Dorsopathy of the cervical spine syndrome of the spinal artery. Dorsopathy of the cervical spine

Dorsopathy is a pathological condition of the spine, in which the muscles, spine and ligaments are affected. This disease in most cases occurs as a result of degenerative or inflammatory processes. The disease is characterized by sufficiently developed symptoms. Treatment in most cases is aimed at eliminating the symptoms and the cause of the disease.

Symptoms of pathology

Symptoms of dorsopathy can be varied. Most often, the disease is manifested by pain, which are characterized by varying intensity. With the development of pathology, the patient also has unstable blood pressure. In some cases, patients complain of sleep disturbance. They may also have visual impairment. Before the eyes of patients periodically appear "flies" or colored spots.

The disease in most cases causes pain that resembles heart pain. At the same time, the patient's heart rate increases. During the course of the disease, some people complain of increased sweating. The pathological condition is very often accompanied by weakness. Patients may experience pre-syncope, and even fainting.

Dorsopathy of the cervical region is accompanied by impaired coordination of movements. When walking, the patient may stagger in different directions. In a certain group of patients during the development of the disease, nausea and the urge to vomit are very often observed. In the later stages of the pathological condition, the fingers of the hands go numb in patients. The upper extremities may feel cold or swollen. Some patients complain of weakness in the arms.

Pain in this pathology of the cervical region is observed not only in this area, but also in the hands or behind the sternum. In some patients, during the development of this pathology, noise in the head is observed. Also, patients may complain of the appearance of headaches, which are pulsating in nature. Increased pain is observed in the period of a sharp movement of the head.

Dorsopathy of the cervical region is characterized by sufficiently developed symptoms. If several symptoms appear, the patient must without fail seek help from a doctor who will conduct an examination, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe rational treatment.

Important! Do not delay going to the doctor if you have one or more of the symptoms described above.

Application of ointments and gels

For the treatment of dorsopathy, in most cases, medication is used. The use of certain drugs is carried out depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the degree of development of the pathology.

Treatment, the preparations for which are very diverse, begins with an examination of the patient. To relieve pain during the diagnosis period and to further eliminate symptoms, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs that have a local effect can be used. Most often, patients are prescribed such ointments, gels and creams:

  1. Nikoflex - consists of vasodilating components. The drug is characterized by the presence of an analgesic effect. When using a medication at the site of its application, the body temperature rises, which guarantees a warming effect.
  2. Apizartron - belongs to the category of combined drugs. The drug is characterized by a unique composition, which provides it with an analgesic, locally irritating and anti-inflammatory effect. The ointment must be applied in a thin layer to the site of pain dislocation. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the evening.
  3. Ibuprofen - has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. To ensure high efficiency of the drug, it is carefully rubbed into the skin. The drug is characterized by the presence of a minimum number of side effects, which allows it to be used to relieve pain in almost all patients. When using the drug in rare cases, an allergic reaction is observed.
  4. Nimulid is an ointment for pain relief. Also, with the help of the drug, inflammation is eliminated. If the patient has scratches, abrasions and other skin lesions, then they are strictly prohibited from using the drug.

Important! Ointments and gels are characterized by a high impact effect, therefore they are widely used to relieve pain and eliminate inflammation during the course of cervical dorsopathy.

Complex medical treatment

To ensure high efficiency of treatment after diagnosis, the patient must be prescribed a comprehensive treatment. When a disease occurs, the risk of circulatory disorders in the tissues increases. To avoid this pathological process, patients are prescribed:

  • antioxidants;
  • vasoactive drugs;
  • antihypoxants.

In order to eliminate pain, which may be chronic, the patient must take chondroprotectors that restore cartilage tissue.

A variety of medications can be prescribed to relieve pain. If the patient has severe pain that hampers his movements, it is recommended to use:

  • novocaine;
  • dexamethasone;
  • lidocaine.

Very often, patients are prescribed drugs that not only relieve pain, but also relieve muscle tension. These drugs include diclofenac, voltaren, nurofen. They are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Medications are also used in the form of tablets, which provides effective treatment. Injections of these drugs can also be used to eliminate dorsopathy.

Important! This group of medications should be taken under the strict supervision of a physician. This is due to the fact that they have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Soreness in the neck during the development of this disease can be eliminated by analgesics or muscle relaxants. Physiotherapeutic procedures can be used to enhance their effect. Most often, patients are referred for reflexology courses. Manual therapy is quite effective in this case. This method consists in manual exposure to the affected area. Manual therapy should be used with the utmost care. In order to avoid the occurrence of complications, it is necessary to contact a highly qualified specialist.

Pain relief can also be achieved with acupuncture. When using this technique, the process of progression of the disease stops. Doctors recommend doing it several times a year.

Important! For the treatment of dorsopathy, it is necessary to use not only traditional medicines, but also physiotherapy. An integrated approach gives more effective results.

Gymnastics in the treatment of illness

Therapeutic exercise plays a rather important role in the treatment of the disease in question. Gymnastics consists in performing a set of physical exercises by the patient. These include:

  1. Perform light rocking of the head up and down. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a small amplitude.
  2. Rotation of the shoulders forward / backward. The exercise should be done as slowly as possible.
  3. Turning the head to the right and left. This exercise will develop the muscles of the neck.
  4. Tilt the head back. Exercise must be done with caution.

All exercises from the complex should be carried out as slowly and carefully as possible. Sudden movements can lead to severe pain. It is necessary to repeat each exercise from the complex six to ten times. On average, classes last 10-15 minutes. You can perform exercises for the patient in a sitting or standing position, which allows you to take the most comfortable position. Before conducting physiotherapy exercises, the patient should consult a doctor who will correct the complex depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Exercises should be performed in a relaxed and calm state. If during the execution of a certain of them discomfort or pain occurs, then it must be excluded from the complex.

The attending physician, depending on the indications of magnetic resonance imaging, may give the patient additional exercises. If the patient's activity is associated with sedentary work, then he is recommended to perform a set of exercises several times a day. The patient can do gymnastics right at the workplace. Doctors recommend that their patients walk for a few minutes every half hour.

Physiotherapy exercises have a high effect only when combined with drug therapy. To ensure the effectiveness of the method, the patient must follow all the recommendations of the doctor as accurately as possible.

Traditional medicine in treatment

To eliminate the symptoms of dorsopathy, traditional medicine can be used. Due to the availability of ingredients, they can be easily prepared at home. The most effective folk medicines include the following recipes:

Burdock root decoction

To prepare the drug, it is necessary to take the roots of plants such as burdock and dandelion, as well as St. John's wort. All components are crushed and mixed in the same amount. The resulting mass must be poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for ten minutes. It is necessary to wet a piece of tissue in it and attach it to the place of pain dislocation.

Althea root tincture

In order to prepare a medicinal product, it is necessary to take the roots of marshmallow, grind. The resulting raw material is poured with cool boiled water and infused for eight hours. In the tincture, moisten a piece of bandage and apply to the neck. Polyethylene is applied on top and wrapped in a warm cloth. It is recommended to apply a compress at night to achieve the highest possible effect.

Melissa compress

To reduce pain during the course of the disease, lemon balm can be used. Her greens must be steamed in boiling water and applied to a sore spot. To enhance the effect, a piece of polyethylene and a warm bandage are applied on top.

Eucalyptus tincture

To prepare the drug, you need to take 50 grams of the plant, place it in a glass container and pour a glass of vodka. The medicine should be infused for a week. After this time, it is necessary to use a means for rubbing sore spots.

horseradish compress

For them, you can use both fresh and dry leaves of the plant. They are pre-steamed in boiling water and applied to the sore spot. In order to enhance the effectiveness, a warm cloth may be applied over the top. Horseradish leaves have an analgesic and warming effect. This drug is quite effective, which allows it to be used for severe pain.

Important! Despite the fact that the treatment of folk remedies is quite effective, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using a certain drug.


For treatment and prevention, it is important to follow simple preventive measures. These include:

  1. Proper and comfortable sleep.
  2. Complete nutrition.
  3. Reduced stress on the spine.
  4. Walks in the open air.
  5. Timely treatment of diseases.

Patients with a disease such as dorsopathy should remember that preventing complications of the disease is easier than treating. This is due to the fact that this pathology belongs to the category of diseases of the ridge, which are quite difficult to treat. In order to stop the progression of the disease, it is necessary to use complex treatment and proper prevention.

cervical dorsopathy is a combination of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the vertebral bodies, blood vessels, discs, nerve fibers, muscle tissues located in the neck area.

The cervical region contains an artery that supplies blood to the brain. With dorsopathy, it is experienced, which disrupts cerebral circulation.

In addition, dystrophic changes in cartilage and discs can provoke diseases of other systems, for example, the nervous system, and provoke a number of complications, such as stroke and cerebral ischemia.

Therefore, timely diagnosis and proper treatment of the disease is important.

What is dorsopathy of the cervical spine?

Even experts cannot always answer exactly what dorsopathy is. By it is meant set of degenerative processes associated with changes in the state of paravertebral and cartilaginous tissues. According to medical statistics, specifically cervical dorsopathy is only a tenth of the total.

According to the nature of the lesion, dorsopathy is classified into such types:

  • deforming. Its sources are various deformations of the spine, its displacement, osteochondrosis.
  • Spondylopathy or vertebrogenic, arising due to traumatism or early diseases, is localized in the vertebra.
  • Discogenic. It is a severe form of the disease, develops due to dystrophic processes in cartilaginous tissues, can cause hernia or protrusion.

It should be understood that dorsopathy is not a separate specific disease. This is a general name for several pathologies that can be the result of a variety of reasons.

In terms of prevalence, cervical dorsopathy ranks second after the lumbar. It should be borne in mind that the human spine begins to age very early, almost at the same time when the bones are finished forming. Therefore, with age, risk factors for diseases increase.

The cervical region is subjected to special loads, since a modern person spends quite a lot of time in a sitting position, and the vertebrae experience high loads. Therefore, serious therapy of diseases of this group is important.

Video: "What is dorsopathy?"

Causes and risk factors

There are a large number of reasons that can provoke changes in the vertebrae and discs.

Among them are the following:

  • Infectious diseases: tuberculosis of the vertebrae, pyogenic infection, brucellosis, tertiary syphilis (now extremely rare).
  • Injuries: fractures, sprains, dislocations and subluxations of the vertebrae.
  • hereditary factor.
  • Autoimmune and allergic diseases.
  • Improper nutrition (various unbalanced rigid diets, improper vegetarianism, etc.).
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Overstrain of untrained muscles.
  • Prolonged stay in uncomfortable positions.
  • Frequent short overloads of the neck, for example, when driving a car with sudden acceleration or braking.
  • Hypothermia.

Among the risk factors, it is worth noting the following:

  • inadequate nutrition;
  • insufficient personal hygiene;
  • smoking;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • physical activity without prior warm-up;
  • sports training without the correct regimen and frequency;
  • extreme sports;
  • driving a car without a head restraint;
  • work associated with a forced position of the head for a long time;
  • elderly age;
  • regular stress.


Dorsopathy of the cervical spine can provoke the following complications:

  • Syndrome of the vertebral artery;
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.

vertebral artery syndrome- a spasm of the cervical artery, which leads to poor blood supply, cerebral ischemia, stroke.

Myelopathic syndrome represents a set of phenomena that accompany compression of the spinal cord. Possible paralysis of the limbs, dysfunction of the intestines and urinary organs, loss of sensitivity below the zone of compression of the brain.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia suggests impaired regulation of the peripheral nervous system responsible for the functioning of internal organs. It makes itself felt with cardiac arrhythmia, asthma attacks, increased nervous excitability, and violations of thermoregulation.

Symptoms and methods of diagnosis

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine makes itself felt by the following symptoms:

  • Discomfort and pain in the neck, sometimes in the shoulder blades.
  • Increased pain when sneezing, coughing, sudden movements.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Headaches and dizziness.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Limited mobility of the head and upper limbs.
  • Spasms in the muscles that accompany sudden movements.
  • Deterioration of vision and hearing.
  • Weakness, numbness, chills, tingling in the hands.
  • Pain in the chest, which is often perceived as pain in the heart.

Not all symptoms directly indicate the disease, so the patient may not identify it on their own. It is important to go to a specialist in time, who will prescribe adequate measures of therapy and prevent the transition of the disease to an acute state.


And did you know that…

Next fact

The diagnosis is usually established by a neurologist and a traumatologist.

The specialist wants the following:

  • Conducts a study of complaints and anamnesis of patients;
  • Examines the column of the spine in a standing position, lying down, sitting.
  • Checks the tension of the muscles of the back and neck;
  • Determines the localization of pain through palpation.
  • Checks the sensitivity of the skin in the area of ​​​​the arms and shoulder girdle.

The following methods can be shown:

  • Radiography makes it possible to identify osteochondrosis and deformation processes in the spine.
  • Tomography makes it possible to determine the presence of a hernia and the degree of pathology.
  • Can be shown blood analysis both clinical and biochemical.

You may also need to consult an orthopedist and a neurosurgeon.


Therapy, as a rule, is complex, and includes medication and physiotherapy measures, and gymnastics. Sometimes surgery is indicated.

Of the medicines, the following groups can be shown:

  • To combat pain syndrome analgesics are used such as Analgin, Ketorolac, Baralgin and others. With severe pain, novocaine blockade may be needed - an injection of drugs for local anesthesia.
  • In order to reduce inflammatory processes, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug: Naproxen, Diclofenac sodium, Meloxicam and others.
  • In certain cases, prescribed hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs: Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone and others. They are used only in extreme cases, as they have a large number of side effects.
  • To relieve muscle spasm muscle relaxants- drugs that reduce muscle tone. The most effective are Mydocalm, Baclofen and Sirdalud.
  • Warming ointments with local irritating action help improve blood flow at the site of exposure, which reduces swelling, improves nutrition and accelerates regeneration in nearby tissues. Their choice is quite wide, such as Kapsikam, Finalgon, etc. are often used.
  • Additionally, it can be shown drugs to improve trophism and nerve conduction: B vitamins, Prozerin, Nucleo CMF Forte.
  • A separate group of medicines are proteolytic plant enzymes such as caripazine based on dried papaya milky juice. They contribute to the softening and resorption of disc herniations, help to improve the secretion of collagen, moderately restore the membranes of the discs.

Some medications are very strong and can cause a number of side effects. That is why you can take any of them only with a doctor's prescription.

Surgical intervention may be indicated in the presence of hernias or in the absence of results of conservative therapy.

Also an important part of therapy is physiotherapy. With proper observance of the technique, it helps to significantly improve the patient's condition.

The complex is selected by the doctor individually. It may include exercises such as:

  • You need to press your palm to your forehead and tilt your head forward, resisting with the inside of your hand.
  • Place your palm on the temple area, and tilt your head towards the hand, also offering resistance.
  • Gently lower your head to your chest, press your chin to it and hold for 2-3 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.
  • Slowly turn your head to the extreme left position, then, also smoothly, return to the starting position. Repeat to the right side.
  • Lower your straight arms down, raise your shoulders as high as possible, hold in this position for 10-15 seconds, slowly lower.

Exercises are repeated 10-15 times several times a day.

A professional massage aimed at relieving tension may be shown. You can also learn self-massage, which will help improve the condition at the right time.

Needed at home adhere to all the measures prescribed by the doctor: take prescribed medications, perform massage and exercise therapy if necessary. Various folk remedies can also help, such as a garlic compress, coltsfoot, intoxicated decoction, homemade mustard ointment, and more. Despite the safety of folk methods, you still need to consult a doctor beforehand.

To prevent and reduce risk factors for dorsopathy, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

Video: "Exercises for the neck"

recovery prognosis

If the diagnosis is made on time, and the treatment is correct, then the prognosis for recovery is favorable. But if you treat this inattentively, then diseases of the spine can lead to disability, reduced mobility or its complete loss.


Summing up, we highlight the following key points:

  • Under dorsopathy is understood as a set of inflammatory and degenerative processes in the cervical spine, provoking unpleasant symptoms and impairing mobility.
  • Diseases can provoke complications, so their timely diagnosis is important.
  • Therapy is usually complex, and includes medications, exercises, and other measures prescribed by the doctor. In difficult cases, surgery may be needed.
  • With proper and timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

If you have been diagnosed with such a diagnosis, you want to figure out - dorsopathy of the spine, what it is. This disorder is a disease of the vertebrae and adjacent tissues, which is predominantly degenerative-dystrophic in nature.

Reasons for the development of pathology

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine can develop for many reasons, among which the most common are:

  • propensity for a sedentary lifestyle, "sedentary" work;
  • age-related changes leading to wear of the intervertebral discs;
  • weakened immunity;
  • regular stress, excessive physical activity;
  • injuries of various parts of the spine;
  • deficiency of nutrients in the body associated with a monotonous diet;
  • frequent colds and viral diseases;
  • violations of posture in the form of scoliosis, kyphosis, stoop;
  • abnormal weight gain and genetic predisposition to the disease.

Often, the disease "blooms" due to metabolic disorders, thyroid pathologies, alcohol abuse and active smoking. Among the diseases leading to dorsopathy, syphilis, tuberculosis, vegetovascular dystonia, rheumatoid arthritis, myositis of an infectious nature, intervertebral hernia, osteomyelitis, disc deformity, and the presence of spinal tumors are in the lead.

In most cases, dorsopathy of the cervical spine is caused by a combination of several adverse factors.

Types of dorsopathy

Dorsopathy is classified depending on the location of the pathological process. The disease can develop in the following parts of the spine:

  • neck;
  • chest;
  • lumbosacral.

In addition, the pathology can be of a different nature. With a deforming type, the disease develops against the background of a curvature or displacement of the spinal column, osteochondrosis. Vertebrogenic dorsopathy occurs as a result of injuries and diseases that cause degenerative disorders in bone tissue.

The discogenic form of the disease develops as a result of dystrophic changes in the cartilaginous tissue, often leading to the formation of hernias and protrusions. Depending on the duration of the disease, it is classified as chronic, acute or subacute.

In 10% of cases, dorsopathy affects the cervical spine. Such a diagnosis is fraught with the development of dangerous complications, and requires timely high-quality treatment. Among the consequences of cervical dorsopathy are cerebrovascular accidents, curvature of the spine, partial paralysis of the lower or upper limbs, displacement and compaction of the vertebrae.

Many are interested in dorsopathy of the lumbar spine, what it is. Unlike cervical, this type of disorder occurs in 60-80% of patients. The main cause of the pathology is osteochondrosis, and the main symptom is “lumbago” in the lower back.

Characteristic symptoms

Common symptoms of pathology include:

  • soreness, aggravated at night, as well as during movements, coughing, laughter;
  • frequent numbness of various parts of the body;
  • muscular dystrophy in the limbs;
  • thinning of the skin;
  • deterioration of the dermis, hair, nail plates.

The characteristic signs of the cervical form of the disease are dizziness, throbbing pain in the head, frequent drops in blood pressure, deterioration in the quality of sleep, tinnitus, dullness of hearing and vision. Dorsopathy of the cervical spine leads to a forced restriction in the movements of the head and upper limbs in the shoulder joints, impaired motor coordination. Perhaps the appearance of weakness, chills, tingling, fainting.

Developing in the lumbar region, the pathology causes pain in it, extending to the lower limbs and pelvic organs. Dorsopathy of the thoracic spine leads to the limitation of full-fledged movements and breathing. Often there is a burning sensation in the sternum, in the region of the shoulder blades.

Diagnosis of the disease

The first stage of diagnosis is to familiarize the doctor with the patient's complaints and anamnesis. Next, an examination of the affected area of ​​​​the spine and the muscles adjacent to it is carried out. This procedure is carried out with the involvement of several specialists (neurologist, traumatologist, orthopedist, rheumatologist).

An important step in confirming the final diagnosis is modern methods of examination. The patient will need to:

  • radiography, which determines the degree of progression of the deformation process;
  • computed tomography (CT), allowing to clarify the nature and stage of the course of the disease;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), showing the anatomical features of the spinal column, and any existing changes in the bone structures.

A detailed study of the patient's biological media is not an important diagnostic point. Most often, the patient is prescribed a biochemical and clinical blood test. The results of the study make it possible to identify the presence of inflammatory processes in the body that caused the development of dorsopathy.

How is the treatment

The goals of conservative treatment are:

  • reduction in intensity or complete elimination of pain;
  • removal of the inflammatory process;
  • normalization of blood circulation, sensitivity, function of the spinal roots;
  • prevention of development of dystrophic changes in vertebral structures;
  • saturation of the body with vitamins and minerals.

The main drugs used in the treatment of dorsopathy are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (in tablets, injections), muscle relaxants that relieve increased muscle tension, chondroprotectors that restore cartilage tissue, sedatives that prevent overwork of the nervous system and the appearance of psychogenic muscle spasms, drugs to improve blood circulation .

Most often, patients are prescribed:

  1. Nimesulide.
  2. Diclofenac.
  3. Meloxicam.
  4. Structum.
  5. Alflutol.
  6. Piracetam.
  7. Sirdalud.
  8. Mydocalm.
  9. Eufillin.

The traditional method of treating various types of pathology is traction (traction), which consists in stretching the paravertebral tissues, ligaments, and muscles. As a result, it is possible to increase the distance between individual vertebrae, relieve pain, and restore the correct shape of the spine.

Various physiotherapeutic procedures are becoming relevant, among which preference is given to ultraviolet irradiation, darsonvalization, electrophoresis, phonophoresis, exposure to a magnetic field, ultrasound, massage, mud applications, etc.

If a patient has dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine, treatment includes mandatory exercise therapy. For all types of pathology, drugs that accelerate recovery processes are relevant - biogenic stimulants, B vitamins, anabolic, vascular agents.

Dorsopathy of the cervical region does not always respond well to therapy, and a complete cure can become almost impossible. The best that can be achieved is to stop the development of inflammation, and achieve a stable remission. It often takes a long time to get such results. With a high risk of disability of the patient or a threat to his life, surgical treatment is recommended.

After recovery, it is not recommended to abruptly return to the usual way of life. Otherwise, unwanted relapses of the disease can be provoked. During the rehabilitation period, patients should wear a special orthopedic collar, adhere to the principles of a balanced diet, and avoid intense physical exertion.

Help of traditional medicine

Folk recipes can significantly improve the condition of a patient with dorsopathy, and become an effective addition to the main therapy regimen.

Rubbing with sage

You will need to bring to a boil 0.5 liters of vegetable oil (preferably unrefined), add 100 g of dry sage herb to it, and boil a little. The agent is slightly cooled, put for 30 minutes in a water bath, after which it is insisted for at least 3 hours. The finished composition is used daily for rubbing diseased areas.

Salt compress

Dissolve 50 g of salt in 500 ml of boiling water, put on a slow fire for 15 minutes. When the product has cooled, a soft tissue is immersed in it, squeezed out, and applied to the affected area. Top cover with cellophane and a clean towel. The compress must be kept for at least 12 hours.

Therapy with honey and mustard plasters

The required area of ​​the body is treated with liquid natural honey, covered with a paper towel or napkins, and pharmacy mustard plasters are applied on top. After that, they are insulated with cling film and a woolen scarf. The session should last at least 10-15 minutes.

Prevention of pathology

The main preventive measures that prevent the development of dorsopathy are:

  • moderate physical activity;
  • abandoning a sedentary lifestyle;
  • eating natural foods rich in natural vitamins and minerals;
  • control of body weight and correct posture;
  • refusal to lift weights;
  • preference for bad habits of a healthy lifestyle.
Early detection and high-quality treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, regular preventive examinations in a medical institution are important. Only in the case of timely treatment of the disease, the probability of a positive prognosis remains.

Many different pathologies are associated with the neck. All inflammatory, degenerative diseases of the vertebral bodies, discs, muscle tissues, blood vessels and nerve fibers that occur in this area can be combined by a single general term - cervical dorsopathy. Unlike other departments, where such a phenomenon is more often associated with age-related changes, neck dorsopathy can be observed relatively early - literally from school.

Dorsopathy of the cervical region: causes and treatment

- a disease of the technogenic era, now caused rather than by senile destruction in the bones, but by a hypodynamic lifestyle, in which preference is given not to movement, but to static, tense postures.

More often, diseases of the transitional sections of the spine, in particular the cervicothoracic, are stated.

Types of cervical dorsopathy

In total, four types of dorsopathy of the cervicothoracic region can be distinguished:

  • Deforming, without destruction in the discs and severe neurological symptoms
    These include:
    • Osteochondrosis of the first or second degree
    • Scoliosis
    • Kyphosis
    • in the early stages
    • vertebrae
    • Deformities caused by bone resorption ()
  • Discogenic dorsopathy, leading to destruction in the intervertebral discs and accompanied by severe neurological and autonomic symptoms, not only local, but also remote:
    • , occiput, humeroscapular and upper chest region
    • Phenomena of paresthesia (symptoms of tingling, crawling, etc.)
    • Loss of sensation in the limbs, neck-occipital regions

    Discogenic dorsopathy includes:

    • Protrusions in the neck
    • with disk offsets
  • Degenerative-inflammatory, caused by late degenerative processes, as well as inflammation of the vertebral tissues of various etiologies:
    • Deforming spondylarthrosis of 3-4 degrees
    • cervical canal
    • Osteomyelitis
    • rheumatoid arthritis
    • Tumors
    • Infectious myositis
  • Other types of dorsopathy
    These, for example, include myofascial syndrome (muscle pain tension), the causes of which are:
    • Constant bad posture, sleeping on an uncomfortable pillow
    • Overexertion of the neck muscles due to inadequate muscle loading
    • Hypothermia of the neck

Factors contributing to the development of cervical dorsopathy

Dorsopathy is not some separate disease for the treatment of which recipes are already known. This is a whole series of diseases, the causes of which are both congenital and acquired.

The development of such pathologies can contribute to:

  • Genetic inherent disorders of metabolic intracellular processes, leading to a lack of important building components of cartilage:
    collagen, chondroitin sulfates, mucopolysaccharides etc
  • Poor nutrition
  • Neck injury
  • Anomalies of the cervical vertebrae
  • Constant drafts, high humidity, etc.

Complications of cervical dorsopathy

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine can lead to complications:

  • Syndrome of the vertebral artery
  • Myelopathic syndrome
  • Vegetovascular dystonia

Vertebral artery syndrome - spasm of the cervical artery, leading to poor blood supply, cerebral ischemia and even stroke

Often a similar phenomenon occurs on the basis of uncovertebral arthrosis..

The main symptoms of vertebral artery syndrome:

  • Shooting headaches
  • with possible short-term loss of consciousness
  • Visual-auditory disorders
  • Decreased performance, memory, etc.

Myelopathic syndrome is a set of phenomena accompanying spinal cord compression:

  • Paralysis of the limbs
  • Loss of sensation below the area of ​​brain compression
  • Dysfunctions of the urinary organs and intestines and other phenomena, etc.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia are symptoms of impaired regulation of the peripheral nervous system, which is responsible for the functioning of internal organs.

This manifests itself in:

  • Pressure drops
  • Cardiac arrhythmia
  • Asphyxia
  • Increased nervous excitability:
    • irritability
    • unreasonable feeling of anxiety
  • Thermoregulation disorders:
    • excessive sweating even at low ambient temperatures
    • sensations of chilliness, then heat in the body
    • cold feet and hands

Treatment of cervical dorsopathy

Treatment of cervical dorsopathy is carried out sequentially in several directions, depending on the causes of its origin and clinical symptoms:

  • Removal of acute pain syndrome
  • Decreased muscle tension
  • Elimination of ischemic symptoms
  • Restoration of destroyed bone structures and neuromuscular regulation
  • Strengthening the musculoskeletal apparatus of the cervical region

Accordingly, with this scheme are assigned:

  • Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal pain medications:
    • Ketoprofen
    • Movalis, etc.
  • Therapeutic local blockade based on lidocaine or novocaine
  • Corticosteroids
  • External means:
    • Diclofenac - gel,
  • Muscle relaxants:
    • mydocalm, sirdalud, baclofen
  • Additional measures for pain:
    • Immobilizing (Schanz collar)
    • Manual therapy
    • Postisometric relaxation
  • When the nerve roots are pinched by a hernia, it can be applied:
  • In some cases, resort to surgery:
    • For severe injuries
    • Spinal cord compressions
    • Unstable spondylolisthesis
  • Simple subluxations of the cervical vertebrae are successfully eliminated by manual therapy
  • To improve blood circulation and brain activity, nootropic drugs and angioprotectors are used:
    • Pentoxifylline
    • Eufillin
    • Piracetam
    • Actovegin
  • For the regeneration of the cartilage layer, courses of admission are prescribed:
    Alflutop, Dona, Structum
  • To restore nervous activity, improve tissue metabolism, slow down oxidative processes in them, are taken:
    • Milgamma (vitamin B complex)
    • A nicotinic acid
    • Vitamins A, E and C
  • In order to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the neck, exercise therapy is prescribed

The remedies listed are just a list of what can be used. The choice of the path of treatment is strictly individual and is determined by the vertebrologist or orthopedist after the examination.

  • Some drugs (such as corticosteroids) are used for particularly severe pain
  • It is impossible to use painkillers for a long time without protecting the gastrointestinal tract, as they can cause an ulcer
  • You also need to think carefully about seemingly completely harmless neck collars, and not wear them literally on every occasion.

Video: When to wear a Shants collar with cervical dorsopathy

How often do you hear from a person about their health problems, especially when people are in pain? Many "malfunctions" in the body begin to manifest themselves through pain syndromes, violating the usual comfortable way of life. Such ailments include dorsopathy of the cervical spine. It begins imperceptibly, eventually developing into a constant problem of excruciating painful sensations.

For the convenience of designating all pain syndromes associated with the spine, the term "dorsopathy" has been introduced. It is collective and includes degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the spine, its muscular apparatus and ligaments. Dorsopathy most often implies several pathological processes in the spine: spondylosis, spondylarthrosis, (IPD). A characteristic feature of all dorsopathies is pain.

Risk factors for dorsopathy

Dorsopathy often occurs in drivers.
  • Forced sitting position for a long time ("office syndrome", work at the computer).
  • Spinal microtraumas received in the performance of professional duties (drivers, tractor drivers, athletes).
  • Frequent infections (weaken the body's defense mechanisms).
  • Diseases of the internal organs (cause reflected pain in the spine, lead to the development of muscle spasm).
  • Flat feet, varus, valgus deformity of the feet (uneven load along the axis of the spine leads to congestion of the cervical region).
  • Psycho-emotional congestion (lack of endorphins during stress causes increased tone in the muscles of the shoulder girdle and back).
  • Too soft seating.

Dorsopathy of the cervical spine is more common in people aged 35-55 years, appears against the background of gradual aging of the body. At a younger age, its development is associated with congenital developmental anomalies, sports injuries.

Anatomical features of the cervical spine

  1. Low muscle mass.
  2. The first and second cervical vertebrae form a combined joint that provides rotation of the head.
  3. The transverse processes of the vertebrae that form the channel for the vertebral artery.
  4. The vertebral arteries on each side of the spine supply blood to the brain (limbic-reticular complex) and cervical region. When they are compressed, it is formed: headache, neck pain, vomiting, noise in the ears or head.
  5. Powerful cervical plexus - truncus simpaticus.
  6. Thyroid.
  7. ENT organs.

The basis of the disease is the defeat of the spinal motion segment (SDS). PDS is two vertebrae, an intervertebral disc, a ligamentous apparatus and adjacent neuromuscular structures.

The cervical region is the most mobile part of the spine. With increased load, the core of the disk dries out and its height decreases. If the IVD is damaged, the vertebrae completely take over the load. Under pressure, they begin to touch the bone surfaces, deform, flatten, pathological displacements of the vertebrae relative to each other occur, bone growths (osteophytes) form on the vertebrae. When the IVD dries out, the intervertebral fissures decrease and compress the spinal nerve roots, causing the development of radiculopathy and pain syndromes. Structural features of the cervical spine predispose to compression not only of the nerve roots, but also of the vertebral arteries and spinal cord. Damage to the anatomical structures of the PDS occurs more often by osteophytes than by IVD hernias in the cervical spine.

  • When bone structures are damaged, spondyloarthrosis occurs, deforming spondylosis.
  • With damage to the intervertebral disc - osteochondrosis, hernia of the IVD.
  • Muscle imbalance leads to myofascial syndrome.


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