What medicines to give with an intestinal infection. Drugs for rotavirus infection: what is better to give preference

Intestinal infection is an unpleasant problem that can happen to both an adult and a child. This disease is fraught not only with the terrible state of health of the sick person, but also with a malfunction in the body's immune system. The causative agents of infection in the intestines can be staphylococcus, shigella, salmonella, rota- and enteroviruses, fungi and other bacteria that are especially active in the summer heat. A good half of the patients who suffered from an intestinal infection fell ill precisely in hot weather. Every year, physicians record a seasonal surge in the disease, but you can “earn” an intestinal infection at any time of the year. In the text below, we will figure out how to protect the body from this trouble and which tablets for intestinal infection can be prescribed for the prevention, treatment and relief of the condition of patients.

An infection in the intestines is not a specific disease, but a so-called group, which includes about thirty diseases. By itself, this infection does not pose a serious danger and does not threaten the life of either an adult or a child, and complicates life only temporarily. But there are also more serious types of intestinal infections, such as cholera, which can be fatal if left untreated.

The disease is caused by bacteria and viruses that enter the body. So, you can “get acquainted” with an intestinal infection by ignoring personal hygiene, taking poor-quality or poorly cleaned food, drinking water that has not been boiled, communicating with wild animals. The infection enters the body through the alimentary route, that is, through the mouth. Therefore, most often, children who study various objects, trying them “on the tooth” or putting dirty hands in their mouths, most often suffer from the disease in question.

As a rule, the disease spreads very quickly and produces vivid symptoms. Regardless of which harmful microorganism caused the disease, all types of intestinal infections have the same expression:

  1. Intoxication of the body (lethargy, headache, weakness in the body, aching joints, fever).
  2. Nausea and vomiting.
  3. Violation of the stool (repeated painful diarrhea).
  4. Pain in the abdomen.

First of all, the disease is dangerous due to rapid dehydration of the body, which is the worst thing for young patients. Since fluids and salts are lost with vomiting and diarrhea, it is important to ensure that these losses are replenished. It is necessary to constantly drink liquid, with a mild to moderate infection, it can be pure water, green tea, compotes and fruit drinks, with a severe infection, you need to resort to rehydration solutions, which include Trisol or Regidron. If an intestinal infection produces severe symptoms or the patient is not able to drink on his own (infants, the elderly, the severity of the disease), solutions to maintain the water-salt balance are administered in the form of droppers in a hospital setting.

First aid for intestinal infection

If the patient complains of severe weakness, fever, repeated vomiting and defecation (more than ten times a day), the infection is considered to be in a critical stage and requires emergency and comprehensive care. First of all, medical actions should be aimed at maintaining the water balance in the body and stopping pain.

Above, we briefly covered rehydration solutions used to stabilize the water balance and restore sodium and potassium reserves. As a rule, these are powdered preparations that require dilution in water. In mild cases, activated charcoal can be used, while doctors advise more modern and effective drugs, such as Albumin or Polysorb. These funds are not harmful, help reduce intoxication and remove toxins and pathogens from the body. If taking the drugs did not bring relief, this is a good reason to contact a medical facility.

To reduce body temperature and eliminate pain and discomfort, an adult can be given No-shpu or Nurofen, but if the pain is not too strong, it is better not to take painkillers until the doctor arrives so as not to "lubricate" the symptoms. In severe cases, lytic mixtures are used in injections, which usually contain diphenhydramine, analgin and papaverine. However, this mixture is characterized by a strong effect and can only be used by physicians (ambulance doctors or in a hospital setting).

Organism detoxification

To help the body remove toxins and poisons, it is necessary to take sorbents. These are drugs that absorb, “bind” all harmful substances and then remove them when visiting the toilet. A doctor can prescribe such drugs, based on the age of the patient and his characteristics of the body, as well as the severity of the infection. Sorbents are divided into three groups:

  • ion exchangers;
  • carbonaceous means;
  • tablets based on natural ingredients.

The first variety includes medicines that are mixed with toxins and poisons, as a result of which they break down into simple elements that are quickly excreted from the body. This group includes drugs such as Choleziviliam, Cholestyramine, Ezetrol and analogues.

Sorbents containing natural ingredients affect harmful elements in a different way. They do not interact with them, but trap bacteria, work like a magnet for them. Most often, such drugs are based on fiber, cellulose, pectin. This group includes Lactofiltrum, Filtrum-STI, Zosterin and similar preparations.


There is also a fourth group of sorbents - these are drugs of a mixed spectrum. The most popular examples of funds from this category today are Smecta and Polysorb. The latter is considered the most powerful sorbent that does not contain chemical additives, is not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not interfere with the digestive process. Polysorb not only removes toxins from the body, but also prevents the infection from spreading.

Tablets for intestinal infection: the main drugs

To completely defeat not only the symptoms, but also the causative agents of the infection, it is shown to take specialized drugs. They will not only relieve discomfort and pain, but also prevent the cause of the disease. There are drugs with different principles of action, which include:

Antibiotics are aimed at removing harmful bacteria from the body in severe forms of intestinal infections. In order for a doctor to prescribe antibiotics, he must have on hand tests confirming that the disease has a bacterial source. Most often, Cefix, Levomycetin, Amoxicillin are prescribed for the treatment of intestinal infections. For the treatment of young patients, antibiotics are offered in the form of syrups.

There are many modern drugs that quickly alleviate the course of an intestinal infection.

Tablets for diarrhea

As a rule, it is diarrhea that delivers the greatest torment to those with an intestinal infection. At a minimum, the frequent urge to defecate does not allow you to lie down, which is necessary in a painful condition. As a maximum, diarrhea does not allow you to leave the house to go to the pharmacy or see a doctor. There are a number of tablets that have proven themselves well in the treatment of diarrhea caused by viral and infectious diseases.

One of the most effective drugs is Levomycetin, which is an antibiotic, but with mild diarrhea it helps with a single dose. It kills the causative agents of diarrhea and works fast enough. Ftalazol and Tetracycline have an anti-inflammatory effect that blocks the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and has a fixing effect. Furazolidone is used as an antibacterial agent that also supports immunity. For various types of intestinal infections, Stopdair, which is otherwise called Enterofuril, is also prescribed. The latter drugs are not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, therefore they do not harm beneficial bacteria and do not disrupt digestion.

To slow down peristalsis and stop contractions of the rectum, appropriate drugs are used that bring the stool back to normal. These include Loperamide, Enterobene, Imodium and the like.

The drugs that we have listed are produced not only in the form of tablets, but also as powders, suspensions, capsules and chewable lozenges. However, you need to understand that these are not harmless remedies that stop diarrhea. All these drugs have contraindications, so the doctor must approve their intake. It is especially important to remember this for parents of young children, as well as for pregnant and breastfeeding young ladies.

Video - All about infectious diarrhea in 5 minutes

Restoring the microflora: preparations for the intestines

Treatment of an intestinal infection, especially if antibiotics are used, involves the removal of not only harmful, but also beneficial bacteria from the body. This can cause dysbacteriosis and problems with the gastrointestinal tract in a weakened body. In order to support the digestive system and prevent a new round of the disease, an additional course of medication should be prescribed after the main treatment. They are aimed at normalizing the intestinal microflora.

There are two groups of means by which therapy is carried out:

  • probiotics;
  • prebiotics.

These products contain beneficial bacteria that "settle" on the intestinal mucosa. Then they take root and begin to multiply, reaching the optimal number. These drugs include Profibor, Lactobacterin and others. It will be more effective to take drugs that simultaneously contain several types of beneficial bacteria, for example, Bifiform, Linex, Bifilong and the like. Both children and adults can receive such treatment, but only after the end of the course of the main drug, since there will be no simultaneous positive effect. A limitation for the use of probiotics is an allergic reaction in a patient or a malfunction in the immune system.

Linex capsules

If the appointment of probiotics is not possible, prebiotics are prescribed to patients. The principle of their action is different - they do not contain beneficial bacteria, but nutrients for their production. Preparations of this nature reach the lower gastrointestinal tract unchanged and begin their work there, allowing the microflora to return to normal. Popular prebiotics are Livoluk, Prelaks, Portlak, Inulin and the like. It is important that the appointment of these drugs is not possible for patients with diabetes, bowel problems and fructose intolerance.

Table 1. Drugs in the treatment of intestinal infection

Problemmedicinal product
Save yourself from dehydrationRegidron, Trisol, glucose and Ringer solutions, Gastrolit, Citraglucosan
We remove toxinsPolysorb, Smecta, Enterosgel, Polyphepan, activated carbon
Stopping DiarrheaLevomycetin, Tetracycline, Stopdiar, Loperamide, Imodium
We kill virusesAmiksin, Arbidol, Anaferon, Rinicold
Killing harmful bacteriaCefix, Levomycetin, Amoxicillin
We restore the microfloraBifiform, Linex, Bifilong, Livoluk, Prelaks, Inulin

Summing up

We have listed the most common drugs for the treatment of such an unpleasant disease as an intestinal infection. However, a number of them can be used at home without medical supervision (for example, sorbents), while others can only be prescribed by a specialist. We do not recommend using self-selected medicines in any situation, but especially if the child is sick. It is important to understand that self-medication, an incorrect diagnosis and incorrectly chosen pills can not only not work, but also lead to a worsening of the condition.

Even at home, under the control of physicians, an intestinal infection responds well to treatment, not to mention medical supervision in a hospital. As a rule, two or three days are enough for the patient's condition to stabilize. Be attentive to your health and do not neglect the qualified help of doctors.

In total, more than 30 infectious diseases are known that primarily affect the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). There is a group of almost conquered infectious diseases: cholera, typhoid and paratyphoid. The number of food poisonings that contain bacterial toxins remains at a high level.

Common intestinal infections:

  • Viral: rotavirus, adenovirus and other viral enteritis.
  • Bacterial: salmonellosis, dysentery, escherichiosis, yersiniosis, campylobacteriosis.
  • Protozoan: amoebic dysentery and appendicitis, giardiasis.

Viruses and bacteria enter the external environment from the patient with feces and vomit. In addition, healthy carriers that secrete pathogenic microbes are the source of infection. Infectious agents are transmitted through dirty hands, food, water, carried by insects and rodents. Acute intestinal infections are more common in the warm season, when there are more temptations to drink unboiled water or unpasteurized milk, or try unwashed berries and fruits.

Important! Staphylococci, Escherichia coli, amoeba and other opportunistic intestinal inhabitants can become more aggressive, for example, with uncontrolled antibiotic intake.

Microbes cause diseases that occur as acute gastritis - with pain in the stomach, vomiting. There are symptoms of gastroenteritis (vomiting, diarrhea), enteritis (frequent defecation), colitis (stool disorders and blood in the feces), enterocolitis, which is characterized by damage to all parts of the intestine.

Not all strains of Escherichia coli are causative agents of the disease, only enteropathogenic, releasing toxins. Infection occurs through food that has been contaminated by bacteria isolated by sick people. The body as a result of poisoning with toxins loses a large amount of fluid. Death can occur with severe dehydration or as a result of complications. Treatment of complicated forms is carried out in a hospital, where the patient is prescribed injections and droppers.

The bacterium Helicobacter pylori infects different parts of the stomach. When eating contaminated food, a person can get acute gastritis. Almost 2/3 of the population carries H. pylori, but not everyone has symptoms of the disease. needed as soon as possible. According to one scientific theory, bacteria cause stomach ulcers. If a person takes antibiotics frequently, this increases the risk of aggressive strains of H. pylori.

How to act at the first symptoms of an intestinal infection?

The incubation time of the pathogen is 6-12 hours, in some cases it takes up to 2 days. Toxins released by pathogens cause inflammation in the intestines with fever. Some infections are characterized by a predominance of nausea and repeated vomiting, while others are characterized by persistent diarrhea and abdominal cramps. In the stool there may be impurities of mucus, greenery, streaks of blood.

Caused by a bacterial infection or intestinal amoeba, the same as with other causes of acute inflammation of the appendix of the rectum. There are pains in the abdomen above or below the navel, nausea, vomiting. The disease is dangerous perforation of the walls, after which the contents of the intestine enters the abdominal cavity. This can lead to peritonitis, bleeding, sepsis.

You need to call a doctor at home. Before the arrival of a specialist, you need to do the following:

  1. Put a sick child to bed, preferably in a separate room.
  2. It is desirable that the patient drank 1 liter of water and vomited for gastric lavage.
  3. If the patient is shivering, then cover him with a blanket or blanket.
  4. Offer warm tea, give Regidron solution to drink to restore fluid loss.

No-shpa tablets help with spasms and pain. Immediately before the arrival of the doctor, they do not give antispasmodic and painkillers. They affect the manifestations of the disease, which are very important for the correct diagnosis and treatment.

With vomiting and diarrhea, a lot of fluid is lost, which leads to dehydration. This condition is especially dangerous for children. If nothing is done, the patient is not treated, then the functions of the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract are disturbed. It should be noted that in pregnant women, intestinal infections, dehydration negatively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

It is relatively easy to cope with gastrointestinal diseases caused by staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, viruses. Vibrio cholerae, typhoid bacilli, salmonella are of great danger. If the patient is not provided with timely medical care, then a fatal outcome is possible.

Drugs for the treatment of intestinal infections

Therapy should be comprehensive, including the fight against pathogens and excreted toxins, replenishment of fluid losses. Specialists, when it comes to how much to treat an infectious disease, are guided by the nature of the pathogen and the properties of the medications used.

Antibacterial agents

To destroy harmful bacteria, antibiotics are used: penicillins, azalides, cephalosporins. If the drug Azithromycin is prescribed, then the course of therapy cannot be shorter than 3 days. Levomycetin should be drunk for at least 8 days, Ampicillin - from 5 to 14 days. Take drugs of this group only as prescribed by a doctor.

Antidiarrheal medicines

Metabolic products, toxins of bacteria and viruses, along with vomit and stool, are excreted from the body. Antidiarrheals such as Loperamide artificially inhibit this process. Therefore, in some cases, the fight against diarrhea is harmful. On the contrary, you should wash the intestines, remove toxins with an enema. Only as part of the complex treatment of acute diarrhea of ​​​​infectious origin, Diara chewable tablets based on Loperamide are used.

Rehydrating saline solutions

Dehydration or dehydration is accompanied by inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Oral rehydration products can help replenish lost water and electrolytes. Patients need to follow a diet, drink medicines that restore the normal intestinal microflora.

How to take the salt remedy Regidron for diarrhea:

  • Dissolve the contents of 1 sachet of powder in 1 liter of freshly boiled and chilled water.
  • Drink 50-100 ml of this liquid every 5 minutes.
  • Daily dose: with mild diarrhea - 50 ml, with moderate severity - up to 100 ml per 1 kg of the patient's body weight.

Regidron's analogues in composition are rehydrating preparations for children and adults Hydrovit and Hydrovit forte (for oral administration). Such liquids quickly replace water and minerals lost by the body, and can be used at home in the early stages of the disease. Solutions for infusions, intravenous injections containing electrolytes and dextrose are produced much more.

Intestinal sorbents

Preparations of this group bind and remove pathogenic bacteria and various toxic substances from the gastrointestinal tract. Means Enterosgel, Polisorb MP, Smecta, in addition to the sorption effect, create a film on the surface of the inner wall of the intestine, which prevents the attachment of microbes. The form of release, methods of administration and dosage of drugs are different. The dose is usually calculated taking into account the body weight and age of the patient.

Intestinal antiseptics

The drug Sangviritrin is taken for salmonellosis, dysentery, food poisoning. This herbal remedy has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity. Available in the form of tablets, soluble in the intestine. Treatment of bacterial diarrhea with Enterofuril lasts no more than 7 days. There are two forms of release: capsules and oral suspension.


Preparations of this group restore the normal microflora, disturbed as a result of the inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract. They cause almost all intestinal infections. They take dietary supplements that contain cultures of beneficial bacteria: Narine, Vitabs Bio, Normoflorin. Preparations Sporobacterin, Probifor have an antidiarrheal effect, normalize the intestinal microflora, and are immunomodulators.


Salmonella secrete endotoxin, which causes a condition called food poisoning. Clinical manifestations are very diverse, as are the complications of the disease. may differ between children and adults. Hospitalized with salmonellosis are usually infants and the elderly.

The target of bacteria is the mucosa of the small intestine. The disease is accompanied by fever, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, loose stools. If you start treatment on time, then salmonellosis disappears after 10 days.

  • antibiotics;
  • solutions for rehydration;
  • intestinal sorbents for removing toxins;
  • probiotics to restore the balance of intestinal microflora;
  • diet and vitamin therapy.

Possible complications of salmonellosis: infectious shock, acute renal failure. Most often, against the background of inadequate therapy, dysbacteriosis occurs.

Viral enteritis

Viruses are no less likely than bacteria to cause intestinal inflammation. For many, enteritis of viral origin is more familiar under the name "intestinal flu". The mode of transmission of the pathogen is fecal-oral. One of the main features of a viral infection is its high contagiousness (contagiousness). Therefore, epidemic outbreaks of infectious enteritis often occur.

The most common causative agents of the disease:

  • rotavirus (almost half of all cases of viral enteritis);
  • intestinal adenovirus;
  • coronavirus;
  • enterovirus;
  • astrovirus;
  • norovirus.

Infection with rotavirus in adults may be asymptomatic or accompanied by vomiting, flatulence, and watery diarrhea. The incubation period of the pathogen is short - from 1 to 3 days. Uncomplicated rotavirus intestinal infection resolves within 5 to 8 days.

The disease in children can be recognized by the classic triad of signs: fever, vomiting, and watery diarrhea. Cough is more common in infants. Symptoms get worse over the course of a week, then gradually disappear. The danger for babies is prolonged diarrhea, the development of dehydration and malabsorption syndrome.

On a note:

  • To prevent the disease, infants are given the Rototec vaccine orally.
  • Children in case of complications are treated in a hospital for intoxication and dehydration.
  • There is no specific treatment for viral enteritis.
  • The risk of transmission of infection persists from 8 to 10 days.

It is necessary from the very beginning to give the patient a sufficient amount of fluid in small portions, hydrovit or Regidron saline solutions. For infants, rehydrators are added to expressed breast milk or formula for artificial feeding. A solution of ½ tsp can serve as a replacement for Regidron and Hydrovit. table salt, ½ tsp. baking soda, 4 tbsp. l. sugar in 1 liter of boiled water (chilled).

Symptomatic treatment of rotavirus infection:

  • drugs Smecta, Polysorb MP, activated carbon to reduce intoxication;
  • antipyretic syrups / tablets Ibuprofen or Paracetamol;
  • No-shpa tablets for abdominal cramps;
  • antiemetic drugs.

Important! Viral diseases are not treated with antibiotics. The antimicrobial drug Enterofuril is prescribed to prevent bacterial superinfection.

Intestinal sorbents are taken in order to accelerate the excretion of toxic substances from the body. Polysorb MP powder must be mixed with water and taken orally only in this form. This intestinal sorbent can be taken by pregnant women and young children. The dosage is determined depending on the body weight of the patient. Accurate adherence to the recommendations helps to quickly cope with the inflammatory process in the intestines and speed up recovery.

In addition to taking medications, it is imperative to replenish fluid losses during dehydration, restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Anton Palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience more than 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

Intestinal infections, as a sudden and acute disruption of the body, affect the action of not only the main affected systems, but also the body as a whole. How to prevent them, how to overcome them, what medicines for intestinal infections will be effective, you need to know now so as not to face this trouble face to face.

Types of intestinal infections

The whole variety of intestinal infections includes only four types of pathogens:

  • infections - among these, viruses are distinguished that affect the main human organs (polioviruses, Coxsackie A and B viruses, enteroviruses) that can cause paralysis, affect the central nervous system, liver and pose a direct threat to the life of the body. As well as viruses that are limited to intestinal symptoms: diarrhea and gastroenteritis of varying severity (rotaviruses, intestinal adenoviruses, astroviruses and coronaviruses).
  • Bacterial intestinal infections - the leading role in bacterial intestinal infections is played by enterotoxins, which are secreted by bacteria in the course of their life activity (E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia, Klebsiella). Regardless of the characteristics of the processes occurring in the intestines, any of the pathogens causes a diarrheal syndrome with the removal of water from the body and the washing out of both harmful and beneficial substances. Leads to a violation of the water-electrolyte balance.
  • Fungal intestinal infections - more often caused by fungi of the genus Candida.
  • Protozoal infections - giardiasis, amoebiasis.

The definition of the pathogen plays an important role in choosing a cure for poisoning or intestinal infection.

Symptoms of intestinal infections

Depending on the degree of poisoning, the type of pathogen and the amount of poisonous substance entering the body, the symptoms will vary from pronounced to diseases with poor general symptoms. Intestinal symptoms are common to many intestinal infections.

  • Diarrhea is the first obvious manifestation of an intestinal infection. It has the appearance of unformed feces of a different nature (from mushy, abundant watery, to the release of a meager amount of feces with an abundance of mucus, blood elements). Diarrhea manifests itself from three times a day and intensifies and becomes more frequent with the severity of the disease.
  • Constipation is also a variant of the development of an intestinal infection, with which watery feces cannot come out due to the formation of fecal plugs. The retention of feces in the intestinal lumen leads to reabsorption of toxic components into the body and the manifestation of a general decrease in immune forces.
  • Temperature increase - up to 37.5 in the initial stages of the disease, up to 38.5-39 in acute or undiagnosed disease.
  • General weakness, fatigue - an increase in the volume of circulating blood of toxic toxins leads to the development of general intoxication of the body.
  • Feeling aches - as a consequence of the inflammatory process in the body and the fight against it. Accompanied by high temperature.
  • Abdominal pains are often sharp, spasmodic in nature, temporarily passing into a rest phase, and then recurring with more frequent intervals.
  • Nausea and vomiting are an example of an inflammatory process that has already spread throughout the body with a stream of toxic toxins.

In the acute course of the disease, frequent diarrhea, the symptoms become more pronounced, the pain intensifies, the intestinal syndrome worsens and brings even more inconvenience. And the need to use drugs for intestinal infections is increasing.


Diagnosis of intestinal infections consists of a survey and laboratory research methods.

Treatment is based on the removal of pathogenic organisms and toxins from the circulation. It is directed against the pathogen as the cause of the disease and is inextricably linked with the diagnosis. Treatment is not aimed at suppressing symptoms, but at removing dangerous substances and restoring the strength of the body as a whole.

Depending on the severity of the disease, it can be carried out at home or in a hospital, under the supervision of medical staff.

It consists in the use of medicines for intestinal infections by patients, drinking plenty of water to restore water balance and general strengthening of the body due to enhanced nutrition with the necessary set of trace elements and vitamins.

Treatment of intestinal infections with folk remedies

Traditional medicine is good for intestinal infections with unexpressed symptoms, in the absence of an exacerbation stage.

  • St. John's wort herb decoction - pour one and a half tablespoons of chopped grass with a glass of boiling water, heat in a water bath, and then dilute the resulting decoction to its original state. Use at least three times a day, two days, store the decoction in the refrigerator.
  • A decoction of oak bark - pour 10 g of oak bark with a glass of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes and consume 5 times a day before meals.
  • They help relieve the symptoms of intoxication decoctions from the root of calamus or marshmallow.

Also, as a cure for intestinal infections, various herbal preparations (alder cones, cinquefoil root, nettle leaves) can be used.

Remedies for intestinal infections

Emergency care is needed for acute intestinal infections with severe diarrheal and intoxication syndrome: with defecation eight times a day, including cholera, when feces take on the form

In this case, an indispensable cure for intestinal infections is:

Intestinal infection cure for children

In acute intestinal disorders in children under three years of age, treatment requires the immediate intervention of specialists. With a mild degree of severity of the course of the disease, when there are no pronounced pain symptoms, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea is mild (2-3) times a day, feces are mushy, with a small amount of mucus, therapy can be carried out at home.

It is very important to choose a cure for an intestinal infection for children, since their body is very weak and even slight dehydration can lead to irreparable negative consequences.

In addition to the standard restoration of water-salt balance, the following medicines for intestinal infections are used:

  • "Smecta" - a powder for the preparation of a suspension, used for children from the moment of birth, eliminates intestinal symptoms, including bloating. Up to 1 year - 1 sachet 1 time per day, older than 2 years - up to 3 sachets per day.
  • "Stopdiar" is a ready-made suspension, suitable for children from 2 months of age, 1 scoop is used 1-2 times a day.
  • "Enterogel" - a sorbent of a pasty consistency, is used in children under 1 year old, 5 (ml) 2 times a day.

With light, but frequent bowel movements, as a cure for intestinal infection, biological preparations are used (Lacidophil, Linex, Enterogermina).

Prevention of intestinal infections

  • Clean hands. Clean vegetables and fruits for food.
  • Compliance with the rules of cooking.
  • Sufficient heat treatment of meat products and eggs.
  • Strengthening immunity. The use of drugs for the prevention of intestinal infections: biological products "Bifidumbacterin", "Acilact", "Enterogermina".

Many people wonder if there are medicines to prevent intestinal infections. As such, they are not, it will be enough to follow the above recommendations.

Factors predisposing to infection

  • An organism weakened by a disease.
  • An organism with a violation in the composition of the intestinal microflora in dysbacteriosis.
  • hereditary factor.
  • Wrong nutrition.

Medicines for intestinal infections at sea

Medicines for intestinal infections for the treatment and prevention of diseases while on vacation are best chosen in a ready-to-use form. For children, these will be suspensions of Nifuroxazide, Stopdiar, Enterogermina - a liquid enriched with live bacteria in vials. For adults, Activated Charcoal capsules and tablets are suitable. Powder "Regidron" for poisoning, accompanied by severe vomiting.

Help with acute intestinal infections and body poisoning

The medicine for intestinal infection is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. You can only provide first aid to the patient.

It consists in rehydration, the use of drugs aimed at removing the infection from the body, urgent hospitalization in an outpatient clinic to provide adequate treatment until complete recovery. In no case do not drown out the symptoms by taking painkillers. The appearance of blood streaks in the feces indicates the severity of the disease and requires urgent treatment.

Drug Priorities

What medicines for intestinal infections to use, you choose. Pay attention when choosing dosage forms of drugs, especially when it comes to young children. Recently, doctors are increasingly paying attention to such a medicine as "Enterofuril", it is available in capsules and in the form of a suspension, it has a small number of side effects.

At the beginning of treatment and a mild degree of manifestation of the disease, leave the choice to the simplest preparations: "Activated charcoal", "Smecta". No need to overload the body with chemical compounds.

Medications for intestinal infections in adults will be stronger than in children.

Choose complex treatment of different directions: restoration of water-salt balance, elimination of bloating, pain), strengthen the body with the use of live beneficial microorganisms from biological products, supporting the intestines.

But not only infections can help. Do not forget about proper nutrition, as often products, if stored incorrectly, can cause intestinal upset and poisoning.

Acute intestinal infections are pathologies caused by bacteria and viruses. The source of the disease is the carrier of the infection or a sick person who infects a healthy person through airborne droplets, household, food or water methods.

There are the following types of intestinal infections:

  1. Fungal, the causative agent of which are Candida fungi.
  2. Bacterial - causative agents are salmonella, staphylococci, pathogens of cholera, dysentery and botulism.
  3. Viral caused by pathogenic rotaviruses, enteroviruses, coronaviruses and adenoviruses.
  4. Protozoan, caused by protozoa - amoebas and giardia.

Depending on the pathogen, intestinal infections are manifested by gastritis, enteritis, colitis.

Almost all intestinal infections are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen and head;
  • increased gas formation;
  • disorder of the process of emptying - diarrhea;
  • false urge to defecate;
  • febrile conditions, hyperthermia of the body;
  • dehydration.

Important! If such symptoms are found, it is necessary to consult a specialist in order to avoid aggravating the situation.

Therapy for intestinal infections

Proper treatment of intestinal infections involves the use of an integrated approach, with several stages of therapy, which include:

  • regulation of water-salt balance;
  • elimination of poisons from the body;
  • restoration of natural microflora.

For a speedy recovery, treatment should be started after the first symptoms appear, which will avoid serious consequences and long-term therapy.

Often, intestinal infections are characterized by profuse vomiting and a disorder in the emptying processes - diarrhea, which are the root cause of excessive removal of fluid from the body, and, as a result, lead to a disorder of the water-salt balance. Infusion solutions and oral rehydration agents will help to cope with a similar problem.

Infusion preparations make it possible:

  • quickly compensate for the volume of lost fluid;
  • correct electrolyte imbalance;
  • improve perfusion of tissues and organs;
  • enhance the removal of poisons produced by microorganisms.

With the correct prescription of solutions, a preliminary calculation of their required volume is necessary according to the Phillips or Cohen formulas (the degree of dehydration of the patient should also be taken into account).

Preparations for intravenous infusion are divided into groups:

Oral pharmaceuticals include Regidron, Oralit, produced in powder form and containing glucose, potassium and sodium salts. Before use, they must be dissolved in the volume of water recommended by the instructions.

Oral rehydration is considered effective if diarrhea and vomiting are not observed for half a day.

To eliminate toxins and pathogens from the intestines, special means are used - adsorbents capable of absorbing pathogenic particles. The most popular pharmaceuticals in this group include activated charcoal, taken orally, taking into account 1 tablet for every 10 kg of a person's weight.

There are also drugs with an increased tendency to adsorption. These are, Sorbent, White coal and, the advantages of which are ease of use.

Adsorbents should be started at the slightest suspicion of an intestinal infection and continue to be taken during the entire exacerbation of the disease. They are suitable for both adults and children and are absolutely harmless.

Preparations for the restoration of microflora

After eliminating poisons and toxins from the digestive tract, care should be taken to restore the normal intestinal microflora.

For this, probiotic and prebiotic preparations containing live bacteria are prescribed, which strengthen natural immunity, improve metabolic processes and normalize the functioning of the intestines.

Such drugs are Linex, Bifikol, Lactobacterin, etc.

Other drugs for the treatment of intestinal infections

In addition to the main therapy, other types of pharmaceuticals may be used, depending on the type of pathogen.

These include:

Aminoglycoside preparations, enzyme preparations are also prescribed (relieve dyspeptic disorders).

For effective treatment of intestinal infection, it should be remembered that it is advisable to prescribe an antibacterial drug taking into account the resistance of the pathogen to it - the causative agent of the disease, which is determined by a specific bacteriological study.

The duration of the necessary therapy depends on the general condition of the patient and the strain of the pathogen. In any case, the minimum course of treatment is at least three days. If the disease is characterized by a severe form, sepsis and concomitant immunodeficiency, then a combination of several (no more than two) drugs is used.

Important! Antibiotic therapy is prohibited for intestinal infections caused by viruses, for salmonellosis and shigellosis in a mild form.

The following mechanisms of action of antibiotics are known:

  • bacteriostatic, with inhibition of membrane protein synthesis and suppression of bacterial reproduction - fluoroquinolones, nitrofurans and macrolides;
  • bactericidal, with the destruction of the cell wall of the pathogen. These are beta-lactam antibiotics - penicillins, carbapanems, cephalosporins.

Penicillin group

Amoxicillin and Ampicillin, produced in tablet form, in the form of capsules and powder for the preparation of suspensions and infusions, are most often recommended from the preparations of this series. Recommendations for their appointment are dysentery, salmonellosis, typhoid fever and paratyphoid.

Due to the presence of resistance to the drug in some pathogens, they are not always effective. Their negative effects include oppression of hematopoiesis, which leads to anemia, thrombocytopenia and leukopenia. Not prescribed together with aminoglycosides.

Group of cephalosporins

In order to eliminate intestinal infections, Cefuroxime and Cefoperazone are used. Effective against salmonellosis and shigellosis.

Are entered strictly by injection. Their side effects include:

  • manifestations of allergies;
  • dyspepsia;
  • head pain;
  • atypical lethargy, lethargy;
  • dysfunction of the liver;
  • violation of the intestinal microflora.

Fluoroquinolone group

Fluoroquinolones are considered the primary drugs in the treatment of severe bacterial infections. Only affects Gram-negative pathogens. These drugs include Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Lomefloxacin. They are prescribed for the treatment of:

  • typhoid and paratyphoid;
  • salmonellosis;
  • shigellosis;
  • escherichiosis;
  • cholera;
  • food poisoning.

Injected intravenously, twice a day. It is possible to combine them with cephalosporins. Contraindications to the appointment of fluoroquinolones are:

  • previous stroke, bleeding;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • children under the age of eighteen.

Nitrofuran group

These include Nifuroxazide and Furazolidone, produced in tablet form. Used for therapy:

The duration of the course of therapy is about a week, taking drugs from 3 to 5 times a day. It is forbidden to prescribe for the pathology of the functioning of the liver, kidneys, central nervous system. Reduce appetite.

Nitroimidazole group

  • convulsive syndrome;
  • dyspepsia;
  • peripheral neuropathy.


They are used as monotherapy for mild intestinal infections, in combination with antibiotics for moderate diseases, as well as for the treatment of dysbacteriosis and bacteriocarrier. Used twice a day, course up to a week.

If the causative agent of an intestinal infection is a virus, then antiviral drugs are prescribed, which include Cycloferon, Arbidol, Ingavirin. They are prescribed for rotavirus, adenovirus and enterovirus infections.

The most used are Helmintox, Vermox, Nemozol, Vormil, Decaris.

Aminoglycoside preparations

Gentamicin, Amikacin, Tobramycin are among those in demand for intestinal disorders. Due to their strong toxicity, they are prescribed only when treatment with other drugs has not proven to be effective. Their side effects are:

  • hearing disorder;
  • hematopoietic disorder - anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia;
  • damage to the liver and kidneys;
  • development of a convulsive syndrome.

Enzyme preparations

They are used to eliminate digestive disorders - excessive gas formation, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Such drugs include Pancreatin, Mezim, Creon, consisting of pancreatic enzymes. They are taken orally, before meals.

For effective therapy of intestinal infections, it is necessary to combine several drugs, which will allow to stabilize the patient's condition in a short time and prevent the possible development of complications.

Acute intestinal disorder in a child is manifested by vomiting and loose stools, a sharp increase in temperature. Against the background of a preliminary healthy state, such a phenomenon indicates that the rotavirus has become more active. There are good ways to treat intestinal infections in children at home.

Important! The causative agents of rotavirus multiply in the digestive tract. Nausea sets in, followed by vomiting. In infants, the virus manifests itself with fever. At the same time, the stomach hurts, there is a general state of lethargy, severe weakness, and there is no appetite.

What is important to know about rotavirus infection

Especially dangerous is the development of such an infection in children who are still breastfed. The virus multiplies in the walls of the small intestine, its cells help digest carbohydrates. The villi that are on these cells are damaged due to the active development of the virus. As a result, the process of digestion of sugar contained in milk is disrupted. That is, with rotavirus infection, the absorption of milk is reduced.

The consequences of the virus are the most difficult to treat.

Symptoms of an intestinal infection

Other clinical symptoms that accompany an intestinal infection (vomiting, profuse loose stools, intoxication of the body) require immediate treatment.

Important! At the first symptoms of an intestinal infection, a doctor is urgently called, but while the doctor is on the way, parents should carry out the correct treatment of intestinal infections in children at home.

Signs in children

During illness, body temperature may rise, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, pale complexion, constant desire to sleep, diarrhea, and loss of appetite may appear. If your child has any of these symptoms, see a doctor immediately to prevent dehydration.

Home help for intestinal infections

Before answering the question of how to treat an intestinal infection in children, the doctor will advise you to adhere to certain rules.


First of all, you need to start following a diet for a child:

  1. For the reasons described above, the consumption of dairy products is strictly prohibited.
  2. Foods that cause fermentation processes in the stomach should be excluded from the diet. These are fruits, juices, various fruit-based purees.
  3. At the peak of the disease, you should eat more cereals cooked in water, liquid mashed potatoes, a small amount of boiled pureed meat are suitable for nutrition.

What to do before the doctor arrives

What to do if a severe intestinal infection occurs in a child:

  1. Drink a lot. With vomiting, as well as diarrhea, electrolytes and mineral salts are washed out of the body. This can lead to dehydration, so the child should drink plenty of water. In addition to water, weak tea with sugar should be given to drink.
  2. Take Regidron. This is a powder that contains mineral salts, individual vitamins to maintain the strength of the child's body at critical moments. A sachet (for babies one quarter) is diluted with a liter of water.
  3. Give activated charcoal or another sorbent to drink (at the rate of one tablet per 10 kg of weight). Sorbents are needed to absorb toxins.
  4. Stop feeding your baby. The break lasts from 6 to 12 hours. Solid food with an intestinal infection will cause new vomiting.

What to do is strictly prohibited

When treating intestinal infections in children at home, it is strictly forbidden to give the child diarrhea remedies. With an unspecified diagnosis, they can worsen the patient's condition.

It is not recommended to give children a solution of potassium permanganate to drink. The effectiveness of the remedy for a viral infection is small, but a large volume of liquid increases vomiting and provokes dehydration. In addition, a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate leads to burns of the mucous membranes in babies.

In acute intestinal infections in children, drugs such as Linex, Hilak-forte are not suitable for taking in the described situation. While the stool is liquid and vomiting continues - these are symptoms of an acute intestinal infection, it is pointless to take all bacteria-based drugs. Do not give anything to eat, even crackers.

Important! If the body temperature is elevated, and this happens often in children with intestinal infections, it is forbidden to rub the child with vodka or vinegar. For an organism that is sick, this will be a strong toxic blow (toxins will enter the body through the skin).

How to treat an intestinal infection in a child

Treatment of intestinal infections in children must be coordinated with a pediatrician.

For children under one year old

If your child is breastfed, you do not need to transfer him to artificial nutrition. It is necessary to feed the same volume, only in smaller doses and more often, so that food is better digested and vomiting is not provoked. Antibiotics are not recommended for children with rotavirus infection. You can use Smecta.


How else is intestinal infection treated in children? It is necessary to give a lot of water, despite the fact that he does not want to drink. With the help of liquid from the body, it will be possible to remove toxins, as well as replenish lost vitamins and trace elements. Drinking should be offered in small portions - teaspoons or dessert spoons, so as not to increase vomiting.

Additionally, you need to take special medicines in the form of powders that will help maintain the strength of the body. The most popular remedy is Regidon. The powder is diluted in a liter of water, drinking will compensate for the loss of water and salts, eliminate a sharp loss of fluid.

Gastrolit will help to quickly relieve the symptoms of an intestinal infection. The product contains not only salts, but also chamomile extract (an additional anti-inflammatory effect). The powder is diluted in a glass of water. If there are no necessary medicines at hand, the child can simply be drunk with a solution based on salt and sugar. Dissolve 1 tsp in 1 liter of water. salt, half a dessert spoon of soda and eight small spoons of sugar.


If the doctor has determined that hospitalization is not required, then further home treatment falls on the shoulders of the parents. For babies, you need to give up complementary foods (connect a few days after the relief of symptoms). For older children, you can give porridge (only not wheat), boil vegetables, wipe boiled meat. Baked apples, sour-milk food and drinks are allowed.

Food should be given frequently and in small portions. Make sure that after eating the condition does not worsen. You should not force the child to eat: if he eats a couple of spoons after such a severe infection, this is already good. It is not necessary to use crackers, dryers or cookies. The first few days (with the exception of infants) the child may starve. It is recommended to give him rice or oatmeal broth for 2-3 days, and then begin to diversify the diet.

Antibiotic treatment

Some intestinal infections in babies are treated with antibiotics. Here are the medicines for intestinal infection for children:

  • Metronidazole;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Norfloxacin.

Such drugs should be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription, with a confirmed bacterial infection. From other medicines you can use:

  • Regidron;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Smecta or activated carbon.

To restore the microflora, apply: Linex, Canadian yogurt, Acipol.

Treatment after intestinal infection

After the course of treatment, children should be re-analyzed feces to make sure that they are not carrying the infection. During treatment, the child is on a diet, after recovery, you should not interrupt it immediately. Thus, you can only make it worse - the body is not ready to eat various tasty foods, it may not have time to digest it. Also, the body of the child must be provided with enzymes.


The most effective method of prevention is vaccination. It is also necessary to follow the rules of hygiene: wash hands before eating, after using the toilet, thoroughly wash food products, process new purchased toys, and monitor the quality of drinking water. It is necessary to accustom the child to sanitary and hygienic rules.

In order not to treat intestinal infections in children at home, you need to know how to avoid such a condition. It will not be difficult to protect the child completely from sources of infection.



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