How pregnancy develops in cats by day. Pregnancy of a cat: what should the owner know? False pregnancy in a cat

In itself, the presence of a cat in the house is already a holiday. And pregnancy in cats is a celebration of waiting for a miracle. Every loving owner must understand the seriousness of the situation of his pet and provide the best conditions for the future cat mother. After all, pregnant cats are just as capricious as women, they only explain their whims in their own language, incomprehensible to us.

Before you start preparing for the "miracle", you need to make sure that the pregnancy has occurred. Cat "dates" are not always successful, so the second week after mating, it is worth visiting the veterinarian. With the help of an ultrasound machine, an examination of the condition of the uterus is carried out, the result of which will tell whether the cat will become a mother in the near future.

At home, pregnancy can be determined in a cat only a few weeks after its onset. In the first 14 days, the behavior and physical condition of the cat is no different from normal. Starting from three weeks, during the examination, the doctor can already listen to the heartbeat of the kittens, and her behavior begins to change.

Swelling of the nipples can also be considered a sure sign of pregnancy. They change color, becoming red-coral. This is most noticeable if the cat became pregnant for the first time.

Another symptom of pregnancy is the absence of the next estrus. If the cat does not yell in due time and does not ask for "freedom", most likely, she is already happy and waiting for offspring.

The appearance will tell about her pregnancy in a cat no earlier than the fifth week. Only at this time the stomach begins to increase, and with it the appetite grows.

Cat Pregnancy Periods

It is impossible to determine exactly how long a pregnancy lasts in cats. Usually it is 63-65 days. An exception can be considered the characteristics of specific breeds. For example, Siamese cats carry kittens for several days longer. But, as in the case of people, nature can make its own adjustments, and the owner must be prepared for the fact that the birth will come a few days earlier or later than the expected date.

  • First and second weeks. During the first weeks of pregnancy, the cat behaves in exactly the same way as before its onset. Perhaps she herself does not yet suspect that she will soon become a mother. During this period, fertilized eggs are already moving towards the uterus, immersed in it, and the development of kittens begins.
  • Third and fourth weeks. During this period, the organs of the embryos begin to actively develop. This causes changes in the hormonal background of the cat. The animal begins to suffer from nausea, even vomiting is possible. The pet may also refuse to eat, or eat little.
  • If the cat's condition worsens significantly, you should contact your veterinarian. He will be able to finally confirm the pregnancy and give advice on caring for the cat.
  • After the fourth week the cat should be limited in excessive tenderness, so as not to harm the kittens. It should not be lifted and squeezed;

  • Fifth week. The cat's belly begins to grow. A veterinarian or an experienced breeder, when probing, will already be able to determine the number of kittens.
  • sixth week marks the beginning of the cat feast. The cat begins to feed with a vengeance, preparing to feed the kittens. Do not limit her in delicacies, let her eat as much as she can fit in. During this period, you can already feel the movement of the kittens by placing your hand on the fluffy belly.
  • seventh and eighth weeks. The cat spends a lot of time grooming itself. Her appearance changed dramatically: she gained a distinct tummy, her nipples swelled, and the hair on her stomach began to thin. Do not worry, over time, the fur coat will grow back. During this period, the cat begins to search for a nest. To soothe her anxiety, provide her with a box or basket. Murka will be grateful to you.
  • Ninth week. The owner must know that childbirth can occur at any time. The cat is worried, stays in its box for a long time and looks restless.
  • Some breeds carry kittens up to tenth week. If the birth has not occurred before this time, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian and make sure that everything is in order with the expectant mother.

Pregnant cats need special care. The animal cannot explain its needs to the owner, so he must know some rules that will help make the waiting period for a miracle more comfortable for the cat.

First of all, a pregnant cat needs calmness. It is necessary to gradually stop the physical impact on her, in particular, get into the habit of hugging your pet only when she asks for it herself. Do not carry your pet in your arms. The cat will most likely feel uncomfortable.

If before pregnancy the cat loved walks, then, expecting babies, it is noticeably domesticated. The expectant mother is anxiously looking for a place where she can make her nest. Do not worry if she starts to "nest" in the middle of the term. Let her do it by presenting a spacious cardboard box.

Cats love boxes and the purr is sure to fall in love with your gift.

Make sure that the future "nest" does not have foreign smells, and is spacious. It is also worth worrying the cat less when she is resting in the nest. She must be sure of the safety of her hiding place.

Pregnant cat nutrition

At the beginning of pregnancy, the cat will most likely eat normally. Closer to five weeks, her appetite will increase significantly. It is necessary to provide the expectant mother with a quality diet, with the presence of all the necessary nutrients.

The number of meals should be increased by 2-3 times. It is better to feed a pregnant cat more often, in small portions. Her stomach remains small, and the abdominal cavity is filled with kittens, so the cat will not be able to eat to satiety.

red cat and bowl of dry food

If the cat is eating special food, it should be a premium or super-premium product. Only such a menu will provide the body with the necessary high-quality calories. Breeders recommend adding kitten food to the menu of a pregnant cat. Starting from the fourth week, add it to the main diet, gradually increasing its amount. By the end of the term, the cat should be completely transferred to food for babies. It is more caloric and will allow the cat to prepare for feeding the babies.

If the main diet of the cat is natural products, it is necessary to give the cat vitamins and mineral supplements. A veterinarian or a salesperson at a pet store will be able to advise them.

Sexual activity of a pregnant cat

It happens that in the middle of the pregnancy, the cat decides to go on another date. Such activity of a cat is called superfetation, and leads to the onset of a parallel pregnancy. Most often, preterm births occur, but there are cases when a cat gives birth to kittens with an interval of two to three weeks.

True or false pregnancy

Sometimes, as a result of stress or hormonal failure, cats have a false pregnancy. It lasts about 3-4 weeks and has all the signs of a real one. This condition can be extremely dangerous for the animal. In addition to physical changes (abdominal enlargement, swelling of the mammary glands, milk production), the mental state of the cat changes. She becomes agitated, sometimes aggressive. There are times when a pet begins to take care of a toy like a kitten, wears it everywhere in its teeth, licks it and hides it.

If your cat has symptoms of a false pregnancy, contact your veterinarian immediately. He will prescribe a treatment that will help eliminate a number of complications. The attitude of the owners to the animal is also of great importance, since often a false pregnancy occurs due to a lack of attention and care on the part of a person.

Pregnancy for a cat is an exciting time of waiting. The owners are required to provide the future fluffy mother with comfortable conditions and surround them with care. A pregnant cat requires more attention and patient understanding. And if you manage to provide Murka with proper comfort, she will give the owners healthy, cheerful kids.

Pregnancy in cats is a period of expectation and pleasant excitement.

Like any future woman in labor, a kitty needs a certain attitude and care.

Therefore, it is worth collecting as much information as possible in order to take good care of the expectant mother.

gestational age of cats

To begin with, it is worth deciding what period to correctly call pregnancy.

Some think that this time is considered from mating to ending. However, it is not.

The gestation period begins when fertilization occurs.

Naturally, with ideal mathematical accuracy in this case, no one will determine how many days the cat's pregnancy has already been going on.

Many sources give different periods of pregnancy, on average it is 9 weeks.

This period can be increased or decreased by a week, which is not something bad.

The duration of gestation of kittens depends on the physical condition of the kitty, its breed and age.

It has been noticed that in short-haired cats like, and the gestation period is shorter (58-68 days) than in long-haired cats, and (62-72 days).

However, if the kisunya did not give birth on the 70-72nd day, you should contact the veterinarian.

The first signs of a cat's pregnancy

Although it is very difficult to immediately calculate the exact date of conception, quite obvious signs of pregnancy can be observed as early as 20 days after it.

The cat's nipples increase, become bright pink. The skin around them begins to peel off. This is very easy to see if you put the kitty on the back.

In the third week, an experienced veterinarian can determine the pregnancy of the murka by palpation.

Important! Do not try to palpate yourself! This is fraught not only with the death of kittens, but also with serious difficulties with the health of the cat.

It happens that already in 1-2 weeks the kitty becomes more melancholic, thoughtful.

She eats less, sleeps more than usual and hardly wants to play.

At the 3rd week of pregnancy, due to changes in the hormonal background, she may feel sick.

This is not something abnormal, because pregnant women also often have toxicosis in the first trimester.

After 3-5 days, vomiting disappears, and the owner can be sure that his pet will soon become a mother.

Cats can also have a false pregnancy, which "passes" on its own and does not need special treatment.

However, when the "substrate" occurs frequently, it is necessary to show the animal to a specialist.

Sexual activity of cats during pregnancy

No matter how many days a cat's pregnancy lasts, she may suddenly go into heat.

Usually, from the very beginning of bearing kittens, she behaves calmly.

But it happens that just on the 20-21st day of pregnancy or later, the kitty again begins to ask for cats.

This phenomenon is called superfetation, and it is observed in every tenth cat.

If you let her mate with a cat, she can get pregnant a second time already from the new dad.

Kittens will develop normally in the uterus with a difference of 3-6 weeks.

In this situation, there is a danger that when the murka gives birth to the first kittens, she may have a miscarriage from their second “batch”.

If such a disaster did not happen, then 3-6 weeks after the first birth, the second one occurs.

It is important here that all kittens from both broods have enough nipples and milk.

Sometimes a pregnant cat wants to go for a walk "to the left"

The course of pregnancy

Now you know how much a cat wears, you can also establish pregnancy, especially in its third week.

Her subsequent kitten-bearing schedule looks like this:

  • 4-6 weeks: Growing fruits are already so large that with gentle pressure on the cat's tummy they can be felt. This study should be carried out very carefully and without sudden movements that can damage the amniotic membrane of the baby and lead to miscarriage.
  • In the fifth week, the kitty's tummy becomes very noticeable, it rounds beautifully. And from the sixth week, especially if the murka bears more than 2 kittens, the belly becomes very large - the babies grow quickly. In the sixth week, the cat should have milk.
  • 7-9 weeks: At the seventh week, the uterus is filled with fluid, so it is difficult to determine by palpation how many kittens will be born. If you are very curious, it is better to do an ultrasound. But during this period, the fruits are already so large that you can feel their heads with your palm. During this period, the kitty begins to behave restlessly, looking for a place for childbirth. This is the best time to introduce her to the box you have prepared.
  • In the 9th week, the cat calms down, becomes inactive and even a little detached. Her nipples noticeably protrude and the mammary glands increase. A little clear or white mucus may come out of the vulva.
  • 3-4 days before the onset of childbirth, the kitty can suddenly become active, follow the owner everywhere. Her body temperature drops to 37°C.

Important! If a pregnant cat insists that you be with her, this is not a whim. This behavior may be the result of not only the fact that she perceives you as her parent and patron. The cat feels well what her birth will be - problematic or not. And if the animal urgently requires your presence, arm yourself with all the necessary auxiliary items, as well as patience and stay close to the murk.

Caring for a pregnant cat

It is good if, before mating, the kitty was dewormed and vaccinated.

It is forbidden to give any medicine to a pregnant cat, except for some exceptional cases when she is sick with something.

And then, in such a situation, be sure to seek the advice of a veterinarian.

In general, caring for a pregnant cat means giving her peace and sufficient, well-chosen nutrition.

Even if your cat eats dry food, it is worth consulting with a veterinarian about what natural products should be included in her menu.

Vitamins should not be given, because you already increased the portions of your kisun.

If her diet contains everything you need, why oversaturate the body with all sorts of additives?

Moreover, such an overdose is fraught with vices and deformities of kittens. An exception is the recommendation of a veterinarian.

About a week before the expected birth, it is worth slightly reducing the amount of food you give the cat.

This is done so that newborn kittens are a little smaller, and childbirth is easier.

Do not worry, this will not affect the final size of the offspring, because their dimensions are genetically determined.

Knowing how long pregnancy lasts in cats will help protect the future mother from dangers.

For example, on the seventh week, the kitty, for obvious reasons, changes the center of gravity, but the murka may not be particularly aware of this, still trying to climb onto the closet.

However, due to an impaired sense of balance, she may fall, injuring herself or the kittens.

Make sure that in the period from the 7th week until the birth, climbing on mezzanines and other heights becomes impossible for your cat.

Also, in the last weeks of pregnancy, kitty may find it difficult to maintain personal hygiene and reach out to intimate places.

Help her keep clean and wipe these places with a damp cloth.

It would be nice to do an ultrasound for the cat at 8-9 weeks. This will allow you to know exactly the number of kittens and be ready for delivery.

It is imperative to find out where the veterinary clinic is located, which works around the clock, and write down its phone numbers.

This information will be useful if insurmountable difficulties arise during childbirth.

Possible difficulties during pregnancy

Due to various factors - malnutrition, physical injury, uterine infection, hypothermia or overheating - a cat can miscarry.

Most often this happens at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy. If you suspect a miscarriage, call your veterinarian right away.

The dead fetus must be eliminated as soon as possible before putrefactive processes begin.

So, what is needed for a successful pregnancy and birth of a cat? Right!

First you need to arm yourself with the necessary information, and then take the right steps to take care of your murka.

And the kitty will definitely please you with a brood of cute fluffy lumps with beady eyes.

Pregnancy in cats: term, signs and competent care

In order for your cat to please you with healthy kittens, she needs some care. Pregnancy in cats proceeds smoothly and calmly, if the owners competently approached this process.

If you keep a healthy pedigreed cat and intend to breed it, you will need to spend some time learning the process before getting down to business. It is important for you, as a responsible owner, to establish if there is actually any demand for kittens of this species, in order to avoid an increase in an already constantly growing cat population, because you are not going to breed kittens just to witness the miracle of birth.

Even if you have established that you can easily find owners for your future kittens, cat breeding is not a time to be rushed. As with finding the right sire for your potential new kittens, you will need to spend a significant amount of time determining if breeding your cat is appropriate in terms of her age, health, and lifestyle. You also need to make sure you can properly care for your cat during pregnancy and adjust to her changing needs.

The gestation period (the period between conception and birth) in cats typically lasts about 63 days, although in some breeds, such as the Siamese, it can be several days longer. As with human births, cats don't have a fixed schedule, so you have to be prepared for the potential difference of a few days for a cat to give birth early or late.

Here you will find a calendar of your cat's pregnancy from conception to birth, from week to week.

1 week: days 1-7

At the very beginning of your cat's pregnancy, after mating and fertilization, for a couple of weeks you cannot be sure that she is really pregnant. However, if your cat is fertile and has had contact with a cat, then it is very likely that the kittens are still conceived. Cats can even carry kittens from multiple males if they come into contact with more than one male at the approximate time of conception! During the first week after mating, the male's sperm will reach and fertilize the cat's eggs, which in turn will start moving to the uterus, where they will develop the rest of the pregnancy.

2nd week: days 8-14

At the beginning of the second week, the fertilized eggs moving into the uterus will implant (immerse) in it and thereby begin the process of development and growth of kittens.

3 and 4 weeks: days 15-28

During the third week, the implanted embryos begin to develop their organs, causing a surge of hormones in the pregnant cat. During this period, you may also notice that the cat's nipples may darken and swell somewhat.

By the third or fourth week, your cat may begin to suffer from nausea, which may lead to refusal of normal food, and may also lead to vomiting, and not necessarily in the morning! This is perfectly normal, but if the vomiting continues and is severe, it may be best to consult a veterinarian. Your veterinarian will be able to confirm pregnancy with an ultrasound scan approximately 18 days after conception. At the end of the fourth week, the veterinarian should be able to palpate the abdomen and manually confirm the pregnancy definitively, if you have not had an ultrasound by this point.

After the fourth week, you should not lift your pregnant cat as this can harm the kittens.

5 week: days 29-35

At the fifth week, an experienced breeder or veterinarian will be able to feel the kittens through the abdomen, and will even be able to tell you how many of them are born.

Week 6: Days 36-42

The sixth week of pregnancy is the period when you will notice a significant increase in your cat's appetite, she will start eating "in reserve" as she has to feed the kittens. Allow your cat to eat as much food as she wants and make sure she is eating quality and complete food.

Also, at this time, you will be able to see and feel the movement of the kittens in the cat's stomach.

Week 7: days 43-49

By the seventh week, your cat's pregnancy will be quite obvious and the cat will have a very rounded appearance!

Week 8: Days 50-56

In the eighth week, you will be able to clearly feel the kittens in the abdomen. Your cat's nipples will become large and bulging, and the cat herself will spend a lot of time grooming herself. She may start shedding hair on her belly, which is a natural process that sometimes accompanies pregnancy and is not a cause for concern. Her hair will grow back as soon as she gives birth! Her appetite may decrease somewhat at this point, as the growing kittens will reduce the capacity of her belly. Your cat will also start looking for a suitable nesting site, so you should help her with this, a simple box or basket will be suitable places.

About a week before giving birth, your cat may start to produce milk, and you can even see it on the tips of her nipples, which means that the cat's body is preparing to give birth and feed future kittens.

Week 9: days 57-63

Growing kittens will continue to grow in size, and your cat may develop a slight discharge from her vulva, which may also have a reddish tinge. At this time, you should be ready for childbirth at any time! If your cat shows anxiety, seeks comfort, or settles in the nest box for a long time, it means that the birth is very close!

Week 10: Days 64 onwards

If your cat's pregnancy has dragged on past the tenth week, you should expect delivery any day now. Some breeds of cats, especially Siamese, give birth, as a rule, not earlier than the tenth week. However, if by the end of the week you still haven't seen any signs of labor coming up, you should check with your veterinarian to make sure your cat is doing well.

Pregnancy (Graviditas) is the physiological state of a cat from the moment of fertilization to the birth of mature fetuses, and in the case of a particular pathology, to abortion.

Pregnancy in a cat can be primary and repeated.

According to the flow, they distinguish:

  • Physiological pregnancy with a normal state of the cat's body and fetuses.
  • Pathological pregnancy, in which pregnancy occurs with a violation of the physiological processes in the body of a cat or developing fetuses.

Pregnancy in a cat is preceded by a number of physiological conditions that lead to the development of pregnancy.

Species feature of the sexual cycle in a cat

Cats are polycyclic animals with a sexual season and reflex (induced by sexual intercourse) ovulation. The cat allows sexual intercourse only in the stage of excitement. The sexual season in our conditions in cats lasts from the end of January to September, sometimes until November. At the same time, the timing of the sexual cycle and the duration of the sexual cycles in cats depend on the breed, environmental conditions, individual characteristics, communication with relatives and other factors. In cats living in city apartments, under the influence of artificial lighting, sexual cycles can be repeated almost throughout the year, especially in short-haired breeds (Siamese).

The duration of the individual stages of the sexual cycle, except for the balancing stage, depends entirely on ovulation. Anovulatory sexual cycle lasts 2-3 weeks, ovulatory - 6 weeks (30-75 days).

After birth in lactating cats, the first sexual cycle can occur on the 7-10th day, in some cats and on the 2nd day of lactation. However, in most cats, estrous cycles resume 7-8 days after weaning or 4-6 weeks of age. In the event that the owners of the animal carry out the weaning of kittens in the first 24 hours after birth, then the cat can come into hunting in 2-3 weeks.

Preestrus in a cat, it precedes the onset of estrus and lasts 1-3 days with little pronounced signs of estrus. Unlike dogs, spotting in cats does not appear, we note frequent urination. The cat strives to be picked up, caressed.

Excitation stage with the phenomena of estrus and hunting is pronounced, in some cats it is accompanied by such strong excitement that the owners involuntarily have a suspicion of rabies in cats. The cat refuses food, utters piercing cries - a wild meow, bends its back, rolls on the floor, rubs its head and neck on the floor, the ground, takes its tail to the side, strives for the cat and allows it to sit. The stage of excitation lasts for a cat on average 7-10 days (5-14 days in spring and 1-6 days in other periods of the year). In the event that mating has occurred, the duration of the stage of excitation in a cat is reduced to 4-6 days. In the future, within 24-48 hours after ovulation, the extinction of sexual arousal occurs.

Ovulation in a cat, it occurs 22-50 hours after intercourse: irritation of the nerve endings of the vagina and cervix during coitus causes the release of releasing factors from the hypothalamus, which stimulate the release of LH (luteotropic hormone) from the pituitary gland, under the influence of which ovulation occurs. In some cats, ovulation occurs after a single mating, in others only after several intercourses with a cat.

Coming next braking stage characterized by a weakening of sexual arousal and the cessation of the attraction of a cat to a cat. In non-ovulated cats, this stage lasts 2-4 weeks (mean 21 days). In the event that mating took place, but fertilization did not occur, then the corpus luteum of the ovaries secrete progesterone (yellow body hormone) for 30-40 days, in some cats the hormone progesterone causes the development of a false pregnancy, which in a cat lasts 30-45 days, sometimes up to 70 days. At the same time, after a false pregnancy, the next sexual cycle in a cat occurs in 7-8 days.

sexual intercourse

Sexual intercourse (copulation, intercourse) is a coordinated reflex action of a male and a female (cat and cat), accompanied by the introduction of male sperm into the genital tract of the female (cat).

Sexual intercourse consists of successive reflexes: approach, erection, cuddling, copulation and ejaculation.

The approach reflex, or sexual desire, is the desire of a female in hunting and a male to find each other in the environment and get closer. Attractive stimuli are smells, sounds made by animals, as well as its appearance and behavior.

The erection reflex is the filling of the penis with blood, which becomes elastic and ready for sexual intercourse. In females, the erection reflex is manifested by hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the genital tract and filling the cavernous bodies of the clitoris with blood.

Embracing reflex - in the male it is accompanied by jumping on the female and clasping her pectoral limbs, and in females it is not a resistance to sexual intercourse.

The cumulative reflex in the male manifests itself in the form of pushing movements with the pelvis, and in the female, by adopting a posture that facilitates the introduction of the penis into the vagina to the full depth.

Ejaculation reflex - the release of sperm from the genitals of the male. The amount of sperm released in one cage is called ejaculate. In females, the ejaculation reflex consists in the secretion of the vestibular and uterine glands.

In cats, preparation for sexual intercourse takes 1-5 minutes. The cat grabs the skin of the back of the head with his teeth and presses it down. At the same time, the hind limbs of the cat are widely separated to the sides, the penis is inserted into the vagina from above at an angle of 20-30 degrees to the horizontal plane. Horny teeth on the head of the penis in a cat cause pain to the cat. During sexual intercourse, the cat makes a peculiar squeak, and the cat makes grumbling sounds. The duration of coitus is 5-10 seconds.

The case is manual and free. Cats are usually mated for 2-3 days from the beginning of the stage of excitation of the sexual cycle. After a single intercourse, some females remain infertile - this happens when the follicles in the ovaries have not yet reached the required maturity. Given this fact, it is recommended to conduct two or three intercourses with an interval of 12-24 hours.

Insemination of a cat

Fertilization is the process of fusion of sperm and egg, resulting in the formation of a new cell - a zygote. Fertilization of the egg occurs in the upper third of the oviduct, where the egg meets the sperm.

During ovulation, the egg, together with the follicular fluid, enters the funnel of the oviduct and, due to contractions of its walls and fluctuations of the ciliated epithelium, gradually moves along the oviduct into the uterine cavity. Toward her moving sperm introduced into the genital tract of the cat during intercourse. Sperm, when meeting with the egg, surround it and take root in the region of the radiant crown. Sperm secrete the enzyme hyaluronidase, which dissolves the intercellular substance that connects the follicular cells of the radiant crown. As a result, a transparent shell is exposed, into which sperm are introduced. At the same time, one of them penetrates into the protoplasm of the egg, where the tail of the sperm dissolves, and the head quickly swells, reaching the size of the nucleus of the egg. After this, the nuclei (pronucleuses) of the male and female germ cells merge and a new cell is formed - the zygote, from which a new organism is formed.

Cats have a vaginal type of insemination.

Sperm capacitation. Sperm become capable of fertilization only after a certain period of stay in the genital tract, where they undergo certain changes - which are called capacitation. Its essence boils down to the release from the acrosomal head of the sperm of the enzymes necessary for its penetration through the transparent membrane of the egg. For a cat, this process takes 2-24 hours. The survival of sperm in the genital tract in cats lasts up to 2 days. The fertilizing ability of the egg after ovulation in a cat lasts 24-26 hours.


After the fertilization of the egg in the cat, pregnancy develops, during which we note in the cat:

Development of the embryo and fetal membranes. The zygote, moving along the oviduct into the uterine cavity, quickly splits up. At the beginning, two blastomeres are formed, then four, eight, and so on. The accumulation of blastomeres without a separate cavity is called a morula. The zygote in the morula stage enters the cat's uterus 5-8 days after fertilization. An embryonic nodule is formed - an embryoblast, and the outer layer of its cells - a trophoblast (nourishing sheet). A liquid and a cavity appear between them, and the morula turns into an embryonic vesicle - a blastocyte.

Attachment of the embryo to the mucous membrane of the uterus - nidation occurs in cats from 12-13 to 17 days. Subsequently, the fetal body is formed from the embryoblast, and the aqueous membrane and placenta are formed from the trophoblast (these are the temporary organs of the fetus). In cats, 3 weeks after fertilization, the embryo is surrounded by fully developed fetal membranes: aqueous, urinary and vascular.

Changes in the mother's body during pregnancy. As many corpus luteum develop in the ovaries as the ovarian follicles have matured and ovulated. The uterus begins to develop intensively, muscle fibers lengthen by 7-12 times and thicken by 3-5 times. Arteries and veins expand 4-5 times and lengthen, new vascular branches appear. A plug of thickened mucus forms in the cervix, preventing infection from entering the vagina. The walls of the uterus form around each fetus expanded areas (ampoules) of a rounded shape, then as the fetus grows, they become oval, and by the end of pregnancy, the border between them is gradually smoothed out.

With a small number of fetuses, the uterine horns form a loop in the abdominal cavity that reaches the diaphragm and liver. If there are many fetuses, a second loop of uterine horns may appear, bulging towards the pelvis. Thus, the uterus can form up to six layers lying in rows.

How long does a cat's pregnancy last?

Pregnancy in a cat, on average, lasts 63-65 days. Depending on the breed, the gestation period can last from 56 to 70 days.

What affects the duration of pregnancy in a cat?

  • The number of kittens. The more kittens in the uterus of a cat, the faster she will give birth.
  • Weather. Air temperature and atmospheric pressure has an impact on the timing and course of pregnancy. As a result of a sharp change in ambient temperature or pressure drops, the birth of a cat can begin prematurely.
  • The length of the coat affects the duration of pregnancy. Short-haired cats carry their fetuses in the womb for less time than long-haired ones.

Signs of pregnancy in a cat

Despite the fact that puberty in cats occurs at 7-9 months, early mating is not recommended due to the fact that the offspring may be born weak or the cat's body cannot cope with such a load on the body. Only after your cat is one year old, it can be bred. 2-3 weeks after mating, the cat may show the first signs of pregnancy - the cat's nipples turn pink and swell. Activity in the first month of pregnancy in a cat is significantly reduced, due to the onset of hormonal changes and changes in the metabolism in the body, the cat may vomit in the morning. After 2-3 weeks, everything gradually normalizes and the cat begins to eat more. By 4-5 weeks after mating, the owners begin to notice weight gain in the cat, the weight of the cat, depending on the number of gestated fetuses, can increase by 1-2 kg. There is an increase in the volume of the abdomen, which by the end of pregnancy becomes pear-shaped. A cat's taste preferences can change, and mood often changes. As the belly grows, the cat begins to walk more slowly. At 7-8 weeks, the cat begins to look for a "nest", we note anxiety in the cat, sometimes nervousness. If you put a light hand on your stomach, you can determine the active movement of the kittens.

False pregnancy in a cat

False pregnancy in cats, unlike dogs, is quite rare. The cause of false pregnancy is associated with the corpus luteum hormone - progesterone, as well as the pituitary lactogenic hormone - prolaction. Corpus lutea in cats function for 30-45 days. Among experts, it is generally accepted that this is a natural physiological process that does not pose any danger to the health of the cat. The main signs of a false pregnancy are an increase in the mammary glands, abdomen, the manifestation of lactation and maternal instinct, the cat seeks to retire, and prepares a nest for childbirth. In some cases, in order to normalize the level of sex hormones in the blood of a cat, one has to resort to its sterilization. It must be borne in mind that it is possible to distinguish a false pregnancy from a real one by examining ultrasound, radiographically in a veterinary clinic.

Signs of early labor in a cat

By the end of pregnancy, the cat's stomach sags, the ligaments of the pelvis relax and lengthen by 1/3, and the sacrum retracts. 10-30 hours before the onset of labor, the cat's pelvis becomes "generic". 2-4 days before the onset of labor, the labia, the mammary glands swell and increase, colostrum may flow from the nipples, the nipples become more swollen. A viscous, transparent mucus is released from the genital slit. 6-24 hours before giving birth, the cat becomes anxious, they begin to look for a secluded place. Body temperature 18-24 hours before the onset of labor decreases by 1-1.5 ° C. (If it used to be 38 °, then it becomes 37 °). During childbirth, body temperature returns to normal.

For one litter, cats can bring from 1 to 10 kittens.

How to properly feed a pregnant cat?

Feeding a pregnant cat should be complete and balanced. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the feeding of a cat must be increased by 10% of the usual norm. It is necessary to feed the cat little by little, but often, because due to the growing uterus, there is pressure on the stomach and digestion of food will be difficult. At the same time, it is impossible to overfeed a cat, as its obesity may occur, and the kittens themselves will be quite large, which is fraught with pathological childbirth. From the 7th week, the cat begins to eat less, she needs to be given food 3-4 times a day in small portions. If your cat eats dry food, then she needs to be transferred to a special diet for pregnant women. If your cat is on a natural diet, then after consultation with the veterinarian of the clinic, a vitamin-mineral complex is included in her diet.

Is it possible to treat a pregnant cat against worms and fleas?

Anthelmintic drugs are quite toxic for future offspring. Based on this, your cat must be processed before mating with a cat. If you did not manage to do this in a timely manner, then you will have to wait at least a month. Then the kittens are given a special suspension, and the cat is given products that can be used for lactating cats. Also, it is impossible to treat a pregnant cat from fleas with anti-flea drugs.



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