Sweet dreams to my husband. Sending a passionate kiss

Good night my Dear.
You need peace and rest,
That's why Good night
I wish it for my own husband.
You are my protector, my hero.
Good night dear.

To you, my other half,
I wish you magical dreams, like in childhood.
And only with you, the only man,
I want to stay warm in bed this night.

I give you goodnight kisses
And these words, so that you sleep sweetly.
Let the best night in fate
It will come like a miracle, a beautiful riddle.

Let your dreams be like birds in the Garden of Eden
They sit on the branches with a magic song,
May the invisible spirit of the night be beautiful
He will give you wonderful beauty.

The time has come to say: “Good night!”
Go to bed soon, my love.
I wish you very sweet dreams,
My dear, beloved, dear!

My dear, faithful husband!
The bed is already waiting for you...
Surprised pillow
And, of course, a mug of tea...

Go to sleep, good night,
After all, I love you very much,
I send you a magical dream,
And I inspire with the story.

You know, you're so funny
When you sleep next to me...
Like that teddy bear
My beloved, my boy.

Lie on your side in bed,
Go to sleep, my husband, quickly!
Do you remember the fairy tale whispering to us:
“The morning is wiser than the night”!

You need a pleasant night for dreams
And I need it for rest,
It's late, my dear,
It's time for you to rest!

Good night to you, my beloved,
So that the angel of dreams is endlessly guarded,
You only saw pleasant visions,
And joy brought you rest.

I'll dream about you for a minute, maybe
But I won’t disturb your sleep.
So that the dawn comes to you with affection in the morning,
Have a beautiful day and give me the mood!

I look at the stars and dream
As if we were alone on Earth with you...
A magical night is coming everywhere.
I kiss you, my Beloved!

Night comes, the moon shines,
Invites you to his bed
My husband, go to bed quickly
And this night I dream!

Kisses and hugs
Sends your fluffy Kitten.
Sweet dreams! Good night!
My favorite Teddy Bear!

Good night wishes to my beloved husband

Beloved husband, I can’t sleep without you.
You are far from me today.
But lie down and let yourself dream
Your dream is as beautiful as the world!

I wish I could see you sooner
I want to tell you so many words!
Your image is always with me in my dreams.
Good night, sweet dreams!

My only, beloved,
You haven't rested all day
Worked hard today
And, of course, tired!

Your hands are tired
Body, legs and eyes,
Bye-bye, my beloved husband,
You can't live long without sleep!

Good night, my beloved,
Good night, dear.
Let it come to you invisible
A slow river of peace.

Let them be beautiful and bright
Dreams come in succession,
By miracles before dawn,
Indescribable beauty!

Good night, dear, let all the misfortunes happen
They will leave your soul and love
Which you give to me in a sea of ​​passion
You are overwhelmed again and again.

May an angel guard your sweet sleep,
Will save him from horrors and evil.
And I will kiss you on the sly,
May this night be a happy one.

It's already dark outside,
The city has been sleeping for a long time.
And it's time for you to sleep,
Hurry up and get into bed.

Good night, dear friend.
Sweet dreams, dear husband!
I'm with you in thought,
Go to sleep, my love!

When the day calms down, having worn itself out
And the shadows of the night move in a circle,
My love is the brightest shadow
Comes to your house through the February blizzard

And guards your sleep all night long,
And tenderly wakes you up at dawn,
And even the mobile phone puts down the phone,
So that you notice this message.

I want you, my dear, to dream about you,
To enjoy love with you,
To find myself in your arms again,
And they won’t part until the morning.

My dear, gentle, beloved,
My dear, beloved husband,
Go to sleep, my beloved one,
Night has already come outside the windows.

May you dream of happiness
Bright, colorful dreams,
Let bad weather not disturb you,
Gain strength in the morning!

You're not sleeping yet,
But I'm already ready for bed,
Sleeping is useful and pleasant -
You see a bunch of new dreams!

Sleep peacefully, serenely,
For a long time, moreover,
And wake up in a good spirit
My always beloved husband!

Where are you, my sweet?
I'm waiting for you in the crib!
Come quickly
And you warm me up!

Good night wishes for husband from a distance

My king of beasts, keeper of dreams,
Good night, I want to wish you.
I appreciate you, you are ready to do anything for me,
And I will continue to write to you about love!

Good night, my beloved person!
I'll ask you to have a starry night,
I'll slow down the shooter for you,
And sleep will give you two wings...

Dear, beloved, dear!
My soul is always with you,
I wish you good night
I dream of seeing us in my dreams!

Good night dear,
Go to bed, it's already dark!
And people all need peace,
Everyone has been sleeping for a long time.

Posted the night already
Star-moon flag.
You are tired, my dear.
Rest, lie down.

I'll drive away the nightmares
With a firm hand.
Go to sleep, darling
In bliss and peace.

May you sleep well
Along with a kiss
Dear husband
I will send you a sweet dream.

Good night dear, have a good night's sleep.
May good spring come to you in your dreams.
So that you can rest well at night,
I wish sleep to come soon.

I wish you peaceful dreams,
And peace of mind.
Go to sleep quickly, darling,
My heart is always with you.

Your sleep is protected by tenderness,
Perched on a pillow.
Let her hug you
Soft plush toy.

The night is so calm and dark
I'm ready to send you a dream,
Enjoy it to the fullest
I wish you a sound, sweet sleep!

I’ll come to you in a dream, dear,
To hug you tenderly!
You are my man, my hero,
Hurry up and go have a rest!

I won't scare you, husband.
Like a top that drags you by the sides,
But I'm talking about sleepy nirvana
Still, I’ll give you a little hint.

And I’ll purr: “Dear cat,
It's time, bye-bye, get ready to sleep,
Lie down on your tummy rather
To wake up like a cucumber in the morning!”

All the stars are spread out in the sky,
And it's time for you to go to bed too.
It's too late for the day's activities.
My hubby, it's time for you to sleep.

Wishing good night to your husband in your own words

My dear husband, I wish you the most calm and Good night. May you find the answer to your main question in a dream, may both your body and soul be relieved of tension. I wish you to leave the night with important thoughts, to spend it in magical world dreams, and meet the morning with great aspirations.

Dear hubby! Good night to you, my beloved! Sleep soundly like a baby to become even stronger and more energetic, because vigor and enthusiasm will always come in handy for you, the most important person in the family!

It's hard to part with you even for the night. But I, my love, wish you peace of mind, sweet night. Think about all the love scenes too, as if by the way. But in them it is necessary that you be the hero, and I am the heroine with you, and that love swirls us so sweetly.

My beloved man, I want to wish you good night and good sleep! No distance will make me stop loving you! I miss you very much and am waiting for you in my warm bed!

My dear and beloved husband, I wish you good night and good night ideas. Let night rest will fill you with new strength and inspiration of the soul, invincible confidence and determination. I wish you a joyful morning and a busy happy day.

From the bottom of my heart I wish you good night, my incomparable husband! There is no limit to my happiness - because I am next to you. May you too be confident in the future, calm and happy!

If my little bear has not yet fallen asleep, then I hasten to please him with the most wonderful wish for the night! Darling, how I want to hug you, but today I won’t be able to do it. But let the moon smile at you from the sky for me, and let every star whisper how much I love you! Good night.

May this night bring you peace and joy, sleep well my beloved hubby. I will be there and guarantee you warmth and happiness.

Let this dream be the strongest, sweetest and longest! Good night, my most beloved man!

The beautiful night is already calling you, winking with her starry eyes. Go with her to the land of dreams and dreams, and I will not be jealous of this beauty of the night, because she gives you, my dear, strength and rest.

I’ll tell you without keeping silent - I always want “this”! I want it on my nightstand and on the couch! Squatting and upside down! And in the cold and summer heat, when the rain pours overhead! And even if it’s very late, I want... to say “Good night!” 1236 (6)

I’m waiting for your tender, sweet kiss, I want to hug you soon. I love you very, very much, hurry up and go to bed, kitten! Sweet dreams! 948 (3)

My heart wishes you good night. And my lips kiss you before bed. Good night honey... 1490

Everyone closes their eyes because they want to sleep, but I close my eyes because I want to see you in my dreams! Good night! 598 (1)

You're not here, I miss you,
Silent night closes my eyes,
Sleep sweetly and come to me in my dreams,
I will also fall asleep and dream about you! 347 (2)

To the most affectionate, kind and beautiful, I want to wish very sweet dreams and good night! 802

May you have a good dream about me, and if not, I’ll come and throw you out of bed;)! 421 (1)

Night and silence will come,
When you fall asleep peacefully
My soul will come to you
And kiss you tenderly... 657 (3)

Sorry if I woke you up, I can’t sleep - I’m thinking about you... I really want to see you, just feel that you are nearby... I love you! 237 (1)

Look out the window, it’s already dark, it’s high time for everyone to sleep, close your eyes, I love you - you know that! 112

I'll run the finger of my right hand across my cheek,
I'll run my nails down your back
I want to kiss you endlessly...
Well, is it possible to sleep with such thoughts? 334

Sleep peacefully, sweetly, remember me, close your eyes, I love you - you know. 205

With a quiet step, as in a slow motion movie, the night comes to us through a dark window, regally takes its throne... Soon it will give you the most sweet Dreams! Good night! 76 (1)

Let Your blanket be warmer than my hands...
Let Your pillow be softer than my lips...
Let Your dreams be brighter than my eyes...
I'm running, I'm running to hit them now! 163

There are stars in the sky, thoughts in my head, tears in my eyes, and in my heart - You... 233

There are many words that I want to say to you, there are many excuses to kiss you, but the most important thing is not nearby... you are not nearby! Sweet dreams, I'm thinking about you! 378

I wish you good night, kiss you tenderly, love you and hug you! 101

Heavenly stars
Glow in the dark
And one is wonderful
It shines only for you!
The eyes are closing,
Night outside the window!
May you dream
The best dream! 150

Good night, my beloved kitten! May you have the most beautiful and magical dreams, and may you and I be together in them! I promise that I will come into your sweet dream, give you the happiest emotions and the hottest kisses, and then when we meet, I will do the same in reality! 566

A bird sleeps in a cage, a fox sleeps in a trap, flies sleep in the web... Sleep, otherwise I’ll kill you with a pillow! 117

SMS good night to your dear beloved husband at a short distance

A cup of coffee burns and invigorates. She is the companion of my insomnia, sharing the sadness of our parting. I dream of bringing it to your bed in the morning to wake you up wonderful aroma and a hot kiss...

Snow covered everything around. But he is not able to freeze my ardent love. She is with you - both in the bright sun and in the dim light of the moon...

Distance is not a barrier for loving hearts! Can you hear how loud mine is beating? Let its sounds become a gentle recognition and a bright good night wish...

They say that every person draws the rainbow of his life. And although I did not spare the colors, it lacked the brightest, sunniest - your smile. May it never go out...

Next to you, I feel sheltered under the spreading crown of a strong and beautiful tree. It’s so good that I’m sure: you won’t be carried away by a tailwind and won’t be broken by a headwind!

Sometimes best trip they call it the one that never ends. Let our love not end, let it not be interrupted even for a short moment of nightly separation. Dawn is near...

No words needed... I can hear what you are silent about. This means we have learned to read each other's thoughts. This means that we can dream of each other and be inseparable now - at least in a dream...

Who said life is a zebra? No, there will be no black stripes! You and I are on a huge chessboard called life... And our future depends on us. The right move is ours...

Pale Moonlight looks into my windows... But I will never feel in the dark again, because I have you...

The clock struck 12... And Cinderella, in her haste to hide, lost her glass slipper. It's good that we don't have to run away from each other. It’s so good that after patient waiting there will be a long-awaited meeting...

If I were an overseas princess, I would still choose only you, and not a prince on a white horse... Let your bed be cozy, soft and warm. Let it warm you like my endless love...

A lonely wind howls. Frozen birch branches scratch the sleepy window. But in the ensuing echoing silence I hear only yours beautiful name...And I whisper it instead of a lullaby...

I don't paint snowflakes on a foggy window. For what? None of them can match your charisma anyway. I draw my loving heart with the arrow that Cupid sent. And thousands of kilometers away you will see it...

I remember your tender and Strong arms– and the problems no longer seem insoluble. All the bad things will flash by like a moment. And I will again find myself in your desired arms...

SMS good night in your own words wishes to your beloved guy, man

In the morning you were “out of reach,” but that’s not the worst thing. There is such a connection in the world that nothing can break. You can feel it without even calling...

A hot, unbroken horse throws off an inexperienced rider. But those who have gone through distances and partings with dignity have nothing to fear. They know: a little more - and their dreams will come true.

It's better to be ashes than dust. It is better to burn in a bright flash of dazzling love. But any fire wants to be fed a little. Kind words are enough for us...

I want your whole life to consist of pleasant surprises and long-awaited joyful moments. After all, after a real miracle - the birth of our love - it is simply pointless to wish for anything else...

I close the book I’ve read and try to remember its contents. Alas, not a single image appears before me. Only the one that captivated me now and forever. It is impossible to surpass you...

Why is the sea called blue or black? In fact, it is green. Someone cannot understand the truth, but I no longer need to look for it. All of it is in the depths of your sly eyes and bright smile. And I want to be completely saturated with it...

Even from a distance I don't feel lonely. It is love that gives me the strength to understand that my soul mate has been found. This means I can be myself, completely myself. All we have to do is wait a little...

The fast train left, sparkling with lights, taking with it our past. And fruitless dreams of a fabulous future will not bring success. I don't want to dive into them. I want to live in the present. And my present is you...

Music, music, music... Do you remember when we danced with you? And now this melody sings in my soul. And I hear you answering me with a sincere echo...

The flowers you gave me as a farewell gift will probably wither soon. But it's not scary. The main thing is that our feelings do not fade, the main thing is that our eyes glow from the surge of happiness...

Birds are given wings from birth, but they still have to learn to fly. And a man gains wings when he meets true love. Do you want me to fly to you right now?..

Men, like women, also like to receive beautiful messages from beloved and simply interested women, be it good night wishes, good morning or Have a good day. After all, such a manifestation of attention makes a man understand that his woman is very caring, attentive and gentle. It doesn’t matter in what form you send your wishes to your beloved man - in poetry, in prose, or in your own words. In any case, he will be very pleased.

If you have not yet had time to express your feelings to the guy you really like, you can do this with the help of such beautiful, romantic, and also cool wishes. Hint at your sympathy and tender feelings with beautiful wishes Good night. Don't miss the opportunity to say good night tender words and compliments.

Poems have always had a powerful influence on people. Good night wishes in poetic form sound more tender and affectionate and therefore are perceived more naturally. Send any of these sweet poems to your man so that your loved one thinks only about you before going to bed.

Good night sweet dreams.
I love you without any words.
I dream of being next to you.
After all, I love you, dear...

Beloved, the night is coming into its own,
Slowing down the pace of life for a while.
Let the bustle of the day drive away
And it brings you magical dreams.

Good night, my dear! -
I'll whisper in your ear.
Let the dream be unearthly,
The pillow will be soft!

And let Morpheus protect your sleep,
Gives pleasure
Just let love not sleep,
Have a nice sleep!

Sweet dreams to you kitten,
Wonderful images and dreams.
Kind, gentle and beautiful,
May everything come true in the morning!

A unique day is melting away,
And the globe will turn around,
May this night be for you, my love,
Will cover you with a gentle wave,
Will spin you in a whirlwind of pleasures,
Gives you a sweet flight
And into the world of magical dreams
Easily, like in childhood, it will carry you away!

I wish you sweet dreams.
You know, I miss you unimaginably,
How I want to hug you as soon as possible
And never let go again.
May this night be peaceful
I love you very, very, very much!
Don't be bored without me today,
Good night, close your eyes!

Good night, good dreams,
My love will warm you this night,
And between the gentle clouds
Moon beautiful dream will inspire you!
Let the thoughts leave your head,
And the eyelids will close so carefree,
All dreams of anxiety will be stolen,
Let me touch you in your dreams!

Gently guarding your sleep
The night is coming towards you,
The stars mutter tenderly -
Sleep kitten, good night!

You are far away and I miss you.
How sad, darling, without you.
I wish you good night,
I love you even in my dreams.
And let them dream in a light haze
Wonderful lands for you,
Where smiles bloom every day,
Where I am with you every day.

Good night, my dear, beloved!
The moon has risen, the milky way is twinkling,
May the long-awaited sleep overtake you,
Let your soul and body rest.

I wish you good night
And I send you an air kiss.
May you have a good dream,
So that all your dreams could come true!
May the angels protect you
And they protect your sweet sleep!

Heavenly stars
Glow in the dark
And one is wonderful
It shines only for you!
The eyes are closing,
Night outside the window!
May you dream
The best dream!

You and I are two halves,
Two kittens in a basket
Together it’s better and warmer,
May I dream of you soon!

The city is quietly falling asleep,
Stars, sky, silence,
Your dream is so dear to me
That I'm afraid of madness
Disturb at least a little
Your quiet peace at night.
Sleep, kitten, good night!
I am always with you even in dreams!

If your boyfriend's humor is okay, feel free to send your loved one these funny wishes Good night. Such wishes in the form funny poems, will undoubtedly make its recipient smile and lift their spirits.

Let's meet in a dream today!
Date at 3 sharp, on the golden moon!
After all, what in the world are dreams for?
So that we don’t forget about each other!

The crib has been waiting for you for a long time,
Pajamas are very boring
Sleep is knocking on your window,
My kitten, good night!

I'll tell you, I won't keep silent
I always want “this”!
I want it on my nightstand and on the couch!
Squatting and upside down!
And in the cold and summer heat,
When the rain pours overhead!
And even if it’s very late,
I want... to say “Good night!”))

The dark night has come -
Get under the blanket.
Just before you sleep
Don't forget to kiss
The one that lies there, me
And I beckon you to come!

Good night, my beloved macho,
You always meant so much to me baby
I love you, I kiss you, I send greetings,
And I’m waiting for your kiss in return.

I completely killed my makeup while typing SMS.
Good night my beloved,
May you dream about sex
But the end is for you, dear,
If he is not with me!
If you suddenly dream of another one,
Know that I get angry at dreams like this.
Call me and say: “Darling!
Dream about me urgently!” I'll dream about it urgently!

Beautiful p good night wishes for your beloved man in your own words

We all sometimes want to hear kind and gentle words at night. And it’s especially nice when your loved one says these words to you. Your beloved boyfriend, man or husband will be very pleased to receive a few gentle and beautiful words in the form of a good night wish.

Everyone closes their eyes because they want to sleep, but I close my eyes because I want to see you in my dreams! Good night!

My tender, dear, beloved, beloved, incredible, my sunshine, may all the most pleasant and beautiful dreams be yours. I kiss and hug you tightly, I love you.

Sorry if I woke you up, I can’t sleep - I’m thinking about you... I really want to see you, just feel that you are nearby... I love you!

I wish you this evening to be truly good, and the night to be truly calm. May you have the most beautiful and definitely colorful dreams!

To the most affectionate, kind and beautiful, I want to wish very sweet dreams and good night!

My beloved, my beloved, good night! Let the stars play you a song of my tenderness, let the moon illuminate you with my affection, and let the starry sky rock you in the cradle of the Universe from my love!

Wishing you the sweetest, tender, beautiful, unforgettable, most enjoyable, delicious, unusual, extravagant, extreme, chic, awesome, cool, soft, fluffy... and also openwork, crystal, colorful, marmalade, chocolate and erotic dreams!

My cat, without you every night seems too long to me, and I will try to fall asleep faster so that I can wish you in the morning have a good day. Sweet dreams for you.

I’m waiting for your tender, sweet kiss, I want to hug you soon. I love you very, very much, hurry up and go to bed, kitten!

Wishes for sweet dreams to your loved one

Good night my baby, I miss you very much, I miss you, I want to always be next to you, both in life and in dreams.

My darling, my beloved! I wish you good night! Before going to bed, remember me and make a wish deepest desire. Let it be about love, affection and tenderness - and it will definitely come true!

I wanted so much to sleep sweetly, but I send you all my sweet dreams. Rest with peace of mind and know that if you dream about me, it was not at all by chance - I wanted it that way!

My beloved, I wish you good night. May you have wonderful dreams and imagine cherished dreams, may your sleep be strong and comfortable, may the night give you a lot of ideas and confident strength for a successful and eventful day.

My happiness, today is another night that I will spend without you. But the longer the separation, the more joyful the meeting will be. Good night, sweetheart. Sweet dreams.

I lie and think. All the thoughts in my head are filled only with you! How is this possible? Are you the kind of magician who changes your thought process? :) Good night, my wizard!

My dear, I so want to fall asleep in your arms, I want to hear your gentle velvety voice, feel the touch of your strong hands. I really want to meet you in the land of fairy dreams. Good night, I fall asleep thinking only about you, my love.

So sad and lonely without you.. I want to feel your strong hands, hear your velvet voice. Have a good sleep, Darling! Good night!

Falling asleep under a light and fluffy blanket, I feel incredibly cozy. I hope you, dear, will feel just as soft and warm tonight! The most pleasant, kind dreams, beloved!

Darling, if only I knew how much I don’t want to fall asleep alone, how I want to feel protected in your strong arms. You are my ray of sunshine, my weakness, my personal brand of heroin. Delicious and pleasant dreams.

Darling! I wish you a most pleasant, calm and good night! May your dreams be only beautiful and filled with the most fantastic dreams. And may this night give you the strength to turn every dream into reality!

Beloved... Let the fingers of our hands intertwine in your dream and, easily pushing off from the ground, we will soar like birds into the blue sky... below will remain the emerald of forests and fields, the silver of lakes and rivers, a rainbow of flowers... let the freshness of the wind gently caress the skin... and there is no end to our lightness ...

You are my joy, my madness and happiness. I am eternally grateful to fate for the fact that such a bright ray appeared in my life and healed my wounded heart. Thank you for making me happy. Now I would like to be next to you, hug you, kiss you. Good night, I love you and miss you.

Good night wishes to your loved one in prose

You are the most charming, incredible and amazing man. You gave me a lot of happiness, smiles and tenderness. I want us to turn into one ocean, I can’t forget about you and I want to meet in a dream. Have a good and amazing night, my only one.

Dear, let the coming night be sure to give you an excellent feeling of soft warmth and serene tranquility! I wish you the kindest, most pleasant and stunningly beautiful dreams!

With a quiet step, as in a slow motion movie, the night comes to us through a dark window, regally takes its throne... Soon it will give you the sweetest dream! Good night!

Good and gentle, good night to you, my love! Let the moon gently whisper to you my words about how much I adore, love and appreciate you, and let the stars shower your face with the tender kisses that I send you! And then the night will pass fabulously, bringing you and me a new day and our love as a gift!

May the night be quiet and warm. Let your dreams become a foretaste of something new have a wonderful day and will bring sweet relaxation and a great mood. Know that I am always mentally nearby.

So the remains of the day burned out, and a gray evening descended on the earth. Let the old day take everything with it anxious thoughts and experiences. And you, wrapped in a blanket, close your eyes and surrender to a peaceful sleep. May you certainly dream of happiness. Good night.

Good night, my beloved kitten! May you have the most beautiful and magical dreams, and may you and I be together in them! I promise that I will come into your sweet dream, give you the happiest emotions and the hottest kisses, and then when we meet, I will do the same in reality!

I wish you not just a simple good night, but a very pleasant and sweet one! Let not a single tiny thing in bed scratch yours. delicate skin, the pillows will be soft and airy, and the blanket will envelop you in a warm embrace until the morning!

How nice it is to wish good night to your beloved husband in your own words when you fall asleep and wake up together! Or, at least, you live with a guy within walking distance of each other, so that you can speak beautiful, gentle words during an evening walk.

But what if you live far from each other? In the current realities, when Internet novels are ubiquitous, when two loving hearts are located not only in different cities - in different countries, send funny and short sms God himself ordered it to my beloved guy.

Even if you are not together yet, and see each other only on Skype, but you must admit, there is something romantic in this - already before going to bed, being in your bed, send tender wishes good night to your other half. We are sure the guy will answer you the same!

Good night dear,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.
And I send you a kiss.
And I mentally hug you.
You are far away and I miss you.
How sad, darling, without you.
I wish you good night,
I love you even in my dreams.
Before you go to bed,
I remember you.
I can’t sleep at all without you,
I'm sad without you.
Everyone closes their eyes because they want to sleep
and I close my eyes because I want to see you in my dreams!
Good night!
I wish you good night, kiss you tenderly, love you and hug you!
Our cool selection is beautiful SMS wishes good night, and you can choose them to your taste - funny poems, or tender words in prose, which you can send to your dear husband, or your beloved boyfriend, making him happy.

A huge advantage of SMS is that even if your beloved does not have a network for some reason, he will still receive your message.

To the most affectionate, kind and beautiful, I want to wish very sweet dreams and good night!
Evening comes, the city falls asleep,
know that in this world you are dear to someone!

Darling, it's time to sleep,
So that tomorrow, right in the morning,
You could have come to me
On your white horse.

All day you thought and worked,
But the time to rest has come.
I want to be forgotten in my dreams,
And in the sea of ​​dreams you felt warm.
You go back to bed.
I don't even know what to wish for.
May you dream about the girl of your dreams.
I hope that you will see me in your dreams.

He will surely appreciate it short wishes good night in prose, if this is a serious, collected and businesslike man who is not used to wasting his time. And on the contrary, a more impulsive, temperamental nature will certainly appreciate cool poems.

Good night dear!
Always by your side
I dream of being with you alone
And you don’t need anything!
Good night, my hero.
May all your dreams be easy.
You are the only one I have
And I don't need others.
I’ll tell you without keeping silent - I always want “this”!
I want it on my nightstand and on the couch! Squatting and upside down!
And in the cold and summer heat, when the rain pours overhead!
And even if it’s very late, I want...
say "Good night!"
Are you already going to bed? Then we are coming to you - sweet, beautiful, colorful, joyful dreams!
To your husband, if he is on a business trip, or in the service, protecting the peace of citizens, or saving lives in hospitals, you can also send short SMS - these can be poems wishing good night, or just affectionate address in prose to a man. Without this yours - good night,
I'm very sad... very... very...
There is no sleep... You are gone... The chocolate is over. What to enjoy?

Turn off your computer
It's already midnight on the clock.
You, of course, are a super tanker,
At the table in only shorts.

But I'm tired of waiting for you,
It's cold to sleep alone,
Come to me, my love,
Let's sleep sweetly together.

Be careful, the eyes are closing! Next station - Good Morning!

Your sweetheart will appreciate this little sign of attention from you, and he will like your good night wishes in SMS; when he, tired, glances at his smartphone, he will understand how dear he is to you, and that you do not forget about him not for a minute. I wish you beautiful dreams, always with a taste of my love. Sweet night dessert service :)
I'll run the finger of my right hand across my cheek,
I'll run my nails down your back
I want to kiss you endlessly...
Well, is it possible to sleep with such thoughts?
I want to sleep, but I can’t sleep, my soul yearns for you! The night has come, and you are not close,
I'm lying all alone...
There's a part of me in SMS
Let him hug for me.
Don't forget me
Send messages!
I miss you very much!
Sleep, my hedgehog, good night!

It will take a little time to download short and cool SMS messages to your phone or computer, but you can save the entire selection to yourself so that you can send your man new, fresh wishes every time. These can be warm messages in prose, or they can be heartfelt poems. And even if they are short, they will be filled deep meaning and the feeling that your dear person will be imbued with every word. Falling asleep late at night,
I'll write you two lines.
Sleep, beloved, dear,
We'll see you tomorrow!

Sweet dreams, my love,
You are my prince and my cowboy.
May you not be next to me,
You are a hero in my heart.

The moon is shining through the window
the evening is coming to an end
Dear, I miss you
and I don’t notice for days...

The city falls asleep
silence has come
wishes you good night
your beloved!

There is no need to be shy about sending poems to your boyfriend - it’s just that in appearance they are all brutal, serious machos who cannot stand tenderness either in prose, much less in poetry. This all comes from childhood, when boys are shamed for showing any feelings that a real man supposedly shouldn’t have. But that's not true.

But in fact, as soon as a guy in love receives such a message, a smile blooms on his face - after all, this is a text message from the woman he loves!

To my beloved
kind and sweet
I wish you a good night
and I miss you by the way!

ABOUT- awesome
N- gently
TO- lubberry
AND-...just good dreams!

You went home a moment ago
And I already miss you very much!
We will meet you in a dream!
Zayun, good night!

Darling, don't toss and turn in bed
It’s hard, I know, to sleep without me!
Enough to dream about me today,
You can finally snore already!

Guys, just like girls, appreciate attention to their person. Of course, it’s great if you meet in addition to correspondence in in social networks, but when you are apart - and no matter how long it lasts, a day or a year, any minute spent without a lover or beloved seems like sheer torment.

And only such communication can make it easier. Alas, scientists have not yet invented teleport. But your messages will be able to travel any distance and reach the recipient, no matter where he is!

Forget, my love, about your problems,
Have a good night's rest!
About all unsolvable dilemmas
Tomorrow to think, but now – no, no!

It's time to sleep, the bull is snoring,
He scratches his side with his foot!
And it's time for you to sleep,
Something to scratch too!
Hurry up and fall asleep
Don't lie on the edge, my friend!

Good night, superman.
Let you dream about flying.
Save me, and in return I will
I will turn into a beautiful firebird.

Good night, my falcon,
Believe me, I feel good with you.
Let you dream now
That we fly like birds!

You can download pleasant SMS messages quickly and absolutely free of charge - the entire selection is at your service in its entirety. You can even save it all to your page on social networks, so as not to lose a single cool message for your beloved, and make him happy every day, or rather evening, while you are apart.

Good night... May your dreams become as light and pleasant as the touch of my lips!
Good night, my love! I want to dream about you, and you, in turn, promise that you will become the main character of my beautiful, romantic and unusual dream!
Even though it’s not long until dawn, you still need to sleep. Good night, my kitten! We'll meet in our dreams.
Many people believe that sleep is the best part of life! But for me it will be like this when we fall asleep together* Good night...
Of course, this will not completely replace the sounds of your voice, the smell of your hair, a warm look, but it will at least brighten up the separation a little for both of you. You can exchange similar messages, making each other happy, so that both of you smile before going to bed, reading these short messages, and who knows... Maybe your beloved man will dream of you in a dream? Good night honey. To me you are the most dear and desired in the world. I want to tell you a secret... Secret: I love you!!!
A sweet one has been sent to you magical dream! Good night!
You can’t go to sleep with resentment in your heart! I love you very much and I want everything to get better as soon as possible! Good night honey
Darling, good night! I wish you to enjoy your sleep as much as I enjoy your kisses* Sleep soundly!
See our huge and cool wishes good night, choose the ones you like the most and send them quickly to a loved one, while he has not yet fallen asleep - after all, it could be that he now has a different time zone?


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