The most difficult commands for dogs. Teaching the "down" command

You have pet- funny puppy. He must be educated and taught discipline and obedience. You have no experience and you don’t know how to teach dog to the teams, and which ones she should definitely know. Let's listen to the advice of experienced dog handlers.

Training rules

Even the smartest animal requires education and training. And here it all depends on the owner. Any dog ​​can be taught commands; all you need is your desire, patience and discipline. And of course, basic knowledge of how to properly train a pet.

Where do we start?

At what age should puppies begin to be taught basic commands - optimally from 4 months. But the process of education must begin from the first day of appearance little friend in your home. You need to make friends with the dog and gain its trust.

Of course, by the time the puppy starts learning commands, it should know its name and get used to the collar and leash.

Find suitable place, where you will train your dog. It is best to choose a fenced-off area, away from noisy places and roadways.

Don't forget about treats - these can be pieces of meat, cheese, dry food. It is impossible to teach a dog commands without encouragement.

Of course, we cannot do without tough measures. But remember the main thing - hitting a dog for misunderstanding and disobedience is strictly prohibited! Your pet should not be afraid of you, but recognize the leader, the owner.

Important nuances of training

The dog should be fed a couple of hours before class.

The workout should not last longer than 15 minutes. But it’s worth doing it every day. Systematicity is the key to your success.

What should you do if you repeat the command more than 3 times and the puppy is not interested? It is useless to insist; it is better to try again later.

For every success, reward your pet with treats, petting and praise.

You need to learn and consolidate one skill first before attempting new commands.

Rush in learning is inappropriate. Force yourself to be calm and patient. Dogs have different abilities and some will take longer to learn commands.

Near command training

How to teach a dog to move next to you, near your left leg? Take the leash close to the collar and hold the remaining part with your other hand. As you move, say “nearby,” and as soon as the puppy tries to overtake you, move to the side, or lags behind, make a sharp jerk with the leash, repeating the command again.

The next time the dog moves away from you, command “here”, and if he does everything correctly without the help of a leash, praise him and give him something tasty.

Strengthen the skill daily; ideally, the pet should instantly return to you on your command.

Command "come to me"

How to teach a dog to come to you at your first request? Start with positive motivation - call your dog while holding something tasty in your hand. They voiced the command, the puppy ran up to you - praise, pet, give a treat.

Doesn't respond to your call? Pretend that you are running away, and when the pet runs after you, repeat the command again and praise it for obedience.

The dog was running and playing, but immediately came running to you when he heard the command? Be sure to reward with a treat, but don't fasten the leash right away. Let him run some more. This will establish a positive association with the team.

How to teach the “sit” command

When teaching your dog commands, ensure that he knows how to sit at your request.

This can be done with the help of treats. Holding a puppy on short leash, offer him something tasty. Give it a sniff and say “sit.” Raise the treat above his head, and when the dog reaches for it and takes the desired position, praise him and give him a treat.

You can use another method when training: after pronouncing the command, press lightly on the sacrum, encouraging the dog to sit. When she does this, praise her and give her a treat.

What other commands should you teach your dog: “fu” is one of the mandatory ones, then “voice”, “lie down”, “place”, “fetch”, service dogs must know the commands “fas” and “alien”.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Team- this is a short, precise oral order, after which there must be immediate execution. First of all, dogs are taught the commands “Lie down” and “Sit”.

Basic commands for dogs

The dog learns basic commands by ( general course training). It includes the commands: “Come to me”, “Nearby”, “Fu”, “Fetch”, “Give”, “Sit”, “Stand”, “Lie down”, “Place”, “Berrier”. The dog also learns to show a bite, to be calm about the muzzle, to shots, and to be patient when following commands.

Command “Come to me!” The dog runs up and sits at the owner’s left leg, no further than 50 cm from him.
- Team “Walk!” She is accompanied by a gesture of the right hand, which is thrown forward. The dog can run freely.
- Command “Sit!” Accompanied by a gesture: the arm is bent at the elbow, palm forward.
- Command “Stand”. Gesture - right hand pulled forward, palm up at shoulder level.
- Command “Lie down!” Gesture - the right hand is thrown forward and lowered, palm down.
- Team “Nearby”. Accompanied by a gesture, clapping on the thigh with the left hand. The dog walks at the same pace with you so that its shoulder touches your left leg.
- Team "Voice".
- Team “Ugh!” Important command. When a dog tries to pick up crap from the ground, chase a cat, or sort out relationships with other dogs, the command “Ugh!” will not allow him to do this, which will save the dog from a lot of troubles and troubles. But the team cannot be abused, the whole world cannot be “Ugh!”
- The command “Give me a paw.”
- “Turn over” command.

At what age should you start teaching your dog commands?

You can raise and train a dog at any age. But the older the dog, the more difficult it will be for him to learn commands. Optimal age puppy
At the age of three months, they usually begin to learn the commands “Walk”, “Come to me” and “Place”. , when the previous commands have been mastered, you can move on to the limiting commands: “Fu,” “Lie down” and “sit.”

Different breeds require different approach to education. For example, they can perform initial commands already at the age of one month, and at one and a half months they perform the “Aport” command.

Funny commands

one owner managed to teach his dog to pronounce 12 quite clearly short phrases in English:

When a standard list has been learned, it is sometimes supplemented with original commands. For example: “Don’t touch the cat!”, “Show the bunny.”

  • “Scratch it” - the dog scratches its ears;
  • “Wake up daddy” - he jumps on the bed and starts pushing the hostess’s husband with his head;
  • “Be shy” - covers his muzzle with his paw;
  • “Hello” - waves his paw;
  • “Where is the tail” - catches its tail;
  • “Dig” - digs the ground;
  • “Do you agree?” - nods his head;
  • “Bring me a drink” - takes any bottle and drags it to the owner;
  • “Call me” - barks in front of the door after a walk;
  • “Repent” - lies down and covers his muzzle;
  • “Show me the swallow” - he bullies hind paw and freezes.

Dogs. Each new team is an interesting educational game for them. Don't limit yourself to learning basic commands. Be creative in your pet's development and get positive emotions from it.

In order for a dog to grow up well-mannered and obedient, you need to start training it from an early age. Training and walking together are very beneficial important role in the relationship between a pet and its owner.

Basic rules for training a puppy

As soon as the puppy got comfortable in the new place and began to get used to its owner. When he understood his name and began to respond, you need to start raising the baby. The optimal period for starting training is the fourth or fifth month of his life.

Many owners of four-legged animals resort to the services of professionals (canine trainers). But if you have decided to train your little dog yourself, you should at least take advantage of the tips and tricks for training dogs from experienced people.

Every time you walk, first for a few minutes, then longer, you need to conduct classes;

You can’t start training a puppy when he doesn’t feel well, is unhappy or hungry. He must be morally predisposed to spending time and communicating with the owner;

Start learning the commands one by one, starting the second only after the baby begins to clearly understand the first. Training should be carried out in one permanent place, when the first command has been learned and reinforced, it is necessary to change the place for walking and repeat the learned material;

In order for the puppy to prepare for the task, you must first say his name, then give the command. He will subconsciously begin to understand that something is required of him.

The dog must be able to grasp the owner’s tone well, so the command word should be pronounced clearly and in a serious voice. As soon as the dog does everything correctly, you must praise him more gently. Encouraging the puppy to give his favorite treat;

It is unacceptable to scream or hit the baby. You need to patiently repeat the same command over and over again until the pet remembers it. After all, even service dog breeds require more than one day to train one command.

How to teach a puppy to sit on command

The “sit” command is not the most important, but necessary. When performing it, the four-legged dog must sit in one place and not move when required.

During training, you need to get up from the back of the animal, take the leash in your hands, say the dog's name and then a command. At the same time, pull the harness slightly back and down, placing a slight emphasis on the croup.

During this process, the puppy should sit down on its hind legs and sit down. Of course, the dog will immediately want to get up, it’s worth repeating the lesson again and again. When the animal sits down and does not try to jump up, you need to praise it and treat it with a treat.

Teaching the "down" command

As soon as four-legged pet learn to sit on command, now we need to teach him to lie down. In order for the dog to understand that he needs to lie down, you need to fasten the leash to the collar. Step on the harness between the dog and your hand with your foot. Make all movements slowly and carefully so as not to scare or injure the baby.

Next, pull the leash towards you with your hand; accordingly, it will pull the dog’s neck down. Eventually the animal should lie down. You need to repeat this activity for 15 minutes every day during walks, praising and treating the puppy each time. When the student learns the command, you can start doing it without a leash.

How to teach a puppy to give paw

If the dog is already well trained in the “sit” command, it is worth teaching it to give a paw. You need to sit the puppy opposite you, preferably so that the eyes of the owner and the baby are almost at the same level.

Hold a piece of treat for your pet in the fist of your right hand. Then bring your fist to the puppy’s nose so that he can smell the treat. The baby's natural reaction will be to try to get food. He will begin to pick at his fist with his paws.

Say a command to the dog and hold the raised paw with your left hand from below. At the same time, open your right hand and give the student a treat. It is worth repeating the exercise several times. The next day, refresh the material you have studied, but in a different setting and place.

It is necessary to train a puppy until he can lift a limb on his own. All the time you need to praise the dog for its efforts and encourage it.

How to teach a puppy to walk next to you

This is a necessary command for the animal when walking in public places, an adult dog must behave in a cultured and mannered manner. Walk next to the owner, be in sight, and not run back and forth tugging on the leash.

Start training when the dog is walking for a walk. While moving, the dog is moved along right side from its owner. The “nearby” command should make it clear that he needs to walk at the same pace right leg owner.

Keep the leash taut at a distance of 30 cm from the person. At first, the baby will get confused between his legs, so you need to regularly pull him towards you and return him to his place.

When the dog begins to understand what is required of him, it’s time to start jogging or turn right or left. The puppy must always be near the right leg at the same distance.

"No" command

This is a prohibiting command and it should be studied very first. Curious kids exploring the world around us, may be harmed or injured.

Training takes place as follows. Take a piece of meat or other treat and place it within the dog’s visibility range. The pet is attached to a leash. As soon as he makes an attempt to get food, you need to say “no” and pull the harness. Repeat the lesson until the student understands that he is forbidden and remains seated. Only then praise and treat the baby.

Command "give"

It is similar to the “fetch” command; the dog must understand that he needs to bring and give any object to the owner. "Aport", as a rule, is used for large and service dogs. You can teach the word “give” to a small lap dog.

It is necessary to indicate with a hand gesture the object that the dog needs to bring. When your pet learns to do this, be sure to reward him. Carry out the lesson no more than once and give the animal a rest, otherwise he will lose the desire to continue learning.

Beginning dog breeders often ask the question: is it possible to independently raise and train a dog to carry out basic commands without the help of a dog handler or attending special courses? The answer to this question can be given strictly in the affirmative - yes, your pet can master basic commands for dogs without the assistance of a specialist.

Below you will learn how to teach your four-legged friend commands “Come to me!”, “You can’t!”, “Sit!”, “Stop!”, “Nearby!” and other basic commands.

The owner of the dog needs to educate and train it independently, because it is he who communicates with the pet every day and with careful observation he will be able to notice behavioral features that he will try to smooth out in time (unnecessary and harmful) or use in the future educational process (correct and useful).

Note that it is not easy for a novice and inexperienced amateur dog breeder to notice these nuances on their own without help. experienced dog handler. Timely help You simply need such a specialist. But at the same time, you should do most of the work in raising a dog, because nothing can compare with the sincere joy of the owner and the feeling of pride that, thanks to his efforts, perseverance, perseverance and kindness, the dog has become what he wanted it to be.

If you do not set ambitious goals for yourself (achieving success in training competitions, various types canine sport, as well as in service training), for proper education A few commands will be enough for you to find your favorite pet. This set depends on your personal wishes and, of course, individual characteristics dogs.

Your puppy (and subsequently a young dog) should be raised and trained at home. Classes in a group and on the site are useful, but all this comes later and if you wish. Now you are faced with the task of establishing the most trusting relationship with your dog, built on the principles of kindness, reasonable tenderness and severity, and mutual respect.

What commands are needed to properly control a dog in everyday life? What must a puppy, and then a young and adult dog, master and perform at your first request?

Basic commands for dogs: “Come to me!”, “No!”, “Sit!”

Command “Come to me!” for dogs it means, abandoning everything, running to the owner and waiting for further instructions. This is the basic command that every dog ​​should learn. Dog handlers have an axiom: “If the dog does not follow the command “Come to me!” - consider that you don’t have a dog.”

Command "No!" (“No!”) means immediately stop all actions.

Commands “Sit!” and “Lie down!” - this is a requirement to take the appropriate position and await further instructions.

The command to the dog is “Stop!” (“Stop!”) obliges the dog to stop and wait for further instructions from the owner.

Commands for dogs “Walk!” and “Nearby!”

Dog command “Walk!” means that the dog can go for a free walk, without a leash, within the owner’s line of sight.

Dog command “Near!” gives a signal to the dog to move next to you, without running ahead, without falling behind or deviating to the sides.

Without these basic commands it is impossible to quickly control the dog’s behavior; they will help you effectively influence your pet in almost any situation. Practically, because a dog is still a dog, and it is impossible to predict its actions with one hundred percent accuracy. Training your dog to carry out these commands should be your initial task.

Do not try to immediately master any program using one of the various training courses. Think about what you need and what your dog needs. Just like with a child whom you send to a specialized school based on his abilities, do not rush to send your dog to special training courses. Try to master the basics on your own first, and then decide whether it’s worth deepening your training.

Think about how your dog thinks. Why does she act this way in some situations and differently in others, sometimes regardless of your wishes and even contrary to them? Think about how you can control your dog’s behavior by using its characteristics for your own purposes. Learn to analyze - and you will succeed!

For the most comfortable living together, the dog must be raised and trained. Most often, this is why novice dog breeders have doubts, since complete information They do not know about education and training, their methods and types. The process of raising and training a dog is carried out not only for the purpose of mastering the technique of controlling its behavior. This is also the most important means communication between you and the dog. The main thing for you is not to subjugate the dog by intimidation, physical punishment, hard pressing, and establish strong friendly relations based on mutual trust and understanding.

That is why you should try to teach your pet to carry out basic commands before the age of six months (by the time the dog begins to grow up and is ready for serious training). Even if this implementation will not always be clear and timely, your dog must know them - this is the law. With the help of basic commands, you can successfully control your dog everywhere - at home, on the street, in the country, on a trip. Thanks to this skill, the dog will not disturb anyone and will behave adequately when cleaning, washing, or at a veterinarian’s appointment. Teaching basic commands develops the dog, it will clearly know what is required of it and do it. In addition, in critical situations, a quickly executed command will preserve the dog’s health and, perhaps, even life.

Agree, many have dreamed or dream of having a dog. But taking it upon yourself is a big responsibility and quite complex process. The dog itself is quite large, therefore, it will take up a lot of space. The dog needs to be fed, and fed well. In particular, you should not miss the fact that the dog must be taught to behave correctly and obey commands. IN at the moment Small toy dogs will not be considered. This type of dog is purchased mainly by cat and dog lovers. These dogs are considered dogs, but due to their small size they make life easier for their owners.

Article outline:

Why is training needed?

Everyone loves dogs that know how to behave in the company of people and dogs. Dogs that are well trained enjoy absolute freedom. They are trained to wait when told to do so, respond to and carry out a series of commands given by the owner. Walking with such dogs is simply a pleasure, so the owners let them off the leash and, with a pure soul, give them the opportunity to run and frolic in the park. Trained dogs They may well be full participants in family picnics, trips and hikes. They can be called full members of the family.

As for untrained dogs themselves, they do not enjoy such advantages. Before guests arrive, they are usually locked in the back rooms, as they behave too ill-mannered. During lunch they beg, so they have to be kicked out. If you walk them without a leash, they can run away and not return for a long time, or even get completely lost. Walking such dogs on a leash is also not pleasant, as they constantly pull behind them, all the time trying to lead them along.

A dog generally lives from eight to sixteen years. Therefore, you should make sure that the years spent together are joyful for both you and your dog. To do this, she should be taught the correct behavior and commands.

The most important thing a dog should know

First of all, when you adopt a dog, you need to teach it the basics, that is, its name, or as it is commonly called, its nickname. What name to give your puppy is a purely personal matter, but if you acquire purebred puppy, then, most likely, his name will already be indicated in his documents, so it’s worth sticking to it. In the event that you give a new name to the puppy, or come up with it completely on your own, then in this case, it is worth remembering that best option, when the name is short and contains the letter “r”.

The point is that the dog will remember such a nickname well and will respond to it easily. At the next stage, you need to teach the dog to eat exclusively at home and not take food from your hands, since you can meet not entirely friendly people who can simply poison the dog. In addition, when the dog gets used to eating at home, it will not chew on anything it doesn’t get on the street. Also, the basic rule is to wear a collar, leash and muzzle when you go for a walk.

At other times, the dog can do quite well without them. In the case when you have your own home and, accordingly, a plot, then the dog can walk around without these things, but when it leaves the boundaries of your plot, it should react quite calmly to the collar, leash and muzzle, and not remove them. The fact is that in our time it has become necessary to walk a dog on a leash and muzzle, as cases of attacks by walking dogs on people have become more frequent.

What commands should a dog know?

Under any circumstances, your dog must understand your commands. Naturally, there is no need to teach her all kinds of commands, unless, of course, she participates in exhibitions. But there are a number of elementary commands that the dog must know directly.

The first team is the “nearby” team. A dog cannot always run, jump, or play everywhere. As a result, sometimes it is necessary to balance the dog’s emotions with a similar command, in which the dog will stay close to you and at the same time understand that it is impossible to leave your side for some time. The second necessary command is the “come to me” command, which is often directly combined with the first. But that's not true. It’s one thing when a dog just runs up to you and runs back, but it’s a completely different thing when it stays next to you until you give it the go-ahead to go for a walk.

Naturally, the dog can be taught to stay close to you and through the “come to me” command, all this depends on your desire and the dog’s trainer. Of course, you need to understand that you should be involved in raising and training the dog, but under the strict guidance of a professional trainer. In order for the dog to learn to approach you, it should be trained on a leash, tempting it with a treat. You should never hit a dog while training, otherwise it will simply start to be afraid of you.

You must become friends with your dog, but through it all you must remain in charge.

Required command also the command "fu". Many dogs are always ready to protect their owner, but in some cases, the dog may begin to react violently to drunk people, small children, or loud screams, so the dog must understand the “fu” command, which means “no, don’t touch.” This also directly applies to garbage and food on the street. Even in cases where the dog is not in a negative mood, but just comes up to sniff, still say “ugh” to it, to be on the safe side, it is still an animal and it is not possible to answer for its logic.

Education and training

In the case when you independently take up the task of raising your four-legged friend, the most important thing in this difficult task is to start correctly. Please note that first of all, you need to master general training. In progress general training The dog develops skills that discipline it, allow it to control the dog’s behavior both in the process of its daily handling and using it in service.

In addition, general disciplinary skills are the basis for developing a complex of special-purpose conditioned reflexes in a dog. So, if later you want a service well well-mannered dog, you will still have to start with general training.

The best result will be achieved if you start developing useful reflexes from puppyhood.

During the development of conditioned reflexes in puppies and adult dogs, the same training methods are used, but taking into account age characteristics. Puppies, like children, are more mobile, their body is not yet strong, therefore, when working with them, food irritants and light mechanical influences are most often used. Whenever possible, imitative methods should be used. It is worth noting that puppies can be accustomed to many actions during play.

Rules that will help in developing general disciplinary skills:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to establish the correct relationship (contact) with the dog. From the very first days of training, skillfully use unconditioned and conditioned stimuli.
  2. It is recommended to use sound (verbal) commands and gestures generally accepted in service dog breeding clubs as conditioned (signal) stimuli.
In a dog, the conditioned reflex is developed much faster and is more durable when trained using the contrast method, when conditioned stimulus(command, gesture) is first reinforced by a mechanical stimulus (the impact of a leash or hand pressure), and then the completed action should be rewarded with a treat. Mechanical stimuli, in turn, encourage the dog to perform actions that the trainer, that is, you, wants to receive from him.

But you shouldn’t overuse this method, because you can break contact with the dog. In other words, you should not forcefully put pressure, otherwise she may be offended and irritated.

In order for the treat to make the dog want to get another portion and force it to perform the required actions, it must be hungry or in a semi-starved state. Therefore, you should exercise your dog 2 times a day before feeding or 3-4 hours after feeding, in the morning and in the evening.

In duration, such classes should not exceed two hours, and the number of techniques that are performed in one lesson directly depends on the training period and the degree of preparedness and performance of the dog. You should not overload your pet with learning new techniques until the old ones have been reinforced.

At the first stages of training, 2-3 techniques can be repeated in one lesson, in the future, as they develop conditioned reflexes, the number of techniques and the number of their repetitions should be increased directly. Techniques for developing new conditioned reflexes must be performed at the beginning of the lesson.

After each technique for developing a new conditioned reflex is completed, it is necessary to take breaks for 2-3 minutes, using this time directly to walk the dog, and also giving it this time as a free pastime.

How many repetitions of each technique need to be done during one lesson depends directly on how complex the actions performed by the dog are, as well as its performance and the characteristics of its processes of excitation and inhibition. Thus, these techniques with food reinforcement can be performed up to 15-20 times, but as for directly mechanical impact which causes the dog unpleasant feeling, then this method can be used up to 5-10 times. This, in turn, is explained by the fact that the dog is interested in getting a treat (food) and gets tired less. As for the mechanical impact, here, on the contrary, it tries to avoid it and gets tired quickly.

When training a dog, the ability to correctly use leashes, short and long, is quite important. The leash allows you to discipline the dog, and also allows you to stop it in a timely manner. unwanted actions. The stage of controlling a dog without a leash must be approached gradually, as the developed conditioned reflexes are formed and strengthened.

As an exception to of this rule we can call stroking a dog as a mechanical stimulus, which is directly a pleasant action for it and contributes to the formation of conditioned reflexes.

To keep a dog, as well as for its direct training, it is necessary to have an individual set of special equipment, namely: a collar, a strict collar, short and long leashes, a muzzle, various retrieval items, a bag for items and a bag for treats. In addition, when communicating with a dog, and during classes in mandatory The trainer should have a treat with him; this can be small pieces of sausage, meat, cheese and other types of food that the dog loves.

On sites intended for sports training, group training tools are used: training suits, obstacle course, special sleeves, starting pistol, etc.

For direct dog training and daily care, it is advisable to have suitable clothing that will be comfortable for him. various actions with a dog, as well as one that will be easy to clean when dirty. In the summer it can be sportswear, but in the cool season it can be a jacket or padded jacket.

If you have a dog, don't forget to follow good hygiene. After each interaction with a dog, you should definitely wash your hands well; you should not allow it to jump on you, grab your arms or legs, and especially not allow it to lick your face.

In the event that a novice trainer needs advice, he can get it from experienced specialists.

As mentioned earlier, in initial period you should choose areas for training, these should be places where there are no distracting stimuli: away from roads, trails, places of heavy human traffic, places of grazing, etc.

As the techniques are practiced and strong conditioned reflexes are formed, the training conditions should also become more complex: the number and strength of external stimuli etc.

Before you start training, you need to carefully consider the work plan: what techniques should be performed, how many times and in what order it should be done and repeated. At the first stage of training, it is necessary to use treats more often, and then try to use them as rarely as possible, replacing them with stroking movements with your hand and exclamations of “good.” Give treats with your right hand.

We also recommend watching this useful video from experts:

Dogs are very smart animals, they even sense the mood of their owner and can, to some extent, influence psychological support. It’s not for nothing that they say that a dog is a man’s friend, it is always there and always ready to come to your defense.



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