exist, and they can give really valuable products and take a certain place in life.

It should be noted that there is a certain variety of schizoid characters, among them cold egoists, pedants and artistically gifted dreamy natures, dreamers, reformists, etc. can be noted. The main thing that unites these characters is their disharmony, the lack of the necessary proportion in the ratio of the mind, the sense of will, as if the expansion of a holistic personality


Hysterical form of accentuation - the main feature of this character accentuation is egocentrism, the desire to stand out for posturing, demonstrative behavior, the constant game of "subtle nature", not understood by others; an insatiable thirst for constant attention to one’s person, the need to arouse admiration, surprise, reverence, sympathy, at worst, even indignation and hatred towards oneself is acceptable, but not the prospect of going unnoticed.

All other qualities are determined by this character trait. These faces are truly not the same even for a short time. Behavior, feelings, intentions, statements are determined mainly by the external situation. The desire to stand out at all costs, to draw attention to oneself, to be the center of others - this is the main content of the passionate desires of this character. Often these desires lead to fantasy and lies.

Due to the insufficient control of the mind over the imagination, these persons hardly distinguish what they experienced in their imagination from what they experienced in reality, and in their stories they involuntarily mix fiction with truth.

Falsity and fantasizing are entirely aimed at embellishing one's personality in order to again attract attention to oneself.

Their attachments are extremely labile: the transition from "boundless" love to "burning" hatred can occur within a few minutes under the influence of a situation that contradicts their desires and intentions. A rich imagination, a lively fantasy, a facilitated flow of associations, combined with incendiary poems, among which the works of great poets can pass off as their own work.

To the same extent as attachments, volitional actions are also unstable. Overwhelmed by the desire to devote himself to one thing or another, such a person quickly cools down in his intentions, not being capable of prolonged volitional tension, especially if this does not promise immediate fame and admiration from society. Most of all, such a person is afraid that he will be considered boring and banal, like others. The "gray" life does not satisfy him, and to occupy a prestigious position that would amuse a pointed pride, he lacks neither abilities nor, most importantly, perseverance. Self-esteem is very far from objectivity, it contrasts with the real possibilities and opinions of others. They usually present themselves as they are most likely to attract attention at the moment.

They also try to take a noticeable position in the group by inventing stories that attract them about their successes, merits, abilities, acquaintances, etc. This goal is served by collecting unusual collections, yoga classes, etc.

Scale "schizoid form"


Scale "NPP"

F_________I________ O________ Date_______ Gr.No.__


Scale "explosive form"

F_________I________ O________ Date_______ Gr.No.__


Directional scale

F_________I________ O________ Date_______ Gr.No.__

The technique was created on the basis of a clinical and psychological examination of 1,500 healthy servicemen and 133 servicemen who first fell ill with neurosis and neurosis-like conditions in the first year of military service. The age of the examined is 18–35 years. Of the observed signs related to the phenomenology of neuroses, 42 were selected, which were most common in 133 servicemen who fell ill with neurotic disorders as a result of working in extreme conditions of military service. Long-term application of this method has shown high validity and reliability of this technique.
Symptomatic Feeling Questionnaire (SOS)
Instruction: the proposed questionnaire reveals the features of your well-being in a given period of time. You need to unambiguously answer 42 questions: either “yes” or “no”.

Processing and evaluation of results. Answers "yes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points. In accordance with the "key", the total scores for each scale and the total number of points scored - the total indicator of neuroticism are calculated.
Up to 15 points. A high level of psychological resistance to extreme conditions, a state of good adaptation.
16–26 points. The average level of psychological resistance to extreme conditions, the state of satisfactory adaptation.
27–42 points. Low stress resistance, high risk of pathological stress reactions and neurotic disorders, a state of maladaptation.

Questionnaire "Determination of neuropsychic stress"

T. Nemchin
Introductory remarks
The author of the NPN methodology is a professor at the Psychoneurological Institute named after A.I. V. A. Bekhtereva T. A. Nemchin used the results of many years of clinical and psychological studies conducted on a large number of subjects in an extreme situation when developing the NPN questionnaire. The first stage of the development of the questionnaire was to compile and systematize a list of complaints-symptoms received from recipients in a stressful situation: from 300 students during the examination session and from 200 patients with neuroses with leading symptoms in the form of phobias, fear, anxiety before performing painful procedures and stress. interview. At the second stage of developing the methodology, out of 127 primary signs related to the phenomenology of neuropsychic stress, only 30 signs were selected, which were systematically repeated during repeated examinations.
The highest frequencies of recurrence of 30 signs were found in the group of patients with neuroses. The different severity of signs in different subjects allowed the author to divide each of the items of the questionnaire into three degrees: weakly expressed, moderately pronounced, sharply expressed, which received a conditional score in points of 1, 2, 3, respectively. According to the content of the questionnaire, all signs can be divided into three groups statements: the first group reflects the presence of physical discomfort and discomfort from the somatic systems of the body, the second group claims the presence (or absence) of mental discomfort and complaints from the neuropsychic sphere, the third group includes signs that describe some general characteristics of the neuropsychic tension - frequency, duration, generalization and severity of this condition. The questionnaire is recommended to be used to diagnose mental tension in a difficult (extreme) situation or its expectation.
Questionnaire NNP
Instruction: fill in the right part of the form, marking with a “+” sign those lines, the content of which corresponds to the features of your condition at the present time.
Full Name…………………………………………………………………….
Type of activity (work, waiting for an exam, procedures, etc.)
Professional affiliation……………………………………………….

After the subjects fill in the right part of the questionnaire, the points scored are calculated. At the same time, 1 point is awarded for the “+” sign placed against subparagraph A; put against subparagraph B, 2 points are awarded; put against sub-item B, 3 points are awarded. The maximum number of points that the subject can score is 90, the minimum number is 30 points, when the subject denies having any manifestations of neuropsychic stress.
Table 2.1
Characteristics of the three degrees of CNP according to the questionnaire
(7. A. Nemchin)

According to the statistics presented by T. A. Nemchin, according to the sum of the points scored, the NPN index (IN) distinguishes three degrees of NNP and their characteristics (Table 2.1).
IN< 42,5 - the first degree of NNP - the relative safety of the characteristics of the mental and somatic state.
42,6 > IN< 75 - the second degree of NPI - a feeling of recovery, readiness for work and a shift towards sympathicotonia.
IN> 75 - the third degree of NNP - the disorganization of mental activity and a decrease in the productivity of activity.
There are certain differences between men and women at all stages of NPI.

Psychological stress scale RSM-25

Introductory remarks
The Lemyr-Tessier-Fillion PSM-25 scale is designed to measure the phenomenological structure of stress experiences. The goal is to measure stress sensations in somatic, behavioral and emotional indicators. The methodology was originally developed in France, then translated and validated in England, Spain and Japan. Translation and adaptation of the Russian version of the methodology were made by N. E. Vodopyanova.
When developing the methodology, the authors sought to eliminate the existing shortcomings of traditional methods for studying stress states, aimed mainly at indirect measurements of psychological stress through stressors or pathological manifestations of anxiety, depression, frustration, etc. Only a few methods are designed to measure stress as a natural state of mental tension. . To eliminate these methodological inconsistencies, Lemour-Tessier-Fillion developed a questionnaire that describes the state of a person experiencing stress, as a result of which there was no need to define variables such as stressors or pathologies. The questions are formulated for the normal population aged 18 to 65 for different occupational groups. All this makes it possible to consider the methodology universal for application to different age and occupational samples in a normal population.
The technique was tested by the authors on a sample of more than 5 thousand people in Canada, England, USA, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Argentina, and Japan. This technique was also used by Clement and Young at the University
Ottawa, Larcy at the University and in the hospital of Montreal, as well as Tessier and his colleagues at the hospitals of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Justine in Montreal. In Russia, the methodology was tested by N. E. Vodopyanova on a sample of teachers, students and commercial personnel in the amount of 500 people.
Numerous studies have shown that PSM has sufficient psychometric properties. Correlations were found between the integral PSM index and the Spielberger anxiety scale (r = 0.73), with the depression index (r = 0.75). The magnitudes of these correlations are explained by a generalized experience of emotional distress or depression. At the same time, divergent validity studies show that PSM is conceptually different from anxiety and depression research methods.
PSM Questionnaire
Instruction: a number of statements are proposed that characterize the mental state. Please rate your condition over the past week using an 8-point scale. To do this, on the form of the questionnaire, next to each statement, circle the number from 1 to 8, which most accurately describes your feelings. There are no wrong or wrong answers here. Answer as sincerely as possible. The test will take approximately five minutes to complete. Numbers from 1 to 8 indicate the frequency of experiences: 1 - "never"; 2 - "extremely rare"; 3 - "very rarely"; 4 - "rarely"; 5 - "sometimes"; 6 - "often"; 7 - "very often"; 8 - "constantly (daily)".

Note. * Reverse question.
The sum of all answers is calculated - an integral indicator of mental tension (IPN). Question 14 is evaluated in reverse order. The higher the PPN, the higher the level of psychological stress.
PIT over 155 points- a high level of stress, indicates a state of maladaptation and mental discomfort, the need to use a wide range of means and methods to reduce neuropsychic tension, psychological relief, change the style of thinking and life.
PPN in the range of 154–100 points– average stress level.
low stress, PPN less than 100 points, indicates the state of psychological adaptation to workloads.

Diagnostics of the state of stress

K. Schreiner
Introductory remarks
With sincere answers, the technique allows you to determine the levels of stress and can be used in autodiagnosis.
Instruction: Circle the numbers of those questions to which you answer yes.
1. I always strive to complete the work, but often I do not have time and have to catch up.
2. When I look at myself in the mirror, I notice traces of fatigue and overwork on my face.
3. At work and at home - continuous trouble.
4. I struggle hard with my bad habits, but I'm not succeeding.
5. I am worried about the future.
6. I often need alcohol, cigarettes or sleeping pills to unwind after a busy day.
7. Such changes are taking place around that the head is spinning.
8. I love my family and friends, but often I feel bored and empty with them.
9. I have not achieved anything in my life and I often feel disappointed in myself.
Processing of results and their characteristics. The number of positive responses is counted. Each “yes” answer is assigned 1 point.
0–4 points. You behave in a stressful situation quite restrained and know how to regulate your own emotions.
5–7 points. You always behave correctly in a stressful situation. Sometimes you know how to maintain composure, but there are times when you get turned on for nothing and then regret it. You need to work on developing your own individual methods of self-control in stress.
8–9 points. You are overtired and exhausted. You often lose self-control in a stressful situation and do not know how to control yourself. As a result, both you and the people around you suffer. Developing self-regulation skills in stress is now your main life task.
According to the data obtained by the author of the methodology, it was noticed that the vast majority of bank employees have a score in the range of 5–7 points (80% of respondents). Approximately 18% of respondents have 8-9 points. And only about 2% have a score of 0-4 points. Consequently, most bank employees urgently need to increase their means of self-control in stressful situations.

V. Zhmurov
Introductory remarks
One of the causes of depressive states is the depletion of the neuropsychic potential due to prolonged stress or psychotrauma. Depression is a specific affective state of an individual, which is characterized by negative emotions, as well as the transformation of motivational, cognitive and behavioral spheres. In a state of depression, the individual experiences excruciatingly difficult experiences, such as longing, despair, fears, depression, guilt for past events, helplessness-infantility in the face of life's difficulties. Depressive states, as a rule, are characterized by reduced self-esteem, skepticism, a tendency not to trust anyone, lack of initiative, fatigue, a drop in activity, etc. The technique allows us to differentiate six states - levels of depression: apathy, hypothymia, dysphoria, confusion, anxiety, fear.
Instruction: From each group of indications, select and circle the answer 0, 1, 2, or 3 that best describes your condition.

Processing and interpretation of results. The sum of all marked options (points) of answers is determined. In accordance with this amount, an assessment is made severity depression.
1–9 points– depression is absent or very insignificant;
10–24 points- minimal depression
25–44 points- slight depression;
45–67 points- moderate depression;
68–87 points- severe depression;
88 points or more- deep depression.
Qualitative characteristics of depressive states
Apathy. A state of indifference, indifference, complete indifference to what is happening, others, one's position, past life, prospects for the future. This is a persistent or passing total loss of both higher and social feelings, and innate emotional programs.
Hypothymia (low mood). Affective depression in the form of sadness, melancholy with the experience of loss, hopelessness, disappointment, doom, weakening of attachment to life.
At the same time, positive emotions are superficial, quickly exhausted, and may be completely absent.
Dysphoria(“I can’t bear it well”, I carry the bad, the bad). Darkness, anger, hostility, gloomy mood with grouchiness, grumbling, discontent, hostile attitude towards others, outbursts of irritation, anger, rage with aggression and destructive actions.
Confusion. An acute feeling of inability, helplessness, misunderstanding of the simplest situations and changes in one's mental state. Super-variability, instability of attention, inquiring facial expression, postures and gestures of a puzzled and extremely insecure person are typical.
Anxiety. An obscure, incomprehensible feeling of growing danger, a premonition of a catastrophe, a tense expectation of a tragic outcome. Emotional energy acts so powerfully that peculiar physical sensations arise: “inside everything is compressed into a ball, tense, stretched like a string, it is about to break, burst…”
Fear. A spilled state, transferred to all circumstances and projected onto everything in the environment. Fear can also be associated with certain situations, objects, persons and is expressed by the experience of danger, an immediate threat to life, health, well-being, prestige, etc. It can be accompanied by peculiar physical sensations indicating an internal concentration of energies: “it got cold inside”, broke off, “ hair is moving, chest is constricted, etc.

Methodology "Differential diagnosis of depressive states"

V. Zung, adapted by T. Baklashova
Introductory remarks
Depressive states occur as post-stress or post-traumatic reactions. The questionnaire can be used for the differential diagnosis of depressive states for screening diagnostics in mass studies and for preliminary pre-hospital diagnostics. A complete examination takes 20-30 minutes.
Instruction: Read carefully each of the sentences below and cross out the appropriate number to the right, depending on how you've been feeling lately. Do not think about questions for a long time, because there are no right or wrong answers.
depression scale
Full Name………………………………………………………………………..
The date …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Answer options: 1 - "never" or "occasionally"; 2 - "sometimes"; 3 - "often"; 4 - "almost always" or "always".

Processing and interpretation of results. The level of depression (LD) is calculated by the formula: UD = S + Z, where S is the sum of the crossed out numbers for “direct” statements No. 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 19; Z is the sum of the digits of the “reverse”, crossed out, statements No. 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20. For example, the number 1 is crossed out in statement No. 2, we put 4 points in the amount; statement No. 5 has the answer 2 crossed out, we put 3 points in the total; for statement No. 6, the answer 3 is crossed out - we put 2 points in the amount; for statement No. 11, the answer 4 is crossed out - we add 1 point to the total, etc.
As a result, we get UD, which ranges from 20 to 80 points. UD<50 баллов - No depression.
50 <УД <59 баллов - mild depression of a situational or neurotic origin.
60 <УД <69 баллов - subdepressive state or masked depression.
UD > 70 points- depression.

Subjective Comfort Rating Scale

A. Leonova
Introductory remarks
The Russian version of the subjective comfort assessment scale was developed by A. B. Leonova. The technique is aimed at assessing the degree of subjective comfort of the functional state experienced by a person at a given moment in time. It consists of 10 bipolar scales, the poles of which are indicated by adjectives opposite in meaning, describing the characteristic features of a “good” and “bad” subjective state.
Instruction: read each of the pairs of polar statements below and on the rating scale note the extent to which your feelings at a given moment of time are closer to one or another pole of the scale. The absence of any pronounced shift towards one or another experience on this scale corresponds to a score of "0". Please do not think for a long time over the choice of answer - usually the first feeling that comes to mind is the most accurate.
Full Name ………………………………………………………………………..
Date……………………………… Time of completion……………………………………………

Processing and interpretation of results. When calculating the test results, the scale is transformed from 7 to 1 points. 7 points are assigned to the most positive assessment of the attribute, and 1 point is assigned to the most negative. A score of 4 points corresponds to the neutral point "0".
Direct scales: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9.
Reverse: 3, 6, 8, 10.
The subjective comfort index (SCI) is calculated as the total score for all scales. Interpretation of results:

Scale of differential emotions

K. Izard, adapted by A. Leonova
Instruction: Here is a list of adjectives that characterize different shades of different emotional experiences of a person. To the right of each adjective is a series of numbers - from 1 to 5 - corresponding to the increase in the varying degree of severity of this experience. We ask you to evaluate how much each of the listed experiences is inherent in you at this moment in time by crossing out the corresponding number. Don't think long about the choice of answer: the most accurate is usually your first feeling!
Your possible scores:
1 - "experience is completely absent"; 2 - "the experience is expressed slightly"; 3 - "experience is moderately expressed";
4 - "the experience is strongly expressed"; 5 - "the experience is expressed to the maximum extent."

Processing and interpretation of results.Index of positive emotions characterizes the degree of the subject's positive emotional attitude to the present situation. Calculated: PEM = I, II, III (Interest + Joy + Surprise).
Index of acute negative emotions reflects the general level of the negative emotional attitude of the subject to the existing situation. Calculated:
NEM = IV, V, VI, VII (Grief + Anger + Disgust + Contempt).
Index of anxiety-depressive emotions reflects the level of relatively stable individual experiences of the anxiety-depressive complex of emotions that mediate the subjective attitude to the present situation. Calculated: TDEM = VIII, IX, X (Fear + Shame + Guilt).
To interpret the data on the generalized SDE indicators, the following gradations are used for each of these indices:


1. Ivanchenko T. BUT., Ivanchenko M. A., Ivanchenko T. P. Super health and business success for everyone. - St. Petersburg, 1994.
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3. Kulikov L.V. Stress and stress resistance of personality // Theoretical and applied issues of psychology. Issue. 1. Part 1 / Ed. A. A. Krylova. - SPb., 1995. S. 123-132.
4. Leonova A. B. Basic approaches to the study of occupational stress // Bulletin of Moscow State University. Series 14. Psychology. 2000. No. 3. S. 4–21.
5. Leonova A. B. Psychodiagnostics of human functional states. – M.: MSU, 1984.
6. Leonova A. B. Psychological self-regulation and prevention of unfavorable functional states // Psychological journal. 1988. V. 10. No. 3. S. 43–52.
7. Leonova A. B., Velichkovskaya S. B. Differential diagnosis of states of reduced performance // Psychology of mental states / Ed. A. O. Prokhorova. Issue. 6. - Kazan, 2006.
8. Nemchin T. A. A state of mental stress. – L.: LSU, 1988.
9. Methods of subjective evaluation of human functional states // Workshop on engineering psychology and ergonomics / Ed. Yu. K. Strelkova. – M.: Academy, 2003. S. 139–140, 146–148.
10. Practical psychodiagnostics. Methods and tests: Textbook / Ed. D. Ya. Raigorodsky. – Samara, 1998.
11. Prokhorov A. O. Methods of diagnostics and measurement of mental states of a person. – M.: PER–SE, 2004. S. 44, 64–64.
12. Prokhorov A. O. Psychology of non-equilibrium states. - M., 1998.
13. Lemyre L., Tessier R., Fillion L. Psychological Stress Mesurement (PSM): A transition. Eyes, PQ: Universite Laval, 1991.

Theme 3
Organizational diagnosis of stress. Assessment of stress factors in professional activities

3.1. Theoretical Introduction

Under organizational diagnostics stress management refers to identifying and assessing stressors at work. Organizational diagnostics of stress is a necessary component of stress management, understood as a comprehensive management of the stressfulness of the workspace and the stressful response of employees.
In foreign and domestic scientific literature, two concepts of workspace stress are used - organizational and professional stress. The concepts of "professional" and "organizational stress" intersect, but do not completely coincide. In foreign literature, as a rule, the concept of "stress at work" or "labor stress" is used without differentiation of stressors associated with organizational problems and stressors from the specifics of professional activity. According to A. B. Leonova, the system for assessing occupational stress is more complex than assessing stress at work. A more complex phenomenon due to causation is professional stress, which arises in response to the difficulties and special requirements of the profession. Professional stress is also determined by personal ambitions, the subjective image of professional development and self-realization of the individual.
organizational stress- mental stress associated with overcoming the imperfection of organizational working conditions, with high loads in the performance of professional duties at the workplace in a specific organizational structure (in an organization or in its division, firm, company, corporation), as well as with the search for new extraordinary solutions in case of force - major circumstances.


1. The presence of physical discomfort:

a) the complete absence of any unpleasant physical sensations;

b) there are minor discomfort that does not interfere with work;

c) the presence of a large number of unpleasant physical sensations that seriously interfere with work.

2. The presence of pain:

a) complete absence of any pain;

b) pain sensations periodically appear, but quickly disappear and do not interfere with work;

c) there are constant pain sensations that significantly interfere with work.

3. Temperature sensations:

a) the absence of any change in the sensation of body temperature;

b) a feeling of warmth, an increase in body temperature;

c) a feeling of coldness of the body, limbs, a feeling of "chill".

4. The state of muscle tone:

a) normal muscle tone;

b) a moderate increase in muscle tone, a feeling of some muscle tension;

c) significant muscle tension, twitching of individual muscles of the face, neck, arm (tics, tremor);

5. Coordination of movements:

a) normal coordination of movements;

b) increasing the accuracy, ease, coordination of movements during writing, other work;

c) decrease in the accuracy of movements, impaired coordination, deterioration of handwriting, difficulty in performing small movements that require high accuracy.

6. The state of physical activity in general:

a) normal physical activity;

b) increase in motor activity, increase in speed and energy of movements;

c) a sharp increase in motor activity, the inability to sit in one place, fussiness, the desire to walk, change the position of the body.

7. Feelings from the side of the cardiovascular system:

a) the absence of any unpleasant sensations from the heart;

b) sensations of increased cardiac activity that do not interfere with work;

c) the presence of unpleasant sensations from the heart - increased heart rate, a feeling of constriction in the region of the heart, tingling, pain in the heart.

8. Manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract:

a) the absence of any discomfort in the abdomen;

b) single, quickly passing and not interfering with work sensations in the abdomen - suction in the epigastric region, a feeling of slight hunger, periodic "rumbling";

c) severe discomfort in the abdomen - pain, loss of appetite, nausea, thirst.

9. Manifestations from the respiratory organs:

a) the absence of any sensations;

b) increase in depth and quickening of breathing, not interfering with work;

c) significant changes in breathing - shortness of breath, feeling of insufficiency of inspiration, "lump in the throat".

10. Manifestations from the excretory system:

a) the absence of any changes;

b) moderate activation of the excretory function - a more frequent desire to use the toilet, while fully maintaining the ability to abstain (endure);

c) a sharp increase in the desire to use the toilet, difficulty or even impossibility to endure.

11. Sweating condition:

a) normal sweating without any changes;

b) moderate increase in sweating;

c) the appearance of profuse "cold" sweat.

12. Condition of the oral mucosa:

b) moderate increase in salivation;

c) a feeling of dryness in the mouth.

13. Coloring of the skin:

a) the usual color of the skin of the face, neck, hands;

b) redness of the skin of the face, neck, hands;

c) blanching of the skin of the face, neck, the appearance of a "marble" (spotted) shade on the skin of the hands.

14. Susceptibility, sensitivity to external stimuli:

a) the absence of any changes, normal sensitivity;

b) a moderate increase in susceptibility to external stimuli that does not interfere with work;

c) a sharp exacerbation of sensitivity, distractibility, fixation on extraneous stimuli.

15. Feeling of self-confidence, in their abilities:

a) the usual feeling of confidence in one's strengths, in one's abilities;

b) increasing the feeling of self-confidence, belief in success;

c) a feeling of self-doubt, the expectation of failure, failure.

16. Mood: \

a) normal mood; ]

b) elated, elevated mood, feeling elevated \ ema, pleasant job satisfaction or other activity \ ness;

c) decreased mood, depression. ,

17. Sleep features: \

a) normal, ordinary sleep; ?

b) a good, strong, refreshing sleep the night before;

c) restless, with frequent awakenings and dreams, sleep during the previous several nights, including the day before. $

18. Features of the emotional state in general:

a) the absence of any changes in the sphere of emotions and feelings; \

b) a sense of concern, responsibility for the performance \ work, "excitement", an active desire to act; [

c) feeling of fear, panic, despair.

19. Noise immunity:

a) the normal state without any changes;

b) increase in noise immunity in operation, the ability to work in conditions of noise and other interference;

c) a significant decrease in noise immunity, inability to work with distracting stimuli.

20. Features of speech:

a) ordinary speech;

b) increasing speech activity, increasing the volume of the voice, speeding up speech without deteriorating its quality (logicality, literacy, etc.);

c) speech disorders - the appearance of long pauses, hesitations, an increase in the number of unnecessary words, stuttering, too quiet voice.

21. General assessment of mental state:

a) the usual state;

b) the state of composure, increased readiness for work, mobilization, high mental tone;

c) a feeling of fatigue, lack of concentration, absent-mindedness, apathy, decreased mental tone.

22. Memory features:

a) regular memory

b) memory improvement - it is easy to remember what you need;

c) memory impairment.

23. Attention Features:

a) normal attention without any changes;


Answer options: 1 - no, incorrect; 2 - perhaps so; 3 - true; 4 is absolutely correct.


1. I feel depressed, longing

2. I feel my best in the morning.

3. I have tears close

4. I have a bad night's sleep

5. My appetite is not worse than usual



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