Body massage Antistress I, II, III levels of training. Relax antistress massage

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Massage Antistress

Anti-stress massage is a unique program based on the deep relaxation technique. Massage sessions using this technique help to relieve tension and get out of stress, set your body to regenerate all its systems and energize you for a long time.

The human body gets used to a stressful lifestyle, and over time it is no longer able to relax on its own. It is a relaxing and warming massage of the head, shoulders and whole body that will give your body the opportunity to recover. We offer such services in our beauty salon in Moscow at a great price.

Other benefits of anti-stress massage:

  • strengthen muscles, increase their tone;
  • correct the figure;
  • improve well-being;
  • improve complexion.

A relaxing and warming massage of the shoulders, head and whole body will also help you get rid of excess weight, being the prevention of a large number of diseases.

Relaxing back massage in Moscow.

Thanks to the caring hands of the specialists of our beauty salon, which is located in a shopping center in the capital, during a relaxing massage of the body, head and shoulders, you can relieve muscle tension, significantly improve blood circulation in the body, relieve stress - it will not cost much. During the relaxing massage, the specialists of our beauty salon in Moscow apply special creams, gels in accordance with the client's skin type. Such gels will not irritate the skin and will not cause allergies, that is, they will allow you to achieve maximum efficiency during an anti-stress massage.

Thanks to the high qualification of specialists who provide anti-stress manual therapy services, amazing results can be achieved. Many of our clients who have undergone anti-stress warming procedures in our studio located in a shopping center in the city center become our regular guests. Moreover, clients turn to us not only from the capital itself, but also from the Moscow region.

Anti-stress massage for men and women.

The studio specialists have undergone special training, they are one of the most qualified massage therapists in the field of anti-stress in Moscow and the Moscow region. They offer inexpensive head, shoulder and whole body relaxing manual therapy services. Such a relaxing and warming procedure will have a beneficial effect on your skin color, will allow you to get rid of cellulite, even out wrinkles on your skin. Also, with the help of anti-stress manual therapy, you can remove excess fluid from adipose tissue. This will seriously strengthen the immune system and improve metabolism. At the same time, the cost will pleasantly surprise you.

Type of massage

Procedure time

Procedure time

Warming up
brazilian ass
Belly (modelling)
Back (back, head, arms)
Handles (neck, shoulder, forearm, hands)
Legs (lower back, legs including feet)
Head (shoulders, head)

Any discrepancy between the information in the price list and the actual prices is just an unfortunate misunderstanding, check the information by phone with the administrator. The information in the price list is for reference only and is not a public offer determined by the provisions of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If you notice a discrepancy, let us know, we will definitely fix it!

Daily colossal physical and intellectual stress, life in big cities, quite often prevent us from taking care of ourselves. This, as a rule, provokes constant stress, the consequence of which is chronic fatigue, which provokes the development of many diseases. Now in various clinics, salons, such a pleasant procedure as anti-stress massage is successfully applied.

What is good about this body massage?

Anti-stress massage is a necessary procedure for those who have intense and emotional activities, for those who live in megacities. Such a body massage refreshes the skin, fights chronic fatigue, improves immunity and helps to normalize sleep. Anti-stress massage perfectly eliminates muscle tension, relaxes the nervous system, tones the vascular system and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system. As a result of this massage, a positive mood appears and self-confidence is restored.

A unique approach that combines a complex set of various manipulations during anti-stress massage acts on several levels simultaneously: physical, biochemical, psychological. After such a session, all anti-stress mechanisms that are hidden in the body are activated, while the muscles, brain and other body systems are activated.

What is anti-stress massage

This body massage includes massage of the limbs, back, abdomen, chest; also applies to the neck. At the same time, the amount of time allocated to each of the listed departments is slightly less than in the case of massage of any particular area, however, the overall effect on the nervous system and on the body is maximum. In the first days of anti-stress body massage, movements should not be energetic, their intensity, as a rule, increases gradually. Usually, a general anti-stress massage begins with a back massage: first, a flat one, then a superficial one, and then a deeper stroking. The latissimus dorsi muscles, the lumbar region are very carefully processed, the surfaces of the (lateral) chest are kneaded. Then the specialist moves on to massaging the back of the legs with the capture of the buttocks. Next, they move to the front surface of the legs and massage the stomach with special circular movements, usually clockwise. After that, the following departments are worked out - these are the chest and upper limbs. General anti-stress massage does not include head massage. It is done only as an independent procedure. After finishing the anti-stress body massage, some time of complete relaxation is recommended.

The advantages of anti-stress massage are that there are practically no contraindications for its implementation - it can be done, one might say, by everyone.

Such an active effect of this massage does not mean at all that body massage can be resorted to only in urgent cases. Anti-stress massage is an excellent tool that increases daily psycho-emotional stability.

Neurophysiological massage

Neurophysiological massage - a technique of deep impact on the neuromuscular apparatus. The goal achieved by this massage is the removal of psychological stress of the whole organism (with chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.). It is used for muscle relaxation, for headaches, angina pectoris, high blood pressure, apathy, neurogenic potency disorders, for improving sleep and for disturbing the process of falling asleep, has a mild analgesic effect.

A feature of the neurocutaneous effect is soft, continuous, smooth, sliding, unidirectional, rhythmic stroking with the palm and forearms. Thus, a specific effect on the body of various factors is carried out - mechanical (in the form of stroking-friction, light squeezing, slow stretching), physical (heat), chemical (activation, and then slowing down chemical processes), biological (starting biological processes).

skin nerves. The distribution and number of nerve elements in different areas of the skin is not the same, their number reaches 50 per 2 square meters. see, most of these elements are in the skin of the lips, on the fingertips and in the genitals. The network of nerve fibers in the papillary layer is especially dense. Then they penetrate into the epidermis, where they are located in the intercellular crevices of the basal and spinous layers, and end with either a simple sharpening or a bundle thickening formed by nine different receptors.

When choosing any complex massage programs, anti-stress massage technologies are always used. Their choice is determined by the enormous psycho-emotional burden that our patients face today. And it does not matter what the person came to you with - with any medical or aesthetic problem, for the purpose of rehabilitation, for recovery after an acute period of the disease or during remission in case of a chronic disease. It is always necessary to take into account possible psychosomatic changes in the body of patients at a functional or organ level and use blocks during the session based on neurophysiological massage techniques, and during the course - separate appropriate sessions.

Relaxing neurophysiological massage has no contraindications and never gives side effects.

At the seminar, you will learn the basic neurocutaneous manipulations - stroking, which:

  • have a calming effect on the nervous system,
  • promote muscle relaxation (relaxation),
  • improve skin respiration, activating the excretory function of the skin.

Seminar program

  1. Theoretical and physiological rationale for the use of massage. Theory of stress.
  2. Study of the features and development of neurocutaneous strokes for different zones and parts of the body.
  3. Forearm Techniques and Alternative Techniques.
  4. Practical training of the skills of combining zones and parts of the body during the massage.
  5. Drawing up small massage blocks as part of the schemes for kneading and lymphatic drainage massage sessions.
  6. Drawing up basic massage schemes.

The seminar lasts 3 days (total 24 hours, 8 academic hours per day).

II level of education - professional

Anti-stress massage

Anti-stress massage - a special technique of deep neurocutaneous impact on the neuromuscular apparatus for working with stress reactions.

With the help of this massage, you can achieve deep relaxation, fight emotional and mental stress and eliminate their consequences - chronic fatigue, apathy, sleep disturbance, increased irritability, etc. Anti-stress massage is also recommended for numerous psychosomatic diseases.

Such a massage involves increasing the body's resistance to stress and synchronizing the electrical activity of both hemispheres of the brain. This reduces the activity of the dominant hemisphere.

In parallel, stimulation of the pleasure centers in the brain and the release of endorphins into the blood occur. Thus, a state of deep relaxation is achieved and the consequences of accumulated emotional and mental stress are eliminated.

Of course, anti-stress massage has a beneficial effect on the appearance of the patient. Thanks to maximum muscle relaxation, mimic wrinkles are smoothed out.

Seminar program

  1. Theoretical and physiological rationale for the use of massage.
  2. Stress, distress, burnout syndrome.
  3. Studying the features of neurocutaneous massage manipulations
  4. A combination of various massage manipulations, an alternative effect.
  5. Combining manipulations into circuit diagrams in the course of practical development.
  6. Summing up and answering questions.

Taking into account the vast practical and teaching experience in the application of massage technologies, we have optimized the program, the system for delivering theoretical material and practical training, combining two three-day workshops I and II levels in one three days, and the level III seminar became one-day.

Cosmetologists and massage therapists can now be trained in stock

“Two workshops for the price of one!”

III level of education - specialized

Somato-psycho-emotional vibration massage

FROMomatopsycho-emotional body massage (SPE-massage) is a special technique of deep influence on the neuromuscular apparatus for working with stressful reactions through tension zones on the face, neck, arms, décolleté, collar and lumbosacral zones.

Somato-psycho-emotional vibration massage:

  • increases resistance to stress and adaptive capabilities of the body;
  • synchronizes the electrical activity of both hemispheres, reducing the activity of the dominant hemisphere;
  • stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain, which produce endorphins that have an anti-stress effect.

The SPE massage helps to better prepare the patient for the use of lymphatic drainage and/or kneading techniques and makes it possible to shorten the course of Anti-Age therapy.

If necessary, with the help of such massage manipulations, it is possible to temporarily reduce the activity of the dominant hemisphere of the brain, harmonizing the work of the second hemisphere and thereby increasing the coordination of the work of both hemispheres, resulting in a powerful creative upsurge. This massage is especially recommended for those who have creative work or strenuous activities associated with the need to make quick non-standard decisions, or people with low stress resistance, as well as those who simply love themselves, their body.

At the seminar, we will learn special massage manipulations in the form of traction, squeezing, pressure with the addition of shaking and vibration of various nature to enhance the effect on the central nervous system through peripheral skin receptors and sensory organs, which increases the body's resistance to stress. It is weak, monotonous, slowly changing sensations that relax as much as possible, improve the functional state of a person, causing healing emotional experiences, as a result, the impact of stress is reduced and thereby the occurrence or development of the disease is prevented. A timely SPA massage stops destructive processes in the body, relieves anxiety, eliminates the negative effects of stress, improves metabolism and balances the motor apparatus.

Soft SPA massage makes a person harmonious, he begins to radiate health and generously give joy to everyone around. Such a massage, acting on the vital organs through the autonomic nervous system, increases the body's ability to self-heal.

Seminar program

  1. Theory of stress. Stress and psychosomatics. Spa massage concept.
  2. Studying the features of work for different zones and parts of the body.
  3. Development of specific massage manipulations and options for their combination.
  4. Techniques using various neurocutaneous manipulations, their combination, alternative effects.
  5. Application and combination of pressure, jitter and vibration.
  6. Practical testing of combining manipulations into circuit diagrams.
  7. Summing up and answering questions.

Seminar Curriculum somato-psycho-emotional vibration massage we have optimized it by making it one-day. But this can become real only for those who have already completed the two previous levels of training in anti-stress techniques at our school:

  • I level – basic (neurophysiological massage),
  • II level - professional (anti-stress massage).

Upcoming Seminars

for aesthetic massage

Kyiv, Myoextensive kneading massage Anti-Age facial massage Level I 23 — 24 March 2019

March 23 | 10:00 - March 24 | 18:00 Kyiv

Stress is a reaction to the events taking place around. This term is used when it comes to a negative effect on the body, a violation of the physical and psychological state. To find harmony between body and soul, it is necessary to reduce the harmful effects of stressors. The best solution would be an anti-stress massage, it will allow you to relax and improve the condition of the body.

Anti-stress massage is a pleasant procedure that uses various techniques to influence certain areas of the body in order to relieve tension. During the rubbing, the body completely relaxes, the mind also gets rest, the brain is disconnected from problems and worries. This allows you to restore inner harmony and heal.

Anti-stress massage includes three components: relaxation, rest, pleasure. As they said in ancient times, tension is death. Harmony is important for the body, and if one of the organs fails, the whole system is disrupted. After work, many are so tired that they do not have the strength to relax. Fatigue accumulates, causing problems.

To get rid of tension, many use prohibited means - alcohol, sweets, drugs. These destructive methods should be abandoned, making a choice in favor of relaxation methods of relaxation. They are shown in the following cases:

  • nervous tension;
  • stressful situations;
  • emotional fatigue;
  • sleep disorders;
  • depressive states;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • decreased immunity;
  • muscle tension.

Anti-stress rubbing allows you to restore your working capacity in a short time, after the first session a person feels a boost of strength. You should definitely visit a relaxing massage session, if there are no contraindications to its use. The latter include:

  • cold or infectious disease;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • skin problems;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • thrombosis;
  • oncology;
  • HIV infections.

Types of massage

There are many anti-stress massage techniques, but the following varieties are especially popular.

It requires a special approach, it is not recommended to do it at home, an experienced master should conduct the session. To begin with, it is worth consulting with a specialist whether it can be used in a particular case. Preparing for a massage is as follows.

  • It is necessary to wear comfortable clothing so that it opens access to those parts of the body that will be manipulated.
  • Remove all jewelry, even precious metals.
  • The specialist should be warned about possible allergic reactions to aromatic oils.
  • The last meal should be no later than 1.5 hours before the procedure.
  • Choose a comfortable position. During rubbing, a person should relax as much as possible, nothing should cause discomfort to him.
  • The decision to use this or that technique is made by the master of Thai massage.

The impact on the body is made in several ways, the type of massage depends on the choice of one or another material. Manipulations can be carried out using the following materials.

  1. Herbal bags. Fragrant warm herbs allow you to relax not only physically, but also mentally.
  2. Stones. They are preheated to help improve blood circulation. This procedure is carried out slowly and resembles meditation.
  3. Thai sticks. With their help, a directed effect is exerted on acupuncture points, which provides the best healing effect.
  4. Oil massage. For its implementation, various essential and moisturizing oils are used, each aroma has its own direction of influence.

At the end of the procedure, you should lie down a bit, realizing new sensations and impressions. At this time, the muscles come into tone after complete relaxation.

Spanish massage is a combined version of massage that combines the healing techniques of the East and restorative European techniques. Invented by renowned scientist Enrique Garcia.

Relaxation is at the heart of the Spanish method. The session begins with proper relaxation. For complete relaxation, various incense and quiet music are used. The person lies down on the couch, after 5-10 minutes the specialist starts modeling massage. Fingertips or palms make circular movements around the body.

The main distinguishing feature of the Spanish massage is that the effect is based on the play of contrasts, soft movements are combined with light pats, tingling, pressure. From the side it seems that the masseur's hands are performing some kind of exotic dance. The master performs a massage using all the possibilities - not only the palms and fingers work, but also the knuckles, the edges of the palm.

Efficiency is high precisely due to the variety of movements, each session is individual. A person from this impact falls into a trance, as during meditation, this activates the Qi energy, which is responsible for self-healing. To understand what Spanish massage is, you can only try to go to a session once, and it will be impossible to refuse this pleasure.

Head and neck massage

This exposure option is used to relax the muscles of the neck and shoulders. As a rule, problems in this area are caused by constant voltage. To eliminate it, you can massage the back of the neck.

  1. The thumbs make rotational movements along the muscles of the neck in the direction from the bottom up.
  2. Similarly, the ligaments between the neck and the back of the head are worked out.
  3. The thumbs are located behind the ears, the fingers are directed towards each other and located at the back of the head. Movements are made from the base to the center of the occiput.
  4. Massage in the direction from the center of the back of the head to the auricles.
  5. The middle fingers are located in the region of the central fossa. Gently press on it, with pressure - inhale, the head leans back, relaxation - exhale, the head leans forward.

Head massage is carried out according to this scheme.

  1. Massage of the temporal region. Place the palms on the cheekbones, fingers pointing towards the temples. Movement from the temples to the center of the head, to the back of the head and back.
  2. Place your hands behind your ears, light soft movements up and to the sides, achieving a feeling of warmth.
  3. Place palms with spread fingers along the hairline. Finger massage of the scalp to the parietal region. The thumbs simultaneously massage the temples.
  4. Massage the cheekbones with your fingers, in the direction from the earlobe to the top of the jaw. Go back, rotational movements.
  5. Close your eyes with your palms and take a slow, deep breath. The eyes are relaxed. Gently smooth out the upper eyelids.
  6. Inhale - tousle the hair with your fingers, exhale - smooth it with your hands, like a comb.

For convenience, a head massager can be used. This is a compact device that is easy to use at home. Its use allows you to reduce pressure, eliminate headaches caused by tension. In general, head and neck massage is a unique way to act on the effects of stress. Just a few minutes a day spent on yourself will bring back peace and good mood.


Hydromassage in order to get rid of stress can be carried out in several variations:

  1. Underwater shower. A special bath is filled with water, the temperature is not higher than 37 degrees. A person lies down in a container and a mechanical impact is made on the body by a jet, which can be at the same temperature as water or a little colder. This is a great way to treat the nervous system and get rid of excess weight. The impact begins with a slight vibration, gradually increasing the strength of the jet. The duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes.
  2. Whirlpool underwater massage. For the session, a special bath is used with equipment that allows you to create a circular flow of water. The jet has an elastic effect on the body as a whole or on its individual parts. This procedure is a great way to relieve stress, the duration can vary between 10-30 minutes.
  3. Charcot's shower is useful after physical overexertion. The procedure consists in the fact that a person stands at a distance of 3 meters from the massage therapist. The initial impact is carried out with a fan jet, starting from the back, smoothly moving to the lateral and front parts of the body. Legs, hips, buttocks, back, arms are affected. Manipulations are carried out with a directed jet, and massage of the back and abdomen - with a fan jet. Massage of the face, spine and chest area is not performed.

Life point massage

Massage points of life will help relieve stress. It eliminates moral depression, insomnia, a feeling of fatigue. This effect can be produced independently. Relieves fatigue massage points in the recess at the back of the head.

Manipulations are carried out simultaneously at two points or alternately. It is enough to knead this area in circular motions for five minutes to raise the tone and improve the condition.

The best remedy for fatigue and drowsiness is to massage the point, which is located in the depression on the upper lip, near the nose. You can influence the point of vivacity, which is located in the middle of the palm, the massage is carried out on both hands. An excellent effect is given by massage of the ear lobes, they are rubbed with the thumb and forefinger. Pressure is carried out intensively, for 30-60 seconds.

When is the best time to do an anti-stress massage?

Massage to relieve stress is carried out at the first signs of tension, do not wait until fatigue accumulates. Many are interested in the question of when it is better to conduct anti-stress massage, how often to do it, whether it is possible to repeat courses. The frequency of the procedure depends on the task that was set during the manipulation.

Most often, sessions are scheduled every other day, especially in cases where different methods of exposure are used. Experts say that it would be optimal to carry out a relaxation massage twice a week. Each person must listen to his own body, and determine whether he needs such an impact.


Anti-stress massage brings undoubted benefits to the whole body, it affects the psycho-emotional and physical levels. What positive changes occur after its implementation can be seen in the table.

On a psycho-emotional levelOn the physical level
Eliminates negative thoughtsRelieve muscle fatigue
Raises mental activityInjury treatment
Relieves sleep problemsRestoration of the muscular corset
Reduces depressionActivation of blood circulation
Struggling with intense anxietyStrengthening blood vessels
Relieves anxiety and fatiguePosture Correction
Helps in the treatment of depressionStretch improvement
Reduces hyperexcitabilityGiving flexibility
Improves moodCosmetic anti-aging effect
Gives energyGetting rid of cellulite and excess weight
Brings harmony between body and soulNormalization of potency, pressure reduction

When the first signs of stress, overstrain, anxiety and weakness appear, you need to visit a specialist. Do not postpone massage until later, this is the best remedy that painlessly, safely and gently helps to bring the human body out of this unpleasant state. If the rubbing technique becomes a good tradition, the effects of stress will be reduced significantly. And a person will be able to constantly feel light, flexible, full of strength and happiness!

Among the numerous massage techniques, both traditional and non-traditional, it is necessary to note a program that helps to get rid of numerous problems associated with stress. This is an Anti-stress massage, which is not only one of the most pleasant procedures from the arsenal of restorative medicine, but also helps to relieve fatigue and get rid of overstrain, as well as consolidate the results of psychotherapy.

Already after several sessions of Antistress massage, you will feel how new energy is spreading through your body, spasms and muscle tension are relieved. Relax massage will allow you to feel like a renewed person, filled with new energy. Regularly using massage for relaxation, you can successfully prevent most of the diseases caused by nervous disorders, as well as numerous stresses.

Fundamentals of anti-stress massage technique

The obvious fact that the human body is a single entity has been known for a long time. It is on the relationship between the nervous system, brain and muscles that the massage technique is based.

Anti-stress massage - complete relaxation is aimed at achieving such a state of the body, which is similar to meditation or sleep. This is facilitated by the use of surface exposure techniques - rubbing, stroking and light kneading with the help of soft and smooth movements, affecting mainly the muscles of the face, back, neck-collar zone, as well as the reflex zones of the feet.

Excitation by the masseur of tactile receptors, which are especially concentrated on the soles of the feet and on the hands, contributes to the production of endorphins and enkifolins - "happiness hormones" that cause positive emotions.

It is also allowed to use oriental relaxation massage techniques. According to them, massage for muscle relaxation is based on light pressure on biologically active points and circular strokes (rubbing - pressing - rubbing). The relaxation massage session is long, sometimes it reaches 2 hours. In addition to acupressure, other techniques are widely used: lymphatic drainage and shiatsu.

Particular attention in the proper conduct of anti-stress massage is given to the regulation of breathing. One of the most effective methods is to conduct it in the form of a general body massage, which increases blood circulation, relieves muscle tension, and improves metabolism.

Do you need an Anti-stress massage?

If the predominant type of your activity is office work, at the computer, or, on the contrary, you are actively involved in sports, a massage to relax the back muscles is a necessary procedure for you.

Relax massage of the back perfectly improves the elasticity of muscle fibers, relieves stress from the spine, and restores performance during serious physical exertion.

For athletes, massage will be very relevant to relax the muscles of the legs, since the foot is a reflex area that is connected with the whole body. With the help of a relaxing foot massage, you can get rid of pain and heaviness in the legs.

Benefits of relaxing massage

Professional massage therapists, using harmonious combinations of various techniques, including acupressure for relaxation, achieve the effect of maximum recovery of the body and balance between body and soul.

Thanks to Antistress massage, it is possible to normalize some functional disorders that are difficult to treat with medication: sleep disorders, migraines and headaches. Relax massage relieves chronic fatigue and increased excitability.

It should also be noted the positive cosmetic effect of a relaxing massage. With the help of facial massage, you can improve skin color due to increased blood circulation, give it elasticity, which prevents the formation of wrinkles and a “double chin”. In addition, it is a good prophylactic against cellulite.

Anti-stress massage requires special skill from the massage therapist, the technique of its implementation is the top of the pyramid, which is based on all other massage techniques. Already after several sessions of Antistress massage in the Nega image studio, you will feel like a healthy, full of strength person, and your body will return to its former flexibility and lightness.



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