How to drink marshmallow cough syrup. Dosage and administration

Of particular importance for the treatment of cough, bronchitis, laryngitis, pulmonary emphysema and other similar diseases are drugs on a natural basis. One of the most effective drugs in this group is marshmallow syrup. Its use is allowed for patients of almost any age, as well as for pregnant and lactating women. Contraindications are individual allergic reactions and fructose intolerance.

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    The syrup is made on the basis of marshmallow - a perennial medicinal herb.

    For the preparation of the drug, the root system of the plant is used, which includes the following useful elements:

    • mucous substances;
    • pectin;
    • asparagine;
    • carotene;
    • fixed oils;
    • betaine and others.

    The medicine is available in the form of a thick liquid of red or yellow color. According to the description, it has a pronounced pleasant smell and sweet taste. The syrup is available in the form of a concentrate, powder or liquid in bottles of 200 or 125 grams and in dark glass jars.

    Substances that make up the drug:

    • marshmallow root;
    • sucrose;
    • purified water;
    • sodium benzoate.

    Indications for use

    Most often, marshmallow syrup is used to eliminate inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract. The drug both relieves pain and has a softening effect.

    The instructions for use indicate that this substance must be used in the development of the following diseases:

    • bronchitis;
    • pneumonia;
    • emphysema;
    • bronchiectasis;
    • laryngitis;
    • tracheitis;
    • tracheobronchitis;
    • whooping cough;
    • bronchial asthma.

    The syrup, due to its medicinal properties, is able to have a beneficial effect on the body, which consists in the following:

    • removal of the mucous mass;
    • stimulation of recovery processes;
    • elimination of inflammation;
    • removal of edema;
    • increased immunity;
    • decrease in the intensity of secretion of gastric juice.

    The mucous component of the medicine covers the inflamed and healthy parts of the body, thereby protecting them from irritation.

    The drug is often prescribed in the treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. These include ulcers, gastritis. Althea syrup is also highly effective in the fight against infections that affect the genital organs, skin diseases, malignant tumors, and tuberculosis.

    Reception scheme

    Before starting the use of the drug, you should consult with your doctor. The medicine can be taken at any age, even small children.

    The standard method of using this tool:

    • Dissolve 1 teaspoon of syrup in a container of warm water.
    • Insist for 10 minutes.
    • Take orally 1 time in 5 hours.

    Before you start using the drug, you must consider the following features:

    • if nausea or vomiting occurs, immediately stop taking the medicine and perform a gastric lavage;
    • the drug is used with extreme caution during pregnancy and during lactation;
    • people with diabetes are not recommended to increase the dosage indicated in the instructions for use.

    An adult is allowed to drink marshmallow syrup every 3-4 hours immediately after a meal. 1 st. l. medicine is diluted in half a glass of warm water. The course of treatment lasts about 2 weeks.

    Children should use the medicine without violating both the single and daily dosage of marshmallow syrup. It can be diluted not only with water, but also with juice. It is not recommended to prescribe self-medication for children without notifying the attending physician, especially for babies under one year old. At first, it is recommended to give children an underestimated dosage of the drug, while checking the reaction of the body. In the absence of any side effects, the amount of medication used is gradually increased, bringing it to normal values ​​from the instructions.

    The treatment course usually takes about 2 weeks. Dosages by age are shown in the table:

    Althea syrup is allowed to be used during pregnancy. It is quickly absorbed by the intestines, cleanses organisms of microbes, toxins and toxins. At the same time, qualified specialists categorically do not recommend self-medication during this period and independently prescribe the dosage of the drug. You should consult a doctor and clarify both the method of using marshmallow syrup and the possibility of potential undesirable consequences for the child.

    Most often, doctors do not prescribe the use of marshmallow syrup in the first trimester of pregnancy, as this is fraught with excessive tension of the uterus, as a result of which hypertonicity may develop. In subsequent periods, the medicine is already allowed to be taken, but with increased caution. A tablespoon of syrup is pre-dissolved in 100 ml of boiled water. The frequency of drug use is strictly individual and is prescribed by the attending physician. Usually marshmallow syrup during pregnancy is allowed to be consumed no more than three times a day.

    Equally strict rules for the use of the drug are extended for the period of lactation. Before using it, you should consult a gynecologist and therapist for possible undesirable consequences for the body. The drug is most often prescribed for use 1-2 times a day. Althea syrup is especially useful for nursing mothers due to the fact that it is a phytopreparation, that is, a natural remedy that does not affect the quality and condition of milk.


    Like any other natural medicine, marshmallow syrup has a number of contraindications and restrictions on use. The main one is hypersensitivity to the plant extract.

    Instructions for use of marshmallow syrup states that it is not recommended for use in the treatment of dry cough. Instead of a positive effect, this will only cause an increase in seizures. Diabetics should use the medicine only with individual medical prescription and under the strict supervision of a doctor.

    Other factors excluding the possibility of using the drug or limiting it are:

    • poor ability to absorb glucose and galactose from the intestines;
    • lack of sucrose, isomaltose or other similar enzymes;
    • hypersensitivity to one or another component of the drug, allergy;
    • fructose intolerance.

    It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage indicated in the instructions. Exceeding it can cause a number of undesirable reactions in the body, which are expressed by the following side effects:

    • nausea;
    • itching, rash, redness of the skin and other allergic symptoms;
    • vomit.

    If any of these symptoms appear, you should immediately stop using the herbal remedy. This usually allows you to stop the development of allergic reactions and get rid of them.

    Occasionally, there is an undesirable effect on the state of the central nervous system. This is expressed in drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, headaches.

    These drugs include:

    • Septolete.
    • Combiflu Syrup.
    • Wifitech.
    • Prospan.
    • Stodal.
    • Doctor Mom.
    • Gedelix.
    • Mukaltin.
    • Phytopectol, etc.

    The choice of medication should be approached with caution. It should be borne in mind that the main advantage of marshmallow syrup is that it is prepared on a natural basis.

A syrup based on a natural component - marshmallow, which has long been known for its healing properties. It has a mild expectorant effect, reduces inflammation and swelling of the airways. Used to treat adults and children. Not compatible with cough suppressants.

Dosage form

Althea is an expectorant drug. Release form - syrup. Dark plastic bottles with a capacity of 125, 150 ml are packed in a cardboard box.

Description and composition

The syrup is a preparation of natural origin. Marshmallow officinalis is a perennial plant of the Malvaceae family. A high-quality medicine is obtained from the roots of a two-year-old grass harvested in autumn with an optimal content of active ingredients - mucins and polysaccharides. The raw material contains mucous substances, starch, pectins, tannins, polysaccharides, phytosterol.

The syrup is a viscous liquid of a light golden color. It has a characteristic faint odor and a sweetish taste.

The main substance of the drug is a liquid extract of the root of the medicinal marshmallow. Auxiliary ingredients include nipagin, potassium sorbate, citric acid, distilled water.

Pharmacological group

Marshmallow syrup is a preparation of plant origin. The root of the medicinal plant contains plant mucus, asparagine, betaine, pectin, starch. It has an enveloping, softening, expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect.

Plant mucus covers the inner membranes of the respiratory organs with a thin layer that remains on the surface for a long time. It protects them from irritation. As a result, the inflammatory process decreases, spontaneous tissue regeneration softens. When exposed to the stomach membrane, the protective effect of the film of plant mucus becomes longer, more effective with increased acidity of gastric juice: the viscosity increases when in contact with hydrochloric acid.

Indications for use

for adults

Althea cough syrup has an expectorant, local anti-inflammatory effect. Reduces the viscosity of bronchial secretions. Indications for use are diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by a cough with sputum difficult to separate:

  • tracheobronchitis.

A vegetable syrup is used in the treatment of tonsillitis and other throat diseases accompanied by a wet cough. It does not have a lasting positive effect on colds and sluggish current diseases. Does not relieve symptoms of dry cough.

for kids

Acute respiratory infections make up a large percentage of all childhood pathology. The high incidence is due to the presence of a huge number of serotypes of pathogens, their variability, imperfection, instability of immunity. Indisputable leadership belongs to diseases of the respiratory system.

Respiratory infections lead to failures in the functional state of the body, causing the formation of chronic pathology. The inflammatory process in the airways, regardless of its location, is accompanied by a violation of mucus formation, rheological properties, and secretion movement.

The main function of a cough is to clear the airways and ensure a healthy flow of air into the lungs. The rational use of medications that improve bronchial patency helps to eliminate various pathologies.

The etiology of cough in children often depends on age. In newborns, it develops against the background of SARS. The cause of coughing can be the penetration of foreign substances into the respiratory tract during inhalation, eating. This is due to a violation of swallowing, congenital anomalies.

The causes of cough in children of the first year of life can be:

  • malformations of the trachea, bronchi;
  • respiratory syndrome;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • the presence of tobacco smoke, harmful impurities in the inhaled air.

In older age, cough causes:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • foreign body aspiration;
  • movement of helminths;
  • diseases not related to the respiratory system;
  • second hand smoke.

Improving the drainage function of the bronchi includes active oral rehydration, the use of expectorants, mucolytic drugs, massage, breathing exercises. Marshmallow syrup belongs to the group of expectorants.

There are no reliable data on the use of the drug during pregnancy, breastfeeding. Application is possible after consultation with the attending physician, under his careful supervision.


Althea cough syrup is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the substances that make up the drug. Barriers to use are:

  • sucrose deficiency;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption.

According to the necessary medical indications, Althea syrup is prescribed to patients, persons on a diet with a low carbohydrate content.

Applications and doses

for adults

Althea syrup is taken orally. A single dose for adults and children over 12 years old is a tablespoon of the drug, diluted in half a glass of warm boiled water. The syrup is drunk after each meal during the day.

The duration of treatment for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by cough, sputum discharge, is from 10 to 15 days. An increase in the course, repeated therapy is permissible after agreement with the doctor.

for kids

For children under 12 years old, 1 teaspoon of syrup is diluted in ¼ cup of boiled water. The drug is given 4-5 times a day after meals. Water can be replaced with warm boiled milk.

for pregnant women and during lactation

The use of medicinal syrup during pregnancy, during breastfeeding is permissible in cases where the expected benefit to the mother is much higher than the existing risk to the fetus, newborn. It is necessary to consult a doctor who determines the dosage.

Side effects

Side effects were not recorded. Perhaps the appearance of an allergic rash, which passes on its own.

Interaction with other drugs

special instructions

Necessary information for patients: 1 teaspoon contains 0.4 bread units, 1 tablespoon - 1.2 XE.

Marshmallow syrup does not affect the ability to drive vehicles, mechanisms. It is possible to engage in hazardous activities that require special attention, quick reactions.


Cases of overdose with syrup are not observed. If adverse reactions occur in the form of nausea, the drug is canceled. The patient is washed with a stomach, symptomatic treatment is prescribed.

Storage conditions

Storage conditions are:

  • sheltered place
  • temperature not higher than 25°C;
  • inaccessibility for children.

The shelf life is 2 years. After the expiration of the syrup should be disposed of. Vacation from pharmacies - without a prescription.


Instead of Althea syrup, the following drugs can be used:

  1. contains Althea herb extract as an active ingredient. The drug is produced in tablets that have an expectorant effect. They can be given to children, previously dissolved in water. After consultation with a specialist, it is allowed to take during pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Bronchophyte is a herbal remedy that promotes sputum discharge and stops inflammation. It is produced in an elixir for oral administration. Bronchophyte can only be used to treat adult patients, except for pregnant women who support breastfeeding.
  3. Bronchinol is a substitute for Althea syrup in the therapeutic group. The therapeutic effect of the drug is explained by plantain, coltsfoot, mint and eucalyptus oil. The medicine is produced in syrup, which can be given to children over 6 years old. Bronchinol is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating patients.
  4. contain sodium bicarbonate and thermopsis grass as active ingredients. They have an expectorant effect. Tablets can be given to patients over 12 years of age, they are contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.

The price of the drug

The cost of the drug is an average of 75 rubles. Prices range from 74 to 82 rubles.

Althea syrup is rightfully considered one of the effective herbal remedies for coughing. This natural medicinal product is used in the complex treatment of pathological conditions of the respiratory system. The active substance of the drug is marshmallow root, which gives the drug an anti-inflammatory, enveloping and expectorant effect. This pharmacological action of the syrup contributes to the rapid release of the respiratory tract from pathological sputum.

Althea syrup is an excellent herbal cough remedy

What is the principle of action of the drug Altea

The root of the medicinal plant, due to its unique composition, is actively used in many inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. Its high performance is due to the following components:

  • chromium, cobalt, lead, bromine, iodine, copper;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • essential oils;
  • pectins, betaines;
  • polysaccharides;
  • mineral salts;
  • carotonoids;
  • steroids;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins.

The syrup is prescribed for various diseases of the respiratory system

Given that the rhizomes of the plant contain 2/3 of the entire composition of various mucous components (a mixture of pentazones and hexazones), the root itself has a mucous structure. Using drugs based on the marshmallow root, the viscosity of pathological sputum is significantly reduced and its removal from the air channels is simplified. In addition, the syrup has a gastroprotective property: mucus, entering the gastrointestinal tract, settles on the irritated mucous membrane of the patient and softens the inflammatory process.

For information! 100 g of the drug contains 2 g of marshmallow root.

Among the additional components of a natural remedy used for dry cough, there are:

  • sucrose to improve the taste of the drug;
  • water;
  • sodium benzoate, designed to extend the shelf life of the drug, but without compromising its pharmacological properties.

The drug contains sugar, so be careful, this applies to diabetics

Due to the natural basis of the drug, high efficiency, safety of its use and pronounced therapeutic characteristics, Althea cough syrup is a fairly popular remedy in pediatrics. Subject to the recommended dosage and duration of treatment specified in the instructions, the therapeutic effect of the drug appears already 2-3 days after use and is expressed by the following effect:

  • the inflammatory process on the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs is removed;
  • the consistency of bronchial mucus becomes less viscous and is better excreted from the respiratory tract;
  • protects the throat from the irritating effects of the pathogen;
  • blocks the pain syndrome.

Another advantage of the drug is its ability to have a local anti-inflammatory effect.

It also helps relieve sore throats.

What kind of cough should I take Althea syrup for?

Althea cough syrup according to the instructions should be used for infectious diseases of the respiratory system with the formation of a thick pathological secret and a paroxysmal cough reflex. The list of indications for taking a natural-based medication includes:

  • bronchitis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma.

Under certain indications, the attending physician may include Althea vegetable syrup in the treatment regimen for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). The mucus and pectin substances that are part of the root of the medicinal plant help protect the stomach from the negative effects of hydrochloric acid, which is formed in excessive amounts during gastritis with an increased level of acidity.

The syrup will help with tracheitis and bronchitis

Another syrup can be prescribed for:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • ulcerative lesions of the duodenum 12;
  • colitis (inflammation of the colon);
  • enterocolitis (with simultaneous inflammation of the large and small intestines).

For information! It is not recommended to take the Althea drug on its own, especially to give it to babies without the prescription of a qualified specialist, there is a high probability of adverse reactions and a deterioration in the general well-being of the patient.

See a doctor before taking syrup

How to take the drug

The daily rate of syrup should be determined by the attending physician. If there were no individual instructions regarding the use of the drug, then you can use the drug, taking into account the recommendations described in the instructions:

  • for children who are breastfed, the daily volume is 5 ml, divided into 2 doses;
  • for small patients under 2 years old, the daily rate should not exceed 7.5 ml, divided into three times;
  • children aged 2-6 years are allowed to use 10 ml of syrup, divided into four doses;
  • patients whose age is 7-14 years, the daily rate is 40 ml, divided into 4 doses;
  • for patients from 14 years of age, the daily volume increases to 60 ml, divided into 4 doses.

In small doses, syrup can be given even to infants.

The duration of the treatment course depends on the nature of the disease and the degree of its neglect, in most cases the medicine is taken for 7-14 days.

Before using a herbal remedy based on marshmallow root for cough for children, it is recommended to dilute the measured amount of the drug in warm water at the rate of 50 ml of liquid for children under 12 years of age, and 100 ml for patients from 12 years of age. In order for the drug to be better absorbed and to show its medicinal properties, it is necessary to take it 15 minutes after eating.

For information! It is impossible to increase the duration of taking Althea syrup without consulting a doctor.

Before giving the remedy to a child, it is diluted in water.

List of contraindications

It is not advisable to take a drug using the underground part of the marshmallow in the presence of the following indications:

  • insufficient level of sucrase / isomaltase;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • impaired absorption of galactose and glucose;
  • hypersensitivity to the active and additional components of the drug.

If a child who has endocrine diseases, in particular diabetes mellitus, then it is recommended to use a herbal preparation only after consulting with the attending doctor. This also applies to patients with impaired carbohydrate metabolism. In such cases, it is advisable to use the tablet form of the drug, where the amount of sucrose is minimal or completely absent.

With diabetes, Althea should be taken very carefully.

For information! The pharmacological drug Althea has established itself as a highly effective remedy for the pathology of the respiratory canals, but only at the initial stage of the disease, if the cough has become chronic, then its use will not have the desired result.

Adverse reactions

Despite the whole list of useful qualities of a medicinal plant, its use can cause frequent allergic manifestations in the form of:

  • eczema;
  • urticaria;
  • skin rashes;
  • itching.

Sometimes this drug causes itching and skin rashes.

Use of the drug together with antitussive medicines, which contain codeine, is not desirable. This can make it difficult to get rid of mucus. From which cough to take Althea syrup, and in what dosage is described in the instructions for the drug, but in order to avoid the occurrence of allergic reactions, you must first consult with your doctor.

From the following video you will learn about the beneficial properties of Altea officinalis:

The article will tell you about the benefits of this drug and the rules for its use.

Alteika cough syrup has a unique natural composition, because the main component of the drug is marshmallow root extract. Auxiliary components are ethanol, nipazole and sugar (improves the taste of the syrup and makes it easy to drink).

"Altaika" is a syrup with a powerful expectorant property, in addition, the root extract is rich in vitamins and amino acids, which speed up recovery and improve the course of the symptoms of the disease. "Altaika" helps to thin the mucus and remove it from the respiratory organs with a reflex cough. Another positive property of the marshmallow root is that it has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, which relieves swelling of the bronchi, lungs, and respiratory tract.

"Altayka" syrup is amber in color and very sweet in taste

Althea root syrup - at what age can children be given, with what cough to take: with dry or wet?

Cough in children can be quite difficult to cure. Each parent tries to get his child the most effective remedy that has a lot of properties and is completely harmless. If your baby has a cough, think of a syrup such as marshmallow root or Alteika.

The uniqueness of the remedy is that it fights with any kind of cough: dry and wet. Of course, the root extract has contraindications, the first of which is the age of the baby up to a year. You can give syrup if your baby is already 1 year old, if not, make a decoction from the root itself.

marshmallow root

Althea root syrup: instructions for use and dosage for children up to a year and older than a year

IMPORTANT: For any of the listed diseases, marshmallow root will help you easily cough up sputum.

How to take syrup:

  • Children (1 year) - 0.5 tsp (1 or 2 times a day)
  • Children (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 years) - 1 tsp (2 or 3 times a day)
  • Children (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 years old) - 1 dl (4, 5 or 6 times a day).
  • Children over 14 and adults - 1 tbsp (from 4 to 6 doses per day).

IMPORTANT: Young children should dissolve the syrup in water and give it to drink. The duration of treatment with syrup is prescribed by a doctor, but most often it lasts from 7 to 14 days.

Althea root syrup: instructions for use and dosage for adults

The marshmallow root has an excellent enveloping property, as it contains vegetable mucus. It also gives soothing properties to the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs. The use of syrup will help to remove viscous sputum with a debilitating cough. Adults drink marshmallow syrup (not children's "Alteika") should be 1 tbsp. 4 times a day and 6 times if the disease is acute.

Is it possible and how to drink marshmallow root syrup during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

The syrup has contraindications for use by women during pregnancy and lactation, since the extract of the natural component can provoke an allergic reaction (itching, redness, poisoning) or intestinal upset.

How to take marshmallow root cough syrup for adults and children: before meals or after meals?

Althea syrup should be taken internally, adhering to age recommendations. You need to drink syrup strictly after eating. Small children can dilute a dose of syrup in a quarter cup of water at room temperature.

Althea root syrup: how many days should adults and children take?

The time and duration of taking marshmallow root syrup depends on how acute your disease is. As a rule, treatment with syrup lasts from 1 to 2 weeks (the maximum is 14-15 days).

Althea root syrup: analogues

If you do not have Alteika syrup or marshmallow root syrup, it has several analogues (they have a similar composition and effect):

  • Septolete - has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action.
  • Doctor Mom - drug with a combined composition of medicinal plants.
  • Gedepix - preparation based on anise oil and ivy leaves.
  • ACC - auxiliary drug for liquefaction of sputum.
  • Stodal - syrup with a pleasant caramel flavor for the treatment of any kind of cough.
  • Combigrip (syrup) - a comprehensive remedy for the treatment of cough and cold symptoms.
  • Prospan - expectorant drug based on medicinal ivy.
  • Mukaltin - expectorant based on marshmallow root extract.
  • Dr. Theiss syrup - herbal expectorant.

Analogues of "Alteyka"

Althea root syrup: contraindications, side effects

This syrup is based on a natural extract of the plant, and therefore may have some contraindications. But it is worth noting that he has not many contraindications. You can give syrup to children who are already one year old (if not, take it carefully).

You should refuse to take marshmallow root syrup only if the child or adult has a strong sensitivity to its components. If you notice a rash or redness on the skin, intestinal upset, nausea or vomiting, you should stop taking the syrup or reduce its dosage.

IMPORTANT: This syrup also contains simple carbohydrates, which means that it should be carefully taken by people with diabetes. When treating children with Alteyka, you should carefully monitor the reaction of the baby so as not to provoke an allergic attack and worsen the condition.

Althea root syrup: reviews for children

Pauline:“I consider marshmallow root syrup to be the most effective and safe cough remedy: dry, wet, strong, periodic, chronic, any! With confidence in its action, I drink it myself and boldly give it to the child. You can buy medicine at any pharmacy: it is always in stock and is not expensive. If you have been looking for a cough syrup for a long time, try Alteika for children or marshmallow root syrup.

Konstantin:“I am not a supporter of synthetic drugs, which we see in a large assortment in modern pharmacies. I always treat myself with what nature gives: infusions, decoctions, lotions and compresses. An exception for a strong cough for me may be marshmallow root syrup (it is important to read the composition so that there is nothing but extract and sugar). It’s also nice that it’s not expensive, and especially that it always helps!”

Anna:“Althea root syrup was recommended to me by a friend who was impressed by the quick relief of coughs in her children. Then I tried it (I didn’t have to wait long). You know, a really effective drug. I understand that in different pharmacies you can buy syrup from different manufacturers, but they always have the same composition.

Yaroslav:“For several years in a row I have been giving children only Alteika syrup for coughing (children's analogue of marshmallow root syrup without alcohol). You know, we have never had any allergic reactions and the remedy has always helped. Adhere to clear age recommendations for the use of syrup and do not exceed the dose - this is what is important in the treatment of cough. Also, during the period of illness, the child should be given a large amount of drink (water, teas, infusions). This will speed up the recovery and well-being of the kids at times!”

Video: “The secret of the marshmallow root: how is it unique and useful in treatment?”

Marshmallow is a medicinal plant of the Malvaceae family, widely distributed in Eurasia and North Africa. It has a thick powerful root, which has long been used as a remedy. Powders, infusions, dry extracts, syrups are made on its basis.

Althea rhizome contains amino acids that play an important role in maintaining human health (asparagine, betaine), as well as trace elements, mineral salts, pectin, lecithin, starch, fatty and essential oils. This composition helps to minimize the inflammatory process, accelerates tissue repair, and has an enveloping effect.

Description of the drug

Althea syrup is a popular herbal cough medicine for children and adults. The active ingredient of the drug is marshmallow root extract, which provides anti-inflammatory, bronchosecretory, expectorant and antiseptic effects. Due to the content of mucous substances, the drug exhibits enveloping and softening properties, reduces the viscosity of bronchial secretions and accelerates the removal of sputum from the respiratory tract. Althea syrup turns a dry cough into a wet one and helps to cleanse the bronchi of pathogenic microflora.

Syrup for children is a clear, thick yellowish-brown liquid with a slight characteristic herbal aroma. 1 ml of syrup contains 20 mg of dry marshmallow root.

The phytopreparation does not contain ethyl alcohol - this allows you to prescribe medication for babies in the first years of life.

The medicine is well absorbed and quickly improves the condition for various types of cough. In addition, the syrup has a pleasant sweet taste, so children take it with pleasure. The medicine is available in orange glass bottles of 125 ml or 150 ml. It must be stored in the refrigerator. The shelf life of the syrup is 2 years.

Althea-based syrup is ideal for children. Its advantage is the softness of the therapeutic effect, safety and efficacy. However, do not forget that an expectorant should not be given without a doctor's prescription! Before treating a child, it is necessary to consult a specialist and find out for which cough this medicine can be given.

Indications for the use of syrup

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With the help of Althea syrup, a cough is treated with inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract. Preparations based on the root of the plant have a pronounced emollient effect, effectively eliminate pain caused by inflammation and severe cough. Marshmallow root contains a large number of trace elements that benefit the body in case of malaise and loss of appetite. The syrup relieves nervousness during this period, normalizes sleep. The drug is used in patients of any age. According to the instructions, indications for the use of marshmallow syrup are the following respiratory diseases:

The drug provides the following therapeutic actions:

  • has a mucolytic and expectorant effect (facilitates the excretion of sputum);
  • relieves local inflammation;
  • activates recovery processes;
  • reduces swelling;
  • reduces the secretion of gastric juice.

The indication for the use of the drug is an unproductive cough with sputum that is difficult to separate. The syrup is used for exhausting attacks of dry cough, depriving the child of sleep and appetite, it helps to make the cough more productive.

Althea syrup with a wet cough is used if thick, difficult to separate sputum is formed that clogs the airways. The medicine quickly reduces its viscosity, accelerates the discharge from the bronchi and promotes a speedy recovery.

Instructions for use and doses for children

You can take Althea syrup only as directed by a doctor! You can not self-medicate, this can lead to the opposite effect. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the child's condition and is usually 7-14 days. In exceptional cases, the pediatrician prescribes the drug for a longer period of time, up to 3 weeks, if necessary.

The drug is taken 4-5 times a day after meals. During the treatment of cough, a plentiful warm drink is recommended. Age dosages:

  • for babies from 1 to 6 years old, dilute half a teaspoon of syrup in a quarter cup of boiled water;
  • children from 6 to 12 years old are given 1 teaspoon diluted with 50 ml of water;
  • adolescents over 12 years old and adults - 1 tablespoon diluted in 100 ml of water.

The medicine can not be diluted with liquid. So it will be tastier and sweeter. It is difficult for kids to drink thick syrup, so it is better for them to dilute it with some water.

Contraindications and side effects

Since Althea syrup is a herbal preparation, it is well tolerated by children and has a minimum number of contraindications and side effects. The instructions for use describe the following main restrictions on the use of the drug:

  • individual hypersensitivity to the components of the remedy;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • sucrase-isomaltase deficiency;
  • low-carbohydrate diet (the syrup contains bread units);
  • periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • with extreme caution prescribed to patients with diabetes mellitus.

Expectorants are not used in babies under one year old, since as a result of taking such drugs, the amount of sputum formed increases. Infants have narrow respiratory passages, all the mucus cannot go out through them and accumulates in the bronchi. As a result, suffocation may occur.

Side effects include the possibility of allergic reactions (urticaria, itching, redness of the skin). If the correct dosage prescribed by the doctor is not observed, the likelihood of overdose symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, sometimes dizziness, drowsiness and headaches, increases. In this case, the use of the syrup should be interrupted and consult a pediatrician. It is advisable to give the patient an enterosorbent or do a gastric lavage.

Interaction with other drugs

It is not allowed to give the child Althea syrup simultaneously with drugs containing codeine, as well as with other drugs that suppress the cough reflex (Codelac, Libeksin, Stoptussin, Sinekod, Terpinkod). This will inevitably lead to difficulty in the discharge of the resulting sputum. Mucus will accumulate in the bronchi, instead of being excreted from the body.



2022 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs